static void CG_Rocket_DFGearOrReady( int handle, const char *data )
	int clientNum = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( data, "1" ) );
	if ( cg.intermissionStarted )
		if ( CG_ClientIsReady( clientNum ) )
			Rocket_DataFormatterFormattedData( handle, "[check]", true );
			Rocket_DataFormatterFormattedData( handle, "", false );
		score_t *s = ScoreFromClientNum( clientNum );
		const char *rml = "";

		if ( s && s->team == cg.predictedPlayerState.persistant[ PERS_TEAM ] && s->weapon != WP_NONE )
			rml = va( "<img src='/%s'/>", CG_GetShaderNameFromHandle( cg_weapons[ s->weapon ].weaponIcon ) );

		if ( s && s->team == cg.predictedPlayerState.persistant[ PERS_TEAM ] && s->team == TEAM_HUMANS && s->upgrade != UP_NONE )
			rml = va( "%s<img src='/%s'/>", rml, CG_GetShaderNameFromHandle( cg_upgrades[ s->upgrade ].upgradeIcon ) );

		Rocket_DataFormatterFormattedData( handle, rml, false );
static void CG_Rocket_DFCMBeacons( int handle, const char *data )
	beaconType_t bct = (beaconType_t)atoi( Info_ValueForKey( data, "1" ) );
	const beaconAttributes_t *ba;
	const char *icon, *action;

	ba = BG_Beacon( bct );

	if( !ba )

	icon = CG_GetShaderNameFromHandle( ba->icon[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
	action = va( "onClick='Cmd.exec(\"beacon %s\") Events.pushevent(\"hide ingame_beaconmenu\", event)'", ba->name );

	Rocket_DataFormatterFormattedData( handle, va( "<button class='beacons' onMouseover='Events.pushevent(\"setDS beacons default %s\", event)' %s><img src='/%s'/></button>", Info_ValueForKey( data, "2" ), action, icon ), false );
static void CG_Rocket_DFCMAlienEvolve( int handle, const char *data )
	class_t alienClass = (class_t) atoi( Info_ValueForKey( data, "1" ) );
	const char *Class = "";
	const char *Icon = "";
	const char *action = "";
	int cost = BG_ClassCanEvolveFromTo( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_CLASS ], alienClass, cg.predictedPlayerState.persistant[ PERS_CREDIT ] );

	if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_CLASS ] == alienClass )
		Class = "active";
		//Check mark icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf00c
		Icon = "<icon class=\"current\">\xEF\x80\x8C</icon>";
	else if ( !BG_ClassUnlocked( alienClass ) || BG_ClassDisabled( alienClass ) )
		Class = "locked";
		//Padlock icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf023
		Icon = "<icon>\xEF\x80\xA3</icon>";
	else if ( !trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "x_freeUpgrades" ) && cost == -1 )
		Class = "expensive";
		//$1 bill icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf0d6
		Icon = "<icon>\xEF\x83\x96</icon>";
		Class = "available";
		action =  va( "onClick='Cmd.exec(\"class %s\") Events.pushevent(\"hide %s\", event)'", BG_Class( alienClass )->name,[ ROCKETMENU_ALIENEVOLVE ].id );

	Rocket_DataFormatterFormattedData( handle, va( "<button class='alienevo %s' onMouseover='Events.pushevent(\"setDS alienEvolveList alienClasss %s\", event)' %s>%s<img src='/%s'/></button>", Class, Info_ValueForKey( data, "2" ), action, Icon, CG_GetShaderNameFromHandle( cg_classes[ alienClass ].classIcon )), false );
static void CG_Rocket_DFCMHumanBuildables( int handle, const char *data )
	buildable_t buildable = ( buildable_t ) atoi( Info_ValueForKey( data, "1" ) );
	const char *Class = "";
	const char *Icon = "";
	const char *action = "";
	int value, valueMarked;

	value = cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_BP ];
	valueMarked = cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_MARKEDBP ];

	if ( BG_BuildableDisabled( buildable ) || !BG_BuildableUnlocked( buildable ) )
		Class = "locked";
		//Padlock icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf023
		Icon = "<icon>\xEF\x80\xA3</icon>";
	else if ( BG_Buildable( buildable )->buildPoints > value + valueMarked )
		Class = "expensive";
		//$1 bill icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf0d6
		Icon = "<icon>\xEF\x83\x96</icon>";
		Class = "available";
		action = va( "onClick='Cmd.exec(\"build %s\") Events.pushevent(\"hide %s\", event)'", BG_Buildable( buildable )->name,[ ROCKETMENU_HUMANBUILD ].id );

	Rocket_DataFormatterFormattedData( handle, va( "<button class='%s' onMouseover='Events.pushevent(\"setDS humanBuildList default %s\", event)' %s>%s<img src='/%s'/></button>", Class, Info_ValueForKey( data, "2" ), action, Icon, CG_GetShaderNameFromHandle( cg_buildables[ buildable ].buildableIcon ) ), false );
static void CG_Rocket_DFCMArmouryBuyUpgrade( int handle, const char *data )
	upgrade_t upgrade = (upgrade_t) atoi( Info_ValueForKey( data, "1" ) );
	const char *Class = "";
	const char *Icon = "";
	const char *action = "";
	playerState_t *ps = &cg.snap->ps;
	int credits = ps->persistant[ PERS_CREDIT ];

	if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( upgrade, cg.predictedPlayerState.stats ) ){
		Class = "active";
		action =  va( "onClick='Cmd.exec(\"sell %s\")'", BG_Upgrade( upgrade )->name );
		//Check mark icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf00c
		Icon = "<icon class=\"current\">\xEF\x80\x8C</icon>";

	else if ( !BG_UpgradeUnlocked( upgrade ) || BG_UpgradeDisabled( upgrade ) )
		Class = "locked";
		//Padlock icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf023
		Icon = "<icon>\xEF\x80\xA3</icon>";
	else if ( !trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "x_freeUpgrades" ) && BG_Upgrade( upgrade )->price > credits )
		Class = "expensive";
		//$1 bill icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf0d6
		Icon = "<icon>\xEF\x83\x96</icon>";
		Class = "available";
		action =  va( "onClick='Cmd.exec(\"buy +%s\")'", BG_Upgrade( upgrade )->name );

	Rocket_DataFormatterFormattedData( handle, va( "<button class='armourybuy %s' onMouseover='Events.pushevent(\"setDS armouryBuyList upgrades %s\", event)' %s>%s<img src='/%s'/></button>", Class, Info_ValueForKey( data, "2" ), action, Icon, CG_GetShaderNameFromHandle( cg_upgrades[ upgrade ].upgradeIcon)), false );
static void CG_Rocket_DFCMArmouryBuyWeapon( int handle, const char *data )
	weapon_t weapon = (weapon_t) atoi( Info_ValueForKey( data, "1" ) );
	const char *Class = "";
	const char *Icon = "";
	const char *action = "";
	playerState_t *ps = &cg.snap->ps;
	int credits = ps->persistant[ PERS_CREDIT ];
	weapon_t currentweapon = BG_PrimaryWeapon( ps->stats );
	credits += BG_Weapon( currentweapon )->price;

	if( BG_InventoryContainsWeapon( weapon, cg.predictedPlayerState.stats ) ){
		Class = "active";
		action =  va( "onClick='Cmd.exec(\"sell %s\")'", BG_Weapon( weapon )->name );
		//Check mark icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf00c
		Icon = "<icon class=\"current\">\xEF\x80\x8C</icon>";
	else if ( !BG_WeaponUnlocked( weapon ) || BG_WeaponDisabled( weapon ) )
		Class = "locked";
		//Padlock icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf023
		Icon = "<icon>\xEF\x80\xA3</icon>";

	else if(BG_Weapon( weapon )->price > credits){

		Class = "expensive";
		//$1 bill icon. UTF-8 encoding of \uf0d6
		Icon = "<icon>\xEF\x83\x96</icon>";
		Class = "available";
		action =  va( "onClick='Cmd.exec(\"buy +%s\")'", BG_Weapon( weapon )->name );

	Rocket_DataFormatterFormattedData( handle, va( "<button class='armourybuy %s' onMouseover='Events.pushevent(\"setDS armouryBuyList weapons %s\", event)' %s>%s<img src='/%s'/></button>", Class, Info_ValueForKey( data, "2" ), action, Icon, CG_GetShaderNameFromHandle( cg_weapons[ weapon ].ammoIcon )), false );