void MotionSequenceController::setRootOffset(Vector3D& _offset_position, Vector3D& _offset_orientation, long _offset_start_frame)
	apply_start_offset = true;
	start_offset_frame = _offset_start_frame;

	Vector3D orig_start_position(
	Vector3D orig_start_orientation(

	// compute root translation as position difference
	start_offset_translation = _offset_position - orig_start_position;
	Matrix4x4 so_translation_transform = Matrix4x4::translationXYZ(start_offset_translation);

	// compute root rotation as orientation difference (subtracting Euler angles)
	// this is not a valid difference, but it will work temporarily, since
	// we're primarily dealing with a 2D rotation around y axis (yaw/heading)
	start_offset_rotation = Vector3D(0.0f, _offset_orientation.yaw - orig_start_orientation.yaw, 0.0f);
	start_offset_rotation_transform = Matrix4x4::rotationRPY(start_offset_rotation);

	// combine the two root offset transforms
	start_offset_combined_transform = so_translation_transform * start_offset_rotation_transform;

	// initialize the root cache
	if (frame_is_cached != NULL) delete [] frame_is_cached;
	int num_frames = motion_sequence->numFrames();
	frame_is_cached = new bool[num_frames];
	memset(frame_is_cached, 0, num_frames);
Beispiel #2
Datei: cli.c Projekt: modul/iris
static void do_conf()
	char c = 0;
	char line[64];
	int args, id, num, gain, min, max;
	struct chan *channel;

	args = sscanf(line, "%c %u %u %i %i", &c, &num, &gain, &min, &max);
	if (args > 0) {
		id = CHANNEL_ID(c);
		if (id >= CHANNELS)
		else if (args == 1) {
			channel = conf_get(id);
			printf("%c %u %u %i %i\n", c, channel->num, channel->gain, channel->min, channel->max);
		else {
			int tmp;
			channel = conf_get(id);
			tmp = channel->gain;

			channel->num = limit(num, 0, AD_CHANNELS);

			if (args >= 3) {
				channel->gain = limit(gain, AD_GAIN_MIN, AD_GAIN_MAX);
				if (tmp != channel->gain)
			if (args == 4) {
				max = limit(min, 0, AD_VMAX);
				min = limit(-min, AD_VMIN, 0);
				channel->min = min;
				channel->max = max;
			else if (args >= 5) {
				channel->min = limit(min, AD_VMIN, AD_VMAX);
				channel->max = limit(max, channel->min, AD_VMAX);

			printf("ok %c %u %u %i %i\n", c, channel->num, channel->gain, channel->min, channel->max);
	else NOK();
Beispiel #3
Datei: cli.c Projekt: modul/iris
static void do_info()
	char c;
	int i, tmp;
	struct chan *channel;

	if ((c = getchar()) == 'V') {
		tmp = AD7793_voltmon();
		printf("%u.%uV\n", tmp/1000000, tmp%1000000);
	else if (c == 'T') {
		tmp = AD7793_temperature();
		printf("%u.%uC\n", tmp/10000, tmp%10000);
	else {
		if ((i = CHANNEL_ID(c)) < CHANNELS) // print only one channel
			tmp = i+1;
		else { // print all channels and state information
			i = 0;
			tmp = CHANNELS;
			printf("%s\n", STATE_NAME(state_getState()));
		while (i < tmp) {
			channel = conf_get(i);
			printf("%c %s ch%u %ux %i ... %i %iuV\n", 
				CHANNEL_NAME(i), ERROR_NAME(state_getError(i)), 
				channel->num, 1<<channel->gain,
				channel->min, channel->max,
void MotionGraphController::readInMotionSequences(MotionDataSpecification& motion_data_specs)
	for (unsigned short i = 0; i<motion_data_specs.size(); i++)
		string current_file = motion_data_specs.getBvhFilename(i);
		cout << "MotionGraphController reading " << current_file << endl;
		logout << "MotionGraphController reading "  << current_file << endl;

		char* BVH_filename = NULL;
		string character_BVH2(current_file);
			BVH_filename = data_manager.findFile(character_BVH2.c_str());
			if (BVH_filename == NULL)
				stringstream ss;
				ss << "MotionGraphController::readInMotionSequences: Unable to find character BVH file <" << character_BVH2 << ">. Aborting load.";
				logout << ss.str() << endl;
				throw AppException(ss.str().c_str());
			pair<Skeleton*, MotionSequence*> read_result;
				read_result = data_manager.readBVH(BVH_filename);
			catch (const DataManagementException& dme)
				stringstream ss;
				ss << "MotionGraphController::readInMotionSequences: Aborting due to DataManager expection: " << dme.msg;
				logout << ss.str();
				throw AppException(ss.str().c_str());

			// throw away the skeleton
			delete read_result.first;
			MotionSequence * ms = read_result.second;

			string seqID = motion_data_specs.getSeqID(i);
			char* tmp = new char[strlen(seqID.c_str())+1];
			strcpy(tmp, seqID.c_str());
			delete [] tmp;

			//scale the character position in the motion sequence
			ms->scaleChannel(CHANNEL_ID(0, CT_TX), character_size_scale);
			ms->scaleChannel(CHANNEL_ID(0, CT_TY), character_size_scale);
			ms->scaleChannel(CHANNEL_ID(0, CT_TZ), character_size_scale);

			motion_sequence_map.insert(pair<string, MotionSequence*>(seqID, ms));
		catch (BasicException& e)
			stringstream ss;
			ss << "MotionGraphController::readInMotionSequences: Aborting due to BasicException: " << e.msg;
			logout << ss.str();
			throw AppException(ss.str().c_str());
	logout << "the number of motion sequences is : " << motion_sequence_map.size() << endl;
	logout << "... MotionGraphController::readInMotionSequences finished" << endl;
void MotionGraphController::readInMotionSequences()
	cout << "reading motion Sequences" << endl;
	namespace fs = ::boost::filesystem;

	if (!exists(p))    // does p actually exist?
		cout << "doesn't exist" << endl;
	fs::directory_iterator end_itr;

	// cycle through the directory
	for (fs::directory_iterator itr(p); itr != end_itr; ++itr)
		// If it's not a directory, list it. If you want to list directories too, just remove this check.
		if (is_regular_file(itr->path())) {
			// assign current file name to current_file and echo it out to the console.
			string current_file = itr->path().string();
			current_file = itr->path().filename().string();

			cout << current_file << endl;

			DataManager dataman;
			char* BVH_filename = NULL;
			string character_BVH2(current_file);
				BVH_filename = dataman.findFile(character_BVH2.c_str());
				if (BVH_filename == NULL)
					logout << "AnimationControl::loadCharacters: Unable to find character BVH file <" << character_BVH2 << ">. Aborting load." << endl;
					throw BasicException("ABORT");
				pair<Skeleton*, MotionSequence*> read_result;
					read_result = data_manager.readBVH(BVH_filename);
				catch (const DataManagementException& dme)
					logout << "AnimationControl::loadCharacters: Unable to load character data files. Aborting load." << endl;
					logout << "   Failure due to " << dme.msg << endl;
					throw BasicException("ABORT");

				Skeleton* skel = read_result.first;
				MotionSequence * ms = read_result.second;
				std::string x = current_file;
				char *y = new char[x.length() + 1];
				std::strcpy(y, x.c_str());
				//set the ID aka filename
				delete[] y;

				//scale each motion sequence once
				ms->scaleChannel(CHANNEL_ID(0, CT_TX), character_size_scale);
				ms->scaleChannel(CHANNEL_ID(0, CT_TY), character_size_scale);
				ms->scaleChannel(CHANNEL_ID(0, CT_TZ), character_size_scale);

				MotionSequenceContainer test;
				test.MS = ms;
				test.SeqID = current_file;
				cout << "done loading:  "<<current_file << MsVector.size() << endl;
			catch (BasicException& e) { cout << e.msg << endl; }
	cout << "the size of the vector is : " << MsVector.size() << endl;
float MotionSequenceController::getValue(CHANNEL_ID _channel, float _time)
	if (motion_sequence == NULL) 
		throw AnimationException("MotionSequenceController has no attached MotionSequence");

	if (!isValidChannel(_channel, _time)) 
		string s = string("MotionSequenceController received request for invalid channel ") 
			+ " bone: " + toString(_channel.bone_id) + " dof: " + toString(_channel.channel_type);
		throw AnimationException(s.c_str());

	float duration = motion_sequence->getDuration();
	long cycles = long(_time / duration);
	sequence_time = _time - duration*cycles;
	if (sequence_time > duration) sequence_time = 0.0f;

	int frame = int(motion_sequence->numFrames()*sequence_time/duration);

	float value = motion_sequence->getValue(_channel, frame);

	if (apply_start_offset)
		// modify root based on offsets.
		if (_channel.bone_id == 0)
			if (!frame_is_cached[frame])
				Vector3D frame_position(
					motion_sequence->getValue(CHANNEL_ID(0,CT_TX), frame),
					motion_sequence->getValue(CHANNEL_ID(0,CT_TY), frame),
					motion_sequence->getValue(CHANNEL_ID(0,CT_TZ), frame));
				Vector3D frame_orientation(
					motion_sequence->getValue(CHANNEL_ID(0,CT_RX), frame),
					motion_sequence->getValue(CHANNEL_ID(0,CT_RY), frame),
					motion_sequence->getValue(CHANNEL_ID(0,CT_RZ), frame));

				frame_position = start_offset_combined_transform * frame_position;

				Matrix4x4 orig_orientation_transform = 
					Matrix4x4::rotationRPY(frame_orientation.roll, frame_orientation.pitch, frame_orientation.yaw);
				Matrix4x4 new_orientation_transform = start_offset_rotation_transform*orig_orientation_transform;
				float p, y, r;
				// invalid rotation concatenation, Euler angles don't add properly
				p = frame_orientation.pitch + start_offset_rotation.pitch;
				y = frame_orientation.yaw + start_offset_rotation.yaw;
				r = frame_orientation.roll + start_offset_rotation.roll;
				//logout << "Frame " << frame << endl;
				//logout << "\tframe orientation: " << frame_orientation << endl;
				//logout << "\toffset rotation: " << start_offset_rotation << endl;
				frame_orientation = Vector3D(p,y,r);
				//logout << "\tnew orientation: " << frame_orientation << endl;
				frame_is_cached[frame] = true;
			case CT_TX:
				value = root_cache.get(frame,0); break;
			case CT_TY:
				value = root_cache.get(frame,1); break;
			case CT_TZ:
				value = root_cache.get(frame,2); break;
			case CT_RX:
				value = root_cache.get(frame,3); break;
			case CT_RY:
				value = root_cache.get(frame,4); break;
			case CT_RZ:
				value = root_cache.get(frame,5); break;
				value = 0.0f; break;

	return value;