static double user_function(unsigned n, const double *x,
			    double *gradient, /* NULL if not needed */
			    void *d_)
  user_function_data *d = (user_function_data *) d_;
  double f;

  d->plhs[0] = d->plhs[1] = NULL;
  memcpy(mxGetPr(d->prhs[d->xrhs]), x, n * sizeof(double));

  CHECK0(0 == mexCallMATLAB(gradient ? 2 : 1, d->plhs, 
			   d->nrhs, d->prhs, d->f),
	"error calling user function");

  CHECK0(mxIsNumeric(d->plhs[0]) && !mxIsComplex(d->plhs[0]) 
	&& mxGetM(d->plhs[0]) * mxGetN(d->plhs[0]) == 1,
	"user function must return real scalar");
  f = mxGetScalar(d->plhs[0]);
  if (gradient) {
     CHECK0(mxIsDouble(d->plhs[1]) && !mxIsComplex(d->plhs[1])
	   && (mxGetM(d->plhs[1]) == 1 || mxGetN(d->plhs[1]) == 1)
	   && mxGetM(d->plhs[1]) * mxGetN(d->plhs[1]) == n,
	   "gradient vector from user function is the wrong size");
     memcpy(gradient, mxGetPr(d->plhs[1]), n * sizeof(double));
  if (d->verbose) mexPrintf("nlopt_optimize eval #%d: %g\n", d->neval, f);
  if (mxIsNaN(f)) nlopt_force_stop(d->opt);
  return f;
Beispiel #2
 Stream::Stream(AVFormatContext*& formatCtx, AVStream*& stream, DataSource& dataSource, std::shared_ptr<Timer> timer) :
     CHECK(stream, "Stream::Stream() - invalid stream argument");
     CHECK(timer, "Inconcistency error: null timer");
     int err = 0;
     m_stream = stream;
     m_streamID = stream->index;
     CHECK(m_stream, "Inconcistency error: null stream")
     CHECK(m_streamID >= 0, "Inconcistency error: invalid stream id");
     // Get the decoder
     m_codec = avcodec_find_decoder(m_stream->codec->codec_id);
     CHECK(m_codec, "Stream() - no decoder for " + std::string(avcodec_get_name(m_stream->codec->codec_id)) + " codec");
     // Load the codec
     err = avcodec_open2(m_stream->codec, m_codec, nullptr);
     CHECK0(err, "Stream() - unable to load decoder for codec " + std::string(avcodec_get_name(m_stream->codec->codec_id)));
     AVDictionaryEntry* entry = av_dict_get(m_stream->metadata, "language", nullptr, 0);
     if (entry)
         m_language = entry->value;
static mxArray *struct_funcval(const mxArray *s, const char *name)
     mxArray *val = mxGetField(s, 0, name);
     if (val) {
	  CHECK0(mxIsChar(val) || mxIsFunctionHandle(val),
		 "opt function field is not a function handle/name");
	  return val;
     return NULL;
static double struct_val_default(const mxArray *s, const char *name, double dflt)
     mxArray *val = mxGetField(s, 0, name);
     if (val) {
	  CHECK0(mxIsNumeric(val) && !mxIsComplex(val) 
		&& mxGetM(val) * mxGetN(val) == 1,
		"opt fields, other than xtol_abs, must be real scalars");
	  return mxGetScalar(val);
     return dflt;
static double *struct_arrval(const mxArray *s, const char *name, unsigned n,
			     double *dflt)
     mxArray *val = mxGetField(s, 0, name);
     if (val) {
	  CHECK0(mxIsNumeric(val) && !mxIsComplex(val) 
		&& mxGetM(val) * mxGetN(val) == n,
		"opt vector field is not of length n");
	  return mxGetPr(val);
     return dflt;
static void user_pre(unsigned n, const double *x, const double *v,
		       double *vpre, void *d_)
  user_function_data *d = ((user_function_data *) d_)->dpre;
  d->plhs[0] = d->plhs[1] = NULL;
  memcpy(mxGetPr(d->prhs[d->xrhs]), x, n * sizeof(double));
  memcpy(mxGetPr(d->prhs[d->xrhs + 1]), v, n * sizeof(double));

  CHECK0(0 == mexCallMATLAB(1, d->plhs, 
			    d->nrhs, d->prhs, d->f),
	 "error calling user function");

  CHECK0(mxIsDouble(d->plhs[0]) && !mxIsComplex(d->plhs[0])
	 && (mxGetM(d->plhs[0]) == 1 || mxGetN(d->plhs[0]) == 1)
	 && mxGetM(d->plhs[0]) * mxGetN(d->plhs[0]) == n,
	 "vpre vector from user function is the wrong size");
  memcpy(vpre, mxGetPr(d->plhs[0]), n * sizeof(double));
  if (d->verbose) mexPrintf("nlopt_optimize precond eval #%d\n", d->neval);
Beispiel #7
int test_main(int, char*[])
    // An all-blank string is treated as zero.
    int const n = 9;
    double const d[n] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    std::string e(" ");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Make sure example in comment at top works.
    //   1 3; 7 5;0; --> 1 1 1 7 7 0...
    int const n = 9;
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 1, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    std::string e("1 3; 7 5;0");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Numbers separated by semicolons mean values; the last is
    // replicated to fill the vector.
    int const n = 5;
    double const d[n] = {1, 2, 3, 3, 3};
    std::string e("1; 2; 3");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Number-pairs separated by semicolons mean {value, end-duration}.
    int const n = 10;
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7};
    std::string e("1 3; 3 6; 5 9; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // {value, @ attained_age}
    int const n = 10;
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7};
    std::string e("1 @93; 3 @96; 5 @99; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // {value, # number_of_years_since_last_interval_endpoint}
    int const n = 10;
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7};
    std::string e("1 #3; 3 #3; 5 #3; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // {value [|( begin-duration, end-duration ]|) }

    // Test [x,y).
    int const n = 9;
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7, 7};
    std::string e("1 [0, 2); 3 [2, 5); 5 [5, 6); 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Test (x,y].
    int const n = 9;
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7};
    std::string e("1; 1 (0, 2]; 3 (2, 5]; 5 (5, 6]; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Test a mixture of all five ways of specifying duration.
    int const n = 9;
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5};
    std::string e("1 [0, 4); 2 5; 3 #1; 4 @97; 5");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Test intervals of length one.
    int const n = 5;
    double const d[n] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 7};
    std::string e("1 [0, 1); 3 [1, 2); 5 (1, 2]; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Test empty intervals.
    int const n = 5;
    double const d[n] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 7};
    std::string e("1 [0, 1); 3 [1, 1]; 5 (1, 2]; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Test subtly improper intervals.
    int const n = 5;
    double const d[n] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    std::string e("1 [0, 0); 3 (1, 2); 5 (2, 2]; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Test grossly improper intervals.
    int const n = 9;
    double const d[n] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    std::string e("1; 9 (2, 0]; 3 [7, 3); 5 (5, 5); 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Test intervals with 'holes'. Since the last element is replicated,
    // there can be no 'hole' at the end.
    int const n = 9;
    double const d[n] = {0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 7, 7, 7};
    std::string e("1 [1, 2); 3 [3, 3]; 5 (4, 5]; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Test overlapping intervals.
    // TODO ?? Treat these as an error?
    int const n = 9;
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7};
    std::string e("1; 1 (0, 8]; 3 (2, 7]; 5 (4, 6]; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Test intervals with decreasing begin-points.
    // TODO ?? Should this case be allowed?
    int const n = 9;
    double const d[n] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    std::string e("5 [5, 6); 3 [2, 5); 1 [0, 2); 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Durations with '@' prefix mean attained age.
    int const n = 10;
    double const d[n] = {0, 12, 0, 27, 0, 1, 7, 7, 7, 7};
    std::string e("12 [1, @92); 27 [@93, @93]; 1 (@94, 5]; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // Test floating-point values; we choose values that we know
    // must be exactly representable on a binary machine, so that a
    // simple test for equality suffices.
    int const n = 10;
    double const d[n] = {0, 12.25, 0, 27.875, 0, 1.0625, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5};
    std::string e("12.25 [1, @92); 27.875 [@93, @93]; 1.0625 (@94, 5]; 7.5");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

    // {value, @ age} means {value, to-attained-age}
    int const n = 10;
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7};
    std::string e("1 @93; 3 @96; 5 @99; 7");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);

// TODO ?? Also support and test:
//   additive expressions e.g. retirement-10 ?

    // Test construction from vector.
    //   1 1 1 2 2 --> 1 [0,3);2 [3,5)
    // TODO ?? Test against canonical representation once we define that.
    int const n = 5;
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2};
    std::vector<double> v(d, d + n);
    BOOST_TEST(v == InputSequence(v).linear_number_representation());

    // Test (enumerative) extra keywords.
    int const n = 9;
    char const* c[n] = {"a", "a", "ccc", "ccc", "b", "b", "b", "b", "b"};
    double const d[n] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    std::string e("a[0, 2); ccc [2, 4);b[4, 6);");
    std::vector<std::string> k;
    CHECK1(d, n, e, k, c);

    // Test numbers mixed with (enumerative) extra keywords.
    int const n = 9;
    char const* c[n] = {"", "", "keyword_00", "keyword_00", "", "", "", "", ""};
    double const d[n] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7};
    std::string e("1 [0, 2); keyword_00 [2, 4); 5 [4, 6); 7");
    std::vector<std::string> k;
    CHECK1(d, n, e, k, c);

    // Test numbers mixed with (enumerative) extra keywords, with
    // a default keyword.
    int const n = 10;
    char const* c[n] =  {"b", "b", "x", "a", "x", "x", "a", "x", "x", "x"};
    double const d[n] = {  0,   0,   0,   0,   5,   5,   0,   7,   7,   7};
    std::string e("b [0, 2); a [3, 4); 5 [4, 6); a; 7");
    std::vector<std::string> k;
    std::string w("x");
    CHECK2(d, n, e, k, c, w);

// TODO ?? Also test keyword as scalar duration.

    // Duration keywords: {retirement, maturity}
    int const n = 10;
    double const d[n] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4};
    std::string e("7, retirement; 4");
    CHECK0(d, n, e);
    InputSequence seq("7, retirement; 4", 10, 90, 95, 0, 2002, 0);
    std::vector<ValueInterval> const& i(seq.interval_representation());
    BOOST_TEST(e_inception  == i[0].begin_mode);
    BOOST_TEST(e_retirement == i[0].end_mode  );
    BOOST_TEST(e_retirement == i[1].begin_mode);
    BOOST_TEST(e_maturity   == i[1].end_mode  );

// TODO ?? Also test default keyword.

// TODO ?? Also test keywords-only switch.

    return 0;
Beispiel #8
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  double *xptr;
  mxArray *xopt;
  const mxArray *func_name, *params;
  user_function_data udata;
  size_t nDim;
  unsigned int ii;
  bopt_params parameters;
  double *cat_d;
  int *cat_i;
  double fmin;
  int error_code;
  /* Check correct number of parameters */
  CHECK0(nlhs != 2 || nrhs != 3,
	 "wrong number of arguments");
  /* TODO: Change This */
  udata.neval = 0;
  udata.verbose = 0;
  /* First term is the function handle or name */
  func_name = prhs[0];

  if (mxIsChar(func_name))
      CHECK0(mxGetString(func_name, udata.f, FLEN) == 0,
	     "error reading function name string (too long?)");
      udata.nrhs = 1;
      udata.xrhs = 0;
  else if (mxIsFunctionHandle(func_name))
      udata.prhs[0] = (mxArray *)func_name;
      strcpy(udata.f, "feval");
      udata.nrhs = 2;
      udata.xrhs = 1;
      mexErrMsgTxt("First term should be a function name or function handle");

  /* Second parameter. Categories */
  CHECK0(mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[1])
	 && (  (mxGetM(prhs[1]) == 1) && (mxGetN(prhs[1]) == nDim)   
	    || (mxGetN(prhs[1]) == 1) && (mxGetM(prhs[1]) == nDim)),
	 "categories must be real row or column vector");

  cat_d = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);

  nDim = (unsigned int) mxGetM(prhs[1]) * mxGetN(prhs[1]);

  cat_i = (int*)(mxCalloc(nDim,sizeof(int)));
  for (ii = 0; ii < nDim; ++ii) 
      cat_i[ii] = (int)(cat_d[ii]+0.5);    

  udata.prhs[udata.xrhs] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, nDim, mxREAL);

  xopt = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, nDim, mxREAL);
  xptr = mxGetPr(xopt);
  /* Third term. Parameters  */
  if (nrhs != 2)
      CHECK0(mxIsStruct(prhs[2]), "3rd element must be a struct");
      params = prhs[2];
      params = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,0,NULL);
  parameters = load_parameters(params);

  error_code = bayes_optimization_categorical(nDim,user_function,&udata,cat_i,xptr,

  plhs[0] = xopt;
  if (nlhs > 1) 
      plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
      *(mxGetPr(plhs[1])) = fmin;

  if (nlhs > 2)
      plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
      *(mxGetPr(plhs[2])) = (double)(error_code);
Beispiel #9
int main ()
    /* Empty string.	*/

    CHECK ("", "", -1, "");

    CHECK ("", ".", -1, "");

    CHECK ("", "123", -1, "");

    /* Empty delimeter list.	*/

    CHECK ("A", "", 0, "A");
    CHECK0 ("", -1, "");

    CHECK ("12", "", 0, "12");
    CHECK0 ("", -1, "");

    CHECK ("dcba", "", 0, "dcba");
    CHECK0 ("", -1, "");

    /* No delimeter symbols are founded.	*/

    CHECK ("\t", " ", 0, "\t");
    CHECK0 (" ", -1, "");

    CHECK ("THE QUICK BROWN FOX", "thequickbrownfox", 0, "THE QUICK BROWN FOX");
    CHECK0 ("thequickbrownfox", -1, "");

    /* Delimeter list is 1 byte long.	*/

    CHECK ("1", ".", 0, "1");
    CHECK0 (".", -1, "");

    CHECK ("A,BC,DEF", ",", 0, "A");
    CHECK0 (",", 2, "BC");
    CHECK0 (",", 5, "DEF");
    CHECK0 (",", -1, "");

    /* Delimeter list is 2 bytes long.	*/

    CHECK ("AB", "ab", 0, "AB");
    CHECK0 ("ab", -1, "");

    CHECK ("123+45-6", "+-", 0, "123");
    CHECK0 ("+-", 4, "45");
    CHECK0 ("+-", 7, "6");
    CHECK0 ("+-", -1, "");

    /* Variable delimeter list.	*/

    CHECK ("A:B*C:D", ":", 0, "A");
    CHECK0 ("*", 2, "B");
    CHECK0 (":", 4, "C");
    CHECK0 ("", 6, "D");
    CHECK0 (":*", -1, "");

    /* Empty field.	*/

    CHECK (".", ".", -1, "");

    CHECK ("The quick", "kciuq ehT", -1, "");

    CHECK ("1,", ",", 0, "1");
    CHECK0 (",", -1, "");

    CHECK ("_2", "_", 1, "2");
    CHECK0 ("_", -1, "");

    CHECK ("A::B", ":", 0, "A");
    CHECK0 (":", 3, "B");
    CHECK0 (":", -1, "");

    CHECK ("  a\n\rb  ", "\r\n ", 2, "a");
    CHECK0 ("\r\n ", 5, "b");
    CHECK0 ("\r\n ", -1, "");

    /* String is approx. 256 bytes long.	*/

    CHECK ("................................................................"
	   ".", 255, "5");

    CHECK ("................................................................"
	   ".", 256, "6");

    return 0;
Beispiel #10
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  double *xptr;
  mxArray *xopt;
  const mxArray *func_name, *params;
  user_function_data udata;
  size_t nDim;
  unsigned int ii;
  bopt_params parameters;
  double *ub, *lb;    /* Upper and lower bound */
  double fmin;
  int error_code;
  /* Check correct number of parameters */
  CHECK0(nlhs != 2 || nrhs != 3 || nrhs != 5, 
	 "wrong number of arguments");
  /* TODO: Change This */
  udata.neval = 0;
  udata.verbose = 0;
  /* First term is the function handle or name */
  func_name = prhs[0];

  if (mxIsChar(func_name))
      CHECK0(mxGetString(func_name, udata.f, FLEN) == 0,
	     "error reading function name string (too long?)");
      udata.nrhs = 1;
      udata.xrhs = 0;
  else if (mxIsFunctionHandle(func_name))
      udata.prhs[0] = (mxArray *)func_name;
      strcpy(udata.f, "feval");
      udata.nrhs = 2;
      udata.xrhs = 1;
      mexErrMsgTxt("First term should be a function name or function handle");

  /* Second parameter. nDim */
  CHECK0(mxIsNumeric(prhs[1]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[1]) 
	 && mxGetM(prhs[1]) * mxGetN(prhs[1]) == 1,
	 "nDim must be a scalar");
  nDim = (unsigned int) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);

  udata.prhs[udata.xrhs] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, nDim, mxREAL);

  xopt = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, nDim, mxREAL);
  xptr = mxGetPr(xopt);
  /* Third term. Parameters  */
  if (nrhs != 2)
      CHECK0(mxIsStruct(prhs[2]), "3rd element must be a struct");
      params = prhs[2];
      params = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,0,NULL);
  parameters = load_parameters(params);

  if(nrhs == 5)
      /* Load bounds */
      mexPrintf("Loading bounds...");
      CHECK0(mxIsDouble(prhs[3]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[3])
	     && (mxGetM(prhs[3]) == 1    || mxGetN(prhs[3]) == 1)
	     && (mxGetM(prhs[3]) == nDim || mxGetN(prhs[3]) == nDim),
	     "lowerBound must be real row or column vector");

      lb = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);

      CHECK0(mxIsDouble(prhs[4]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[4])
	     && (mxGetM(prhs[4]) == 1    || mxGetN(prhs[4]) == 1)
	     && (mxGetM(prhs[4]) == nDim || mxGetN(prhs[4]) == nDim),
	     "upperBound must be real row or column vector");

      ub = mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
      mexPrintf("done. \n");
      lb = (double*)(mxCalloc(nDim,sizeof(double)));
      ub = (double*)(mxCalloc(nDim,sizeof(double)));

      for (ii = 0; ii < nDim; ++ii) 
	  lb[ii] = 0.;    
	  ub[ii] = 1.;

  error_code = bayes_optimization(nDim,user_function,&udata,lb,ub,xptr,

  if(nrhs != 5)

  plhs[0] = xopt;
  if (nlhs > 1) 
      plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
      *(mxGetPr(plhs[1])) = fmin;
  if (nlhs > 2)
      plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
      *(mxGetPr(plhs[2])) = (double)(error_code);

Beispiel #11
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  double *xptr;
  mxArray *xopt;
  const mxArray *func_name, *params;
  user_function_data udata;
  size_t nDim,nPoints;
  double* xset;
  bopt_params parameters;
  double fmin = 0.0;
  int error_code;
  /* Check correct number of parameters */
  CHECK0(nlhs != 2 || nrhs != 3, "wrong number of arguments");
  /* TODO: Change This */
  udata.neval = 0;
  udata.verbose = 0;
  /* First term is the function handle or name */
  func_name = prhs[0];

  if (mxIsChar(func_name))
      CHECK0(mxGetString(func_name, udata.f, FLEN) == 0,
	     "error reading function name string (too long?)");
      udata.nrhs = 1;
      udata.xrhs = 0;
  else if (mxIsFunctionHandle(func_name))
      udata.prhs[0] = (mxArray *)func_name;
      strcpy(udata.f, "feval");
      udata.nrhs = 2;
      udata.xrhs = 1;
      mexErrMsgTxt("First term should be a function name "
		   "(Matlab/Octave) or function handle (Matlab)");

  /* Second parameter. Set of values. */
  CHECK0(mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[1]) &&
	 mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]) == 2,
	 "The set of values must be a 2D real matrix.");

  nDim = mxGetM(prhs[1]);
  nPoints = mxGetN(prhs[1]);
  xset = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
  mexPrintf("Loading set of values. nDims=%i, nPoints=%i\n",nDim,nPoints);

  udata.prhs[udata.xrhs] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, nDim, mxREAL);

  xopt = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, nDim, mxREAL);
  xptr = mxGetPr(xopt);

  /* Third term. Parameters  */
  if (nrhs != 2)
      CHECK0(mxIsStruct(prhs[2]), "3rd element must be a struct");
      params = prhs[2];
      params = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,0,NULL);

  parameters = load_parameters(params);
  error_code = bayes_optimization_disc(nDim,user_function,&udata,xset,nPoints,

  plhs[0] = xopt;
  if (nlhs > 1) 
      plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
      *(mxGetPr(plhs[1])) = fmin;
  if (nlhs > 2)
      plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
      *(mxGetPr(plhs[2])) = (double)(error_code);

Beispiel #12
 bool Demuxer::didSeek(const Timer &timer, sf::Time oldPosition)
     sf::Time newPosition = timer.getOffset();
     std::set< std::shared_ptr<Stream> > connectedStreams;
     if (m_connectedVideoStream)
     if (m_connectedAudioStream)
     if (m_connectedSubtitleStream)
     CHECK(!connectedStreams.empty(), "Inconcistency error: seeking with no active stream");
     // Trivial seeking to beginning
     if (newPosition == sf::Time::Zero)
         int64_t timestamp = 0;
         if (m_formatCtx->iformat->flags & AVFMT_SEEK_TO_PTS && m_formatCtx->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
             timestamp += m_formatCtx->start_time;
         // Flush all streams
         for (std::shared_ptr<Stream> stream : connectedStreams)
         // Seek to beginning
         int err = avformat_seek_file(m_formatCtx, -1, INT64_MIN, timestamp, INT64_MAX, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD);
         if (err < 0)
             sfeLogError("Error while seeking at time " + s(newPosition.asMilliseconds()) + "ms");
             return false;
     else // Seeking to some other position
         // Initial target seek point
         int64_t timestamp = newPosition.asSeconds() * AV_TIME_BASE;
         // < 0 = before seek point
         // > 0 = after seek point
         std::map< std::shared_ptr<Stream>, sf::Time> seekingGaps;
         static const float brokenSeekingThreshold = 60.f; // seconds
         bool didReseekBackward = false;
         bool didReseekForward = false;
         int tooEarlyCount = 0;
         int tooLateCount = 0;
         int brokenSeekingCount = 0;
         int ffmpegSeekFlags = AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD;
             // Flush all streams
             for (std::shared_ptr<Stream> stream : connectedStreams)
             // Seek to new estimated target
             if (m_formatCtx->iformat->flags & AVFMT_SEEK_TO_PTS && m_formatCtx->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
                 timestamp += m_formatCtx->start_time;
             int err = avformat_seek_file(m_formatCtx, -1, timestamp - 10 * AV_TIME_BASE,
                                          timestamp, timestamp, ffmpegSeekFlags);
             CHECK0(err, "avformat_seek_file failure");
             // Compute the new gap
             for (std::shared_ptr<Stream> stream : connectedStreams)
                 sf::Time gap = stream->computeEncodedPosition() - newPosition;
                 seekingGaps[stream] = gap;
             tooEarlyCount = 0;
             tooLateCount = 0;
             brokenSeekingCount = 0;
             // Check the current situation
             for (std::pair< std::shared_ptr<Stream>, sf::Time>&& gapByStream : seekingGaps)
                 // < 0 = before seek point
                 // > 0 = after seek point
                 const sf::Time& gap = gapByStream.second;
                 float absoluteDiff = fabs(gap.asSeconds());
                 // Before seek point
                 if (gap < sf::Time::Zero)
                     if (absoluteDiff > brokenSeekingThreshold)
                     // else: a bit early but not too much, this is the final situation we want
                 // After seek point
                 else if (gap > sf::Time::Zero)
                     if (absoluteDiff > brokenSeekingThreshold)
                         brokenSeekingCount++; // TODO: unhandled for now => should seek to non-key frame
                 if (brokenSeekingCount > 0)
                     sfeLogWarning("Seeking on " + gapByStream.first->description() + " is broken! Gap: "
                                   + s(gap.asSeconds()) + "s");
             CHECK(false == (tooEarlyCount && tooLateCount),
                   "Both too late and too early for different streams, unhandled situation!");
             // Define what to do next
             if (tooEarlyCount)
                 // Go forward by 1 sec
                 timestamp += AV_TIME_BASE;
                 didReseekForward = true;
             else if (tooLateCount)
                 // Go backward by 1 sec
                 timestamp -= AV_TIME_BASE;
                 didReseekBackward = true;
             if (brokenSeekingCount)
                 if (ffmpegSeekFlags & AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY)
                     sfeLogError("Seeking is really broken in the media, giving up");
                     return false;
                     // Try to seek to non-key frame before giving up
                     // Image may be wrong but it's better than nothing :)
                     ffmpegSeekFlags |= AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY;
                     sfeLogError("Media has broken seeking index, trying to seek to non-key frame");
             CHECK(!(didReseekBackward && didReseekForward), "infinitely seeking backward and forward");
         while (tooEarlyCount != 0 || tooLateCount != 0);
     return true;
Beispiel #13
 Demuxer::Demuxer(const std::string& sourceFile, std::shared_ptr<Timer> timer,
                  VideoStream::Delegate& videoDelegate, SubtitleStream::Delegate& subtitleDelegate) :
     CHECK(sourceFile.size(), "Demuxer::Demuxer() - invalid argument: sourceFile");
     CHECK(timer, "Inconsistency error: null timer");
     int err = 0;
     // Load all the decoders
     // Open the movie file
     err = avformat_open_input(&m_formatCtx, sourceFile.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr);
     CHECK0(err, "Demuxer::Demuxer() - error while opening media: " + sourceFile);
     CHECK(m_formatCtx, "Demuxer() - inconsistency: media context cannot be nullptr");
     // Read the general movie informations
     err = avformat_find_stream_info(m_formatCtx, nullptr);
     CHECK0(err, "Demuxer::Demuxer() - error while retreiving media information");
     // Get the media duration if possible (otherwise rely on the streams)
     if (m_formatCtx->duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
         int64_t secs, us;
         secs = m_formatCtx->duration / AV_TIME_BASE;
         us = m_formatCtx->duration % AV_TIME_BASE;
         m_duration = sf::seconds(secs + (float)us / AV_TIME_BASE);
     // Find all interesting streams
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_formatCtx->nb_streams; i++)
         AVStream* & ffstream = m_formatCtx->streams[i];
             std::shared_ptr<Stream> stream;
             switch (ffstream->codec->codec_type)
                 case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO:
                     stream = std::make_shared<VideoStream>(m_formatCtx, ffstream, *this, timer, videoDelegate);
                     if (m_duration == sf::Time::Zero)
                     sfeLogDebug("Loaded " + avcodec_get_name(ffstream->codec->codec_id) + " video stream");
                 case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO:
                     stream = std::make_shared<AudioStream>(m_formatCtx, ffstream, *this, timer);
                     if (m_duration == sf::Time::Zero)
                     sfeLogDebug("Loaded " + avcodec_get_name(ffstream->codec->codec_id) + " audio stream");
                 case AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE:
                     stream = std::make_shared<SubtitleStream>(m_formatCtx, ffstream, *this, timer, subtitleDelegate);
                     sfeLogDebug("Loaded " + avcodec_get_name(ffstream->codec->codec_id) + " subtitle stream");
                     m_ignoredStreams[ffstream->index] = Stream::AVStreamDescription(ffstream);
                     sfeLogDebug(m_ignoredStreams[ffstream->index] + " ignored");
             // Don't create an entry in the map unless everything went well and stream did not get ignored
             if (stream)
                 m_streams[ffstream->index] = stream;
         catch (std::runtime_error& e)
             std::string streamDesc = Stream::AVStreamDescription(ffstream);
             sfeLogError("error while loading " + streamDesc + ": " + e.what());
             CHECK(m_streams.find(ffstream->index) == m_streams.end(),
                   "Internal inconcistency error: stream whose loading failed should not be stored");
     if (m_duration == sf::Time::Zero)
         sfeLogWarning("The media duration could not be retreived");
     m_timer->addObserver(*this, DemuxerTimerPriority);