int SampleActionsManager::getValidClickedActionId(U2OpStatus &os) const {
    QAction *a = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
    CHECK_EXT(NULL != a, os.setError(L10N::internalError("Unexpected method call")), -1);

    bool ok = false;
    int id = a->property(ID_PROPERTY).toInt(&ok);
    CHECK_EXT(ok, os.setError(L10N::internalError("Wrong action ID")), -1);

    CHECK_EXT(id >=0 && id < actions.size(), os.setError(L10N::internalError("Out of range action ID")), -1);
    return id;
Beispiel #2
U2VariantTrack MysqlVariantDbi::getVariantTrack(const U2DataId& variantTrackId, U2OpStatus& os) {
    U2VariantTrack res;
    DBI_TYPE_CHECK(variantTrackId, U2Type::VariantTrack, os, res);
    MysqlTransaction t(db, os);

    dbi->getMysqlObjectDbi()->getObject(res, variantTrackId, os);
    CHECK_OP(os, res);

    static const QString queryString = "SELECT sequence, sequenceName, trackType, fileHeader FROM VariantTrack WHERE object = :object";
    U2SqlQuery q(queryString, db, os);
    q.bindDataId(":object", variantTrackId);

    if (q.step()) {
        res.sequence = q.getDataId(0, U2Type::Sequence);
        res.sequenceName = q.getString(1);
        int trackType = q.getInt32(2);
        CHECK_EXT(TrackType_FIRST <= trackType && trackType <= TrackType_LAST,
                  os.setError(U2DbiL10n::tr("Invalid variant track type: %1").arg(trackType)), res);
        res.trackType = static_cast<VariantTrackType>(trackType);
        res.fileHeader = q.getString(3);

    return res;
Beispiel #3
Document* FastqFormat::loadTextDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef& dbiRef, const QVariantMap& _hints, U2OpStatus& os) {
    CHECK_EXT(io != NULL && io->isOpen(), os.setError(L10N::badArgument("IO adapter")), NULL);
    QVariantMap hints = _hints;
    QList<GObject*> objects;
    QMap<QString, QString> skippedLines;

    int gapSize = qBound(-1, DocumentFormatUtils::getMergeGap(_hints), 1000*1000);
    int predictedSize = qMax(100*1000, DocumentFormatUtils::getMergedSize(hints, gapSize==-1 ? 0 : io->left()));

    QString lockReason;
    load(io, dbiRef, _hints, objects, os, gapSize, predictedSize, lockReason, skippedLines);
    if (skippedLines.size() > 0){
        QMapIterator<QString, QString> i(skippedLines);
        QStringList errors;
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            QString msg = i.key() + ": " + i.value();
            if (objects.length() > 0){
        if (errors.length() > 0){

    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects), NULL);
    DocumentFormatUtils::updateFormatHints(objects, hints);
    Document* doc = new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dbiRef, objects, hints, lockReason);

    return doc;
QList<long> CmdlineTaskRunner::getChildrenProcesses(qint64 processId, bool fullTree) {
    QList<long> children;

#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)
    char *buff = NULL;
    size_t len = 255;
    char command[256] = {0};

    sprintf(command,"ps -ef|awk '$3==%u {print $2}'", (unsigned)processId);
    FILE *fp = (FILE*) popen(command, "r");
    while (getline(&buff, &len, fp) >= 0) {
        int child_process_id = QString(buff).toInt();
        if (child_process_id != 0) {
            children << child_process_id;
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
    HANDLE hProcessSnap;
    HANDLE hProcess;
    PROCESSENTRY32 pe32;

    // Take a snapshot of all processes in the system.
    hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
    CHECK(hProcessSnap != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, children);

    // Set the size of the structure before using it.
    pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);

    // Retrieve information about the first process,
    // and exit if unsuccessful
    CHECK_EXT(Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32), CloseHandle(hProcessSnap), children);

    // Now walk the snapshot of processes, and
    // display information about each process in turn
    do {
        if (pe32.th32ParentProcessID == processId) {
            hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pe32.th32ProcessID);
            if (hProcess != NULL) {
                children << pe32.th32ProcessID;
    } while (Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32));


    if (fullTree && children.length() > 0) {
        foreach(long child, children) {
            QList<long> children2 = getChildrenProcesses(child, fullTree);
            children << children2;
Document* FpkmTrackingFormat::loadDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef&  dbiRef, const QVariantMap& hints, U2OpStatus& os)
    CHECK_EXT(io != NULL && io->isOpen(), os.setError(L10N::badArgument("IO adapter")), NULL);
    QList<GObject*> objects;

    load(io, objects, dbiRef, hints, os);
    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects), NULL);

    Document* doc = new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dbiRef, objects);
    return doc;
Beispiel #6
int readLongLine (QString &buffer, IOAdapter* io, QScopedArrayPointer<char> &charbuff, int readBufferSize, U2OpStatus& os) {
    int len;
    do {
        len = io->readLine(, readBufferSize - 1);
        CHECK_EXT(!io->hasError(), os.setError(io->errorString()), -1);[len] = '\0';
    } while (readBufferSize - 1 == len);

    return buffer.length();
Beispiel #7
int ImageWrite( struct ImageLibrary *im, File *rootDev, gdImagePtr img, const char *path )
	FHandler *fh = rootDev->f_FSys;
	File *rfp = (File *)fh->FileOpen( rootDev, path, "wb" );
	if( rfp != NULL )
		char *buffer = NULL;
		int length = 0;
		int psize = strlen( path );
		if( psize > 3 )		//we are checking if file have extension
			char ext[ 4 ];
			strcpy( ext, &(path[ psize-4 ]) );
			ext[ 0 ] = toupper( ext[ 0 ] );
			ext[ 1 ] = toupper( ext[ 1 ] );
			ext[ 2 ] = toupper( ext[ 2 ] );
			if( CHECK_EXT( ext,  'P','N','G' ) )
				buffer = gdImagePngPtr( img, &length );
			}else if( CHECK_EXT( ext,  'J','P','G' ) ){
				buffer = gdImageJpegPtr( img, &length, 100 );
			}else if( CHECK_EXT( ext,  'G','I','F' ) ){
				buffer = gdImageGifPtr( img, &length );
			}else if( CHECK_EXT( ext,  'W','E','B' ) ){
				buffer = gdImageWebpPtr( img, &length );
			}else if( CHECK_EXT( ext,  'I','I','F' ) ){
				buffer = gdImageTiffPtr( img, &length );
			}else if( CHECK_EXT( ext,  'B','M','P' ) ){
				buffer = gdImageBmpPtr( img, &length, 100 );
			if( buffer == NULL )
				fh->FileClose( rootDev, rfp );
				ERROR("Cannot save picture, GD couldnt create buffer from image\n");
				return 2;
				fh->FileWrite( rfp, buffer, length );
			ERROR("Extension name is too short, file format not recognized\n");

		fh->FileClose( rootDev, rfp );
		ERROR("Cannot open file: %s to write\n", path );
		return 1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #8
Document* FastaFormat::loadTextDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef& dbiRef, const QVariantMap& fs, U2OpStatus& os) {
    CHECK_EXT(io!=NULL && io->isOpen(), os.setError(L10N::badArgument("IO adapter")), NULL);

    QList<GObject*> objects;

    int gapSize = qBound(-1, DocumentFormatUtils::getMergeGap(fs), 1000 * 1000);

    QString lockReason;
    load(io, dbiRef, fs, objects, gapSize, lockReason, os);
    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects), NULL);

    Document* doc = new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dbiRef, objects, fs, lockReason);
    return doc;
Beispiel #9
Task::ReportResult GTest_CompareTwoMsa::report() {
    Document *doc1 = getContext<Document>(this, docContextName);
    CHECK_EXT(NULL != doc1, setError(QString("document not found: %1").arg(docContextName)), ReportResult_Finished);

    const QList<GObject *> objs1 = doc1->getObjects();
    CHECK_EXT(1 == objs1.size(), setError(QString("document '%1' contains several objects: the comparison not implemented").arg(docContextName)), ReportResult_Finished);

    MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *msa1 = qobject_cast<MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *>(objs1.first());
    CHECK_EXT(NULL != msa1, setError(QString("document '%1' contains an incorrect object: expected '%2', got '%3'")
                                     .arg(objs1.first()->getGObjectType())), ReportResult_Finished);

    Document *doc2 = getContext<Document>(this, secondDocContextName);
    CHECK_EXT(NULL != doc2, setError(QString("document not found: %1").arg(secondDocContextName)), ReportResult_Finished);

    const QList<GObject *> objs2 = doc2->getObjects();
    CHECK_EXT(1 == objs2.size(), setError(QString("document '%1' contains several objects: the comparison not implemented").arg(secondDocContextName)), ReportResult_Finished);

    MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *msa2 = qobject_cast<MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *>(objs2.first());
    CHECK_EXT(NULL != msa2, setError(QString("document '%1' contains an incorrect object: expected '%2', got '%3'")
                                     .arg(objs2.first()->getGObjectType())), ReportResult_Finished);

    const qint64 rowsNumber1 = msa1->getNumRows();
    const qint64 rowsNumber2 = msa2->getNumRows();
    CHECK_EXT(rowsNumber1 == rowsNumber2,
              setError(QString("The rows numbers differ: the object '%1' from the document '%2' contains %3 rows, the object '%4' from the document '%5' contains %6 rows")
              .arg(rowsNumber2)), ReportResult_Finished);

    for (int i = 0; i < rowsNumber1; i++) {
        const MultipleSequenceAlignmentRow row1 = msa1->getMsaRow(i);
        const MultipleSequenceAlignmentRow row2 = msa2->getMsaRow(i);
        const bool areEqual = row1->isRowContentEqual(row2);
        CHECK_EXT(areEqual, setError(QString("The rows with number %1 differ from each other").arg(i)), ReportResult_Finished);

    return ReportResult_Finished;
Beispiel #10
Document* FastqFormat::loadDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef& dbiRef, const QVariantMap& _hints, U2OpStatus& os) {
    CHECK_EXT(io != NULL && io->isOpen(), os.setError(L10N::badArgument("IO adapter")), NULL);
    QVariantMap hints = _hints;
    QList<GObject*> objects;

    int gapSize = qBound(-1, DocumentFormatUtils::getMergeGap(_hints), 1000*1000);
    int predictedSize = qMax(100*1000, DocumentFormatUtils::getMergedSize(hints, gapSize==-1 ? 0 : io->left()));

    QString lockReason;
    load(io, dbiRef, _hints, io->getURL(), objects, os, gapSize, predictedSize, lockReason);

    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects), NULL);
    DocumentFormatUtils::updateFormatHints(objects, hints);
    Document* doc = new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dbiRef, objects, hints, lockReason );

    return doc;
Beispiel #11
bool WevoteValidator::validateTaxonomy(const Actor *actor, NotificationsList &notificationList) const {
    bool isValid = true;

    U2DataPathRegistry *dataPathRegistry = AppContext::getDataPathRegistry();
    SAFE_POINT_EXT(NULL != dataPathRegistry, notificationList.append(WorkflowNotification("U2DataPathRegistry is NULL", actor->getId())), false);

    U2DataPath *taxonomyDataPath = dataPathRegistry->getDataPathByName(NgsReadsClassificationPlugin::TAXONOMY_DATA_ID);
    CHECK_EXT(NULL != taxonomyDataPath && taxonomyDataPath->isValid(),
              notificationList << WorkflowNotification(tr("Taxonomy classification data from NCBI are not available."), actor->getId()), false);

    const QString missingFileMessage = tr("Taxonomy classification data from NCBI are not full: file '%1' is missing.");
    if (taxonomyDataPath->getPathByName(NgsReadsClassificationPlugin::TAXON_NODES_ITEM_ID).isEmpty()) {
        notificationList << WorkflowNotification(missingFileMessage.arg(NgsReadsClassificationPlugin::TAXON_NODES_ITEM_ID), actor->getId());
        isValid = false;

    if (taxonomyDataPath->getPathByName(NgsReadsClassificationPlugin::TAXON_NAMES_ITEM_ID).isEmpty()) {
        notificationList << WorkflowNotification(missingFileMessage.arg(NgsReadsClassificationPlugin::TAXON_NAMES_ITEM_ID), actor->getId());
        isValid = false;

    return isValid;
Beispiel #12
QList<Task*> AddExportedDocumentAndOpenViewTask::onSubTaskFinished( Task* subTask ) {
    QList<Task*> subTasks;
    if (subTask == exportTask && !subTask->hasError() && !subTask->isCanceled()) {
        Document* doc = exportTask->getDocument();
        const GUrl& fullPath = doc->getURL();
        Project* prj = AppContext::getProject();
        if (prj) {
            Document* sameURLdoc = prj->findDocumentByURL(fullPath);
            if (sameURLdoc) {
                taskLog.trace(tr("Document is already added to the project %1").arg(doc->getURL().getURLString()));
                subTasks << new LoadUnloadedDocumentAndOpenViewTask(sameURLdoc);
                return subTasks;
        loadTask = LoadDocumentTask::getDefaultLoadDocTask(doc->getURL());
        CHECK_EXT(NULL != loadTask, setError(tr("Can't create load task")), subTasks);
        subTasks << loadTask;
    if (subTask == loadTask) {
        subTasks << new AddDocumentAndOpenViewTask(loadTask->takeDocument());
    //TODO: provide a report if subtask fails
    return subTasks;
Beispiel #13
 UdrRecordId getRecordId(UdrDbi *dbi, const U2DataId &objId, U2OpStatus &os) {
     const QList<UdrRecord> records = dbi->getObjectRecords(RawDataUdrSchema::ID, objId, os);
     CHECK_OP(os, UdrRecordId("", ""));
     CHECK_EXT(1 == records.size(), os.setError("Unexpected records count"), UdrRecordId("", ""));
     return records.first().getId();
Primer PrimerLibraryModel::getPrimer(const QModelIndex &index, U2OpStatus &os) const {
    CHECK_EXT(index.row() >= 0 && index.row() < primers.size(), os.setError(L10N::internalError("Incorrect primer number")), Primer());