int b_inmem(int argc, char *argv[]) { COMPQUIET(argc, 0); COMPQUIET(argv, NULL); return (0); }
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_sleepycat_db_DbUtil_is_1big_1endian (JNIEnv *jnienv, jclass jthis_class) { COMPQUIET(jnienv, NULL); COMPQUIET(jthis_class, NULL); return (__db_isbigendian() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE); }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_sleepycat_db_DbLsn_init_1lsn (JNIEnv *jnienv, /*DbLsn*/ jobject jthis) { /* Note: the DB_LSN object stored in the private_dbobj_ * is allocated in get_DbLsn(). */ COMPQUIET(jnienv, NULL); COMPQUIET(jthis, NULL); }
void dbjie_call_feedback(DB_ENV_JAVAINFO *dbjie, DB_ENV *dbenv, jobject jenv, int opcode, int percent) { JNIEnv *jnienv; jclass feedback_class; jmethodID id; COMPQUIET(dbenv, NULL); jnienv = dbjie_get_jnienv(dbjie); if (jnienv == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot attach to current thread!\n"); return; } feedback_class = get_class(jnienv, name_DbEnvFeedback); id = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, feedback_class, "feedback", "(Lcom/sleepycat/db/DbEnv;II)V"); if (!id) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find callback class\n"); return; } (*jnienv)->CallVoidMethod(jnienv, dbjie->feedback_, id, jenv, (jint)opcode, (jint)percent); }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_sleepycat_db_xa_DbXAResource__1init (JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject jthis, jstring home, jint rmid, jint flags) { int err; LOCKED_STRING ls_home; jclass cl; jmethodID mid; COMPQUIET(jthis, NULL); if (locked_string_get(&ls_home, jnienv, home) != 0) goto out; if ((err = __db_xa_open((char *)ls_home.string, rmid, flags)) != XA_OK) { verify_return(jnienv, err, EXCEPTION_XA); } /* * Now create the DbEnv object, it will get attached * to the DB_ENV just made in __db_xa_open. */ if ((cl = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_ENV)) == NULL) goto out; mid = (*jnienv)->GetStaticMethodID(jnienv, cl, "_create_DbEnv_for_XA", "(II)V"); (*jnienv)->CallStaticVoidMethod(jnienv, cl, mid, 0, rmid); out: locked_string_put(&ls_home, jnienv); }
int dbji_call_dup_compare(DB_JAVAINFO *dbji, DB *db, jobject jdb, const DBT *dbt1, const DBT *dbt2) { JNIEnv *jnienv; jobject jdbt1, jdbt2; DBT_JAVAINFO *dbtji1, *dbtji2; COMPQUIET(db, NULL); jnienv = dbji_get_jnienv(dbji); if (jnienv == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot attach to current thread!\n"); return (0); } /* XXX * We should have a pool of Dbt objects used for this purpose * instead of creating new ones each time. Because of * multithreading, we may need an arbitrary number (more than two). * We might also have a byte arrays that grow as needed, * so we don't need to allocate those either. */ jdbt1 = create_default_object(jnienv, name_DBT); jdbt2 = create_default_object(jnienv, name_DBT); dbtji1 = get_DBT_JAVAINFO(jnienv, jdbt1); memcpy(&dbtji1->dbt, dbt1, sizeof(DBT)); dbtji1->create_array_ = 1; dbtji2 = get_DBT_JAVAINFO(jnienv, jdbt2); memcpy(&dbtji2->dbt, dbt2, sizeof(DBT)); dbtji2->create_array_ = 1; DB_ASSERT(dbji->dup_compare_method_id_ != NULL); return (*jnienv)->CallIntMethod(jnienv, dbji->dup_compare_, dbji->dup_compare_method_id_, jdb, jdbt1, jdbt2); }
int dbjie_call_recovery_init(DB_ENV_JAVAINFO *dbjie, DB_ENV *dbenv, jobject jenv) { JNIEnv *jnienv; jclass recovery_init_class; jmethodID id; COMPQUIET(dbenv, NULL); jnienv = dbjie_get_jnienv(dbjie); if (jnienv == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot attach to current thread!\n"); return (EINVAL); } recovery_init_class = get_class(jnienv, name_DbRecoveryInit); id = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, recovery_init_class, "recovery_init", "(Lcom/sleepycat/db/DbEnv;)V"); if (!id) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find callback class\n"); return (EINVAL); } return (*jnienv)->CallIntMethod(jnienv, dbjie->recovery_init_, id, jenv); }
/* * Realloc the java array to receive data if the DBT used * DB_DBT_REALLOC flag with a non-null data array, and the last * operation set the size field to an amount greater than ulen. * Return 1 if these conditions are met, otherwise 0. This is used * internally to simulate the operations needed for DB_DBT_REALLOC. */ int locked_dbt_realloc(LOCKED_DBT *ldbt, JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_ENV *dbenv) { DBT *dbt; COMPQUIET(dbenv, NULL); dbt = &ldbt->javainfo->dbt; if (!F_ISSET(ldbt, LOCKED_REALLOC_NONNULL) || F_ISSET(ldbt, LOCKED_ERROR) || dbt->size <= dbt->ulen) return (0); (*jnienv)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jnienv, ldbt->javainfo->array, ldbt->java_data, 0); /* * We allocate a new array of the needed size. * We'll set the offset to 0, as the old offset * really doesn't make any sense. */ if ((ldbt->javainfo->array = (*jnienv)->NewByteArray(jnienv, dbt->size)) == NULL) { F_SET(ldbt, LOCKED_ERROR); return (0); } ldbt->java_array_len = dbt->ulen = dbt->size; ldbt->javainfo->offset = 0; (*jnienv)->SetObjectField(jnienv, ldbt->jdbt, fid_Dbt_data, ldbt->javainfo->array); ldbt->java_data = (*jnienv)->GetByteArrayElements(jnienv, ldbt->javainfo->array, (jboolean *)0); memcpy(ldbt->java_data, ldbt->before_data, dbt->ulen); dbt->data = ldbt->before_data = ldbt->java_data; return (1); }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_sleepycat_db_xa_DbXAResource__1end (JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject jthis, jobject jxid, jint rmid, jint flags) { XID xid; int err; COMPQUIET(jthis, NULL); if (!get_XID(jnienv, jxid, &xid)) return; if ((err = __db_xa_end(&xid, rmid, flags)) != XA_OK) verify_return(jnienv, err, EXCEPTION_XA); }
DbEnv::DbEnv(DB_ENV *env, u_int32_t flags) : imp_(0) , construct_error_(0) , construct_flags_(flags) , tx_recover_callback_(0) , paniccall_callback_(0) { int err; COMPQUIET(err, 0); if ((err = initialize(env)) != 0) DB_ERROR("DbEnv::DbEnv", err, error_policy()); }
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_sleepycat_db_xa_DbXAResource_xa_1attach (JNIEnv *jnienv, jclass jthisclass, jobject jxid, jobject jrmid) { XID xid; XID *xidp; int ret; DB_ENV *env; DB_TXN *txn; int rmid; int *rmidp; jobject jtxn; jobject jenv; jclass cl; jmethodID mid; COMPQUIET(jthisclass, NULL); if (jxid == NULL) { xidp = NULL; } else { xidp = &xid; if (!get_XID(jnienv, jxid, &xid)) return (NULL); } if (jrmid == NULL) { rmidp = NULL; } else { rmidp = &rmid; rmid = (int)(*jnienv)->CallIntMethod(jnienv, jrmid, mid_Integer_intValue); } if ((ret = db_env_xa_attach(rmidp, xidp, &env, &txn)) != 0) { /* * DB_NOTFOUND is a normal return, it means we * have no current transaction, */ if (ret != DB_NOTFOUND) verify_return(jnienv, ret, 0); return (NULL); } jenv = ((DB_ENV_JAVAINFO *)env->api2_internal)->jenvref; jtxn = get_DbTxn(jnienv, txn); if ((cl = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_XAATTACH)) == NULL) return (NULL); mid = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, cl, "<init>", "(Lcom/sleepycat/db/DbEnv;Lcom/sleepycat/db/DbTxn;)V"); return (*jnienv)->NewObject(jnienv, cl, mid, jenv, jtxn); }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_sleepycat_db_xa_DbXAResource__1close (JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject jthis, jstring home, jint rmid, jint flags) { int err; LOCKED_STRING ls_home; COMPQUIET(jthis, NULL); if (locked_string_get(&ls_home, jnienv, home) != 0) goto out; if ((err = __db_xa_close((char *)ls_home.string, rmid, flags)) != XA_OK) verify_return(jnienv, err, EXCEPTION_XA); out: locked_string_put(&ls_home, jnienv); }
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_sleepycat_db_xa_DbXAResource__1prepare (JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject jthis, jobject jxid, jint rmid) { XID xid; int err; COMPQUIET(jthis, NULL); if (!get_XID(jnienv, jxid, &xid)) return (0); err = __db_xa_prepare(&xid, rmid, 0); if (err != XA_OK && err != XA_RDONLY) verify_return(jnienv, err, EXCEPTION_XA); return (err); }
void dbji_call_feedback(DB_JAVAINFO *dbji, DB *db, jobject jdb, int opcode, int percent) { JNIEnv *jnienv; COMPQUIET(db, NULL); jnienv = dbji_get_jnienv(dbji); if (jnienv == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot attach to current thread!\n"); return; } DB_ASSERT(dbji->feedback_method_id_ != NULL); (*jnienv)->CallVoidMethod(jnienv, dbji->feedback_, dbji->feedback_method_id_, jdb, (jint)opcode, (jint)percent); }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_sleepycat_db_xa_DbXAResource__1commit (JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject jthis, jobject jxid, jint rmid, jboolean onePhase) { XID xid; long flags; int err; COMPQUIET(jthis, NULL); if (!get_XID(jnienv, jxid, &xid)) return; flags = 0; if (onePhase == JNI_TRUE) flags |= TMONEPHASE; if ((err = __db_xa_commit(&xid, rmid, flags)) != XA_OK) verify_return(jnienv, err, EXCEPTION_XA); }
int dbjie_call_tx_recover(DB_ENV_JAVAINFO *dbjie, DB_ENV *dbenv, jobject jenv, DBT *dbt, DB_LSN *lsn, int recops) { JNIEnv *jnienv; jclass tx_recover_class; jmethodID id; jobject jdbt; jobject jlsn; COMPQUIET(dbenv, NULL); jnienv = dbjie_get_jnienv(dbjie); if (jnienv == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot attach to current thread!\n"); return (0); } tx_recover_class = get_class(jnienv, name_DbTxnRecover); id = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, tx_recover_class, "tx_recover", "(Lcom/sleepycat/db/DbEnv;" "Lcom/sleepycat/db/Dbt;" "Lcom/sleepycat/db/DbLsn;" "I)I"); if (!id) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find callback class\n"); return (0); } if (dbt == NULL) jdbt = NULL; else jdbt = get_Dbt(jnienv, dbt); if (lsn == NULL) jlsn = NULL; else jlsn = get_DbLsn(jnienv, *lsn); return (*jnienv)->CallIntMethod(jnienv, dbjie->tx_recover_, id, jenv, jdbt, jlsn, recops); }
int dbji_call_h_hash(DB_JAVAINFO *dbji, DB *db, jobject jdb, const void *data, int len) { JNIEnv *jnienv; jbyteArray jarray; COMPQUIET(db, NULL); jnienv = dbji_get_jnienv(dbji); if (jnienv == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot attach to current thread!\n"); return (0); } DB_ASSERT(dbji->h_hash_method_id_ != NULL); jarray = (*jnienv)->NewByteArray(jnienv, len); (*jnienv)->SetByteArrayRegion(jnienv, jarray, 0, len, (void *)data); return (*jnienv)->CallIntMethod(jnienv, dbji->h_hash_, dbji->h_hash_method_id_, jdb, jarray, len); }
int DbEnv::close(u_int32_t flags) { DB_ENV *env = unwrap(this); int err, init_err; COMPQUIET(init_err, 0); // after a close (no matter if success or failure), // the underlying DB_ENV object must not be accessed, // so we clean up in advance. // cleanup(); // It's safe to throw an error after the close, // since our error mechanism does not peer into // the DB* structures. // if ((err = env->close(env, flags)) != 0) { DB_ERROR("DbEnv::close", err, error_policy()); } return (err); }
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_com_sleepycat_db_xa_DbXAResource__1recover (JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject jthis, jint rmid, jint flags) { XID *xids; int err; int total; int cnt; int i; int curflags; size_t nbytes; jclass xid_class; jmethodID mid; jobject obj; jobjectArray retval; COMPQUIET(jthis, NULL); total = 0; cnt = 0; xids = NULL; flags &= ~(DB_FIRST | DB_LAST | DB_NEXT); /* Repeatedly call __db_xa_recover to fill up an array of XIDs */ curflags = flags | DB_FIRST; do { total += cnt; nbytes = sizeof(XID) * (total + 10); if ((err = __os_realloc(NULL, nbytes, &xids)) != 0) { if (xids != NULL) __os_free(NULL, xids); verify_return(jnienv, XAER_NOTA, EXCEPTION_XA); return (NULL); } cnt = __db_xa_recover(&xids[total], 10, rmid, curflags); curflags = flags | DB_NEXT; } while (cnt > 0); if (xids != NULL) __os_free(NULL, xids); if (cnt < 0) { verify_return(jnienv, cnt, EXCEPTION_XA); return (NULL); } /* Create the java DbXid array and fill it up */ if ((xid_class = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_XID)) == NULL) return (NULL); mid = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, xid_class, "<init>", "(I[B[B)V"); if ((retval = (*jnienv)->NewObjectArray(jnienv, total, xid_class, 0)) == NULL) goto out; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { jobject gtrid; jobject bqual; jsize gtrid_len; jsize bqual_len; gtrid_len = (jsize)xids[i].gtrid_length; bqual_len = (jsize)xids[i].bqual_length; gtrid = (*jnienv)->NewByteArray(jnienv, gtrid_len); bqual = (*jnienv)->NewByteArray(jnienv, bqual_len); if (gtrid == NULL || bqual == NULL) goto out; (*jnienv)->SetByteArrayRegion(jnienv, gtrid, 0, gtrid_len, (jbyte *)&xids[i].data[0]); (*jnienv)->SetByteArrayRegion(jnienv, bqual, 0, bqual_len, (jbyte *)&xids[i].data[gtrid_len]); if ((obj = (*jnienv)->NewObject(jnienv, xid_class, mid, (jint)xids[i].formatID, gtrid, bqual)) == NULL) goto out; (*jnienv)->SetObjectArrayElement(jnienv, retval, i, obj); } out: return (retval); }
static void b_inmem_op_ds_bulk(u_int ops, u_int *totalp) { DB_ENV *dbenv; DB *dbp; DBC *dbc; DBT key, data; u_int32_t len, klen; u_int i, total; char *keybuf, *databuf; void *pointer, *dp, *kp; DB_MPOOL_STAT *gsp; DB_BENCH_ASSERT((keybuf = malloc(keysize)) != NULL); DB_BENCH_ASSERT((databuf = malloc(bulkbufsize)) != NULL); memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); = keybuf; key.size = keysize; = databuf; data.size = datasize; memset(databuf, 'b', datasize); DB_BENCH_ASSERT(db_create(&dbp, NULL, 0) == 0); dbenv = dbp->dbenv; dbp->set_errfile(dbp, stderr); DB_BENCH_ASSERT(dbp->set_pagesize(dbp, pagesize) == 0); DB_BENCH_ASSERT(dbp->set_cachesize(dbp, 0, cachesize, 1) == 0); DB_BENCH_ASSERT( dbp->open(dbp, NULL, NULL, NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0666) == 0); for (i = 1; i <= numitems; ++i) { (void)snprintf(keybuf, keysize, "%7d", i); DB_BENCH_ASSERT(dbp->put(dbp, NULL, &key, &data, 0) == 0); } #if 0 fp = fopen("before", "w"); dbp->set_msgfile(dbp, fp); DB_BENCH_ASSERT (dbp->stat_print(dbp, DB_STAT_ALL) == 0); #endif DB_BENCH_ASSERT(dbp->cursor(dbp, NULL, &dbc, 0) == 0); data.ulen = bulkbufsize; data.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; (void)dbenv->memp_stat(dbenv, &gsp, NULL, DB_STAT_CLEAR); TIMER_START; for (total = 0; ops > 0; --ops) { DB_BENCH_ASSERT(dbc->c_get( dbc, &key, &data, DB_FIRST | DB_MULTIPLE_KEY) == 0); DB_MULTIPLE_INIT(pointer, &data); while (pointer != NULL) { DB_MULTIPLE_KEY_NEXT(pointer, &data, kp, klen, dp, len); if (kp != NULL) ++total; } } TIMER_STOP; *totalp = total; if (dbenv->memp_stat(dbenv, &gsp, NULL, 0) == 0) DB_BENCH_ASSERT(gsp->st_cache_miss == 0); #if 0 fp = fopen("before", "w"); dbp->set_msgfile(dbp, fp); DB_BENCH_ASSERT (dbp->stat_print(dbp, DB_STAT_ALL) == 0); #endif DB_BENCH_ASSERT(dbp->close(dbp, 0) == 0); COMPQUIET(dp, NULL); COMPQUIET(klen, 0); COMPQUIET(len, 0); }
void *sqlite3DbMallocZero(sqlite3 *db, unsigned n) { COMPQUIET(db, NULL); return calloc(n, 1); }
extern int dbji_call_append_recno(DB_JAVAINFO *dbji, DB *db, jobject jdb, DBT *dbt, jint recno) { JNIEnv *jnienv; jobject jdbt; DBT_JAVAINFO *dbtji; jbyteArray arr; unsigned int arraylen; unsigned char *data; COMPQUIET(db, NULL); jnienv = dbji_get_jnienv(dbji); if (jnienv == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot attach to current thread!\n"); return (0); } /* XXX * We should have a pool of Dbt objects used for this purpose * instead of creating new ones each time. Because of * multithreading, we may need an arbitrary number (more than two). * We might also have a byte arrays that grow as needed, * so we don't need to allocate those either. * * Note, we do not set the 'create_array_' flag as on other * callbacks as we are creating the array here. */ jdbt = create_default_object(jnienv, name_DBT); dbtji = get_DBT_JAVAINFO(jnienv, jdbt); memcpy(&dbtji->dbt, dbt, sizeof(DBT)); dbtji-> = NULL; arr = (*jnienv)->NewByteArray(jnienv, dbt->size); (*jnienv)->SetByteArrayRegion(jnienv, arr, 0, dbt->size, (jbyte *)dbt->data); dbtji->array_ = (jbyteArray)NEW_GLOBAL_REF(jnienv, arr); DB_ASSERT(dbji->append_recno_method_id_ != NULL); (*jnienv)->CallVoidMethod(jnienv, dbji->append_recno_, dbji->append_recno_method_id_, jdb, jdbt, recno); /* The underlying C API requires that an errno be returned * on error. Java users know nothing of errnos, so we * allow them to throw exceptions instead. We leave the * exception in place and return DB_JAVA_CALLBACK to the C API * that called us. Eventually the DB->get will fail and * when java prepares to throw an exception in * report_exception(), this will be spotted as a special case, * and the original exception will be preserved. * * Note: we have sometimes noticed strange behavior with * exceptions under Linux 1.1.7 JVM. (i.e. multiple calls * to ExceptionOccurred() may report different results). * Currently we don't know of any problems related to this * in our code, but if it pops up in the future, users are * encouranged to get a more recent JVM. */ if ((*jnienv)->ExceptionOccurred(jnienv) != NULL) return (DB_JAVA_CALLBACK); if (dbtji->array_ == NULL) { report_exception(jnienv, " is null", 0, 0); return (EFAULT); } arraylen = (*jnienv)->GetArrayLength(jnienv, dbtji->array_); if (dbtji->offset_ < 0 ) { report_exception(jnienv, "Dbt.offset illegal", 0, 0); return (EFAULT); } if (dbt->ulen + dbtji->offset_ > arraylen) { report_exception(jnienv, "Dbt.ulen + Dbt.offset greater than array length", 0, 0); return (EFAULT); } data = (*jnienv)->GetByteArrayElements(jnienv, dbtji->array_, (jboolean *)0); dbt->data = data + dbtji->offset_; return (0); }
/**************************************************************** * * Implementation of functions to manipulate LOCKED_DBT. */ int locked_dbt_get(LOCKED_DBT *ldbt, JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_ENV *dbenv, jobject jdbt, OpKind kind) { DBT *dbt; COMPQUIET(dbenv, NULL); ldbt->jdbt = jdbt; ldbt->java_array_len = 0; ldbt->flags = 0; ldbt->kind = kind; ldbt->java_data = 0; ldbt->before_data = 0; ldbt->javainfo = (DBT_JAVAINFO *)get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DBT, jdbt); if (!verify_non_null(jnienv, ldbt->javainfo)) { report_exception(jnienv, "Dbt is gc'ed?", 0, 0); F_SET(ldbt, LOCKED_ERROR); return (EINVAL); } if (F_ISSET(ldbt->javainfo, DBT_JAVAINFO_LOCKED)) { report_exception(jnienv, "Dbt is already in use", 0, 0); F_SET(ldbt, LOCKED_ERROR); return (EINVAL); } dbt = &ldbt->javainfo->dbt; if ((*jnienv)->GetBooleanField(jnienv, jdbt, fid_Dbt_must_create_data) != 0) F_SET(ldbt, LOCKED_CREATE_DATA); else ldbt->javainfo->array = (*jnienv)->GetObjectField(jnienv, jdbt, fid_Dbt_data); dbt->size = (*jnienv)->GetIntField(jnienv, jdbt, fid_Dbt_size); dbt->ulen = (*jnienv)->GetIntField(jnienv, jdbt, fid_Dbt_ulen); dbt->dlen = (*jnienv)->GetIntField(jnienv, jdbt, fid_Dbt_dlen); dbt->doff = (*jnienv)->GetIntField(jnienv, jdbt, fid_Dbt_doff); dbt->flags = (*jnienv)->GetIntField(jnienv, jdbt, fid_Dbt_flags); ldbt->javainfo->offset = (*jnienv)->GetIntField(jnienv, jdbt, fid_Dbt_offset); /* * If no flags are set, use default behavior of DB_DBT_MALLOC. * We can safely set dbt->flags because flags will never be copied * back to the Java Dbt. */ if (kind != inOp && !F_ISSET(dbt, DB_DBT_USERMEM | DB_DBT_MALLOC | DB_DBT_REALLOC)) F_SET(dbt, DB_DBT_MALLOC); /* * If this is requested to be realloc with an existing array, * we cannot use the underlying realloc, because the array we * will pass in is allocated by the Java VM, not us, so it * cannot be realloced. We simulate the reallocation by using * USERMEM and reallocating the java array when a ENOMEM error * occurs. We change the flags during the operation, and they * are reset when the operation completes (in locked_dbt_put). */ if (F_ISSET(dbt, DB_DBT_REALLOC) && ldbt->javainfo->array != NULL) { F_CLR(dbt, DB_DBT_REALLOC); F_SET(dbt, DB_DBT_USERMEM); F_SET(ldbt, LOCKED_REALLOC_NONNULL); } if ((F_ISSET(dbt, DB_DBT_USERMEM) || kind != outOp) && !F_ISSET(ldbt, LOCKED_CREATE_DATA)) { /* * If writing with DB_DBT_USERMEM * or it's a set (or get/set) operation, * then the data should point to a java array. * Note that outOp means data is coming out of the database * (it's a get). inOp means data is going into the database * (either a put, or a key input). */ if (!ldbt->javainfo->array) { report_exception(jnienv, " is null", 0, 0); F_SET(ldbt, LOCKED_ERROR); return (EINVAL); } /* Verify other parameters */ ldbt->java_array_len = (*jnienv)->GetArrayLength(jnienv, ldbt->javainfo->array); if (ldbt->javainfo->offset < 0 ) { report_exception(jnienv, "Dbt.offset illegal", 0, 0); F_SET(ldbt, LOCKED_ERROR); return (EINVAL); } if (dbt->size + ldbt->javainfo->offset > ldbt->java_array_len) { report_exception(jnienv, "Dbt.size + Dbt.offset greater than array length", 0, 0); F_SET(ldbt, LOCKED_ERROR); return (EINVAL); } ldbt->java_data = (*jnienv)->GetByteArrayElements(jnienv, ldbt->javainfo->array, (jboolean *)0); dbt->data = ldbt->before_data = ldbt->java_data + ldbt->javainfo->offset; } else if (!F_ISSET(ldbt, LOCKED_CREATE_DATA)) { /* * If writing with DB_DBT_MALLOC or DB_DBT_REALLOC with * a null array, then the data is allocated by DB. */ dbt->data = ldbt->before_data = 0; } /* * RPC makes the assumption that if dbt->size is non-zero, there * is data to copy from dbt->data. We may have set dbt->size * to a non-zero integer above but decided not to point * dbt->data at anything. (One example is if we're doing an outOp * with an already-used Dbt whose values we expect to just * overwrite.) * * Clean up the dbt fields so we don't run into trouble. * (Note that doff, dlen, and flags all may contain meaningful * values.) */ if (dbt->data == NULL) dbt->size = dbt->ulen = 0; F_SET(ldbt->javainfo, DBT_JAVAINFO_LOCKED); return (0); }