Beispiel #1
 Funciton: void CUPLDInitialize(void)
void CPLDInitialize(void)

    PORTSetPinsDigitalOut(IOPORT_G, BIT_14 | BIT_12);
    PORTSetPinsDigitalOut(IOPORT_A, BIT_7 | BIT_6);

Beispiel #2
 * void InitializeHardware(void)	
void InitializeHardware(void)	
	#if defined(__dsPIC33F__) || defined(__PIC24H__)

    // Configure Oscillator to operate the device at 40Mhz
    // Fosc= Fin*M/(N1*N2), Fcy=Fosc/2
    // Fosc= 8M*40(2*2)=80Mhz for 8M input clock
    PLLFBD = 38;                    // M=40
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0;         // N1=2
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0;          // N2=2
    OSCTUN = 0;                     // Tune FRC oscillator, if FRC is used

    // Disable Watch Dog Timer
    RCONbits.SWDTEN = 0;

    // Clock switching to incorporate PLL
    __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0x03);  // Initiate Clock Switch to Primary

    // Oscillator with PLL (NOSC=0b011)
    __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0x01);  // Start clock switching
    while(OSCCONbits.COSC != 0b011);

    // Wait for Clock switch to occur	
    // Wait for PLL to lock
    while(OSCCONbits.LOCK != 1)
    { };
    #elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    SYSTEMConfig(GetSystemClock(), SYS_CFG_ALL);
    #ifdef MEB_BOARD

    #if defined(__dsPIC33FJ128GP804__) || defined(__PIC24HJ128GP504__)
    AD1PCFGL = 0xffff;
    #if defined (__PIC24FJ256GB210__)        
    // Map UART2
    __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON & 0xbf);    
	// Configure Input Functions (Table 10-2))
	// Assign U2RX To Pin RP10
	RPINR19bits.U2RXR = 10;	

	// Assign U2CTS To Pin RP32
	RPINR19bits.U2CTSR = 32;

	// Configure Output Functions (Table 10-4)
	// Assign U2TX To Pin RP17
	RPOR8bits.RP17R = 5;
	// Assign U2RTS To Pin RP31
	RPOR15bits.RP31R = 6;
    __builtin_write_OSCCONL (OSCCON | 0x40);

	#if ( USE_SPI_CHANNEL == 1 )
		#if defined (__PIC24FJ256GB210__)
			__builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON & 0xbf); // unlock PPS
			// Configure SPI1 PPS pins (ENC28J60/ENCX24J600/MRF24WB0M or other PICtail Plus cards)
			RPOR0bits.RP0R = 8;		// Assign RP0 to SCK1 (output)
			RPOR7bits.RP15R = 7;	// Assign RP15 to SDO1 (output)
			//RPOR6bits.RP13R = 9;	// Assign RP15 to SDO1 (output)
			RPINR20bits.SDI1R = 23;	// Assign RP23 to SDI1 (input)
			__builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x40); // lock   PP
    // ADC Explorer 16 Development Board Errata (work around 2)
    // RB15 should be output
    #ifndef MEB_BOARD
        LATBbits.LATB15 = 0;
        TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 0;

    #if defined (EXPLORER_16)
* For Explorer 16 RD12 is connected to EEPROM chip select.
* To prevent a conflict between this EEPROM and SST25 flash
* the chip select of the EEPROM SPI should be pulled up.
        // Set IOs directions for EEPROM SPI
        MCHP25LC256_CS_LAT = 1;			    // set initial CS value to 1 (not asserted)
    	MCHP25LC256_CS_TRIS = 0;			// set CS pin to output
	#endif // #if defined (EXPLORER_16)

    //The following are PIC device specific settings for the SPI channel
    //Set IOs directions for SST25 SPI
	#if defined (USE_SST25VF064)	    
        SST25_CS_LAT = 1;
        SST25_CS_TRIS = 0;
        #ifndef __PIC32MX__
            SST25_SCK_TRIS = 0;
            SST25_SDO_TRIS = 0;
            SST25_SDI_TRIS = 1;
            #if defined(__PIC24FJ256GB210__) || defined(__dsPIC33E__) || defined(__PIC24E__)
            	SST25_SDI_ANS = 0;

    // set the peripheral pin select for the SPI channel used
    #if defined(__PIC24FJ256GB110__) || defined(__PIC24FJ256GA110__) || defined (__PIC24FJ256GB210__)
        __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON & 0xbf); // unlock PPS
        RPOR10bits.RP21R = 11;                  // assign RP21 for SCK2
        RPOR9bits.RP19R = 10;                   // assign RP19 for SDO2
        RPINR22bits.SDI2R = 26;                 // assign RP26 for SDI2
        __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x40); // lock   PPS

	#if defined (USE_SST25VF064)
    	SST25Init((DRV_SPI_INIT_DATA *)&SPI_Init_Data);
Beispiel #3
    int main(void)
    SHORT       width, height;	// variables to store the height and width of the 16-bit bitmap image
    SHORT       counter;		// loop control variable for each shape that controls how many shapes are printed and their scale
    SHORT  		triangle[] = {160,120,160,120,160,120,160,120};		// triangle polygon points (start triangle in center of LCD)
    #if defined(__dsPIC33F__) || defined(__PIC24H__)

    // Configure Oscillator to operate the device at 40Mhz
    // Fosc= Fin*M/(N1*N2), Fcy=Fosc/2
    // Fosc= 8M*40(2*2)=80Mhz for 8M input clock
    PLLFBD = 38;                    // M=40
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0;         // N1=2
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0;          // N2=2
    OSCTUN = 0;                     // Tune FRC oscillator, if FRC is used

    // Disable Watch Dog Timer
    RCONbits.SWDTEN = 0;

    // Clock switching to incorporate PLL
    __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0x03);  // Initiate Clock Switch to Primary

    // Oscillator with PLL (NOSC=0b011)
    __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0x01);  // Start clock switching
    while(OSCCONbits.COSC != 0b011);

    // Wait for Clock switch to occur	
    // Wait for PLL to lock
    while(OSCCONbits.LOCK != 1)
    { };
    #elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    #ifdef MULTI_MEDIA_BOARD_DM00123

    #if defined (PIC24FJ256DA210_DEV_BOARD)
    // _ANSG8 = 0; /* S1 */
    // _ANSE9 = 0; /* S2 */
    // _ANSB5 = 0; /* S3 */

    // ADC Explorer 16 Development Board Errata (work around 2)
    // RB15 should be output
    LATBbits.LATB15 = 0;
    TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 0;


    #if defined(__dsPIC33FJ128GP804__) || defined(__PIC24HJ128GP504__)
    AD1PCFGL = 0xffff;

	    /* Display the Kettering Logo bit image with the Welcome to the ECE in the center 
	    /* The image was taken from a JPEG and converted to a 16-bit bitmap in order to meet 
	    /* the display requirement of 16-bits per pixel. This can be done by resaving the
	    /* JPEG as 16-bit bitmap in a image editing program and then converting it using
	    /* the graphics library resource converter. The LCD only supports 4-bit, 8-bit, and
	    /* 16-bits per pixel images 
	    width = GetImageWidth((void *) &kulogo);
		SetFont((void *) &Font25);
	    WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH(PutImage(45, 20 , (void *) &kulogo,  1)); // image location is relative to the top left corner of the image
        Bar(45, 110, width + 45, 135);	// Draw a bar over the image to place the text over.
        OutTextXY(65, 110, "WELCOME TO THE ECE");
        DelayMs(DEMODELAY);	// delay for 1 sec and clear the screen

		/* Display multiple circles, starting at the center and increasing in size at 
        /* each draw until the LCD borders are met. Increasing the counter value will 
        /* expand the shape size more quickly. */
        for(counter = 0; counter < MIN(GetMaxX(), GetMaxY()) >> 1; counter += 14)
	        SetColor(BLACK);	// refresh the screen
	        SetFont((void *) &Font25);		// draw the name of the shape in the center
	        OutTextXY(135, 110, "Circle");
            WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH(Circle(GetMaxX() >> 1, GetMaxY() >> 1, counter + 5));	// draw the shape
            DelayMs(50);	// display for 50 ms

        DelayMs(DEMODELAY);	// delay for 1 sec and clear the screen

		/* Display multiple rectangles, starting at the center and increasing in size at 
        /* each draw until the LCD borders are met. Increasing the counter value will 
        /* expand the shape size more quickly. */
        for(counter = 0; counter < MIN(GetMaxX() / 2, GetMaxY() / 2) >> 1; counter += 5)
	        SetColor(BLACK);	// refresh the screen
	        OutTextXY(120, 110, "Rectangle");	// draw the name of the shape in the center
                        GetMaxX() / 2 - counter * 3 + 6,	// x value of top left corner of rectangle
                        GetMaxY() / 2 - counter * 2 - 8,	// y value of top left corner of rectangle
                        GetMaxX() / 2 + counter * 3 - 6,	// x value of bottom right corner of rectangle
                        GetMaxY() / 2 + counter * 2 + 8     // y value of bottom right corner of rectangle        
            DelayMs(20); // Display for 20 ms

        DelayMs(DEMODELAY); // delay for 1 sec and clear the screen
        /* Display multiple triangles, starting at the center and increasing in size at 
        /* each draw until the LCD borders are met. Increasing the counter value will 
        /* expand the shape size more quickly. */
        int i;
		for(counter = 0; counter < MIN(GetMaxX() / 2, GetMaxY() / 2) >> 1; counter += 10)
			SetColor(BLACK);	// refresh the screen
			SetColor(GREEN);	// draw the name of the shape at the center
			OutTextXY(125, 110, "Triangle");
			//{160,120,160,120,160,120,160,120} start in center of screen
			triangle[1] = triangle[1] - counter * 2 - 20; 	 // top point y
			triangle[7] = triangle[1];				 		 // top point y (close triangle)
			triangle[2] = triangle[2] - counter * 2 - 58; 	 // left corner point x
			triangle[3] = triangle[3] + counter * 2 + 16;	 // left corner point y
			triangle[4] = triangle[4] + counter * 2 + 58; 	 // right corner point x
			triangle[5] = triangle[5] + counter * 2 + 16;	 // right corner point y
			DrawPoly(4, triangle);	// draw the triangle (4 points to enclose it)
			// reset each of the triangle points to the center to prevent over expansion
			for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
				if (i % 2 == 0)
					triangle[i] = 160;
					triangle[i] = 120;
			DelayMs(50);	// display for 50 ms
		DelayMs(DEMODELAY); // delay for 1 sec and clear the screen
Beispiel #4
int main(void)
    GOL_MSG msg;                    // GOL message structure to interact with GOL
    #if defined(PIC24FJ256DA210_DEV_BOARD)
    _ANSG8 = 0; /* S1 */
    _ANSE9 = 0; /* S2 */
    _ANSB5 = 0; /* S3 */
    // ADC Explorer 16 Development Board Errata (work around 2)
    // RB15 should be output
	#ifndef MULTI_MEDIA_BOARD_DM00123
    LATBbits.LATB15 = 0;
    TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 0;
    #if defined(__dsPIC33F__) || defined(__PIC24H__)

    // Configure Oscillator to operate the device at 40Mhz
    // Fosc= Fin*M/(N1*N2), Fcy=Fosc/2
    // Fosc= 8M*40(2*2)=80Mhz for 8M input clock
    PLLFBD = 38;                    // M=40
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0;         // N1=2
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0;          // N2=2
    OSCTUN = 0;                     // Tune FRC oscillator, if FRC is used

    // Disable Watch Dog Timer
    RCONbits.SWDTEN = 0;

    // Clock switching to incorporate PLL
    __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0x03);  // Initiate Clock Switch to Primary

    // Oscillator with PLL (NOSC=0b011)
    __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0x01);  // Start clock switching
    while(OSCCONbits.COSC != 0b011);

    // Wait for Clock switch to occur	
    // Wait for PLL to lock
    while(OSCCONbits.LOCK != 1)
    { };
    // Set PMD0 pin functionality to digital
    AD1PCFGL = AD1PCFGL | 0x1000;
    #elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
    #ifdef MULTI_MEDIA_BOARD_DM00123
    #endif // #ifdef MULTI_MEDIA_BOARD_DM00123
    #endif // #if defined(__dsPIC33F__) || defined(__PIC24H__)

    GOLInit();                      // initialize graphics library &
                                    // create default style scheme for GOL

    #if defined (GFX_PICTAIL_V1) || defined (GFX_PICTAIL_V2)
    EEPROMInit();                   // initialize Exp.16 EEPROM SPI
	    #if defined (USE_SST25VF016)
            SST25Init();            // initialize GFX3 SST25 flash SPI
    TouchInit();                    // initialize touch screen
    HardwareButtonInit();           // Initialize the hardware buttons

    // create default style scheme for GOL
    TickInit();                     // initialize tick counter (for random number generation)

    // create default style scheme for GOL
    #if defined(__dsPIC33FJ128GP804__) || defined(__PIC24HJ128GP504__)

    // If S3 button on Explorer 16 board is pressed calibrate touch screen
    TRISAbits.TRISA9 = 1;
    if(PORTAbits.RA9 == 0)
        TRISAbits.TRISA9 = 0;

    TRISAbits.TRISA9 = 0;

	     * Force a touchscreen calibration by pressing the switch
	     * Explorer 16 + GFX PICTail    - S3 (8 bit PMP)
	     * Explorer 16 + GFX PICTail    - S5 (16 bit PMP)
	     * Starter Kit + GFX PICTail    - S0 (8 bit PMP)
	     * Multimedia Expansion Board   - Fire Button
	     * DA210 Developement Board     - S1
	     * NOTE:    Starter Kit + GFX PICTail will switches are shared
	     *          with the 16 bit PMP data bus.
	    if(GetHWButtonTouchCal() == HW_BUTTON_PRESS)

    // If it's a new board (EEPROM_VERSION byte is not programed) calibrate touch screen
    #if defined (GFX_PICTAIL_V1) || defined (GFX_PICTAIL_V2)

        #if defined (USE_SST25VF016)
        #elif defined (USE_SST39LF400)
        WORD tempArray[12], tempWord = 0x1234;

        tempWord = SST39LF400ReadWord(ADDRESS_VERSION);

        if(GRAPHICS_LIBRARY_VERSION != tempWord)

    // Load touch screen calibration parameters from memory


        if(GOLDraw())               // Draw GOL object
            TouchGetMsg(&msg);      // Get message from touch screen
            #if (NUM_GDD_SCREENS > 1)
			// GDD Readme:
			// The following line of code allows a GDD user to touch the touchscreen
			// to cycle through different static screens for viewing. This is useful as a
			// quick way to view how each screen looks on the physical target hardware.
			// This line of code should eventually be commented out for actual development.
			// Also note that widget/object names can be found in GDD_Screens.h
			if(msg.uiEvent == EVENT_RELEASE) GDDDemoNextScreen();
            GOLMsg(&msg);           // Process message
    }//end while