Beispiel #1
 * GDALMDReaderSpot()
GDALMDReaderSpot::GDALMDReaderSpot(const char *pszPath,
        char **papszSiblingFiles) : GDALMDReaderPleiades(pszPath, papszSiblingFiles)
    const char* pszIMDSourceFilename;
    const char* pszDirName = CPLGetDirname(pszPath);

        pszIMDSourceFilename = CPLFormFilename( pszDirName, "METADATA.DIM", NULL );

        if (CPLCheckForFile((char*)pszIMDSourceFilename, papszSiblingFiles))
            m_osIMDSourceFilename = pszIMDSourceFilename;
            pszIMDSourceFilename = CPLFormFilename( pszDirName, "metadata.dim", NULL );
            if (CPLCheckForFile((char*)pszIMDSourceFilename, papszSiblingFiles))
                m_osIMDSourceFilename = pszIMDSourceFilename;

    // if the file name ended on METADATA.DIM
    // Linux specific
    // example: R2_CAT_091028105025131_1\METADATA.DIM
        if(EQUAL(CPLGetFilename(pszPath), "IMAGERY.TIF"))
            pszIMDSourceFilename = CPLSPrintf( "%s\\METADATA.DIM",

            if (CPLCheckForFile((char*)pszIMDSourceFilename, papszSiblingFiles))
                m_osIMDSourceFilename = pszIMDSourceFilename;
                pszIMDSourceFilename = CPLSPrintf( "%s\\metadata.dim",
                if (CPLCheckForFile((char*)pszIMDSourceFilename, papszSiblingFiles))
                    m_osIMDSourceFilename = pszIMDSourceFilename;

        CPLDebug( "MDReaderSpot", "IMD Filename: %s",
              m_osIMDSourceFilename.c_str() );
Beispiel #2
std::string FindBoostDataBaseFile()
    const char* pszBase = "date_time_zonespec";
    const char* pszExt = "csv";
    const char* pszFilename;
    const char* pszNinjaPath;
    const char* pszNinjaSharePath;
    char pszFilePath[MAX_PATH];

    CPLGetExecPath(pszFilePath, MAX_PATH);
    pszNinjaPath = CPLGetPath(pszFilePath);

    pszNinjaSharePath = CPLProjectRelativeFilename(pszNinjaPath, 

    pszFilename = CPLFormFilename(CPLGetCurrentDir(), pszBase, pszExt);
    if(CPLCheckForFile((char*)pszFilename, NULL)) {
        return std::string((char*)pszFilename);

    pszFilename = CPLFormFilename(pszNinjaPath, pszBase, pszExt);
    if(CPLCheckForFile((char*)pszFilename, NULL)) {
        return std::string((char*)pszFilename);

    pszFilename = CPLFormFilename(pszNinjaSharePath, pszBase, pszExt);
    if(CPLCheckForFile((char*)pszFilename, NULL)) {
        return std::string((char*)pszFilename);
    return std::string();
Beispiel #3
int PDSDataset::ParseCompressedImage()

    CPLString osFileName = GetKeyword( "COMPRESSED_FILE.FILE_NAME", "" );
    CleanString( osFileName );

    CPLString osPath = CPLGetPath(GetDescription());
    CPLString osFullFileName = CPLFormFilename( osPath, osFileName, NULL );
    int iBand;

    poCompressedDS = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpen( osFullFileName, GA_ReadOnly );
    if( poCompressedDS == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    nRasterXSize = poCompressedDS->GetRasterXSize();
    nRasterYSize = poCompressedDS->GetRasterYSize();

    for( iBand = 0; iBand < poCompressedDS->GetRasterCount(); iBand++ )
        SetBand( iBand+1, new PDSWrapperRasterBand( poCompressedDS->GetRasterBand( iBand+1 ) ) );
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #4
bool GMLRegistryFeatureType::Parse(const char *pszRegistryFilename,
                                   CPLXMLNode *psNode)
    const char *pszElementName = CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "elementName", NULL);
    const char *pszSchemaLocation =
        CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "schemaLocation", NULL);
    const char *pszGFSSchemaLocation =
        CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "gfsSchemaLocation", NULL);
    if( pszElementName == NULL ||
        (pszSchemaLocation == NULL && pszGFSSchemaLocation == NULL) )
        return false;

    const char *pszElementValue = CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "elementValue", NULL);
    osElementName = pszElementName;

    if( pszSchemaLocation != NULL )
        if( !STARTS_WITH(pszSchemaLocation, "http://") &&
            !STARTS_WITH(pszSchemaLocation, "https://") &&
            CPLIsFilenameRelative(pszSchemaLocation) )
            pszSchemaLocation = CPLFormFilename(
                CPLGetPath(pszRegistryFilename), pszSchemaLocation, NULL );
        osSchemaLocation = pszSchemaLocation;
    else if( pszGFSSchemaLocation != NULL )
        if( !STARTS_WITH(pszGFSSchemaLocation, "http://") &&
            !STARTS_WITH(pszGFSSchemaLocation, "https://") &&
            CPLIsFilenameRelative(pszGFSSchemaLocation) )
            pszGFSSchemaLocation = CPLFormFilename(
                CPLGetPath(pszRegistryFilename), pszGFSSchemaLocation, NULL);
        osGFSSchemaLocation = pszGFSSchemaLocation;

    if ( pszElementValue != NULL )
        osElementValue = pszElementValue;

    return true;
Beispiel #5
 * \brief Find the root directory for the installation.
 * Allocate enough space to get the path plus the relative "/../\0" for the 
 * parent directory.
 * \return full path to the directory above the 'bin' folder
std::string FindNinjaRootDir()
    char pszFilePath[MAX_PATH];
    CPLGetExecPath(pszFilePath, MAX_PATH - 5);
    const char* pszNinjaPath;
    pszNinjaPath = CPLSPrintf("%s/../", pszFilePath);
    pszNinjaPath = CPLGetPath(pszFilePath);
    return std::string((char*)pszNinjaPath);
Beispiel #6
std::string FindNinjaBinDir()
    char pszFilePath[MAX_PATH];
    CPLGetExecPath(pszFilePath, MAX_PATH);
    const char* pszNinjaPath;
    pszNinjaPath = CPLGetPath(pszFilePath);

    return std::string((char*)pszNinjaPath);
Beispiel #7
int GMLRegistryFeatureType::Parse(const char* pszRegistryFilename, CPLXMLNode* psNode)
    const char* pszElementName = CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "elementName", NULL);
    const char* pszElementValue = CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "elementValue", NULL);
    const char* pszSchemaLocation = CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "schemaLocation", NULL);
    const char* pszGFSSchemaLocation = CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "gfsSchemaLocation", NULL);
    if( pszElementName == NULL || (pszSchemaLocation == NULL && pszGFSSchemaLocation == NULL) )
        return FALSE;
    osElementName = pszElementName;

    if( pszSchemaLocation != NULL )
        if( strncmp(pszSchemaLocation, "http://", 7) != 0 &&
            strncmp(pszSchemaLocation, "https://", 8) != 0 &&
            CPLIsFilenameRelative(pszSchemaLocation ) )
            pszSchemaLocation = CPLFormFilename(
                CPLGetPath(pszRegistryFilename), pszSchemaLocation, NULL );
        osSchemaLocation = pszSchemaLocation;
    else if( pszGFSSchemaLocation != NULL )
        if( strncmp(pszGFSSchemaLocation, "http://", 7) != 0 &&
            strncmp(pszGFSSchemaLocation, "https://", 8) != 0 &&
            CPLIsFilenameRelative(pszGFSSchemaLocation ) )
            pszGFSSchemaLocation = CPLFormFilename(
                CPLGetPath(pszRegistryFilename), pszGFSSchemaLocation, NULL );
        osGFSSchemaLocation = pszGFSSchemaLocation;

    if ( pszElementValue != NULL )
        osElementValue = pszElementValue; 

    return TRUE;
int OGRVRTDataSource::Initialize( CPLXMLNode *psTree, const char *pszNewName,
                                  int bUpdate )

    CPLAssert( nLayers == 0 );

    this->psTree = psTree;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set name, and capture the directory path so we can use it       */
/*      for relative datasources.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszVRTDirectory = CPLStrdup( CPLGetPath( pszNewName ) );

    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNewName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Look for layers.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psLTree;

    for( psLTree=psTree->psChild; psLTree != NULL; psLTree=psLTree->psNext )
        if( psLTree->eType != CXT_Element
            || !EQUAL(psLTree->pszValue,"OGRVRTLayer") )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the layer object.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        OGRVRTLayer  *poLayer;
        poLayer = new OGRVRTLayer();
        if( !poLayer->FastInitialize( psLTree, pszVRTDirectory, bUpdate ) )
            CPLFree( pszVRTDirectory );
            delete poLayer;
            return FALSE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add layer to data source layer list.                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        papoLayers = (OGRVRTLayer **)
            CPLRealloc( papoLayers,  sizeof(OGRVRTLayer *) * (nLayers+1) );
        papoLayers[nLayers++] = poLayer;

    CPLFree( pszVRTDirectory );
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #9
void VRTDataset::FlushCache()


    if( !bNeedsFlush || bWritable == FALSE)

    bNeedsFlush = FALSE;

    // We don't write to disk if there is no filename.  This is a 
    // memory only dataset.
    if( strlen(GetDescription()) == 0 
        || EQUALN(GetDescription(),"<VRTDataset",11) )

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Create the output file.                                         */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    fpVRT = VSIFOpenL( GetDescription(), "w" );
    if( fpVRT == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "Failed to write .vrt file in FlushCache()." );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Convert tree to a single block of XML text.                     */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszVRTPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(GetDescription()));
    CPLXMLNode *psDSTree = SerializeToXML( pszVRTPath );
    char *pszXML;

    pszXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psDSTree );

    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psDSTree );

    CPLFree( pszVRTPath );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Write to disk.                                                  */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIFWriteL( pszXML, 1, strlen(pszXML), fpVRT );
    VSIFCloseL( fpVRT );

    CPLFree( pszXML );
Beispiel #10
CPLErr SAGADataset::SetGeoTransform( double *padfGeoTransform )

    if( eAccess == GA_ReadOnly )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NoWriteAccess,
                  "Unable to set GeoTransform, dataset opened read only.\n" );
        return CE_Failure;

    SAGARasterBand *poGRB = dynamic_cast<SAGARasterBand *>(GetRasterBand( 1 ));

    if( poGRB == NULL || padfGeoTransform == NULL)
        return CE_Failure;

    if( padfGeoTransform[1] != padfGeoTransform[5] * -1.0 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Unable to set GeoTransform, SAGA binary grids only support "
                  "the same cellsize in x-y.\n" );
        return CE_Failure;

    double dfMinX = padfGeoTransform[0] + padfGeoTransform[1] / 2;
    double dfMinY =
        padfGeoTransform[5] * (nRasterYSize - 0.5) + padfGeoTransform[3];

    CPLString osPath		= CPLGetPath( GetDescription() );
    CPLString osName		= CPLGetBasename( GetDescription() );
    CPLString osHDRFilename = CPLFormCIFilename( osPath, osName, ".sgrd" );

    CPLErr eErr = WriteHeader( osHDRFilename, poGRB->GetRasterDataType(),
                               poGRB->nRasterXSize, poGRB->nRasterYSize,
                               dfMinX, dfMinY, padfGeoTransform[1],
                               poGRB->m_NoData, 1.0, false );

    if( eErr == CE_None )
        poGRB->m_Xmin = dfMinX;
        poGRB->m_Ymin = dfMinY;
        poGRB->m_Cellsize = padfGeoTransform[1];
        poGRB->m_Cols = nRasterXSize;
        poGRB->m_Rows = nRasterYSize;

    return eErr;
int LLVMFuzzerInitialize(int* /*argc*/, char*** argv)
    const char* exe_path = (*argv)[0];
    if( CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", nullptr) == nullptr )
        CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", CPLGetPath(exe_path));
    CPLSetConfigOption("CPL_TMPDIR", "/tmp");
    CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_HTTP_TIMEOUT", "1");
    CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_HTTP_CONNECTTIMEOUT", "1");
#ifdef OGR_SKIP
    CPLSetConfigOption("OGR_SKIP", OGR_SKIP);
    return 0;
Beispiel #12
 * \brief Find a file or folder in the WindNinja data path
 * XXX: Refactored by Kyle 20130117
 * For example the date_time_zonespec.csv file is location in data.  If
 * WINDNINJA_DATA is *not* defined, try to find the file relative to the bin
 * path, ie ../share/data, otherwise return WINDNINJA_DATA + filename.
 * \param file file or folder to look for.
 * \return a full path to file
std::string FindDataPath(std::string file)
    const char* pszFilename;
    const char* pszNinjaPath;
    const char* pszNinjaDataPath;
    const char* pszCurDir;
    char pszExePath[MAX_PATH];

    /* Check WINDNINJA_DATA */
    VSIStatBufL sStat;
    pszNinjaDataPath = CPLGetConfigOption( "WINDNINJA_DATA", NULL );
    if( pszNinjaDataPath != NULL )
        pszFilename = CPLFormFilename( pszNinjaDataPath, file.c_str(), NULL );
        VSIStatL( pszFilename, &sStat );
        if( VSI_ISREG( sStat.st_mode ) || VSI_ISDIR( sStat.st_mode ) )
            return std::string( pszFilename );

    /* Check 'normal' installation location */
    CPLGetExecPath( pszExePath, MAX_PATH );
    pszNinjaPath = CPLGetPath( pszExePath );

    pszNinjaDataPath = CPLProjectRelativeFilename(pszNinjaPath, 
    pszFilename = CPLFormFilename( pszNinjaDataPath, file.c_str(), NULL );
    VSIStatL( pszFilename, &sStat );
    if( VSI_ISREG( sStat.st_mode ) || VSI_ISDIR( sStat.st_mode ) )
        return std::string( pszFilename );

    /* Check the current directory */
    pszCurDir = CPLGetCurrentDir();
    pszFilename = CPLFormFilename( pszCurDir, file.c_str(), NULL );
    CPLFree( (void*)pszCurDir );
    if( CPLCheckForFile( (char*)pszFilename, NULL ))
        return std::string( pszFilename );

    return std::string();

Beispiel #13
int LLVMFuzzerInitialize(int* /*argc*/, char*** argv)
    const char* exe_path = (*argv)[0];
    if( CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", nullptr) == nullptr )
        CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", CPLGetPath(exe_path));
    CPLSetConfigOption("CPL_TMPDIR", "/tmp");
    // Disable PDF text rendering as fontconfig cannot access its config files
    // to avoid timeout in WMS driver
    CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_HTTP_TIMEOUT", "1");
    CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_HTTP_CONNECTTIMEOUT", "1");
    CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_CACHEMAX", "1000"); // Limit to 1 GB
    return 0;
Beispiel #14
bool wxGISDataset::Rename(const wxString &sNewName, ITrackCancel* const pTrackCancel)
	wxCriticalSectionLocker locker(m_CritSect);


    CPLString szDirPath = CPLGetPath(m_sPath);
    CPLString szName = CPLGetBasename(m_sPath);
	CPLString szNewName(ClearExt(sNewName).mb_str(wxConvUTF8));

    char** papszFileList = GetFileList();
    papszFileList = CSLAddString( papszFileList, m_sPath );
            pTrackCancel->PutMessage(_("No files to rename"), wxNOT_FOUND, enumGISMessageErr);
        return false;

    char **papszNewFileList = NULL;

    for(int i = 0; papszFileList[i] != NULL; ++i )
        CPLString szNewPath(CPLFormFilename(szDirPath, szNewName, GetExtension(papszFileList[i], szName)));
        papszNewFileList = CSLAddString(papszNewFileList, szNewPath);
        if(!RenameFile(papszFileList[i], papszNewFileList[i], pTrackCancel))
            // Try to put the ones we moved back.
            for( --i; i >= 0; i-- )
                RenameFile( papszNewFileList[i], papszFileList[i]);

 			CSLDestroy( papszFileList );
			CSLDestroy( papszNewFileList );
            return false;

	m_sPath = CPLString(CPLFormFilename(szDirPath, szNewName, CPLGetExtension(m_sPath)));

	CSLDestroy( papszFileList );
	CSLDestroy( papszNewFileList );
	return true;
static CPLString getRscFilename( GDALOpenInfo *poOpenInfo )
    CPLString osRscFilename;

    char **papszSiblingFiles = poOpenInfo->GetSiblingFiles();
    if ( papszSiblingFiles == NULL )
        osRscFilename = CPLFormFilename( NULL, poOpenInfo->pszFilename,
                                        "rsc" );
        VSIStatBufL psRscStatBuf;
        if ( VSIStatL( osRscFilename, &psRscStatBuf ) != 0 )
            osRscFilename = "";
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /*      We need to tear apart the filename to form a .rsc       */
        /*      filename.                                               */
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        CPLString osPath = CPLGetPath( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
        CPLString osName = CPLGetFilename( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

        int iFile = CSLFindString( papszSiblingFiles,
                                   CPLFormFilename( NULL, osName, "rsc" ) );
        if( iFile >= 0 )
            osRscFilename = CPLFormFilename( osPath,
                                             NULL );

    return osRscFilename;
Beispiel #16
static GDALDataset *
VRTCreateCopy( const char * pszFilename,
               GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
               int /* bStrict */,
               char ** /* papszOptions */,
               GDALProgressFunc /* pfnProgress */,
               void * /* pProgressData */ )
    CPLAssert( NULL != poSrcDS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If the source dataset is a virtual dataset then just write      */
/*      it to disk as a special case to avoid extra layers of           */
/*      indirection.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poSrcDS->GetDriver() != NULL &&
        EQUAL(poSrcDS->GetDriver()->GetDescription(),"VRT") )

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Convert tree to a single block of XML text.                     */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        char *pszVRTPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(pszFilename));
        reinterpret_cast<VRTDataset *>(
            poSrcDS )->UnsetPreservedRelativeFilenames();
        CPLXMLNode *psDSTree = reinterpret_cast<VRTDataset *>(
            poSrcDS )->SerializeToXML( pszVRTPath );

        char *pszXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psDSTree );

        CPLDestroyXMLNode( psDSTree );

        CPLFree( pszVRTPath );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Write to disk.                                                  */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GDALDataset* pCopyDS = NULL;

        if( 0 != strlen( pszFilename ) )
            VSILFILE *fpVRT = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "wb" );
            if( fpVRT == NULL )
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                         "Cannot create %s", pszFilename);
                CPLFree( pszXML );
                return NULL;

            bool bRet = VSIFWriteL( pszXML, strlen(pszXML), 1, fpVRT ) > 0;
            if( VSIFCloseL( fpVRT ) != 0 )
                bRet = false;

            if( bRet )
                pCopyDS = reinterpret_cast<GDALDataset *>(
                    GDALOpen( pszFilename, GA_Update ) );
            /* No destination file is given, so pass serialized XML directly. */
            pCopyDS = reinterpret_cast<GDALDataset *>(
                GDALOpen( pszXML, GA_Update ) );

        CPLFree( pszXML );

        return pCopyDS;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the virtual dataset.                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VRTDataset *poVRTDS = reinterpret_cast<VRTDataset *>(
        VRTDataset::Create( pszFilename,
                            0, GDT_Byte, NULL ) );
    if( poVRTDS == NULL )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we have a geotransform?                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    double adfGeoTransform[6] = { 0.0 };

    if( poSrcDS->GetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
        poVRTDS->SetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy projection                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poVRTDS->SetProjection( poSrcDS->GetProjectionRef() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Emit dataset level metadata.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poVRTDS->SetMetadata( poSrcDS->GetMetadata() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy any special domains that should be transportable.          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszMD = poSrcDS->GetMetadata( "RPC" );
    if( papszMD )
        poVRTDS->SetMetadata( papszMD, "RPC" );

    papszMD = poSrcDS->GetMetadata( "IMD" );
    if( papszMD )
        poVRTDS->SetMetadata( papszMD, "IMD" );

    papszMD = poSrcDS->GetMetadata( "GEOLOCATION" );
    if( papszMD )
        poVRTDS->SetMetadata( papszMD, "GEOLOCATION" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      GCPs                                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poSrcDS->GetGCPCount() > 0 )
        poVRTDS->SetGCPs( poSrcDS->GetGCPCount(),
                          poSrcDS->GetGCPProjection() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Loop over all the bands.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( int iBand = 0; iBand < poSrcDS->GetRasterCount(); iBand++ )
        GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand( iBand+1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the band with the appropriate band type.                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poVRTDS->AddBand( poSrcBand->GetRasterDataType(), NULL );

        VRTSourcedRasterBand *poVRTBand
            = reinterpret_cast<VRTSourcedRasterBand *>(
                poVRTDS->GetRasterBand( iBand+1 ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup source mapping.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poVRTBand->AddSimpleSource( poSrcBand );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Emit various band level metadata.                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poVRTBand->CopyCommonInfoFrom( poSrcBand );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add specific mask band.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( (poSrcBand->GetMaskFlags()
              & (GMF_PER_DATASET | GMF_ALL_VALID | GMF_NODATA)) == 0)
            VRTSourcedRasterBand* poVRTMaskBand = new VRTSourcedRasterBand(
                poVRTDS, 0,
                poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize(), poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize());
            poVRTMaskBand->AddMaskBandSource( poSrcBand );
            poVRTBand->SetMaskBand( poVRTMaskBand );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add dataset mask band                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poSrcDS->GetRasterCount() != 0 &&
        poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1) != NULL &&
        poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetMaskFlags() == GMF_PER_DATASET )
        GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1);
        VRTSourcedRasterBand* poVRTMaskBand = new VRTSourcedRasterBand(
            poVRTDS, 0,
            poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize(), poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize() );
        poVRTMaskBand->AddMaskBandSource( poSrcBand );
        poVRTDS->SetMaskBand( poVRTMaskBand );


    return poVRTDS;
Beispiel #17
GDALDataset *EIRDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

    int     i;
    VSILFILE    *fp;
    const char *    pszLine;
    if( !Identify( poOpenInfo ) )
        return NULL;
    fp = VSIFOpenL( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "r" );
    if( fp == NULL )
        return NULL;
    /* header example and description
    IMAGINE_RAW_FILE // must be on first line, by itself
    WIDTH 581        // number of columns in the image
    HEIGHT 695       // number of rows in the image
    NUM_LAYERS 3     // number of spectral bands in the image; default 1
    PIXEL_FILES // raster file
                                      // default: same name with no extension
    FORMAT BIL       // BIL BIP BSQ; default BIL
    DATATYPE U8      // U1 U2 U4 U8 U16 U32 S16 S32 F32 F64; default U8
    BYTE_ORDER       // LSB MSB; required for U16 U32 S16 S32 F32 F64
    DATA_OFFSET      // start of image data in raster file; default 0 bytes
    END_RAW_FILE     // end RAW file - stop reading
    For a true color image with three bands (R, G, B) stored using 8 bits
    for each pixel in each band, DATA_TYPE equals U8 and NUM_LAYERS equals
    3 for a total of 24 bits per pixel.
    Note that the current version of ERDAS Raw Raster Reader/Writer does
    TILE_HEIGHT directives. Since the reader does not read the PIXEL_FILES 
    directive, the reader always assumes that the raw binary file is the 
    dataset, and the name of this file is the name of the header without the 
    extension. Currently, the reader does not support multiple raw binary
    files in one dataset or a single file with both the header and the raw 
    binary data at the same time.
    bool         bDone = FALSE;
    int          nRows = -1, nCols = -1, nBands = 1;
    int          nSkipBytes = 0;
    int          nLineCount = 0;
    GDALDataType eDataType = GDT_Byte;
    int          nBits = 8;
    char         chByteOrder = 'M';
    char         szLayout[10] = "BIL";
    char         **papszHDR = NULL;
    // default raster file: same name with no extension
    CPLString osPath = CPLGetPath( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
    CPLString osName = CPLGetBasename( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
    CPLString osRasterFilename = CPLFormCIFilename( osPath, osName, "" );
    // parse the header file
    while( !bDone && (pszLine = CPLReadLineL( fp )) != NULL )
        char    **papszTokens;

        if ( (nLineCount == 1) && !EQUAL(pszLine,"IMAGINE_RAW_FILE") ) {
            return NULL;
        if ( (nLineCount > 50) || EQUAL(pszLine,"END_RAW_FILE") ) {
            bDone = TRUE;
        if( strlen(pszLine) > 1000 )

        papszHDR = CSLAddString( papszHDR, pszLine );

        papszTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszLine, " \t", TRUE, FALSE );
        if( CSLCount( papszTokens ) < 2 )
            CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
        if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"WIDTH") )
            nCols = atoi(papszTokens[1]);
        else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"HEIGHT") )
            nRows = atoi(papszTokens[1]);
        else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"NUM_LAYERS") )
            nBands = atoi(papszTokens[1]);
        else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"PIXEL_FILES") )
            osRasterFilename = CPLFormCIFilename( osPath, papszTokens[1], "" );
        else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"FORMAT") )
            strncpy( szLayout, papszTokens[1], sizeof(szLayout) );
            szLayout[sizeof(szLayout)-1] = '\0';
        else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"DATATYPE") 
                 || EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"DATA_TYPE") )
            if ( EQUAL(papszTokens[1], "U1")
                 || EQUAL(papszTokens[1], "U2") 
                 || EQUAL(papszTokens[1], "U4") 
                 || EQUAL(papszTokens[1], "U8") ) {
                nBits = 8;
                eDataType = GDT_Byte;
            else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[1], "U16") ) {
                nBits = 16;
                eDataType = GDT_UInt16;
            else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[1], "U32") ) {
                nBits = 32;
                eDataType = GDT_UInt32;
            else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[1], "S16") ) {
                nBits = 16;
                eDataType = GDT_Int16;
            else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[1], "S32") ) {
                nBits = 32;
                eDataType = GDT_Int32;
            else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[1], "F32") ) {
                nBits = 32;
                eDataType = GDT_Float32;
            else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[1], "F64") ) {
                nBits = 64;
                eDataType = GDT_Float64;
            else {
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "EIR driver does not support DATATYPE %s.", 
                  papszTokens[1] );
                CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
                CSLDestroy( papszHDR );
                VSIFCloseL( fp );
                return NULL;
        else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"BYTE_ORDER") )
            // M for MSB, L for LSB
            chByteOrder = (char) toupper(papszTokens[1][0]);
        else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"DATA_OFFSET") )
            nSkipBytes = atoi(papszTokens[1]); // TBD: is this mapping right?

        CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
    VSIFCloseL( fp );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Did we get the required keywords?  If not we return with        */
/*      this never having been considered to be a match. This isn't     */
/*      an error!                                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nRows == -1 || nCols == -1 )
        CSLDestroy( papszHDR );
        return NULL;

    if (!GDALCheckDatasetDimensions(nCols, nRows) ||
        !GDALCheckBandCount(nBands, FALSE))
        CSLDestroy( papszHDR );
        return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm the requested access is supported.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        CSLDestroy( papszHDR );
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "The EIR driver does not support update access to existing"
                  " datasets.\n" );
        return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    EIRDataset     *poDS;

    poDS = new EIRDataset();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Capture some information from the file that is of interest.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->nRasterXSize = nCols;
    poDS->nRasterYSize = nRows;
    poDS->papszHDR = papszHDR;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open target binary file.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->fpImage = VSIFOpenL( osRasterFilename.c_str(), "rb" );
    if( poDS->fpImage == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                  "Failed to open %s.\n%s", 
                  osRasterFilename.c_str(), VSIStrerror( errno ) );
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;
    poDS->papszExtraFiles = 
            CSLAddString( poDS->papszExtraFiles, 
                          osRasterFilename );

    poDS->eAccess = poOpenInfo->eAccess;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute the line offset.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int             nItemSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType)/8;
    int             nPixelOffset, nLineOffset;
    vsi_l_offset    nBandOffset;

    if( EQUAL(szLayout,"BIP") )
        nPixelOffset = nItemSize * nBands;
        nLineOffset = nPixelOffset * nCols;
        nBandOffset = (vsi_l_offset)nItemSize;
    else if( EQUAL(szLayout,"BSQ") )
        nPixelOffset = nItemSize;
        nLineOffset = nPixelOffset * nCols;
        nBandOffset = (vsi_l_offset)nLineOffset * nRows;
    else /* assume BIL */
        nPixelOffset = nItemSize;
        nLineOffset = nItemSize * nBands * nCols;
        nBandOffset = (vsi_l_offset)nItemSize * nCols;
    poDS->SetDescription( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create band information objects.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->nBands = nBands;
    for( i = 0; i < poDS->nBands; i++ )
        RawRasterBand   *poBand;
        poBand = 
            new RawRasterBand( poDS, i+1, poDS->fpImage,
                                nSkipBytes + nBandOffset * i, 
                                nPixelOffset, nLineOffset, eDataType,
#ifdef CPL_LSB                               
                                chByteOrder == 'I' || chByteOrder == 'L',
                                chByteOrder == 'M',

        poDS->SetBand( i+1, poBand );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      look for a worldfile                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !poDS->bGotTransform )
        poDS->bGotTransform = 
            GDALReadWorldFile( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, 0, 
                               poDS->adfGeoTransform );

    if( !poDS->bGotTransform )
        poDS->bGotTransform = 
            GDALReadWorldFile( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "wld", 
                               poDS->adfGeoTransform );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize any PAM information.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for overviews.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

    return( poDS );
Beispiel #18
OGRErr OGRShapeLayer::Repack()

    if( !bUpdateAccess )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
            "The REPACK operation is not permitted on a read-only shapefile." );
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
    if( hDBF == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "Attempt to repack a shapefile with no .dbf file not supported.");
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a list of records to be dropped.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int *panRecordsToDelete = (int *) 
    int nDeleteCount = 0;
    int iShape = 0;
    OGRErr eErr = OGRERR_NONE;

    for( iShape = 0; iShape < nTotalShapeCount; iShape++ )
        if( DBFIsRecordDeleted( hDBF, iShape ) )
            panRecordsToDelete[nDeleteCount++] = iShape;
    panRecordsToDelete[nDeleteCount] = -1;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If there are no records marked for deletion, we take no         */
/*      action.                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nDeleteCount == 0 )
        CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );
        return OGRERR_NONE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Find existing filenames with exact case (see #3293).            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osDirname(CPLGetPath(pszFullName));
    CPLString osBasename(CPLGetBasename(pszFullName));
    CPLString osDBFName, osSHPName, osSHXName;
    char **papszCandidates = CPLReadDir( osDirname );
    int i = 0;
    while(papszCandidates != NULL && papszCandidates[i] != NULL)
        CPLString osCandidateBasename = CPLGetBasename(papszCandidates[i]);
        CPLString osCandidateExtension = CPLGetExtension(papszCandidates[i]);
        if ( == 0)
            if (EQUAL(osCandidateExtension, "dbf"))
                osDBFName = CPLFormFilename(osDirname, papszCandidates[i], NULL);
            else if (EQUAL(osCandidateExtension, "shp"))
                osSHPName = CPLFormFilename(osDirname, papszCandidates[i], NULL);
            else if (EQUAL(osCandidateExtension, "shx"))
                osSHXName = CPLFormFilename(osDirname, papszCandidates[i], NULL);
    papszCandidates = NULL;
    if (osDBFName.size() == 0)
        /* Should not happen, really */
        CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup any existing spatial index.  It will become             */
/*      meaningless when the fids change.                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CheckForQIX() )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a new dbf file, matching the old.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    DBFHandle hNewDBF = NULL;
    CPLString oTempFile(CPLFormFilename(osDirname, osBasename, NULL));
    oTempFile += "_packed.dbf";

    hNewDBF = DBFCloneEmpty( hDBF, oTempFile );
    if( hNewDBF == NULL )
        CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );

        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                  "Failed to create temp file %s.", 
                  oTempFile.c_str() );
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy over all records that are not deleted.                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iDestShape = 0;
    int iNextDeletedShape = 0;

    for( iShape = 0; 
         iShape < nTotalShapeCount && eErr == OGRERR_NONE; 
         iShape++ )
        if( panRecordsToDelete[iNextDeletedShape] == iShape )
            void *pTuple = (void *) DBFReadTuple( hDBF, iShape );
            if( pTuple == NULL )
                eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;
            else if( !DBFWriteTuple( hNewDBF, iDestShape++, pTuple ) )
                eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;

    if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE )
        CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );
        VSIUnlink( oTempFile );
        return eErr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup the old .dbf and rename the new one.                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    DBFClose( hDBF );
    DBFClose( hNewDBF );
    hDBF = hNewDBF = NULL;
    VSIUnlink( osDBFName );
    if( VSIRename( oTempFile, osDBFName ) != 0 )
        CPLDebug( "Shape", "Can not rename DBF file: %s", VSIStrerror( errno ) );
        CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Now create a shapefile matching the old one.                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( hSHP != NULL )
        SHPHandle hNewSHP = NULL;
        if (osSHPName.size() == 0 || osSHXName.size() == 0)
            /* Should not happen, really */
            CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );
            return OGRERR_FAILURE;

        oTempFile = CPLFormFilename(osDirname, osBasename, NULL);
        oTempFile += "_packed.shp";

        hNewSHP = SHPCreate( oTempFile, hSHP->nShapeType );
        if( hNewSHP == NULL )
            CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );
            return OGRERR_FAILURE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy over all records that are not deleted.                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        iNextDeletedShape = 0;

        for( iShape = 0; 
             iShape < nTotalShapeCount && eErr == OGRERR_NONE; 
             iShape++ )
            if( panRecordsToDelete[iNextDeletedShape] == iShape )
                SHPObject *hObject;

                hObject = SHPReadObject( hSHP, iShape );
                if( hObject == NULL )
                    eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;
                else if( SHPWriteObject( hNewSHP, -1, hObject ) == -1 )
                    eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;

                if( hObject )
                    SHPDestroyObject( hObject );

        if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE )
            CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );
            VSIUnlink( CPLResetExtension( oTempFile, "shp" ) );
            VSIUnlink( CPLResetExtension( oTempFile, "shx" ) );
            return eErr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup the old .shp/.shx and rename the new one.               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        SHPClose( hSHP );
        SHPClose( hNewSHP );
        hSHP = hNewSHP = NULL;

        VSIUnlink( osSHPName );
        VSIUnlink( osSHXName );

        oTempFile = CPLResetExtension( oTempFile, "shp" );
        if( VSIRename( oTempFile, osSHPName ) != 0 )
            CPLDebug( "Shape", "Can not rename SHP file: %s", VSIStrerror( errno ) );
            CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );
            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
        oTempFile = CPLResetExtension( oTempFile, "shx" );
        if( VSIRename( oTempFile, osSHXName ) != 0 )
            CPLDebug( "Shape", "Can not rename SHX file: %s", VSIStrerror( errno ) );
            CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );
            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
    CPLFree( panRecordsToDelete );
    panRecordsToDelete = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Reopen the shapefile                                            */
/*                                                                      */
/* We do not need to reimplement OGRShapeDataSource::OpenFile() here    */  
/* with the fully featured error checking.                              */
/* If all operations above succeeded, then all necessery files are      */
/* in the right place and accessible.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLAssert( NULL == hSHP );
    CPLAssert( NULL == hDBF && NULL == hNewDBF );
    CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
    const char* pszAccess = NULL;
    if( bUpdateAccess )
        pszAccess = "r+";
        pszAccess = "r";
    hSHP = SHPOpen ( CPLResetExtension( pszFullName, "shp" ) , pszAccess );
    hDBF = DBFOpen ( CPLResetExtension( pszFullName, "dbf" ) , pszAccess );
    if( NULL == hSHP || NULL == hDBF )
        CPLString osMsg(CPLGetLastErrorMsg());
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "%s", osMsg.c_str() );

        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Update total shape count.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nTotalShapeCount = hDBF->nRecords;

    return OGRERR_NONE;
Beispiel #19
GDALDataset *PAuxDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

    if( poOpenInfo->nHeaderBytes < 1 )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If this is an .aux file, fetch out and form the name of the     */
/*      file it references.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    CPLString osTarget = poOpenInfo->pszFilename;

    if( EQUAL(CPLGetExtension( poOpenInfo->pszFilename ),"aux")
        && STARTS_WITH_CI((const char *) poOpenInfo->pabyHeader, "AuxilaryTarget: "))
        char szAuxTarget[1024];
        const char *pszSrc = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(
            poOpenInfo->pabyHeader+16 );

        int i = 0;
        for( ;
             pszSrc[i] != 10 && pszSrc[i] != 13 && pszSrc[i] != '\0'
                 && i < static_cast<int>( sizeof(szAuxTarget) ) - 1;
             i++ )
            szAuxTarget[i] = pszSrc[i];
        szAuxTarget[i] = '\0';

        char *pszPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(poOpenInfo->pszFilename));
        osTarget = CPLFormFilename(pszPath, szAuxTarget, NULL);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Now we need to tear apart the filename to form a .aux           */
/*      filename.                                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osAuxFilename = CPLResetExtension(osTarget,"aux");

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we have a .aux file?                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char** papszSiblingFiles = poOpenInfo->GetSiblingFiles();
    if( papszSiblingFiles != NULL
        && CSLFindString( papszSiblingFiles,
                          CPLGetFilename(osAuxFilename) ) == -1 )
        return NULL;

    VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL( osAuxFilename, "r" );
    if( fp == NULL )
        osAuxFilename = CPLResetExtension(osTarget,"AUX");
        fp = VSIFOpenL( osAuxFilename, "r" );

    if( fp == NULL )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Is this file a PCI .aux file?  Check the first line for the     */
/*      telltale AuxilaryTarget keyword.                                */
/*                                                                      */
/*      At this point we should be verifying that it refers to our      */
/*      binary file, but that is a pretty involved test.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszLine = CPLReadLineL( fp );


    if( pszLine == NULL
        || (!STARTS_WITH_CI(pszLine, "AuxilaryTarget")
            && !STARTS_WITH_CI(pszLine, "AuxiliaryTarget")) )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    PAuxDataset *poDS = new PAuxDataset();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load the .aux file into a string list suitable to be            */
/*      searched with CSLFetchNameValue().                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->papszAuxLines = CSLLoad( osAuxFilename );
    poDS->pszAuxFilename = CPLStrdup(osAuxFilename);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Find the RawDefinition line to establish overall parameters.    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszLine = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszAuxLines, "RawDefinition");

    // It seems PCI now writes out .aux files without RawDefinition in
    // some cases.  See bug 947.
    if( pszLine == NULL )
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    char **papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString(pszLine);

    if( CSLCount(papszTokens) < 3 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "RawDefinition missing or corrupt in %s.",
                  poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
        delete poDS;
        CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
        return NULL;

    poDS->nRasterXSize = atoi(papszTokens[0]);
    poDS->nRasterYSize = atoi(papszTokens[1]);
    poDS->nBands = atoi(papszTokens[2]);
    poDS->eAccess = poOpenInfo->eAccess;

    CSLDestroy( papszTokens );

    if (!GDALCheckDatasetDimensions(poDS->nRasterXSize, poDS->nRasterYSize) ||
        !GDALCheckBandCount(poDS->nBands, FALSE))
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open the file.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        poDS->fpImage = VSIFOpenL( osTarget, "rb+" );

        if( poDS->fpImage == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                      "File %s is missing or read-only, check permissions.",
                      osTarget.c_str() );
            delete poDS;
            return NULL;
        poDS->fpImage = VSIFOpenL( osTarget, "rb" );

        if( poDS->fpImage == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                      "File %s is missing or unreadable.",
                      osTarget.c_str() );
            delete poDS;
            return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect raw definitions of each channel and create              */
/*      corresponding bands.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iBand = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < poDS->nBands; i++ )
        char szDefnName[32];
        snprintf( szDefnName, sizeof(szDefnName), "ChanDefinition-%d", i+1 );

        pszLine = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszAuxLines, szDefnName);
        if (pszLine == NULL)

        papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString(pszLine);
        if( CSLCount(papszTokens) < 4 )
            // Skip the band with broken description
            CSLDestroy( papszTokens );

        GDALDataType eType;
        if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"16U") )
            eType = GDT_UInt16;
        else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"16S") )
            eType = GDT_Int16;
        else if( EQUAL(papszTokens[0],"32R") )
            eType = GDT_Float32;
            eType = GDT_Byte;

        int bNative = TRUE;
        if( CSLCount(papszTokens) > 4 )
#ifdef CPL_LSB
            bNative = EQUAL(papszTokens[4],"Swapped");
            bNative = EQUAL(papszTokens[4],"Unswapped");

        const vsi_l_offset nBandOffset = CPLScanUIntBig(papszTokens[1],
        const int nPixelOffset = atoi(papszTokens[2]);
        const int nLineOffset = atoi(papszTokens[3]);

        if (nPixelOffset <= 0 || nLineOffset <= 0)
            // Skip the band with broken offsets
            CSLDestroy( papszTokens );

        poDS->SetBand( iBand+1,
            new PAuxRasterBand( poDS, iBand+1, poDS->fpImage,
                                nLineOffset, eType, bNative ) );

        CSLDestroy( papszTokens );

    poDS->nBands = iBand;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the projection.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszMapUnits = CSLFetchNameValue( poDS->papszAuxLines, "MapUnits" );
    const char *pszProjParms = CSLFetchNameValue( poDS->papszAuxLines, "ProjParms" );

    if( pszMapUnits != NULL )
        poDS->pszProjection = poDS->PCI2WKT( pszMapUnits, pszProjParms );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize any PAM information.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->SetDescription( osTarget );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for overviews.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, osTarget );

    poDS->bAuxUpdated = FALSE;

    return( poDS );
int OGRTABDataSource::Open( const char * pszName, int bTestOpen )

    VSIStatBuf  stat;

    CPLAssert( m_pszName == NULL );
    m_pszName = CPLStrdup( pszName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Is this a file or directory?                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( VSIStat( pszName, &stat ) != 0 
        || (!VSI_ISDIR(stat.st_mode) && !VSI_ISREG(stat.st_mode)) )
        if( !bTestOpen )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                      "%s is not a file or directory.\n"
                      "Unable to open as a Mapinfo dataset.\n",
                      pszName );

        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If it is a file, try to open as a Mapinfo file.                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( VSI_ISREG(stat.st_mode) )
        IMapInfoFile    *poFile;

        poFile = IMapInfoFile::SmartOpen( pszName, bTestOpen );
        if( poFile == NULL )
            return FALSE;

        m_nLayerCount = 1;
        m_papoLayers = (IMapInfoFile **) CPLMalloc(sizeof(void*));
        m_papoLayers[0] = poFile;

        m_pszDirectory = CPLStrdup( CPLGetPath(pszName) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Otherwise, we need to scan the whole directory for files        */
/*      ending in .tab or .mif.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        char    **papszFileList = CPLReadDir( pszName );
        m_pszDirectory = CPLStrdup( pszName );

        for( int iFile = 0;
             papszFileList != NULL && papszFileList[iFile] != NULL;
             iFile++ )
            IMapInfoFile *poFile;
            const char  *pszExtension = CPLGetExtension(papszFileList[iFile]);
            char        *pszSubFilename;

            if( !EQUAL(pszExtension,"tab") && !EQUAL(pszExtension,"mif") )

            pszSubFilename = CPLStrdup(
                CPLFormFilename( m_pszDirectory, papszFileList[iFile], NULL ));

            poFile = IMapInfoFile::SmartOpen( pszSubFilename, bTestOpen );
            CPLFree( pszSubFilename );
            if( poFile == NULL )
                CSLDestroy( papszFileList );
                return FALSE;

            m_papoLayers = (IMapInfoFile **)
            m_papoLayers[m_nLayerCount-1] = poFile;

        CSLDestroy( papszFileList );

        if( m_nLayerCount == 0 )
            if( !bTestOpen )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                          "No mapinfo files found in directory %s.\n",
                          m_pszDirectory );
            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
OGRLayer *
OGRShapeDataSource::ICreateLayer( const char * pszLayerName,
                                 OGRSpatialReference *poSRS,
                                 OGRwkbGeometryType eType,
                                 char ** papszOptions )

    SHPHandle   hSHP;
    DBFHandle   hDBF;
    int         nShapeType;

    /* To ensure that existing layers are created */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check that the layer doesn't already exist.                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (GetLayerByName(pszLayerName) != NULL)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Layer '%s' already exists",
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify we are in update mode.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !bDSUpdate )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NoWriteAccess,
                  "Data source %s opened read-only.\n"
                  "New layer %s cannot be created.\n",
                  pszName, pszLayerName );

        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Figure out what type of layer we need.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( eType == wkbUnknown || eType == wkbLineString )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARC;
    else if( eType == wkbPoint )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POINT;
    else if( eType == wkbPolygon )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGON;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiPoint )
        nShapeType = SHPT_MULTIPOINT;
    else if( eType == wkbPoint25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POINTZ;
    else if( eType == wkbLineString25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARCZ;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiLineString )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARC;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiLineString25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARCZ;
    else if( eType == wkbPolygon25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGONZ;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiPolygon )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGON;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiPolygon25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGONZ;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiPoint25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_MULTIPOINTZ;
    else if( eType == wkbNone )
        nShapeType = SHPT_NULL;
        nShapeType = -1;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Has the application overridden this with a special creation     */
/*      option?                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszOverride = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SHPT" );

    if( pszOverride == NULL )
        /* ignore */;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"POINT") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POINT;
        eType = wkbPoint;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"ARC") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARC;
        eType = wkbLineString;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"POLYGON") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGON;
        eType = wkbPolygon;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"MULTIPOINT") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_MULTIPOINT;
        eType = wkbMultiPoint;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"POINTZ") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POINTZ;
        eType = wkbPoint25D;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"ARCZ") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARCZ;
        eType = wkbLineString25D;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"POLYGONZ") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGONZ;
        eType = wkbPolygon25D;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"MULTIPOINTZ") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_MULTIPOINTZ;
        eType = wkbMultiPoint25D;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"NONE") || EQUAL(pszOverride,"NULL") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_NULL;
        eType = wkbNone;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Unknown SHPT value of `%s' passed to Shapefile layer\n"
                  "creation.  Creation aborted.\n",
                  pszOverride );

        return NULL;

    if( nShapeType == -1 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Geometry type of `%s' not supported in shapefiles.\n"
                  "Type can be overridden with a layer creation option\n"
                  OGRGeometryTypeToName(eType) );
        return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      What filename do we use, excluding the extension?               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszFilenameWithoutExt;

    if(  bSingleFileDataSource && nLayers == 0 )
        char *pszPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(pszName));
        char *pszFBasename = CPLStrdup(CPLGetBasename(pszName));

        pszFilenameWithoutExt = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename(pszPath, pszFBasename, NULL));

        CPLFree( pszFBasename );
        CPLFree( pszPath );
    else if(  bSingleFileDataSource )
        /* This is a very weird use case : the user creates/open a datasource */
        /* made of a single shapefile 'foo.shp' and wants to add a new layer */
        /* to it, 'bar'. So we create a new shapefile 'bar.shp' in the same */
        /* directory as 'foo.shp' */
        /* So technically, we will not be any longer a single file */
        /* datasource ... Ahem ahem */
        char *pszPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(pszName));
        pszFilenameWithoutExt = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename(pszPath,pszLayerName,NULL));
        CPLFree( pszPath );
        pszFilenameWithoutExt = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename(pszName,pszLayerName,NULL));

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the shapefile.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char        *pszFilename;

    int b2GBLimit = CSLTestBoolean(CSLFetchNameValueDef( papszOptions, "2GB_LIMIT", "FALSE" ));

    if( nShapeType != SHPT_NULL )
        pszFilename = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename( NULL, pszFilenameWithoutExt, "shp" ));

        hSHP = SHPCreateLL( pszFilename, nShapeType, (SAHooks*) VSI_SHP_GetHook(b2GBLimit) );
        if( hSHP == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                      "Failed to open Shapefile `%s'.\n",
                      pszFilename );
            CPLFree( pszFilename );
            CPLFree( pszFilenameWithoutExt );
            return NULL;
        SHPSetFastModeReadObject( hSHP, TRUE );

        CPLFree( pszFilename );
        hSHP = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Has a specific LDID been specified by the caller?               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszLDID = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ENCODING" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a DBF file.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszFilename = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename( NULL, pszFilenameWithoutExt, "dbf" ));

    if( pszLDID != NULL )
        hDBF = DBFCreateLL( pszFilename, pszLDID, (SAHooks*) VSI_SHP_GetHook(b2GBLimit) );
        hDBF = DBFCreateLL( pszFilename, "LDID/87",(SAHooks*) VSI_SHP_GetHook(b2GBLimit) );

    if( hDBF == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Failed to open Shape DBF file `%s'.\n",
                  pszFilename );
        CPLFree( pszFilename );
        CPLFree( pszFilenameWithoutExt );
        return NULL;

    CPLFree( pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the .prj file, if required.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poSRS != NULL )
        char    *pszWKT = NULL;
        CPLString osPrjFile = CPLFormFilename( NULL, pszFilenameWithoutExt, "prj");
        VSILFILE    *fp;

        /* the shape layer needs it's own copy */
        poSRS = poSRS->Clone();

        if( poSRS->exportToWkt( &pszWKT ) == OGRERR_NONE 
            && (fp = VSIFOpenL( osPrjFile, "wt" )) != NULL )
            VSIFWriteL( pszWKT, strlen(pszWKT), 1, fp );
            VSIFCloseL( fp );

        CPLFree( pszWKT );


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the layer object.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRShapeLayer       *poLayer;

    /* OGRShapeLayer constructor expects a filename with an extension (that could be */
    /* random actually), otherwise this is going to cause problems with layer */
    /* names that have a dot (not speaking about the one before the shp) */
    pszFilename = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename( NULL, pszFilenameWithoutExt, "shp" ));

    poLayer = new OGRShapeLayer( this, pszFilename, hSHP, hDBF, poSRS, TRUE, TRUE,
                                 eType );

    CPLFree( pszFilenameWithoutExt );
    CPLFree( pszFilename );

    poLayer->SetResizeAtClose( CSLFetchBoolean( papszOptions, "RESIZE", FALSE ) );
    poLayer->CreateSpatialIndexAtClose( CSLFetchBoolean( papszOptions, "SPATIAL_INDEX", FALSE ) );
        CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "DBF_DATE_LAST_UPDATE" ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add layer to data source layer list.                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    return poLayer;
int OGRGeoconceptDataSource::Create( const char *pszName, char** papszOptions )

    const char *pszConf;
    const char *pszExtension;

    if( _pszName ) CPLFree(_pszName);
    _papszOptions = CSLDuplicate( papszOptions );

    pszConf= CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"CONFIG");
    if( pszConf != NULL )
      _pszGCT = CPLStrdup(pszConf);

    _pszExt = (char *)CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"EXTENSION");
    pszExtension = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"EXTENSION");
    if( pszExtension == NULL )
        _pszExt = CPLStrdup(CPLGetExtension(pszName));
        _pszExt = CPLStrdup(pszExtension);

    if( strlen(_pszExt) == 0 )
        if( VSIMkdir( pszName, 0755 ) != 0 )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "Directory %s already exists"
                      " as geoconcept datastore or"
                      " is made up of a non existing list of directories.",
                      pszName );

            return FALSE;
        _pszDirectory = CPLStrdup( pszName );
        _pszExt = CPLStrdup("gxt");
        char *pszbName = CPLStrdup(CPLGetBasename( pszName ));
        if (strlen(pszbName)==0) {/* pszName ends with '/' */
            char *pszNameDup= CPLStrdup(pszName);
            pszNameDup[strlen(pszName)-2] = '\0';
            pszbName = CPLStrdup(CPLGetBasename( pszNameDup ));
        _pszName = CPLStrdup((char *)CPLFormFilename( _pszDirectory, pszbName, NULL ));
        _pszDirectory = CPLStrdup( CPLGetPath(pszName) );
        _pszName = CPLStrdup( pszName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a new single file.                                       */
/*      OGRGeoconceptDriver::CreateLayer() will do the job.             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    _bSingleNewFile = TRUE;

    if( !LoadFile( "wt" ) )
        CPLDebug( "GEOCONCEPT",
                  "Failed to create Geoconcept %s.",
                  pszName );

        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #23
GDALDataset *VRTDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

    char *pszVRTPath = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Does this appear to be a virtual dataset definition XML         */
/*      file?                                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !Identify( poOpenInfo ) )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Try to read the whole file into memory.				*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char        *pszXML;

    VSILFILE        *fp = VSIFOpenL(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "rb");
    if( fp != NULL )
        unsigned int nLength;
        VSIFSeekL( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
        nLength = (int) VSIFTellL( fp );
        VSIFSeekL( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );
        nLength = MAX(0,nLength);
        pszXML = (char *) VSIMalloc(nLength+1);
        if( pszXML == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory, 
                      "Failed to allocate %d byte buffer to hold VRT xml file.",
                      nLength );
            return NULL;
        if( VSIFReadL( pszXML, 1, nLength, fp ) != nLength )
            CPLFree( pszXML );
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
                      "Failed to read %d bytes from VRT xml file.",
                      nLength );
            return NULL;
        pszXML[nLength] = '\0';
        pszVRTPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(poOpenInfo->pszFilename));

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Or use the filename as the XML input.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        pszXML = CPLStrdup( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Turn the XML representation into a VRTDataset.                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VRTDataset *poDS = (VRTDataset *) OpenXML( pszXML, pszVRTPath, poOpenInfo->eAccess );

    if( poDS != NULL )
        poDS->bNeedsFlush = FALSE;

    CPLFree( pszXML );
    CPLFree( pszVRTPath );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open overviews.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( fp != NULL && poDS != NULL )
        poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

    return poDS;
Beispiel #24
GDALDataset *AAIGDataset::CommonOpen( GDALOpenInfo *poOpenInfo,
                                      GridFormat eFormat )
    if( poOpenInfo->fpL == nullptr )
        return nullptr;

    // Create a corresponding GDALDataset.
    AAIGDataset *poDS = nullptr;

    if (eFormat == FORMAT_AAIG)
        poDS = new AAIGDataset();
        poDS = new GRASSASCIIDataset();

    const char *pszDataTypeOption =
        eFormat == FORMAT_AAIG ?

    const char *pszDataType = CPLGetConfigOption(pszDataTypeOption, nullptr);
    if( pszDataType == nullptr )
        pszDataType =
            CSLFetchNameValue(poOpenInfo->papszOpenOptions, "DATATYPE");
    if (pszDataType != nullptr)
        poDS->eDataType = GDALGetDataTypeByName(pszDataType);
        if (!(poDS->eDataType == GDT_Int32 || poDS->eDataType == GDT_Float32 ||
              poDS->eDataType == GDT_Float64))
            CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported,
                     "Unsupported value for %s : %s",
                     pszDataTypeOption, pszDataType);
            poDS->eDataType = GDT_Int32;
            pszDataType = nullptr;

    // Parse the header.
    if (!poDS->ParseHeader((const char *)poOpenInfo->pabyHeader, pszDataType))
        delete poDS;
        return nullptr;

    poDS->fp = poOpenInfo->fpL;
    poOpenInfo->fpL = nullptr;

    // Find the start of real data.
    int nStartOfData = 0;

    for( int i = 2; true; i++ )
        if( poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[i] == '\0' )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "Couldn't find data values in ASCII Grid file.");
            delete poDS;
            return nullptr;

        if( poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[i - 1] == '\n' ||
            poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[i - 2] == '\n' ||
            poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[i - 1] == '\r' ||
            poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[i - 2] == '\r' )
            if( !isalpha(poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[i]) &&
                poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[i] != '\n' &&
                poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[i] != '\r')
                nStartOfData = i;

                // Beginning of real data found.

    // Recognize the type of data.
    CPLAssert(nullptr != poDS->fp);

    if( pszDataType == nullptr &&
        poDS->eDataType != GDT_Float32 && poDS->eDataType != GDT_Float64)
        // Allocate 100K chunk + 1 extra byte for NULL character.
        constexpr size_t nChunkSize = 1024 * 100;
        GByte *pabyChunk = static_cast<GByte *>(
            VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nChunkSize + 1, sizeof(GByte)));
        if (pabyChunk == nullptr)
            delete poDS;
            return nullptr;
        pabyChunk[nChunkSize] = '\0';

        if( VSIFSeekL(poDS->fp, nStartOfData, SEEK_SET) < 0 )
            delete poDS;
            return nullptr;

        // Scan for dot in subsequent chunks of data.
        while( !VSIFEofL(poDS->fp) )
            CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFReadL(pabyChunk, nChunkSize, 1, poDS->fp));

            for( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(nChunkSize); i++)
                GByte ch = pabyChunk[i];
                if (ch == '.' || ch == ',' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'E')
                    poDS->eDataType = GDT_Float32;

        // Deallocate chunk.

    // Create band information objects.
    AAIGRasterBand *band = new AAIGRasterBand(poDS, nStartOfData);
    poDS->SetBand(1, band);
    if (band->panLineOffset == nullptr)
        delete poDS;
        return nullptr;

    // Try to read projection file.
    char *const pszDirname = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(poOpenInfo->pszFilename));
    char *const pszBasename =

    poDS->osPrjFilename = CPLFormFilename(pszDirname, pszBasename, "prj");
    int nRet = 0;
        VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;
        nRet = VSIStatL(poDS->osPrjFilename, &sStatBuf);
    if( nRet != 0 && VSIIsCaseSensitiveFS(poDS->osPrjFilename) )
        poDS->osPrjFilename = CPLFormFilename(pszDirname, pszBasename, "PRJ");

        VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;
        nRet = VSIStatL(poDS->osPrjFilename, &sStatBuf);

    if( nRet == 0 )
        poDS->papszPrj = CSLLoad(poDS->osPrjFilename);

        CPLDebug("AAIGrid", "Loaded SRS from %s", poDS->osPrjFilename.c_str());

        OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
        if( oSRS.importFromESRI(poDS->papszPrj) == OGRERR_NONE )
            // If geographic values are in seconds, we must transform.
            // Is there a code for minutes too?
            if( oSRS.IsGeographic() &&
                EQUAL(OSR_GDS(poDS->papszPrj, "Units", ""), "DS") )
                poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] /= 3600.0;
                poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] /= 3600.0;
                poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] /= 3600.0;
                poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] /= 3600.0;
                poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] /= 3600.0;
                poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] /= 3600.0;



    // Initialize any PAM information.

    // Check for external overviews.
        poDS, poOpenInfo->pszFilename, poOpenInfo->GetSiblingFiles());

    return poDS;
Beispiel #25
OGRLayer *
OGRGmtDataSource::CreateLayer( const char * pszLayerName,
                               OGRSpatialReference *poSRS,
                               OGRwkbGeometryType eType,
                               char ** papszOptions )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Establish the geometry type.  Note this logic                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszGeom;

    switch( wkbFlatten(eType) )
      case wkbPoint:
        pszGeom = " @GPOINT";
      case wkbLineString:
        pszGeom = " @GLINESTRING";
      case wkbPolygon:
        pszGeom = " @GPOLYGON";
      case wkbMultiPoint:
        pszGeom = " @GMULTIPOINT";
      case wkbMultiLineString:
        pszGeom = " @GMULTILINESTRING";
      case wkbMultiPolygon:
        pszGeom = " @GMULTIPOLYGON";
        pszGeom = "";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If this is the first layer for this datasource, and if the      */
/*      datasource name ends in .gmt we will override the provided      */
/*      layer name with the name from the gmt.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osPath = CPLGetPath( pszName );
    CPLString osFilename;

    if( EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(pszName),"gmt") )
        osFilename = pszName;
        osFilename = CPLFormFilename( osPath, pszLayerName, "gmt" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open the file.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    FILE *fp = VSIFOpenL( osFilename, "w" );
    if( fp == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                  "open(%s) failed: %s", 
                  osFilename.c_str(), VSIStrerror(errno) );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out header.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "# @VGMT1.0%s\n", pszGeom );
    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "# REGION_STUB                                                             \n" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write the projection, if possible.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poSRS != NULL )
        char *pszValue = NULL;

        if( poSRS->IsProjected() 
            && poSRS->GetAuthorityName("PROJCS")
            && EQUAL(poSRS->GetAuthorityName("PROJCS"),"EPSG") )
            VSIFPrintfL( fp, "# @Je%s\n", 
                         poSRS->GetAuthorityCode("PROJCS") );
        else if( poSRS->IsGeographic() 
                 && poSRS->GetAuthorityName("GEOGCS")
                 && EQUAL(poSRS->GetAuthorityName("GEOGCS"),"EPSG") )
            VSIFPrintfL( fp, "# @Je%s\n", 
                         poSRS->GetAuthorityCode("GEOGCS") );

        if( poSRS->exportToProj4( &pszValue ) == OGRERR_NONE )
            VSIFPrintfL( fp, "# @Jp\"%s\"\n", pszValue );
            CPLFree( pszValue );
            pszValue = NULL;

        if( poSRS->exportToWkt( &pszValue ) == OGRERR_NONE )
            char *pszEscapedWkt = CPLEscapeString( pszValue, -1,
                                                   CPLES_BackslashQuotable );
            VSIFPrintfL( fp, "# @Jw\"%s\"\n", pszEscapedWkt );
            CPLFree( pszValue );
            CPLFree( pszEscapedWkt );
            pszValue = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Finish header and close.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIFCloseL( fp );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Return open layer handle.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( Open( osFilename, TRUE ) )
        return papoLayers[nLayers-1];
        return NULL;
Beispiel #26
int OGRTABDataSource::Open( GDALOpenInfo *poOpenInfo, int bTestOpen )

    CPLAssert(m_pszName == nullptr);

    m_pszName = CPLStrdup(poOpenInfo->pszFilename);
    m_bUpdate = poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update;

    // If it is a file, try to open as a Mapinfo file.
    if( !poOpenInfo->bIsDirectory )
        IMapInfoFile *poFile =
            IMapInfoFile::SmartOpen(m_pszName, m_bUpdate, bTestOpen);
        if( poFile == nullptr )
            return FALSE;


        m_nLayerCount = 1;
        m_papoLayers = static_cast<IMapInfoFile **>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(void *)));
        m_papoLayers[0] = poFile;

        m_pszDirectory = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(m_pszName));

        m_bSingleFile = TRUE;
        m_bSingleLayerAlreadyCreated = TRUE;

    // Otherwise, we need to scan the whole directory for files
    // ending in .tab or .mif.
        char **papszFileList = VSIReadDir(m_pszName);

        m_pszDirectory = CPLStrdup(m_pszName);

        for( int iFile = 0;
             papszFileList != nullptr && papszFileList[iFile] != nullptr;
             iFile++ )
            const char *pszExtension = CPLGetExtension(papszFileList[iFile]);

            if( !EQUAL(pszExtension, "tab") && !EQUAL(pszExtension, "mif") )

            char *pszSubFilename = CPLStrdup(
                CPLFormFilename(m_pszDirectory, papszFileList[iFile], nullptr));

            IMapInfoFile *poFile =
                IMapInfoFile::SmartOpen(pszSubFilename, m_bUpdate, bTestOpen);

            if( poFile == nullptr )
                return FALSE;
            poFile->SetDescription( poFile->GetName() );

            m_papoLayers = static_cast<IMapInfoFile **>(
                CPLRealloc(m_papoLayers,sizeof(void *) * m_nLayerCount));
            m_papoLayers[m_nLayerCount-1] = poFile;


        if( m_nLayerCount == 0 )
            if( !bTestOpen )
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                         "No mapinfo files found in directory %s.",

            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #27
int OGRTABDataSource::Create( const char * pszName, char **papszOptions )

    CPLAssert(m_pszName == nullptr);

    m_pszName = CPLStrdup(pszName);
    m_papszOptions = CSLDuplicate(papszOptions);
    m_bUpdate = TRUE;

    const char *pszOpt = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "FORMAT");
    if( pszOpt != nullptr && EQUAL(pszOpt, "MIF") )
        m_bCreateMIF = TRUE;
    else if( EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(pszName),"mif") ||
             EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(pszName),"mid") )
        m_bCreateMIF = TRUE;

    if( (pszOpt = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"SPATIAL_INDEX_MODE")) != nullptr )
        if( EQUAL(pszOpt, "QUICK") )
            m_bQuickSpatialIndexMode = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(pszOpt, "OPTIMIZED") )
            m_bQuickSpatialIndexMode = FALSE;

    m_nBlockSize = atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "BLOCKSIZE", "512"));

    // Create a new empty directory.
    VSIStatBufL sStat;

    if( strlen(CPLGetExtension(pszName)) == 0 )
        if( VSIStatL( pszName, &sStat ) == 0 )
            if( !VSI_ISDIR(sStat.st_mode) )
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                         "Attempt to create dataset named %s,\n"
                         "but that is an existing file.",
                return FALSE;
            if( VSIMkdir(pszName, 0755) != 0 )
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                         "Unable to create directory %s.",
                return FALSE;

        m_pszDirectory = CPLStrdup(pszName);

    // Create a new single file.
        IMapInfoFile *poFile = nullptr;
        const char *pszEncoding( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ENCODING" ) );
        const char *pszCharset( IMapInfoFile::EncodingToCharset( pszEncoding ) );

        if( m_bCreateMIF )
            poFile = new MIFFile;
            if( poFile->Open(m_pszName, TABWrite, FALSE, pszCharset) != 0 )
                delete poFile;
                return FALSE;
            TABFile *poTabFile = new TABFile;
            if( poTabFile->Open(m_pszName, TABWrite, FALSE,
                                m_nBlockSize, pszCharset) != 0 )
                delete poTabFile;
                return FALSE;
            poFile = poTabFile;

        m_nLayerCount = 1;
        m_papoLayers = static_cast<IMapInfoFile **>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(void *)));
        m_papoLayers[0] = poFile;

        m_pszDirectory = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(pszName));
        m_bSingleFile = TRUE;

    return TRUE;
int OGRTABDataSource::Create( const char * pszName, char **papszOptions )

    VSIStatBuf  sStat;
    const char *pszOpt;

    CPLAssert( m_pszName == NULL );
    m_pszName = CPLStrdup( pszName );
    m_papszOptions = CSLDuplicate( papszOptions );

    if( (pszOpt=CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"FORMAT")) != NULL 
        && EQUAL(pszOpt, "MIF") )
        m_bCreateMIF = TRUE;
    else if( EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(pszName),"mif")
             || EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(pszName),"mid") )
        m_bCreateMIF = TRUE;

    if( (pszOpt=CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"SPATIAL_INDEX_MODE")) != NULL 
        && EQUAL(pszOpt, "QUICK") )
        m_bQuickSpatialIndexMode = TRUE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a new empty directory.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( strlen(CPLGetExtension(pszName)) == 0 )
        if( VSIStat( pszName, &sStat ) == 0 )
            if( !VSI_ISDIR(sStat.st_mode) )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                          "Attempt to create dataset named %s,\n"
                          "but that is an existing file.\n",
                          pszName );
                return FALSE;
            if( VSIMkdir( pszName, 0755 ) != 0 )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                          "Unable to create directory %s.\n",
                          pszName );
                return FALSE;
        m_pszDirectory = CPLStrdup(pszName);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a new single file.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        IMapInfoFile    *poFile;

        if( m_bCreateMIF )
            poFile = new MIFFile;
            poFile = new TABFile;

        if( poFile->Open( pszName, "wb", FALSE ) != 0 )
            delete poFile;
            return FALSE;
        m_nLayerCount = 1;
        m_papoLayers = (IMapInfoFile **) CPLMalloc(sizeof(void*));
        m_papoLayers[0] = poFile;
        m_pszDirectory = CPLStrdup( CPLGetPath(pszName) );
        m_bSingleFile = TRUE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #29
GDALDataset * AAIGDataset::CreateCopy(
    const char *pszFilename, GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
    int /* bStrict */,
    char **papszOptions,
    GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData )
    const int nBands = poSrcDS->GetRasterCount();
    const int nXSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize();
    const int nYSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize();

    // Some rudimentary checks.
    if( nBands != 1 )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                 "AAIG driver doesn't support %d bands.  Must be 1 band.",

        return nullptr;

    if( !pfnProgress(0.0, nullptr, pProgressData) )
        return nullptr;

    // Create the dataset.
    VSILFILE *fpImage = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "wt");
    if( fpImage == nullptr )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                 "Unable to create file %s.",
        return nullptr;

    // Write ASCII Grid file header.
    double adfGeoTransform[6] = {};
    char szHeader[2000] = {};
    const char *pszForceCellsize =
        CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "FORCE_CELLSIZE");


    if( std::abs(adfGeoTransform[1] + adfGeoTransform[5]) < 0.0000001 ||
        std::abs(adfGeoTransform[1]-adfGeoTransform[5]) < 0.0000001 ||
        (pszForceCellsize && CPLTestBool(pszForceCellsize)) )
            szHeader, sizeof(szHeader),
            "ncols        %d\n"
            "nrows        %d\n"
            "xllcorner    %.12f\n"
            "yllcorner    %.12f\n"
            "cellsize     %.12f\n",
            nXSize, nYSize,
            adfGeoTransform[3] - nYSize * adfGeoTransform[1],
        if( pszForceCellsize == nullptr )
            CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "Producing a Golden Surfer style file with DX and DY "
                     "instead of CELLSIZE since the input pixels are "
                     "non-square.  Use the FORCE_CELLSIZE=TRUE creation "
                     "option to force use of DX for even though this will "
                     "be distorted.  Most ASCII Grid readers (ArcGIS "
                     "included) do not support the DX and DY parameters.");
            szHeader, sizeof(szHeader),
            "ncols        %d\n"
            "nrows        %d\n"
            "xllcorner    %.12f\n"
            "yllcorner    %.12f\n"
            "dx           %.12f\n"
            "dy           %.12f\n",
            nXSize, nYSize,
            adfGeoTransform[3] + nYSize * adfGeoTransform[5],

    // Builds the format string used for printing float values.
    char szFormatFloat[32] = { '\0' };
    strcpy(szFormatFloat, " %.20g");
    const char *pszDecimalPrecision =
        CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "DECIMAL_PRECISION");
    const char *pszSignificantDigits =
        CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS");
    bool bIgnoreSigDigits = false;
    if( pszDecimalPrecision && pszSignificantDigits )
        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Conflicting precision arguments, using DECIMAL_PRECISION");
        bIgnoreSigDigits = true;
    int nPrecision;
    if ( pszSignificantDigits && !bIgnoreSigDigits )
        nPrecision = atoi(pszSignificantDigits);
        if (nPrecision >= 0)
            snprintf(szFormatFloat, sizeof(szFormatFloat), " %%.%dg",
        CPLDebug("AAIGrid", "Setting precision format: %s", szFormatFloat);
    else if( pszDecimalPrecision )
        nPrecision = atoi(pszDecimalPrecision);
        if ( nPrecision >= 0 )
            snprintf(szFormatFloat, sizeof(szFormatFloat), " %%.%df",
        CPLDebug("AAIGrid", "Setting precision format: %s", szFormatFloat);

    // Handle nodata (optionally).
    GDALRasterBand *poBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1);
    const bool bReadAsInt =
        poBand->GetRasterDataType() == GDT_Byte ||
        poBand->GetRasterDataType() == GDT_Int16 ||
        poBand->GetRasterDataType() == GDT_UInt16 ||
        poBand->GetRasterDataType() == GDT_Int32;

    // Write `nodata' value to header if it is exists in source dataset
    int bSuccess = FALSE;
    const double dfNoData = poBand->GetNoDataValue(&bSuccess);
    if ( bSuccess )
        snprintf(szHeader + strlen(szHeader),
                 sizeof(szHeader) - strlen(szHeader), "%s", "NODATA_value ");
        if( bReadAsInt )
            snprintf(szHeader + strlen(szHeader),
                     sizeof(szHeader) - strlen(szHeader), "%d",
            CPLsnprintf(szHeader + strlen(szHeader),
                        sizeof(szHeader) - strlen(szHeader),
                        szFormatFloat, dfNoData);
        snprintf(szHeader + strlen(szHeader),
                 sizeof(szHeader) - strlen(szHeader), "%s", "\n");

    if( VSIFWriteL(szHeader, strlen(szHeader), 1, fpImage) != 1)
        return nullptr;

    // Loop over image, copying image data.

    // Write scanlines to output file
    int *panScanline = bReadAsInt
                           ? static_cast<int *>(CPLMalloc(
                                 nXSize * GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(GDT_Int32)))
                           : nullptr;

    double *padfScanline =
        bReadAsInt ? nullptr
                   : static_cast<double *>(CPLMalloc(
                         nXSize * GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(GDT_Float64)));

    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;

    bool bHasOutputDecimalDot = false;
    for( int iLine = 0; eErr == CE_None && iLine < nYSize; iLine++ )
        CPLString osBuf;
        eErr = poBand->RasterIO(
            GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
            bReadAsInt ? reinterpret_cast<void *>(panScanline) :
            reinterpret_cast<void *>(padfScanline),
            nXSize, 1, bReadAsInt ? GDT_Int32 : GDT_Float64,
            0, 0, nullptr);

        if( bReadAsInt )
            for ( int iPixel = 0; iPixel < nXSize; iPixel++ )
                snprintf(szHeader, sizeof(szHeader),
                         " %d", panScanline[iPixel]);
                osBuf += szHeader;
                if( (iPixel & 1023) == 0 || iPixel == nXSize - 1 )
                    if ( VSIFWriteL(osBuf, static_cast<int>(osBuf.size()), 1,
                                    fpImage) != 1 )
                        eErr = CE_Failure;
                        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "Write failed, disk full?");
                    osBuf = "";
            for ( int iPixel = 0; iPixel < nXSize; iPixel++ )
                CPLsnprintf(szHeader, sizeof(szHeader),
                            szFormatFloat, padfScanline[iPixel]);

                // Make sure that as least one value has a decimal point (#6060)
                if( !bHasOutputDecimalDot )
                    if( strchr(szHeader, '.') || strchr(szHeader, 'e') ||
                        strchr(szHeader, 'E') )
                        bHasOutputDecimalDot = true;
                    else if( !CPLIsInf(padfScanline[iPixel]) &&
                             !CPLIsNan(padfScanline[iPixel]) )
                        strcat(szHeader, ".0");
                        bHasOutputDecimalDot = true;

                osBuf += szHeader;
                if( (iPixel & 1023) == 0 || iPixel == nXSize - 1 )
                  if ( VSIFWriteL(osBuf, static_cast<int>(osBuf.size()), 1,
                                  fpImage) != 1 )
                        eErr = CE_Failure;
                        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "Write failed, disk full?");
                    osBuf = "";
        if( VSIFWriteL("\n", 1, 1, fpImage) != 1 )
            eErr = CE_Failure;

        if( eErr == CE_None &&
            !pfnProgress((iLine + 1) / static_cast<double>(nYSize), nullptr,
                         pProgressData) )
            eErr = CE_Failure;
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt,
                     "User terminated CreateCopy()");

    if( VSIFCloseL(fpImage) != 0 )
        eErr = CE_Failure;

    if( eErr != CE_None )
        return nullptr;

    // Try to write projection file.
    const char *pszOriginalProjection = poSrcDS->GetProjectionRef();
    if( !EQUAL(pszOriginalProjection, "") )
        char *pszDirname = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(pszFilename));
        char *pszBasename = CPLStrdup(CPLGetBasename(pszFilename));
        char *pszPrjFilename =
            CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename(pszDirname, pszBasename, "prj"));
        VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL(pszPrjFilename, "wt");
        if (fp != nullptr)
            OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
            char *pszESRIProjection = nullptr;
            CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFWriteL(pszESRIProjection, 1,
                                          strlen(pszESRIProjection), fp));

            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Unable to create file %s.",

    // Re-open dataset, and copy any auxiliary pam information.

    // If writing to stdout, we can't reopen it, so return
    // a fake dataset to make the caller happy.
    GDALPamDataset *poDS =
        reinterpret_cast<GDALPamDataset *>(GDALOpen(pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly));
    if (poDS)
        poDS->CloneInfo(poSrcDS, GCIF_PAM_DEFAULT);
        return poDS;


    AAIGDataset *poAAIG_DS = new AAIGDataset();
    poAAIG_DS->nRasterXSize = nXSize;
    poAAIG_DS->nRasterYSize = nYSize;
    poAAIG_DS->nBands = 1;
    poAAIG_DS->SetBand(1, new AAIGRasterBand(poAAIG_DS, 1));
    return poAAIG_DS;
int OGRGeoconceptDataSource::LoadFile( const char *pszMode )

    OGRGeoconceptLayer *poFile;

    if( _pszExt == NULL)
      const char* pszExtension = CPLGetExtension(_pszName);
      if( !EQUAL(pszExtension,"gxt") && !EQUAL(pszExtension,"txt") )
        return FALSE;
      _pszExt = CPLStrdup(pszExtension);
    CPLStrlwr( _pszExt );

    if( !_pszDirectory )
        _pszDirectory = CPLStrdup( CPLGetPath(_pszName) );

    if( (_hGXT= Open_GCIO(_pszName,_pszExt,pszMode,_pszGCT))==NULL )
      return FALSE;

    /* Collect layers : */
    GCExportFileMetadata* Meta= GetGCMeta_GCIO(_hGXT);
    if( Meta )
      int nC, iC, nS, iS;

      if( (nC= CountMetaTypes_GCIO(Meta))>0 )
        GCType* aClass;
        GCSubType* aSubclass;

        for( iC= 0; iC<nC; iC++ )
          if( (aClass= GetMetaType_GCIO(Meta,iC)) )
            if( (nS= CountTypeSubtypes_GCIO(aClass)) )
              for( iS= 0; iS<nS; iS++ )
                if( (aSubclass= GetTypeSubtype_GCIO(aClass,iS)) )
                  poFile = new OGRGeoconceptLayer;
                  if( poFile->Open(aSubclass) != OGRERR_NONE )
                    delete poFile;
                    return FALSE;

                  /* Add layer to data source layers list */
                  _papoLayers = (OGRGeoconceptLayer **)
                      CPLRealloc( _papoLayers,  sizeof(OGRGeoconceptLayer *) * (_nLayers+1) );
                  _papoLayers[_nLayers++] = poFile;

                           "nLayers=%d - last=[%s]",
                           _nLayers, poFile->GetLayerDefn()->GetName());

    return TRUE;