int TPpContext::CPPifdef(int defined, TPpToken * yylvalpp) { int token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); int name = yylvalpp->atom; if (++ifdepth > maxIfNesting) { parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "maximum nesting depth exceededextension name not specified", "#ifdef", ""); return 0; } elsetracker++; if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) { if (defined) parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "must be followed by macro name", "#ifdef", ""); else parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "must be followed by macro name", "#ifndef", ""); } else { Symbol *s = LookUpSymbol(macros, name); token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != '\n') { parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "unexpected tokens following #ifdef directive - expected a newline", "#ifdef", ""); while (token != '\n') token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); } if (((s && !s->details.mac.undef) ? 1 : 0) != defined) token = CPPelse(1, yylvalpp); } return token; } // CPPifdef
static int CPPifdef(int defined, yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); int name = yylvalpp->sc_ident; if (++cpp->ifdepth > MAX_IF_NESTING) { CPPErrorToInfoLog("max #if nesting depth exceeded"); return 0; } cpp->elsetracker++; cpp->elsedepth[cpp->elsetracker] = 0; if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) { defined ? CPPErrorToInfoLog("ifdef") : CPPErrorToInfoLog("ifndef"); } else { Symbol *s = LookUpSymbol(macros, name); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != '\n') { CPPWarningToInfoLog( "unexpected tokens following #ifdef preprocessor directive - expected a newline"); while (token != '\n') token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } if (((s && !s->details.mac.undef) ? 1 : 0) != defined) { token = CPPelse(1, yylvalpp); } } return token; } /* CPPifdef */
// Handle #ifdef int TPpContext::CPPifdef(int defined, TPpToken* ppToken) { int token = scanToken(ppToken); int name = ppToken->atom; if (++ifdepth > maxIfNesting) { parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "maximum nesting depth exceeded", "#ifdef", ""); return 0; } elsetracker++; if (token != PpAtomIdentifier) { if (defined) parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "must be followed by macro name", "#ifdef", ""); else parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "must be followed by macro name", "#ifndef", ""); } else { Symbol *s = LookUpSymbol(name); token = scanToken(ppToken); if (token != '\n') { parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "unexpected tokens following #ifdef directive - expected a newline", "#ifdef", ""); while (token != '\n' && token != EndOfInput) token = scanToken(ppToken); } if (((s && !s->mac.undef) ? 1 : 0) != defined) token = CPPelse(1, ppToken); } return token; }
static int CPPif(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); int res = 0, err = 0; cpp->elsetracker++; cpp->elsedepth[cpp->elsetracker] = 0; if (!cpp->ifdepth++) ifloc = *cpp->tokenLoc; if (cpp->ifdepth > MAX_IF_NESTING) { CPPErrorToInfoLog("max #if nesting depth exceeded"); return 0; } token = eval(token, MIN_PREC, &res, &err, yylvalpp); if (token != '\n') { CPPWarningToInfoLog( "unexpected tokens following the preprocessor directive - expected a newline"); while (token != '\n') token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } if (!res && !err) { token = CPPelse(1, yylvalpp); } return token; } /* CPPif */
// Handle #ifdef int TPpContext::CPPifdef(int defined, TPpToken* ppToken) { int token = scanToken(ppToken); if (++ifdepth > maxIfNesting) { parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "maximum nesting depth exceeded", "#ifdef", ""); return 0; } elsetracker++; if (token != PpAtomIdentifier) { if (defined) parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "must be followed by macro name", "#ifdef", ""); else parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "must be followed by macro name", "#ifndef", ""); } else { MacroSymbol* macro = lookupMacroDef(atomStrings.getAtom(ppToken->name)); token = scanToken(ppToken); if (token != '\n') { parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "unexpected tokens following #ifdef directive - expected a newline", "#ifdef", ""); while (token != '\n' && token != EndOfInput) token = scanToken(ppToken); } if (((macro != nullptr && !macro->undef) ? 1 : 0) != defined) token = CPPelse(1, ppToken); } return token; }
// Handle #if int TPpContext::CPPif(TPpToken* ppToken) { int token = scanToken(ppToken); elsetracker++; ifdepth++; if (ifdepth > maxIfNesting) { parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "maximum nesting depth exceeded", "#if", ""); return 0; } int res = 0; bool err = false; token = eval(token, MIN_PRECEDENCE, false, res, err, ppToken); token = extraTokenCheck(PpAtomIf, ppToken, token); if (!res && !err) token = CPPelse(1, ppToken); return token; }
// Handle #if int TPpContext::CPPif(TPpToken* ppToken) { int token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, ppToken); elsetracker++; if (! ifdepth++) ifloc = ppToken->loc; if (ifdepth > maxIfNesting) { parseContext.error(ppToken->loc, "maximum nesting depth exceeded", "#if", ""); return 0; } int res = 0; bool err = false; token = eval(token, MIN_PRECEDENCE, res, err, ppToken); token = extraTokenCheck(ifAtom, ppToken, token); if (!res && !err) token = CPPelse(1, ppToken); return token; }
static int CPPifdef(int defined, yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); int name = yylvalpp->sc_ident; if(++cpp->ifdepth > MAX_IF_NESTING){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("max #if nesting depth exceeded"); cpp->CompileError = 1; return 0; } cpp->elsetracker++; // sanity check elsetracker if (cpp->elsetracker < 0 || cpp->elsetracker >= MAX_IF_NESTING) { CPPErrorToInfoLog("mismatched #if/#endif statements"); cpp->CompileError = 1; return 0; } cpp->elsedepth[cpp->elsetracker] = 0; if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) { defined ? CPPErrorToInfoLog("ifdef"):CPPErrorToInfoLog("ifndef"); } else { Symbol *s = LookUpSymbol(macros, name); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != '\n') { CPPWarningToInfoLog("unexpected tokens following #ifdef preprocessor directive - expected a newline"); while (token != '\n') { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token <= 0) { // EOF or error CPPErrorToInfoLog("unexpected end of input in #ifdef preprocessor directive - expected a newline"); return 0; } } } if (((s && !s->details.mac.undef) ? 1 : 0) != defined) token = CPPelse(1, yylvalpp); } return token; } // CPPifdef
int TPpContext::CPPif (TPpToken * yylvalpp) { int token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); int res = 0, err = 0; elsetracker++; if (! ifdepth++) ifloc = yylvalpp->loc; if (ifdepth > maxIfNesting) { parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "maximum nesting depth exceeded", "#if", ""); return 0; } token = eval(token, MIN_PREC, &res, &err, yylvalpp); if (token != '\n') { parseContext.warn(yylvalpp->loc, "unexpected tokens following #if directive - expected a newline", "#if", ""); while (token != '\n') token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); } if (!res && !err) { token = CPPelse(1, yylvalpp); } return token; } // CPPif
static int CPPif(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); int res = 0, err = 0; if (!cpp->ifdepth++) ifloc = *cpp->tokenLoc; if(cpp->ifdepth > MAX_IF_NESTING){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("max #if nesting depth exceeded"); cpp->CompileError = 1; return 0; } cpp->elsetracker++; // sanity check elsetracker if (cpp->elsetracker < 0 || cpp->elsetracker >= MAX_IF_NESTING) { CPPErrorToInfoLog("mismatched #if/#endif statements"); cpp->CompileError = 1; return 0; } cpp->elsedepth[cpp->elsetracker] = 0; token = eval(token, MIN_PREC, &res, &err, yylvalpp); if (token != '\n') { CPPWarningToInfoLog("unexpected tokens following #if preprocessor directive - expected a newline"); while (token != '\n') { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token <= 0) { // EOF or error CPPErrorToInfoLog("unexpected end of input in #if preprocessor directive - expected a newline"); return 0; } } } if (!res && !err) { token = CPPelse(1, yylvalpp); } return token; } // CPPif
int readCPPline(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); const char *message; if (token == CPP_IDENTIFIER) { if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == defineAtom) { token = CPPdefine(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == elseAtom) { if(ChkCorrectElseNesting()){ if (!cpp->ifdepth ){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#else mismatch"); cpp->CompileError=1; return 0; } token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != '\n') { CPPWarningToInfoLog("unexpected tokens following #else preprocessor directive - expected a newline"); while (token != '\n') { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token <= 0) { // EOF or error CPPErrorToInfoLog("unexpected end of input in #ifdef preprocessor directive - expected a newline"); return 0; } } } token = CPPelse(0, yylvalpp); }else{ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#else after a #else"); cpp->ifdepth = 0; cpp->elsetracker = 0; cpp->pastFirstStatement = 1; cpp->CompileError = 1; return 0; } } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == elifAtom) { if (!cpp->ifdepth){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#elif mismatch"); cpp->CompileError=1; return 0; } // this token is really a dont care, but we still need to eat the tokens token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); while (token != '\n') { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token <= 0) { // EOF or error CPPErrorToInfoLog("unexpect tokens following #elif preprocessor directive - expected a newline"); cpp->CompileError = 1; return 0; } } token = CPPelse(0, yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == endifAtom) { if (!cpp->ifdepth){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#endif mismatch"); cpp->CompileError=1; return 0; } else --cpp->ifdepth; if (cpp->elsetracker) --cpp->elsetracker; } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == ifAtom) { token = CPPif(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == ifdefAtom) { token = CPPifdef(1, yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == ifndefAtom) { token = CPPifdef(0, yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == lineAtom) { token = CPPline(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == pragmaAtom) { token = CPPpragma(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == undefAtom) { token = CPPundef(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == errorAtom) { token = CPPerror(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == versionAtom) { token = CPPversion(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == extensionAtom) { token = CPPextension(yylvalpp); } else { StoreStr("Invalid Directive"); StoreStr(GetStringOfAtom(atable,yylvalpp->sc_ident)); message=GetStrfromTStr(); CPPShInfoLogMsg(message); ResetTString(); } } while (token != '\n' && token != 0 && token != EOF) { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } cpp->pastFirstStatement = 1; return token; } // readCPPline
int TPpContext::readCPPline(TPpToken * yylvalpp) { int token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); bool isVersion = false; if (token == CPP_IDENTIFIER) { if (yylvalpp->atom == defineAtom) { token = CPPdefine(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->atom == elseAtom) { if (ChkCorrectElseNesting()) { if (! ifdepth) { parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "mismatched statements", "#else", ""); } token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != '\n') { parseContext.warn(yylvalpp->loc, "unexpected tokens following #else directive - expected a newline", "#else", ""); while (token != '\n') token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); } token = CPPelse(0, yylvalpp); } else { parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "#else after a #else", "#else", ""); ifdepth = 0; notAVersionToken = true; return 0; } } else if (yylvalpp->atom == elifAtom) { if (! ifdepth) { parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "mismatched statements", "#elif", ""); } // this token is really a dont care, but we still need to eat the tokens token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); while (token != '\n') token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); token = CPPelse(0, yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->atom == endifAtom) { elsedepth[elsetracker] = 0; --elsetracker; if (! ifdepth) parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "mismatched statements", "#endif", ""); else --ifdepth; } else if (yylvalpp->atom == ifAtom) { token = CPPif (yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->atom == ifdefAtom) { token = CPPifdef(1, yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->atom == ifndefAtom) { token = CPPifdef(0, yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->atom == lineAtom) { token = CPPline(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->atom == pragmaAtom) { token = CPPpragma(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->atom == undefAtom) { token = CPPundef(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->atom == errorAtom) { token = CPPerror(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->atom == versionAtom) { token = CPPversion(yylvalpp); isVersion = true; } else if (yylvalpp->atom == extensionAtom) { token = CPPextension(yylvalpp); } else { parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "Invalid Directive", "#", GetStringOfAtom(&atomTable, yylvalpp->atom)); } } while (token != '\n' && token != 0 && token != EOF) { token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp); } notAVersionToken = ! isVersion; return token; } // readCPPline
int TPpContext::readCPPline(TPpToken* ppToken) { int token = scanToken(ppToken); if (token == PpAtomIdentifier) { switch (ppToken->atom) { case PpAtomDefine: token = CPPdefine(ppToken); break; case PpAtomElse: if (elsetracker[elseSeen]) parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "#else after #else", "#else", ""); elsetracker[elseSeen] = true; if (! ifdepth) parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "mismatched statements", "#else", ""); token = extraTokenCheck(PpAtomElse, ppToken, scanToken(ppToken)); token = CPPelse(0, ppToken); break; case PpAtomElif: if (! ifdepth) parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "mismatched statements", "#elif", ""); if (elseSeen[elsetracker]) parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "#elif after #else", "#elif", ""); // this token is really a dont care, but we still need to eat the tokens token = scanToken(ppToken); while (token != '\n' && token != EndOfInput) token = scanToken(ppToken); token = CPPelse(0, ppToken); break; case PpAtomEndif: elseSeen[elsetracker] = false; --elsetracker; if (! ifdepth) parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "mismatched statements", "#endif", ""); else --ifdepth; token = extraTokenCheck(PpAtomEndif, ppToken, scanToken(ppToken)); break; case PpAtomIf: token = CPPif(ppToken); break; case PpAtomIfdef: token = CPPifdef(1, ppToken); break; case PpAtomIfndef: token = CPPifdef(0, ppToken); break; case PpAtomInclude: parseContext.ppRequireExtensions(ppToken->loc, 1, &E_GL_GOOGLE_include_directive, "#include"); token = CPPinclude(ppToken); break; case PpAtomLine: token = CPPline(ppToken); break; case PpAtomPragma: token = CPPpragma(ppToken); break; case PpAtomUndef: token = CPPundef(ppToken); break; case PpAtomError: token = CPPerror(ppToken); break; case PpAtomVersion: token = CPPversion(ppToken); break; case PpAtomExtension: token = CPPextension(ppToken); break; default: parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "invalid directive:", "#", ppToken->name); break; } } else if (token != '\n' && token != EndOfInput) parseContext.ppError(ppToken->loc, "invalid directive", "#", ""); while (token != '\n' && token != EndOfInput) token = scanToken(ppToken); return token; }
int TPpContext::readCPPline(TPpToken* ppToken) { int token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, ppToken); bool isVersion = false; if (token == CPP_IDENTIFIER) { if (ppToken->atom == defineAtom) { token = CPPdefine(ppToken); } else if (ppToken->atom == elseAtom) { if (! elsetracker[elseSeen]) { elsetracker[elseSeen] = true; if (! ifdepth) parseContext.error(ppToken->loc, "mismatched statements", "#else", ""); token = extraTokenCheck(elseAtom, ppToken, currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, ppToken)); token = CPPelse(0, ppToken); } else { parseContext.error(ppToken->loc, "#else after a #else", "#else", ""); ifdepth = 0; return 0; } } else if (ppToken->atom == elifAtom) { if (! ifdepth) parseContext.error(ppToken->loc, "mismatched statements", "#elif", ""); // this token is really a dont care, but we still need to eat the tokens token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, ppToken); while (token != '\n') token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, ppToken); token = CPPelse(0, ppToken); } else if (ppToken->atom == endifAtom) { elseSeen[elsetracker] = false; --elsetracker; if (! ifdepth) parseContext.error(ppToken->loc, "mismatched statements", "#endif", ""); else --ifdepth; token = extraTokenCheck(endifAtom, ppToken, currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, ppToken)); } else if (ppToken->atom == ifAtom) { token = CPPif (ppToken); } else if (ppToken->atom == ifdefAtom) { token = CPPifdef(1, ppToken); } else if (ppToken->atom == ifndefAtom) { token = CPPifdef(0, ppToken); } else if (ppToken->atom == lineAtom) { token = CPPline(ppToken); } else if (ppToken->atom == pragmaAtom) { token = CPPpragma(ppToken); } else if (ppToken->atom == undefAtom) { token = CPPundef(ppToken); } else if (ppToken->atom == errorAtom) { token = CPPerror(ppToken); } else if (ppToken->atom == versionAtom) { token = CPPversion(ppToken); isVersion = true; } else if (ppToken->atom == extensionAtom) { token = CPPextension(ppToken); } else { parseContext.error(ppToken->loc, "invalid directive:", "#", GetAtomString(ppToken->atom)); } } else if (token != '\n' && token > 0) parseContext.error(ppToken->loc, "invalid directive", "#", ""); while (token != '\n' && token != 0 && token != EOF) token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, ppToken); return token; }