Beispiel #1
 * Using k_info[], init rarity data for the entire dungeon.
bool init_obj_alloc(void)
	int k_max = z_info->k_max;
	int item, lev;

	/* Free obj_allocs if allocated */

	/* Allocate and wipe */
	obj_alloc = C_ZNEW((MAX_O_DEPTH + 1) * k_max, byte);
	obj_alloc_great = C_ZNEW((MAX_O_DEPTH + 1) * k_max, byte);

	/* Wipe the totals */
	C_WIPE(obj_total, MAX_O_DEPTH + 1, u32b);
	C_WIPE(obj_total_great, MAX_O_DEPTH + 1, u32b);

	/* Init allocation data */
	for (item = 1; item < k_max; item++)
		const object_kind *kind = &k_info[item];

		int min = kind->alloc_min;
		int max = kind->alloc_max;

		/* If an item doesn't have a rarity, move on */
		if (!kind->alloc_prob) continue;

		/* Go through all the dungeon levels */
		for (lev = 0; lev <= MAX_O_DEPTH; lev++)
			int rarity = kind->alloc_prob;

			/* Save the probability in the standard table */
			if ((lev < min) || (lev > max)) rarity = 0;
			obj_total[lev] += rarity;
			obj_alloc[(lev * k_max) + item] = rarity;

			/* Save the probability in the "great" table if relevant */
			if (!kind_is_good(kind)) rarity = 0;
			obj_total_great[lev] += rarity;
			obj_alloc_great[(lev * k_max) + item] = rarity;

	return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
 * Hack -- read the next "block" from the savefile
static errr rd_block(void)
	errr err;

	byte fake[4];

	/* Read the head data */
	err = fd_read(data_fd, (char*)&fake, sizeof(fake));

	/* Extract the type and size */
	data_type = (fake[0] | ((u16b)fake[1] << 8));
	data_size = (fake[2] | ((u16b)fake[3] << 8));

	/* Wipe the data block */
	C_WIPE(data_head, 65535, byte);

	/* Read the actual data */
	err = fd_read(data_fd, (char*)data_head, data_size);

	/* Read the tail data */
	err = fd_read(data_fd, (char*)&fake, sizeof(fake));

	/* XXX XXX XXX Verify */

	/* Hack -- reset */
	data_next = data_head;

	/* Success */
	return (0);
void object_kind::object_kind_wipe()

    tval = sval = pval = 0;
    to_h = to_d = to_a = 0;
    ac = dd = ds = weight = cost = 0;
    k_flags1 = k_flags2 = k_flags3 = k_native = k_store = 0;
    effect = 0;
    C_WIPE(locale, 4, byte);
    C_WIPE(chance, 4, byte);
    k_level = extra = 0;
    color_num = 0;
    d_color = QColor("black");
    d_char = QChar(' ');
    flavor = squelch = 0;
    aware = tried = everseen = FALSE;
    C_WIPE(use_verify, VERIFY_MAX, byte);

Beispiel #4
 * Read in a highscore file.
static size_t highscore_read(high_score scores[], size_t sz)
	char fname[1024];
	ang_file *scorefile;
	size_t i;

	/* Wipe current scores */
	C_WIPE(scores, sz, high_score);

	path_build(fname, sizeof(fname), ANGBAND_DIR_APEX, "scores.raw");
	scorefile = file_open(fname, MODE_READ, -1);

	if (!scorefile) return TRUE;

	for (i = 0; i < sz &&
			file_read(scorefile, (char *)&scores[i], sizeof(high_score)) > 0;


	return i;
Beispiel #5
 * Hack -- write the current "block" to the savefile
static errr wr_block(void)
	errr err;

	byte fake[4];

	/* Save the type and size */
	fake[0] = (byte)(data_type);
	fake[1] = (byte)(data_type >> 8);
	fake[2] = (byte)(data_size);
	fake[3] = (byte)(data_size >> 8);

	/* Dump the head */
	err = fd_write(data_fd, (cptr)&fake, sizeof(fake));

	/* Dump the actual data */
	err = fd_write(data_fd, (cptr)data_head, data_size);

	/* XXX XXX XXX */
	fake[0] = 0;
	fake[1] = 0;
	fake[2] = 0;
	fake[3] = 0;

	/* Dump the tail */
	err = fd_write(data_fd, (cptr)&fake, sizeof(fake));

	/* Hack -- reset */
	data_next = data_head;

	/* Wipe the data block */
	C_WIPE(data_head, 65535, byte);

	/* Success */
	return (0);
Beispiel #6
 * Generates a random dungeon level			-RAK-
 * Hack -- regenerate any "overflow" levels
 * Hack -- allow auto-scumming via a gameplay option.
void generate_cave(void)
	int y, x, num;

	/* Hack - Reset the object theme */
	dun_theme.treasure = 20;
	dun_theme.combat = 20;
	dun_theme.magic = 20; = 20;

	/* Build the wilderness */
	if (!p_ptr->depth)
		/* Hack XXX XXX */
		/* Exit, information is already in other data type. */

		p_ptr->px = (s16b)p_ptr->wilderness_x;
		p_ptr->py = (s16b)p_ptr->wilderness_y;

		/* The "dungeon" is ready */
		character_dungeon = TRUE;

		/* Reset map panels */

		/* Add monsters to the wilderness */


	/* The dungeon is not ready */
	character_dungeon = FALSE;

	/* Generate */
	for (num = 0; TRUE; num++)
		bool okay = TRUE;

		cptr why = NULL;

		 * Start with a blank cave
		for (y = 0; y < MAX_HGT; y++)
			(void) C_WIPE(cave[y], MAX_WID, cave_type);

		 * Perhaps we should simply check for no monsters / objects
		 * and complain if any exist.  That way these two lines
		 * could eventually be removed.
		o_max = 1;
		m_max = 1;

		/* Set the base level */
		base_level = p_ptr->depth;

		/* Reset the monster generation level */
		monster_level = base_level;

		/* Reset the object generation level */
		object_level = base_level;

		/* Nothing special here yet */
		good_item_flag = FALSE;

		/* Nothing good here yet */
		rating = 0;

		if (!generate_level_callback(p_ptr->depth))
#endif /* USE_SCRIPT */
			okay = level_gen(&why);

		/* Extract the feeling */
		feeling = extract_feeling();

		/* Prevent object over-flow */
		if (o_max >= max_o_idx)
			/* Message */
			why = "too many objects";

			/* Message */
			okay = FALSE;
		/* Prevent monster over-flow */
		else if (m_max >= max_m_idx)
			/* Message */
			why = "too many monsters";

			/* Message */
			okay = FALSE;

		/* Mega-Hack -- "auto-scum" */
		else if ((auto_scum || ironman_autoscum) && (num < 100) &&
			/* Require "goodness" */
			if ((feeling > 9) ||
			    ((p_ptr->depth >= 7) && (feeling > 8)) ||
			    ((p_ptr->depth >= 15) && (feeling > 7)) ||
			    ((p_ptr->depth >= 35) && (feeling > 6)) ||
			    ((p_ptr->depth >= 70) && (feeling > 5)))
				/* Give message to cheaters */
				if (cheat_room || cheat_hear ||
				    cheat_peek || cheat_xtra)
					/* Message */
					why = "boring level";

				/* Try again */
				okay = FALSE;

		/* Accept */
		if (okay) break;

		/* Message */
		if (why) msg_format("Generation restarted (%s)", why);

		/* Wipe the objects */

		/* Wipe the monsters */

		/* Wipe the fields */

	/* The dungeon is ready */
	character_dungeon = TRUE;

	/* Reset map panels */

	/* Verify the panel */

	/* Remove the CAVE_ROOM flags... reused as CAVE_MNLT */
	for (x = min_wid; x < max_wid; x++)
		for (y = min_hgt; y < max_hgt; y++)
			/* Clear the flag */
			cave[y][x].info &= ~(CAVE_ROOM);

	/* Remember when this level was "created" */
	old_turn = turn;
Beispiel #7
static void init_ego_allocs(void) {
	struct alloc_entry *table;
	int i;
	ego_item_type *e_ptr;
	s16b num[MAX_DEPTH];
	s16b aux[MAX_DEPTH];

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(aux, MAX_DEPTH, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(num, MAX_DEPTH, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_ego_table" */
	alloc_ego_size = 0;

	/* Scan the ego items */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->e_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th ego item */
		e_ptr = &e_info[i];

		/* Legal items */
		if (e_ptr->rarity)
			/* Count the entries */

			/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/*** Initialize ego-item allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_ego_table */
	alloc_ego_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_ego_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_ego_table;

	/* Scan the ego-items */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->e_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th ego item */
		e_ptr = &e_info[i];

		/* Count valid pairs */
		if (e_ptr->rarity)
			int p, x, y, z;

			/* Extract the base level */
			x = e_ptr->level;

			/* Extract the base probability */
			p = (100 / e_ptr->rarity);

			/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
			y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

			/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
			z = y + aux[x];

			/* Load the entry */
			table[z].index = i;
			table[z].level = x;
			table[z].prob1 = p;
			table[z].prob2 = p;
			table[z].prob3 = p;

			/* Another entry complete for this locale */

Beispiel #8
 * @brief アイテムの階層毎生成率を表示する / Output a rarity graph for a type of object.
 * @param tval ベースアイテムの大項目ID
 * @param sval ベースアイテムの小項目ID
 * @param row 表示列
 * @param col 表示行
 * @return なし
static void prt_alloc(byte tval, byte sval, int row, int col)
	int i, j;
	int home = 0;
	u32b rarity[K_MAX_DEPTH];
	u32b total[K_MAX_DEPTH];
	s32b display[22];
	cptr r = "+---Rate---+";
	object_kind *k_ptr;

	/* Get the entry */
	alloc_entry *table = alloc_kind_table;

	/* Wipe the tables */
	(void)C_WIPE(rarity, K_MAX_DEPTH, u32b);
	(void)C_WIPE(total, K_MAX_DEPTH, u32b);
	(void)C_WIPE(display, 22, s32b);

	/* Scan all entries */
	for (i = 0; i < K_MAX_DEPTH; i++)
		int total_frac = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < alloc_kind_size; j++)
			int prob = 0;

			if (table[j].level <= i)
				prob = table[j].prob1 * GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH;
			else if (table[j].level - 1 > 0)
				prob = table[j].prob1 * i * K_MAX_DEPTH / (table[j].level - 1);

			/* Acquire this kind */
			k_ptr = &k_info[table[j].index];

			/* Accumulate probabilities */
			total[i] += prob / (GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH);
			total_frac += prob % (GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH);

			/* Accumulate probabilities */
			if ((k_ptr->tval == tval) && (k_ptr->sval == sval))
				home = k_ptr->level;
				rarity[i] += prob / (GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH);
		total[i] += total_frac / (GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH);

	/* Calculate probabilities for each range */
	for (i = 0; i < 22; i++)
		/* Shift the values into view */
		int possibility = 0;
		for (j = i * K_MAX_DEPTH / 22; j < (i + 1) * K_MAX_DEPTH / 22; j++)
			possibility += rarity[j] * 100000 / total[j];
		display[i] = possibility / 5;

	/* Graph the rarities */
	for (i = 0; i < 22; i++)
		Term_putch(col, row + i + 1, TERM_WHITE,  '|');

		prt(format("%2dF", (i * 5)), row + i + 1, col);

		/* Note the level */
		if ((i * K_MAX_DEPTH / 22 <= home) && (home < (i + 1) * K_MAX_DEPTH / 22))
			c_prt(TERM_RED, format("%3d.%04d%%", display[i] / 1000, display[i] % 1000), row + i + 1, col + 3);
			c_prt(TERM_WHITE, format("%3d.%04d%%", display[i] / 1000, display[i] % 1000), row + i + 1, col + 3);

	/* Make it look nice */
	prt(r, row, col);
Beispiel #9
 * @brief フロアの全情報を初期化する / Clear and empty the cave
 * @return なし
void clear_cave(void)
    int x, y, i;

    /* Very simplified version of wipe_o_list() */
    (void)C_WIPE(o_list, o_max, object_type);
    o_max = 1;
    o_cnt = 0;

    /* Very simplified version of wipe_m_list() */
    for (i = 1; i < max_r_idx; i++)
        r_info[i].cur_num = 0;
    (void)C_WIPE(m_list, m_max, monster_type);
    m_max = 1;
    m_cnt = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MTIMED; i++) mproc_max[i] = 0;

    /* Pre-calc cur_num of pets in party_mon[] */

    /* Start with a blank cave */
    for (y = 0; y < MAX_HGT; y++)
        for (x = 0; x < MAX_WID; x++)
            cave_type *c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

            /* No flags */
            c_ptr->info = 0;

            /* No features */
            c_ptr->feat = 0;

            /* No objects */
            c_ptr->o_idx = 0;

            /* No monsters */
            c_ptr->m_idx = 0;

            /* No special */
            c_ptr->special = 0;

            /* No mimic */
            c_ptr->mimic = 0;

            /* No flow */
            c_ptr->cost = 0;
            c_ptr->dist = 0;
            c_ptr->when = 0;

    /* Mega-Hack -- no player yet */
    p_ptr->x = p_ptr->y = 0;

    /* Set the base level */
    base_level = dun_level;

    /* Reset the monster generation level */
    monster_level = base_level;

    /* Reset the object generation level */
    object_level = base_level;
Beispiel #10
 * @brief 移動先のフロアに伴ったペットを配置する / Place preserved pet monsters on new floor
 * @return なし
static void place_pet(void)
	int i;
	int max_num = p_ptr->wild_mode ? 1 : MAX_PARTY_MON;

	for (i = 0; i < max_num; i++)
		POSITION cy = 0, cx = 0;
		MONSTER_IDX m_idx;

		if (!(party_mon[i].r_idx)) continue;

		if (i == 0)
			m_idx = m_pop();
			p_ptr->riding = m_idx;
			if (m_idx)
				cy = p_ptr->y;
				cx = p_ptr->x;
			int j;

			for (d = 1; d < 6; d++)
				for (j = 1000; j > 0; j--)
					scatter(&cy, &cx, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x, d, 0);
					if (monster_can_enter(cy, cx, &r_info[party_mon[i].r_idx], 0)) break;
				if (j) break;
			m_idx = (d == 6) ? 0 : m_pop();

		if (m_idx)
			monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[m_idx];
			monster_race *r_ptr;

			cave[cy][cx].m_idx = m_idx;

			m_ptr->r_idx = party_mon[i].r_idx;

			/* Copy all member of the structure */
			*m_ptr = party_mon[i];
			r_ptr = real_r_ptr(m_ptr);

			m_ptr->fy = cy;
			m_ptr->fx = cx;
			m_ptr->ml = TRUE;
			m_ptr->mtimed[MTIMED_CSLEEP] = 0;

			/* Paranoia */
			m_ptr->hold_o_idx = 0;
			m_ptr->target_y = 0;

			if ((r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_FORCE_SLEEP) && !ironman_nightmare)
				/* Monster is still being nice */
				m_ptr->mflag |= (MFLAG_NICE);

				/* Must repair monsters */
				repair_monsters = TRUE;

			/* Update the monster */
			update_mon(m_idx, TRUE);
			lite_spot(cy, cx);

			/* Pre-calculated in precalc_cur_num_of_pet() */
			/* r_ptr->cur_num++; */

			/* Hack -- Count the number of "reproducers" */
			if (r_ptr->flags2 & RF2_MULTIPLY) num_repro++;

			/* Hack -- Notice new multi-hued monsters */
				monster_race *ap_r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->ap_r_idx];
				if (ap_r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_ATTR_MULTI | RF1_SHAPECHANGER))
					shimmer_monsters = TRUE;
			monster_type *m_ptr = &party_mon[i];
			monster_race *r_ptr = real_r_ptr(m_ptr);
			char m_name[80];

			monster_desc(m_name, m_ptr, 0);
#ifdef JP
			msg_format("%sとはぐれてしまった。", m_name);
			msg_format("You have lost sight of %s.", m_name);
			if (record_named_pet && m_ptr->nickname)
				monster_desc(m_name, m_ptr, MD_INDEF_VISIBLE);
				do_cmd_write_nikki(NIKKI_NAMED_PET, RECORD_NAMED_PET_LOST_SIGHT, m_name);

			/* Pre-calculated in precalc_cur_num_of_pet(), but need to decrease */
			if (r_ptr->cur_num) r_ptr->cur_num--;

	/* For accuracy of precalc_cur_num_of_pet() */
	(void)C_WIPE(party_mon, MAX_PARTY_MON, monster_type);
Beispiel #11
static void init_race_allocs(void) {
	int i;
	monster_race *r_ptr;
	alloc_entry *table;
	s16b num[MAX_DEPTH];
	s16b aux[MAX_DEPTH];

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(aux, MAX_DEPTH, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(num, MAX_DEPTH, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_race_table" */
	alloc_race_size = 0;

	/* Scan the monsters (not the ghost) */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->r_max - 1; i++)
		/* Get the i'th race */
		r_ptr = &r_info[i];

		/* Legal monsters */
		if (r_ptr->rarity)
			/* Count the entries */

			/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/* Paranoia */
	if (!num[0]) quit("No town monsters!");

	/*** Initialize monster allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_race_table */
	alloc_race_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_race_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_race_table;

	/* Scan the monsters (not the ghost) */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->r_max - 1; i++)
		/* Get the i'th race */
		r_ptr = &r_info[i];

		/* Count valid pairs */
		if (r_ptr->rarity)
			int p, x, y, z;

			/* Extract the base level */
			x = r_ptr->level;

			/* Extract the base probability */
			p = (100 / r_ptr->rarity);

			/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
			y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

			/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
			z = y + aux[x];

			/* Load the entry */
			table[z].index = i;
			table[z].level = x;
			table[z].prob1 = p;
			table[z].prob2 = p;
			table[z].prob3 = p;

			/* Another entry complete for this locale */

Beispiel #12
 * Initialize some other arrays
static errr init_alloc(void)
	int i, j;

	object_kind *k_ptr;

	feature_type *f_ptr;

	monster_race *r_ptr;

	ego_item_type *e_ptr;

	alloc_entry *table;

	s16b num[MAX_DEPTH_ALL];

	s16b aux[MAX_DEPTH_ALL];

	/*** Analyze object allocation info ***/

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(aux, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(num, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_kind_table" */
	alloc_kind_size = 0;

	/* Scan the objects */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->k_max; i++)
		k_ptr = &k_info[i];

		/* Scan allocation pairs */
		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			/* Count the "legal" entries */
			if (k_ptr->chance[j])
				/* Count the entries */

				/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH_ALL; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/* Paranoia */
	if (!num[0]) quit("No town objects!");

	/*** Initialize object allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_kind_table */
	alloc_kind_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_kind_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_kind_table;

	/* Scan the objects */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->k_max; i++)
		k_ptr = &k_info[i];

		/* Scan allocation pairs */
		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			/* Count the "legal" entries */
			if (k_ptr->chance[j])
				int p, x, y, z;

				/* Extract the base level */
				x = k_ptr->locale[j];

				/* Extract the base probability */
				p = (100 / k_ptr->chance[j]);

				/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
				y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

				/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
				z = y + aux[x];

				/* Load the entry */
				table[z].index = i;
				table[z].level = x;
				table[z].prob1 = p;
				table[z].prob2 = p;
				table[z].prob3 = p;

				/* Another entry complete for this locale */

	/*** Analyze feature allocation info ***/

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(&aux, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(&num, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_feat_table" */
	alloc_feat_size = 0;

	/* Scan the features */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->f_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th race */
		f_ptr = &f_info[i];

		/* Legal features */
		if (f_ptr->f_rarity)
			/* Count the entries */

			/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH_ALL; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/* Paranoia - not really necessary */
	if (!num[0]) quit("No town features!");

	/*** Initialize feature allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_feat_table */
	alloc_feat_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_feat_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_feat_table;

	/* Scan the features */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->f_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th feature */
		f_ptr = &f_info[i];

		/* Count valid pairs */
		if (f_ptr->f_rarity)
			int p, x, y, z;

			/* Extract the base level */
			x = f_ptr->f_level;

			/* Extract the base probability */
			p = (100 / f_ptr->f_rarity);

			/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
			y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

			/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
			z = y + aux[x];

			/* Load the entry */
			table[z].index = i;
			table[z].level = x;
			table[z].prob1 = p;
			table[z].prob2 = p;
			table[z].prob3 = p;

			/* Another entry complete for this locale */

	/*** Analyze monster allocation info ***/

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(aux, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(num, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_race_table" */
	alloc_race_size = 0;

	/* Scan the monsters*/
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->r_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th race */
		r_ptr = &r_info[i];

		/* Legal monsters */
		if (r_ptr->rarity)
			/* Count the entries */

			/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH_ALL; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/* Paranoia */
	if (!num[0]) quit("No town monsters!");

	/*** Initialize monster allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_race_table */
	alloc_race_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_race_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_race_table;

	/* Scan the monsters*/
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->r_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th race */
		r_ptr = &r_info[i];

		/* Count valid pairs */
		if (r_ptr->rarity)
			int p, x, y, z;

			/* Extract the base level */
			x = r_ptr->level;

			/* Extract the base probability */
			p = (100 / r_ptr->rarity);

			/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
			y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

			/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
			z = y + aux[x];

			/* Load the entry */
			table[z].index = i;
			table[z].level = x;
			table[z].prob1 = p;
			table[z].prob2 = p;
			table[z].prob3 = p;

			/* Another entry complete for this locale */

	/*** Analyze ego_item allocation info ***/

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(aux, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(num, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_ego_table" */
	alloc_ego_size = 0;

	/* Scan the ego items */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->e_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th ego item */
		e_ptr = &e_info[i];

		/* Legal items */
		if (e_ptr->rarity)
			/* Count the entries */

			/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH_ALL; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/*** Initialize ego-item allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_ego_table */
	alloc_ego_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_ego_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_ego_table;

	/* Scan the ego-items */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->e_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th ego item */
		e_ptr = &e_info[i];

		/* Count valid pairs */
		if (e_ptr->rarity)
			int p, x, y, z;

			/* Extract the base level */
			x = e_ptr->level;

			/* Extract the base probability */
			p = (100 / e_ptr->rarity);

			/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
			y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

			/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
			z = y + aux[x];

			/* Load the entry */
			table[z].index = i;
			table[z].level = x;
			table[z].prob1 = p;
			table[z].prob2 = p;
			table[z].prob3 = p;

			/* Another entry complete for this locale */

	/* Success */
	return (0);
 *  Clear and empty the cave
void clear_cave(void)
    int x, y;

    /* Very simplified version of wipe_o_list() */
    C_WIPE(o_list, o_max, object_type);
    o_max = 1;
    o_cnt = 0;
    unique_count = 0;

    /* Note, when I replaced the above with wipe_o_list(), artifacts started spawning
       multiple times!


    /* Pre-calc cur_num of pets in party_mon[] */

    /* Start with a blank cave */
    for (y = 0; y < MAX_HGT; y++)
        for (x = 0; x < MAX_WID; x++)
            cave_type *c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

            /* No flags */
            c_ptr->info = 0;

            /* No features */
            c_ptr->feat = 0;

            /* No objects */
            c_ptr->o_idx = 0;

            /* No monsters */
            c_ptr->m_idx = 0;

            /* No special */
            c_ptr->special = 0;

            /* No mimic */
            c_ptr->mimic = 0;

            /* No flow */
            c_ptr->cost = 0;
            c_ptr->dist = 0;
            c_ptr->when = 0;

    /* Mega-Hack -- no player yet */
    px = py = 0;

    /* Set the base level */
    base_level = dun_level;

    /* Reset the monster generation level */
    monster_level = base_level;

    /* Reset the object generation level */
    object_level = base_level;
Beispiel #14
 * Output a rarity graph for a type of object.
 * Use a monte-carlo method to calculate the probabilities.
static void prt_alloc(const object_type *o_ptr, int row, int col, u32b monte)
	u32b i, j;
	u32b maxd = 1, maxr = 1, maxt = 1;
	u32b rarity[MAX_DEPTH];
	u32b total[MAX_DEPTH];
	u32b display[20];
	byte c = TERM_WHITE;
	cptr r = "+--common--+";
	u16b kind = o_ptr->k_idx;
	u16b home = k_info[kind].level;

	/* Wipe the tables */
	(void)C_WIPE(rarity, MAX_DEPTH, u32b);
	(void)C_WIPE(total, MAX_DEPTH, u32b);
	(void)C_WIPE(display, 20, u32b);

	prt("Calculating probability distribution - please wait.", 0, 0);

	/* Refresh */

	/* Scan all entries */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < monte; j++)
			if (get_obj_num(i, 0) == kind) rarity[i]++;

		total[i] = monte;

	/* Find maxima */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++)
		if (rarity[i] > maxr) maxr = rarity[i];
		if (total[i] > maxt) maxt = total[i];

	/* Simulate a log graph */
	if (maxt / maxr > 32)
		r = "+-uncommon-+";
	if (maxt / maxr > 1024)
		r = "+---rare---+";
	if (maxt / maxr > 32768L)
		c = TERM_L_DARK;
		r = "+--unique--+";

	/* Calculate probabilities for each range */
	for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
		/* Shift the values into view */
		for (j = i * MAX_DEPTH / 20; j < (i + 1) * MAX_DEPTH / 20; j++)
			display[i] += rarity[j] * maxt * 10 / total[j];

		/* Correct proportions */
		display[i] /= maxr;

		/* Track maximum */
		if (display[i] > maxd) maxd = display[i];

	/* Normalize */
	for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
		display[i] = display[i] * 10 / maxd;

	/* Graph the rarities */
	for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
		Term_putch(col, row + i + 1, TERM_WHITE,  '|');

		/* Note the level */
		if ((i * MAX_DEPTH / 20 <= home) && (home < (i + 1) * MAX_DEPTH / 20))
			c_prt(TERM_RED, format("%.*s", display[i], "**********"), row + i + 1, col + 1);
			c_prt(c, format("%.*s", display[i], "**********"), row + i + 1, col + 1);

	/* Make it look nice */
	prt(r, row, col);

	Term_putch(col, row + 2, TERM_WHITE,  '6');

	Term_putch(col, row + 8, TERM_WHITE,  'A');
	Term_putch(col, row + 9, TERM_WHITE,  'L');
	Term_putch(col, row + 10, TERM_WHITE, 'L');
	Term_putch(col, row + 11, TERM_WHITE, 'O');
	Term_putch(col, row + 12, TERM_WHITE, 'C');

	prt("+", row + 21, col);
Beispiel #15
 * Output a rarity graph for a type of object.
static void prt_alloc(byte tval, byte sval, int row, int col)
	int i, j;
	int home = 0;
	u32b maxr = 1, maxt = 1, ratio;
	u32b rarity[K_MAX_DEPTH];
	u32b total[K_MAX_DEPTH];
	s32b maxd = 1, display[22];
	byte c = TERM_WHITE;
	cptr r = "+--common--+";
	object_kind *k_ptr;

	/* Get the entry */
	alloc_entry *table = alloc_kind_table;

	/* Wipe the tables */
	(void)C_WIPE(rarity, K_MAX_DEPTH, u32b);
	(void)C_WIPE(total, K_MAX_DEPTH, u32b);
	(void)C_WIPE(display, 22, s32b);

	/* Scan all entries */
	for (i = 0; i < K_MAX_DEPTH; i++)
		int total_frac = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < alloc_kind_size; j++)
			int prob = 0;

			if (table[j].level <= i)
				prob = table[j].prob1 * GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH;
			else if (table[j].level - 1 > 0)
				prob = table[j].prob1 * i * K_MAX_DEPTH / (table[j].level - 1);

			/* Acquire this kind */
			k_ptr = &k_info[table[j].index];

			/* Accumulate probabilities */
			total[i] += prob / (GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH);
			total_frac += prob % (GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH);

			/* Accumulate probabilities */
			if ((k_ptr->tval == tval) && (k_ptr->sval == sval))
				home = k_ptr->level;
				rarity[i] += prob;
		total[i] += total_frac / (GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH);

	/* Find maxima */
	for (i = 0; i < K_MAX_DEPTH; i++)
		if (rarity[i] > maxr) maxr = rarity[i];
		if (total[i] > maxt) maxt = total[i];

	if (maxr / (GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH) != 0)
		ratio = maxt / (maxr / (GREAT_OBJ * K_MAX_DEPTH));
		ratio = 99999L;

	/* Simulate a log graph */
	if (ratio > 1000)
		r = "+-uncommon-+";
	if (ratio > 3000)
		r = "+---rare---+";
	if (ratio > 32768L)
		c = TERM_L_DARK;
		r = "+-VeryRare-+";

	/* Calculate probabilities for each range */
	for (i = 0; i < 22; i++)
		/* Shift the values into view */

		int possibility = 0;
		for (j = i * K_MAX_DEPTH / 22; j < (i + 1) * K_MAX_DEPTH / 22; j++)
			possibility += rarity[j] * (100 * maxt / total[j]);

		possibility = possibility / maxr;

		/* display[i] = log_{sqrt(2)}(possibility) */
		display[i] = 0;
		while (possibility)
			possibility = possibility * 1000 / 1414;

		/* Track maximum */
		if (display[i] > maxd) maxd = display[i];

	/* Normalize */
	if (maxd > 10) for (i = 0; i < 22; i++)
		display[i] = display[i] - maxd + 10;

	/* Graph the rarities */
	for (i = 0; i < 22; i++)
		Term_putch(col, row + i + 1, TERM_WHITE,  '|');

		prt(format("%d", (i * K_MAX_DEPTH / 220) % 10), row + i + 1, col);

		if (display[i] <= 0) 

		/* Note the level */
		if ((i * K_MAX_DEPTH / 22 <= home) && (home < (i + 1) * K_MAX_DEPTH / 22))
			c_prt(TERM_RED, format("%.*s", display[i], "**********"), row + i + 1, col + 1);
			c_prt(c, format("%.*s", display[i], "**********"), row + i + 1, col + 1);

	/* Make it look nice */
	prt(r, row, col);
Beispiel #16
 * Read the "extra" information
static int rd_player(void)
	int i;

	byte num;

	rd_string(op_ptr->full_name, sizeof(op_ptr->full_name));
	rd_string(p_ptr->died_from, 80);
	rd_string(p_ptr->history, 250);

	/* Player race */

	/* Verify player race */
	if (p_ptr->prace >= z_info->p_max)
		note(format("Invalid player race (%d).", p_ptr->prace));
		return (-1);
	rp_ptr = &p_info[p_ptr->prace];

	/* Player class */

	/* Verify player class */
	if (p_ptr->pclass >= z_info->c_max)
		note(format("Invalid player class (%d).", p_ptr->pclass));
		return (-1);
	cp_ptr = &c_info[p_ptr->pclass];
	mp_ptr = &cp_ptr->spells;

	/* Player gender */
	sp_ptr = &sex_info[p_ptr->psex];

	/* Numeric name suffix */

	/* Special Race/Class info */

	/* Age/Height/Weight */

	/* Read the stat info */
	for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++) rd_s16b(&p_ptr->stat_max[i]);
	for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++) rd_s16b(&p_ptr->stat_cur[i]);
	for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++) rd_s16b(&p_ptr->stat_birth[i]);






	/* Verify player level */
	if ((p_ptr->lev < 1) || (p_ptr->lev > PY_MAX_LEVEL))
		note(format("Invalid player level (%d).", p_ptr->lev));
		return (-1);




	/* Hack -- Repair maximum player level */
	if (p_ptr->max_lev < p_ptr->lev) p_ptr->max_lev = p_ptr->lev;

	/* Hack -- Repair maximum dungeon level */
	if (p_ptr->max_depth < 0) p_ptr->max_depth = 1;

	/* More info */

	/* Read the flags */

	/* Find the number of timed effects */

	if (num <= TMD_MAX)
		/* Read all the effects */
		for (i = 0; i < num; i++)

		/* Initialize any entries not read */
		if (num < TMD_MAX)
			C_WIPE(p_ptr->timed + num, TMD_MAX - num, s16b);
		/* Probably in trouble anyway */
		for (i = 0; i < TMD_MAX; i++)

		/* Discard unused entries */
		strip_bytes(2 * (num - TMD_MAX));
		note("Discarded unsupported timed effects");

	/* Future use */

	return 0;
Beispiel #17
 * Hack -- change name
void do_cmd_change_name(void)
  ui_event ke;
  int col = 0;
  int last_line = 0;
  int top_line = 0;

  const char *p;

  /* Prompt */
  p = "['c' change name, 'f' to file, scroll, or ESC]";
  /* Save screen */

  /* Adjust the buttons */
  button_add("ESC", ESCAPE);
  button_add("Spc", ' ');
  button_add("-", '-');
  button_add("c", 'c');
  button_add("f", 'f');
  button_add("->", ARROW_RIGHT);
  button_add("<-", ARROW_LEFT);
  p_ptr->redraw |= PR_BUTTONS;

  /* Make the array of lines */
  C_WIPE(dumpline, DUMP_MAX_LINES, char_attr_line);
  last_line = make_dump(dumpline, 2);

  /* Forever */
  while (1)
      /* Display the player */
      display_dump(dumpline, top_line, top_line + Term->hgt - 1, col);


      /* Clear the bottom line */
      prt("", Term->hgt - 1, 0);
      /* Prompt */
      Term_putstr(0, Term->hgt - 1, -1, TERM_WHITE, p);
      /* Query */
      ke = inkey_ex();
      /* Exit */
      if (ke.key.code == ESCAPE) break;
      /* Change name */
      if (ke.key.code == 'c')
	  char namebuf[32] = "";

	  if (get_name(namebuf, sizeof namebuf))
	      /* Set player name */
	      my_strcpy(op_ptr->full_name, namebuf,
	      /* Don't change savefile name. */
	  //(void) get_name(namebuf, sizeof namebuf);
	  (void) make_dump(dumpline, 2);
      /* File dump */
      else if (ke.key.code == 'f')
	  char ftmp[80];
	  strnfmt(ftmp, sizeof ftmp, "%s.txt", op_ptr->base_name);
	  if (get_string("File name: ", ftmp, 80))
	      if (ftmp[0] && (ftmp[0] != ' '))
		  if (file_character(ftmp, dumpline, last_line))
		    msg("Character dump failed!");
		    msg("Character dump successful.");
      /* Scroll down */
      else if (ke.key.code == ARROW_DOWN)
	  if (top_line + Term->hgt - 2 < last_line)
      /* Page down */
      else if (ke.key.code == ' ')
	  top_line = MIN(last_line - Term->hgt + 2, 
			 top_line + (Term->hgt - 2));
      /* Scroll up */
      else if (ke.key.code == ARROW_UP)
	  if (top_line)
      /* Page up */
      else if (ke.key.code == '-')
	  top_line -= (Term->hgt - 2) / 2;
	  if (top_line < 0) top_line = 0;
      /* Scroll left */
      else if (ke.key.code == ARROW_LEFT)
	  if (col)
      /* Scroll right */
      else if (ke.key.code == ARROW_RIGHT)
	  if (col < 32)
      /* Oops */
      /* Flush messages */

  /* Adjust the buttons */

  /* Load screen */