// Analysis_Timecorr::Analyze()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_Timecorr::Analyze() {
  // If 2 vectors, ensure they have the same # of frames
  if (vinfo2_!=0) {
    if (vinfo1_->Size() != vinfo2_->Size()) {
      mprinterr("Error: # Frames in vec %s (%i) != # Frames in vec %s (%i)\n",
                vinfo1_->legend(), vinfo1_->Size(), 
                vinfo2_->legend(), vinfo2_->Size());
      return Analysis::ERR;
  // Determine sizes
  int frame = vinfo1_->Size();
  int time = (int)(tcorr_ / tstep_) + 1;
  // nsteps
  int nsteps = 0;
  if (time > frame)
    nsteps = frame;
    nsteps = time;
  // Allocate memory to hold complex numbers for direct or FFT
  if (drct_) {
    data1_.Allocate( frame );
    if (mode_ == CROSSCORR)
      data2_.Allocate( frame ); 
    corfdir_.Allocate( nsteps ); 
  } else {
    // Initialize FFT
    pubfft_.Allocate( frame );
    data1_ = pubfft_.Array();
    if (mode_ == CROSSCORR)
      data2_ = data1_;
  // ----- Calculate spherical harmonics ---------
  // Real + Img. for each -order <= m <= order
  if (vinfo1_->CalcSphericalHarmonics(order_)) return Analysis::ERR;
  if (vinfo2_ != 0) {
    if (vinfo2_->CalcSphericalHarmonics(order_)) return Analysis::ERR;
  // ----- Initialize PN output array memory -----
  DataSet_double& pncf_ = static_cast<DataSet_double&>( *tc_p_ );
  pncf_.Resize( nsteps );
  Dimension Xdim(0.0, tstep_, nsteps, "Time");
  pncf_.SetDim(Dimension::X, Xdim);
  // ----- Calculate PN --------------------------
  for (int midx = -order_; midx <= order_; ++midx) {
    data1_.Assign( vinfo1_->SphericalHarmonics( midx ) );
    if (vinfo2_ != 0)
      data2_.Assign( vinfo2_->SphericalHarmonics( midx ) );
    CalcCorr( frame );
    for (int k = 0; k < nsteps; ++k)
      pncf_[k] += data1_[2 * k];
  // ----- Dipolar Calc. -------------------------
  AvgResults Avg1, Avg2;
  if (dplr_) {
    DataSet_double& cf_ = static_cast<DataSet_double&>( *tc_c_ );
    cf_.Resize( nsteps );
    cf_.SetDim(Dimension::X, Xdim);
    DataSet_double& rcf_ = static_cast<DataSet_double&>( *tc_r3r3_ );
    rcf_.Resize( nsteps );
    rcf_.SetDim(Dimension::X, Xdim);
    // Calculate averages
    std::vector<double> R3i_1 = CalculateAverages(*vinfo1_, Avg1);
    std::vector<double> R3i_2;
    if (vinfo2_ != 0)
      R3i_2 = CalculateAverages(*vinfo2_, Avg2);
    // C
    for (int midx = -order_; midx <= order_; ++midx) {
      data1_.Assign( vinfo1_->SphericalHarmonics( midx ) );
      if (vinfo2_ != 0)
        data2_.Assign( vinfo2_->SphericalHarmonics( midx ) );
      for (int i = 0, i2 = 0; i < frame; ++i, i2 += 2) {
        double r3i = R3i_1[ i ]; 
        data1_[i2  ] *= r3i;
        data1_[i2+1] *= r3i;
        if ( vinfo2_ != 0 ) {
          r3i = R3i_2[ i ];
          data2_[i2  ] *= r3i;
          data2_[i2+1] *= r3i;
      CalcCorr( frame );
      for (int k = 0; k < nsteps; ++k) 
        cf_[k] += data1_[2 * k];
    // 1 / R^6
    for (int i = 0, i2 = 0; i < frame; ++i, i2 += 2) {
      data1_[i2  ] = R3i_1[ i ];
      data1_[i2+1] = 0.0;
      if ( vinfo2_ != 0 ) {
        data2_[i2  ] = R3i_2[ i ];
        data2_[i2+1] = 0.0;
    CalcCorr( frame );
    for (int k = 0; k < nsteps; ++k)
      rcf_[k] = data1_[2 * k];
  // ----- NORMALIZATION -------------------------
  // 4*PI / ((2*order)+1) due to spherical harmonics addition theorem
  double KN = DataSet_Vector::SphericalHarmonicsNorm( order_ );
  Normalize( tc_p_,    frame, KN );
  if (dplr_) {
    Normalize( tc_c_,    frame, KN );
    Normalize( tc_r3r3_, frame, 1.0 );
  // ----- PRINT PTRAJ FORMAT --------------------
  if (outfile_ != 0) { 
    outfile_->Printf("%ss, normal type\n",ModeString[mode_]);
    if (dplr_) {
      outfile_->Printf("***** Vector length *****\n");
      outfile_->Printf("%10s %10s %10s %10s\n", "<r>", "<rrig>", "<1/r^3>", "<1/r^6>");
      outfile_->Printf("%10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n",
                     Avg1.rave_, Avg1.avgr_, Avg1.r3iave_, Avg1.r6iave_);
      if (mode_ == CROSSCORR)
        outfile_->Printf("%10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n",
                       Avg2.rave_, Avg2.avgr_, Avg2.r3iave_, Avg2.r6iave_);
    if (ptrajformat_) {
      outfile_->Printf("\n***** Correlation functions *****\n");
      if (dplr_) {
        DataSet_double& cf_ = static_cast<DataSet_double&>( *tc_c_ );
        DataSet_double& rcf_ = static_cast<DataSet_double&>( *tc_r3r3_ );
        outfile_->Printf("%10s %10s %10s %10s\n", "Time", "<C>", Plegend_[order_], "<1/(r^3*r^3)>");
        for (int i = 0; i < nsteps; ++i)
          outfile_->Printf("%10.3f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n", (double)i * tstep_,
                         cf_[i], pncf_[i], rcf_[i]);
      } else {
        outfile_->Printf("%10s %10s\n", "Time", Plegend_[order_]);
        for (int i = 0; i < nsteps; ++i)
          outfile_->Printf("%10.3f %10.4f\n", (double)i * tstep_, pncf_[i]);
  return Analysis::OK;
Beispiel #2
int CorrAnalysis(int argc, char **argv)
    //if (argc < 6 || !strcmp(argv[1],"-h") || argc < 8+2* (atoi(argv[4])) )
    if ( argc != 7+2*(atoi(argv[5])) )
      cerr << "\n\n\n";
      cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <task> [params]\n";
      cerr << "<task>: operation to be performed on data. \n";
      cerr << "        0 - correlation analysis\n";
      cerr << "        1 - naive prediction\n";
      cerr << "        2 - perceptron prediction\n";
      cerr << "        3 - neural network\n";
      cerr << "<prefix>: I/O prefix\n";
      cerr << "[params]: algorithm specific parameters\n";
      cerr << endl;
      cerr << "correlation analysis:\n";
      cerr << "[datafile]: name of file containing data. \n";
      cerr << "[diff]: level of differencing only zero and first level differencing is supported. \n";
      cerr << "[nvar]: number of variables in datafile. \n";
      cerr << "[tgtIdx]: Column of target variable (first column = 0).\n";
      cerr << "[delay1]: delay before starting time-series of first variable\n";
      cerr << "[nlag1]: number of lags to compose the time-series of the first variable from\n";
      cerr << "[delay2]: delay before starting time-series of secon variable\n";
      cerr << "[nlag2]: number of lags to compose the time-series of the second variable from\n";
      cerr << "\n\n\n";
    string prefix = argv[2];
    cout << "# I/O prefix: " << prefix << endl;
    string ifile_name = argv[3];
    cout << "# inputfile is: " << ifile_name << endl;
    int diff = atoi(argv[4]);
    cout << "# differencing level is: " << diff << endl;
    if( diff < 0 || diff > 1)
      cerr << "Assert: Invalid level of differencing\n\n";
    int nvar = atoi(argv[5]);
    cout << "# nvar is: " << nvar << endl;
    int tgtIdx = atoi(argv[6]);
    cout << "# Target index is: " << tgtIdx << endl;
    if( tgtIdx > nvar-1 )
      cerr << "Assert: Invalid target index\n\n";
    vector<int> delay(nvar);
    vector<int> nlags(nvar);
    cout << "# ( delay , lag )\n";
    for(int i=0; i< nvar; i++)
      int argvIdx = 7+2*i;
      delay[i] = atoi(argv[argvIdx]);
      nlags[i] = atoi(argv[argvIdx+1]);
      if( i==tgtIdx && delay[i] <= 0)
      cout << "# ( " << delay[i] << "," << nlags[i] << " )" << endl;
    int nAtt = 0;
    for( int i=0; i< nvar; i++)
      nAtt += nlags[i];
    cout << "# Reading Data" << endl;
    vector< vector< float > > Examples;
    vector< string > Timestamp;
    ReadData( ifile_name, diff, nvar, tgtIdx, delay, nlags, Examples, Timestamp );
    // Divide Examples into Training Set and Testing Set
    int numTrainEx = int( (2.0/3.0)*Examples.size() );
    vector< vector< float > > TrainExamples(numTrainEx);
    vector< string > TrainTimestamp(numTrainEx);
    vector< vector< float > > TestExamples(Examples.size()-numTrainEx);
    vector< string > TestTimestamp(Examples.size()-numTrainEx);
    for(int i=0; i<Examples.size(); i++)
        TrainTimestamp[i] = Timestamp[i];
        TrainExamples[i] = Examples[i];
        TestTimestamp[i-numTrainEx] = Timestamp[i];
        TestExamples[i-numTrainEx] = Examples[i];
    cout << "# Total number of examples: " << Examples.size() << endl;
    cout << "# Number of training examples: " << TrainExamples.size() << endl;
    cout << "# Number of testing examples: " << TestExamples.size() << endl;
    cout << "# Training period: ( " << TrainTimestamp[0] << " , " << TrainTimestamp[TrainTimestamp.size()-1] << " )\n";
    cout << "# Testing period: ( " << TestTimestamp[0] << " , " << TestTimestamp[TestTimestamp.size()-1] << " )\n";
    vector< vector< float > > Results_Train;
    vector< vector< float > > Results_Test;
    cout << "# Calculating Correlations" << endl;
    vector< vector< float > > ExampleCorr;
    CalcCorr( nvar, tgtIdx, delay, nlags, TrainExamples, ExampleCorr);
    // write correlations to output file
    string fname = prefix + "-" + "corr_analysis.dat";
    ofstream ofile( fname.c_str() );
    for( int i=0; i<ExampleCorr.size(); i++ )
      ofile << setw(5) << i;
      for( int j=0; j<nvar; j++ )
        ofile << setw(15) << ExampleCorr[i][j];
      ofile << endl;
//    //
//    // create un-normalized training file
//    vector< double > TimestampJ;
//    JulianDate( TrainTimestamp, TimestampJ );
//    fname = prefix + "-" + "unorm_train.dat";
//    ofile.open( fname.c_str() );
//    ofile << setw(15) << TrainExamples.size() << setw(15) << TrainExamples[0].size() << endl;
//    for( int i=0; i<TrainExamples.size(); i++ )
//    {
//      cout << setw(15) << fixed << TimestampJ[i] << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::floatfield);
//      for( int j=0; j<TrainExamples[0].size(); i++ )
//      {
//        ofile << setw(15) << TrainExamples[i][j];
//      }
//      ofile << endl;
//    }
//    ofile.close();
//    //
//    // create normalized training file
//    vector< vector< float > > normParam;
//    NormalizeExamples( 0, TrainExamples, normParam );
//    fname = prefix + "-" + "norm_train.dat";
//    ofile.open( fname.c_str() );
//    //  write # rows, # cols
//    ofile << setw(15) << TrainExamples.size() << setw(15) << TrainExamples[0].size() << endl;
//    //  write normalization information
//    for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
//    {
//      for(int j=0; j<normParam[i].size(); j++)
//      {
//        ofile << setw(15) << normParam[i][j];
//      }
//      ofile << endl;
//    }
//    // write data
//    for( int i=0; i<TrainExamples.size(); i++ )
//    {
//      for( int j=0; j<TrainExamples[i].size(); j++ )
//      {
//        ofile << setw(15) << TrainExamples[i][j];
//      }
//      ofile << endl;
//    }
//    ofile.close();
//    //
//    // create un-normalized testing file
//    JulianDate( TestTimestamp, TimestampJ );
//    fname = prefix + "-" + "unorm_test.dat";
//    ofile.open( fname.c_str() );
//    ofile << setw(15) << TestExamples.size() << setw(15) << TestExamples[0].size() << endl;
//    for( int i=0; i<TestExamples.size(); i++ )
//    {
//      cout << setw(15) << fixed << TimestampJ[i] << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::floatfield);
//      for( int j=0; j<TestExamples[i].size(); i++ )
//      {
//        ofile << setw(15) << TestExamples[i][j];
//      }
//      ofile << endl;
//    }
//    ofile.close();
//    //
//    // create normalized testing file
//    NormalizeExamples( 1, TestExamples, normParam );
//    fname = prefix + "-" + "norm_test.dat";
//    ofile.open( fname.c_str() );
//    ofile << setw(15) << TestExamples.size() << setw(15) << TestExamples[0].size() << endl;
//    for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
//    {
//      for(int j=0; j<normParam[i].size(); j++)
//      {
//        ofile << setw(15) << normParam[i][j];
//      }
//      ofile << endl;
//    }
//    for( int i=0; i<TestExamples.size(); i++ )
//    {
//      for( int j=0; j<TestExamples[i].size(); j++ )
//      {
//        ofile << setw(15) << TestExamples[i][j];
//      }
//      ofile << endl;
//    }
//    ofile.close();