UEdGraphPin* UK2Node_FunctionEntry::CreatePinFromUserDefinition(const TSharedPtr<FUserPinInfo> NewPinInfo)
	// Make sure that if this is an exec node we are allowed one.
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
	if (NewPinInfo->PinType.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Exec && !CanModifyExecutionWires())
		return nullptr;

	UEdGraphPin* NewPin = CreatePin(EGPD_Output, NewPinInfo->PinType, NewPinInfo->PinName);
	NewPin->DefaultValue = NewPin->AutogeneratedDefaultValue = NewPinInfo->PinDefaultValue;
	return NewPin;
bool UK2Node_Tunnel::CanCreateUserDefinedPin(const FEdGraphPinType& InPinType, EEdGraphPinDirection InDesiredDirection, FText& OutErrorMessage)
	bool bResult = true;
	// Make sure that if this is an exec node we are allowed one.
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
	if (InPinType.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Exec && !CanModifyExecutionWires())
		OutErrorMessage = LOCTEXT("MultipleExecPinError", "Cannot support more exec pins!");
		bResult = false;
	else if(InDesiredDirection == EGPD_Input && !bCanHaveInputs)
		OutErrorMessage = LOCTEXT("AddTunnelInputPinError", "Cannot add input pins to entry node!");
		bResult = false;
	else if(InDesiredDirection == EGPD_Output && !bCanHaveOutputs)
		OutErrorMessage = LOCTEXT("AddTunnelOutputPinError", "Cannot add output pins to entry node!");
		bResult = false;
	return bResult;