Beispiel #1
LONG CSerial::WaitEvent (DWORD dwTimeout, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)
	// Check if time-outs are supported

	// Reset error state
	m_lLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

	// Check if the device is open
	if (m_hFile == 0)
		// Set the internal error code

		// Issue an error and quit
		qDebug() << ("CSerial::WaitEvent - Device is not opened\n");
		return m_lLastError;


	// Check if an overlapped structure has been specified
	if (!m_hevtOverlapped && (lpOverlapped || (dwTimeout != INFINITE)))
		// Set the internal error code

		// Issue an error and quit
		qDebug() << ("CSerial::WaitEvent - Overlapped I/O is disabled, specified parameters are illegal.\n");
		return m_lLastError;

	// Wait for the event to happen
	OVERLAPPED ovInternal;
	if (!lpOverlapped && m_hevtOverlapped)
		// Setup our own overlapped structure
		ovInternal.hEvent = m_hevtOverlapped;

		// Use our internal overlapped structure
		lpOverlapped = &ovInternal;

	// Make sure the overlapped structure isn't busy
	//_ASSERTE(!m_hevtOverlapped || HasOverlappedIoCompleted(lpOverlapped));

	// Wait for the COM event
	if (!::WaitCommEvent(m_hFile,LPDWORD(&m_eEvent),lpOverlapped))
		// Set the internal error code
		long lLastError = ::GetLastError();

		// Overlapped operation in progress is not an actual error
		if (lLastError != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
			// Save the error
			m_lLastError = lLastError;

			// Issue an error and quit
			//qDebug() << ("CSerial::WaitEvent - Unable to wait for COM event\n");
			return m_lLastError;

		// We need to block if the client didn't specify an overlapped structure
		if (lpOverlapped == &ovInternal)
			// Wait for the overlapped operation to complete
			switch (::WaitForSingleObject(lpOverlapped->hEvent,dwTimeout))
			case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
				// The overlapped operation has completed

				// Cancel the I/O operation

				// The operation timed out. Set the internal error code and quit
				m_lLastError = ERROR_TIMEOUT;
				return m_lLastError;

				// Set the internal error code
				m_lLastError = ::GetLastError();

				// Issue an error and quit
				qDebug() << ("CSerial::WaitEvent - Unable to wait until COM event has arrived\n");
				return m_lLastError;
		// The operation completed immediatly. Just to be sure
		// we'll set the overlapped structure's event handle.
		if (lpOverlapped)

	// Wait for the COM event
	if (!::WaitCommEvent(m_hFile,LPDWORD(&m_eEvent),0))
		// Set the internal error code
		m_lLastError = ::GetLastError();

		// Issue an error and quit
		qDebug() << ("CSerial::WaitEvent - Unable to wait for COM event\n");
		return m_lLastError;


	// Return successfully
	return m_lLastError;
Beispiel #2
LONG CSerial::Write (const void* pData, size_t iLen, DWORD* pdwWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, DWORD dwTimeout)
	// Check if time-outs are supported

	// Overlapped operation should specify the pdwWritten variable
	_ASSERTE(!lpOverlapped || pdwWritten);

	// Reset error state
	m_lLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

	// Use our own variable for read count
	DWORD dwWritten;
	if (pdwWritten == 0)
		pdwWritten = &dwWritten;

	// Reset the number of bytes written
	*pdwWritten = 0;

	// Check if the device is open
	if (m_hFile == 0)
		// Set the internal error code

		// Issue an error and quit
		_RPTF0(_CRT_WARN,"CSerial::Write - Device is not opened\n");
		return m_lLastError;


	// Check if an overlapped structure has been specified
	if (!m_hevtOverlapped && (lpOverlapped || (dwTimeout != INFINITE)))
		// Set the internal error code

		// Issue an error and quit
		_RPTF0(_CRT_WARN,"CSerial::Write - Overlapped I/O is disabled, specified parameters are illegal.\n");
		return m_lLastError;

	// Wait for the event to happen
	OVERLAPPED ovInternal;
	if (!lpOverlapped && m_hevtOverlapped)
		// Setup our own overlapped structure
		ovInternal.hEvent = m_hevtOverlapped;

		// Use our internal overlapped structure
		lpOverlapped = &ovInternal;

	// Make sure the overlapped structure isn't busy
	_ASSERTE(!m_hevtOverlapped || HasOverlappedIoCompleted(lpOverlapped));

	// Write the data
	if (!::WriteFile(m_hFile,pData,iLen,pdwWritten,lpOverlapped))
		// Set the internal error code
		long lLastError = ::GetLastError();

		// Overlapped operation in progress is not an actual error
		if (lLastError != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
			// Save the error
			m_lLastError = lLastError;

			// Issue an error and quit
			_RPTF0(_CRT_WARN,"CSerial::Write - Unable to write the data\n");
			return m_lLastError;

		// We need to block if the client didn't specify an overlapped structure
		if (lpOverlapped == &ovInternal)
			// Wait for the overlapped operation to complete
			switch (::WaitForSingleObject(lpOverlapped->hEvent,dwTimeout))
			case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
				// The overlapped operation has completed
				if (!::GetOverlappedResult(m_hFile,lpOverlapped,pdwWritten,FALSE))
					// Set the internal error code
					m_lLastError = ::GetLastError();

					_RPTF0(_CRT_WARN,"CSerial::Write - Overlapped completed without result\n");
					return m_lLastError;

				// Cancel the I/O operation

				// The operation timed out. Set the internal error code and quit
				m_lLastError = ERROR_TIMEOUT;
				return m_lLastError;

				// Set the internal error code
				m_lLastError = ::GetLastError();

				// Issue an error and quit
				_RPTF0(_CRT_WARN,"CSerial::Write - Unable to wait until data has been sent\n");
				return m_lLastError;
		// The operation completed immediatly. Just to be sure
		// we'll set the overlapped structure's event handle.
		if (lpOverlapped)


	// Write the data
	if (!::WriteFile(m_hFile,pData,iLen,pdwWritten,0))
		// Set the internal error code
		m_lLastError = ::GetLastError();

		// Issue an error and quit
		_RPTF0(_CRT_WARN,"CSerial::Write - Unable to write the data\n");
		return m_lLastError;


	// Return successfully
	return m_lLastError;
Beispiel #3
int CSerial::read(void* pData, size_t iLen, DWORD* pdwRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, DWORD dwTimeout)
	// Check if time-outs are supported

	// Overlapped operation should specify the pdwRead variable
	//_ASSERTE(!lpOverlapped || pdwRead);

	// Reset error state
	m_lLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

	// Use our own variable for read count
	DWORD dwRead;
	if (pdwRead == 0)
		pdwRead = &dwRead;

	// Reset the number of bytes read
	*pdwRead = 0;

	// Check if the device is open
	if (m_hFile == 0)
		// Set the internal error code

		// Issue an error and quit
		qDebug() << ("CSerial::Read - Device is not opened\n");
		//return m_lLastError;
		return -1;

#ifdef _DEBUG
	// The debug version fills the entire data structure with
	// 0xDC bytes, to catch buffer errors as soon as possible.


	// Check if an overlapped structure has been specified
	if (!m_hevtOverlapped && (lpOverlapped || (dwTimeout != INFINITE)))
		// Set the internal error code

		// Issue an error and quit
		qDebug() << ("CSerial::Read - Overlapped I/O is disabled, specified parameters are illegal.\n");
		//return m_lLastError;
		return -1;

	// Wait for the event to happen
	OVERLAPPED ovInternal;
	if (lpOverlapped == 0)
		// Setup our own overlapped structure
		ovInternal.hEvent = m_hevtOverlapped;

		// Use our internal overlapped structure
		lpOverlapped = &ovInternal;

	// Make sure the overlapped structure isn't busy
	//_ASSERTE(!m_hevtOverlapped || HasOverlappedIoCompleted(lpOverlapped));
	// Read the data
	if (!::ReadFile(m_hFile,pData,iLen,pdwRead,lpOverlapped))
		// Set the internal error code
		long lLastError = ::GetLastError();

		int bytesRead = *pdwRead;

		// Overlapped operation in progress is not an actual error
		if (lLastError != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
			// Save the error
			m_lLastError = lLastError;

			// Issue an error and quit
			qDebug() << ("CSerial::Read - Unable to read the data\n");
			//return m_lLastError;
			return -1;

		// We need to block if the client didn't specify an overlapped structure
		if (lpOverlapped == &ovInternal)
			// Wait for the overlapped operation to complete
			switch (::WaitForSingleObject(lpOverlapped->hEvent,dwTimeout))
				case WAIT_OBJECT_0:

					// The overlapped operation has completed
					if (!::GetOverlappedResult(m_hFile,lpOverlapped,pdwRead,FALSE))
						// Set the internal error code
						m_lLastError = ::GetLastError();

						qDebug() << ("CSerial::Read - Overlapped completed without result\n");
						//return m_lLastError;

					return bytesRead;

				case WAIT_TIMEOUT:

					// Cancel the I/O operation

					// The operation timed out. Set the internal error code and quit
					m_lLastError = ERROR_TIMEOUT;
					//return m_lLastError;
					return bytesRead;


					// Set the internal error code
					m_lLastError = ::GetLastError();

					// Issue an error and quit
					qDebug() << ("CSerial::Read - Unable to wait until data has been read\n");
					//return m_lLastError;
					return -1;
		// The operation completed immediately. Just to be sure
		// we'll set the overlapped structure's event handle.
		if (lpOverlapped)

		return *pdwRead;

	// Read the data
	if (!::ReadFile(m_hFile,pData,iLen,pdwRead,0))
		// Set the internal error code
		m_lLastError ::GetLastError()));

		// Issue an error and quit
		qDebug() << ("CSerial::Read - Unable to read the data\n");
		return m_lLastError;