Beispiel #1
bool IrisWind::SetActiveScaling (long lZoom)
ObjContainer OC (0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjContainer oldOC = DBO().GetExtend();		// alten Ausschnitt merken
bool fResult = false;
Rectangle rcC (0, 0, 0, 0);

	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		rcC = CanvasRect();

	Rectangle rc;
		if (NULL != m_pDRO) {
			rc = ((DragRectangleObject *)m_pDRO) -> GetRect();

		// Koordinaten kippen
		CoOrd tmpC = CoOrd(rc.Bottom() - rc.Top());
			rc.Bottom() = CoOrd(rc.Top() - tmpC);
		} else
			rc = rcC;
		fResult = DBO().SetActiveScaling (lZoom, rc, rcC, OC);
		if (!fResult) break;
	// neuen Ausschnitt einstellen
		SetExtend (OC, lZoom);

	// bei Bedarf ScrollBars einblenden und initialisieren
		if (!InitWndScrollBars())
			break;		// einmal reicht, wenn Scrollbars nicht geändert wurden

// wenn Erfolgreich, dann alles neu einstellen
	if (fResult) {

	// Übersichtsfenster bedienen
		if (OverViewCFlag && pOverView) 
			pOverView -> SetActVP (CanvasRect());
		actClip.Push (oldOC);

	// neu zeichnen
		LegendToRepaint = true;
		m_fRePaintFlag = true;

return fResult;
void FSceneViewport::OnDrawViewport( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled )
	// Switch to the viewport clients world before resizing
	FScopedConditionalWorldSwitcher WorldSwitcher( ViewportClient );

	/** Check to see if the viewport should be resized */
	FIntPoint DrawSize = FIntPoint( FMath::RoundToInt( AllottedGeometry.GetDrawSize().X ), FMath::RoundToInt( AllottedGeometry.GetDrawSize().Y ) );
	if( GetSizeXY() != DrawSize )
		TSharedPtr<SWindow> Window = FSlateApplication::Get().FindWidgetWindow( ViewportWidget.Pin().ToSharedRef() );

		ResizeViewport(FMath::Max(0, DrawSize.X), FMath::Max(0, DrawSize.Y), Window->GetWindowMode(), 0, 0);
	// Cannot pass negative canvas positions
	float CanvasMinX = FMath::Max(0.0f, AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition.X);
	float CanvasMinY = FMath::Max(0.0f, AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition.Y);
	FIntRect CanvasRect(
		FMath::RoundToInt( CanvasMinX ),
		FMath::RoundToInt( CanvasMinY ),
		FMath::RoundToInt( CanvasMinX + AllottedGeometry.Size.X * AllottedGeometry.Scale ), 
		FMath::RoundToInt( CanvasMinY + AllottedGeometry.Size.Y * AllottedGeometry.Scale ) );

	DebugCanvasDrawer->BeginRenderingCanvas( CanvasRect );

	// Draw above everything else
	uint32 MaxLayer = MAX_uint32;
	FSlateDrawElement::MakeCustom( OutDrawElements, MAX_uint32, DebugCanvasDrawer );

Beispiel #3
// Anzeige des aktuellen Maßstabes --------------------------------------------
bool IrisWind :: SetMasstab (Rectangle R) 
// wenn Rechteck entartet ist, dann nichts ändern
	if (R.Right() == R.Left()) return false;

Rectangle CRc = CanvasRect();

	if (CRc.Left() == CRc.Right()) return false;		// Icon

// Koordinaten in DB-Koordinaten umsetzen
CoordTrans *pCT = DBO().pCT();

	if (NULL == pCT) return false;

Point ptLO = R.UpperLeft();
Punkt LO = DCtoOC (ptLO);       // Device --> Objekt
Point ptRU = R.LowerRight();
Punkt RU = DCtoOC (ptRU);

#if defined(_KOORD_ISDOUBLE)
DoublePair P1 (LO.GetX(), LO.GetY());
DoublePair P2 (RU.GetX(), LO.GetY());	// über X-Koordinate berechnen
double XLO, XRU, YLO, YRU;

	pCT() -> UnScale (LO, &XLO, &YLO);
	pCT() -> UnScale (RU, &XRU, &YRU);

DoublePair P1 (XLO, YLO);
DoublePair P2 (XRU, YLO);	// über X-Koordinate berechnen

double dX = 1.0;

	if (pCT -> hasDistEx()) {
	double dY = 1.0;

		pCT -> CoordTransDistanceEx (&P1, &P2, dX, dY);
	} else
		dX = pCT -> CoordTransDistance (&P1, &P2);

DoublePair dimD;
Dimension DotsPerMM (GetDotsPerMM (NULL, &dimD));
long M = (long)((fabs(dX) * 1000.0 * dimD.Width()) / ((double)(CRc.Right()-CRc.Left())));

// Maßstab muß positiv sein
	if (M < 0L) 
		M = -M;

	if (0 != m_lFakeZoom)
		DEXN_ScalingChanged (m_lFakeZoom);
		DEXN_ScalingChanged (M);

	return true;
Beispiel #4
void CCheckTreeView::HandleCheckMark(Point point, UINT uiMsg)
Rectangle rc = CanvasRect();
CoOrd dY = rc.Top()-rc.Bottom();
TV_HITTESTINFO ht; = point.X(); = dY-point.Y();

HTREEITEM hNewTarget = HitTest (&ht);

	if (hNewTarget && (ht.flags & TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON)) {
	UINT uiState = ChangingCheckState (hNewTarget, uiMsg);

		if (TV_CHECK_NOCHANGE != uiState) {
			if (TV_CHECK_NOMARK != uiState)
				SetCheckState (hNewTarget, uiState);
				ToggleCheckMark (hNewTarget);
			NotifyChecked (hNewTarget, uiMsg, GetCheckState(hNewTarget));