Beispiel #1
static int checkShad (Hdr *phdr, WF3Info *wf32d, int *missing, int *nsteps) {

/* arguments:
Hdr *phdr        i: primary header
WF3Info *wf32d   i: switches, file names, etc
int *missing     io: incremented if the file is missing
int *nsteps      io: incremented if this step can be performed

	extern int status;

	int calswitch;
	int GetSwitch (Hdr *, char *, int *);
	int GetImageRef (RefFileInfo *, Hdr *, char *, RefImage *, int *);
	void MissingFile (char *, char *, int *);
	void CheckImgType (RefImage *, char *, char *, int *);
	int  CheckDetector (char *, int, char *, int *);

	if (wf32d->shadcorr == PERFORM) {

	    if (GetSwitch (phdr, "SHADCORR", &calswitch))
		return (status);
	    if (calswitch == COMPLETE) {
		wf32d->shadcorr = OMIT;
		return (status);

	    if (GetImageRef (wf32d->refnames, phdr, "SHADFILE", &wf32d->shad,
		return (status);
	    if (wf32d->shad.exists != EXISTS_YES) {
		MissingFile ("SHADFILE", wf32d->, missing);

	    } else {

		/* Is the FILETYPE appropriate for a SHAD file? */
		CheckImgType (&wf32d->shad, "SHUTTER SHADING", "SHADFILE",

		/* Does it have the correct DETECTOR value? */
		if (CheckDetector(wf32d->, wf32d->detector, "DETECTOR",
		    return (status);

	    if (wf32d->shadcorr == PERFORM)

	return (status);
Beispiel #2
static int checkDQI (Hdr *phdr, WF3Info *wf32d, int *missing, int *nsteps) {

/* arguments:
Hdr *phdr         i: primary header
WF3Info *wf32d    i: switches, file names, etc
int *missing     io: incremented if the table is missing
int *nsteps      io: incremented if this step can be performed

	extern int status;

	int GotFileName (char *);
	int GetTabRef (RefFileInfo *, Hdr *, char *, RefTab *, int *);
	void MissingFile (char *, char *, int *);
	void CheckTabType (RefTab *, char *, char *, int *);
	int  CheckDetector (char *, int, char *, int *);

	if (wf32d->dqicorr == PERFORM) {

	    if (GetTabRef (wf32d->refnames, phdr, "BPIXTAB", &wf32d->bpix,
		return (status);

	    if (wf32d->bpix.exists != EXISTS_YES) {

		if (wf32d->detector == IR_DETECTOR ||
		    GotFileName (wf32d-> {

		    MissingFile ("BPIXTAB", wf32d->, missing);

	    } else {

		/* Is the FILETYPE appropriate for a BPIX table? */
		CheckTabType (&wf32d->bpix, "BAD PIXELS", "BPIXTAB", missing);

		/* Does it have the correct DETECTOR value? */
		if (CheckDetector(wf32d->, wf32d->detector, "DETECTOR",
		    return (status);

	    if (wf32d->dqicorr == PERFORM)

	return (status);
Beispiel #3
static int checkCCD (Hdr *phdr, WF3Info *wf32d, int *missing) {

/* arguments:
Hdr *phdr        i: primary header
WF3Info *wf32d   i: switches, file names, etc
int *missing     io: incremented if the table is missing

	extern int status;
	int calswitch;			/* returned by GetTabRef and ignored */
	int GetTabRef (RefFileInfo *, Hdr *, char *, RefTab *, int *);
	void MissingFile (char *, char *, int *);
	void CheckTabType (RefTab *, char *, char *, int *);
	int  CheckDetector (char *, int, char *, int *);

	if (GetTabRef (wf32d->refnames, phdr, "CCDTAB", &wf32d->ccdpar,
	    return (status);

	if (wf32d->ccdpar.exists != EXISTS_YES) {

	    MissingFile ("CCDTAB", wf32d->, missing);

	} else if (wf32d->ccdpar.goodPedigree != GOOD_PEDIGREE) {

	    sprintf (MsgText, "CCDTAB `%s' is a dummy table.",
	    trlerror (MsgText);

	} else {

	    /* Is the FILETYPE appropriate for a CCD table? */
	    CheckTabType (&wf32d->ccdpar, "CCD PARAMETERS", "CCDTAB", missing);

	    /* Does it have the correct DETECTOR value? */
	    if (CheckDetector(wf32d->, wf32d->detector, "DETECTOR",
		return (status);

	return (status);
/* The main function */
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  static LALStatus     status;
  int                  code;

  LALFrDetector testFrDetector = {"Test Site",
                                  0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                  0.0, 0.0,
                                  0.0, LAL_PI_2 };
  LALFrDetector lhoFrDetector
    = {"LIGO Hanford Observatory",
       -119.40765714,   46.4551467,           142.544,
         -6.195e-4,      2.199104,
          1.25e-5,       3.769901 };
  LALFrDetector lloFrDetector
    = {"LIGO Livingston Observatory",
        -90.77424039,   30.56289433,           -6.574,
         -3.121e-4,      3.4508039,
         -6.107e-4,      5.021600 };
  LALDetector          testDetector
    = { {  4510094.634714941322397L,   4510094.634714941322397L,      0.0L },
      { {  0.0,        0.0,        0.0       },
        {  0.0,        0.0,        0.0       },
        {  0.0,        0.0,        0.0       }
      { "Test Interferometer",
          45.0L,          0.0L,           100.0,
           0.0,           0.0,
           0.0,           0.0
    = { {  4517590.8789357600195508L,   0.0L,    4487348.40860601410662157L },
      { {  0.0,        0.0,        0.0       },
        {  0.0,        0.0,        0.0       },
        {  0.0,        0.0,        0.0       }
      { "Test Interferometer",
           0.0L,         45.0L,           0.0,
           0.0,           0.0,
           0.0,           0.0

  LALDetector          cachedDetector;

  ParseOptions( argc, argv );

  printf("Checking LHO...\n");
  cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexLHODIFF];

  if ( ( code = CheckDetector( &status, &cachedDetector ) ) )
    return code;

  printf("Checking LLO...\n");
  cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexLLODIFF];
  if ( ( code = CheckDetector( &status, &cachedDetector ) ) )
    return code;

  printf("Checking VIRGO...\n");
  cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexVIRGODIFF];
  if ( ( code = CheckDetector( &status, &cachedDetector ) ) )
    return code;

  printf("Checking GEO600...\n");
  cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexGEO600DIFF];
  if ( ( code = CheckDetector( &status, &cachedDetector ) ) )
    return code;

  printf("Checking TAMA300...\n");
  cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexTAMA300DIFF];
  if ( ( code = CheckDetector( &status, &cachedDetector ) ) )
    return code;

  printf("Checking CIT40...\n");
  cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexCIT40DIFF];
  if ( ( code = CheckDetector( &status, &cachedDetector ) ) )
    return code;

  printf("Checking trivial detector...\n");

  if ( code = CheckDetector( &status, &testDetector ) )
    return code;



  LALCreateDetector( &status, &lalDetector, &testFrDetector, &type );
  PrintLALDetector( &lalDetector );

  LALCreateDetector( &status, &lalDetector, &lloFrDetector, &type );
  PrintLALDetector( &lalDetector );

  LALCreateDetector( &status, &lalDetector, &lhoFrDetector, &type );
  PrintLALDetector( &lalDetector );

  printf("%15g %15g %15g\n\n", lalDetector.location[0],
         lalDetector.location[1], lalDetector.location[2]);

  for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
    printf("%15g %15g %15g\n", lalDetector.response[i][0],
           lalDetector.response[i][1], lalDetector.response[i][2]);


  printf("PASS: All tests\n");

Beispiel #5
static int checkFlat (Hdr *phdr, WF3Info *wf32d, int *missing, int *nsteps) {

/* arguments:
Hdr *phdr        i: primary header
WF3Info *wf32d   i: switches, file names, etc
int *missing     io: incremented if a file is missing
int *nsteps      io: incremented if this step can be performed

	extern int status;

	int calswitch;
	int GetSwitch (Hdr *, char *, int *);
	int GotFileName (char *);
	int GetImageRef (RefFileInfo *, Hdr *, char *, RefImage *, int *);
	void MissingFile (char *, char *, int *);
	void CheckImgType (RefImage *, char *, char *, int *);
	int  CheckFilter  (char *, char *, char *, int *);
	int  CheckDetector (char *, int, char *, int *);

	/* Are we supposed to do this step? */
	if (wf32d->flatcorr == PERFORM) {

	    if (GetSwitch (phdr, "FLATCORR", &calswitch))
		return (status);
	    if (calswitch == COMPLETE) {
		wf32d->flatcorr = OMIT;
		return (status);

	    /* Initial values; may be reset below. */
	    wf32d->pfltcorr = PERFORM;
	    wf32d->dfltcorr = PERFORM;
	    wf32d->lfltcorr = PERFORM;

	    if (GetImageRef (wf32d->refnames, phdr, "PFLTFILE", &wf32d->pflt,
		return (status);
	    if (wf32d->pflt.exists != EXISTS_YES) {
		if (GotFileName (wf32d-> {	/* name specified? */
		    MissingFile ("PFLTFILE", wf32d->, missing);
		} else {
		    wf32d->pfltcorr = OMIT;	/* name was blank or "N/A" */
	    } else {
		/* Is the FILETYPE appropriate for a PFLT file? */
		CheckImgType (&wf32d->pflt, "PIXEL-TO-PIXEL FLAT", "PFLTFILE", 
		/* Does it have the correct FILTER value? */
		if (CheckFilter(wf32d->, wf32d->filter, "FILTER",
		    return (status);
		/* Does it have the correct DETECTOR value? */
		if (CheckDetector(wf32d->, wf32d->detector, "DETECTOR",
		    return (status);

	    if (GetImageRef (wf32d->refnames, phdr, "DFLTFILE", &wf32d->dflt,
		return (status);
	    if (wf32d->dflt.exists != EXISTS_YES) {
		if (GotFileName (wf32d-> {
		    MissingFile ("DFLTFILE", wf32d->, missing);
		} else {
		    wf32d->dfltcorr = OMIT;
	    } else {
		/* Is the FILETYPE appropriate for a DFLT file? */
		CheckImgType (&wf32d->dflt, "DELTA FLAT", "DFLTFILE", 
		/* Does it have the correct FILTER value? */
		if (CheckFilter(wf32d->, wf32d->filter, "FILTER",
		    return (status);
		/* Does it have the correct DETECTOR value? */
		if (CheckDetector(wf32d->, wf32d->detector, "DETECTOR",
		    return (status);

	    if (GetImageRef (wf32d->refnames, phdr, "LFLTFILE", &wf32d->lflt,
		return (status);
	    if (wf32d->lflt.exists != EXISTS_YES) {
		if (GotFileName (wf32d-> {
		    MissingFile ("LFLTFILE", wf32d->, missing);
		} else {
		    wf32d->lfltcorr = OMIT;
	    } else {
		/* Is the FILETYPE appropriate for a LFLT file? */
		CheckImgType (&wf32d->lflt, "LARGE SCALE FLAT", "LFLTFILE", 
		/* Does it have the correct FILTER value? */
		if (CheckFilter(wf32d->, wf32d->filter, "FILTER",
		    return (status);
		/* Does it have the correct DETECTOR value? */
		if (CheckDetector(wf32d->, wf32d->detector, "DETECTOR",
		    return (status);

	    /* If any of the three parts of flat fielding is set to
		PERFORM, then we can do this step.  If not, and if any
		part is DUMMY because of the reference file, reset the
		flat field flag to DUMMY; this will mean that all the
		files that were specified have pedigree=dummy.
	    if (wf32d->pfltcorr == PERFORM || wf32d->dfltcorr == PERFORM ||
		wf32d->lfltcorr == PERFORM) {
	    } else if (wf32d->pfltcorr == OMIT && wf32d->dfltcorr == OMIT &&
		wf32d->lfltcorr == OMIT) {
                trlerror ("PFLTFILE, DFLTFILE, and LFLTFILE are all blank.");
	    } else if (wf32d->pfltcorr == DUMMY || wf32d->dfltcorr == DUMMY ||
		wf32d->lfltcorr == DUMMY) {
                wf32d->flatcorr = DUMMY;

	return (status);
Beispiel #6
static int checkDark (Hdr *phdr, WF3Info *wf32d, int *missing, int *nsteps) {

/* arguments:
Hdr *phdr        i: primary header
WF3Info *wf32d   i: switches, file names, etc
int *missing     io: incremented if the file is missing
int *nsteps      io: incremented if this step can be performed

	extern int status;

	int calswitch; 
	int GetSwitch (Hdr *, char *, int *);
	int GetImageRef (RefFileInfo *, Hdr *, char *, RefImage *, int *);
	void MissingFile (char *, char *, int *);
	void CheckImgType (RefImage *, char *, char *, int *);
	int  CheckDetector (char *, int, char *, int *);
    char *darktouse;
    char *darktype;
	if (wf32d->darkcorr == PERFORM) {
	    if (GetSwitch (phdr, "DARKCORR", &calswitch))
		    return (status);
	    if (calswitch == COMPLETE) {
		    wf32d->darkcorr = OMIT;
		    return (status);
	    } else {
            if (GetSwitch (phdr, "PCTECORR", &calswitch))   
            if (calswitch == COMPLETE){
            } else {

	    if (GetImageRef (wf32d->refnames, phdr, darktouse, &wf32d->dark,
		    return (status);

	    if (wf32d->dark.exists != EXISTS_YES) {
		    MissingFile (darktouse, wf32d->, missing);

	    } else {

		    /* Is the FILETYPE appropriate for a DARK file? */
		    CheckImgType (&wf32d->dark, darktype, darktouse, missing);

		    /* Does it have the correct DETECTOR value? */
		    if (CheckDetector(wf32d->, wf32d->detector, "DETECTOR",
		        return (status);

	    if (wf32d->darkcorr == PERFORM)

	return (status);