std::wstring SpeechRecognition::GetText() { const ULONG maxEvents = 10; SPEVENT events[maxEvents]; ULONG eventCount; HRESULT hr; hr = recoContext->GetEvents(maxEvents, events, &eventCount); if (eventCount == 0) return std::wstring(); if(!(hr == S_OK || hr == S_FALSE)) { CheckReturn(hr); } ISpRecoResult* recoResult; recoResult = reinterpret_cast<ISpRecoResult*>(events[0].lParam); wchar_t* text; hr = recoResult->GetText(SP_GETWHOLEPHRASE, SP_GETWHOLEPHRASE, FALSE, &text, NULL); CheckReturn(hr); std::wstring outText(text); CoTaskMemFree(text); return outText; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buf[16]; Connect(); /* TODO test with VARCHAR too */ Command(Statement, "SELECT CONVERT(TEXT,'Prova')"); if (SQLFetch(Statement) != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("Unable to fetch row\n"); CheckReturn(); exit(1); } /* these 2 tests test an old severe BUG in FreeTDS */ if (SQLGetData(Statement, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, buf, 0, NULL) != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to get data 1\n"); CheckReturn(); exit(1); } if (SQLGetData(Statement, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, buf, 0, NULL) != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to get data 2\n"); CheckReturn(); exit(1); } if (SQLGetData(Statement, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, buf, 3, NULL) != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to get data \n"); CheckReturn(); exit(1); } if (strcmp(buf, "Pr") != 0) { printf("Wrong data result 1\n"); exit(1); } if (SQLGetData(Statement, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, buf, 16, NULL) != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("Unable to get data \n"); CheckReturn(); exit(1); } if (strcmp(buf, "ova") != 0) { printf("Wrong data result 2 res = '%s'\n", buf); exit(1); } Disconnect(); printf("Done.\n"); return 0; }
void KAIBase::OnReturn(void) { int nRetCode = cmsInvalid; BOOL bRetCode = FALSE; bRetCode = CheckReturn(); KG_PROCESS_SUCCESS(bRetCode); nRetCode = m_pSelf->m_eMoveState; if (nRetCode == cmsOnStand) { int nDir = g_GetDirection(m_pSelf->m_nX, m_pSelf->m_nY, m_nReturnX, m_nReturnY); m_pSelf->Turn(nDir, true, true); // 跑回ReturnPoint //KGLogPrintf(KGLOG_DEBUG, "[AI] Return Run to (%d, %d)\n", m_nReturnX, m_nReturnY); m_pSelf->RunTo(m_nReturnX, m_nReturnY); } return; Exit1: //返回原点了,停一秒 if (m_pNpcTeam) DoWait(); else DoIdle(GAME_FPS); return; }
static void MethodDefinition(void) { Pointer name; SymPtr sym; Int32 l1,shift; SkipToken(tDEF); /* MatchToken(tVARIABLE); */ name = GetIdent(); /* maybe check for duplicates here? */ sym = SymAdd(name); sym->kind = FUNCTION_KIND; sym->object.u.ival = vm_addr(); sym->flags |= cur_scope; if( in_class && base_class!=NULL ) sym->clas=base_class; if( in_class && super_class!=NULL ) sym->super=super_class; NextToken(); SymEnterScope(); in_method=TRUE; l1 = vm_genI(op_link,0); /* check for any formal parameters */ if( Token==tLPAREN ) { FormalParamList(sym); } /* function statements */ local_num=0; StatementList(); sym->nlocs = local_num; /* backpatch any return statements */ CheckReturn(sym); /* implicit return */ shift = in_class ? 2 : 1; vm_genI(op_rts,sym->nlocs+sym->nargs+shift); /* reserve space for locals */ vm_patch(l1,sym->nlocs); SymExitScope(sym); in_method=FALSE; /* end of function */ SkipToken(tEND); if( Token==tSEMI ) NextToken(); }
static void Test(const char *query) { int res; if (SQLPrepare(Statement, (SQLCHAR *) query, SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to prepare statement\n"); exit(1); } if (SQLExecute(Statement) != SQL_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to execute statement\n"); exit(1); } res = SQLFetch(Statement); if (res != SQL_SUCCESS && res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fetch row.\n"); CheckReturn(); exit(1); } if (SQLFetch(Statement) != SQL_NO_DATA) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning was returned as a result row -- bad!\n"); exit(1); } /* * Microsoft SQL Server 2000 provides a diagnostic record * associated with the second SQLFetch (which returns * SQL_NO_DATA) saying "Warning: Null value is eliminated by * an aggregate or other SET operation." * We check for "NO DM" cause unixODBC till 2.2.11 do not read * errors on SQL_NO_DATA */ if (db_is_microsoft() && tds_no_dm) { SQLCHAR output[256]; if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, Statement, 1, NULL, NULL, output, sizeof(output), NULL))) { fprintf(stderr, "SQLGetDiagRec should not fail\n"); exit(1); } printf("Message: %s\n", (char *) output); } ResetStatement(); }
void SpeechRecognition::InitContext() { //init com if (FAILED(::CoInitialize(nullptr))) { Log("Failed to initialize com library", LogEntry::Error); return; } HRESULT hr; ISpRecognizer* recognizer; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SpSharedRecognizer, nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ISpRecognizer, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&recognizer)); CheckReturn(hr); hr = recognizer->CreateRecoContext(&recoContext); CheckReturn(hr); //pause context hr = recoContext->Pause(0); CheckReturn(hr); //make grammar library ISpRecoGrammar* recoGrammar = InitGrammar(); handleEvent = recoContext->GetNotifyEventHandle(); if (handleEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CheckReturn(E_FAIL); ULONGLONG interest = SPFEI(SPEI_RECOGNITION); hr = recoContext->SetInterest(interest, interest); CheckReturn(hr); //Activate grammar hr = recoGrammar->SetRuleState(RULENAME, 0, SPRS_ACTIVE); CheckReturn(hr); //enable context again hr = recoContext->Resume(0); CheckReturn(hr); std::cout << "Waiting for mocha...." << std::endl; Update(); std::cout << "Hello!" << std::endl; }
/************************************************************************** * mexFunction: gateway routine for MATLAB interface. ***************************************************************************/ void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { // Argument checking if (nrhs != 9) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(FUNC_NAME, "Wrong input."); if (nlhs != 3) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(FUNC_NAME, "Wrong output."); // Input and output variables idx_t ne = (idx_t) mxGetScalar(ne_in); idx_t nn = (idx_t) mxGetScalar(nn_in); idx_t *eptr; GetIdxArray(eptr_in,&eptr); idx_t *eind; GetIdxArray(eind_in,&eind); idx_t *vwgt; GetIdxArray(vwgt_in,&vwgt); idx_t *vsize; GetIdxArray(vsize_in,&vsize); idx_t nparts = (idx_t) mxGetScalar(nparts_in); real_t *tpwgts; GetRealArray(tpwgts_in,&tpwgts); idx_t options[METIS_NOPTIONS]; GetOptions(options_in, options); idx_t objval; idx_t *epart = (idx_t*) mxCalloc (ne, sizeof(idx_t)); idx_t *npart = (idx_t*) mxCalloc (nn, sizeof(idx_t)); // Metis main function int info = METIS_PartMeshNodal( &ne, &nn, eptr, eind, vwgt, vsize, &nparts, tpwgts, options, &objval, epart, npart); CheckReturn(info, FUNC_NAME); // Output objval_out = mxCreateDoubleScalar( (double) objval ); epart_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,ne,mxREAL); mxSetData(epart_out,mxMalloc(sizeof(double)*ne)); double *epart_out_pr = mxGetPr(epart_out); for(idx_t i=0; i<ne; i++) epart_out_pr[i] = (double) epart[i]; npart_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,nn,mxREAL); mxSetData(npart_out,mxMalloc(sizeof(double)*nn)); double *npart_out_pr = mxGetPr(npart_out); for(idx_t i=0; i<nn; i++) npart_out_pr[i] = (double) npart[i]; }
/************************************************************************** * mexFunction: gateway routine for MATLAB interface. ***************************************************************************/ void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { // Argument checking if (nrhs != 4) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(FUNC_NAME, "Wrong input."); if (nlhs != 2) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(FUNC_NAME, "Wrong output."); // Input and output variables idx_t ne = (idx_t) mxGetScalar(ne_in); idx_t nn = (idx_t) mxGetScalar(nn_in); idx_t *eptr; GetIdxArray(eptr_in,&eptr); idx_t *eind; GetIdxArray(eind_in,&eind); idx_t numflag = 0; idx_t *xadj = NULL; idx_t *adjncy = NULL; // Metis main function int info = METIS_MeshToNodal( &ne, &nn, eptr, eind, &numflag, &xadj, &adjncy); CheckReturn(info, FUNC_NAME); // Output idx_t nvtxs = (idx_t) (sizeof(xadj)/sizeof(idx_t)); xadj_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,nvtxs+1,mxREAL); mxSetData(xadj_out,mxMalloc(sizeof(double)*(nvtxs+1))); double *xadj_out_pr = mxGetPr(xadj_out); for(idx_t i=0; i<nvtxs+1; i++) xadj_out_pr[i] = (double) xadj[i]; idx_t n = (idx_t) xadj[nvtxs]; adjncy_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,n,mxREAL); mxSetData(adjncy_out,mxMalloc(sizeof(double)*n)); double *adjncy_out_pr = mxGetPr(adjncy_out); for(idx_t i=0; i<n; i++) adjncy_out_pr[i] = (double) adjncy[i]; }
ISpRecoGrammar* SpeechRecognition::InitGrammar() { HRESULT hr; SPSTATEHANDLE sate; ISpRecoGrammar* recoGrammar; hr = recoContext->CreateGrammar(GRAMMARID, &recoGrammar); CheckReturn(hr); WORD langID = MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US); hr = recoGrammar->ResetGrammar(langID); CheckReturn(hr); //create rules hr = recoGrammar->GetRule(RULENAME, 0, SPRAF_TopLevel | SPRAF_Active, true, &sate); CheckReturn(hr); //add words const std::wstring commandWstr = std::wstring(L"Mocha"); hr = recoGrammar->AddWordTransition(sate, NULL, commandWstr.c_str(), L" ", SPWT_LEXICAL, 1, nullptr); CheckReturn(hr); for (std::wstring& ws : wordList) { std::string sentence(ws.begin(), ws.end()); std::vector<std::string> words = split(sentence, ' '); for (std::string& w : words) { std::wstring wsword(w.begin(), w.end()); hr = recoGrammar->AddWordTransition(sate, NULL, wsword.c_str(), L" ", SPWT_LEXICAL, 1, nullptr); } CheckReturn(hr); } hr = recoGrammar->Commit(0); CheckReturn(hr); return recoGrammar; }
//****************************************************************** float fatan2(float y, float x) { #if ASSERTS_ENABLED float Angle = (float)atan2(y,x); #endif if(y == 0.f) // the line is horizontal { if( x > 0.f) // towards the right { // the angle is 0 CheckReturn(0.f); } // toward the left //CheckReturn(PI); return float(PI); } // we now know that y is not 0 check x if(x == 0.f) // the line is vertical { if( y > 0.f) { CheckReturn(PI/2.f); } CheckReturn(-PI/2.f); } // from here on we know that niether x nor y is 0 if( x > 0.f) { // we are in quadrant 1 or 4 if (y > 0.f) { // we are in quadrant 1 // now figure out which side of the 45 degree line if(x > y) { CheckReturn(calcAngle(x,y)); } CheckReturn((PI/2.f) - calcAngle(y,x)); } // we are in quadrant 4 y = -y; // now figure out which side of the 45 degree line if( x > y) { CheckReturn(-calcAngle(x,y)); } CheckReturn(-(PI/2.f) + calcAngle(y,x)); } // we are in quadrant 2 or 3 x = -x; // flip x so we can use it as a positive if ( y > 0) { // we are in quadrant 2 // now figure out which side of the 45 degree line if ( x > y) { CheckReturn(PI - calcAngle(x,y)); } CheckReturn(PI/2.f + calcAngle(y,x)); } // we are in quadrant 3 y = -y; // flip y so we can use it as a positve // now figure out which side of the 45 degree line if( x > y) { CheckReturn(-PI + calcAngle(x,y)); } CheckReturn(-(PI/2.f) - calcAngle(y,x)); }
/************************************************************************** * mexFunction: gateway routine for MATLAB interface. ***************************************************************************/ void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { // Argument checking if (nrhs != 5) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(FUNC_NAME, "Wrong input."); if (nlhs != 3) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(FUNC_NAME, "Wrong output."); // Input and output variables idx_t nvtxs = (idx_t) mxGetScalar(nvtxs_in); idx_t *xadj; GetIdxArray(xadj_in,&xadj); idx_t *adjncy; GetIdxArray(adjncy_in,&adjncy); idx_t *vwgt; GetIdxArray(vwgt_in,&vwgt); idx_t options[METIS_NOPTIONS]; GetOptions(options_in, options); idx_t *sepidx; idx_t *lgraphidx; idx_t *rgraphidx; // Metis main function idx_t i, nnvtxs=0; idx_t ptlgraph, ptrgraph, ptsep; graph_t *graph=NULL; ctrl_t *ctrl; idx_t *piperm; idx_t snvtxs[3]; idx_t *where; /* set up malloc cleaning code and signal catchers */ if (!gk_malloc_init()) CheckReturn( METIS_ERROR_MEMORY, FUNC_NAME ); // set up the run time parameters ctrl = SetupCtrl(METIS_OP_OMETIS, options, 1, 3, NULL, NULL); // prune the dense columns if (ctrl->pfactor > 0.0) { piperm = imalloc(nvtxs, "OMETIS: piperm"); graph = PruneGraph(ctrl, nvtxs, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, piperm, ctrl->pfactor); if (graph == NULL) { // if there was no prunning, cleanup the pfactor gk_free((void **)&piperm, LTERM); ctrl->pfactor = 0.0; } else { nnvtxs = graph->nvtxs; // disable compression if prunning took place ctrl->compress = 0; } } // compress the graph if (ctrl->compress) ctrl->compress = 0; // if no prunning and no compression, setup the graph in the normal way. if (ctrl->pfactor == 0.0 && ctrl->compress == 0) graph = SetupGraph(ctrl, nvtxs, 1, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, NULL, NULL); ASSERT(CheckGraph(graph, ctrl->numflag, 1)); /* allocate workspace memory */ AllocateWorkSpace(ctrl, graph); MlevelNodeBisectionMultiple(ctrl, graph); snvtxs[0] = 0; snvtxs[1] = 0; snvtxs[2] = 0; if (ctrl->pfactor > 0.0) snvtxs[2] += nvtxs-nnvtxs; where = graph->where; for (i=0; i<graph->nvtxs; i++) snvtxs[where[i]]++; lgraphidx = (idx_t*) mxCalloc (snvtxs[0], sizeof(idx_t)); rgraphidx = (idx_t*) mxCalloc (snvtxs[1], sizeof(idx_t)); sepidx = (idx_t*) mxCalloc (snvtxs[2], sizeof(idx_t)); ptlgraph = 0; ptrgraph = 0; ptsep = 0; if (ctrl->pfactor > 0.0) { for (i=0; i<graph->nvtxs; i++) if (where[i] == 0) lgraphidx[ptlgraph++] = piperm[i]; else if (where[i] == 1) rgraphidx[ptrgraph++] = piperm[i]; else sepidx[ptsep++] = piperm[i]; for (i=nnvtxs; i<nvtxs; i++) sepidx[ptsep++] = piperm[i]; gk_free((void **)&piperm, LTERM); } else { for (i=0; i<graph->nvtxs; i++) if (where[i] == 0) lgraphidx[ptlgraph++] = i; else if (where[i] == 1) rgraphidx[ptrgraph++] = i; else sepidx[ptsep++] = i; } /* clean up */ FreeCtrl(&ctrl); // Output lgraphidx_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,ptlgraph,mxREAL); mxSetData(lgraphidx_out,mxMalloc(sizeof(double)*ptlgraph)); double *lgraphidx_out_pr = mxGetPr(lgraphidx_out); for(idx_t i=0; i<ptlgraph; i++) lgraphidx_out_pr[i] = (double) lgraphidx[i]; rgraphidx_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,ptrgraph,mxREAL); mxSetData(rgraphidx_out,mxMalloc(sizeof(double)*ptrgraph)); double *rgraphidx_out_pr = mxGetPr(rgraphidx_out); for(idx_t i=0; i<ptrgraph; i++) rgraphidx_out_pr[i] = (double) rgraphidx[i]; sepidx_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,ptsep,mxREAL); mxSetData(sepidx_out,mxMalloc(sizeof(double)*ptsep)); double *sepidx_out_pr = mxGetPr(sepidx_out); for(idx_t i=0; i<ptsep; i++) sepidx_out_pr[i] = (double) sepidx[i]; }
ExprNode* Parser :: ParseDeclaration(SymbolType* sym_type){ if (isEq(scan.Get(), _SEPARATION, ";")){ scan.Next(); return nullptr; } SymbolType* t_symbol; if (!sym_type) { t_symbol = ParseType(); }else t_symbol = sym_type; VarSymbol* var = nullptr; BinOpNode *node = nullptr; while(true){ Token *token; token = scan.Get(); if(isEq(token, _SEPARATION, ";" )&& (t_symbol->isStruct() || dynamic_cast<TypedefSymbol*>(t_symbol))) break; if (isEq(scan.Get(), _SEPARATION,"(")) var = ParseComplexDeclaration(t_symbol); else var = ParseIdentifier(t_symbol); if(symStack->tables.back()->find_symbol(var->name) == 0) symStack->add_symbol(var); if(isEq(scan.Get(), _OPERATION, "=")){ Token *asgn = scan.Get(); scan.Next(); ExprNode* Assing_operand = ParseExpr(priorityTable[","] + 1); node = new BinOpNode(asgn, new IdentifierNode(token, var), Assing_operand); if(dynamic_cast<ConstSymbolType*> (var->getType())) errorIf(!var->getType()->getType()->canConvertTo(node->right->getType()),"Cannot perform conversion",scan.Get() ); else node->getType();>AddStatement(node); } if(isEq(scan.Get() ,_SEPARATION, ";") || isEq(scan.Get() ,_SEPARATION, "{")) break; errorIf(!isEq(scan.Get(), _OPERATION, ","), "Comma Expected"); scan.Next(); } if(isEq (scan.Get(),_SEPARATION,"{")){ FuncSymbol *func = dynamic_cast<FuncSymbol*>(var->type); errorIf(!func, "Unexpected brace", scan.Get()); errorIf((symStack->tables.size() != 1), "Can not define the function in the block", scan.Get()); parsingFunc = func; func->body = ParseBlock(); parsingFunc = 0; CheckReturn(func); if(func->name == "main") main_func = func; scan.Next(); } else scan.Next(); return node; }
static void DoTest(int n) { int res; SQLCHAR output[256]; SQLSMALLINT colType; SQLULEN colSize; SQLSMALLINT colScale, colNullable; SQLLEN dataSize; TIMESTAMP_STRUCT ts; if (CommandWithResult(Statement, "select convert(datetime, '2002-12-27 18:43:21')") != SQL_SUCCESS) ODBC_REPORT_ERROR("Unable to execute statement"); res = SQLFetch(Statement); if (res != SQL_SUCCESS && res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) ODBC_REPORT_ERROR("Unable to fetch row"); if (SQLDescribeCol(Statement, 1, output, sizeof(output), NULL, &colType, &colSize, &colScale, &colNullable) != SQL_SUCCESS) ODBC_REPORT_ERROR("Error getting data"); if (n == 0) { memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(ts)); if (SQLGetData(Statement, 1, SQL_C_TIMESTAMP, &ts, sizeof(ts), &dataSize) != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("Unable to get data col %d\n", 1); CheckReturn(); exit(1); } sprintf((char *) output, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.000", ts.year, ts.month,, ts.hour, ts.minute, ts.second); } else { if (SQLGetData(Statement, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, output, sizeof(output), &dataSize) != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("Unable to get data col %d\n", 1); CheckReturn(); exit(1); } } printf("Date returned: %s\n", output); if (strcmp((char *) output, "2002-12-27 18:43:21.000") != 0) { printf("Invalid returned date\n"); exit(1); } res = SQLFetch(Statement); if (res != SQL_NO_DATA) ODBC_REPORT_ERROR("Unable to fetch row"); res = SQLCloseCursor(Statement); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(res)) ODBC_REPORT_ERROR("Unable to close cursor"); }