CMultimediaRender::CMultimediaRender() :CanAudio(false), Width(0), Height(0), Pixformat(0), AudioOut(NULL) { m_pos.x = m_pos.y = 0; m_size.x = m_size.y = 0; Pitch = 0; texture = NULL; Oldtexture = NULL; m_pDes = NULL; colorConvertShader = NULL; colorHandle = NULL; LpConverData = NULL; LpTemData = NULL; SwapRender = NULL; m_bInteraction = false; bReadyToDraw = false; SDID3DResize = new CD3DReszie(CSLiveManager::GetInstance()->BSParam.DeviceSetting.AdpterID);//CSLiveManager::GetInstance()->GetD3DLittleRender(); D3DRender = SDID3DResize->GetD3DRender(); String strShader = ChooseShader(DeviceOutputType_I420); colorConvertShader = D3DRender->CreatePixelShaderFromFile(strShader); if (colorConvertShader) { colorHandle = colorConvertShader->GetParameterByName(TEXT("gamma")); colorConvertShader->SetFloat(colorHandle, 1.0f); } bUseYV12 = false; bUseI420 = true; Pixformat = ColorType_I420; memset(&WaveFormat, 0, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); }
void CMultimediaRender::ResetShaderYV12() { if (!bUseYV12 && Pixformat == ColorType_YV12) { if (colorConvertShader) delete colorConvertShader; colorConvertShader = NULL; String &strShader = ChooseShader(DeviceOutputType_YV12); colorConvertShader = D3DRender->CreatePixelShaderFromFile(strShader); if (colorConvertShader) colorHandle = colorConvertShader->GetParameterByName(TEXT("gamma")); colorConvertShader->SetFloat(colorHandle, 1.0f); bUseYV12 = true; bUseI420 = false; } else if (!bUseI420 && (Pixformat == ColorType_I420 || Pixformat == ColorType_YUY2 || Pixformat == ColorType_UYVY)) { if (colorConvertShader) delete colorConvertShader; colorConvertShader = NULL; String &strShader = ChooseShader(DeviceOutputType_I420); colorConvertShader = D3DRender->CreatePixelShaderFromFile(strShader); if (colorConvertShader) colorHandle = colorConvertShader->GetParameterByName(TEXT("gamma")); colorConvertShader->SetFloat(colorHandle, 1.0f); bUseI420 = true; bUseYV12 = false; } }
bool DeviceSource::LoadFilters() { if(bCapturing || bFiltersLoaded) return false; bool bSucceeded = false; List<MediaOutputInfo> outputList; IAMStreamConfig *config = NULL; bool bAddedVideoCapture = false, bAddedAudioCapture = false, bAddedDevice = false; GUID expectedMediaType; IPin *devicePin = NULL, *audioPin = NULL; HRESULT err; String strShader; bUseThreadedConversion = API->UseMultithreadedOptimizations() && (OSGetTotalCores() > 1); //------------------------------------------------ // basic initialization vars bool bForceCustomAudio = data->GetInt(TEXT("forceCustomAudioDevice")) != 0; bUseCustomResolution = data->GetInt(TEXT("customResolution")); strDevice = data->GetString(TEXT("device")); strDeviceName = data->GetString(TEXT("deviceName")); strDeviceID = data->GetString(TEXT("deviceID")); strAudioDevice = data->GetString(TEXT("audioDevice")); strAudioName = data->GetString(TEXT("audioDeviceName")); strAudioID = data->GetString(TEXT("audioDeviceID")); bFlipVertical = data->GetInt(TEXT("flipImage")) != 0; bFlipHorizontal = data->GetInt(TEXT("flipImageHorizontal")) != 0; bUsePointFiltering = data->GetInt(TEXT("usePointFiltering")) != 0; opacity = data->GetInt(TEXT("opacity"), 100); float volume = data->GetFloat(TEXT("volume"), 1.0f); bUseBuffering = data->GetInt(TEXT("useBuffering")) != 0; bufferTime = data->GetInt(TEXT("bufferTime"))*10000; //------------------------------------------------ // chrom key stuff bUseChromaKey = data->GetInt(TEXT("useChromaKey")) != 0; keyColor = data->GetInt(TEXT("keyColor"), 0xFFFFFFFF); keySimilarity = data->GetInt(TEXT("keySimilarity")); keyBlend = data->GetInt(TEXT("keyBlend"), 80); keySpillReduction = data->GetInt(TEXT("keySpillReduction"), 50); if(keyBaseColor.x < keyBaseColor.y && keyBaseColor.x < keyBaseColor.z) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.x; else if(keyBaseColor.y < keyBaseColor.x && keyBaseColor.y < keyBaseColor.z) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.y; else if(keyBaseColor.z < keyBaseColor.x && keyBaseColor.z < keyBaseColor.y) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.z; //------------------------------------------------ // get the device filter and pins if(strDeviceName.IsValid()) deviceFilter = GetDeviceByValue(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, L"FriendlyName", strDeviceName, L"DevicePath", strDeviceID); else { if(!strDevice.IsValid()) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Invalid device specified")); goto cleanFinish; } deviceFilter = GetDeviceByValue(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, L"FriendlyName", strDevice); } if(!deviceFilter) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not create device filter")); goto cleanFinish; } devicePin = GetOutputPin(deviceFilter, &MEDIATYPE_Video); if(!devicePin) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not get device video pin")); goto cleanFinish; } soundOutputType = data->GetInt(TEXT("soundOutputType")); //0 is for backward-compatibility if (strAudioID.CompareI(TEXT("Disabled"))) soundOutputType = 0; if(soundOutputType != 0) { if(!bForceCustomAudio) { err = capture->FindPin(deviceFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, FALSE, 0, &audioPin); bDeviceHasAudio = SUCCEEDED(err); } else bDeviceHasAudio = false; if(!bDeviceHasAudio) { if(strDeviceName.IsValid()) { audioDeviceFilter = GetDeviceByValue(CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory, L"FriendlyName", strAudioName, L"DevicePath", strAudioID); if(!audioDeviceFilter) AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Invalid audio device: name '%s', path '%s'"), strAudioName.Array(), strAudioID.Array()); } else if(strAudioDevice.IsValid()) { audioDeviceFilter = GetDeviceByValue(CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory, L"FriendlyName", strAudioDevice); if(!audioDeviceFilter) AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not create audio device filter")); } if(audioDeviceFilter) err = capture->FindPin(audioDeviceFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, FALSE, 0, &audioPin); else err = E_FAIL; } if(FAILED(err) || !audioPin) { Log(TEXT("DShowPlugin: No audio pin, result = %lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } } else bDeviceHasAudio = bForceCustomAudio = false; int soundTimeOffset = data->GetInt(TEXT("soundTimeOffset")); GetOutputList(devicePin, outputList); //------------------------------------------------ // initialize the basic video variables and data renderCX = renderCY = 0; frameInterval = 0; if(bUseCustomResolution) { renderCX = data->GetInt(TEXT("resolutionWidth")); renderCY = data->GetInt(TEXT("resolutionHeight")); frameInterval = data->GetInt(TEXT("frameInterval")); } else { SIZE size; if (!GetClosestResolution(outputList, size, frameInterval)) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Unable to find appropriate resolution")); renderCX = renderCY = 64; goto cleanFinish; } renderCX =; renderCY =; } if(!renderCX || !renderCY || !frameInterval) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Invalid size/fps specified")); goto cleanFinish; } preferredOutputType = (data->GetInt(TEXT("usePreferredType")) != 0) ? data->GetInt(TEXT("preferredType")) : -1; int numThreads = MAX(OSGetTotalCores()-2, 1); for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { convertData[i].width = renderCX; convertData[i].height = renderCY; convertData[i].sample = NULL; convertData[i].hSignalConvert = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); convertData[i].hSignalComplete = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if(i == 0) convertData[i].startY = 0; else convertData[i].startY = convertData[i-1].endY; if(i == (numThreads-1)) convertData[i].endY = renderCY; else convertData[i].endY = ((renderCY/numThreads)*(i+1)) & 0xFFFFFFFE; } bFirstFrame = true; //------------------------------------------------ // get the closest media output for the settings used MediaOutputInfo *bestOutput = GetBestMediaOutput(outputList, renderCX, renderCY, preferredOutputType, frameInterval); if(!bestOutput) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not find appropriate resolution to create device image source")); goto cleanFinish; } //------------------------------------------------ // log video info { String strTest = FormattedString(TEXT(" device: %s,\r\n device id %s,\r\n chosen type: %s, usingFourCC: %s, res: %ux%u - %ux%u, frameIntervals: %llu-%llu"), strDevice.Array(), strDeviceID.Array(), EnumToName[(int)bestOutput->videoType], bestOutput->bUsingFourCC ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"), bestOutput->minCX, bestOutput->minCY, bestOutput->maxCX, bestOutput->maxCY, bestOutput->minFrameInterval, bestOutput->maxFrameInterval); BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmiHeader = GetVideoBMIHeader(bestOutput->mediaType); char fourcc[5]; mcpy(fourcc, &bmiHeader->biCompression, 4); fourcc[4] = 0; if(bmiHeader->biCompression > 1000) strTest << FormattedString(TEXT(", fourCC: '%S'\r\n"), fourcc); else strTest << FormattedString(TEXT(", fourCC: %08lX\r\n"), bmiHeader->biCompression); if(!bDeviceHasAudio) strTest << FormattedString(TEXT(" audio device: %s,\r\n audio device id %s,\r\n"), strAudioDevice.Array(), strAudioID.Array()); Log(TEXT("------------------------------------------")); Log(strTest.Array()); } //------------------------------------------------ // set up shaders and video output data expectedMediaType = bestOutput->mediaType->subtype; colorType = DeviceOutputType_RGB; if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_I420) colorType = DeviceOutputType_I420; else if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_YV12) colorType = DeviceOutputType_YV12; else if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_YVYU) colorType = DeviceOutputType_YVYU; else if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_YUY2) colorType = DeviceOutputType_YUY2; else if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_UYVY) colorType = DeviceOutputType_UYVY; else if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_HDYC) colorType = DeviceOutputType_HDYC; else { colorType = DeviceOutputType_RGB; expectedMediaType = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32; } strShader = ChooseShader(); if(strShader.IsValid()) colorConvertShader = CreatePixelShaderFromFile(strShader); if(colorType != DeviceOutputType_RGB && !colorConvertShader) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not create color space conversion pixel shader")); goto cleanFinish; } if(colorType == DeviceOutputType_YV12 || colorType == DeviceOutputType_I420) { for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) hConvertThreads[i] = OSCreateThread((XTHREAD)PackPlanarThread, convertData+i); } //------------------------------------------------ // set chroma details keyBaseColor = Color4().MakeFromRGBA(keyColor); Matrix4x4TransformVect(keyChroma, (colorType == DeviceOutputType_HDYC) ? (float*)yuv709Mat : (float*)yuvMat, keyBaseColor); keyChroma *= 2.0f; //------------------------------------------------ // configure video pin if(FAILED(err = devicePin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&config))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not get IAMStreamConfig for device pin, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } AM_MEDIA_TYPE outputMediaType; CopyMediaType(&outputMediaType, bestOutput->mediaType); VIDEOINFOHEADER *vih = reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(outputMediaType.pbFormat); BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmi = GetVideoBMIHeader(&outputMediaType); vih->AvgTimePerFrame = frameInterval; bmi->biWidth = renderCX; bmi->biHeight = renderCY; bmi->biSizeImage = renderCX*renderCY*(bmi->biBitCount>>3); if(FAILED(err = config->SetFormat(&outputMediaType))) { if(err != E_NOTIMPL) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: SetFormat on device pin failed, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } } FreeMediaType(outputMediaType); //------------------------------------------------ // get audio pin configuration, optionally configure audio pin to 44100 GUID expectedAudioType; if(soundOutputType == 1) { IAMStreamConfig *audioConfig; if(SUCCEEDED(audioPin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&audioConfig))) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE *audioMediaType; if(SUCCEEDED(err = audioConfig->GetFormat(&audioMediaType))) { SetAudioInfo(audioMediaType, expectedAudioType); } else if(err == E_NOTIMPL) //elgato probably { IEnumMediaTypes *audioMediaTypes; if(SUCCEEDED(err = audioPin->EnumMediaTypes(&audioMediaTypes))) { ULONG i = 0; if((err = audioMediaTypes->Next(1, &audioMediaType, &i)) == S_OK) SetAudioInfo(audioMediaType, expectedAudioType); else { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: audioMediaTypes->Next failed, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } audioMediaTypes->Release(); } else { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: audioMediaTypes->Next failed, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } } else { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not get audio format, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } audioConfig->Release(); } else { soundOutputType = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------ // add video capture filter if any captureFilter = new CaptureFilter(this, MEDIATYPE_Video, expectedMediaType); if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(captureFilter, NULL))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to add video capture filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } bAddedVideoCapture = true; //------------------------------------------------ // add audio capture filter if any if(soundOutputType == 1) { audioFilter = new CaptureFilter(this, MEDIATYPE_Audio, expectedAudioType); if(!audioFilter) { AppWarning(TEXT("Failed to create audio capture filter")); soundOutputType = 0; } } else if(soundOutputType == 2) { if(FAILED(err = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AudioRender, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&audioFilter))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: failed to create audio renderer, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } IBasicAudio *basicAudio; if(SUCCEEDED(audioFilter->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicAudio, (void**)&basicAudio))) { long lVol = long((double(volume)*NEAR_SILENTf)-NEAR_SILENTf); if(lVol <= -NEAR_SILENT) lVol = -10000; basicAudio->put_Volume(lVol); basicAudio->Release(); } } if(soundOutputType != 0) { if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(audioFilter, NULL))) AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to add audio capture filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); bAddedAudioCapture = true; } //------------------------------------------------ // add primary device filter if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(deviceFilter, NULL))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to add device filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } if(soundOutputType != 0 && !bDeviceHasAudio) { if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(audioDeviceFilter, NULL))) AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to add audio device filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); } bAddedDevice = true; //------------------------------------------------ // connect all pins and set up the whole capture thing //THANK THE NINE DIVINES I FINALLY GOT IT WORKING bool bConnected = SUCCEEDED(err = capture->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, deviceFilter, NULL, captureFilter)); if(!bConnected) { if(FAILED(err = graph->Connect(devicePin, captureFilter->GetCapturePin()))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to connect the video device pin to the video capture pin, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } } if(soundOutputType != 0) { if(!bDeviceHasAudio) bConnected = SUCCEEDED(err = capture->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, audioDeviceFilter, NULL, audioFilter)); else bConnected = SUCCEEDED(err = capture->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, deviceFilter, NULL, audioFilter)); if(!bConnected) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to connect the audio device pin to the audio capture pin, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } } if(FAILED(err = graph->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (void**)&control))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to get IMediaControl, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } if (bUseBuffering) { if (!(hStopSampleEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to create stop event"), err); goto cleanFinish; } if (!(hSampleThread = OSCreateThread((XTHREAD)SampleThread, this))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to create sample thread"), err); goto cleanFinish; } } if(soundOutputType == 1) { audioOut = new DeviceAudioSource; audioOut->Initialize(this); API->AddAudioSource(audioOut); audioOut->SetAudioOffset(soundTimeOffset); audioOut->SetVolume(volume); } bSucceeded = true; cleanFinish: SafeRelease(config); SafeRelease(devicePin); SafeRelease(audioPin); for(UINT i=0; i<outputList.Num(); i++) outputList[i].FreeData(); if(!bSucceeded) { bCapturing = false; if(bAddedVideoCapture) graph->RemoveFilter(captureFilter); if(bAddedAudioCapture) graph->RemoveFilter(audioFilter); if(bAddedDevice) { if(!bDeviceHasAudio && audioDeviceFilter) graph->RemoveFilter(audioDeviceFilter); graph->RemoveFilter(deviceFilter); } SafeRelease(audioDeviceFilter); SafeRelease(deviceFilter); SafeRelease(captureFilter); SafeRelease(audioFilter); SafeRelease(control); if (hSampleThread) { SetEvent(hStopSampleEvent); WaitForSingleObject(hSampleThread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(hSampleThread); hSampleThread = NULL; } if (hStopSampleEvent) { CloseHandle(hStopSampleEvent); hStopSampleEvent = NULL; } if(colorConvertShader) { delete colorConvertShader; colorConvertShader = NULL; } if(audioOut) { delete audioOut; audioOut = NULL; } if(lpImageBuffer) { Free(lpImageBuffer); lpImageBuffer = NULL; } bReadyToDraw = true; } else bReadyToDraw = false; if(!renderCX) renderCX = 32; if(!renderCY) renderCY = 32; //----------------------------------------------------- // create the texture regardless, will just show up as red to indicate failure BYTE *textureData = (BYTE*)Allocate(renderCX*renderCY*4); if(colorType == DeviceOutputType_RGB) //you may be confused, but when directshow outputs RGB, it's actually outputting BGR { msetd(textureData, 0xFFFF0000, renderCX*renderCY*4); texture = CreateTexture(renderCX, renderCY, GS_BGR, textureData, FALSE, FALSE); } else //if we're working with planar YUV, we can just use regular RGB textures instead { msetd(textureData, 0xFF0000FF, renderCX*renderCY*4); texture = CreateTexture(renderCX, renderCY, GS_RGB, textureData, FALSE, FALSE); } if(bSucceeded && bUseThreadedConversion) { if(colorType == DeviceOutputType_I420 || colorType == DeviceOutputType_YV12) { LPBYTE lpData; if(texture->Map(lpData, texturePitch)) texture->Unmap(); else texturePitch = renderCX*4; lpImageBuffer = (LPBYTE)Allocate(texturePitch*renderCY); } } Free(textureData); bFiltersLoaded = bSucceeded; return bSucceeded; }
void DeviceSource::SetInt(CTSTR lpName, int iVal) { if(bCapturing) { if(scmpi(lpName, TEXT("useChromaKey")) == 0) { bool bNewVal = iVal != 0; if(bUseChromaKey != bNewVal) { API->EnterSceneMutex(); bUseChromaKey = bNewVal; if(colorConvertShader) { delete colorConvertShader; colorConvertShader = NULL; } String strShader; strShader = ChooseShader(); if(strShader.IsValid()) colorConvertShader = CreatePixelShaderFromFile(strShader); API->LeaveSceneMutex(); } } else if(scmpi(lpName, TEXT("flipImage")) == 0) { bFlipVertical = iVal != 0; } else if(scmpi(lpName, TEXT("flipImageHorizontal")) == 0) { bFlipHorizontal = iVal != 0; } else if(scmpi(lpName, TEXT("keyColor")) == 0) { keyColor = (DWORD)iVal; keyBaseColor = Color4().MakeFromRGBA(keyColor); Matrix4x4TransformVect(keyChroma, (colorType == DeviceOutputType_HDYC) ? (float*)yuv709Mat : (float*)yuvMat, keyBaseColor); keyChroma *= 2.0f; if(keyBaseColor.x < keyBaseColor.y && keyBaseColor.x < keyBaseColor.z) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.x; else if(keyBaseColor.y < keyBaseColor.x && keyBaseColor.y < keyBaseColor.z) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.y; else if(keyBaseColor.z < keyBaseColor.x && keyBaseColor.z < keyBaseColor.y) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.z; } else if(scmpi(lpName, TEXT("keySimilarity")) == 0) { keySimilarity = iVal; } else if(scmpi(lpName, TEXT("keyBlend")) == 0) { keyBlend = iVal; } else if(scmpi(lpName, TEXT("keySpillReduction")) == 0) { keySpillReduction = iVal; } else if(scmpi(lpName, TEXT("opacity")) == 0) { opacity = iVal; } else if(scmpi(lpName, TEXT("timeOffset")) == 0) { if(audioOut) audioOut->SetAudioOffset(iVal); } else if(scmpi(lpName, TEXT("bufferTime")) == 0) { bufferTime = iVal*10000; } } }