Beispiel #1
	// Sends transpose messages to every other chare
	void sendAllToAll() {
        for(int j=0;j<msgCount; j++) {
        for(int i = thisIndex; i < thisIndex+numChares; i++) {
			int t = i % numChares;
Beispiel #2
    // Send ghost faces to the six neighbors
    void begin_iteration(void) {
        if (thisIndex.x == 0 && thisIndex.y == 0 && thisIndex.z == 0) {
//          CkPrintf("Start of iteration %d\n", iterations);
            if(iterations % PRINT_FREQ == 0) {
                average = timing;
                timing = CmiWallTimer();
                average = (timing - average)/(double)PRINT_FREQ;
                CkPrintf("time=%.2f it=%d avg=%.4f\n",timing,iterations,average);

        // Copy different faces into messages
        ghostMsg *leftMsg = new (blockDimY*blockDimZ) ghostMsg(RIGHT, blockDimY, blockDimZ);
        ghostMsg *rightMsg = new (blockDimY*blockDimZ) ghostMsg(LEFT, blockDimY, blockDimZ);
        ghostMsg *topMsg = new (blockDimX*blockDimZ) ghostMsg(BOTTOM, blockDimX, blockDimZ);
        ghostMsg *bottomMsg = new (blockDimX*blockDimZ) ghostMsg(TOP, blockDimX, blockDimZ);
        ghostMsg *frontMsg = new (blockDimX*blockDimY) ghostMsg(BACK, blockDimX, blockDimY);
        ghostMsg *backMsg = new (blockDimX*blockDimY) ghostMsg(FRONT, blockDimX, blockDimY);

        CkSetRefNum(leftMsg, iterations);
        CkSetRefNum(rightMsg, iterations);
        CkSetRefNum(topMsg, iterations);
        CkSetRefNum(bottomMsg, iterations);
        CkSetRefNum(frontMsg, iterations);
        CkSetRefNum(backMsg, iterations);

        for(int j=0; j<blockDimY; ++j)
            for(int k=0; k<blockDimZ; ++k) {
                leftMsg->gh[k*blockDimY+j] = temperature[index(1, j+1, k+1)];
                rightMsg->gh[k*blockDimY+j] = temperature[index(blockDimX, j+1, k+1)];

        for(int i=0; i<blockDimX; ++i)
            for(int k=0; k<blockDimZ; ++k) {
                topMsg->gh[k*blockDimX+i] = temperature[index(i+1, 1, k+1)];
                bottomMsg->gh[k*blockDimX+i] = temperature[index(i+1, blockDimY, k+1)];

        for(int i=0; i<blockDimX; ++i)
            for(int j=0; j<blockDimY; ++j) {
                frontMsg->gh[j*blockDimX+i] = temperature[index(i+1, j+1, 1)];
                backMsg->gh[j*blockDimX+i] = temperature[index(i+1, j+1, blockDimZ)];

        // Send my left face
        thisProxy(wrap_x(thisIndex.x-1), thisIndex.y, thisIndex.z).receiveGhosts(leftMsg);
        // Send my right face
        thisProxy(wrap_x(thisIndex.x+1), thisIndex.y, thisIndex.z).receiveGhosts(rightMsg);
        // Send my top face
        thisProxy(thisIndex.x, wrap_y(thisIndex.y-1), thisIndex.z).receiveGhosts(topMsg);
        // Send my bottom face
        thisProxy(thisIndex.x, wrap_y(thisIndex.y+1), thisIndex.z).receiveGhosts(bottomMsg);
        // Send my front face
        thisProxy(thisIndex.x, thisIndex.y, wrap_z(thisIndex.z-1)).receiveGhosts(frontMsg);
        // Send my back face
        thisProxy(thisIndex.x, thisIndex.y, wrap_z(thisIndex.z+1)).receiveGhosts(backMsg);