Beispiel #1
cmsBool CMSEXPORT _cmsMAT3isIdentity(const cmsMAT3* a)
    cmsMAT3 Identity;
    int i, j;


    for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
            if (!CloseEnough(a ->v[i].n[j], Identity.v[i].n[j])) return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
	std::vector<QPointF> const& polyline1, std::vector<QPointF> const& polyline2)
	if (polyline1.size() != polyline2.size()) {
		return false;

	if (!std::equal(polyline1.begin(), polyline1.end(), polyline2.begin(), CloseEnough())) {
		return false;

	return true;
Beispiel #3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Prop setup functions (for building tables).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
float AssignRangeMultiplier( int nBits, double range )
    unsigned long iHighValue;
    if ( nBits == 32 )
        iHighValue = 0xFFFFFFFE;
        iHighValue = ((1 << (unsigned long)nBits) - 1);

    float fHighLowMul = iHighValue / range;
    if ( CloseEnough( range, 0 ) )
        fHighLowMul = iHighValue;

    // If the precision is messing us up, then adjust it so it won't.
    if ( (unsigned long)(fHighLowMul * range) > iHighValue ||
            (fHighLowMul * range) > (double)iHighValue )
        // Squeeze it down smaller and smaller until it's going to produce an integer
        // in the valid range when given the highest value.
        float multipliers[] = { 0.9999, 0.99, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7 };
        int i;
        for ( i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( multipliers ); i++ )
            fHighLowMul = (float)( iHighValue / range ) * multipliers[i];
            if ( (unsigned long)(fHighLowMul * range) > iHighValue ||
                    (fHighLowMul * range) > (double)iHighValue )

        if ( i == ARRAYSIZE( multipliers ) )
            // Doh! We seem to be unable to represent this range.
            Assert( false );
            return 0;

    return fHighLowMul;
status_t Harness::testSeek(
        const char *componentName, const char *componentRole) {
    bool isEncoder =
        !strncmp(componentRole, "audio_encoder.", 14)
        || !strncmp(componentRole, "video_encoder.", 14);

    if (isEncoder) {
        // Not testing seek behaviour for encoders.

        printf("  * Not testing seek functionality for encoders.\n");
        return OK;

    const char *mime = GetMimeFromComponentRole(componentRole);

    if (!mime) {
        LOGI("Cannot perform seek test with this componentRole (%s)",

        return OK;

    sp<MediaSource> source = CreateSourceForMime(mime);

    sp<MediaSource> seekSource = CreateSourceForMime(mime);
    if (source == NULL || seekSource == NULL) {
        return UNKNOWN_ERROR;

    CHECK_EQ(seekSource->start(), OK);

    sp<MediaSource> codec = OMXCodec::Create(
            mOMX, source->getFormat(), false /* createEncoder */,
            source, componentName);

    CHECK(codec != NULL);

    CHECK_EQ(codec->start(), OK);

    int64_t durationUs;
    CHECK(source->getFormat()->findInt64(kKeyDuration, &durationUs));

    LOGI("stream duration is %lld us (%.2f secs)",
         durationUs, durationUs / 1E6);

    static const int32_t kNumIterations = 5000;

    // We are always going to seek beyond EOS in the first iteration (i == 0)
    // followed by a linear read for the second iteration (i == 1).
    // After that it's all random.
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < kNumIterations; ++i) {
        int64_t requestedSeekTimeUs;
        int64_t actualSeekTimeUs;
        MediaSource::ReadOptions options;

        double r = uniform_rand();

        if ((i == 1) || (i > 0 && r < 0.5)) {
            // 50% chance of just continuing to decode from last position.

            requestedSeekTimeUs = -1;

            LOGI("requesting linear read");
        } else {
            if (i == 0 || r < 0.55) {
                // 5% chance of seeking beyond end of stream.

                requestedSeekTimeUs = durationUs;

                LOGI("requesting seek beyond EOF");
            } else {
                requestedSeekTimeUs =
                    (int64_t)(uniform_rand() * durationUs);

                LOGI("requesting seek to %lld us (%.2f secs)",
                     requestedSeekTimeUs, requestedSeekTimeUs / 1E6);

            MediaBuffer *buffer = NULL;
                    requestedSeekTimeUs, MediaSource::ReadOptions::SEEK_NEXT_SYNC);

            if (seekSource->read(&buffer, &options) != OK) {
                CHECK_EQ(buffer, NULL);
                actualSeekTimeUs = -1;
            } else {
                CHECK(buffer != NULL);
                CHECK(buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &actualSeekTimeUs));
                CHECK(actualSeekTimeUs >= 0);

                buffer = NULL;

            LOGI("nearest keyframe is at %lld us (%.2f secs)",
                 actualSeekTimeUs, actualSeekTimeUs / 1E6);

        status_t err;
        MediaBuffer *buffer;
        for (;;) {
            err = codec->read(&buffer, &options);
            if (err == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
                CHECK_EQ(buffer, NULL);
            if (err == OK) {
                CHECK(buffer != NULL);
                if (buffer->range_length() == 0) {
                    buffer = NULL;
            } else {
                CHECK_EQ(buffer, NULL);


        if (requestedSeekTimeUs < 0) {
            // Linear read.
            if (err != OK) {
                CHECK_EQ(buffer, NULL);
            } else {
                CHECK(buffer != NULL);
                buffer = NULL;
        } else if (actualSeekTimeUs < 0) {
            EXPECT(err != OK,
                   "We attempted to seek beyond EOS and expected "
                   "ERROR_END_OF_STREAM to be returned, but instead "
                   "we got a valid buffer.");
            EXPECT(err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM,
                   "We attempted to seek beyond EOS and expected "
                   "ERROR_END_OF_STREAM to be returned, but instead "
                   "we found some other error.");
            CHECK_EQ(err, ERROR_END_OF_STREAM);
            CHECK_EQ(buffer, NULL);
        } else {
            EXPECT(err == OK,
                   "Expected a valid buffer to be returned from "
            CHECK(buffer != NULL);

            int64_t bufferTimeUs;
            CHECK(buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &bufferTimeUs));
            if (!CloseEnough(bufferTimeUs, actualSeekTimeUs)) {
                printf("\n  * Attempted seeking to %lld us (%.2f secs)",
                       requestedSeekTimeUs, requestedSeekTimeUs / 1E6);
                printf("\n  * Nearest keyframe is at %lld us (%.2f secs)",
                       actualSeekTimeUs, actualSeekTimeUs / 1E6);
                printf("\n  * Returned buffer was at %lld us (%.2f secs)\n\n",
                       bufferTimeUs, bufferTimeUs / 1E6);

                buffer = NULL;

                CHECK_EQ(codec->stop(), OK);

                return UNKNOWN_ERROR;

            buffer = NULL;

    CHECK_EQ(codec->stop(), OK);

    return OK;
Beispiel #5
void Quaternion::Slerp(const Quaternion& a, const Quaternion& b, float t, Quaternion& outQuat)
    //      The folowing copyright and licence applies to the contents of this Quaternion::Slerp method

    //      Copyright 2013 BlackBerry Inc.
    //      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    //      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    //      You may obtain a copy of the License at
    //      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    //      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    //      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    //      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    //      limitations under the License.

    //      Original file from GamePlay3D:

    //      Modified by Jared Thomson in 2016:
    //        - removed assertions
    //        - made compatable with xo-math

    // Fast slerp implementation by kwhatmough:
    // It contains no division operations, no trig, no inverse trig
    // and no sqrt. Not only does this code tolerate small constraint
    // errors in the input quaternions, it actually corrects for them.
    if (CloseEnough(t, 0.0f))
        outQuat = a;
    else if (CloseEnough(t, 1.0f))
        outQuat = b;
    else if (a == b)
        outQuat = a;
        float halfY, alpha, beta;
        float u, f1, f2a, f2b;
        float ratio1, ratio2;
        float halfSecHalfTheta, versHalfTheta;
        float sqNotU, sqU;

        Vector4 * va = (Vector4*)&a;
        Vector4 * vb = (Vector4*)&b;

        float cosTheta = ((*va) * (*vb)).Sum();

        // As usual in all slerp implementations, we fold theta.
        alpha = cosTheta >= 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
        halfY = 1.0f + alpha * cosTheta;

        // Here we bisect the interval, so we need to fold t as well.
        f2b = t - 0.5f;
        u = f2b >= 0 ? f2b : -f2b;
        f2a = u - f2b;
        f2b += u;
        u += u;
        f1 = 1.0f - u;

        // One iteration of Newton to get 1-cos(theta / 2) to good accuracy.
        halfSecHalfTheta = 1.09f - (0.476537f - 0.0903321f * halfY) * halfY;
        halfSecHalfTheta *= 1.5f - halfY * halfSecHalfTheta * halfSecHalfTheta;
        versHalfTheta = 1.0f - halfY * halfSecHalfTheta;

        // Evaluate series expansions of the coefficients.
        sqNotU = f1 * f1;
        ratio2 = 0.0000440917108f * versHalfTheta;
        ratio1 = -0.00158730159f + (sqNotU - 16.0f) * ratio2;
        ratio1 = 0.0333333333f + ratio1 * (sqNotU - 9.0f) * versHalfTheta;
        ratio1 = -0.333333333f + ratio1 * (sqNotU - 4.0f) * versHalfTheta;
        ratio1 = 1.0f + ratio1 * (sqNotU - 1.0f) * versHalfTheta;

        sqU = u * u;
        ratio2 = -0.00158730159f + (sqU - 16.0f) * ratio2;
        ratio2 = 0.0333333333f + ratio2 * (sqU - 9.0f) * versHalfTheta;
        ratio2 = -0.333333333f + ratio2 * (sqU - 4.0f) * versHalfTheta;
        ratio2 = 1.0f + ratio2 * (sqU - 1.0f) * versHalfTheta;

        // Perform the bisection and resolve the folding done earlier.
        f1 *= ratio1 * halfSecHalfTheta;
        f2a *= ratio2;
        f2b *= ratio2;
        alpha *= f1 + f2a;
        beta = f1 + f2b;

        // Apply final coefficients to a and b as usual.
        float w = alpha * a.w + beta * b.w;
        float x = alpha * a.x + beta * b.x;
        float y = alpha * a.y + beta * b.y;
        float z = alpha * a.z + beta * b.z;

        // This final adjustment to the quaternion's length corrects for
        // any small constraint error in the inputs q1 and q2 But as you
        // can see, it comes at the cost of 9 additional multiplication
        // operations. If this error-correcting feature is not required,
        // the following code may be removed.
        f1 = 1.5f - 0.5f * (w * w + x * x + y * y + z * z);
        _XO_ASSIGN_QUAT_Q(outQuat, w * f1, x * f1, y * f1, z * f1);
Beispiel #6
Quaternion::Quaternion(float x, float y, float z, float w) :
#if defined(XO_SSE)
    xmm(_mm_set_ps(w, z, y, x))
    x(x), y(y), z(z), w(w)

Quaternion Quaternion::Inverse() const
    return Quaternion(*this).MakeInverse();

Quaternion& Quaternion::MakeInverse()
    float magnitude = xo_internal::QuaternionSquareSum(*this);

    if (CloseEnough(magnitude, 1.0f, Epsilon))
        return MakeConjugate();
    if (CloseEnough(magnitude, 0.0f, Epsilon))
        return *this;

    (*(Vector4*)this) /= magnitude;
    return *this;

Quaternion Quaternion::Normalized() const
    return Quaternion(*this).Normalize();

Quaternion& Quaternion::Normalize()
    float magnitude = xo_internal::QuaternionSquareSum(*this);
    if (CloseEnough(magnitude, 1.0f, Epsilon))
        return *this;

    magnitude = Sqrt(magnitude);
    if (CloseEnough(magnitude, 0.0f, Epsilon))
        return *this;

    (*(Vector4*)this) /= magnitude;
    return *this;

Quaternion Quaternion::Conjugate() const
    return Quaternion(*this).MakeConjugate();

Quaternion& Quaternion::MakeConjugate()
    _XO_ASSIGN_QUAT(w, -x, -y, -z);
    return *this;

void Quaternion::GetAxisAngleRadians(Vector3& axis, float& radians) const
    Quaternion q = Normalized();

#if defined(XO_SSE)
    // todo: don't we need to normalize axis in sse too?
    axis.xmm = q.xmm;
    axis.x = q.x;
    axis.y = q.y;
    axis.z = q.z;
    radians = (2.0f * ACos(q.w));