Beispiel #1
CompVar(short t, Type *baseType, long storFlags, long regFlags, Var **pvar)
    Var *var = NULL;
    Type *type;
    Symbol *sym = NULL;
    long extraTypeFlags = 0;	/*  propogated through override */
    short protoVoid = 0;

     *	step 1, parse the name .. get the name symbol and representitive type

    type = baseType;

    t = CompTypeDeclarators(t, &type, &sym, storFlags);

    if (type->Flags & TF_STKCALL) storFlags &= ~TF_REGCALL;

    if (t == TokColon) {
	long bits;
	Exp *exp = NULL;

	if (StructLevel == 0)

	if (type->Id != TID_INT || (type->Size != 4 && type->Size != 2))

	t = GetToken();
	t = CompExp(t, &exp, 0);
	bits = ExpToConstant(exp);

	if (bits > 32 || bits < 0) {
	    bits = 32;
	type = MakeBitfieldType(type->Flags & TF_UNSIGNED, bits);

     *	Create final type that includes storage qualifiers.

    if ((storFlags & TF_STORNOTLOCAL) == 0 && State != SOUTSIDE)
        /* Check to see that this is a pointer to a function */
        if (type->Id != TID_PTR   ||
            type->SubType == NULL ||
            type->SubType->Id != TID_PROC)
	    if (storFlags & TF_AUTOILLEGAL)
	storFlags |= TF_AUTO;

	long tflags = (type->Flags | storFlags) & ~TF_NOTINTYPE;

	if (type->Flags != tflags)
	    type = TypeToQualdType(type, tflags);

     *	If typedef we stop here

    if (pvar == NULL) {
	if (type->Flags != (type->Flags | storFlags))
	    type = TypeToQualdType(type, type->Flags | storFlags);

	if (t != TokSemi && t != TokComma)
	if (sym)
	    SemanticAdd(sym, TokTypeId, type);

     *	definitely a variable.	Check for overide of previous def
     *	in this block level, or global block level if not auto.
     *	STATIC VARIABLES inside subroutines are special, they do not bother
     *	global variables outside subroutines of the same name.
     *	check opt '= exp' and optional code if a procedure

    if (sym == NULL)
	/* Well, we have a syntax error */
	sym = MakeSymbol("<PHONEYSYM>", 11, LFBase->lf_Index, NULL);
	storFlags |= VF_DECLD;

    if (StructLevel == 0 && (var = BlockRemoveDuplicateVar(storFlags, sym, type))) {
	extraTypeFlags = (var->Type->Flags | storFlags) & TF_KEEPPROC;
	if (var->Type->Args == 0)   /*	proto was ... foo(void) */
	    protoVoid = 1;

	if ((type->Flags & TF_KEEPPROC) != (extraTypeFlags & TF_KEEPPROC))
	    type = TypeToQualdType(type, type->Flags | extraTypeFlags);

    if (var == NULL) {
	if (StructLevel == 0 && State != SOUTSIDE && (storFlags & TF_STORNOTLOCAL) == 0 && type->Id != TID_PROC) {
	    var = AllocTmpStructure(Var);   /*	does not survive subroutine */
	} else {
	    var = AllocStructure(Var);	    /*	permanent   */
	if (sym && StructLevel == 0) {
	    if (type->Id == TID_PROC || (storFlags & TF_EXTERN))
		SemanticAddTop(sym, TokVarId, var);
		SemanticAdd(sym, TokVarId, var);

    var->Type = type;
    var->Sym  = sym;
    var->LexIdx = LFBase->lf_Index;

    if (storFlags & TF_REGISTER)

    if ((type->Id == TID_STRUCT || type->Id == TID_UNION) && (type->Size == 0))
	Undefined_Tag(type, sym, LFBase->lf_Index);

    *pvar = var;

    if (State == SOUTSIDE && (storFlags & TF_AUTO))

    var->Flags = type->Flags | storFlags | extraTypeFlags | (var->Flags & VF_DECLD);
    var->RegFlags = regFlags;

#ifdef DYNAMIC
    if ((var->Flags & (TF_EXTERN|TF_DYNAMIC)) == TF_DYNAMIC) {
	var->Type = type = TypeToPtrType(var->Type);
    if (type->Id == TID_PROC) {
	if (t != TokSemi && t != TokComma) {	/*  definition	*/
	    var->Flags &= ~(VF_DECLD | TF_EXTERN);

	     *	if not a prototyped procedure must munge arguments properly.
	     *	This applies to floats, for example, which are really doubles
	     *	for non-prototyped procedures.

	    if ((type->Flags & TF_PROTOTYPE) == 0) {
		short i;
		for (i = 0; i < type->Args; ++i) {
		    Type **t2 = &type->Vars[i]->Type;
		    *t2 = ActualArgType(*t2);

	     *	munge routine prototyped as foo(void) but declared foo()

	    if (protoVoid && type->Args < 0)
		var->Type = type = TypeToProcType(type->SubType, NULL, 0, type->Flags | TF_PROTOTYPE);

	    if (var->u.Block && !(var->Flags & TF_STATIC))

	    t = CompProcedure(t, var);

	} else {
	    if (var->u.Block == NULL) {
		if (!(var->Flags & TF_STATIC))
		    var->Flags |= TF_EXTERN;
	    } else {

	     *	Generate Register Specification Output Data

	    if (RegSpecOutputOpt)
    } else {
	if (t == TokEq) {	/*  assigned expression */
	    Exp *exp;

            /* Any assignment to a global variable will eliminate the extern */
            /* portion of the symbol.  This is in accordance to ANSI.        */
	    var->Flags &= ~TF_EXTERN;

	    if (StructLevel)

	    t = GetToken();
	    if (t == TokLBrace)
		t = CompBracedAssign(GetToken(), var->Type, &exp, 1, sym);
		if (t != TokRBrace)
		    t = match_nesting(t);
		t = GetToken();
	    else if (t == TokStrConst && var->Type->Id == TID_ARY)
		t = CompBracedAssign(t, var->Type, &exp, 0, sym);
	    else if ((var->Flags & TF_AUTO) == 0)
		t = CompBracedAssign(t, var->Type, &exp, 0, sym);
	    } else
	       /* If we get here, we know that the TF_AUTO bit is on.  If  */
	       /* the TF_STATIC flag is also set, this should be diagnosed */
	       /* This logic used to be in the previous test, but since it */
	       /* really can never occur, we moved it down here and expect */
	       /* to take it out after the beta.                           */
	       /* Note that the assignment code will be pulled out by the  */
	       /* block code in stmt.c (only simple assignments)           */
 	       if (var->Flags & TF_STATIC)
 	       	  dbprintf(("Unexpected Type %ld\n", var->Flags));
	       t = CompExp(t, &exp, 0);
	    var->u.AssExp = exp;
Beispiel #2
void appft(int niter, double *total_time, logical *verified)
  int i, j, k, kt, n12, n22, n32, ii, jj, kk, ii2, ik2;
  double ap;

  dcomplex exp1[NX], exp2[NY], exp3[NZ];

  for (i = 1; i <= 15; i++) {

  compute_initial_conditions(NX, NY, NZ, xnt);

  CompExp(NX, exp1);
  CompExp(NY, exp2);
  CompExp(NZ, exp3);          
  fftXYZ(1, NX, NY, NZ, xnt, (dcomplex *)y, exp1, exp2, exp3);

  if (timers_enabled) timer_start(13);

  n12 = NX / 2;
  n22 = NY / 2;
  n32 = NZ / 2;
  ap = -4.0 * ALPHA * (PI * PI);
  for (i = 0; i < NZ; i++) {
    ii = i - (i / n32) * NZ;
    ii2 = ii * ii;
    for (k = 0; k < NY; k++) {
      kk = k - (k / n22) * NY;
      ik2 = ii2 + kk*kk;
      for (j = 0; j < NX; j++) {
        jj = j - (j / n12) * NX;
        twiddle[i][k][j] = exp(ap*(double)(jj*jj + ik2));
  if (timers_enabled) timer_stop(13);

  if (timers_enabled) timer_start(12);
  compute_initial_conditions(NX, NY, NZ, xnt);
  if (timers_enabled) timer_stop(12);
  if (timers_enabled) timer_start(15);
  fftXYZ(1, NX, NY, NZ, xnt, (dcomplex *)y, exp1, exp2, exp3);
  if (timers_enabled) timer_stop(15);

  for (kt = 1; kt <= niter; kt++) {
    if (timers_enabled) timer_start(11);
    evolve(NX, NY, NZ, xnt, y, twiddle);
    if (timers_enabled) timer_stop(11);
    if (timers_enabled) timer_start(15);
    fftXYZ(-1, NX, NY, NZ, xnt, (dcomplex *)xnt, exp1, exp2, exp3);
    if (timers_enabled) timer_stop(15);
    if (timers_enabled) timer_start(10);
    CalculateChecksum(&sums[kt], kt, NX, NY, NZ, xnt);
    if (timers_enabled) timer_stop(10);

  // Verification test.
  if (timers_enabled) timer_start(14);
  verify(NX, NY, NZ, niter, sums, verified);
  if (timers_enabled) timer_stop(14);

  *total_time = timer_read(1);
  if (!timers_enabled) return;

  printf(" FT subroutine timers \n");
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "FT total                  ", timer_read(1));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "WarmUp time               ", timer_read(2));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "fftXYZ body               ", timer_read(3));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "Swarztrauber              ", timer_read(4));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "X time                    ", timer_read(7));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "Y time                    ", timer_read(8));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "Z time                    ", timer_read(9));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "CalculateChecksum         ", timer_read(10));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "evolve                    ", timer_read(11));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "compute_initial_conditions", timer_read(12));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "twiddle                   ", timer_read(13));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "verify                    ", timer_read(14));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "fftXYZ                    ", timer_read(15));
  printf(" %26s =%9.4f\n", "Benchmark time            ", *total_time);