nsThebesDeviceContext::GetRect(nsRect &aRect)
    if (mPrintingSurface) {
        // we have a printer device
        aRect.x = 0;
        aRect.y = 0;
        aRect.width = mWidth;
        aRect.height = mHeight;
    } else
        ComputeFullAreaUsingScreen ( &aRect );

    return NS_OK;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDeviceContextOS2 :: GetRect(nsRect &aRect)
  if ( mSpec )
    // we have a printer device
    aRect.x = 0;
    aRect.y = 0;
    aRect.width = NSToIntRound(mWidth * mDevUnitsToAppUnits);
    aRect.height = NSToIntRound(mHeight * mDevUnitsToAppUnits);
    ComputeFullAreaUsingScreen ( &aRect );

  return NS_OK;
nsThebesDeviceContext::GetDeviceSurfaceDimensions(nscoord &aWidth, nscoord &aHeight)
    if (mPrintingSurface) {
        // we have a printer device
        aWidth = mWidth;
        aHeight = mHeight;
    } else {
        nsRect area;
        aWidth = area.width;
        aHeight = area.height;

    return NS_OK;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDeviceContextOS2 :: GetDeviceSurfaceDimensions(PRInt32 &aWidth, PRInt32 &aHeight)
  // Defer to Alt when there is one
  if (mAltDC && (mUseAltDC & kUseAltDCFor_SURFACE_DIM))
    return mAltDC->GetDeviceSurfaceDimensions(aWidth, aHeight);

  if ( mSpec )
    // we have a printer device
    aWidth = NSToIntRound(mWidth * mDevUnitsToAppUnits);
    aHeight = NSToIntRound(mHeight * mDevUnitsToAppUnits);
  else {
    nsRect area;
    ComputeFullAreaUsingScreen ( &area );
    aWidth = area.width;
    aHeight = area.height;

  return NS_OK;