Beispiel #1
 * GetOrEstablishConnection returns a PGconn which can be used to execute
 * queries on a remote PostgreSQL server. If no suitable connection to the
 * specified node on the specified port yet exists, the function establishes
 * a new connection and adds it to the connection cache before returning it.
 * Returned connections are guaranteed to be in the CONNECTION_OK state. If the
 * requested connection cannot be established, or if it was previously created
 * but is now in an unrecoverable bad state, this function returns NULL.
 * This function throws an error if a hostname over 255 characters is provided.
PGconn *
GetOrEstablishConnection(char *nodeName, int32 nodePort)
	PGconn *connection = NULL;
	NodeConnectionKey nodeConnectionKey;
	NodeConnectionEntry *nodeConnectionEntry = NULL;
	bool entryFound = false;
	bool needNewConnection = true;
	char *userName = CurrentUserName();

	/* check input */
	if (strnlen(nodeName, MAX_NODE_LENGTH + 1) > MAX_NODE_LENGTH)
						errmsg("hostname exceeds the maximum length of %d",

	/* if first call, initialize the connection hash */
	if (NodeConnectionHash == NULL)
		NodeConnectionHash = CreateNodeConnectionHash();

	memset(&nodeConnectionKey, 0, sizeof(nodeConnectionKey));
	strncpy(nodeConnectionKey.nodeName, nodeName, MAX_NODE_LENGTH);
	nodeConnectionKey.nodePort = nodePort;
	strncpy(nodeConnectionKey.nodeUser, userName, NAMEDATALEN);

	nodeConnectionEntry = hash_search(NodeConnectionHash, &nodeConnectionKey,
									  HASH_FIND, &entryFound);
	if (entryFound)
		connection = nodeConnectionEntry->connection;
		if (PQstatus(connection) == CONNECTION_OK)
			needNewConnection = false;

	if (needNewConnection)
		connection = ConnectToNode(nodeName, nodePort, nodeConnectionKey.nodeUser);
		if (connection != NULL)
			nodeConnectionEntry = hash_search(NodeConnectionHash, &nodeConnectionKey,
											  HASH_ENTER, &entryFound);
			nodeConnectionEntry->connection = connection;

	return connection;
Beispiel #2
 * GetConnection returns a PGconn which can be used to execute queries on a
 * remote PostgreSQL server. If no suitable connection to the specified node on
 * the specified port yet exists, the function establishes a new connection and
 * returns that.
 * Returned connections are guaranteed to be in the CONNECTION_OK state. If the
 * requested connection cannot be established, or if it was previously created
 * but is now in an unrecoverable bad state, this function returns NULL.
 * This function throws an error if a hostname over 255 characters is provided.
PGconn *
GetConnection(char *nodeName, int32 nodePort)
	PGconn *connection = NULL;
	NodeConnectionKey nodeConnectionKey;
	NodeConnectionEntry *nodeConnectionEntry = NULL;
	bool entryFound = false;
	bool needNewConnection = true;

	/* check input */
	if (strnlen(nodeName, MAX_NODE_LENGTH + 1) > MAX_NODE_LENGTH)
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("hostnames may not exceed 255 characters")));

	/* if first call, initialize the connection hash */
	if (NodeConnectionHash == NULL)
		NodeConnectionHash = CreateNodeConnectionHash();

	memset(&nodeConnectionKey, 0, sizeof(nodeConnectionKey));
	strncpy(nodeConnectionKey.nodeName, nodeName, MAX_NODE_LENGTH);
	nodeConnectionKey.nodePort = nodePort;

	nodeConnectionEntry = hash_search(NodeConnectionHash, &nodeConnectionKey,
									  HASH_FIND, &entryFound);
	if (entryFound)
		connection = nodeConnectionEntry->connection;
		if (PQstatus(connection) == CONNECTION_OK)
			needNewConnection = false;

	if (needNewConnection)
		StringInfo nodePortString = makeStringInfo();
		appendStringInfo(nodePortString, "%d", nodePort);

		connection = ConnectToNode(nodeName, nodePortString->data);
		if (connection != NULL)
			nodeConnectionEntry = hash_search(NodeConnectionHash, &nodeConnectionKey,
											  HASH_ENTER, &entryFound);
			nodeConnectionEntry->connection = connection;

	return connection;
Beispiel #3
void Conexiune(Thread* thread){
	GetText t;
	GetFile f = SetSendPackage(thread);
	int server = ConnectToNode(nodlist.addr[thread->id]);
	if (server){
		 	send(server, &f, sizeof(f), 0);
			recv(server, &t, sizeof(GetText),0);
			f.from = nodlist.length*100 + f.from;
		}while(t.length > 0);
Beispiel #4
 * get_and_purge_connection first gets a connection using the provided hostname
 * and port before immediately passing that connection to PurgeConnection. This
 * is to test PurgeConnection behvaior when circumventing the cache.
	char *nodeName = PG_GETARG_CSTRING(0);
	int32 nodePort = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
	char *nodeUser = CurrentUserName();

	PGconn *connection = ConnectToNode(nodeName, nodePort, nodeUser);
	if (connection == NULL)

