bool UProjectileMovementComponent::HandleSliding(FHitResult& Hit, float& SubTickTimeRemaining)
	FHitResult InitialHit(Hit);
	const FVector OldHitNormal = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(Hit.Normal);

	// Velocity is now parallel to the impact surface.
	// Perform the move now, before adding gravity/accel again, so we don't just keep hitting the surface.
	SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(Velocity * SubTickTimeRemaining, UpdatedComponent->GetComponentQuat(), true, Hit);

	if (HasStoppedSimulation())
		return false;

	// A second hit can deflect the velocity (through the normal bounce code), for the next iteration.
	if (Hit.bBlockingHit)
		const float TimeTick = SubTickTimeRemaining;
		SubTickTimeRemaining = TimeTick * (1.f - Hit.Time);
		if (HandleBlockingHit(Hit, TimeTick, Velocity * TimeTick, SubTickTimeRemaining) == EHandleBlockingHitResult::Abort ||
			return false;
		// Find velocity after elapsed time
		const FVector PostTickVelocity = ComputeVelocity(Velocity, SubTickTimeRemaining);

		// If pointing back into surface, apply friction and acceleration.
		const FVector Force = (PostTickVelocity - Velocity);
		const float ForceDotN = (Force | OldHitNormal);
		if (ForceDotN < 0.f)
			const FVector ProjectedForce = FVector::VectorPlaneProject(Force, OldHitNormal);
			const FVector NewVelocity = Velocity + ProjectedForce;

			const FVector FrictionForce = -NewVelocity.GetSafeNormal() * FMath::Min(-ForceDotN * Friction, NewVelocity.Size());
			Velocity = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(NewVelocity + FrictionForce);
			Velocity = PostTickVelocity;

		// Check min velocity
		if (Velocity.SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(BounceVelocityStopSimulatingThreshold))
			return false;

		SubTickTimeRemaining = 0.f;

	return true;
FVector UProjectileMovementComponent::LimitVelocity(FVector NewVelocity) const
	const float CurrentMaxSpeed = GetMaxSpeed();
	if (CurrentMaxSpeed > 0.f)
		NewVelocity = NewVelocity.GetClampedToMaxSize(CurrentMaxSpeed);

	return ConstrainDirectionToPlane(NewVelocity);
bool UMovementComponent::MoveUpdatedComponentImpl( const FVector& Delta, const FQuat& NewRotation, bool bSweep, FHitResult* OutHit, ETeleportType Teleport)
	if (UpdatedComponent)
		const FVector NewDelta = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(Delta);
		return UpdatedComponent->MoveComponent(NewDelta, NewRotation, bSweep, OutHit, MoveComponentFlags, Teleport);

	return false;
bool UProjectileMovementComponent::HandleDeflection(FHitResult& Hit, const FVector& OldVelocity, const uint32 NumBounces, float& SubTickTimeRemaining)
	const FVector Normal = ConstrainNormalToPlane(Hit.Normal);

	// Multiple hits within very short time period?
	const bool bMultiHit = (PreviousHitTime < 1.f && Hit.Time <= KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER);

	// if velocity still into wall (after HandleBlockingHit() had a chance to adjust), slide along wall
	const float DotTolerance = 0.01f;
	bIsSliding = (bMultiHit && FVector::Coincident(PreviousHitNormal, Normal)) ||
					((Velocity.GetSafeNormal() | Normal) <= DotTolerance);

	if (bIsSliding)
		if (bMultiHit && (PreviousHitNormal | Normal) <= 0.f)
			//90 degree or less corner, so use cross product for direction
			FVector NewDir = (Normal ^ PreviousHitNormal);
			NewDir = NewDir.GetSafeNormal();
			Velocity = Velocity.ProjectOnToNormal(NewDir);
			if ((OldVelocity | Velocity) < 0.f)
				Velocity *= -1.f;
			Velocity = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(Velocity);
			//adjust to move along new wall
			Velocity = ComputeSlideVector(Velocity, 1.f, Normal, Hit);

		// Check min velocity.
		if (Velocity.SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(BounceVelocityStopSimulatingThreshold))
			return false;

		// Velocity is now parallel to the impact surface.
		if (SubTickTimeRemaining > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
			if (!HandleSliding(Hit, SubTickTimeRemaining))
				return false;

	return true;
FVector UMovementComponent::GetPenetrationAdjustment(const FHitResult& Hit) const
	if (!Hit.bStartPenetrating)
		return FVector::ZeroVector;

	FVector Result;
	const float PullBackDistance = FMath::Abs(CVarPenetrationPullbackDistance.GetValueOnGameThread());
	const float PenetrationDepth = (Hit.PenetrationDepth > 0.f ? Hit.PenetrationDepth : 0.125f);

	Result = Hit.Normal * (PenetrationDepth + PullBackDistance);

	return ConstrainDirectionToPlane(Result);
bool UMovementComponent::ResolvePenetrationImpl(const FVector& ProposedAdjustment, const FHitResult& Hit, const FQuat& NewRotationQuat)
	// SceneComponent can't be in penetration, so this function really only applies to PrimitiveComponent.
	const FVector Adjustment = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(ProposedAdjustment);
	if (!Adjustment.IsZero() && UpdatedPrimitive)
		// See if we can fit at the adjusted location without overlapping anything.
		AActor* ActorOwner = UpdatedComponent->GetOwner();
		if (!ActorOwner)
			return false;

		UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration: %s.%s at location %s inside %s.%s at location %s by %.3f (netmode: %d)"),
			   Hit.Component.IsValid() ? *Hit.GetComponent()->GetComponentLocation().ToString() : TEXT("<unknown>"),

		// We really want to make sure that precision differences or differences between the overlap test and sweep tests don't put us into another overlap,
		// so make the overlap test a bit more restrictive.
		const float OverlapInflation = CVarPenetrationOverlapCheckInflation.GetValueOnGameThread();
		bool bEncroached = OverlapTest(Hit.TraceStart + Adjustment, NewRotationQuat, UpdatedPrimitive->GetCollisionObjectType(), UpdatedPrimitive->GetCollisionShape(OverlapInflation), ActorOwner);
		if (!bEncroached)
			// Move without sweeping.
			MoveUpdatedComponent(Adjustment, NewRotationQuat, false, nullptr, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
			UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration:   teleport by %s"), *Adjustment.ToString());
			return true;
			// Disable MOVECOMP_NeverIgnoreBlockingOverlaps if it is enabled, otherwise we wouldn't be able to sweep out of the object to fix the penetration.
			TGuardValue<EMoveComponentFlags> ScopedFlagRestore(MoveComponentFlags, EMoveComponentFlags(MoveComponentFlags & (~MOVECOMP_NeverIgnoreBlockingOverlaps)));

			// Try sweeping as far as possible...
			FHitResult SweepOutHit(1.f);
			bool bMoved = MoveUpdatedComponent(Adjustment, NewRotationQuat, true, &SweepOutHit, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
			UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration:   sweep by %s (success = %d)"), *Adjustment.ToString(), bMoved);
			// Still stuck?
			if (!bMoved && SweepOutHit.bStartPenetrating)
				// Combine two MTD results to get a new direction that gets out of multiple surfaces.
				const FVector SecondMTD = GetPenetrationAdjustment(SweepOutHit);
				const FVector CombinedMTD = Adjustment + SecondMTD;
				if (SecondMTD != Adjustment && !CombinedMTD.IsZero())
					bMoved = MoveUpdatedComponent(CombinedMTD, NewRotationQuat, true, nullptr, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
					UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration:   sweep by %s (MTD combo success = %d)"), *CombinedMTD.ToString(), bMoved);

			// Still stuck?
			if (!bMoved)
				// Try moving the proposed adjustment plus the attempted move direction. This can sometimes get out of penetrations with multiple objects
				const FVector MoveDelta = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(Hit.TraceEnd - Hit.TraceStart);
				if (!MoveDelta.IsZero())
					bMoved = MoveUpdatedComponent(Adjustment + MoveDelta, NewRotationQuat, true, nullptr, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
					UE_LOG(LogMovement, Verbose, TEXT("ResolvePenetration:   sweep by %s (adjusted attempt success = %d)"), *(Adjustment + MoveDelta).ToString(), bMoved);

			return bMoved;

	return false;