Beispiel #1
nfdresult_t NFD_PickFolder(const nfdchar_t *defaultPath,
                           nfdchar_t **outPath)
    // Init COM
    AutoCoInit autoCoInit;
    if (!SUCCEEDED(autoCoInit.Result()))
        NFDi_SetError("CoInitializeEx failed.");
        return NFD_ERROR;

    // Create the file dialog COM object
    ComPtr<IFileDialog> pFileDialog;
    if (!SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOpenDialog,
        NFDi_SetError("CoCreateInstance for CLSID_FileOpenDialog failed.");
        return NFD_ERROR;

    // Set the default path
    if (SetDefaultPath(pFileDialog.Ptr(), defaultPath) != NFD_OKAY)
        NFDi_SetError("SetDefaultPath failed.");
        return NFD_ERROR;

    // Get the dialogs options
    DWORD dwOptions = 0;
    if (!SUCCEEDED(pFileDialog->GetOptions(&dwOptions)))
        NFDi_SetError("GetOptions for IFileDialog failed.");
        return NFD_ERROR;

    // Add in FOS_PICKFOLDERS which hides files and only allows selection of folders
    if (!SUCCEEDED(pFileDialog->SetOptions(dwOptions | FOS_PICKFOLDERS)))
        NFDi_SetError("SetOptions for IFileDialog failed.");
        return NFD_ERROR;

    // Show the dialog to the user
    const HRESULT result = pFileDialog->Show(NULL);
        return NFD_CANCEL;
    else if (!SUCCEEDED(result))
        NFDi_SetError("Show for IFileDialog failed.");
        return NFD_ERROR;

    // Get the shell item result
    ComPtr<IShellItem> pShellItem;
    if (!SUCCEEDED(pFileDialog->GetResult(&pShellItem)))
        return NFD_OKAY;

    // Finally get the path
    wchar_t *path = NULL;
    if (!SUCCEEDED(pShellItem->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_DESKTOPABSOLUTEPARSING, &path)))
        NFDi_SetError("GetDisplayName for IShellItem failed.");
        return NFD_ERROR;

    // Convert string
    CopyWCharToNFDChar(path, outPath);
    if (!*outPath)
        // error is malloc-based, error message would be redundant
        return NFD_ERROR;

    return NFD_OKAY;
Beispiel #2
nfdresult_t NFD_SaveDialog( const nfdchar_t *filterList,
                            const nfdchar_t *defaultPath,
                            nfdchar_t **outPath )
    nfdresult_t nfdResult = NFD_ERROR;
    // Init COM library.
    HRESULT result = ::CoInitializeEx(NULL,
                                      ::COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED |
                                      ::COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE );
    if ( !SUCCEEDED(result))
        NFDi_SetError("Could not initialize COM.");
        return NFD_ERROR;

    ::IFileSaveDialog *fileSaveDialog(NULL);

    // Create dialog
    result = ::CoCreateInstance(::CLSID_FileSaveDialog, NULL,
                                CLSCTX_ALL, ::IID_IFileSaveDialog,
                                reinterpret_cast<void**>(&fileSaveDialog) );

    if ( !SUCCEEDED(result) )
        NFDi_SetError("Could not create dialog.");
        goto end;

    // Build the filter list
    if ( !AddFiltersToDialog( fileSaveDialog, filterList ) )
        goto end;

    // Set the default path
    if ( !SetDefaultPath( fileSaveDialog, defaultPath ) )
        goto end;

    // Show the dialog.
    result = fileSaveDialog->Show(NULL);
    if ( SUCCEEDED(result) )
        // Get the file name
        ::IShellItem *shellItem;
        result = fileSaveDialog->GetResult(&shellItem);
        if ( !SUCCEEDED(result) )
            NFDi_SetError("Could not get shell item from dialog.");
            goto end;
        wchar_t *filePath(NULL);
        result = shellItem->GetDisplayName(::SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &filePath);
        if ( !SUCCEEDED(result) )
            NFDi_SetError("Could not get file path for selected.");
            goto end;

        CopyWCharToNFDChar( filePath, outPath );
        if ( !*outPath )
            /* error is malloc-based, error message would be redundant */
            goto end;

        nfdResult = NFD_OKAY;
    else if (result == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED) )
        nfdResult = NFD_CANCEL;
        NFDi_SetError("File dialog box show failed.");
        nfdResult = NFD_ERROR;
    return nfdResult;
Beispiel #3
nfdresult_t NFD_ChooseDirectory(const nfdchar_t *prompt, const nfdchar_t *defaultPath,
                                nfdchar_t **outPath )
    nfdresult_t nfdResult = NFD_ERROR;

    // Init COM library.
    HRESULT result = ::CoInitializeEx(NULL,
                                      ::COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED |
                                      ::COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE );

    wchar_t *promptW = {0};
    if (prompt && strlen(prompt))
        CopyNFDCharToWChar( prompt, &promptW );

    if ( !SUCCEEDED(result))
        NFDi_SetError("Could not initialize COM.");
        goto end;

    ::IFileOpenDialog *fileOpenDialog(NULL);

    // Create dialog
    result = ::CoCreateInstance(::CLSID_FileOpenDialog, NULL,
                                CLSCTX_ALL, ::IID_IFileOpenDialog,
                                reinterpret_cast<void**>(&fileOpenDialog) );

    if ( !SUCCEEDED(result) )
        NFDi_SetError("Could not create dialog.");
        goto end;

    DWORD dwOptions;
    if (SUCCEEDED(fileOpenDialog->GetOptions(&dwOptions)))
        fileOpenDialog->SetOptions(dwOptions | FOS_PICKFOLDERS);

    // Set the default path
    if ( !SetDefaultPath( fileOpenDialog, defaultPath ) )
        goto end;


    // Show the dialog.
    result = fileOpenDialog->Show(NULL);
    if ( SUCCEEDED(result) )
        // Get the file name
        ::IShellItem *shellItem(NULL);
        result = fileOpenDialog->GetResult(&shellItem);
        if ( !SUCCEEDED(result) )
            NFDi_SetError("Could not get shell item from dialog.");
            goto end;
        wchar_t *filePath(NULL);
        result = shellItem->GetDisplayName(::SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &filePath);
        if ( !SUCCEEDED(result) )
            NFDi_SetError("Could not get file path for selected.");
            goto end;

        CopyWCharToNFDChar( filePath, outPath );
        if ( !*outPath )
            /* error is malloc-based, error message would be redundant */
            goto end;

        nfdResult = NFD_OKAY;
    else if (result == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED) )
        nfdResult = NFD_CANCEL;
        NFDi_SetError("File dialog box show failed.");
        nfdResult = NFD_ERROR;


    if (prompt && strlen(prompt));
        NFDi_Free( promptW );


    return nfdResult;