/** ============================================================================
 *   @n@b Setup_Tx
 *   @b Description
 *   @n This API sets up all relevant data structures and configuration required
 *      for sending data to PASS/Ethernet. It sets up a Tx free descriptor queue,
 *      PASS Tx queues required for send.
 *   @param[in]  
 *   @n None
 *   @return    Int32
 *              -1      -   Error
 *              0       -   Success
 * =============================================================================
Int32 Setup_Tx (Void)
    UInt8                       isAllocated;
    Qmss_Queue                  qInfo;
    Ptr                   		pCppiDesc;
    UInt32						i;

    /* Open all Transmit (Tx) queues. 
     * These queues are used to send data to PA PDSP/CPSW.
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_PA_TX_QUEUES; i ++)
        if ((gPaTxQHnd[i] = Qmss_queueOpen (Qmss_QueueType_PASS_QUEUE, QMSS_PARAM_NOT_SPECIFIED, &isAllocated)) < 0)
            uart_write ("Error opening PA Tx queue \n");
            return -1;
        	//platform_write("opened TX queue for PA %d\n",gPaTxQHnd[i]);

    /* Open a Tx Free Descriptor Queue (Tx FDQ). 
     * This queue will be used to hold Tx free decriptors that can be filled
     * later with data buffers for transmission onto wire.
    if ((gTxFreeQHnd = Qmss_queueOpen (Qmss_QueueType_STARVATION_COUNTER_QUEUE, QMSS_PARAM_NOT_SPECIFIED, &isAllocated)) < 0)
        uart_write ("Error opening Tx Free descriptor queue \n");
        return -1;
    	//platform_write("opened TX Free queue for PA %d\n",gTxFreeQHnd);

    qInfo = Qmss_getQueueNumber (gTxFreeQHnd);

    /* Attach some free descriptors to the Tx free queue we just opened. */
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_TX_DESC; i++)
        /* Get a free descriptor from the global free queue we setup 
         * during initialization.
        if ((pCppiDesc = Qmss_queuePop (gGlobalFreeQHnd)) == NULL)

        /* The descriptor address returned from the hardware has the 
         * descriptor size appended to the address in the last 4 bits.
         * To get the true descriptor size, always mask off the last 
         * 4 bits of the address.
        pCppiDesc = (Ptr) ((UInt32) pCppiDesc & 0xFFFFFFF0);

        /* Setup the Completion queue:
         * Setup the return policy for this desc to return to the free q we just
         * setup instead of the global free queue.
        Cppi_setReturnQueue ((Cppi_DescType) Cppi_DescType_HOST, pCppiDesc, qInfo);

        /* Push descriptor to Tx free queue */
        Qmss_queuePushDescSize (gTxFreeQHnd, pCppiDesc, SIZE_CPSW_HOST_DESC);

    if (i != NUM_TX_DESC)
        uart_write ("Error allocating Tx free descriptors. only %d queues allotted \n",Qmss_getQueueEntryCount(gTxFreeQHnd));
        return -1;

    //platform_write("Total %d found entries in queue %d\n",count,gTxFreeQHnd);
    /* All done with Rx configuration. Return success. */
    return 0;
/** ============================================================================
 *   @n@b Setup_Rx
 *   @b Description
 *   @n This API sets up all relevant data structures and configuration required
 *      for receiving data from PASS/Ethernet. It sets up a Rx free descriptor queue
 *      with some empty pre-allocated buffers to receive data, and an Rx queue
 *      to which the Rxed data is streamed for the example application. This API
 *      also sets up the QM high priority accumulation interrupts required to
 *      receive data from the Rx queue.
 *   @param[in]  
 *   @n None
 *   @return    Int32
 *              -1      -   Error
 *              0       -   Success
 * =============================================================================
Int32 Setup_Rx (Ethernet *pThis)
    Int32                       result;
    UInt8                       isAllocated, accChannelNum;
    UInt16                      numAccEntries, intThreshold, i;
    Qmss_Queue                  rxFreeQInfo, rxQInfo;
    Ptr                   		pCppiDesc;
    Qmss_AccCmdCfg              accCfg;
    Cppi_RxFlowCfg              rxFlowCfg;
    Ptr                         pDataBuffer;
    Error_Block 				eb;
    Uint32                      mySWInfo[] = {0x11112222, 0x33334444};
    /* Open a Receive (Rx) queue. 
     * This queue will be used to hold all the packets received by PASS/CPSW
     * Open the next available High Priority Accumulation queue for Rx.
    if ((gRxQHnd = Qmss_queueOpen (Qmss_QueueType_HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE, QMSS_PARAM_NOT_SPECIFIED, &isAllocated)) < 0)
        uart_write ("Error opening a High Priority Accumulation Rx queue \n");
        return -1;
    rxQInfo = Qmss_getQueueNumber (gRxQHnd);

    uart_write ("Opened RX queue Number %d \n",rxQInfo.qNum);

    /* Setup high priority accumulation interrupts on the Rx queue. 
     * Let's configure the accumulator with the following settings:
     *      (1) Interrupt pacing disabled.
     *      (2) Interrupt on every received packet
    intThreshold    =   RX_INT_THRESHOLD;
    numAccEntries   =   (intThreshold + 1) * 2;
    accChannelNum   =   PA_ACC_CHANNEL_NUM;

    /* Initialize the accumulator list memory */
    memset ((Void *) gHiPriAccumList, 0, numAccEntries * 4);

    /* Ensure that the accumulator channel we are programming is not 
     * in use currently.
    result = Qmss_disableAccumulator (Qmss_PdspId_PDSP1, accChannelNum);
    if (result != QMSS_ACC_SOK && result != QMSS_ACC_CHANNEL_NOT_ACTIVE)
        uart_write ("Error Disabling high priority accumulator for channel : %d error code: %d\n",
                      accChannelNum, result);
        return -1;

    /* Setup the accumulator settings */
    accCfg.channel             =   accChannelNum;
    accCfg.command             =   Qmss_AccCmd_ENABLE_CHANNEL;
    accCfg.queueEnMask         =   0;
    accCfg.listAddress         =   Convert_CoreLocal2GlobalAddr((Uint32) gHiPriAccumList);
   // accCfg.listAddress         = gHiPriAccumList;
    accCfg.queMgrIndex         =   gRxQHnd;
    accCfg.maxPageEntries      =   (intThreshold + 1); /* Add an extra entry for holding the entry count */
    accCfg.timerLoadCount      =   0;
    accCfg.interruptPacingMode =   Qmss_AccPacingMode_LAST_INTERRUPT;
    accCfg.listEntrySize       =   Qmss_AccEntrySize_REG_D;
    accCfg.listCountMode       =   Qmss_AccCountMode_ENTRY_COUNT;
    accCfg.multiQueueMode      =   Qmss_AccQueueMode_SINGLE_QUEUE;
    /* Program the accumulator */
    if ((result = Qmss_programAccumulator (Qmss_PdspId_PDSP1, &accCfg)) != QMSS_ACC_SOK)
        uart_write ("Error Programming high priority accumulator for channel : %d queue : %d error code : %d\n",
                        accCfg.channel, accCfg.queMgrIndex, result);
        return -1;

    pThis->RxEventHandle = Event_create(NULL,&eb);
    if (pThis->RxEventHandle == NULL)
    	uart_write("Event create failed");
    	return -1;
    pThis->RxDataHead = 0;
    pThis->RxDataTail = 0;

    Intr_Init(&pThis->oEthIntr,	INTR_ITEM_ETH_RX,(Intr_Handler)Cpsw_RxISR, (void*)pThis);
    /* Open a Rx Free Descriptor Queue (Rx FDQ). 
     * This queue will hold all the Rx free decriptors. These descriptors will be
     * used by the PASS CPDMA to hold data received via CPSW.
    if ((gRxFreeQHnd = Qmss_queueOpen (Qmss_QueueType_STARVATION_COUNTER_QUEUE, QMSS_PARAM_NOT_SPECIFIED, &isAllocated)) < 0)
        uart_write ("Error opening Rx Free descriptor queue \n");
        return -1;
    rxFreeQInfo = Qmss_getQueueNumber (gRxFreeQHnd);

    	uart_write("Opened RX Free queue Number %d\n",gRxFreeQHnd);

    /* Attach some free descriptors to the Rx free queue we just opened. */
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++)
        /* Get a free descriptor from the global free queue we setup 
         * during initialization.
        if ((pCppiDesc = Qmss_queuePop (gGlobalFreeQHnd)) == NULL)

        /* The descriptor address returned from the hardware has the 
         * descriptor size appended to the address in the last 4 bits.
         * To get the true descriptor size, always mask off the last 
         * 4 bits of the address.
        pCppiDesc = (Ptr) ((UInt32) pCppiDesc & 0xFFFFFFF0);

        if ((pDataBuffer = (Ptr) Memory_alloc((IHeap_Handle)heap2, ETHER_MAX_SIZE, 0, NULL)) == NULL)
            uart_write ("Error allocating memory for Rx data buffer \n");
        /* Populate the Rx free descriptor with the buffer we just allocated. */
        Cppi_setData (Cppi_DescType_HOST, pCppiDesc, (UInt8 *)Convert_CoreLocal2GlobalAddr((UInt32)pDataBuffer), ETHER_MAX_SIZE);

        /* Save original buffer information */
        Cppi_setOriginalBufInfo (Cppi_DescType_HOST, pCppiDesc, (UInt8 *)Convert_CoreLocal2GlobalAddr((UInt32)pDataBuffer), ETHER_MAX_SIZE);

        /* Setup the Completion queue:
         * Setup the return policy for this desc to return to the free q we just
         * setup instead of the global free queue.
        Cppi_setReturnQueue (Cppi_DescType_HOST, pCppiDesc, rxFreeQInfo);

        Cppi_setSoftwareInfo (Cppi_DescType_HOST, pCppiDesc, (UInt8 *) mySWInfo);

        Cppi_setPacketLen    (Cppi_DescType_HOST, pCppiDesc, ETHER_MAX_SIZE);
        /* Push descriptor to Tx free queue */
        Qmss_queuePushDescSize (gRxFreeQHnd, pCppiDesc, SIZE_CPSW_HOST_DESC);

    if (i != NUM_RX_DESC)
        uart_write ("Error allocating Rx free descriptors \n");
        return -1;


    //platform_write("Total %d entries in queue %d\n",count,gRxFreeQHnd);

    /* Setup a Rx Flow.
     * A Rx flow encapsulates all relevant data properties that CPDMA would
     * have to know in order to succefully receive data.
    /* Initialize the flow configuration */
    memset (&rxFlowCfg, 0, sizeof(Cppi_RxFlowCfg));

    /* Let CPPI pick the next available flow */
    rxFlowCfg.flowIdNum             =   CPPI_PARAM_NOT_SPECIFIED;    

    rxFlowCfg.rx_dest_qmgr          =   rxQInfo.qMgr;    
    rxFlowCfg.rx_dest_qnum          =   rxQInfo.qNum;  
    rxFlowCfg.rx_desc_type          =   Cppi_DescType_HOST; 

    rxFlowCfg.rx_ps_location        =   Cppi_PSLoc_PS_IN_DESC;  
    rxFlowCfg.rx_psinfo_present     =   1;    /* Enable PS info */
    rxFlowCfg.rx_error_handling     =   0;    /* Drop the packet, do not retry on starvation by default */       
    rxFlowCfg.rx_einfo_present      =   1;    /* EPIB info present */       
    rxFlowCfg.rx_dest_tag_lo_sel    =   0;    /* Disable tagging */
    rxFlowCfg.rx_dest_tag_hi_sel    =   0;    
    rxFlowCfg.rx_src_tag_lo_sel     =   0;    
    rxFlowCfg.rx_src_tag_hi_sel     =   0;    

    rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh0_en    =   0;    /* By default, we disable Rx Thresholds */
    rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh1_en    =   0;    /* By default, we disable Rx Thresholds */
    rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh2_en    =   0;    /* By default, we disable Rx Thresholds */
    rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh0       =   0x0;
    rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh1       =   0x0;
    rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh2       =   0x0;

    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz0_qmgr      =   rxFreeQInfo.qMgr; /* Setup the Receive free queue for the flow */
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz0_qnum      =   rxFreeQInfo.qNum;    
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz1_qnum      =   0x0; 
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz1_qmgr      =   0x0;
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz2_qnum      =   0x0;
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz2_qmgr      =   0x0;
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz3_qnum      =   0x0;
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz3_qmgr      =   0x0;

    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq1_qnum          =   rxFreeQInfo.qNum;  /* Use the Rx Queue to pick descriptors */
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq1_qmgr          =   rxFreeQInfo.qMgr;
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq2_qnum          =   rxFreeQInfo.qNum;  /* Use the Rx Queue to pick descriptors */
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq2_qmgr          =   rxFreeQInfo.qMgr;
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq3_qnum          =   rxFreeQInfo.qNum;  /* Use the Rx Queue to pick descriptors */
    rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq3_qmgr          =   rxFreeQInfo.qMgr;

    /* Configure the Rx flow */
    if ((gRxFlowHnd = Cppi_configureRxFlow (gCpdmaHnd, &rxFlowCfg, &isAllocated)) == NULL)
        uart_write ("Error configuring Rx flow \n");
        return -1;
    	//platform_write("Rx flow configured. handle %p Id %d \n",gRxFlowHnd,Cppi_getFlowId (gRxFlowHnd));

    /* All done with Rx configuration. Return success. */
    return 0;
Beispiel #3
 * Init Queue Manager SUbSystem (QMSS)
 *  - Configure QMSS Driver
 * 	- Define Memory regions
 * 	-
void init_qmss(int useMsmc){
	int i, result;
    Qmss_InitCfg 			qmss_initCfg;
	Cppi_CpDmaInitCfg 		cpdmaCfg;
	Qmss_GlobalConfigParams qmss_globalCfg;

    /* Descriptor base addresses */
    void* data_desc_base  = (void*)align((int)msmc_mem_base);
    void* ctrl_desc_base  = (void*)align((int)data_desc_base + DATA_DESC_NUM*DATA_DESC_SIZE);
    void* trace_desc_base = (void*)align((int)ctrl_desc_base + CTRL_DESC_NUM*CTRL_DESC_SIZE);
    void* fftc_desc_base  = (void*)align((int)trace_desc_base + TRACE_DESC_NUM*TRACE_DESC_SIZE);

    	data_mem_base = align((int)fftc_desc_base + FFTC_DESC_NUM*FFTC_DESC_SIZE);
    	data_mem_base = align((int)ddr_mem_base);

    /* Initialize QMSS Driver */
    memset (&qmss_initCfg, 0, sizeof (Qmss_InitCfg));

    /* Use internal linking RAM */
	qmss_initCfg.linkingRAM0Base  = 0;
	qmss_initCfg.linkingRAM0Size  = 0;
	qmss_initCfg.linkingRAM1Base  = 0;
	qmss_initCfg.maxDescNum       = DATA_DESC_NUM + CTRL_DESC_NUM + TRACE_DESC_NUM + FFTC_DESC_NUM;

	qmss_initCfg.pdspFirmware[0].pdspId   = Qmss_PdspId_PDSP1;
	qmss_initCfg.pdspFirmware[0].firmware = &acc48_le;
	qmss_initCfg.pdspFirmware[0].size     = sizeof (acc48_le);

    /* Bypass hardware initialization as it is done within Kernel */
    qmss_initCfg.qmssHwStatus     =   QMSS_HW_INIT_COMPLETE;

    qmss_globalCfg = qmssGblCfgParams;
    /* Convert address to Virtual address */
	for(i=0;i < (int)qmss_globalCfg.maxQueMgrGroups;i++){
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.groupRegs[i].qmConfigReg,       qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE,    CSL_Qm_configRegs*);
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.groupRegs[i].qmDescReg,         qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE,    CSL_Qm_descriptor_region_configRegs*);
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.groupRegs[i].qmQueMgmtReg,      qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE,    CSL_Qm_queue_managementRegs*);
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.groupRegs[i].qmQueMgmtProxyReg, qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE,    CSL_Qm_queue_managementRegs*);
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.groupRegs[i].qmQueStatReg,      qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE,    CSL_Qm_queue_status_configRegs*);
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.groupRegs[i].qmStatusRAM,       qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE,    CSL_Qm_Queue_Status*);
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.groupRegs[i].qmQueMgmtDataReg,  qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_DATA_BASE,   CSL_Qm_queue_managementRegs*);

		/* not supported on k2 hardware, and not used by lld */
		qmss_globalCfg.groupRegs[i].qmQueMgmtProxyDataReg = 0;

	for(i=0;i < QMSS_MAX_INTD;i++)
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.regs.qmQueIntdReg[i], qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE, CSL_Qm_intdRegs*);

	for(i=0;i < QMSS_MAX_PDSP;i++){
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.regs.qmPdspCmdReg[i],  qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE, volatile uint32_t*);
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.regs.qmPdspCtrlReg[i], qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE, CSL_PdspRegs*);
		TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.regs.qmPdspIRamReg[i], qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE, volatile uint32_t*);

	TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.regs.qmLinkingRAMReg, 	qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE, volatile uint32_t*);
	TranslateAddress(qmss_globalCfg.regs.qmBaseAddr, 		qmss_cfg_regs-CSL_QMSS_CFG_BASE, void*);

	if ((result = Qmss_init (&qmss_initCfg, &qmss_globalCfg)) != QMSS_SOK){
		printf ("initQmss: Error initializing Queue Manager SubSystem, Error code : %d\n", result);

	if ((result = Qmss_start ()) != QMSS_SOK){
		printf ("initQmss: Error starting Queue Manager SubSystem, Error code : %d\n", result);

	Cppi_GlobalCPDMAConfigParams translatedCppiGblCpdmaCfgParams[Cppi_CpDma_LAST+1];
	Cppi_GlobalConfigParams translatedCppiGblCfgParams = cppiGblCfgParams;

	translatedCppiGblCfgParams.cpDmaCfgs = translatedCppiGblCpdmaCfgParams;

#define translateCpdma(reg, type) (translatedCppiGblCfgParams.reg = (type)(((int) cppiGblCfgParams.reg ) +  cppi_regs - CPPI_BASE_REG))

	Cppi_CpDma cpdma;
	for(cpdma = Cppi_CpDma_SRIO_CPDMA; cpdma <= Cppi_CpDma_LAST; cpdma++){
		translatedCppiGblCfgParams.cpDmaCfgs[cpdma] = cppiGblCfgParams.cpDmaCfgs[cpdma];
		translateCpdma(cpDmaCfgs[cpdma].gblCfgRegs,	CSL_Cppidma_global_configRegs*);
		translateCpdma(cpDmaCfgs[cpdma].txChRegs, 	CSL_Cppidma_tx_channel_configRegs*);
		translateCpdma(cpDmaCfgs[cpdma].rxChRegs, 	CSL_Cppidma_rx_channel_configRegs*);
		translateCpdma(cpDmaCfgs[cpdma].rxFlowRegs, CSL_Cppidma_rx_flow_configRegs*);

    if ((result = Cppi_init (&translatedCppiGblCfgParams)) != CPPI_SOK){
        printf ("Error initializing CPPI LLD, Error code : %d\n", result);

	/* Setup memory regions */
	/* Setup DATA region */
	result = setup_region(
	if (result) abort();

	/* Setup CTRL region */
	result = setup_region(
	if (result) abort();

	/* Setup TRACE region */
	result = setup_region(
	if (result) abort();

	/* Setup FFTC region */
	result = setup_region(
	if (result) abort();

    /* Setup the driver for this FFTC peripheral instance number. */
	/* Set up the FFTC CPDMA configuration */
	memset (&cpdmaCfg, 0, sizeof (Cppi_CpDmaInitCfg));
	cpdmaCfg.dmaNum = Cppi_CpDma_FFTC_A_CPDMA;

	/* Initialize FFTC CPDMA */
	if ((hCppi[0] = Cppi_open (&cpdmaCfg)) == NULL){
		printf ("Error initializing CPPI for FFTC CPDMA %d\n", cpdmaCfg.dmaNum);

	/* Disable FFTC CDMA loopback */
	if (Cppi_setCpdmaLoopback (hCppi[0], 0) != CPPI_SOK){
		printf ("Error disabling loopback for FFTC CPDMA %d\n", cpdmaCfg.dmaNum);

	memset (&cpdmaCfg, 0, sizeof (Cppi_CpDmaInitCfg));
	cpdmaCfg.dmaNum = Cppi_CpDma_FFTC_B_CPDMA;
	if ((hCppi[1] = Cppi_open (&cpdmaCfg)) == NULL){
		printf ("Error initializing CPPI for FFTC CPDMA %d\n", cpdmaCfg.dmaNum);

	/* Disable FFTC CDMA loopback */
	if (Cppi_setCpdmaLoopback (hCppi[1], 0) != CPPI_SOK){
		printf ("Error disabling loopback for FFTC CPDMA %d\n", cpdmaCfg.dmaNum);

	fftc_a_cfg_regs->CONFIG = 0;
	fftc_b_cfg_regs->CONFIG = 0;

	/* Emptying Queues */
	/* Tx FFTC */
    for(i=QUEUE_FIRST; i<=QUEUE_LAST; i++){

    /* Populate free queues */
    for(i=0; i<DATA_DESC_NUM; i++){
    	Cppi_Desc* mono_pkt = (Cppi_Desc *) ((int)data_desc_base + i*DATA_DESC_SIZE);

    	Osal_DescBeginMemAccess(mono_pkt, DATA_DESC_SIZE);

    	Qmss_Queue freeQueue = {0, QUEUE_FREE_DATA};
    	Cppi_setDescType(							  mono_pkt, Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC);
    	Cppi_setDataOffset(	Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC,  mono_pkt, PACKET_HEADER);
    	Cppi_setPacketLen(	Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC, mono_pkt, DATA_DESC_SIZE);
    	Cppi_setReturnQueue(Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC, mono_pkt, freeQueue);

    	/* Sync Descriptor */
    	Osal_DescEndMemAccess(mono_pkt, DATA_DESC_SIZE);

		Qmss_queuePushDescSize(QUEUE_FREE_DATA, mono_pkt, DATA_DESC_SIZE);

    for(i=0; i<CTRL_DESC_NUM; i++){
    	Cppi_Desc* mono_pkt = (Cppi_Desc *) ((int)ctrl_desc_base + i*CTRL_DESC_SIZE);

    	Osal_DescBeginMemAccess(mono_pkt, CTRL_DESC_SIZE);

    	Qmss_Queue freeQueue = {0, QUEUE_FREE_DATA};
    	Cppi_setDescType(							  mono_pkt, Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC);
    	Cppi_setDataOffset(	Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC,  mono_pkt, PACKET_HEADER);
    	Cppi_setPacketLen(	Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC, mono_pkt, CTRL_DESC_SIZE);
    	Cppi_setReturnQueue(Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC, mono_pkt, freeQueue);

    	/* Sync Descriptor */
    	Osal_DescEndMemAccess(mono_pkt, CTRL_DESC_SIZE);

		Qmss_queuePushDescSize(QUEUE_FREE_CTRL, mono_pkt, CTRL_DESC_SIZE);

    for(i=0; i<TRACE_DESC_NUM; i++){
    	Cppi_Desc* mono_pkt = (Cppi_Desc *) ((int)trace_desc_base + i*TRACE_DESC_SIZE);

    	Osal_DescBeginMemAccess(mono_pkt, TRACE_DESC_SIZE);

    	Qmss_Queue freeQueue = {0, QUEUE_FREE_DATA};
    	Cppi_setDescType(							  mono_pkt, Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC);
    	Cppi_setDataOffset(	Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC, mono_pkt, PACKET_HEADER);
    	Cppi_setPacketLen(	Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC, mono_pkt, TRACE_DESC_SIZE);
    	Cppi_setReturnQueue(Cppi_DescType_MONOLITHIC, mono_pkt, freeQueue);

    	/* Sync Descriptor */
    	Osal_DescEndMemAccess(mono_pkt, TRACE_DESC_SIZE);

		Qmss_queuePushDescSize(QUEUE_FREE_TRACE, mono_pkt, TRACE_DESC_SIZE);

    for(i=0; i<FFTC_DESC_NUM; i++){
    	Cppi_Desc * host_pkt = (Cppi_Desc *) ((int)fftc_desc_base + i*FFTC_DESC_SIZE);

    	Osal_DescBeginMemAccess(host_pkt, FFTC_DESC_SIZE);
    	memset(host_pkt, 0, FFTC_DESC_SIZE);

    	Qmss_Queue queue = {0, QUEUE_FREE_FFTC};
    	Cppi_setDescType(								host_pkt, Cppi_DescType_HOST);
    	Cppi_setReturnPolicy(		Cppi_DescType_HOST, host_pkt, Cppi_ReturnPolicy_RETURN_BUFFER);
    	Cppi_setReturnPushPolicy(	Cppi_DescType_HOST, host_pkt, Qmss_Location_TAIL);
    	Cppi_setPSLocation(			Cppi_DescType_HOST, host_pkt, Cppi_PSLoc_PS_IN_DESC);
    	Cppi_setReturnQueue(		Cppi_DescType_HOST, host_pkt, queue);
    	((Cppi_HostDesc*)host_pkt)->nextBDPtr = 0;

    	/* Sync Descriptor */
    	Osal_DescEndMemAccess(host_pkt, FFTC_DESC_SIZE);





	/* Finally, enable the Tx channel so that we can start sending
	 * data blocks to FFTC engine.
	Cppi_channelEnable (hCppiTxChan[0]);
	Cppi_channelEnable (hCppiTxChan[1]);
	Cppi_channelEnable (hCppiRxChan[0]);
	Cppi_channelEnable (hCppiRxChan[1]);
