Beispiel #1
    HX_RESULT hResult = HXR_OK;

    if (m_DirStatus == DIR_INITIALIZING)
	// Figure out what directories we need to create

	// Move on to the directory creating state
	m_DirStatus = DIR_CREATING;
    else if (m_DirStatus == DIR_CREATING)
	if (m_ulDirsCreated == m_ulDirsNeeded)
	    // We are done creating directories
	    m_DirStatus = DIR_DONE;

	    // Create the next directory
	    hResult = m_pFileCreator->

	    if ((HXR_OK != hResult) && (m_DirStatus != DIR_DONE))

	    // ... Flow continues in ::ArchiveDirectoryReady()
	// Invalid state

    return HXR_OK;
int main(int argc, char** argv)

bookType* bt;
int bookCnt = 0, i;
char nullString[]="\0";
char inputFile[FILE_LEN] = {0};
char* inputFolder = nullString;
char* timeFile = nullString;
char* outputFile = nullString;
double* simMat;

int nprocs, myrank, error;

double timeStart, timeMid, timeEnd, timeElapsed;
double timeParaElapsed, timeSerialElapsed, timeParaEnd, timeParaStart;
int initSecond;

int ntag = 100;
MPI_Status status;

MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
struct timeval init_tv;
gettimeofday(&init_tv, (struct timezone*)0);
initSecond = init_tv.tv_sec;

// record the start time
wallTime( &timeStart, &initSecond);

// Argument process
commandLineFlagType flag[] =
 {"inputFolder", _string,  &inputFolder },
 {"timeFile",       _string, &timeFile },
 {"outputFile",      _string, &outputFile },

// set the number of processes

int numFlags = sizeof ( flag ) / sizeof ( commandLineFlagType );
usageErrorType parseErrorCode = parseArgs ( argc, argv, numFlags, flag ) ;

if ( parseErrorCode == argError  || parseErrorCode == parseError )
 usage( argv[0] );
 return ( 1 );

// make sure the "inputFolder" contains a "/" in the end
if (inputFolder[strlen(inputFolder) - 1] != '/')
  char* tmpIF = (char*) malloc(strlen(inputFolder)+2);
  strcpy(tmpIF, inputFolder);
  strcat(tmpIF, "/");
  inputFolder = tmpIF;

error = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
error = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);

  wallTime( &timeParaStart, &initSecond);
  // word load shared among nprocs nodes, all nodes work parallelly
  struct dirent *dir;
  char *filename;
  DIR* d;

  d = opendir(inputFolder);
  if (d)

  while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL)
    if (dir->d_type == DT_REG)
      bookCnt ++;
      i = bookCnt % nprocs;
      if (i == myrank)
        strcpy(inputFile, dir->d_name);
	 bt = (bookType*) malloc(sizeof(bookType));
	 memset(bt, 0, sizeof(bookType));

	 bt->fileName = (char*) malloc(strlen(inputFolder) + strlen(inputFile) + 1);
	 strcpy(bt->fileName, inputFolder);
	 strcat(bt->fileName, inputFile);

	 // 2. fill the structs with the desired content (P)

	 // 3. sort the word list according to the word frequency (P)
	 // DebugPrintList(bt->wordList);

	char wordFile[FILE_LEN] = {0};	
	sprintf(wordFile, "words/%s.dat", inputFile);
	DebugPrintList(bt->wordList, wordFile);
      // MPI_Send(inputFile, FILE_LEN, MPI_CHAR, i,  ntag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      // printf("Node %d sent %s to %d\n", myrank, inputFile, i);
  perror("Folder read error");
  return ERROR_READ;

 wallTime( &timeParaEnd, &initSecond);

 printf("rank=%d np=%d\n", myrank, nprocs);

  // tell node 0 that the work is done
  if (myrank != 0)
	MPI_Send(&myrank, 1, MPI_INT, 0, ntag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if (myrank == 0)
   int numSum = 0;
   int num = 0;

   // wait until all other nodes report
   for (i = 1; i < nprocs; i++)
	MPI_Recv(&num, 1, MPI_INT, i, ntag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
	numSum += num;
   printf("numSum=%d nprocs=%d\n", numSum, nprocs); 

   if (numSum != (nprocs - 1)*(nprocs)/2)
	printf("Some node didn't report\n");
	return 1; 

   wallTime( &timeEnd, &initSecond);

   timeElapsed = timeEnd - timeStart;
   timeParaElapsed = timeParaEnd - timeParaStart;
   timeSerialElapsed = timeElapsed - timeParaElapsed;

   printf("SaveTime(%d): %1f %1f %1f %1f \n", nprocs,  timeStart, timeParaStart, timeParaEnd, timeEnd);

   pSaveRunStat(timeStart, timeEnd, timeElapsed, timeSerialElapsed, timeFile);

 // all  nodes receive file name 
 // MPI_Recv(inputFile, FILE_LEN, MPI_CHAR, 0, ntag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

 // printf("Node  %d recv %s (%d)\n", myrank,  inputFile, i);
MPI_Finalize () ; 

return 0;
