Beispiel #1
// extension -> file type
wxFileType *
wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::GetFileTypeFromExtension(const wxString& ext)
    // add the leading point if necessary
    wxString str;
    if ( ext[0u] != wxT('.') ) {
        str = wxT('.');
    str << ext;

    // suppress possible error messages
    wxLogNull nolog;

    bool knownExtension = false;

    wxString strFileType;
    wxRegKey key(wxRegKey::HKCR, str);
    if ( key.Open(wxRegKey::Read) ) {
        // it's the default value of the key
        if ( key.QueryValue(wxEmptyString, strFileType) ) {
            // create the new wxFileType object
            return CreateFileType(strFileType, ext);
        else {
            // this extension doesn't have a filetype, but it's known to the
            // system and may be has some other useful keys (open command or
            // content-type), so still return a file type object for it
            knownExtension = true;

    if ( !knownExtension )
        // unknown extension
        return NULL;

    return CreateFileType(wxEmptyString, ext);
Beispiel #2
wxFileType *wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::Associate(const wxFileTypeInfo& ftInfo)
    wxCHECK_MSG( !ftInfo.GetExtensions().empty(), NULL,
                 wxT("Associate() needs extension") );

    bool ok;
    size_t iExtCount = 0;
    wxString filetype;
    wxString extWithDot;

    wxString ext = ftInfo.GetExtensions()[iExtCount];

    wxCHECK_MSG( !ext.empty(), NULL,
                 wxT("Associate() needs non empty extension") );

    if ( ext[0u] != wxT('.') )
        extWithDot = wxT('.');
    extWithDot += ext;

    // start by setting the HKCR\\.ext entries
    // default is filetype; content type is mimetype
    const wxString& filetypeOrig = ftInfo.GetShortDesc();

    wxRegKey key(wxRegKey::HKCR, extWithDot);
    if ( !key.Exists() )
        // create the mapping from the extension to the filetype
        ok = key.Create();
        if ( ok )

            if ( filetypeOrig.empty() )
                // make it up from the extension
                filetype << extWithDot.c_str() + 1 << wxT("_file");
                // just use the provided one
                filetype = filetypeOrig;

            key.SetValue(wxEmptyString, filetype);
        // key already exists, maybe we want to change it ??
        if (!filetypeOrig.empty())
            filetype = filetypeOrig;
            key.SetValue(wxEmptyString, filetype);
            key.QueryValue(wxEmptyString, filetype);

    // now set a mimetypeif we have it, but ignore it if none
    const wxString& mimetype = ftInfo.GetMimeType();
    if ( !mimetype.empty() )
        // set the MIME type
        ok = key.SetValue(wxT("Content Type"), mimetype);

        if ( ok )
            // create the MIME key
            wxString strKey = MIME_DATABASE_KEY;
            strKey << mimetype;
            wxRegKey keyMIME(wxRegKey::HKCR, strKey);
            ok = keyMIME.Create();

            if ( ok )
                // and provide a back link to the extension
                keyMIME.SetValue(wxT("Extension"), extWithDot);

    // now make other extensions have the same filetype

    for (iExtCount=1; iExtCount < ftInfo.GetExtensionsCount(); iExtCount++ )
        ext = ftInfo.GetExtensions()[iExtCount];
        if ( ext[0u] != wxT('.') )
           extWithDot = wxT('.');
        extWithDot += ext;

        wxRegKey key(wxRegKey::HKCR, extWithDot);
        if ( !key.Exists() ) key.Create();
        key.SetValue(wxEmptyString, filetype);

        // now set any mimetypes we may have, but ignore it if none
        const wxString& mimetype = ftInfo.GetMimeType();
        if ( !mimetype.empty() )
            // set the MIME type
            ok = key.SetValue(wxT("Content Type"), mimetype);

            if ( ok )
                // create the MIME key
                wxString strKey = MIME_DATABASE_KEY;
                strKey << mimetype;
                wxRegKey keyMIME(wxRegKey::HKCR, strKey);
                ok = keyMIME.Create();

                if ( ok )
                    // and provide a back link to the extension
                    keyMIME.SetValue(wxT("Extension"), extWithDot);

    } // end of for loop; all extensions now point to HKCR\.ext\Default

    // create the filetype key itself (it will be empty for now, but
    // SetCommand(), SetDefaultIcon() &c will use it later)
    wxRegKey keyFT(wxRegKey::HKCR, filetype);

    wxFileType *ft = CreateFileType(filetype, extWithDot);

    if (ft)
        if (! ftInfo.GetOpenCommand ().empty() ) ft->SetCommand (ftInfo.GetOpenCommand (), wxT("open"  ) );
        if (! ftInfo.GetPrintCommand().empty() ) ft->SetCommand (ftInfo.GetPrintCommand(), wxT("print" ) );
        // chris: I don't like the ->m_impl-> here FIX this ??
        if (! ftInfo.GetDescription ().empty() ) ft->m_impl->SetDescription (ftInfo.GetDescription ()) ;
        if (! ftInfo.GetIconFile().empty() ) ft->SetDefaultIcon (ftInfo.GetIconFile(), ftInfo.GetIconIndex() );


    return ft;
void PreferencesDialog::UpdatePreferences()
	ElectronConfiguration *config = new ElectronConfiguration;
	config->Autoload = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKAUTOLOAD );
	config->Autoconfigure = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKAUTOCONFIGURE );
	config->Plus1 = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKPLUS1 );
	config->FirstByte = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKFIRSTBYTE );
	config->FastTape = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKFASTLOAD );
	config->Display.DisplayMultiplexed = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKMULTIPLEX );
	config->Display.StartFullScreen = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKFULLSCREEN );
	config->Display.AllowOverlay = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKOVERLAY );
	config->Plus3.Enabled  = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKDISK );
	config->Plus3.Drive1WriteProtect  = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKPROTECT0 );
	config->Plus3.Drive2WriteProtect  = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKPROTECT1 );
	config->Volume = GetSlider( IDC_SLIDERVOLUME );
	config->PersistentState = GetCheck( IDC_CHECKSAVESTATE );

	if ( GetCheck( IDC_CHECKSLOGGER ) )
		if ( GetCheck( IDC_RADIO4 ) )
			config->MRBMode = MRB_4Mhz;
		else if ( GetCheck( IDC_RADIOTURBO ) )
			config->MRBMode = MRB_TURBO;
			config->MRBMode = MRB_SHADOW;
		config->MRBMode = MRB_OFF;

	config->Write( _store );

	// Update the registry to set the file types
	if ( GetCheck( IDC_CHECKUEFFILES ) )
		CreateFileType( ".uef", "ueffile", "Universal Emulator Format File", 1 );
		DeleteFileType( ".uef", "ueffile" );

	if ( GetCheck( IDC_CHECKADFFILES ) )
		CreateFileType( ".adf", "adffile", "Acorn ADFS Disk Image", 2 );
		DeleteFileType( ".adf", "adffile" );

	if ( GetCheck( IDC_CHECKSSDFILES ) )
		CreateFileType( ".ssd", "ssdfile", "Acorn DFS Single Sided Disk Image", 3 );
		DeleteFileType( ".ssd", "ssdfile" );

		CreateFileType( ".bas", "basfile", "BBC BASIC source code", 3 );
		DeleteFileType( ".bas", "basfile" );

	/* pass to emulator */
    SDL_Event evt;
	evt.type = SDL_USEREVENT;
	evt.user.code = GUIEVT_ASSIGNCONFIG;
	evt.user.data1 = config;
	/* may have to wait here if event queue is full */
	while( SDL_PushEvent( &evt ) == -1)