Beispiel #1
  void CreateLookupTable(
      const calibu::CameraInterface<double>& cam_from,
      LookupTable& lut
       TODO figure out what K should be for the "new" camera based on 
       what part of the original image we want to keep.

    // Work out parameters of "new" linear camera. We want to map range
    // width/height to image via K.
    const calibu::Range range_width 
      = calibu::MinMaxRotatedCol( cam_from, Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() );
    const calibu::Range range_height 
      = calibu::MinMaxRotatedRow( cam_from, Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() );

    printf(" range_width.Size() = %f, range_width.maxr = %f, range_width.minr = %f\n",
        range_width.Size(), range_width.maxr, range_width.minr );
    printf(" range_height.Size() = %f, range_height.maxr = %f, range_height.minr = %f\n",
        range_height.Size(), range_height.maxr, range_height.minr );

    double fu = (cam_from.Width()-1) / range_width.Size();
    double fv = (cam_from.Height()-1) / range_height.Size();
    double u0 = -fu * range_width.minr;
    double v0 = -fv * range_height.minr;

    // This is a hack as there is no guarntee the first 4 params are the K
    // matrix.  Really we should workout what a good linear model would be
    // based on what portion of the original image is on the z=1 plane (e.g.,
    // cameras with FOV > 180 will need to ignore some pixels).
    double fu = cam_from.GetParams()[0];
    double fv = cam_from.GetParams()[1];
    double u0 = cam_from.GetParams()[2];
    double v0 = cam_from.GetParams()[3];

    // linear camera model inv(K) matrix
    Eigen::Matrix3d R_onKinv;
    R_onKinv << 1.0/fu,        0,   -u0 / fu,
                     0,   1.0/fv,   -v0 / fv,
                     0,        0,           1;

    CreateLookupTable( cam_from, R_onKinv, lut );
void ImageBrowser5D::Setup()
	if(!img) return;

	for(int c=0; c<img->GetImageInfo()->numChannels; ++c)


	this->resize(img->GetImageInfo()->numColumns, img->GetImageInfo()->numRows);
	this->setAttribute ( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
	this->setWindowTitle(tr("Image Browser"));
Beispiel #3
void * Radiometric::convert(unsigned short *kounts, int size, void *buf)
  if(Units == Counts && 
     (WordType == Short || WordType == Ushort) &&
     UserM == 1.0 &&
     UserC ==  0.0 && 
     UserG == 1.0 ) 
    if (!Table) CreateLookupTable();
    case Char:{ 
      register char * table = ( char *) Table;
      register char * convertedData = (char *) buf; 
      for(int i=0; i < size; i++)  
	*convertedData++ = *(table+(*kounts++));
    case Uchar:{ 
      register unsigned char * table = ( unsigned char * ) Table; 
      register unsigned char * convertedData  =
	(unsigned char * ) buf; 
      for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )  
	*convertedData++ = *(table+(*kounts++));
    case Short:{ 
      register short * table = ( short * ) Table; 
      register short * convertedData  = ( short * ) buf; 
      for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )  
	*convertedData++ = *(table+(*kounts++));

    case Ushort:{ 
      register unsigned short * table = ( unsigned short * ) Table; 
      register unsigned short * convertedData  = 
	( unsigned short * ) buf; 
      for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )  
	*convertedData++ = *(table+(*kounts++));

    case Int:{ 
      register int * table = ( int * ) Table; 
      register int * convertedData  = (int * ) buf; 
      for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )  
	*convertedData++ = *(table+(*kounts++));

    case Uint:{ 
      register unsigned int * table = ( unsigned int * ) Table; 
      register unsigned int * convertedData  = (unsigned int * ) buf; 
      for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )  
	*convertedData++ = *(table+(*kounts++));

    case Float:{ 
      register float * table = ( float *) Table;
      register float * convertedData  = (float * ) buf; 
      for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )  
	*convertedData++ = *(table+(*kounts++));

    case Double:{
      register double * table = (double *) Table;
      register double * convertedData  = (double * ) buf; 
      for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )  
	*convertedData++ = *(table+(*kounts++));

  return (buf); 
Beispiel #4
calibu::CameraModelT<Pinhole> CreateScanlineRectifiedLookupAndCameras(
        const Sophus::SE3d T_rl,
        const calibu::CameraModelInterface& cam_left,
        const calibu::CameraModelInterface& cam_right,
        Sophus::SE3d& T_nr_nl,        
        LookupTable& left_lut,
        LookupTable& right_lut
    const Sophus::SO3d R_rl = T_rl.so3();
    const Sophus::SO3d R_lr = R_rl.inverse();
    const Eigen::Vector3d l_r = T_rl.translation();
    const Eigen::Vector3d r_l = - (R_lr * l_r);
    // Current up vector for each camera (in left FoR)
    const Eigen::Vector3d lup_l = Eigen::Vector3d(0,-1,0);
    const Eigen::Vector3d rup_l = R_lr * Eigen::Vector3d(0,-1,0);
    // Hypothetical fwd vector for each camera, perpendicular to baseline (in left FoR)
    const Eigen::Vector3d lfwd_l = (lup_l.cross(r_l)).normalized();
    const Eigen::Vector3d rfwd_l = (rup_l.cross(r_l)).normalized();
    // New fwd is average of left / right hypothetical baselines (also perpendicular to baseline)
    const Eigen::Vector3d avgfwd_l = lfwd_l + rfwd_l;
    // Define new basis (in left FoR);
    const Eigen::Vector3d x_l = r_l.normalized();
    const Eigen::Vector3d z_l = avgfwd_l.normalized();
    const Eigen::Vector3d y_l = z_l.cross(x_l).normalized();
    // New orientation for both left and right cameras (expressed relative to original left)
    Eigen::Matrix3d Rnl_l;
    Rnl_l << x_l, y_l, z_l;
    // By definition, the right camera now lies exactly on the x-axis with the same orientation
    // as the left camera.
    T_nr_nl = Sophus::SE3d(Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity(), Eigen::Vector3d(-r_l.norm(),0,0) );

    // Work out parameters of new linear camera
    const Range range_width = //Intersection(
                MinMaxRotatedCol(cam_left, Rnl_l);
//                MinMaxRotatedCol(cam_right, Rnl_l)
//                );
    const Range range_height = //Intersection(
                MinMaxRotatedRow(cam_left, Rnl_l);
//                MinMaxRotatedRow(cam_right, Rnl_l)
//                );

    // We want to map range width/height to image via K.    
    const double fu = (cam_left.Width()-1) / range_width.Size();
    const double fv = (cam_left.Height()-1) / range_height.Size();
    const double u0 = -fu * range_width.minr;
    const double v0 = -fv * range_height.minr;
    // Setup new camera
    calibu::CameraModelT<Pinhole> new_cam(cam_left.Width(),cam_left.Height());
    new_cam.Params() << fu, fv, u0, v0;    
    // Homographies which should be applied to left and right images to scan-line rectify them
    const Eigen::Matrix3d Rl_nlKlinv = Rnl_l.transpose() * new_cam.Kinv();
    const Eigen::Matrix3d Rr_nrKlinv = R_lr.inverse().matrix() * Rnl_l.transpose() * new_cam.Kinv();
    CreateLookupTable(cam_left, Rl_nlKlinv, left_lut );
    CreateLookupTable(cam_right, Rr_nrKlinv, right_lut );     
    return new_cam;