			const auto ctx = get_context();

			const std::vector<JSValue> dateArg = { ctx.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(modificationTimestamp().count())) };
			return ctx.CreateDate(dateArg);
		TITANIUM_FUNCTION(File, modificationTimestamp)
			const auto ctx = get_context();
			ctx.JSEvaluateScript("Ti.API.warn('modificationTimestamp() has been deprecated in 7.2.0 in favor of modifiedAt() to avoid platform-differences for return type. modifiedAt() will return a Date object on all platforms.');");

			return ctx.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(modificationTimestamp().count()));
		TITANIUM_PROPERTY_GETTER(Page, NavigationCacheMode)
			auto value = unwrap()->NavigationCacheMode;
			auto context = get_context();

			auto result = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<int>(value))); // FIXME What if the enum isn't an int based one?!

			return result;
Beispiel #4
Field::Field(int n) : d_impl_p(0) {
  if(!s_currentRep_p)  {
    if(s_inInitialize) {
      s_currentRep_p = CreateNumber(n,1);
    } else {
      cerr << "Error with field setting\n";
  RECORDHERE(d_impl_p = new FieldImplementation(s_currentRep_p->make(n),Adopt());)
TITANIUM_FUNCTION(Properties, getInt)
    ENSURE_STRING_AT_INDEX(property, 0);
    ENSURE_OPTIONAL_DOUBLE_AT_INDEX(defaultValue, 1, 0);

    const auto js_context = this_object.get_context();
    const auto object_ptr = GetStaticObject(js_context).GetPrivate<Properties>();

    return js_context.CreateNumber(object_ptr->getInt(property, defaultValue));
Beispiel #6
JSON *Duplicate(JSON *obj, int recurse){
    switch (obj->type){
        case JSON_NULL:
            return CreateNULL();
        case JSON_TRUE:
            return CreateTrue();
        case JSON_FALSE:
            return CreateFalse();
        case JSON_NUMBER:
            return CreateNumber(obj->valuedouble);
        case JSON_STRING:
            return CreateString(obj->valuestring);
        case JSON_ARRAY:{
            JSON *new_obj = CreateArray();
            if (recurse == 0)
                new_obj->son = obj->son;
                if (obj->son != NULL){
                    new_obj->son = Duplicate(obj->son, 1);
                    JSON *old_item = obj->son, *new_item = new_obj->son;
                    for ( ; old_item->next != NULL; old_item = old_item->next, new_item = new_item->next){
                        JSON *temp = Duplicate(old_item->next,1);
                        new_item->next = temp;
                        temp->last = new_item;
            return new_obj;
        case JSON_OBJECT:{
            JSON *new_obj = CreateObject();
            if (recurse == 0)
                new_obj->son = obj->son;
                if (obj->son != NULL){
                    new_obj->son = Duplicate(obj->son, 1);
                    JSON *old_item = obj->son, *new_item = new_obj->son;
                    for ( ; old_item->next != NULL; old_item = old_item->next, new_item = new_item->next){
                        JSON *temp = Duplicate(old_item->next,1);
                        new_item->next = temp;
                        temp->last = new_item;
            return new_obj;
        case JSON_ENTRY:{
            JSON *new_obj = CreateEntry(obj->key, Duplicate(obj->value,1));
            return new_obj;
            return NULL;
Beispiel #7
int TestSomeFuncs() {
	int score = 10;
	// 调用同学们实现的接口
	JSON *root = CreateObject();
	// 评测1 是否能正确创建Object
	if (root->type != JSON_OBJECT) { // 类型不对
		score -= 2;
	AddItemToObject(root, "name", CreateString("Hello World"));
	// 评测2 是否能正确AddItemToObject并且读取
	JSON *value = GetItemInObject(root, "name");
	// 类型不对或者值不对
	if (value->type != JSON_STRING || strcmp(value->valuestring, "Hello World")) {
		score -= 2;
	JSON *array = CreateArray();
	AddItemToArray(array, CreateBool(0));
	AddItemToArray(array, CreateNumber(2.3));
	// 评测3 是否能正确AddItemToArray并且读取
	JSON *item = GetItemInArray(array, 1);
	if (item->type != JSON_NUMBER || item->valuedouble != 2.3) {
		score -= 2;
	AddItemToObject(root, "array", courses);
	// 现在root的状态
		"name": "Hello Wrold",
		"array": [
	// 评测4 是否能正确地根据路径读取值
	item = GetItemInJSON(root, "/array/0");
	if (item->type != JSON_FALSE) {
		score -= 2;
	PrintJSONToFile(root, "test.json");
	// 评测5 是否与标准答案文件相同
	if (!IsSame("test.json", "test.json.ans")) {
		score -= 2;
	return score;
Beispiel #8
JSON *Duplicate(JSON *item, int recurse)
    JSON         *rtn  = NULL;
    JSON         *iter = NULL;
    unsigned int  i    = 0;

    if (item == NULL) {
        printf("Exception: Cannot duplicate a NULL JSON pointer.\n");
        return rtn;
    switch (item->type) {
    case JSON_NULL:   rtn = CreateNULL();                    return rtn;
    case JSON_FALSE:  rtn = CreateFalse();                   return rtn;
    case JSON_TRUE:   rtn = CreateTrue();                    return rtn;
    case JSON_NUMBER: rtn = CreateNumber(item->valuedouble); return rtn;
    case JSON_STRING: rtn = CreateString(item->valuestring); return rtn;

    case JSON_ARRAY:
        rtn = CreateArray();
        if (recurse == 1) {
            iter = item->childstart;
            for (i = 0; i < item->childlength; ++i) {
                AddItemToArray(rtn, Duplicate(iter, 1));
                iter = iter->next;
        else {
            rtn->childlength = item->childlength;
            rtn->childstart = item->childstart;
            rtn->childend = item->childend;
        return rtn;

    case JSON_OBJECT:
        rtn = CreateObject();
        if (recurse == 1) {
            iter = item->childstart;
            for (i = 0; i < item->childlength; ++i) {
                AddItemToObject(rtn, iter->key, Duplicate(iter, 1));
                iter = iter->next;
        else {
            rtn->childlength = item->childlength;
            rtn->childstart = item->childstart;
            rtn->childend = item->childend;
        return rtn;

MovingAnimator* NumbersHolder::DisplayNumber(Dim number, Dim x){
	MovingAnimator* g;
	if(suspending[number].size() == 0) 

	g = suspending[number].back();


	AnimatorHolder::Register( g );
	return g;
Beispiel #10
JSON *num_type_parse(){
    double val = 0;
    int dp_found = 0;
    double div = 0;
    while ((str_value()>='0'&& str_value()<='9')|| str_value()=='.'){
        // decimal point
        if (str_value() == '.'){
            dp_found = 1;
            div = 1;
        // digital
            div *= 10;
            val = val * 10 + (str_value()-'0');
    if (dp_found)
        val /= div;
    return CreateNumber(val);
			auto context = get_context();
			if (arguments.size() == 1) {
				auto _0 = arguments.at(0);
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(_0.IsObject(), "Expected Object");
			auto object_element = static_cast<JSObject>(_0);
			auto wrapper_element = object_element.GetPrivate<Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement>();
			// FIXME What if the type we want here is some parent class of the actual wrapper's class? I think we'll get nullptr here.
			// We need some way to know the underlying type the JSObject maps to, get that, then cast to the type we want...
			auto element = wrapper_element->unwrapWindows_UI_Xaml_UIElement();

				auto method_result = ::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Canvas::GetZIndex(element);
			auto result = context.CreateNumber(method_result);

				return result;

			// Catch-all if no arg count matches!
			TITANIUM_LOG_DEBUG("No method signature matched Canvas::GetZIndex with # of args: ", arguments.size());
			return context.CreateUndefined(); 
Beispiel #12
Field::Field(const INTEGER & num,const INTEGER & den) : d_impl_p(0) {
   RECORDHERE(d_impl_p = 
              new FieldImplementation(CreateNumber(num,den),Adopt::s_dummy);)
Beispiel #13
JSON *ParseJSON(const char *value)
    JSON       *rtn               = NULL;
    StrSlice   *ss                = NULL;
    StrSlice   *iter              = NULL;
    int         len               = strlen(value);
    int         index             = 0;
    char       *value_deletespace = DeleteSpaces(value);

    switch(value[0]) {
    case '-':
    case '1':
    case '2':
    case '3':
    case '4':
    case '5':
    case '6':
    case '7':
    case '8':
    case '9':
    case '0':
        //To number
        return CreateNumber(FormatNumber(value_deletespace));

    case '\"':
        // To string
        return CreateString(FormatString(value));

    case '{':
        rtn  =  CreateObject();
        ss   =  GetObjectSlices(value);
        iter =  ss;
        if (ss->length == 0) {
            return rtn;
        while (iter != NULL) {
            AddItemToObject(rtn, FormatString(iter->str), ParseJSON(DeleteSpaces(iter->next->str)));
            iter = iter->next->next;
        return rtn;

    case '[':
        rtn  =  CreateArray();
        ss   =  GetArraySlices(value);
        iter =  ss;
        if (ss->length == 0) {
            return rtn;
        while (iter != NULL) {
            AddItemToArray(rtn, ParseJSON(DeleteSpaces(iter->str)));
            iter = iter->next;
        return rtn;

    case 'n':
        if (strcmp(value_deletespace, "null") == 0) {
            return CreateNULL();
        else {
            printf("Exception: Invalid Syntax \"%s\"", value);
            return NULL;

    case 't':
        if (strcmp(value_deletespace, "true") == 0) {
            return CreateTrue();
        else {
            printf("Exception: Invalid Syntax \"%s\"", value);
            return NULL;

    case 'f':
        if (strcmp(value_deletespace, "false") == 0) {
            return CreateFalse();
        else {
            printf("Exception: Invalid Syntax \"%s\"", value);
            return NULL;
		TITANIUM_FUNCTION(GeneralTransform, TransformBounds)
			auto context = get_context();
			if (arguments.size() == 1) {
				auto _0 = arguments.at(0);
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(_0.IsObject(), "Expected Object");
			auto object_rect = static_cast<JSObject>(_0);
			::Windows::Foundation::Rect rect;
			// Assign fields explicitly since we didn't use a constructor

			auto object_rect_X = object_rect.GetProperty("X"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_rect_X.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_rect_X_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_rect_X));

			rect.X = object_rect_X_;

			auto object_rect_Y = object_rect.GetProperty("Y"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_rect_Y.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_rect_Y_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_rect_Y));

			rect.Y = object_rect_Y_;

			auto object_rect_Width = object_rect.GetProperty("Width"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_rect_Width.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_rect_Width_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_rect_Width));

			rect.Width = object_rect_Width_;

			auto object_rect_Height = object_rect.GetProperty("Height"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_rect_Height.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_rect_Height_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_rect_Height));

			rect.Height = object_rect_Height_;

				auto method_result = unwrap()->TransformBounds(rect);

			auto result = context.CreateObject();

			auto method_result_X_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(method_result.X));

			result.SetProperty("X", method_result_X_);

			auto method_result_Y_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(method_result.Y));

			result.SetProperty("Y", method_result_Y_);

			auto method_result_Width_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(method_result.Width));

			result.SetProperty("Width", method_result_Width_);

			auto method_result_Height_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(method_result.Height));

			result.SetProperty("Height", method_result_Height_);

				return result;

			// Catch-all if no arg count matches!
			TITANIUM_LOG_DEBUG("No method signature matched GeneralTransform::TransformBounds with # of args: ", arguments.size());
			return context.CreateUndefined(); 
		TITANIUM_FUNCTION(GeneralTransform, TryTransform)
			auto context = get_context();
			if (arguments.size() == 2) {
				auto _0 = arguments.at(0);
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(_0.IsObject(), "Expected Object");
			auto object_inPoint = static_cast<JSObject>(_0);
			::Windows::Foundation::Point inPoint;
			// Assign fields explicitly since we didn't use a constructor

			auto object_inPoint_X = object_inPoint.GetProperty("X"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_inPoint_X.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_inPoint_X_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_inPoint_X));

			inPoint.X = object_inPoint_X_;

			auto object_inPoint_Y = object_inPoint.GetProperty("Y"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_inPoint_Y.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_inPoint_Y_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_inPoint_Y));

			inPoint.Y = object_inPoint_Y_;

				auto _1 = arguments.at(1);
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(_1.IsObject(), "Expected Object");
			auto object_outPoint = static_cast<JSObject>(_1);
			::Windows::Foundation::Point outPoint;
			// Assign fields explicitly since we didn't use a constructor

			auto object_outPoint_X = object_outPoint.GetProperty("X"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_outPoint_X.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_outPoint_X_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_outPoint_X));

			outPoint.X = object_outPoint_X_;

			auto object_outPoint_Y = object_outPoint.GetProperty("Y"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_outPoint_Y.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_outPoint_Y_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_outPoint_Y));

			outPoint.Y = object_outPoint_Y_;

				auto method_result = unwrap()->TryTransform(inPoint, &outPoint);
			auto result = context.CreateBoolean(method_result); 

			auto out_1 = context.CreateObject();

			auto outPoint_X_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(outPoint.X));

			out_1.SetProperty("X", outPoint_X_);

			auto outPoint_Y_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(outPoint.Y));

			out_1.SetProperty("Y", outPoint_Y_);

				_1 = out_1;
				return result;

			// Catch-all if no arg count matches!
			TITANIUM_LOG_DEBUG("No method signature matched GeneralTransform::TryTransform with # of args: ", arguments.size());
			return context.CreateUndefined(); 