Beispiel #1
int VTiSIMHub::Initialize()
   if (!hAotfControl_)
      DWORD err = vti_Initialise(VTI_HARDWARE_AOTF_USB, &hAotfControl_);
      if (err != VTI_SUCCESS)
         return err;

   if (!hScanAndMotorControl_)
      DWORD err = vti_Initialise(VTI_HARDWARE_VTINFINITY_4, &hScanAndMotorControl_);
      if (err != VTI_SUCCESS)
         return err;

   LONG major, minor, rev, build;
   DWORD err = vti_GetDllVersionInfo(&major, &minor, &rev, &build);
   if (err == VTI_SUCCESS)
      char s[MM::MaxStrLength + 1];
      snprintf(s, MM::MaxStrLength, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
         (int)major, (int)minor, (int)rev, (int)build);
      int err = CreateStringProperty("DLLVersion", s, true);
      if (err != DEVICE_OK)
         return err;

   return DEVICE_OK;
Beispiel #2
int VTiSIMScanner::Initialize()
   int err = CreateStringProperty(g_PropName_Scanning, g_PropVal_Off, false,
      new CPropertyAction(this, &VTiSIMScanner::OnStartStop));
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;
   err = AddAllowedValue(g_PropName_Scanning, g_PropVal_Off);
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;
   err = AddAllowedValue(g_PropName_Scanning, g_PropVal_On);
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;

   DWORD vterr = vti_GetScanRateRange(VTiHub()->GetScanAndMotorHandle(),
      &minRate_, &maxRate_);
   if (vterr != VTI_SUCCESS)
      return vterr;
   if (scanRate_ < minRate_)
      scanRate_ = minRate_;
   if (scanRate_ > maxRate_)
      scanRate_ = maxRate_;
   err = CreateIntegerProperty(g_PropName_ScanRate, scanRate_, false,
      new CPropertyAction(this, &VTiSIMScanner::OnScanRate));
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;
   err = SetPropertyLimits(g_PropName_ScanRate, minRate_, maxRate_);
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;

   vterr = vti_GetScanWidthRange(VTiHub()->GetScanAndMotorHandle(),
      &minWidth_, &maxWidth_);
   if (vterr != VTI_SUCCESS)
      return vterr;
   if (scanWidth_ < minWidth_)
      scanWidth_ = minWidth_;
   if (scanWidth_ > maxWidth_)
      scanWidth_ = maxWidth_;
   err = CreateIntegerProperty(g_PropName_ScanWidth, scanWidth_, false,
      new CPropertyAction(this, &VTiSIMScanner::OnScanWidth));
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;
   err = SetPropertyLimits(g_PropName_ScanWidth, minWidth_, maxWidth_);
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;

   err = CreateFloatProperty(g_PropName_ActualRate, actualRate_, true,
      new CPropertyAction(this, &VTiSIMScanner::OnActualScanRate));
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;

   err = CreateIntegerProperty(g_PropName_ScanOffset, scanOffset_, false,
      new CPropertyAction(this, &VTiSIMScanner::OnScanOffset));
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;
   err = SetPropertyLimits(g_PropName_ScanOffset, 0, GetMaxOffset());
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;
   return DoStartStopScan(false);
int RAMPSXYStage::Initialize()
  LogMessage("XYStage: initialize");
  RAMPSHub* pHub = static_cast<RAMPSHub*>(GetParentHub());
  if (pHub)
    char hubLabel[MM::MaxStrLength];
    SetParentID(hubLabel); // for backward comp.

  if (initialized_)
    return DEVICE_OK;

  // set property list
  // -----------------

  // Name
  int ret = CreateStringProperty(MM::g_Keyword_Name, g_XYStageDeviceName, true);
  if (DEVICE_OK != ret)
    return ret;

  // Description
  ret = CreateStringProperty(MM::g_Keyword_Description, "RAMPS XY stage driver", true);
  if (DEVICE_OK != ret)
    return ret;

  CPropertyAction* pAct = new CPropertyAction (this, &RAMPSXYStage::OnStepSize);
  CreateProperty(g_StepSizeProp, CDeviceUtils::ConvertToString(stepSize_um_), MM::Float, false, pAct);

  // Update lower and upper limits.  These values are cached, so if they change during a session, the adapter will need to be re-initialized
  ret = UpdateStatus();
  if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
    return ret;

  initialized_ = true;

  return DEVICE_OK;
Beispiel #4
int qt_f_Select1Handler(sXformsNode *head,xmlNode *node,struct sCbData **CallBackData,xmlDoc * modelDocPtr, CallBackInterfaceFunction func)
    static int ddctr = 0;
    head->meta_info = strdup("1");
    xmlNode *lblitem = CreateItemNode(node,0,itoa(row),int2str[0]);
    Create1WidgetNodeWithStringProp(lblitem,sAppendString("Label_",sAppendString("DDlbl_",itoa(ddctr))), "QLabel","text", head->name); 
    xmlNode *dditem = CreateItemNode(node,0,itoa(row),int2str[2]);
    xmlNode *dd = Create1WidgetNode(dditem,sAppendString("DD_",itoa(ddctr)),"QComboBox",0,0,0,0);
    //AppendNode(CallBackData,"NULL-REFERENCE", "NULL-INITVAL","NULL-VAL",sAppendString("DD_",int2str[ddctr]),"QComboBox");
    xmlNode *dd_prop = CreateNumberProperty(dd,"currentIndex",head->value);
    sXformsNodeAttr *attr = getAttrFromList(head,"ref");
    sCbData * d = NULL;
          	    d = AppendNode(CallBackData,s_dupstr(attr->meta_info),s_dupstr(attr->private_data),s_dupstr(head->value),sAppendString("DD_",itoa(ddctr)),"QComboBox",modelDocPtr,func);
    sXformsNode *temp;
    sXformsNode *xfchoices = SearchSubTreeForNodes(head,(char *)"xf:choices",(sXformsNodeAttr *)0,0,0);
    if( xfchoices ){
        xfchoices->meta_info = strdup("1");
        struct sCbValue * v = NULL;
        for( temp=xfchoices->child; temp != 0; temp=temp->next){
          temp->meta_info = strdup(int2str[1]);
          xmlNode *choice = CreateItemNode(dd,0,0,0);
          CreateStringProperty(choice,"text", temp->name);

          if(temp == xfchoices->child)
            v = d->values = (sCbValue*) calloc(sizeof(sCbValue),1);
            v->next = (sCbValue*) calloc(sizeof(sCbValue),1);
            v = v->next;
	  v->ui_string = temp->name;
          v->value = temp->value;
Beispiel #5
int VTiSIMLasers::Initialize()
   char s[MM::MaxStrLength + 1];
   for (long i = 0; i < nChannels; ++i)
      snprintf(s, MM::MaxStrLength, "Laser-%ld", i);
      SetPositionLabel(i, s);

   int err = CreateIntegerProperty(MM::g_Keyword_State, 0, false,
      new CPropertyAction(this, &VTiSIMLasers::OnState));
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;
   err = SetPropertyLimits(MM::g_Keyword_State, 0, nChannels - 1);
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;

   err = CreateStringProperty(MM::g_Keyword_Label, "", false,
      new CPropertyAction(this, &CStateBase::OnLabel));
   if (err != DEVICE_OK)
      return err;

   for (long i = 0; i < nChannels; ++i)
      snprintf(s, MM::MaxStrLength, "Intensity-%ld", i);
      err = CreateIntegerProperty(s, intensities_[i], false,
         new CPropertyActionEx(this, &VTiSIMLasers::OnIntensity, i));
      if (err != DEVICE_OK)
         return err;
      err = SetPropertyLimits(s, 0, 100);
      if (err != DEVICE_OK)
         return err;

      err = DoSetIntensity(i, intensities_[i]);
      if (err != DEVICE_OK)
         return err;

   // Sync with our memory of state
   return DoSetChannel(curChan_);
Beispiel #6
int qt_f_RadioButtonList(sXformsNode *head,xmlNode *node,struct sCbData **CallBackData,xmlDoc * modelDocPtr, CallBackInterfaceFunction func)
    static int radioctr = 0;
    head->meta_info = strdup("1");
    xmlNode *lblitem = CreateItemNode(node,0,itoa(row),int2str[0]);
    Create1WidgetNodeWithStringProp(lblitem,sAppendString("DDlbl_",itoa(radioctr)), "QLabel","text", head->name); 
    xmlNode *radioitem = CreateItemNode(node,0,itoa(row),int2str[2]);
    char *proptype[] = {"string","bool","bool"};
    char *propname[] = {"title","checkable","checked"};
    char *propval[] = {(char *)0,"false","false"};
    xmlNode *QGroupBox = Create1WidgetNode(radioitem,sAppendString("QGroupBox_",itoa(radioctr)), "QGroupBox",propname,proptype,propval,3);    
    sXformsNode *temp;
    sXformsNode *xfchoices = SearchSubTreeForNodes(head,(char *)"xf:choices",(sXformsNodeAttr *)0,0,0);
    if( xfchoices ){
			xfchoices->meta_info = (char *)"1";
			int ctr = 0;
			for( temp=xfchoices->child; temp != 0; ctr++, temp=temp->next){
			    char buffer[5];
			    sprintf(buffer,"%d",5 + 80*ctr);
			    temp->meta_info = strdup(int2str[1]);
			    char *radioname = sAppendString("radio_",itoa(ctr));
			    xmlNode *radio = Create1WidgetNode(QGroupBox,radioname,"QRadioButton",0,0,0,0);
			    //AppendNode(CallBackData,"NULL-REFERENCE", "NULL-INITVAL","NULL-VAL",sAppendString("radio_",int2str[ctr]),"QRadioButton");
			       sXformsNodeAttr *attr = getAttrFromList(temp,"ref");
          	    AppendNode(CallBackData,s_dupstr(attr->meta_info),s_dupstr(attr->private_data),(char *)0,radioname,"QRadioButton",modelDocPtr,func);
          Create1GeometryProp(radio,buffer,"0","108", "26"); 
Beispiel #7
int LMM5Hub::Initialize()
   if (g_Interface == NULL)

   int ret = g_Interface->DetectLaserLines(*this, *GetCoreCallback());
   nrLines_= g_Interface->GetNrLines();
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   // Name
   ret = CreateProperty(MM::g_Keyword_Name, g_DeviceNameLMM5Hub, MM::String, true);
   if (DEVICE_OK != ret)
      return ret;

   // Firmware version
   std::string version;
   ret = g_Interface->GetFirmwareVersion(*this, *GetCoreCallback(), version);
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   ret = CreateStringProperty("Firmware Version", version.c_str(), true);
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   // Does this controller support FLICR (i.e PWM)?
   ret = g_Interface->GetFLICRAvailable(*this, *GetCoreCallback(), flicrAvailable_);
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   std::string msg = "This controller does not support FLICR";
   if (flicrAvailable_) 
      msg = "This controller supports FLICR";

   // For each laser line, create transmission properties 
   availableLines* lines = g_Interface->getAvailableLaserLines();
   for (int i=0; i < nrLines_; i++) 
      if (lines[i].present) 
			if (lines[i].waveLength >= 100) 
			   CPropertyActionEx *pEx = new CPropertyActionEx(this, &LMM5Hub::OnTransmission, (long) i);
			   std::ostringstream propName;
			   propName << "Transmission (%) " << lines[i].name; 
			   ret = CreateProperty(propName.str().c_str(), "100.0", MM::Float, false, pEx);
			   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
				   return ret;
			   SetPropertyLimits(propName.str().c_str(), 0.0, 100.0);
         if (flicrAvailable_) 
            // check if this line has flicr available
            ret = g_Interface->GetFLICRAvailableByLine(*this, *GetCoreCallback(), i, lines[i].flicrAvailable);
            if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
               return ret;
            if (lines[i].flicrAvailable) 
               // check for maximum FLICR value
               ret = g_Interface->GetMaxFLICRValue(*this, *GetCoreCallback(), i, lines[i].maxFLICR);
               if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
                  return ret;
               std::ostringstream os;
               os << "Max FLICR for line " << i << " is: " << lines[i].maxFLICR;
               // ad FLICR/PWM property
               CPropertyActionEx *pEx = new CPropertyActionEx(this, &LMM5Hub::OnFlicr, (long) i);
               std::ostringstream fPropName;
               fPropName << "PWM (%) " << lines[i].name;
               ret = CreateProperty(fPropName.str().c_str(), "1.0", MM::String, false, pEx);
               if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
                  return ret;
               // populate with presets
               uint16_t val = 1;
               while (val <= lines[i].maxFLICR) 
                  std::string valStr;
                  IntToPerc(val, valStr);
                  AddAllowedValue(fPropName.str().c_str(), valStr.c_str());
                  val = val * 10;
   // Exposure Configuration
   pAct = new CPropertyAction(this, &LMM5Hub::OnExposureConfig);
   CreateProperty("ExposureConfig", "", MM::String, false, pAct);

   // Some versions of the firmware, when trigger-out is unavailable, fail to
   // respond correctly when querying the trigger-out config. Only provide the
   // trigger-out properties when it appears to be working.
   unsigned char dummy[5];
   ret = g_Interface->GetTriggerOutConfig(*this, *GetCoreCallback(), dummy);
   if (ret == DEVICE_OK) {
      // Trigger configuration
      CPropertyAction *pAct = new CPropertyAction(this, &LMM5Hub::OnTriggerOutConfig);
      CreateProperty("TriggerOutConfig", "", MM::String, false, pAct);
      std::vector<std::string> triggerConfigs;
      triggerConfigMap_["Enable-State"] = 256;
      triggerConfigMap_["Enable-Clock"] = 257;
      triggerConfigMap_["Disable-State"] = 0;
      triggerConfigMap_["Disable-Clock"] = 1;
      SetAllowedValues("TriggerOutConfig", triggerConfigs);

      // Trigger Exposure Time
      pAct = new CPropertyAction(this, &LMM5Hub::OnTriggerOutExposureTime);
      CreateProperty("TriggerExpTime(0.1ms)", "", MM::Integer, false, pAct);

   ret = UpdateStatus();
   if (DEVICE_OK != ret)
      return ret;

   initialized_ = true;
   return DEVICE_OK;