Beispiel #1
oTZERSASO_RefreshOneSA_Entity( zVIEW    vSubjectArea,
                               zVIEW    vEntpModel )
   zVIEW    vEntpModel_Wrk;
   zLONG    lEntityZKey;
   zSHORT   nRC;

   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vEntpModel_Wrk, vEntpModel, 0 );
   GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lEntityZKey, vSubjectArea,
                            "ER_Entity", "ZKey" );
   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vEntpModel_Wrk, "ER_Entity",
                                        "ZKey", lEntityZKey, "" );
      ExcludeEntity( vSubjectArea, "ER_Entity" );
//    SetCursorPrevEntity( vSubjectArea, "SA_Entity", "" );
      IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubjectArea, "ER_Entity",
                                     vEntpModel_Wrk, "ER_Entity", zPOS_AFTER );
      nRC = 0;
      DeleteEntity( vSubjectArea, "SA_Entity" );
      nRC = 1;

   DropView( vEntpModel_Wrk );
   return( nRC );
Beispiel #2
ofnTZWDLGSO_AssignTag( zVIEW  vSubtask,
                       zVIEW  vDialog,
                       zVIEW  vControl,
                       zPCHAR szType )
   zVIEW vTmpDlg;
   zLONG lIdx;
   zSHORT nLth;
   zCHAR szTag[ 25 ];

   zstrcpy( szTag, szType );
   nLth = zstrlen( szTag );

   // Use a temp view for Dialog to make sure we are positioned on the
   // Window itself for getting ControlTagCounter and not on a subcontrol.
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTmpDlg, vControl, 0 );
   ResetView( vTmpDlg );

   // Select next integer to make control tag unique.
   GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lIdx, vTmpDlg, "Window", "ControlTagCounter" );
   SetAttributeFromInteger( vTmpDlg, "Window", "ControlTagCounter", lIdx );
   zltoa( lIdx, &szTag[ nLth ] );
   DropView( vTmpDlg );

   SetAttributeFromString( vControl, "Control", "Tag", szTag );
   return( 0 );
Beispiel #3
LoadSourceForMetaList( zVIEW  vSubtask,
                       zPVIEW pvSource,
                       zVIEW  vMetaListView,
                       zLONG  lMetaType )
   zVIEW  vMeta;
   zVIEW  vTempList;
   zLONG  lRC;

   lRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vMetaListView, "W_MetaDef" );
   if ( lRC == zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
      return( 1 );

   // activate it from configuration management.
   // Use vTempList instead of vMetaListView for the Activate because ActivateMetaOI
   // modifies the position on the CM list for global operations.
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTempList, vMetaListView, 0 );
   lRC = ActivateMetaOI( vSubtask, &vMeta, vTempList, (zSHORT) lMetaType, zSINGLE );
   DropView( vTempList );
// lRC = LoadSourceForMeta( pvSource, vMeta );
// DropMetaOI( vSubtask, vMeta );

   *pvSource = vMeta;

   if ( lRC != 0 )
      return( 1 );

   return( 0 );
Beispiel #4
UpgradeDialog1( zVIEW    vSubtask,
                zVIEW    OrigW )
#if 0
   zVIEW    OrigWC;
   zVIEW    vPE;
   zVIEW    vType;
   zVIEW    LOD_List;
   zSHORT   nZRetCode;
   zLONG    lTempInteger_0;

   nZRetCode = RetrieveViewForMetaList( vSubtask, &LOD_List, 2013 );
   nZRetCode = ActivateMetaOI( vSubtask, &vPE, LOD_List, 2013, zSINGLE );
   nZRetCode = ActivateOI_FromFile( &vType, "TZPACTLO", vSubtask, "c:\\10c\\W\\BIN\\SYS\\TZPACTLI.POR", zSINGLE );
   lTempInteger_0 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( OrigW, "SourceFile" );
   if ( lTempInteger_0 < 0 )
      nZRetCode = CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, OrigW, "SourceFile", zPOS_AFTER );
      SetAttributeFromAttribute( OrigW, "SourceFile", "Name", OrigW, "Dialog", "Tag" );
   SetNameForView( vType, "vType", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
   SetNameForView( vPE, "vPE", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OrigW, "Window", "" );
      nZRetCode = CreateViewFromViewForTask( &OrigWC, OrigW, 0 );
      nZRetCode = SetNameForView( OrigWC, "OrigWC", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
      RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OrigW, "Action", "" );
//    while ( RESULT > zLEVEL_TASK )
      while ( RESULT >= 0 )
         nZRetCode = UpgradeAction( vSubtask, OrigW );
         RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OrigW, "Action", "" );
      RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OrigWC, "Control", "" );
      while ( RESULT >= 0 )
         nZRetCode = UpgradeControl( vSubtask, OrigW, OrigWC, vType, vPE );
         RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OrigWC, "Control", "" );
      nZRetCode = DropView( OrigWC );
      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OrigW, "Window", "" );
   return( 0 );
Beispiel #5
// OPERATION: oTZVSPOOO_C_GenOperationName
// PURPOSE:   For Object and Local operations, concatenate the LOD
//            name in front of the VML operation name.
//            For others, just use the regular operation name.
//            The Type for a Local Oper is L.
//            The Types for Object operations are either O, T, C, E or A.
oTZVSPOOO_C_GenOperationName( zVIEW  PIView,
                              LPVIEWENTITY EntityStructure,
                              LPVIEWATTRIB AttributeStructure,
                              zSHORT nGetOrSetFlag )
   zCHAR  szTempName1[ 64 ];
   zCHAR  szTempName2[ 32 ];
   zCHAR  szType[ 2 ];
   zLONG  lZKey;
   zVIEW  vTempView;

   // Set up a temporary view so that PIView remains unchanged
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTempView, PIView, 0 );

   // Position on the corresponding OperationSource for Operation entity
   GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lZKey, vTempView, "Operation", "ZKey" );
   SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTempView, "OperationSource", "ZKey",
                                  lZKey, "VML_XSource" );

   GetStringFromAttribute( szType, vTempView, "Operation", "Type" );
   if ( szType[ 0 ] == 'L' ||
        szType[ 0 ] == 'O' ||
        szType[ 0 ] == 'T' ||
        szType[ 0 ] == 'C' ||
        szType[ 0 ] == 'E' ||
        szType[ 0 ] == 'A' )
      szTempName1[ 0 ] = 'o';
      GetStringFromAttribute( szTempName1 + 1, vTempView,
                              "VML_XSource", "MetaName" );
      zstrcat( szTempName1, "_" );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szTempName2, vTempView, "Operation", "Name" );
      zstrcat( szTempName1, szTempName2 );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szTempName1, vTempView, "Operation", "Name" );

   StoreValueInRecord( vTempView, EntityStructure, AttributeStructure,
                       szTempName1, 0 );

   // Get rid of temporary view
   DropView( vTempView );

   return( 0 );
Beispiel #6
LoadSourceForMeta( zVIEW vSubtask, zPVIEW pvSource, zVIEW vMetaView )
   zLONG lRC;

   lRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vMetaView, "SourceFile" );
   if ( lRC != 0 )
      return( 1 );

   // Just create a new source view from the meta view, since the meta
   // now contains the source information.
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( pvSource, vMetaView, 0 );

   return( 0 );
Beispiel #7
// OPERATION: CreateIntegerExpression
// DESCRIPTION: CreateIntegerExpression
CreateIntegerExpression( zVIEW  vSubtask,
                         zLONG  lTargetID,
                         zLONG  lOperatorType,
                         zLONG  lEntry1Class,
                         zLONG  lEntry1Value,
                         zLONG  lOper1Value,
                         zLONG  lEntry2Class,
                         zPCHAR pchEntry2Value )
   zVIEW vTargetView;

   CreateEntity( g_lpExprView, "Expression", zPOS_AFTER );
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTargetView, g_lpExprView, 0 );
   //SetViewToSubobject( vTargetView, "Expression" );

   // Insert new bottom of stack.
   AddOperatorToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, -2 );

   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qVARIABLE, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, "", lTargetID, 0 );
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, "", lOperatorType, 0 );
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, lEntry1Class, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, "", lEntry1Value, 0 );
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, "", lOper1Value, 0 );
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, lEntry2Class, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, pchEntry2Value, 0, 0 );

   // Dump the expression from the stack.
   AddOperatorToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, -1 );

   AddStatementEntityToPI( vSubtask, qEXPRESSION, qqlineno, vTargetView, zPOS_AFTER );

   DeleteEntity( vTargetView, "Expression", zREPOS_NONE );
   DropView( vTargetView );

   return( 0 );
Beispiel #8
// OPERATION: AddResultCondEqual
//    e.g. if ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
AddResultCondEqual( zVIEW  vSubtask,
                    zLONG  lStatementType,
                    zPCHAR pchCompareValue )
   zLONG lResultID;
   zLONG lDefineZKey;
   zLONG lVarDataType;
   zVIEW vTargetView;

   CreateEntity( g_lpExprView, "Expression", zPOS_AFTER );
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTargetView, g_lpExprView, 0 );

   // Insert new bottom of stack.
   AddOperatorToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, -2 );

   lResultID = AddResult( vSubtask );

   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, 0,
                            qTINTEGER, "(", qLPAREN, 0 );
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qVARIABLE, qNUMERIC,
                            qTSHORT, "", lResultID, 0 );
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, ">", qGREATERTHAN, 0 );
   lDefineZKey = GetDefineZKey( vSubtask, &lVarDataType, pchCompareValue );
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qDEFINE, qZEIDONOPERATION,
                            qTINTEGER, pchCompareValue, lDefineZKey, 0 );
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, 0,
                            qTINTEGER, ")", qRPAREN, 0 );

   // Dump the expression from the stack.
   AddOperatorToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, -1 );

   AddStatementEntityToPI( vSubtask, lStatementType, qqlineno, vTargetView, zPOS_AFTER );

   DeleteEntity( vTargetView, "Expression", zREPOS_NONE );
   DropView( vTargetView );

   return( 0 );
Beispiel #9
zwTZVSDBAD_SetBreakPoint( zVIEW    vSubtask )
   zVIEW    XPG;
   zVIEW    XPG2;
   zVIEW    lpZeidonVML;
   zLONG    FoundFlag;
   zSHORT   nZRetCode;
   zLONG    lTempInteger_0;

   nZRetCode = GetViewByName( &lpZeidonVML, "ZeidonVML", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
   nZRetCode = GetViewByName( &XPG, "XPG", lpZeidonVML, zLEVEL_SUBTASK );
   nZRetCode = CreateViewFromViewForTask( &XPG2, XPG, 0 );
   nZRetCode = GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lTempInteger_0, XPG2, "OperationSource", "ZKey" );
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( XPG2, "Operation", "ZKey", lTempInteger_0, "" );
   FoundFlag = zwTZVSDBAD_FindStatement( XPG2, XPG );
   if ( FoundFlag == 1 )
      nZRetCode = SetWindowActionBehavior( vSubtask, zWAB_StayOnWindowWithRefresh, "", "" );
   return( 0 );
Beispiel #10
// OPERATION: oTZEREMDO_DeleteRelationship
// PURPOSE:   Delete Relationship from ER Model
oTZEREMDO_DeleteRelationship( zVIEW  vTZEREMDO,
                              zSHORT nReposition,
                              zSHORT nQuietMode )
   zVIEW          vTZERSASO;
   zVIEW          vSubtask;
   zVIEW          vERD;
   zSHORT         nRC;
   unsigned long  ulZKey;
   LPLIBRARY      hLibrary = 0;  // used for dynamic call to ER control func's
   zFARPROC_RemoveFunc lpfn = 0;

   //  Positon on ER_RelType on Right Side( side representing relationships
   //  only ) thus allowing a single Delete to cascade and Delete all
   //  representations of the Relationship on both sides of the Object.
   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByEntityCsr( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelType",
                                          vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelType_1",
                                          "EntpER_Model" );

   if ( GetViewByName( &vSubtask, "TZEREMDD", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
      if ( lpfn == 0 )   // only get func addr once
         lpfn =(zFARPROC_RemoveFunc)
                  GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( vSubtask,(LPLPLIBRARY) &hLibrary,
                     "TZCTL", "RemoveRelationship", "(tzlooprs)" );

      if ( lpfn )
        (*lpfn)( vSubtask, "ERD", 0, 0 );

   // if delete Relationship and this Relationship is a part of the
   // Identifier, then delete the Relationship from the Identifier
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vERD, vTZEREMDO, 0 );

   for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vERD, "ER_RelLink_2", "" );
         nRC >= zCURSOR_SET;
         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vERD, "ER_RelLink_2", "" ) )
      GetIntegerFromAttribute( &ulZKey, vERD, "ER_RelLink_2", "ZKey" );
      for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vERD, "ER_RelLinkIdentifier",
                  "ZKey", ulZKey, "EntpER_Model" );
            nRC >= zCURSOR_SET;
            nRC = SetCursorNextEntityByInteger( vERD, "ER_RelLinkIdentifier",
                  "ZKey", ulZKey, "EntpER_Model" ))
         if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity( vERD, "ER_AttributeIdentifier" ) == zCURSOR_NULL )

            DeleteEntity( vERD, "ER_FactType", zREPOS_NONE );


   DropView( vERD );

   nRC = DeleteEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelType", nReposition );
   if ( nReposition != zREPOS_NONE )
      if ( nReposition == zREPOS_NEXT )
         SetCursorNextEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelLink", "" );
         SetCursorPrevEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelLink", "" );

   // It is possible that the ER_RelType we just deleted is part of an
   // opened Subject Area.  If so, we must be sure that Subject Area doesn't
   // have hanging SA_RelType entities that result from the deleted
   // relationships.
   if ( GetViewByName( &vTZERSASO, "TZERSASO", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_RelType", 0 );
      while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
         if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity( vTZERSASO, "ER_RelType" ) < zCURSOR_SET )
            if ( GetViewByName( &vSubtask, "SAVIEW", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
               if ( lpfn == 0 )   // only get func addr once
                  lpfn = (zFARPROC_RemoveFunc)
                     GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( vSubtask,
                                                     (LPLPLIBRARY) &hLibrary,
                                                     "(tzlooprs)" );
               if ( lpfn )
               (*lpfn)( vSubtask, "ERD", 0, 0 );

            DeleteEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_RelType", zREPOS_NONE );

         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_RelType", 0 );

   return( 0 );
Beispiel #11
// PURPOSE:   Delete Relationship from ER Model
                        zSHORT nReposition )
   zVIEW    vTZEREMD1;
   zVIEW    vSubtask;   // to refresh ER Diagram
   zSHORT   nRC;
   zLONG    lEntityZKey;
   LPLIBRARY hLibrary = 0;  // used for dynamic call to ER control func's
   zFARPROC_RemoveFunc lpfn = 0;

//  Position and determine if there are any relationships involving
//  this Entity prior to deleting the Entity.
   nRC = CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTZEREMD1, vTZEREMDO, 0 );
   nRC = GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lEntityZKey, vTZEREMD1, "ER_Entity", "ZKey" );
   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTZEREMD1, "ER_Entity_2",
                                        "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                        "EntpER_Model" );

//  Delete the entity if it is involved in any relationships.
   if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
      //  Loop and Delete all ER RelLinks
      for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelLink", "" );
            nRC >= zCURSOR_SET;
            nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_RelLink", "" ) )
         oTZEREMDO_DeleteRelationship( vTZEREMDO, zREPOS_NONE, 1 );
      //  Check to if all relationships were deleted.
      if ( SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTZEREMD1, "ER_Entity_2",
                                          "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                          "EntpER_Model" ) >= zCURSOR_SET )
         DropView( vTZEREMD1 );
         return( -1 );

// Delete ER Entity
   if ( GetViewByName( &vSubtask, "TZEREMDD", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
      lpfn = (zFARPROC_RemoveFunc)
             GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( vSubtask,
                                             (LPLPLIBRARY) &hLibrary,
                                             "TZCTL", "RemoveEntity",
                                             "(tzlooprs)" );
      if ( lpfn )
        (*lpfn)( vSubtask, "ERD", 0, 0 );

   nRC = DeleteEntity( vTZEREMDO, "ER_Entity", nReposition );

   // It is possible that the ER_Entity we just deleted is part of an
   // opened Subject Area.  If so, we must be sure that Subject Area doesn't
   // have hanging SA_Entity entities.
   if ( GetViewByName( &vTZERSASO, "TZERSASO", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_Entity", 0 );
      while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
         if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity( vTZERSASO, "ER_Entity" ) < zCURSOR_SET )
            if ( GetViewByName( &vSubtask, "SAVIEW", vTZEREMDO, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
               if ( lpfn == 0 )   // only get func addr once
                  lpfn = (zFARPROC_RemoveFunc)
                     GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( vSubtask,
                                                     (LPLPLIBRARY) &hLibrary,
                                                     "TZCTL", "RemoveEntity",
                                                     "(tzlooprs)" );
               if ( lpfn )
               (*lpfn)( vSubtask, "ERD", 0, 0 );

            DeleteEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_Entity", zREPOS_NONE );

         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZERSASO, "SA_Entity", 0 );

   DropView( vTZEREMD1 );
   return( 0 );
Beispiel #12
//:RemoveAll ( VIEW vSubtask )
RemoveAll( zVIEW     vSubtask )
   zVIEW     TZTENVRO = 0; 
   zVIEW     TZZOLODO = 0; 
   zVIEW     TZZOLODO_Hier = 0; 
   //:STRING ( 100 ) szEntityName
   zCHAR     szEntityName[ 101 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:SHORT          sReturnLevel
   zSHORT    sReturnLevel = 0; 
   //:SHORT          nRC
   zSHORT    nRC = 0; 
   //:INTEGER        lAbsPos
   zLONG     lAbsPos = 0; 
   //:INTEGER        lDataSourceZKey
   zLONG     lDataSourceZKey = 0; 

   RESULT = GetViewByName( &TZTENVRO, "TZTENVRO", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
   RESULT = GetViewByName( &TZZOLODO, "TZZOLODO", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );

   //:CreateViewFromViewForTask( TZZOLODO, TZZOLODO, vSubtask )
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &TZZOLODO, TZZOLODO, vSubtask );
   //:ResetView( TZZOLODO )
   ResetView( TZZOLODO );

   //:CreateViewFromViewForTask( TZZOLODO_Hier, TZZOLODO, vSubtask )
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &TZZOLODO_Hier, TZZOLODO, vSubtask );

   //:szEntityName    = "LOD_EntityParent"
   ZeidonStringCopy( szEntityName, 1, 0, "LOD_EntityParent", 1, 0, 101 );
   //:lDataSourceZKey = TZTENVRO.TE_DBMS_Source.ZKey
   GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lDataSourceZKey, TZTENVRO, "TE_DBMS_Source", "ZKey" );

   //:nRC = DefineHierarchicalCursor( TZZOLODO_Hier, "LOD_EntityParent" )
   nRC = DefineHierarchicalCursor( TZZOLODO_Hier, "LOD_EntityParent" );
   while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )

         //: SetViewToSubobject( TZZOLODO_Hier, "LOD_EntityChild" )
         SetViewToSubobject( TZZOLODO_Hier, "LOD_EntityChild" );

      //: END

      //: // Set up our temp view from the hier view.
      //: GetAbsolutePositionForEntity( lAbsPos, TZZOLODO_Hier, "LOD_EntityParent" )
      GetAbsolutePositionForEntity( &lAbsPos, TZZOLODO_Hier, "LOD_EntityParent" );
      //: SetCursorAbsolutePosition( szEntityName, TZZOLODO, lAbsPos )
      SetCursorAbsolutePosition( szEntityName, TZZOLODO, lAbsPos );

      //: IF szEntityName = "LOD_EntityParent"
      if ( ZeidonStringCompare( szEntityName, 1, 0, "LOD_EntityParent", 1, 0, 101 ) == 0 )

         //:             WHERE TZZOLODO.TE_DBMS_SourceForEntity.ZKey = lDataSourceZKey
         RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( TZZOLODO, "POD_Entity", "" );
         if ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
            while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED && ( CompareAttributeToInteger( TZZOLODO, "TE_DBMS_SourceForEntity", "ZKey", lDataSourceZKey ) != 0 ) )
               RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( TZZOLODO, "POD_Entity", "" );


         //:  IF RESULT >= zCURSOR_SET
         if ( RESULT >= zCURSOR_SET )
            //:  TZZOLODO.POD_Entity.SQL_JoinWithParent = "N"
            SetAttributeFromString( TZZOLODO, "POD_Entity", "SQL_JoinWithParent", "N" );

         //:  END

      //: END

      //: nRC = SetCursorNextEntityHierarchical( sReturnLevel, szEntityName, TZZOLODO_Hier )
      nRC = SetCursorNextEntityHierarchical( (zPUSHORT) &sReturnLevel, szEntityName, TZZOLODO_Hier );


   //:DropView( TZZOLODO_Hier )
   DropView( TZZOLODO_Hier );
   //:DropView( TZZOLODO )
   DropView( TZZOLODO );

   //:RefreshCtrl( vSubtask, "JoinCheck" )
   RefreshCtrl( vSubtask, "JoinCheck" );
   return( 0 );
// END
Beispiel #13
// PURPOSE:  This function paints the list attributes from the user spec
//           into the existing partition.
ofnTZWDLGSO_AutoPntFldPartWLits( zVIEW  vSubtask,
                                 zVIEW  vUserSpec,
                                 zVIEW  vNewDialog,
                                 zPCHAR szListType )
   zVIEW  vAutoDesWk;
   zVIEW  vSubobject;
   zVIEW  vTempStyle;
   zVIEW  vCtrlDef;
   zLONG  k, j;
   zLONG  lCC, lCL;
   zLONG  lMaxLines;
   zLONG  lLine, lFirstPaintLine, lFieldsPainted, lColumn;
   zLONG  lMaxFieldDLG_X, lMaxText, lPush;
   zLONG  lGroupDLG_X, lGroupDLG_Y;
   zLONG  lLastPaintLine, lLastWindowLine, lMaxLength;
// zCHAR  cUsage[ 1 ];
   zCHAR  szMapEntity[ 33 ];
   zCHAR  szMapAttribute[ 33 ];
   zCHAR  szType[ 33 ];
   zCHAR  szWorkString[ 256 ];
   zCHAR  X_LOD_Attribute[ 16 ];
   zCHAR  X_ER_Attribute[ 15 ];

// TraceLineS( "IN", " AutoPaintPartitionWithFields" );

   // Set up variables to either I_LOD listbox or L_LOD listbox.
   if ( szListType[ 0 ] == 'I' )
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Attribute, "I_LOD_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_ER_Attribute, "I_ER_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Attribute, "L_LOD_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_ER_Attribute, "L_ER_Attribute" );

// TraceLineS( "IN", " AutoPaintPartitionWithFields" );

   GetViewByName( &vCtrlDef, "TZADCTLD", vNewDialog, zLEVEL_TASK );
   GetViewByName( &vAutoDesWk, "TZADWWKO", vNewDialog, zLEVEL_TASK );
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vSubobject, vNewDialog, 0 );

   lCL = 12;
   lCC = 5;

   /* Create a new view that will point to the UIS_ViewObjRef entity
      in the user spec object.  Sometimes vUserSpec is pointing to a
      recursive subobject and UI_ViewObjRef cannot be accessed. */
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTempStyle, vUserSpec, 0 );
   ResetView( vTempStyle );

   SetViewToSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlCtrl" );
   /* Delete any existing fields in the listbox */
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
      RESULT = DeleteEntity( vSubobject, "Control", zREPOS_NEXT );

   GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lMaxLines, vNewDialog, "Control", "SZDLG_Y" );
   szMapEntity[ 0 ] = 0;

   lFirstPaintLine = 0;
   lLastPaintLine = 1;
   lLine          = 1;
   lMaxFieldDLG_X = 0;
   lMaxLength     = 0;
   lMaxText       = 0;
   lPush          = 0;
   lFieldsPainted = 0;

// cUsage[ 0 ] = 'U';

   /* If there is a paint object, loop through its attributes */
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, "" );
      /* The last line painted was at this posititon */
      lLastPaintLine = lLine;
      lColumn = 1;

      /* Create the Text Field for the Attribute */
      CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, vSubobject, "Control", zPOS_AFTER );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control",
                               "PSDLG_Y", lLine );
      if ( lFirstPaintLine == 0 )
         lFirstPaintLine = lLine;

      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control",
                               "PSDLG_X", lColumn );
      /* Creating text field. */
      SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vCtrlDef, "ControlDef",
                                    "Tag", "Text", "" );
      IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "ControlDef",
                                     vCtrlDef, "ControlDef", zPOS_AFTER );
      // Remove the text border.
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "Subtype",
                               zCONTROL_BORDEROFF | zCONTROL_NOTABSTOP );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szWorkString, vUserSpec,
                              X_ER_Attribute, "ListPaintLit" );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szMapAttribute, vUserSpec,
                              X_ER_Attribute, "Name" );

      // If there is no paint literal for this attribute then
      // use the attribute name as the paint literal.
      if ( szWorkString[ 0 ] == 0 )
         zstrcpy( szWorkString, szMapAttribute );

      SetAttributeFromString( vSubobject, "Control", "Text", szWorkString );

      j = zstrlen( szWorkString );
      j = j * lCC;

      // Determine the size of the longest paint literal.
      if ( j > lMaxText )
         lMaxText = j;

      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "SZDLG_X", j );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "SZDLG_Y", lCL );

      /* Add the length of the longest paint literal
         to the column so the attribute field will be
         painted there */
      lColumn += j;
      lColumn = lColumn + lCC;

      // If there is no paint length for the field, then
      // use the field's length.
      j = ofnTZWDLGSO_GetSizeForListAttr( vSubtask, vUserSpec, szListType );

      j = j * lCC;

      // If there is no paint length for the field, then
      // use the field's length.
      if ( j > 100 )
         j = 100;
      if ( j < 25 )
         j = 25;

      // Create the appropriate Data Field for the Attribute.
      CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, vSubobject, "Control", zPOS_AFTER );

      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control",
                               "PSDLG_Y",  lLine );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control",
                               "PSDLG_X", lColumn );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control",
                               "SZDLG_X", j );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control",
                               "SZDLG_Y", lCL );
      // Determine the maximum column length.
      if ( lMaxFieldDLG_X < lColumn )
         lMaxFieldDLG_X = lColumn;

      lColumn += j;
      lColumn = lColumn - 1 * lCC;

      // Determine the maximum length of colum and literal.
      if ( lMaxLength < lColumn )
         lMaxLength = lColumn;

      SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vCtrlDef, "ControlDef",
                                    "Tag", "EditBox", "" );
      IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "ControlDef",
                                     vCtrlDef, "ControlDef", zPOS_AFTER );
   // SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "Type", 1010 );
      if ( cUsage[ 0 ] == 'U' )
         GetStringFromAttribute( cWork, vUserSpec,
                                 X_LOD_Attribute, "DERIVEDF" );
         if ( cWork[ 0 ] != 0 )
            SetAttributeFromCharacter( vSubobject,
                                        "Control", "Type", 1000 );
      /* setting the group and field's ENAME and ANAME */
      CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, vSubobject, "CtrlMap", zPOS_AFTER );

      /* set the partitions OI name */
      IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlMapView",
                                     vTempStyle, "UIS_ViewObjRef", zPOS_AFTER );
      IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlMapLOD_Attribute",
                                     vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, zPOS_AFTER );
      lLine = lLine + lCL;

      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, "" );

   lLastPaintLine = lLine;

   /* Get the dimensions of the partition. */
   GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lGroupDLG_X, vNewDialog, "Control", "SZDLG_X" );

   GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lGroupDLG_Y, vNewDialog, "Control", "SZDLG_Y" );

   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
      GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lLine, vSubobject, "Control", "PSDLG_Y" );
      if ( lLine >= lFirstPaintLine && lLine <= lLastPaintLine )
         GetStringFromAttribute( szType, vSubobject, "ControlDef", "Tag" );
         /* If the control is not a text control. */
         if ( zstrcmp( szType, "Text" ) != 0 )
            GetIntegerFromAttribute( &j, vSubobject, "Control", "PSDLG_X" );
            GetIntegerFromAttribute( &k, vSubobject, "Control", "SZDLG_X" );

            if ( j < lMaxFieldDLG_X )
               j = lMaxFieldDLG_X - j;
               if ( ( lMaxFieldDLG_X + k ) >
                    ( lMaxLength + lCC ) )
                  if ( ( lMaxFieldDLG_X + k ) <= lGroupDLG_X )
                     lMaxLength = lMaxFieldDLG_X +( k - lCC );
                     j -=( ( lMaxFieldDLG_X + k ) -
                                          lGroupDLG_X );
                     if ( j > 0 )
                        AddToAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control",
                                                   "PSDLG_X", j );
                        lMaxLength = lGroupDLG_X - lCC;
                        j = -1;

               if ( j > 0 )
                  SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control",
                                           "PSDLG_X", lMaxFieldDLG_X );

         GetIntegerFromAttribute( &j, vSubobject, "Control", "PSDLG_X" );
         GetIntegerFromAttribute( &k, vSubobject, "Control", "SZDLG_X" );
         if ( ( j + k ) >= lGroupDLG_X )
            RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
            while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
               RESULT = DeleteEntity( vSubobject, "Control", zREPOS_NEXT );

            MessageSend( vNewDialog, "AD10304", "Autodesigner",
                         "Partition too small( width )",
                         zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, zBEEP );

            /* the partition is not wide enough */
            return( -1 );

         // Code to truncate fields which extend over the partition to
         // the right COMMENTED out. This is a 'too small' error as
         // noted above.
         // else
         // if ( (j + k) >= lGroupDLG_X )
         // {
         //    k =( lGroupDLG_X - 1 ) - j;
         //    SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control",
         //                             "SZDLG_X", k );
         // }

      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );

   lLastWindowLine = lLine;

   /* If the window painted has too many lines for the
      terminal being used for painting. Attempt to
      compress the window into a more manageable size by combining
      painted fields which are located on separate lines            */

   for ( i = 1; i < 8; i++ )
      if ( lLastWindowLine + 12 <= lMaxLines )
      fnCompressPartition( vNewDialog, i, lFirstPaintLine, lMaxText,
                           &lLastPaintLine, &lLastWindowLine,
                           &lMaxLength );

   if ( ( lLastWindowLine + lCL ) > lMaxLines )
      RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
      while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
         RESULT = DeleteEntity( vSubobject, "Control", zREPOS_NEXT );

      MessageSend( vNewDialog, "AD10305", "Autodesigner",
                   "Partition too small( height )",
                   zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, zBEEP );
      return( -1 );

// TraceLineS( "END", " AutoPaintPartitionWithFields" );

   /* Return the last paint line for AutoDesign */
   return( lLastPaintLine );
Beispiel #14
//    NAME: File_Save
   zVIEW  vTZTENVR1 = 0;
   zVIEW  vTaskLPLR;
   zSHORT nRC;
   zCHAR  szFileName[ zMAX_FILESPEC_LTH + 1 ];
   zCHAR  szMetaName[ 33 ];
   zLONG  lTE_ZKey = 0;
   zSHORT nAttrCount = 0;
   zSHORT nDS_Count = 0;

   ?? Hier muss noch der oder die Siron Kennungen abgehandelt
   ?? werden

//  Check access to TE Object
   if ( !vTZTENVRO )
      nRC = MessagePrompt( vTZZOXODO, "XOD_02", "Internal LOD Error",
                    "Unable to Load related TE.\n\nOpen or Create TE First.",
                    0, zBUTTONS_OK, 0, 0 );
      vKZSIXSKO = 0;  // initialize to something DKS 2000.03.09?
      DeleteEntity( vKZSIXSKO, "OBJECT", zREPOS_NONE );
      return( 0 );

   nRC = ActivateEmptyObjectInstance( &vKZSIXSKO, "KZSIXSKO", vTZZOXODO,
                                      zMULTIPLE | zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
   if ( nRC < 0 )
      nRC = MessagePrompt( vTZZOXODO, "XOD_01", "Internal LOD Error",
                           "Unable to Activate Empty XSK.\n\nSeek help.",
                            0, zBUTTONS_OK, 0, 0 );
      return( 0 );

   nRC = CreateEntity( vKZSIXSKO, "OBJECT", zPOS_AFTER );

   nRC = SetAttributeFromAttribute( vKZSIXSKO, "OBJECT", "Name",
                                    vTZZOXODO, "OBJECT", "NAME" );
   nRC = SetAttributeFromAttribute( vKZSIXSKO, "OBJECT", "ZKey",
                                    vTZZOXODO, "OBJECT", "ZKey" );

   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vKZSIXSKO_Root, vKZSIXSKO, 0 );

   // Commit the XSK to a file named the same as the XOD,
   // except with suffix ".XSK".
   GetViewByName( &vTaskLPLR, "TaskLPLR", vTZZOXODO, zLEVEL_TASK );
   GetStringFromAttribute( szFileName, vTaskLPLR, "LPLR", "ExecDir" );
   zstrcat( szFileName, "\\" );
   GetStringFromAttribute( szMetaName, vTZZOXODO, "OBJECT", "NAME" );
   zstrcat( szFileName, szMetaName );
   zstrcat( szFileName, ".XSK" );
   CommitOI_ToFile( vKZSIXSKO, szFileName, zASCII );

   DropView( vKZSIXSKO_Root );

   return( 0 );
Beispiel #15
                      zVIEW vKZSIXSKO, zVIEW vTZZOXODO,
                      zVIEW vTZTENVRO_REF )
   zVIEW  vTZZOXOD_TestWorkAttrib;
   zSHORT nEntImpls;
   zSHORT nRC;
   zLONG  lEntityZKey;
   zSHORT nAttrCount = 0;
   zSHORT nEntitySet = 0;

   nRC = CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTZTENVR1, vTZTENVRO_REF, 0 );
   nRC = CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTZZOXOD1, vTZZOXODO, 0 );

   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZZOXOD1, "ENTITY", "" );

   ?? Was ist hier mit Work Entities ?
   ?? Wie koennen diese umgangen werden
   ?? natuerlich auch fuer Kinder beruecksichtigen

   /* Check physik, if no, then do not process this entity */
   if ( (nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vTZZOXOD1,
                                       "DATARECORD" )) >= zCURSOR_SET )
     // Suche SironKatalog in TE
     nRC = GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lEntityZKey, vTZZOXOD1, "ENTITY",
                                    "ERENT_TOK" );
     nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTZTENVR1, "ER_Entity",
                                          "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                          "TE_DBMS_Source" );
     if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
         GetAddrForAttribute( &szDBMS,
                              vTZTENVR1, "TE_DBMS_Source", "DBMS" );
           nEntImpls = 0;
           for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTZTENVR1, "ER_Entity",
                                                      "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                                      "TE_DB_Environ" );
               nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
               nRC = SetCursorNextEntityByInteger( vTZTENVR1, "ER_Entity",
                                             "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                             "TE_DB_Environ" ) )
              if ( CompareAttributeToString( vTZTENVR1, "TE_DBMS_Source",
                                             "DBMS", szDBMS ) == 0 )

           if ( nEntImpls == 1 )
              nRC = zCURSOR_SET;
           if ( nEntImpls > 1 )
              for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTZTENVR1, "ER_Entity",
                                                         "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                                         "TE_DB_Environ" );
                    nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
                    nRC = SetCursorNextEntityByInteger( vTZTENVR1, "ER_Entity",
                                                        "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                                        "TE_DB_Environ" ) )
                 if ( CompareAttributeToString( vTZTENVR1, "TE_DBMS_Source",
                                                "DBMS", szDBMS ) == 0 )
                    zstrcpy( szMsg, "Do you want to use Data Source '" );
                    GetAddrForAttribute( &szMsgName,
                                    vTZTENVR1, "TE_DBMS_Source", "Name" );
                    zstrcat( szMsg, szMsgName );
                    zstrcat( szMsg, "' to implement ER Entity '" );
                    GetAddrForAttribute( &szMsgName,
                                         vTZTENVR1, "ER_Entity", "Name" );
                    zstrcat( szMsg, szMsgName );
                    zstrcat( szMsg, "'?" );
                    nRC = MessagePrompt ( vTZTENVR1, "XOD_06", "TE Choice",
                                         szMsg, 0, zBUTTONS_YESNO, 0, 0 );
                    if ( nRC == zRESPONSE_YES )
                       break;   // found Entity implemented in same DBMS

           if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
              zstrcpy( szMsg,
                       "Unable to Find Entity in TE Data Source with same "
                         "DBMS.\n\nEntity Name = " );
              GetAddrForAttribute( &szMsgName, vTZZOXOD1, "ENTITY", "NAME" );
              zstrcat( szMsg, szMsgName );
              nRC = MessagePrompt( vTZZOXOD1, "XOD_03",
                                   "Internal LOD Error", szMsg,
                                   0, zBUTTONS_OK, 0, 0 );
              return( 0 );

     // Now: First Entity found
     //      if SironKatalog Exits
     //         create KATALOG and KATCOM entities
     //         create first ENTITY and ENTITYCOM entities
     //         create dependent ATTRIB and ATTRICOM entities
     nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity ( vTZTENVR1, "SironKatalog" );
     if (  nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
        // Create KATALOG entity
        nRC = CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "KATALOG", zPOS_AFTER );
        SetMatchingAttributesByName(vKZSIXSKO_Root, "KATALOG",
                               vTZTENVR1, "SironKatalog", zSET_ALL );

        for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZTENVR1,
                                   "KatalogComment", "SironKatalog");
              nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
              nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZTENVR1,
                                  "KatalogComment", "SironKatalog") )
          CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "KATCOM", zPOS_AFTER );
          SetMatchingAttributesByName( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "KATCOM",
                             vTZTENVR1, "KatalogComment", zSET_ALL );

        // Create first ENTITY entity
        nRC = CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITY", zPOS_AFTER );
        nEntitySet = 1;
        SetMatchingAttributesByName(vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITY",
                                    vTZTENVR1, "OrigSironField", zSET_ALL );
        SetAttributeFromAttribute( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITY", "ERENT_TOK",
                                   vTZZOXOD1,      "ENTITY", "ERENT_TOK" );

        for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZTENVR1,
                                          "FieldComment", "OrigSironField");
              nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
              nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZTENVR1,
                                        "FieldComment", "OrigSironField") )
          CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITYCOM", zPOS_AFTER );
          SetMatchingAttributesByName( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITYCOM",
                                       vTZTENVR1, "FieldComment",
                                       zSET_ALL );

        // Create all dependent ATTRIB entities
        //                             according to XOD ATTRIB entities
        for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZZOXOD1, "ATTRIB", "ENTITY");
              nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
              nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZZOXOD1, "ATTRIB", "ENTITY") )
          // If the Attribute is a Workattribute there is no Datafield.
          // Do not save the Workattributes in the XSK-file.
          nRC = CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTZZOXOD_TestWorkAttrib, vTZZOXOD1, 0 );
          nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByAttr (vTZZOXOD_TestWorkAttrib, "DATAFIELD",
                                            vTZZOXOD1, "ATTRIB", "NAME", "");

          if (nRC == zCURSOR_SET)
             nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByAttr
                        ( vTZTENVR1, "TE_FieldDataRel", "Name",
                          vTZZOXOD1, "ATTRIB", "NAME", "TE_TablRec");

             CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ATTRIB", zPOS_AFTER );
             SetMatchingAttributesByName( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ATTRIB",
                                       vTZTENVR1, "SironField", zSET_ALL );
             SetAttributeFromAttribute( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ATTRIB", "XVAATT_TOK",
                                     vTZZOXOD1,      "ATTRIB", "XVAATT_TOK" );
             // Create all dependent ATTRIBCOM entities
             for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZTENVR1,"SironFieldComment","SironField");
                nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
                nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZTENVR1,"SironFieldComment","SironField") )
                CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ATTRIBCOM", zPOS_AFTER );
                SetMatchingAttributesByName( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ATTRIBCOM",
                                         vTZTENVR1, "SironFieldComment", zSET_ALL );

          DropView( vTZZOXOD_TestWorkAttrib );

   nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vTZZOXOD1, "CHILDENTITY" );
   if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
                                     vTZTENVRO_REF, nEntitySet );

   nRC = DropView( vTZZOXOD1 );
   nRC = DropView( vTZTENVR1 );
   return( 0 );
Beispiel #16
// OPERATION: SetStackObjectFromViews
// DESCRIPTION: SetStackObjectFromViews creates an operation entity in the
//    Stack call object an copies all of the variable data thers as well.
SetStackObjectFromViews( zVIEW  lpInterpSubtask,            // interp subtask
                         zVIEW  vXPG,                      // View to the XPG
                         zVIEW  vStmtView,           // View to the statement
                         zSHORT nIndex )         // index into the expression
   zSHORT nRC;                                          // a Return code
   //zSHORT nPrevOperation;                                       // a ret code
   zVIEW  vStackObject;                           // view to the stack object
   //zVIEW  vPriorOperation; // view to the prior operation in the stack object

   // Get the stack object as it was loaded with the XPG
   nRC =
      GetViewByName( &vStackObject,
                     zLEVEL_SUBTASK );
   if ( nRC != zLEVEL_SUBTASK )
      return( -1 );

   SfLockView( vXPG );
   SfLockView( vStmtView );

// DGC 8/19/02
// vPriorOperation doesn't appear to be used outside of this function, so
// I'm removing the code.
#if 0
   nRC =
      CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vPriorOperation,
                          vStackObject, 0 );

   nPrevOperation =
      SetCursorPrevEntity( vPriorOperation,
                           "OperationCall", "" );

   if ( SetCursorFirstEntityByAttr( vStackObject, "OperationCall", "Name",
                                    vXPG, "Operation", "Name", 0 ) < zCURSOR_SET )
      // create an operation entity at the end of the list ( stack )
      CreateEntity( vStackObject, "OperationCall", zPOS_AFTER );

      // set the name of the operation that was called.
      SetAttributeFromAttribute( vStackObject, "OperationCall", "Name",
                                 vXPG, "Operation", "Name" );

   // set the views
   SetAttributeFromInteger( vStackObject, "OperationCall", "XPGView",
                            (zLONG) vXPG );

   // set the views
   SetAttributeFromInteger( vStackObject, "OperationCall", "StatementView",
                            (zLONG) vStmtView );
   // set the offset
   SetAttributeFromInteger( vStackObject, "OperationCall", "StatementOffset",
                            nIndex );

   // now loop through and do all of the variables
   for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vXPG, "Variable", "" );
         nRC >= zCURSOR_SET;
         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vXPG, "Variable", "" ) )
      // Check to see if the variable already exists in the stack object.  It
      // will exist if the interpreter is being called from a different app
      // (like Core) and the app has set up the arguments already.
      if ( SetCursorFirstEntityByAttr( vStackObject, "Variable", "Name",
                                       vXPG, "Variable", "Name", 0 ) < zCURSOR_SET )
         CreateEntity( vStackObject, "Variable", zPOS_LAST );

      SetMatchingAttributesByName( vStackObject, "Variable",
                                   vXPG, "Variable", zSET_NULL );

   SetCursorFirstEntity( vStackObject, "Variable", "" );
   SetCursorFirstEntity( vXPG, "Variable", "" );

// DropView( vPriorOperation );
   return( 0 );
Beispiel #17
InvokeInterp( zVIEW  lpInterpSubtask,                // Interpretor's subtask
              zVIEW  lpAppSubtask,                   // application's subtask
              zPCHAR szSrcDLLName,                   // name of the dialog
              zPCHAR szOperationName,                // operation to interp
              zPLONG plRC )
   zVIEW  vXChecker;
   zSHORT nRC;
   zLONG  lStepRC;
   zVIEW  vStackObject;                           // view to the stack object
   zVIEW  vS_View;
   zVIEW  vZ_View;
   zVIEW  vSO;
   zVIEW  vSubtask = 0;
   zVIEW  vTaskLPLR;

   // Check to make sure the LPLR is active.
   GetViewByName( &vTaskLPLR, "TaskLPLR", lpAppSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
   if ( vTaskLPLR == 0 )
      InitializeLPLR( lpInterpSubtask, "" );

   aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple ].vSubtask = lpInterpSubtask;

   if ( lMultiple > 0 )
      if ( lMultiple >= MAX_INTEPRETER_ENTRY )
         // Error, because number of recursive entries
         //  is greater than MAX_INTEPRETER_ENTRY
         return( -99 );

      vSubtask = aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple -1 ].vSubtask;

      // save the global variables
      aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple -1 ].nStackPtr = g_nStackPtr;
      g_nStackPtr = 0;
      memcpy( aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple -1 ].nCallStack,
              g_nCallStack, zsizeof( g_nCallStack ) );
      memset( g_nCallStack, 0, zsizeof( g_nCallStack ) );

      aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple -1 ].vXPGView = g_vXPGView;
      g_vXPGView = 0;

      GetViewByName( &g_vStatementView, "StatementView",
                     vSubtask, zLEVEL_SUBTASK );

      aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple -1 ].vStatementView = g_vStatementView;
      g_vStatementView = 0;

      GetViewByName( &vSO, "StackObject",
                     vSubtask, zLEVEL_SUBTASK );
      aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple -1 ].vStackObject = vSO;

      memcpy( aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple -1 ].sValueStack,
              sValueStack, zsizeof( sValueStack ) );
      memset( sValueStack, 0, zsizeof( sValueStack ) );


   // see if we can load the XPG. if not, don't parse for now, exit out
   nRC = InitInterp( lpInterpSubtask, lpAppSubtask, szSrcDLLName );
   if ( nRC < 0 )
      lStepRC = 1; // if the init failed return.
      goto EndOfInvokeInterp;

   // Initialize the Working Storage Manager
   if ( WRKS_Init( &hWRKS ) < 0 )
      // Error in WRKS system
      MessageSend( vSubtask, "VM03002", "VML Interpretor",
                   "Error Initializing Work Storage",
                   zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, zBEEP );
      TraceLineS( "VML Interpreter Error ","Initializing Work Storage" );
      lStepRC = 1; // if the init failed return.
      goto EndOfInvokeInterp;

   if ( setjmp( g_jbWRKS ) != 0 )
      // Error return from longjmp
      WRKS_Close( &hWRKS );
      lStepRC = 1;
      goto EndOfInvokeInterp;

   // get the program object as it was loaded by the init function.
   GetViewByName( &g_vXPGView, "XPG", lpInterpSubtask, zLEVEL_SUBTASK );

   // try to position at the correct operation in the Subtask
   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( g_vXPGView, "Operation",
                                       "Name", szOperationName, "" );
   if ( nRC != zCURSOR_SET )
      // no error message here, as we assume that the operation
      //  to be called is a C operation.
      // Returning -1, the driver will try to load it from the DLL
      lStepRC = -1;
      goto EndOfInvokeInterp;

   SetCursorFirstEntityByEntityCsr( g_vXPGView,
                                    "SourceFileOfOperation", "" );
   SetCursorFirstEntityByEntityCsr( g_vXPGView,
                                    "Operation", "" );
   SetCursorFirstEntity( g_vXPGView, "OperationText", "" );
   SetCursorFirstEntity( g_vXPGView, "Statement", "" );
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &g_vStatementView, g_vXPGView, 0 );

   // Create all of the entities needed in the stack object
   SetStackObjectFromViews( lpInterpSubtask,
                            g_vXPGView,         // View to the XPG
                            g_vStatementView, // View to the statement
                            0 );              // index into the expression

   // Get the stack object as it was loaded with the XPG
   GetViewByName( &vStackObject,
                  zLEVEL_SUBTASK );
// ###blob  SetAttributeFromInteger( vStackObject,
//                            "Variable", "Value", (zLONG)lpAppSubtask );
   SetAttributeFromBlob( vStackObject, "Variable", "Value", &lpAppSubtask, sizeof( void * ) );
   SetNameForView( g_vStatementView, "StatementView", lpInterpSubtask, zLEVEL_SUBTASK );
   SetNameForView( lpAppSubtask, "ApplicationView", lpInterpSubtask, zLEVEL_SUBTASK );

   GetViewByName( &vXChecker, "TZVSXCOO", lpInterpSubtask, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
   if ( vXChecker != 0 )
      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vXChecker, "DialogOperation", "Name", szOperationName, "" );

      if ( nRC == zCURSOR_SET )
         GetViewByName( &vZ_View, "ZeidonVML", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
         GetViewByName( &vS_View, "XPG", vZ_View, zLEVEL_SUBTASK );

         SetAttributeFromString( vS_View, "Operation", "CurrentDebugFlag", "Y" );
         lStepRC = zXC_SETUP_DEBUGGER;
         goto EndOfInvokeInterp;

#if 0
   OperationCount( 3 );
   OperationCount( 1 );
// Loop through each statement using the Go function.
   lStepRC = Go( lpAppSubtask, hWRKS, plRC );

   // close work storage manager
   if ( hWRKS )
      WRKS_Close( &hWRKS );

   if ( lMultiple > 0 )
      vSubtask = aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple - 1 ].vSubtask;

      // restore the global variables
      g_nStackPtr = aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple - 1 ].nStackPtr;
      memcpy( g_nCallStack, aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple -1 ].nCallStack, zsizeof( g_nCallStack ) );

      g_vXPGView = aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple - 1 ].vXPGView;
      SetNameForView( g_vXPGView, "XPG", vSubtask, zLEVEL_SUBTASK );
      g_vStatementView = aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple - 1 ].vStatementView;
      SetNameForView( g_vStatementView, "StatementView", vSubtask, zLEVEL_SUBTASK );

      vSO = aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple - 1 ].vStackObject;
      SetNameForView( vSO, "StackObject", vSubtask, zLEVEL_SUBTASK );

      memcpy( sValueStack, aInterpreterSave[ lMultiple - 1 ].sValueStack, zsizeof( sValueStack ) );

   return( lStepRC );
Beispiel #18
SyntaxError( zVIEW vSubtask, zLONG lErrorNumber, zPCHAR szErrorString )
   zVIEW vError;
   zVIEW vSearchError;
   zBOOL bFound;
   zBOOL bDone;
   zCHAR szMessage[ 256 ];
   zCHAR szNum[ 10 ];
   zLONG lRC;

   if ( GetViewByName( &vError, "TZVMEROO", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
   // IssueError( vError, 0, 0, "Syntax Error" );

      // build msc type error message
      GetStringFromAttribute( szMessage, vError, "Root", "SourceFileName" );
      zstrcat( szMessage, "(" );
      zltoa( qqlineno, szNum );
      zstrcat( szMessage, szNum );
      zstrcat( szMessage, ") : error " );
      zltoa( lErrorNumber, szNum );
      zstrcat( szMessage, szNum );
      zstrcat( szMessage, ": " );
      zstrcat( szMessage, g_szMessages[ lErrorNumber - 501 ] );
      switch ( lErrorNumber )
         case eQINVALIDFUNCTIONPARAM /*553*/:
         case eQINVALIDFUNCTIONDEF /*554*/  :
         case 556:
            zstrcat( szMessage, " Last Token " );
            if ( !szErrorString || !szErrorString[ 0 ] )
               zstrcat( szMessage, sQToken.szToken );

      zstrcat( szMessage, szErrorString );

      // look to see if a similar error message has been posted
      // we need to match both nErrorNumber and szErrorString
      CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vSearchError, vError, 0 );

      bFound = FALSE;
      bDone = FALSE;

      // Try to find 1st occurrence of current Last Token
      lRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vSearchError, "Error", "LastToken", szErrorString, "" );

      // if none was found, skip the following loop
      if ( lRC < zCURSOR_SET )
         bDone = TRUE;

      while ( !bDone )
         // If we have found an occurrence of current Last Token
         if ( lRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
            // check error number
            lRC = CompareAttributeToInteger( vSearchError, "Error", "ErrorNumber", lErrorNumber );
            // if a match
            if ( lRC == 0 )
               bDone = TRUE;
               bFound = TRUE;

            // otherwise, look again
               lRC = SetCursorNextEntityByString( vSearchError, "Error", "LastToken",
                                                  szErrorString, "" );
         // otherwise, no more occurrences of szErrorString found
            // so we quit looking
            bDone = TRUE;

      // if a simlar error was NOT previously issued
      if ( bFound == FALSE )
         // put the error in error LOD
         CreateEntity( vError, "Error", zPOS_AFTER );
         SetAttributeFromString ( vError, "Error", "String", szMessage );
         SetAttributeFromString ( vError, "Error", "LastToken", szErrorString );
         SetAttributeFromInteger( vError, "Error", "ErrorNumber", lErrorNumber );

      // SysWriteLine( g_lfErrorHandle, "------" );
      // SysWriteLine( g_lfErrorHandle, "------" );
         SysWriteLine( vError, g_lfErrorHandle, szMessage );

      // drop the search view
      DropView( vSearchError );

   // some errors require the parsing process to be stopped,
   //  because Object Engine errors would come up.
   switch ( lErrorNumber )
         SkipRemainingFile( );
         TraceLineS( "VML Parsing STOPPED on ERROR --", szMessage );

         TraceLineS( "VML Parsing ERROR --", szMessage );

   return( 0 );
Beispiel #19
// PURPOSE:    Create a HK if one doesn't exist for current LPLR.
zwTZHKEYAD_InitHK_ForLPLR( zVIEW vSubtask )
   zVIEW vCM_List;
   zVIEW vTaskLPLR;
   zCHAR  szFileSpec[ zMAX_FILESPEC_LTH + 1 ];
// zSHORT nRC;

   RetrieveViewForMetaList( vSubtask, &vCM_List, zREFER_GO_META );
   SetNameForView( vCM_List, "CM_List", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
#if 0
   // Get File list of Presentation Environments (only one).
   nRC = RetrieveViewForMetaList( vSubtask, &vCM_List, zREFER_HKEY_META );

   // Always have a Named List of PPE's (even though there can only be One)!
   // This is done to be consistent with other dialogs.  The only time the
   // that the named List will not exist is during a SwithLPLR.
   // This fact is used a "flag" to the ReturnFromSubWnd logic.
   nRC = SetNameForView( vCM_List, "CM_HK_List", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );

   // See if one exists.
   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vCM_List, "W_MetaDef", "" );

   // If not, create one, else open it.
   if ( nRC == zCURSOR_NULL )
   // oTZPESRCO_GrayOptions( vSubtask );
      nRC = ActivateMetaOI( vSubtask, &vKZHKEYSO, vCM_List, zREFER_HKEY_META, zSINGLE );
      SetNameForView( vKZHKEYSO, "TZPESRCV", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
      CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vCtrlList, vKZHKEYSO, 0 );
      SetNameForView( vCtrlList, "TZPECTRL", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vKZHKEYSO, "ApplHKyDef", "CtrlFontDel", 0 );

   // Get the directory.
   GetViewByName( &vTaskLPLR, "TaskLPLR", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
   if ( vTaskLPLR == 0 )
      MessageSend( vSubtask, "HK00101", "Hot Keys",
                   "Can't locate LPLR?",
                   zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, zBEEP );
      return( 0 );

   GetStringFromAttribute( szFileSpec, vTaskLPLR, "LPLR", "MetaSrcDir" );
   zstrcat( szFileSpec, "\\ZEIDON.PHK" );
   TraceLineS( "Hotkey Dialog opening file: ", szFileSpec );

   // Load the HKEY object.
   if ( ActivateOI_FromFile( &vKZHKEYSO, "KZHKEYSO", vSubtask, szFileSpec,
      CreateEntity( vKZHKEYSO, "Application", zPOS_AFTER );
      CommitOI_ToFile( vKZHKEYSO, szFileSpec, zASCII );

   SetNameForView( vKZHKEYSO, "KZHKEYSO", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
   return( 0 );
Beispiel #20
// OPERATION: AddGetOrSetAttribute
// DESCRIPTION: AddGetOrSetAttribute creates a call to an operation
//    with the result of the operation being put in nZRetCode
AddGetOrSetAttribute( zVIEW  vSubtask,
                      zPCHAR pchOperationName,
                      zLONG  lViewID,
                      zLONG  lUseVariable,
                      zLONG  lVariableDataType,
                      zLONG  lVariableID,
                      zPCHAR pchEntityName,
                      zLONG  lEntityID,
                      zPCHAR pchAttributeName,
                      zLONG  lAttributeID,
                      zLONG  lUseExtra,
                      zPCHAR pchExtra,
                      zLONG  lExtra,
                      zLONG  lExtraClass )
   zLONG sParmList[ PARM_LIST_SIZE ] = { 0 };
   zLONG sParmListExt[ PARM_LIST_SIZE ] = { 0 };
   zLONG lParmListIndex = 0;
   zLONG lOperZKey;
   zVIEW vTargetView;

// memset( sParmListExt, 0, sizeof( sParmListExt ) );

   CreateEntity( g_lpExprView, "Expression", zPOS_AFTER );
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTargetView, g_lpExprView, 0 );
   //SetViewToSubobject( vTargetView, "Expression" );

   // Insert new bottom of stack.
   AddOperatorToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, -2 );

   lRCID = AddRetCode( vSubtask );
   lOperZKey = GetOperationZKey( vSubtask, qZEIDONOPERATION, pchOperationName );

   // add result
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qVARIABLE, qNUMERIC,
                            qTSHORT, "RCID", lRCID, 0 );

   // add EQUAL
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, "=", qEQUAL, 0 );

   // add operation name
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATIONCALL, qZEIDONOPERATION,
                            qTSHORT, pchOperationName, lOperZKey, 0 );

   GetOperationParmListPM( vSubtask, sParmList, sParmListExt, lOperZKey, qZEIDONOPERATION );
   lParmListIndex = 1;

   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, "(", qOPENOPER, 0 );

   if ( lUseVariable == 0 )
      if ( sParmList[ lParmListIndex ] < 0 )
         lVariableID *= -1;

      AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qVARIABLE, 0,
                               lVariableDataType, "", lVariableID, sParmListExt[ lParmListIndex ] );
      AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                               qTINTEGER, ",", qCOMMA, 0 );

   if ( sParmList[ lParmListIndex] < 0 )
      lViewID *= -1;

   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qVARIABLE, qNUMERIC,
                            qTVIEW, "", lViewID, sParmListExt[ lParmListIndex ] );
   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, ",", qCOMMA, 0 );

   if ( lEntityID > 0 ) // is a var
      if ( sParmList[ lParmListIndex ] < 0 )
         lEntityID *= -1;

      AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qVARIABLE, qTEXT, qTENTITYNAME,
                               "", lEntityID, sParmListExt[ lParmListIndex ] );
   else  // is a string constant
      AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qCONSTANT, qTEXT,
                               qTENTITYNAME, pchEntityName, lEntityID, 0 );

   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, ",", qCOMMA, 0 );
   if ( lAttributeID > 0 ) // is a var
      if ( sParmList[ lParmListIndex++ ] < 0 )
         lAttributeID *= -1;

      AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qVARIABLE, qTEXT,
                               qTATTRIBUTENAME, "", lAttributeID, sParmListExt[ lParmListIndex ] );
   else  // is a string constant
      AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qCONSTANT, qTEXT,
                               qTATTRIBUTENAME, pchAttributeName, lAttributeID, 0 );

   if ( lUseVariable == 1 )
      AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                               qTINTEGER, ",", qCOMMA, 0 );
      if ( sParmList[ lParmListIndex ] < 0 )
         lVariableID *= -1;

      AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qVARIABLE, 0,
                               lVariableDataType, "", lVariableID, sParmListExt[ lParmListIndex ] );

   if ( lUseExtra > 0 ) // use the extra parameter
      AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                               qTINTEGER, ",", qCOMMA, 0 );
      if ( lExtraClass == qDEFINE )
         AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qDEFINE, 0,
                                  lUseExtra, pchExtra, lExtra, 0 );
         AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qCONSTANT, 0,
                                  lUseExtra, pchExtra, lExtra, 0 );

   AddExprNodeEntityToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, qOPERATOR, qNUMERIC,
                            qTINTEGER, ")", qCLOSEOPER, 0 );

   // Dump the expression from the stack.
   AddOperatorToView( vSubtask, vTargetView, -1 );

   AddStatementEntityToPI( vSubtask, qEXPRESSION, qqlineno, vTargetView, zPOS_AFTER );

   DeleteEntity( vTargetView, "Expression", zREPOS_NONE );
   DropView( vTargetView );

   return( 0 );
Beispiel #21
//    NAME: File_Save
                              zVIEW vKZSIXSKO, zVIEW vTZZOXOD1,
                              zVIEW vTZTENVRO_REF,
                              zSHORT nEntityFlag )
   zVIEW  vTZTENVRO_Parent;
   zSHORT nRC;
   zSHORT nRC2;
   zSHORT nEntImpls;
   zLONG  lEntityZKey;
   zSHORT nEntitySet    = nEntityFlag;
   zSHORT nSetViewToSubXsk = 0;

   nRC = CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTZTENVRO_Parent, vTZTENVRO_REF, 0 );

   while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
      nRC = SetViewToSubobject( vTZZOXOD1, "CHILDENTITY" );

      /* Check physik, if no, then do not process this entity */
      if ( (nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity ( vTZZOXOD1, "DATARECORD" )) >= zCURSOR_SET )

         nRC = GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lEntityZKey, vTZZOXOD1,
                                        "ENTITY", "ERENT_TOK" );
         nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "ER_Entity",
                                              "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                              "TE_DBMS_Source" );
         if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
            GetAddrForAttribute( &szDBMS,
                                 vTZTENVRO_Parent, "TE_DBMS_Source", "DBMS" );
            nEntImpls = 0;
            for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "ER_Entity",
                                                "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                                "TE_DB_Environ" );
                  nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
                  nRC = SetCursorNextEntityByInteger( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "ER_Entity",
                                                "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                                "TE_DB_Environ" ) )
               if ( CompareAttributeToString( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "TE_DBMS_Source", "DBMS",
                               szDBMS ) == 0 )
            if ( nEntImpls == 1 )
               nRC = zCURSOR_SET;
            if ( nEntImpls > 1 )
              for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "ER_Entity",
                                                  "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                                  "TE_DB_Environ" );
                    nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
                    nRC = SetCursorNextEntityByInteger( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "ER_Entity",
                                                  "ZKey", lEntityZKey,
                                                  "TE_DB_Environ" ) )
                 if ( CompareAttributeToString( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "TE_DBMS_Source", "DBMS",
                                szDBMS ) == 0 )
                    zstrcpy( szMsg, "Do you want to use Data Source '" );
                    GetAddrForAttribute( &szMsgName,
                                         vTZTENVRO_Parent, "TE_DBMS_Source", "Name" );
                    zstrcat( szMsg, szMsgName );
                    zstrcat( szMsg, "' to implement ER Entity '" );
                    GetAddrForAttribute( &szMsgName,
                                         vTZTENVRO_Parent, "ER_Entity", "Name" );
                    zstrcat( szMsg, szMsgName );
                    zstrcat( szMsg, "'?" );
                    nRC = MessagePrompt ( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "XOD_06", "TE Choice",
                                          szMsg, 0, zBUTTONS_YESNO, 0, 0 );
                    if ( nRC == zRESPONSE_YES )
                        break;   // found Entity implemented in same DBMS

            if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
               zstrcpy( szMsg, "Unable to Find Entity in TE Data Source with same DBMS.\n\nEntity Name = " );
               GetAddrForAttribute( &szMsgName, vTZZOXOD1, "ER_EntityRec", "Name" );
               zstrcat( szMsg, szMsgName );
               nRC = MessagePrompt( vTZZOXOD1, "XOD_06", "Internal LOD Error", szMsg, 0,
                                    zBUTTONS_OK, 0, 0 );
               nRC = DropView( vTZTENVRO_Parent );
               return( 0 );

         //  new Entity found
         //  if SironGroup exists
         //     if SironKatalog exists
         //        create new Katalog
         //     create next ENTITY and ENTITYCOM entities
         //     create dependent ATTRIB and ATTRICOM entities
         nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity ( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "SironGroup" );
         if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
          nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity ( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "SironKatalog" );
          if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
            // Go back to KATALOG entity
            if ( nEntitySet )
              while ( ResetViewFromSubobject( vKZSIXSKO_Root ) == 0 );

            // Create new  KATALOG entity
            nRC = SetCursorLastEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "KATALOG", "" );
            nRC = CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "KATALOG", zPOS_AFTER );
            SetMatchingAttributesByName(vKZSIXSKO_Root, "KATALOG",
                                        vTZTENVRO_Parent, "SironKatalog", zSET_ALL );

            for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZTENVRO_Parent,
                                            "KatalogComment", "SironKatalog");
                  nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
                  nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZTENVRO_Parent,
                                             "KatalogComment", "SironKatalog") )
              CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "KATCOM", zPOS_AFTER );
              SetMatchingAttributesByName( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "KATCOM",
                                           vTZTENVRO_Parent, "KatalogComment", zSET_ALL );

          // ViewToSubobject only, if caller created an ENTITY entity
          if ( nEntitySet )
            if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITY" )
                                                             >= zCURSOR_SET )
               SetViewToSubobject( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITYCHILD" );
               nSetViewToSubXsk = 1;

          // Create next ENTITY entity
          nRC = SetCursorLastEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITY", "" );
          nRC = CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITY", zPOS_AFTER );
          nEntitySet = 1;
          SetMatchingAttributesByName(vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITY",
                                      vTZTENVRO_Parent, "SironGroup", zSET_ALL );
          SetAttributeFromInteger( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITY", "ERENT_TOK",
                                   lEntityZKey );

          for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "GroupComment", "SironGroup");
                nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
                nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "GroupComment", "SironGroup") )
            CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITYCOM", zPOS_AFTER );
            SetMatchingAttributesByName( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ENTITYCOM",
                                         vTZTENVRO_Parent, "GroupComment", zSET_ALL );

          // Create all dependent ATTRIB entities according to XOD ATTRIB
          // entities
          for ( nRC  = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZZOXOD1, "ATTRIB", "ENTITY");
                nRC  > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
                nRC  = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZZOXOD1, "ATTRIB", "ENTITY") )
             nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByAttr( vTZTENVRO_Parent,
                                               vTZZOXOD1, "ATTRIB", "NAME",

             nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vTZTENVRO_Parent, "SironField" );
             if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
               zstrcpy( szMsg,
       "Unable to Find SironField in TE Data Source .\n\nAttribute Name = " );
               GetAddrForAttribute( &szMsgName, vTZZOXOD1, "ATTRIB", "NAME" );
               zstrcat( szMsg, szMsgName );
               nRC = MessagePrompt ( vTZZOXOD1, "XOD_06",
                                     "Internal XOD Error", szMsg,
                                     0, zBUTTONS_OK, 0, 0 );
               nRC = DropView( vTZTENVRO_Parent );
               return( 0 );

             CreateEntity( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ATTRIB", zPOS_AFTER );
             SetMatchingAttributesByName( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ATTRIB",
                                          vTZTENVRO_Parent, "SironField", zSET_ALL );
             SetAttributeFromAttribute( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ATTRIB", "XVAATT_TOK",
                                        vTZZOXOD1,      "ATTRIB", "XVAATT_TOK" );

             // Create all dependent ATTRIBCOM entities
             for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZTENVRO_Parent,
                   nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED;
                   nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZTENVRO_Parent,
               CreateEntity ( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ATTRIBCOM", zPOS_AFTER );
               SetMatchingAttributesByName( vKZSIXSKO_Root, "ATTRIBCOM",
                                            vTZTENVRO_Parent, "SironFieldComment",
                                            zSET_ALL );

      // Abstieg des Pfades
      nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vTZZOXOD1, "CHILDENTITY" );
      if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
              zofnTZSIXSKO_BldXSKChildEnt( vKZSIXSKO_Root, vKZSIXSKO,
                   vTZZOXOD1, vTZTENVRO_Parent, nEntitySet );

      nRC2 = ResetViewFromSubobject( vTZZOXOD1 );
      if ( nSetViewToSubXsk )
        nRC2 = ResetViewFromSubobject( vKZSIXSKO_Root );
        nSetViewToSubXsk = 0;

      nRC  = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZZOXOD1, "CHILDENTITY", "" );

   if ( vTZTENVRO_Parent )
      nRC = DropView( vTZTENVRO_Parent );

   return( 0 );
Beispiel #22
//   bSubcontrol - TRUE  - add controls to existing pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl
//                 FALSE - delete existing pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl and start
//                         a new list
CreateZeidonCtrls( zVIEW    vSubobject,
                   ZSubtask *pZSubtask,
                   CWnd     *pWndParent,
                   ZMapAct  *pzmaComposite,
                   zSHORT   nOffsetX,
                   zSHORT   nOffsetY,
                   zBOOL    bSubcontrol )
   zKZWDLGXO_Ctrl_DEF CtrlDef;
   zFARPROC_CONTROL lpfnCtrlProc;
   LPLIBRARY hCCtlLibrary;
   zPCHAR    pchDLL_Name;
   zPCHAR    pchCOP;
   zSHORT    nRC;

#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
   TraceLineX( "CreateZeidonCtrls parent - ", (zLONG) pZSubtask );

   nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vSubobject, szlCtrl );
   if ( bSubcontrol == FALSE )
      mDeleteInit( pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl );
      if ( nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
         zLONG  lTempCtrlCnt;       // just to get the long temporarily

         GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lTempCtrlCnt, pZSubtask->m_vDialog,
                                  szlWnd, "CtrlCnt" );
//       TraceLineI( "CreateZeidonCtrls count ", lTempCtrlCnt );
         pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl =
                     new ZMultiIdxSet( (fnCOMPARE) fnCompareCtrlNodes,
                                       (fnCOMPARE) fnSeekCtrlNode,
                                       lTempCtrlCnt );
         // Instead of having ZMultiIdxSet delete the nodes itself, we call
         // a recursive routine (fnDeleteCtrls) to guarantee the child
         // controls are deleted before their parents.
         pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl = 0;

      CreateViewFromViewForTask( &(pZSubtask->m_vPE),
                                 pZSubtask->m_vDialog );

   zmemset( CtrlDef.Tag, 0xFE, sizeof( CtrlDef ) );
// CtrlDef.CheckByte = 0xFE;
   while ( nRC > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
      // Get the structure of attributes for this control.
      zPCHAR pch = 0;   // for derived Text attribute

      GetStructFromEntityAttrs( (zPCHAR) CtrlDef.Tag, vSubobject, szlCtrl );
      if ( CtrlDef.CheckByte != 0xFE )
         MessageBox( 0, "CtrlDef Structure Length Error",
                     "GetStructFromEntityAttrs", MB_OK );
   // zPCHAR pchCheckByte = (zPCHAR) &(CtrlDef.CheckByte);
   // pchCheckByte--;
   // if ( *pchCheckByte == (char) 0xFE )
   //    TraceLineS( "zdrctl CtrlDef CheckByte error??", "" );
      GetAddrForAttribute( (zPCHAR *) &pch, vSubobject, szlCtrl, szlD_Text );
      if ( *pch )
         zstrcpy( CtrlDef.Text, pch );

#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
      TraceLineS( "Tag ", CtrlDef.Tag );
      TraceLineI( "Type ", CtrlDef.Type );
      TraceLineI( "IdNbr ", CtrlDef.IdNbr );
      TraceLineI( "PSDLG_X ", CtrlDef.PSDLG_X );
      TraceLineI( "PSDLG_Y ", CtrlDef.PSDLG_Y );
      TraceLineI( "SZDLG_X ", CtrlDef.SZDLG_X );
      TraceLineI( "SZDLG_Y ", CtrlDef.SZDLG_Y );

      // The token is validated by the painter and/or conversion to
      // the executable object, but we check here anyway.
      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( pZSubtask->m_pZTask->m_vPE,
                                           szlCtrl, szlKey,
                                           CtrlDef.Type, 0 );
      if ( nRC != zCURSOR_SET )
         TraceLine( "(drvr) ID (%d) not found (%d) in PPE for Ctrl: %s.%s.%s",
                    CtrlDef.Type, nRC,
                    pZSubtask->m_pzsDlgTag ? *(pZSubtask->m_pzsDlgTag) : "?",
                    pZSubtask->m_pzsWndTag ? *(pZSubtask->m_pzsWndTag) : "?",
                    CtrlDef.Tag );
         DisplayEntityInstance( pZSubtask->m_pZTask->m_vPE, szlCtrl );
         DisplayObjectInstance( pZSubtask->m_pZTask->m_vPE, 0, 0 );

         // Skip this one and try the next.
         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vSubobject, szlCtrl, 0 );

      GetAddrForAttribute( (zPCHAR *) &pchDLL_Name,
                           pZSubtask->m_pZTask->m_vPE, szlCtrl, szlDLL );
      GetAddrForAttribute( (zPCHAR *) &pchCOP,
                           pZSubtask->m_pZTask->m_vPE, szlCtrl, szlCOP );

      // If the DLL name is added to the list, this is the first time it
      // has been encountered ... so call its initialization routine.
      pZSubtask->m_pZTask->AddApplicationDLL( pZSubtask, pchDLL_Name );

      hCCtlLibrary = 0;  // set to zero for GetOperationDynamicCallAddress

      lpfnCtrlProc = (zFARPROC_CONTROL)
           GetOperationDynamicCallAddress( pZSubtask->m_vDialog,
                                           (LPLPLIBRARY) &hCCtlLibrary,
                                           pchDLL_Name, pchCOP,
                                           "(drvr) Ctrl" );

         if ( lpfnCtrlProc ) // && (k % 2) == 0 )
//          TraceLineS( "Create Control: ", pchCOP );
            (*lpfnCtrlProc)( pZSubtask, pWndParent, pzmaComposite,
                             vSubobject, nOffsetX, nOffsetY, &CtrlDef );
#if 0
      catch( CResourceException *e )
         zCHAR szMsg[ 256 ];
         e->GetErrorMessage( szMsg, sizeof( szMsg ) );
         zstrcat( szMsg,
      catch( CException *e )
         zCHAR szMsg[ 256 ];

         e->GetErrorMessage( szMsg, sizeof( szMsg ) );
         MessageSend( pZSubtask->m_vDialog, 0, "Zeidon Control", szMsg,
                      zMSGQ_MODAL_ERROR, FALSE );

      nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vSubobject, szlCtrl, 0 );

   }  // end of: while ( nRC == zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )  looping thru controls

   if ( bSubcontrol == FALSE )
      DropView( pZSubtask->m_vPE );
      pZSubtask->m_vPE = 0;  // using this to determine Ctrls have been created

      // Ctrl creation is complete ... notify each ctrl.
      if ( pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl )
         pZSubtask->m_pZMIXCtrl->VisitInorder( (fnVISIT_INORDER) fnPostCreateCtrls,
                                               0, 0, 0 );
Beispiel #23
// PURPOSE: This function places selected attributes in an already
// existing partition without the attributes text literals.
// vNewDialog - handle to the partition
// lFieldRow - offset row in the group
// lFieldCol - offset column in the group
// PartitionSize - length size for the group
// Return Codes:
//     0 - Everything is O.K. and the fields were placed into the
//         partition
//    -1 - The field widths exceeded the partitions width
ofnTZWDLGSO_AutoPaintListPart( zVIEW    vSubtask,
                               zVIEW    vUserSpec,
                               zVIEW    vNewDialog,
                               zLONG    lFieldRow,
                               zLONG    lFieldCol,
                               zLONG    PartitionSize,
                               zPCHAR   szListType )
   zVIEW    vAutoDesWk;
   zVIEW    vTempStyle;
   zVIEW    vSubobject;
   zVIEW    vCtrlDef;
   zLONG    lListAttributeLength;
   zLONG    lPaintLiteralLength;
   zLONG    lCC;
   zLONG    lCL;
   zCHAR    szControlType[ 33 ];
   zCHAR    szMapEntity[ 33 ];
   zCHAR    szParentName[ 33 ];
   zCHAR    szWorkString[ 65 ];
   zCHAR    szLiteralString[ 65 ];
   zLONG    lTempInteger_0;
   zSHORT   lFieldsPainted;
   zLONG    lRC;
   zCHAR    X_LOD_Attribute[ 16 ];
   zCHAR    X_LOD_Entity[ 13 ];
   zCHAR    X_ER_Attribute[ 15 ];

// TraceLineS( "IN", "AutoPaintListPart W4" );

   // Set up variables to either I_LOD listbox or L_LOD listbox.
   if ( szListType[ 0 ] == 'I' )
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Attribute, "I_LOD_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Entity, "I_LOD_Entity" );
      zstrcpy( X_ER_Attribute, "I_ER_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Attribute, "L_LOD_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Entity, "L_LOD_Entity" );
      zstrcpy( X_ER_Attribute, "L_ER_Attribute" );

   lCL = 12;
   lCC = 5;

   GetViewByName( &vCtrlDef, "TZADCTLD", vNewDialog, zLEVEL_TASK );
   GetViewByName( &vAutoDesWk, "TZADWWKO", vNewDialog, zLEVEL_TASK );
   GetStringFromAttribute( szControlType, vNewDialog, "ControlDef", "Tag" );

   /* It is important to know whether the parent is a WINDOW(WDODs)
      or a SECTION(RODs). */
   zstrcpy( szParentName, "Window" );

   /* IF we are Autodesigning a ROD, set lCL to 8 so line
      skips do not take place */
   lTempInteger_0  = zstrcmp( szParentName, "SECTION" );
   if ( lTempInteger_0 == 0 )
      lCL = 8;

   /* Create a view that will point to the controls under the listbox. */
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vSubobject, vNewDialog, 0 );

   /* Set handle to the fields under the group */
   SetViewToSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlCtrl" );

   /* Delete any existing fields in the listbox */
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
      RESULT = DeleteEntity( vSubobject, "Control", zREPOS_NEXT );

   /* Create a new view that will point to the UIS_ViewObjRef entity
      in the user spec object.  Sometimes vUserSpec is pointing to a
      recursive subobject and UI_ViewObjRef cannot be accessed. */
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTempStyle, vUserSpec, 0 );
   ResetView( vTempStyle );

   lFieldsPainted = 0;

   //// Paint the fields in the Partition //////////
   /* IF Attributes have been found to paint, paint them */
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, "" );
      // This gets the length of the field to be painted.
      lListAttributeLength = ofnTZWDLGSO_GetSizeForListAttr( vSubtask,
                                                             szListType );

      if ( lListAttributeLength == 0 )
         lListAttributeLength = 4;
      lListAttributeLength = lListAttributeLength * lCC;
      if ( lListAttributeLength > 100 )
         lListAttributeLength = 100;
      if ( lListAttributeLength < 25 )
         lListAttributeLength = 25;

      /* If there isn't a paint literal then use the entity name
         as the paint literal */
      GetStringFromAttribute( szLiteralString, vUserSpec,
                               X_ER_Attribute, "ListPaintLit" );
      if ( szLiteralString[ 0 ] == 0 )
         GetStringFromAttribute( szLiteralString, vUserSpec,
                                 X_ER_Attribute, "PromptPaintLit" );
      lPaintLiteralLength = zstrlen( szLiteralString );
      if ( szLiteralString[ 0 ] == 0 )
         GetStringFromAttribute( szLiteralString, vUserSpec,
                                 X_ER_Attribute, "Name" );
         AddSpacesToString( szLiteralString );
         lPaintLiteralLength = zstrlen( szLiteralString ) + 1;

      lPaintLiteralLength = lPaintLiteralLength * lCC;
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength > 100 )
         lPaintLiteralLength = 100;
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength < 25 )
         lPaintLiteralLength = 25;

      /* Do not continue to add fields into the partition if
         the field sizes exceed the size of the partition */
      /* If the field attribute length is greater than the text
         literal length, then add the field attribute length
         to lFieldCol. */
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength < lListAttributeLength )
         /* If the length of lFieldCol is greater than the
            partition size, then delete all the fields that have
            been added and give a message to the user. */
         if ( lFieldCol + lListAttributeLength > PartitionSize )
            RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
            while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
               DeleteEntity( vSubobject, "Control", zREPOS_NEXT );
               RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
            DropView( vSubobject );
            MessageSend( vUserSpec, "AD10302", "Autodesigner",
                         "Partition too small( width )",
                         zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, zBEEP );
            return( -1 );
      /* If the text literal length is greater than the field
         attribute length, then add the text literal length
         to lFieldCol. */

         /* If the length of lFieldCol is greater than the
            partition size, then delete all the fields that have
            been added and give a message to the user. */
         if ( lFieldCol + lPaintLiteralLength > PartitionSize )
            RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
            while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
               DeleteEntity( vSubobject, "Control", zREPOS_NEXT );
               RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
            DropView( vSubobject );
            MessageSend( vUserSpec, "AD10303", "Autodesigner",
                         "Partition too small( width )",
                         zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, zBEEP );
            return( -1 );

      /* Create the partition's fields */
      CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, vSubobject, "Control", zPOS_AFTER );
      SetAttributeFromString( vSubobject, "Control", "Text", szLiteralString );
      if ( zstrcmp( szControlType, "ListBox" ) == 0 )
         SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vCtrlDef, "ControlDef",
                                       "Tag", "ListBoxCtl", "" );
         IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "ControlDef",
                                        vCtrlDef, "ControlDef", zPOS_AFTER );
         SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vCtrlDef, "ControlDef",
                                       "Tag", "Text", "" );
         IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "ControlDef",
                                        vCtrlDef, "ControlDef", zPOS_AFTER );
      // Set the tag
      ofnTZWDLGSO_AssignTag( vSubtask, vNewDialog, vSubobject, "ListCtrl" );
/*    GetStringFromAttribute( szTag, vUserSpec, X_ER_Attribute, "Name" );
      szTag[ 30 ] = 0;

      lFieldsPainted = lFieldsPainted + 1;
      zltoa( lFieldsPainted, szWork );
      zstrcat( szTag, szWork );
      SetAttributeFromString( vSubobject, "Control", "Tag", szTag );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "SZDLG_X",
                               lListAttributeLength );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "SZDLG_Y",  lCL );

      /* If the domain is an integer or a long, then right justify. */
      IF vUserSpec.L_Domain.DerivedDataType = 'I' OR
         vUserSpec.L_Domain.DerivedDataType = 'L' OR
         vUserSpec.L_Domain.DerivedDataType = 'M'
         vNewDialog.FLAGFLD.RJUST = 'Y'

      GetStringFromAttribute( szMapEntity, vUserSpec, "LOD_Entity", "Name" );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szWorkString, vUserSpec, X_LOD_Entity, "Name" );
      /* If this LISTATTRIB is from a different ENTITY than the
         current ENTITY, then make sure the value gets mapped. */
      lRC = zstrcmp( szWorkString, "" );
      if ( lRC != 0 )
         lRC = zstrcmp( szWorkString, szMapEntity );
         if ( lRC == 0 )
            zstrcpy( szMapEntity, szWorkString );

      /* setting the group and field's ENAME and ANAME */
      CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, vSubobject, "CtrlMap", zPOS_AFTER );

      /* set the partitions OI name */
      if ( szListType[ 0 ] == 'I' )
         IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlMapView",
                                        vUserSpec, "ListViewObjRef", zPOS_AFTER );
         IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlMapView",
                                        vTempStyle, "UIS_ViewObjRef", zPOS_AFTER );

      IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlMapLOD_Attribute",
                                     vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, zPOS_AFTER );

      /* lFieldRow should always stay the same */
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "PSDLG_X", lFieldCol );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "PSDLG_Y", lFieldRow );

      /* If the field length is longer than the paint literal,
         then position the next field by using the field length,
         otherwise position the next field by using the paint
         literal length */
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength < lListAttributeLength )
         lFieldCol = lFieldCol + lListAttributeLength + lCC;
         lFieldCol = lFieldCol + lPaintLiteralLength + lCC;
      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, "" );

   DropView( vSubobject );
   DropView( vTempStyle );
// TraceLineS("END", "AutoPaintListPart W4" );
   return( 0 );
Beispiel #24
// PURPOSE:   Get access to XDM View.  Activate if not loaded
//            and get at application level if loaded.
oTZDMXGPO_GetViewForXDM( zVIEW  vSubtask,
                         zPVIEW pvTZDMXGPO,
                         zSHORT nCurrentOrReload )
   zVIEW  vT;
   zVIEW  vTask;
   zCHAR  szXDM_FileName[ zMAX_FILESPEC_LTH + 1 ];
   zCHAR  szAppViewName[ 66 ] = "dmDOMAINS.";
   zSHORT nRScope;
   zSHORT nRC;

// Set up the XDM File Name and the View Name

   GetViewByName( &vTask, "TaskLPLR", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
   GetStringFromAttribute( &szAppViewName[ 10 ], vTask, "LPLR", "Name" );
   GetStringFromAttribute( szXDM_FileName, vTask, "LPLR", "ExecDir" );
   zstrcat( szXDM_FileName, "\\zeidon.xdm" );

// See if XDM View is at the Application level
   nRScope = GetViewByName( &vT, szAppViewName, vTask, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
   if ( nRScope == zCALL_ERROR )
      return( zCALL_ERROR );

   if ( nRScope == zLEVEL_APPLICATION && nCurrentOrReload == zFORCE_RELOAD )
      nRC = DropObjectInstance( vT );
      nRScope = -1;

   if ( nRScope != zLEVEL_APPLICATION )
      // Load it from a file or create a new one if file is missing.
      if ( ActivateOI_FromFile( &vT, "TZDMXGPO", vTask, szXDM_FileName,
                             zSINGLE | zLEVEL_APPLICATION | zNOI_OKAY ) != 0 )
         ActivateEmptyObjectInstance( &vT, "TZDMXGPO", vTask,
                                      zSINGLE | zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
         CreateEntity( vT, "DomainGroup", zPOS_AFTER );
         SetAttributeFromString( vT, "DomainGroup", "Name",
                                 &szAppViewName[ 10 ] );
         SetNameForView( vT, szAppViewName, 0, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
         CommitOI_ToFile( vT, szXDM_FileName, zASCII );

      // MessageSend( vT, "DM00201", "Domain Management",
      //              "The Executable Domain File was not found.  "
      //              "An empty one is being created.  You may want "
      //              "to save all Domains OR re-Initialze the LPLR.",
      //              zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_WARNING, zBEEP );
         nRC = 1;
         SetNameForView( vT, szAppViewName, 0, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );
         nRC = 0;
     nRC = 0;

   CreateViewFromViewForTask( pvTZDMXGPO, vT, 0 );
   return( nRC );
Beispiel #25
//   OPERATION:   EnqueueInstance
//   PARAMETERS:  zVIEW  vInstance - View to the instance to be enqueued
//                zPCHAR szEntityNames - A string containing 1 or
//                                  more entity names on which to enqueue
//                                  the instance. The first entity name
//                                  MUST BE the root of the object and
//                                  the remaining entity names MUST be
//                                  separated by the plus '+' character.
//   RETURN CODES:  0 - Enqueue successful
//                  1 - Enqueue unsuccessful, the instance is already
//                      Enqueued
//                 zCALL_ERROR - Enqueue unsuccessful, error in processing
EnqueueInstance( zVIEW vInstance, zPCHAR szEntityNames )
   zVIEW  vEnqueue;
   zVIEW  vEnqueueHolder;
   zVIEW  vQual;
   zVIEW  vWkInstance;
   zPCHAR szEntityNamePtr;
   zCHAR  szCurrentEntity[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szLevel[ 2 ];
   zSHORT nEntity, nEnqueue, nIdx, nRC, nRetries;
   zLONG  lER_Token;
   zCHAR  szTimestamp[ 6 ];
   zCHAR  szObjectName[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szUserID[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szPassword[ 34 ];
   zCHAR  szKey[ 64 ];
   zCHAR  szMsg[ 256 ];

   // We put the enqueue logic in a for loop so we can restart the
   // enqueue if the enqueue fails and we cannot find the owner of
   // the enqueue.
   nRetries = 4;
   if ( MiGetObjectNameForView( szObjectName, vInstance ) < 0 )
      return( zCALL_ERROR );

   for ( ; ; )
      // Set up work variables
      szEntityNamePtr = szEntityNames;
      _fstrcpy( szLevel, "R" );
      nEntity = nEnqueue = 0;

      // Set up a multiple root instance for enqueueing
      if ( ActivateEmptyObjectInstance( &vEnqueue, szlCGENQUEU,
                                        vInstance, zMULTIPLE ) != 0 )
         return( zCALL_ERROR );

      // Create a view on the instance so we do not step on the applications
      // cursor positions.
      CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vWkInstance, vInstance, 0 );

      // Get timestamp and user information for enqueue
      MiGetDateTimeForOI( szTimestamp, vWkInstance );
      SysGetUserID( vInstance, szUserID, szPassword );
      if ( szUserID[ 0 ] == 0 )
         _fstrcpy( szUserID, "(null)" );

      // Loop for each entity type to be enqueued
      while ( szEntityNamePtr[ 0 ] )
         // Gather the next entity name on which to enqueue
         nIdx = 0;
         while ( szEntityNamePtr[ 0 ] && szEntityNamePtr[ 0 ] != '+' )
            szCurrentEntity[ nIdx++ ] = szEntityNamePtr[ 0 ];

         szCurrentEntity[ nIdx ] = 0;
         if ( szEntityNamePtr[ 0 ] == '+' )


         // Now that an entity name has been gathered, troll the instance
         // for every occurrence of that entity type and create an
         // enqueue instance for it
         nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vWkInstance, szCurrentEntity,
                                     zSCOPE_OI );
         if ( nRC == zCALL_ERROR )
            DropView( vWkInstance );
            DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
            return( zCALL_ERROR );

         if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
            lER_Token = MiGetERTokenForEntity( vWkInstance, szCurrentEntity );
               // Set up an enqueue instance, The ER_Token and the Instance
               // key are the unique keys to the object, a duplicate instance
               // on the database will result in an enqueue failure with the
               // instance in use. The UserID combined with the Timestamp is
               // the non-unique key for deletion of a logical enqueue.

               // The object name and level ( 'R' - root, 'C' - child ) are
               // informational only.

               CreateEntity( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, zPOS_AFTER );
               SetAttributeFromInteger( vEnqueue,
                           szlEnqueue, szlER_Token, lER_Token );
               MiGetKeyFromInstance( szKey, 61, vWkInstance, szCurrentEntity );
               SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlInstanceKey,
                                       szKey );
               SetAttributeFromVariable( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlTimestamp,
                                       szTimestamp, zTYPE_DATETIME,
                                       6, 0, 0 );
               SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlType,
                                       "U" );
               SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlUser,
                                       szUserID );
               SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlObject,
                                       szObjectName );
               SetAttributeFromString( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, szlLevel,
                                       szLevel );
            }  while ( SetCursorNextEntity( vWkInstance, szCurrentEntity,
                                            zSCOPE_OI ) >= zCURSOR_SET );

         // After processing an entity type, all other enqueues are at the
         // child level
         szLevel[ 0 ] = 'C';

      // Now that we're done gathering the enqueue information, we can drop
      // the view to the instance
      DropView( vWkInstance );

      // The enqueue instance has been built, now it is time to insert it
      // into the database for locking the instance.
      nRC = CommitObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
      if ( nRC != zDUPLICATE_ROOT )
         DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
         return( nRC );

      // The enqueue failed, now we will determine the owner of the enqueue
      // to see if we are conflicting with ourself or to report the owner
      // to the enqueue requestor
      SetCursorFirstEntity( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, 0 );
         fnBuildQualForEnqueue( vEnqueue, &vQual );
         nRC = ActivateObjectInstance( &vEnqueueHolder, szlCGENQUEU,
                                       vInstance, vQual, zSINGLE );
         DropObjectInstance( vQual );
         if ( nRC < -1 )
            return( zCALL_ERROR );
         if ( nRC >= 0 )
            DropObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );

      } while ( SetCursorNextEntity( vEnqueue, szlEnqueue, 0 ) >= zCURSOR_SET );

      // If the enqueue holder was not found, then the enqueue may have
      // disappeared while trying to find the holder, retry the enqueue
      // operation.
      if ( nRC == -1 )
         if ( nRetries == 0 )
            return( zCALL_ERROR );

      // Report on the enqueue holder
      GetStringFromAttribute( szKey, vEnqueueHolder, szlEnqueue, szlUser );
      GetStringFromAttribute( &szKey[ 30 ],
                              vEnqueueHolder, szlEnqueue, szlObject );

      // if the current enqueue holder is the current user for the
      // same object type, then offer to drop the previous enqueue and
      // re-establish the enqueue for the current user
      if ( _fstrcmp( szUserID, szKey ) == 0 &&
           _fstrcmp( szObjectName, &szKey[ 30 ] ) == 0 && nRetries )
         // we will retry this once and once only
         nRetries = 1;
         _fstrcpy( szMsg, "The " );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, szObjectName );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, " is already enqueued by you in this session or"
                          " a previous session. Would you like to release"
                          " the previously held enqueue?" );
         nRC = MessagePrompt( vInstance, "1", szlEnqueue, szMsg, 0,
                              zBUTTONS_YESNO, zRESPONSE_YES,
                              zICON_QUESTION );
         if ( nRC == zRESPONSE_NO )
            DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
            DropObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );
            return( 1 );

         // The user wants to delete a previous enqueue for the same
         // object type, build the qualification for the delete and remove
         // the prior enqueue.
         fnBuildQualForEnqueueDelete( vEnqueueHolder, &vQual );
         DropObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );
         nRC = ActivateObjectInstance( &vEnqueueHolder, szlCGENQUEU,
                                       vInstance, vQual, zMULTIPLE );
         DropObjectInstance( vQual );
         if ( nRC < 0 )
            return( zCALL_ERROR );

         nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vEnqueueHolder, szlEnqueue, 0 );
         while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
            nRC = DeleteEntity( vEnqueueHolder, szlEnqueue, zREPOS_NEXT );

         nRC = CommitObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );
         DropObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );

         // If the attempt to reuse the enqueue failed on a database error,
         // return that error. Otherwise, return zero ==> the enqueue was
         // reused.
         if ( nRC < 0 )
            return( zCALL_ERROR );
            return( 0 );
         // Report on the owner of the enqueue
         _fstrcpy( szMsg, "The " );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, szObjectName );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, " is currently in use by " );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, szKey );
         if ( _fstrcmp( szObjectName, &szKey[ 30 ] ) != 0 )
            _fstrcat( szMsg, " under the object " );
            _fstrcat( szMsg, &szKey[ 30 ] );
         _fstrcat( szMsg, "." );
         MessagePrompt( vInstance, "1", szlEnqueue, szMsg, 0,
                        zBUTTONS_OK, zRESPONSE_OK, 0 );
         DropObjectInstance( vEnqueue );
         DropObjectInstance( vEnqueueHolder );
         return( 1 );
   }  // End of for loop for enqueueing

   // If we reach here, then the enqueue was in use and failed.
   return( 1 );
Beispiel #26

   This operation builds the operation list for the OperationList window.
   Depending on what the value is for vProfileXFER.ED.OpIns_CurrentType
   we build different operations lists.

OpIns_BuildOperList( zVIEW vSubtask )
#define DISP_SELECT_SET    1
#define SEL_SELECT_SET     2

   zCHAR  szCurrentType[ 5 ];
   zVIEW  vProfileXFER;
   zVIEW  vEdWrk;
   zSHORT nRC;
   zCHAR  szKeyword[ 255 ];
   zLONG  lSelectCount = 0;

   GetWorkView( &vEdWrk );
   GetProfileView( &vProfileXFER );
   GetStringFromAttribute( szCurrentType, vProfileXFER, "ED",
                           "OpIns_CurrentType" );

   // Default of CurrentType is 'Z'...
   if ( *szCurrentType == 0 )
      zstrcpy( szCurrentType, "Z" );
      SetAttributeFromString( vProfileXFER, "ED", "OpIns_CurrentType",
                              szCurrentType );

   // Check to see if the operations for the current type are already
   // loaded. If they are, then we obviously don't need to load them again.
   if ( SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vEdWrk, "OperListType", "Type",
                                      szCurrentType, 0 ) != zCURSOR_SET )
      // Operations haven't been loaded yet, so load 'em up.

      CreateEntity( vEdWrk, "OperListType", zPOS_LAST );
      SetAttributeFromString( vEdWrk, "OperListType", "Type", szCurrentType );

      switch ( *szCurrentType )
         case 'Z':
            zVIEW vTZOPSIGK;

            // Get list of Zeidon operations.

            // Check to see if we've already activated the Zeidon opers list.
            // If not, activate it and save the view.
            GetViewByName( &vTZOPSIGK, "TZOPSIGK", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
            if ( !vTZOPSIGK )
               oTZOPGRPO_GetViewForXGO( vSubtask, &vTZOPSIGK, zSYS_CURRENT_OI );
               SetNameForView( vTZOPSIGK, "TZOPSIGK", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );

            // Now copy each of the operations to the editor work object.
            for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZOPSIGK, "Operation", 0 );
                  nRC == zCURSOR_SET;
                  nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZOPSIGK, "Operation", 0 ) )
               CreateEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", zPOS_LAST );
               SetMatchingAttributesByName( vEdWrk, "Oper",
                                            vTZOPSIGK, "Operation", zSET_ALL );

         } // Case 'Z'...

         case 'G':
            zVIEW vOp;

            // Get list of Global operations.

            RetrieveViewForMetaList( vSubtask, &vOp, zREFER_GO_META );

            // Now copy each of the operations to the editor work object.
            for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vOp, "W_MetaDef", 0 );
                  nRC == zCURSOR_SET;
                  nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vOp, "W_MetaDef", 0 ) )
               CreateEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", zPOS_LAST );
               SetMatchingAttributesByName( vEdWrk, "Oper",
                                            vOp, "W_MetaDef", zSET_ALL );

            DropView( vOp );

         } // Case 'G'...

         case 'L':
            zVIEW vMeta;
            zLONG lMetaType;

            // Get list of "Local" operations.  "Local" operations in this
            // case mean all operations that are for the current meta.
            // For example, if the current meta is a Dialog, then the "Local"
            // operations include local and Dialog operations.

            // Get the source view and the meta type.
            GetIntegerFromAttribute( (zPLONG) &vMeta, vEdWrk, "Buffer",
                                     "SourceViewID" );
            GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lMetaType, vEdWrk, "Buffer",
                                     "MetaType" );

            // Create a new, temp view of the meta so that we can muck around
            // with the cursors.
            CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vMeta, vMeta, 0 );

            // Now copy the "Local" meta operations to vEdWrk.

            if ( lMetaType == zREFER_DIALOG_META ||
                 lMetaType == zREFER_LOD_META )
               // Make sure we are reading the "Local" operations for
               // the current source file.
               SetCursorFirstEntityByAttr( vMeta, "SourceFile", "Name",
                                           vEdWrk, "Buffer",
                                           "SourceFileName", 0 );

            // Copy all the operations to vEdWrk
            for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vMeta, "Operation", 0 );
                  nRC == zCURSOR_SET;
                  nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vMeta, "Operation", 0 ) )
               CreateEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", zPOS_LAST );
               SetMatchingAttributesByName( vEdWrk, "Oper",
                                            vMeta, "Operation",
                                            zSET_ALL );

            DropView( vMeta );


         } // Case 'L'...

         case 'O':
            // Since we load the object operations by object, we don't have
            // to do anything here.

         } // Case 'O'...

            SysMessageBox( "Zeidon Internal",
                           "This operation type not yet supported", 0 );

      } // switch ( *szCurrentType )...

      // Now that we've loaded the operations, sort them.
      OrderEntityForView( vEdWrk, "Oper", "Name A" );

   } // if ( SetCursor...)...

   // Disable the "Objects" button unless we are showing object operations.
   if ( *szCurrentType == 'O' )
      SetCtrlState( vSubtask, "ListObjects", zCONTROL_STATUS_ENABLED, TRUE );
      SetCtrlState( vSubtask, "ListObjects", zCONTROL_STATUS_ENABLED, FALSE );

   // Now set the select states depending on the keyword values.
   GetStringFromAttribute( szKeyword, vProfileXFER, "ED", "OpIns_Keyword" );
   if ( *szKeyword &&
        CompareAttributeToString( vProfileXFER,
                                  "ED", "OpIns_UseKeyword", "Y" ) == 0 )
      zCHAR  szIgnoreCase[ 5 ];
      zPCHAR pszKeyword;
      zBOOL  bStartColOne;
      zSHORT nKeywordLth;

      // De-select all operations.
      SetAllSelectStatesForEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", FALSE, 0 );

      GetStringFromAttribute( szIgnoreCase, vProfileXFER, "ED",
                              "OpIns_KeywordIgnoreCase" );
      if ( *szIgnoreCase == 'Y' )
         for ( pszKeyword = szKeyWord; *pszKeyword; pszKeyword++ )
            *pszKeyword = ztoupper( *pszKeyword );

      // If the keyword starts with a "/", then the keyword search starts
      // with the first zCHAR (e.g. column) ONLY.
      pszKeyword = szKeyword;
      if ( *pszKeyword == '/' )
         bStartColOne = TRUE;
         nKeywordLth = zstrlen( pszKeyword );
         bStartColOne = FALSE;

      for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", 0 );
            nRC == zCURSOR_SET;
            nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", 0 ) )
         zCHAR  szOperName[ 255 ];

         GetStringFromAttribute( szOperName, vEdWrk, "Oper", "Name" );
         if ( *szIgnoreCase == 'Y' )
            strupr( szOperName );

         if ( bStartColOne )
            if ( zstrncmp( szOperName, pszKeyword, nKeywordLth ) == 0 )
               SetSelectStateOfEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", TRUE );
            if ( strstr( szOperName, pszKeyword ) )
               SetSelectStateOfEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", TRUE );
      } // for...
      // Select all operations.
      SetAllSelectStatesForEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", TRUE, 0 );
      lSelectCount = CountEntitiesForView( vEdWrk, "Oper" );

   //SetSelectSetForView( vEdWrk, nOldSelectSet );
   SetCursorFirstSelectedEntity( vEdWrk, "Oper", 0 );
   LB_SetDisplaySelectSet( vSubtask, "OperationList", DISP_SELECT_SET );
   LB_SetSelectSelectSet( vSubtask, "OperationList", SEL_SELECT_SET );

   // Re-use szKeyword to set the message...
   sprintf( szKeyword, "%d Operations listed", lSelectCount );
   MB_SetMessage( vSubtask, 0, szKeyword );

   RefreshWindow( vSubtask );

   return( 0 );

} // OpIns_BuildOperList
Beispiel #27
//:   VIEW            SourceView
oKZXMLPGO_AddWebControlSubobject( zVIEW     vKZXMLPGO,
                                  zPCHAR    ControlName,
                                  zPCHAR    ControlType,
                                  zPCHAR    ControlContext,
                                  zPCHAR    SourceViewName,
                                  zPCHAR    SourceEntity,
                                  zPCHAR    SourceAttribute,
                                  zPCHAR    AutoComboBoxExternalValue )
   zVIEW     SourceView = 0; 
   //:VIEW            SourceView2
   zVIEW     SourceView2 = 0; 
   //:SHORT           nRC
   zSHORT    nRC = 0; 
   //:INTEGER         CursorPos
   zLONG     CursorPos = 0; 
   //:STRING ( 2000 ) ExternalValue
   zCHAR     ExternalValue[ 2001 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 200 )  CurrentValue
   zCHAR     CurrentValue[ 201 ] = { 0 }; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_0[ 255 ]; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_1[ 32001 ]; 

   //:// Create a Control entity for the data passed.
   //:// If the Control is a ListBox or ComboBox, also create the SubControl entries for each list value.

   RESULT = CreateEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", zPOS_AFTER );
   //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.Name = ControlName
   SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Name", ControlName );
   //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = ControlType
   SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", ControlType );

   //:// If the Named View does not exist or the EntityName doesn't exist, simply return.
   //:GET VIEW SourceView NAMED SourceViewName
   RESULT = GetViewByName( &SourceView, SourceViewName, vKZXMLPGO, zLEVEL_TASK );
   //:IF RESULT < 0
   if ( RESULT < 0 )
      //:// There is no mapping, so return having just created the entity, with Name and Type,
      //:// unless the Control is Text, in which case we'll add the Text value, which is passed as
      //:// AutoComboBoxExternalValue.
      //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "Text" OR
      //:   vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "PushBtn"
      if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "Text" ) == 0 || CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "PushBtn" ) == 0 )

         //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue = AutoComboBoxExternalValue
         SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", AutoComboBoxExternalValue );

      return( 0 );

   //:IF SourceEntity != ""
   if ( ZeidonStringCompare( SourceEntity, 1, 0, "", 1, 0, 33 ) != 0 )
      //:nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity )
      nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity );
      //:IF nRC < 0
      if ( nRC < 0 )
         return( 0 );



   //:// If there is mapping, process according to Control Type
   //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "EditBox" OR
   //:   vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "Text" OR
   //:   vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "CheckBox"
   if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "EditBox" ) == 0 || CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "Text" ) == 0 || CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "CheckBox" ) == 0 )

      //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue,
      //:                                 SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, 2000 )
      GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, 2000 );
      //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue = ExternalValue
      SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", ExternalValue );

      //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "MLEdit"
      if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "MLEdit" ) == 0 )
         //:SetAttributeFromAttribute( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue",
         //:                        SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute )
         SetAttributeFromAttribute( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute );

         //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "ComboBox"
         if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "ComboBox" ) == 0 )
            //:// Build the list of selection values from the Domain table entries.
            //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( CurrentValue,
            //:                           SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, 200 )
            GetStringFromAttributeByContext( CurrentValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, 200 );
            //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue = CurrentValue
            SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", CurrentValue );
            //:nRC = GetFirstTableEntryForAttribute( ExternalValue,
            //:                                SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute,
            //:                                ControlContext, CursorPos )
            nRC = GetFirstTableEntryForAttribute( ExternalValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, &CursorPos );
            //:LOOP WHILE nRC >= 0
            while ( nRC >= 0 )
               //:CREATE ENTITY vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue
               RESULT = CreateEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", zPOS_AFTER );
               //:vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue.ExternalValue = ExternalValue
               SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", "ExternalValue", ExternalValue );
               //:IF ExternalValue = CurrentValue
               if ( ZeidonStringCompare( ExternalValue, 1, 0, CurrentValue, 1, 0, 2001 ) == 0 )
                  //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 )
                  SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 );
                  //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 )
                  SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 );

               //:nRC = GetNextTableEntryForAttribute( ExternalValue,
               //:                               SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute,
               //:                               ControlContext, CursorPos )
               nRC = GetNextTableEntryForAttribute( ExternalValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, &CursorPos );


            //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "ComboBoxAuto"
            if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "ComboBoxAuto" ) == 0 )
               //:// Build the list of selection values from the list of entities.
               //:// Note that the entry selected is defined by the AutoComboBoxExternalValue passed, which
               //:// was set from the value of the Edit Mapping.
               //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue = AutoComboBoxExternalValue
               SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", AutoComboBoxExternalValue );
               //:nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity, "" )
               nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity, "" );
               //:LOOP WHILE nRC >= 0
               while ( nRC >= 0 )
                  //:CREATE ENTITY vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue
                  RESULT = CreateEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", zPOS_AFTER );
                  //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue,
                  //:                        SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 )
                  GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 );
                  //:vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue.ExternalValue = ExternalValue
                  SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", "ExternalValue", ExternalValue );
                  //:IF ExternalValue = AutoComboBoxExternalValue
                  if ( ZeidonStringCompare( ExternalValue, 1, 0, AutoComboBoxExternalValue, 1, 0, 2001 ) == 0 )
                     //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 )
                     SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 );
                     //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 )
                     SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 );

                  //:nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity, "" )
                  nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity, "" );


               //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "ComboBoxList"
               if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "ComboBoxList" ) == 0 )
                  //:// Build the list of selection values from the list of entities.
                  //:// Note that the entry selected is defined by the cursor position.
                  //:CreateViewFromViewForTask( SourceView2, SourceView, vKZXMLPGO )
                  CreateViewFromViewForTask( &SourceView2, SourceView, vKZXMLPGO );
                  //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( CurrentValue,
                  //:                     SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 )
                  GetStringFromAttributeByContext( CurrentValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 );
                  //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue = CurrentValue
                  SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", CurrentValue );
                  //:nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( SourceView2, SourceEntity, "" )
                  nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( SourceView2, SourceEntity, "" );
                  //:LOOP WHILE nRC >= 0
                  while ( nRC >= 0 )
                     //:CREATE ENTITY vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue
                     RESULT = CreateEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", zPOS_AFTER );
                     //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue,
                     //:                     SourceView2, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 )
                     GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue, SourceView2, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 );
                     //:vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue.ExternalValue = ExternalValue
                     SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", "ExternalValue", ExternalValue );
                     //:IF ExternalValue = CurrentValue
                     if ( ZeidonStringCompare( ExternalValue, 1, 0, CurrentValue, 1, 0, 2001 ) == 0 )
                        //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 )
                        SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 );
                        //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 )
                        SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 );

                     //:nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( SourceView2, SourceEntity, "" )
                     nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( SourceView2, SourceEntity, "" );

                  //:DropView( SourceView2 )
                  DropView( SourceView2 );






   //:TraceLineS( "AddWebControlSubobject Type: ", vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type )
   GetStringFromAttribute( szTempString_0, vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type" );
   TraceLineS( "AddWebControlSubobject Type: ", szTempString_0 );
   //:TraceLineS( "      =============== Value: ", vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue )
   GetStringFromAttribute( szTempString_1, vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue" );
   TraceLineS( "      =============== Value: ", szTempString_1 );
   return( 0 );
//    /* vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "EditBox" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "ListBox" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "Text" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "CheckBox" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "ListBox" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "MLE" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "Outliner" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "RadioBtnGroup" */
// END
Beispiel #28
//  CONSTRUCTOR: Tab sub-control (to group controls at the tab level)
// ctor
TZNotePage::TZNotePage( TZPainterWindow *pPainterWindow,
                        TZPainterCtrl   *pCtrlParent,
                        CWnd    *pWndParent,
                        CRect&  rect,
                        zVIEW   vCtrl,
                        zLONG   lType,
                        zBOOL   bPlaceHolder,
                        zLONG   lZKey,
                        zLONG   lTabStopNbr,
                        zLONG   lCtrlID,
                        zPCHAR  pchTag,
                        zPCHAR  pchText ) :
            CWnd( ),
            TZPainterCtrl( pPainterWindow, pCtrlParent, pWndParent,
                           rect, vCtrl, this, pchTag, pchText,
                           lType, bPlaceHolder, lZKey, lTabStopNbr, lCtrlID )
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
   TraceLineS( "TZNotePage::ctor ", m_csTag );
   m_pNext = 0;
   m_uVisible = 0x0100;

   m_lSubtype = 0;

   m_pZNoteBook = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( TZNoteBook, pWndParent );
   if ( m_pZNoteBook == 0 )

   zPCHAR pch;
   zLONG  lTabNbr;
   zLONG  lLth;

   if ( vCtrl )
      GetAddrForAttribute( &pch, vCtrl, szlControl, szlText );
      lLth = zstrlen( pch ) + 1;
      m_pchCaption = new char[ lLth ];
      strcpy_s( m_pchCaption, lLth, pch );
      GetIntegerFromAttribute( &lTabNbr, vCtrl, szlControl, szlType );
      if ( lTabNbr == 0 )
         zVIEW vTemp;

         CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTemp, vCtrl, pPainterWindow->m_vDialog );
         ResetViewFromSubobject( vTemp );
         while ( SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vTemp, szlCtrlCtrl, szlType,
                                                m_pZNoteBook->m_nTabNbrMax, 0 ) == zCURSOR_SET )

         SetAttributeFromInteger( vCtrl, szlControl, szlType, m_pZNoteBook->m_nTabNbrMax );
         m_lSubtype = m_pZNoteBook->m_nTabNbrMax;
         DropView( vTemp );
         if ( lTabNbr > m_pZNoteBook->m_nTabNbrMax )
            m_pZNoteBook->m_nTabNbrMax = (zSHORT) lTabNbr;

         m_lSubtype = m_pZNoteBook->m_nTabNbrMax;

      if ( MiGetUpdateForView( vCtrl ) > 0 )
         SetAttributeFromAttribute( vCtrl, szlControl, szlSyncKey, vCtrl, szlControl, szlType );
      m_lSubtype = m_pZNoteBook->m_nTabNbrMax;
      lTabNbr = m_pZNoteBook->m_nTabNbrMax;
      lLth = zstrlen( pchText ) + 1;
      m_pchCaption = new char[ lLth ];
      strcpy_s( m_pchCaption, lLth, pchText );

// TraceRect( "TabCtl rect ", rect );
// TraceLineI( "    Attr.X ", Attr.X );
// TraceLineI( "    Attr.Y ", Attr.Y );
// TraceLineI( "    Attr.W ", Attr.W );
// TraceLineI( "    Attr.H ", Attr.H );

   // Build sub-controls on demand (only when visible or selectable).
   m_bBuildOnDemand = TRUE;

   if ( m_pZNoteBook->m_pZNotePage )
      m_nTabIdx = 1;
      TZNotePage *pCurrNotePage = m_pZNoteBook->m_pZNotePage;
      while ( pCurrNotePage->m_pNext )
         pCurrNotePage = pCurrNotePage->m_pNext;

      pCurrNotePage->m_pNext = this;
      m_nTabIdx = 0;
      m_pZNoteBook->m_pZNotePage = this;

// m_nTabNbr = (zSHORT) lTabNbr;
   m_nTabNbr = m_nTabIdx + 1;

   TC_ITEM TabCtrlItem;
   TabCtrlItem.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
   TabCtrlItem.pszText = m_pchCaption;
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
   TraceLineS( "Adding TabCtrlItem: ", m_pchCaption );
   m_pZNoteBook->InsertItem( m_nTabIdx, &TabCtrlItem );

//?Attr.StyleEx = WS_EX_TRANSPARENT;

   CreateZ( );