Beispiel #1

  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Abc_MvPrintStats( Mv_Man_t * p )
    int i, v;
    for ( i = 0; i < 15; i++ )
        printf( "%2d : ", i );
        printf( "%3d (%2d)    ", Cudd_DagSize(p->bFuncs[i])-1, Cudd_SupportSize(p->dd, p->bFuncs[i]) );
        for ( v = 0; v < 4; v++ )
            printf( "%d = %3d (%2d)  ", v, Cudd_DagSize(p->bValues[i][v])-1, Cudd_SupportSize(p->dd, p->bValues[i][v]) );
        printf( "\n" );

  Synopsis    [Reorders the DD using REO and CUDD.]

  Description [This function can be used to test the performance of the reordering package.]

  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Extra_ReorderTest( DdManager * dd, DdNode * Func )
	reo_man * pReo;
	DdNode * Temp, * Temp1;
	int pOrder[1000];

	pReo = Extra_ReorderInit( 100, 100 );

//Extra_DumpDot( dd, &Func, 1, "", 0 );
	Temp  = Extra_Reorder( pReo, dd, Func, pOrder );  Cudd_Ref( Temp );
//Extra_DumpDot( dd, &Temp, 1, "", 0 );

	Temp1 = Extra_ReorderCudd(dd, Func, NULL );           Cudd_Ref( Temp1 );
printf( "Initial = %d. Final = %d. Cudd = %d.\n", Cudd_DagSize(Func), Cudd_DagSize(Temp), Cudd_DagSize(Temp1)  );
	Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, Temp1 );
	Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, Temp );
	Extra_ReorderQuit( pReo );
Beispiel #3

  Synopsis    [Finds the number of variables on which a DD depends, using Cuddaux_Support.]

  Description []

  SideEffects [None]

  SeeAlso     [Cudd_SupportSize]

int Cuddaux_SupportSize(DdManager* dd, DdNode* f)
  DdNode* res;
  int size;
  res = Cuddaux_Support(dd,f);
  size = Cudd_DagSize(res) - 1;
  return size;
Beispiel #4
static YAP_Bool dag_size(void) {
  int size;
  YAP_Term arg1, arg2, out;
  DdNode *node;

  arg1 = YAP_ARG1;
  arg2 = YAP_ARG2;
  node = (DdNode *)YAP_IntOfTerm(arg1);
  size = Cudd_DagSize(node);
  out = YAP_MkIntTerm(size);
  return (YAP_Unify(out, arg2));
Beispiel #5

  Synopsis    [Reorders BDDs of the local functions.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Abc_NtkBddReorder( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose )
	reo_man * p;
    Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
    int i;
    Abc_NtkRemoveDupFanins( pNtk );
    Abc_NtkMinimumBase( pNtk );
    p = Extra_ReorderInit( Abc_NtkGetFaninMax(pNtk), 100 );
    Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i )
        if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) < 3 )
        if ( fVerbose )
            fprintf( stdout, "%10s: ", Abc_ObjName(pNode) );
        if ( fVerbose )
            fprintf( stdout, "Before = %5d  BDD nodes.  ", Cudd_DagSize((DdNode *)pNode->pData) );
        Abc_NodeBddReorder( p, pNode );
        if ( fVerbose )
            fprintf( stdout, "After = %5d  BDD nodes.\n", Cudd_DagSize((DdNode *)pNode->pData) );
    Extra_ReorderQuit( p );

  Synopsis    [Computes the cost based on the BDD size after reordering.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Abc_NtkRenodeEvalBdd( If_Cut_t * pCut )
    int pOrder[IF_MAX_LUTSIZE];
    DdNode * bFunc, * bFuncNew;
    int i, k, nNodes;
    for ( i = 0; i < If_CutLeaveNum(pCut); i++ )
        pCut->pPerm[i] = pOrder[i] = -100;
    bFunc = Kit_TruthToBdd( s_pDd, If_CutTruth(pCut), If_CutLeaveNum(pCut), 0 );  Cudd_Ref( bFunc );
    bFuncNew = Extra_Reorder( s_pReo, s_pDd, bFunc, pOrder );                     Cudd_Ref( bFuncNew );
    for ( i = k = 0; i < If_CutLeaveNum(pCut); i++ )
        if ( pOrder[i] >= 0 )
            pCut->pPerm[pOrder[i]] = ++k; // double-check this!
    nNodes = -1 + Cudd_DagSize( bFuncNew );
    Cudd_RecursiveDeref( s_pDd, bFuncNew );
    Cudd_RecursiveDeref( s_pDd, bFunc );
    return nNodes; 
Beispiel #7

  Synopsis    [Recompute the image.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Extra_bddImageCompute_rec( Extra_ImageTree_t * pTree, Extra_ImageNode_t * pNode )
    DdManager * dd = pNode->dd;
    DdNode * bTemp;
    int nNodes;

    // trivial case
    if ( pNode->pNode1 == NULL )
        if ( pNode->bCube )
            pNode->bImage = Cudd_bddExistAbstract( dd, bTemp = pNode->bImage, pNode->bCube ); 
            Cudd_Ref( pNode->bImage );
            Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bTemp );

    // compute the children
    if ( pNode->pNode1 )
        Extra_bddImageCompute_rec( pTree, pNode->pNode1 );
    if ( pNode->pNode2 )
        Extra_bddImageCompute_rec( pTree, pNode->pNode2 );

    // clean the old image
    if ( pNode->bImage )
        Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, pNode->bImage );
    pNode->bImage = NULL;

    // compute the new image
    if ( pNode->bCube )
        pNode->bImage = Cudd_bddAndAbstract( dd, 
            pNode->pNode1->bImage, pNode->pNode2->bImage, pNode->bCube );
        pNode->bImage = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, pNode->pNode1->bImage, pNode->pNode2->bImage );
    Cudd_Ref( pNode->bImage );

    if ( pTree->fVerbose )
        nNodes = Cudd_DagSize( pNode->bImage );
        if ( pTree->nNodesMax < nNodes )
            pTree->nNodesMax = nNodes;
Beispiel #8

  Synopsis    [Merges two nodes.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Extra_ImageNode_t * Extra_CombineTwoNodes( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bCube,
    Extra_ImageNode_t * pNode1, Extra_ImageNode_t * pNode2 )
    Extra_ImageNode_t * pNode;
    Extra_ImagePart_t * pPart;

    // create a new partition
    pPart = ABC_ALLOC( Extra_ImagePart_t, 1 );
    memset( pPart, 0, sizeof(Extra_ImagePart_t) );
    // create the function
    pPart->bFunc = Cudd_bddAndAbstract( dd, pNode1->pPart->bFunc, pNode2->pPart->bFunc, bCube );
    Cudd_Ref( pPart->bFunc );
    // update the support the partition
    pPart->bSupp = Cudd_bddAndAbstract( dd, pNode1->pPart->bSupp, pNode2->pPart->bSupp, bCube );
    Cudd_Ref( pPart->bSupp );
    // update the numbers
    pPart->nSupp  = Extra_bddSuppSize( dd, pPart->bSupp );
    pPart->nNodes = Cudd_DagSize( pPart->bFunc );
    pPart->iPart = -1;
ABC_PRB( dd, pNode1->pPart->bSupp );
ABC_PRB( dd, pNode2->pPart->bSupp );
ABC_PRB( dd, pPart->bSupp );
    // create a new node
    pNode = ABC_ALLOC( Extra_ImageNode_t, 1 );
    memset( pNode, 0, sizeof(Extra_ImageNode_t) );
    pNode->dd     = dd;
    pNode->pPart  = pPart;
    pNode->pNode1 = pNode1;
    pNode->pNode2 = pNode2;
    // compute the image
    pNode->bImage = Cudd_bddAndAbstract( dd, pNode1->bImage, pNode2->bImage, bCube ); 
    Cudd_Ref( pNode->bImage );
    // save the cube
    if ( bCube != b1 )
        pNode->bCube = bCube;   Cudd_Ref( bCube );
    return pNode;
Beispiel #9
bool qbf_skizzo_coret::get_certificate(void)
  std::string result_tmp_file="ozziKs.out";
  std::string options="-dump qbm=bdd";
  std::string log_file = qbf_tmp_file + ".sKizzo.log";

  system(("ozziKs " + options + " " + log_file +
          " > "+result_tmp_file).c_str());

  // read result
  bool result=false;
    std::ifstream in(result_tmp_file.c_str());
    std::string key="  [OK, VALID,";

      std::string line;

      std::getline(in, line);

      if(line!="" && line[line.size()-1]=='\r')

      if(, key.size(), key)==0)

    messaget::error("Skizzo failed: unknown result");
    return true;


  // certificate reconstruction done, now let's load it from the .qbm file

  int n_e;
  std::vector<int> e_list;
  int e_max=0;

  // check header
    std::ifstream in((qbf_tmp_file+".qbm").c_str());
    std::string key="# existentials[";

    std::string line;
    std::getline(in, line);

    assert(line=="# QBM file, 1.3");

      std::getline(in, line);

      if(line!="" && line[line.size()-1]=='\r')

      if(, key.size(), key)==0)

    size_t ob=line.find('[');
    std::string n_es=line.substr(ob+1, line.find(']')-ob-1);

    std::string e_lists=line.substr(line.find(':')+2);

    for(int i=0; i<n_e; i++)
      size_t space=e_lists.find(' ');

      int cur=atoi(e_lists.substr(0, space).c_str());

      if(cur>e_max) e_max=cur;

      e_lists = e_lists.substr(space+1);

      throw ("Existential mapping from sKizzo missing");


    // workaround for long comments
    system(("sed -e \"s/^#.*$/# no comment/\" -i "+qbf_tmp_file+".qbm").c_str());

    DdNode **bdds;
    std::string bdd_file=qbf_tmp_file+".qbm";

    // dddmp insists on a non-const string here...
    char filename[bdd_file.size()+1];
    strcpy(filename, bdd_file.c_str());


    int nroots =
                           DDDMP_ROOT_MATCHLIST, NULL,
                           DDDMP_VAR_MATCHIDS, NULL, NULL, NULL,

    assert(nroots=2*n_e); // ozziKs documentation guarantees that.

    model_bdds.resize(e_max+1, NULL);

    for(unsigned i=0; i<e_list.size(); i++)
      int cur=e_list[i];
      DdNode *posNode = bdds[2*i];
      DdNode *negNode = bdds[2*i+1];

      if(Cudd_DagSize(posNode) <= Cudd_DagSize(negNode))
        model_bdds[cur]=new BDD(bdd_manager, posNode);
        model_bdds[cur]=new BDD(bdd_manager, Cudd_Not(negNode));

    // tell CUDD that we don't need those BDDs anymore.
    for(int i=0; i<nroots; i++)


  return false;
Beispiel #10

  Synopsis    [Extracts sequential DCs of the network.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Abc_NtkExtractSequentialDcs( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose )
    int fReorder = 1;
    DdManager * dd;
    DdNode * bRelation, * bInitial, * bUnreach;

    // remove EXDC network if present
    if ( pNtk->pExdc )
        Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk->pExdc );
        pNtk->pExdc = NULL; 

    // compute the global BDDs of the latches
    dd = Abc_NtkBuildGlobalBdds( pNtk, 10000000, 1, 1, fVerbose );    
    if ( dd == NULL )
        return 0;
    if ( fVerbose )
        printf( "Shared BDD size = %6d nodes.\n", Cudd_ReadKeys(dd) - Cudd_ReadDead(dd) );

    // create the transition relation (dereferenced global BDDs)
    bRelation = Abc_NtkTransitionRelation( dd, pNtk, fVerbose );              Cudd_Ref( bRelation );
    // create the initial state and the variable map
    bInitial  = Abc_NtkInitStateAndVarMap( dd, pNtk, fVerbose );              Cudd_Ref( bInitial );
    // compute the unreachable states
    bUnreach  = Abc_NtkComputeUnreachable( dd, pNtk, bRelation, bInitial, fVerbose );   Cudd_Ref( bUnreach );
    Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bRelation );
    Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bInitial );

    // reorder and disable reordering
    if ( fReorder )
        if ( fVerbose )
            fprintf( stdout, "BDD nodes in the unreachable states before reordering %d.\n", Cudd_DagSize(bUnreach) );
        Cudd_ReduceHeap( dd, CUDD_REORDER_SYMM_SIFT, 1 );
        Cudd_AutodynDisable( dd );
        if ( fVerbose )
            fprintf( stdout, "BDD nodes in the unreachable states after reordering %d.\n", Cudd_DagSize(bUnreach) );

    // allocate ZDD variables
    Cudd_zddVarsFromBddVars( dd, 2 );
    // create the EXDC network representing the unreachable states
    if ( pNtk->pExdc )
        Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk->pExdc );
    pNtk->pExdc = Abc_NtkConstructExdc( dd, pNtk, bUnreach );
    Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bUnreach );
    Extra_StopManager( dd );
//    pNtk->pManGlob = NULL;

    // make sure that everything is okay
    if ( pNtk->pExdc && !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtk->pExdc ) )
        printf( "Abc_NtkExtractSequentialDcs: The network check has failed.\n" );
        Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk->pExdc );
        return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #11
int DumpDot(DdManager *dd, DdNode *add, rnum *vars, onum *orig_vars,   char ** lnames, FILE *fp) {
  int i;
  // first, we must apply an ordering in which all the orig_vars's 
  //corresponding binary variables are  together
  // so we just re-apply the original ordering
  // we'll also save the initial ordering so we can re-apply it after the dump.
  int *list = new int[2*numvars];
  int *orig_list = new int[2*numvars];
  for (i=0; i<numvars*2; i++) {
    // this is the original ordering
    list[i] = i;
    orig_list[i] = Cudd_ReadInvPerm(dd,i);
  fprintf(stderr,"ordering passed into dumpdot is ");
  for (i=0; i<numvars*2; i++) 
    fprintf(stderr,"%d ",orig_list[i]);
  fprintf(stderr,"\nnew ordering is                 ");
  for (i=0; i<numvars*2; i++) 
    fprintf(stderr,"%d ",list[i]);
  int res = Cudd_ShuffleHeap(dd,list);

  // write out the header and global attributes
  fprintf(fp,"digraph \"DD\" {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"size = \"7.5,10\"\nratio=1.0;\ncenter = true;\nedge [dir = none];\n");

   // write the links to a different file name (temporary)
  // and the nodes to the original file
  int howmanynodes(0);
  int dagCount = Cudd_DagSize(add);
  int dagLeafCount = Cudd_CountLeaves(add);

  numbranches  = 0;

  numexpbranches = dagCount;
  branches = new DdNode*[numexpbranches];
  branchnodenames = new char*[numexpbranches];
  FILE *nodes_fp = fopen("/tmp/spudd.dat","w");
  //now transfer all of nodes_fp over to fp
  nodes_fp = fopen("/tmp/spudd.dat","r");
  char tmp;
  while (!feof(nodes_fp)) {
    tmp = fgetc(nodes_fp);
    //?? why??
    if (!feof(nodes_fp))
  for (i=0; i<numbranches; i++)

  // reapply the original ordering
  res = Cudd_ShuffleHeap(dd,orig_list);

  delete [] branches;
  delete [] list;
  delete [] orig_list;
Beispiel #12
 int BDD::numNodes(void) const {
   return Cudd_DagSize(node);