Beispiel #1
PyTuple *DBResultToRowList(DBQueryResult &result, const char *type) {
    uint32 cc = result.ColumnCount();
    if(cc == 0)
        return(new PyTuple(0));
    uint32 r;

    PyTuple *res = new PyTuple(2);
    PyList *cols = new PyList(cc);
    PyList *reslist = new PyList();
    res->SetItem( 0, cols );
    res->SetItem( 1, reslist );

    //list off the column names:
    for(r = 0; r < cc; r++) {
        cols->SetItemString(r, result.ColumnName(r));

    //add a line entry for each result row:
    DBResultRow row;
    while(result.GetRow(row)) {
        //this could be more efficient by not building the column list each time, but cloning it instead.
        PyObject *o = DBRowToRow(row, type);

    return res;
PyObject *CorporationDB::GetCorporation(uint32 corpID) {
    DBQueryResult res;
    DBResultRow row;

    if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res,
        " SELECT "
        "   corporationID,corporationName,description,tickerName,url,"
        "   taxRate,minimumJoinStanding,corporationType,hasPlayerPersonnelManager,"
        "   sendCharTerminationMessage,creatorID,ceoID,stationID,raceID,"
        "   allianceID,shares,memberCount,memberLimit,allowedMemberRaceIDs,"
        "   graphicID,shape1,shape2,shape3,color1,color2,color3,typeface,"
        "   division1,division2,division3,division4,division5,division6,"
        "   division7,deleted"
        " FROM corporation "
        " WHERE corporationID = %u", corpID))
        codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in retrieving corporation's data (%u)", corpID);
        return NULL;

    if(!res.GetRow(row)) {
        codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Unable to find corporation's data (%u)", corpID);
        return NULL;

    return DBRowToRow(row);
    //return DBResultToRowset(res);
Beispiel #3
PyObject *ServiceDB::GetSolRow(uint32 systemID)
    DBQueryResult res;

        //not sure if this is gunna be valid all the time...
        "SELECT "
        "    itemID,srvEntity.typeID,ownerID,locationID,flag,contraband,singleton,quantity,"
        "    invGroups.groupID, invGroups.categoryID,"
        "    customInfo"
        " FROM srvEntity "
        "    LEFT JOIN invTypes ON srvEntity.typeID=invTypes.typeID"
        "    LEFT JOIN invGroups ON invTypes.groupID=invGroups.groupID"
        " WHERE srvEntity.itemID=%u",
        _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in GetSolRow query: %s", res.error.c_str());

    DBResultRow row;
    if(!res.GetRow(row)) {
        _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in GetSolRow query: unable to find sol info for system %d", systemID);

    return(DBRowToRow(row, "util.Row"));
Beispiel #4
PyDict *DBResultToIntRowDict(DBQueryResult &result, uint32 key_index, const char *type) {
    PyDict *res = new PyDict();

    //add a line entry for each result row:
    DBResultRow row;
    while(result.GetRow(row)) {
        //this could be more efficient by not building the column list each time, but cloning it instead.
        PyObject *r = DBRowToRow(row, type);
        int32 k = row.GetInt(key_index);
        if(k == 0)
            continue;   //likely a non-integer key
        res->SetItem(new PyInt(k), r);

    return res;
Beispiel #5
PyRep* PaperDollDB::GetPaperDollAvatar(uint32 charID) {

    DBQueryResult res;
    if (!DBcore::RunQuery(res,
		" (SELECT hairDarkness FROM avatars WHERE `charID`=%u ) ", charID))
        _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Error in GetMyPaperDollData query: %s", res.error.c_str());
        return (NULL);

	DBResultRow row;


	return DBRowToRow(row, "util.Row");