void PartialDisque::BuildAndDisplay()

	// Génération du cylindre partiel exterieur

	// Génération du cylindre interieur
	if(_diametreInterieur != 0){
		GLUquadric* paramsCylInt = gluNewQuadric();
		gluCylinder(paramsCylInt, _diametreInterieur/2, _diametreInterieur/2,_height,_slices,1);

	// Géréation des 2 disques
	GLUquadric* paramsDiscH = gluNewQuadric();
	gluPartialDisk(paramsDiscH,_diametreInterieur/2,_diametreExterieur/2,_slices,1, 0, _angle);

		glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, _height);
		GLUquadric* paramsDiscB = gluNewQuadric();
		gluPartialDisk(paramsDiscH,_diametreInterieur/2,_diametreExterieur/2,_slices,1, 0, _angle);
	float angle = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(15);
	// Pattern
	Point3D patternFlanc[2], flanc[4];
	patternFlanc[0] = Point3D(0, -_diametreExterieur/2, 0);
	patternFlanc[1] = Point3D(0, -_diametreExterieur/2, _height);

	for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
		flanc[i] = Point3D(patternFlanc[i%2]._x * cosf((i>1)?-angle:angle) - patternFlanc[i%2]._y * sinf((i>1)?-angle:angle), patternFlanc[i%2]._x * sinf((i>1)?-angle:angle) + patternFlanc[i%2]._y * cosf((i>1)?-angle:angle), patternFlanc[i%2]._z);

Beispiel #2
static INLINE VGboolean
try_to_fix_radii(struct arc *arc)
   double COS, SIN, rot, x0p, y0p, x1p, y1p;
   double dx, dy, dsq, scale;

   /* Convert rotation angle from degrees to radians */
   rot = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(arc->theta);

   /* Pre-compute rotation matrix entries */
   COS = cos(rot); SIN = sin(rot);

   /* Transform (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) into unit space */
   /* using (inverse) rotate, followed by (inverse) scale   */
   x0p = (arc->x1*COS + arc->y1*SIN)/arc->a;
   y0p = (-arc->x1*SIN + arc->y1*COS)/arc->b;
   x1p = (arc->x2*COS + arc->y2*SIN)/arc->a;
   y1p = (-arc->x2*SIN + arc->y2*COS)/arc->b;
   /* Compute differences and averages */
   dx = x0p - x1p;
   dy = y0p - y1p;

   dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy;
#if 0
   if (dsq <= 0.001) {
   scale = 1/(2/sqrt(dsq));
   arc->a *= scale;
   arc->b *= scale;
   return VG_TRUE;
/*virtual*/ void WBCompEldSensorVision::InitializeFromDefinition( const SimpleString& DefinitionName )
	Super::InitializeFromDefinition( DefinitionName );

	MAKEHASH( DefinitionName );

	STATICHASH( EyeOffsetZ );
	m_EyeOffsetZ = ConfigManager::GetInheritedFloat( sEyeOffsetZ, 0.0f, sDefinitionName );

	STATICHASH( Radius );
	m_RadiusSq = Square( ConfigManager::GetInheritedFloat( sRadius, 0.0f, sDefinitionName ) );

	STATICHASH( ConeAngle );
	m_ConeCos = Cos( DEGREES_TO_RADIANS( ConfigManager::GetInheritedFloat( sConeAngle, 0.0f, sDefinitionName ) ) );

	STATICHASH( ConeScaleZ );
	const float ConeScaleZ = ConfigManager::GetInheritedFloat( sConeScaleZ, 0.0f, sDefinitionName );
	m_ConeInvZScale = ( ConeScaleZ > 0.0f ) ? ( 1.0f / ConeScaleZ ) : ConeScaleZ;

	STATICHASH( CertaintyFalloffRadius );
	m_CertaintyFalloffRadius = ConfigManager::GetInheritedFloat( sCertaintyFalloffRadius, 0.0f, sDefinitionName );

	STATICHASH( DistanceCertaintyFactor );
	m_DistanceCertaintyFactor = ConfigManager::GetInheritedFloat( sDistanceCertaintyFactor, 0.0f, sDefinitionName );

	STATICHASH( CertaintyVelocity );
	m_CertaintyVelocity = ConfigManager::GetInheritedFloat( sCertaintyVelocity, 0.0f, sDefinitionName );

	STATICHASH( CertaintyDecay );
	m_CertaintyDecay = ConfigManager::GetInheritedFloat( sCertaintyDecay, 0.0f, sDefinitionName );
Beispiel #4
SimpleCamera::SimpleCamera(const VECTOR3& startPosition, const float_t startHeadingRadians)
  : Camera(),
	_hasChangedParameters	= true;

	_up = Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	_startPosition.x = startPosition.x;
	_startPosition.y = startPosition.y;
	_startPosition.z = startPosition.z;
DrawCircle::DrawCircle(double radius){
	this->radius = radius;
	vertexCircle vertexArray[360];
	double posX, posY;
	for(int cpt = 0; cpt<360; cpt++){
		posX = this->radius * (cos(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(cpt)));
		posY = this->radius * (sin(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(cpt)));
		setVertex(vertexArray[cpt], posX, posY);
Beispiel #6
PointCloudRenderer::PointCloudRenderer(int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int pixelRadius, real theta) :
	m_image(new Image(imageWidth, imageHeight, 3)),
	m_depthBuffer(imageWidth * imageHeight, FLT_MAX)
	float fovY = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(45.0f);
	float aspectRatio = imageWidth / static_cast<float>(imageHeight);
	float yScale = static_cast<float>(1.0 / tan(fovY * 0.5));
	float xScale = yScale / aspectRatio;
	float zNear = 1;
	float zFar = 1000;

	// Set the background color
	memset(m_image->getPixels(), 0xaa, m_image->getPixelBufferSize());

	Eigen::Matrix4f projection;
	projection <<
			xScale, 0, 0, 0,
	        0, yScale, 0, 0,
	        0, 0, (zNear + zFar)/(zNear - zFar), -1,
	        0, 0, (-2 * zNear * zFar)/(zNear - zFar), 0;

	Setup * setup = Setup::get();
	Eigen::Affine3f translation(Eigen::Translation3f(setup->cameraLocation.x, -1.0 * setup->cameraLocation.y, -1.0 * setup->cameraLocation.z));
	Eigen::Affine3f rotation(Eigen::AngleAxisf(theta, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY()));

	Eigen::Matrix4f modelView = translation.matrix() * rotation.matrix();

	m_transform = projection * modelView;
Beispiel #7
mat4* mat4_from_rotation(float x, float y, float z, float angle){
	float c = cos(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle));
	//printf("c = %f from angle = %f\n", c, angle);
	float s = sin(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle));
	float t = 1.0 - c;
	mat4* rot_mat = mat4_create_id();
	mat4_set_member(0, 'x', t * pow(x, 2) + c, rot_mat);
	mat4_set_member(0, 'y', (t * x * y) + (z * s), rot_mat);
	mat4_set_member(0, 'z', (t * x * z) - (y * s), rot_mat);
	mat4_set_member(1, 'x', (t * x * y) - (z * s), rot_mat);
	mat4_set_member(1, 'y',  t * pow(y, 2) + c, rot_mat);
	mat4_set_member(1, 'z', (t * y * z) + (x * s), rot_mat);
	mat4_set_member(2, 'x', (t * x * z) + (y * s), rot_mat);
	mat4_set_member(2, 'y', (t * y * z) - (x * s), rot_mat);
	mat4_set_member(2, 'z',  t * pow(z, 2) + c, rot_mat);
	return rot_mat;
bool TransformComponent::Init(TiXmlElement* pData)

	Vec3 yawPitchRoll = m_Transform.GetYawPitchRoll();
	yawPitchRoll.x = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.x);
	yawPitchRoll.y = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.y);
	yawPitchRoll.z = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.z);

	Vec3 position = m_Transform.GetPosition();

	TiXmlElement* pPositionElement = pData->FirstChildElement("Position");
	if (pPositionElement)
		double x = 0;
		double y = 0;
		double z = 0;
		pPositionElement->Attribute("x", &x);
		pPositionElement->Attribute("y", &y);
		pPositionElement->Attribute("z", &z);
		position = Vec3(x, y, z);

	TiXmlElement* pOrientationElement = pData->FirstChildElement("YawPitchRoll");
	if (pOrientationElement)
		double yaw = 0;
		double pitch = 0;
		double roll = 0;
		pOrientationElement->Attribute("x", &yaw);
		pOrientationElement->Attribute("y", &pitch);
		pOrientationElement->Attribute("z", &roll);
		yawPitchRoll = Vec3(yaw, pitch, roll);

	Mat4x4 translation;

	Mat4x4 rotation;
	rotation.BuildYawPitchRoll((float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yawPitchRoll.x), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yawPitchRoll.y), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yawPitchRoll.z));

	m_Transform = rotation * translation;

	return true;
Beispiel #9
void find4thPoint(vector<float>& p4,
	vector<float>& p1, vector<float>& p2, vector<float>& p3,
	float dist, float ang, float dihed) {
    vector<float> n1(3), n2(3), a(3), b(3);
    point_sub(a, p1,p2); point_sub(b, p3,p2);
    cross_product(n1, a,b); normalize_point(n1,n1);
    cross_product(n2, b,n1); normalize_point(n2,n2);

    double Sang = sin( DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(ang) );
    double Cang = cos( DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(ang) );
    double Sdihed = sin( DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(dihed) );
    double Cdihed = cos( DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(dihed) );
//cout << point_string(b) << point_string(n1) << point_string(n2) << endl;
    linear_combination(p4, Sang*Cdihed, n2, -1*Cang, b);
    linear_combination(p4, -1*Sang*Sdihed, n1, 1, p4);
//cout << point_string(p4) << endl;
    linear_combination(p4, dist, p4, 1, p3);
Beispiel #10
INTERNAL v2 *createAsteroidVertexList(MemoryArena_ *arena, i32 iterations,
                                      i32 asteroidRadius)
	f32 iterationAngle = 360.0f / iterations;
	iterationAngle     = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(iterationAngle);
	v2 *result         = memory_pushBytes(arena, iterations * sizeof(v2));

	for (i32 i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
		i32 randValue = rand();

		// NOTE(doyle): Sin/cos generate values from +-1, we want to create
		// vertices that start from 0, 0 (i.e. strictly positive)
		result[i] = V2(((math_cosf(iterationAngle * i) + 1) * asteroidRadius),
		               ((math_sinf(iterationAngle * i) + 1) * asteroidRadius));

		ASSERT(result[i].x >= 0 && result[i].y >= 0);

#if 1
		f32 displacementDist = 0.50f * asteroidRadius;
		i32 vertexDisplacement =
		    randValue % (i32)displacementDist + (i32)(displacementDist * 0.25f);

		i32 quadrantSize = iterations / 4;

		i32 firstQuadrant  = quadrantSize;
		i32 secondQuadrant = quadrantSize * 2;
		i32 thirdQuadrant  = quadrantSize * 3;
		i32 fourthQuadrant = quadrantSize * 4;

		if (i < firstQuadrant)
			result[i].x += vertexDisplacement;
			result[i].y += vertexDisplacement;
		else if (i < secondQuadrant)
			result[i].x -= vertexDisplacement;
			result[i].y += vertexDisplacement;
		else if (i < thirdQuadrant)
			result[i].x -= vertexDisplacement;
			result[i].y -= vertexDisplacement;
			result[i].x += vertexDisplacement;
			result[i].y -= vertexDisplacement;

	return result;
void PhysicsComponent::BuildRigidBodyTransform(TiXmlElement* pTransformElement)
	// FUTURE WORK Mrmike - this should be exactly the same as the TransformComponent - maybe factor into a helper method?

    TiXmlElement* pPositionElement = pTransformElement->FirstChildElement("Position");
    if (pPositionElement)
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
        double z = 0;
        pPositionElement->Attribute("x", &x);
        pPositionElement->Attribute("y", &y);
        pPositionElement->Attribute("z", &z);
        m_RigidBodyLocation = Vec3(x, y, z);

    TiXmlElement* pOrientationElement = pTransformElement->FirstChildElement("Orientation");
    if (pOrientationElement)
        double yaw = 0;
        double pitch = 0;
        double roll = 0;
        pPositionElement->Attribute("yaw", &yaw);
        pPositionElement->Attribute("pitch", &pitch);
        pPositionElement->Attribute("roll", &roll);
        m_RigidBodyOrientation = Vec3((float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yaw), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(pitch), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(roll));

    TiXmlElement* pScaleElement = pTransformElement->FirstChildElement("Scale");
    if (pScaleElement)
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
        double z = 0;
        pScaleElement->Attribute("x", &x);
        pScaleElement->Attribute("y", &y);
        pScaleElement->Attribute("z", &z);
        m_RigidBodyScale = Vec3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);
void PhysicsComponent::BuildRigidBodyTransform(tinyxml2::XMLElement* pTransformElement)
	// FUTURE WORK Mrmike - this should be exactly the same as the TransformComponent - maybe factor into a helper method?

    tinyxml2::XMLElement* pPositionElement = pTransformElement->FirstChildElement("Position");
    if (pPositionElement)
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
        double z = 0;
		x = std::stod(pPositionElement->Attribute("x"));
		y = std::stod(pPositionElement->Attribute("y"));
		z = std::stod(pPositionElement->Attribute("z"));
		m_RigidBodyLocation = glm::vec3(x, y, z);

    tinyxml2::XMLElement* pOrientationElement = pTransformElement->FirstChildElement("Orientation");
    if (pOrientationElement)
        double yaw = 0;
        double pitch = 0;
        double roll = 0;
		yaw   = std::stod(pOrientationElement->Attribute("yaw"));
		pitch = std::stod(pOrientationElement->Attribute("pitch"));
		roll  = std::stod(pOrientationElement->Attribute("roll"));
        m_RigidBodyOrientation = glm::vec3((float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yaw), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(pitch), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(roll));

    tinyxml2::XMLElement* pScaleElement = pTransformElement->FirstChildElement("Scale");
    if (pScaleElement)
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
		double z = 0;
		x = std::stod(pScaleElement->Attribute("x"));
		y = std::stod(pScaleElement->Attribute("y"));
		z = std::stod(pScaleElement->Attribute("z"));
        m_RigidBodyScale = glm::vec3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);
Beispiel #13
void SimpleCamera::changePitch(const float_t degrees)
	float_t changeValue = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(degrees);
	if(fabs(changeValue) < fabs(_maxPitchRate))
		// Our pitch is less than the max pitch rate that we 
		// defined so lets increment it.
		_pitchRadians += changeValue;
		// Our pitch is greater than the max pitch rate that
		// we defined so we can only increment our pitch by the 
		// maximum allowed value.
		if(changeValue < 0)
			// We are pitching down so decrement
			_pitchRadians -= _maxPitchRate;
			// We are pitching up so increment
			_pitchRadians += _maxPitchRate;

	// We don't want our pitch to run away from us. Although it
	// really doesn't matter I prefer to have my pitch degrees
	// within the range of -360.0f to 360.0f
	if(_pitchRadians > DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(360.0f))
		_pitchRadians -= DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(360.0f);
	else if(_pitchRadians < DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-360.0f))
		_pitchRadians += DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(360.0f);

	_hasChangedParameters = true;
Beispiel #14
void			my_set_empty_circle(t_bunny_pixelarray *pix,
					    t_bunny_position *origin,
					    t_bunny_position *dist,
					    unsigned int color)
  double		radius;
  double		angle;
  t_bunny_position	pos;

  angle = 0;
  dist->x = dist->x - origin->x;
  dist->y = dist->y - origin->y;
  radius = sqrt(pow(dist->x, 2) + pow(dist->y, 2));
  while (angle < 360)
      pos.x = cos(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle)) * radius + origin->x;
      pos.y = sin(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle)) * radius + origin->y;
      if (pos.x > 0 && pos.x < pix->clipable.clip_width &&
	  pos.y > 0 && pos.y < pix->clipable.clip_height)
	set_pixel(pix, color, pos.x, pos.y);
      angle += 0.1;
void FireTower::fireAtCreep(Creep *creep)
	if (m_fTimeSinceLastShot > m_fCooldownTime)
		float radians = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fAngle);
		float cos = cosf(radians);
		float sin = sinf(radians);
		World::getInstance()->getFireBolts().push_back(std::unique_ptr<FireBolt>(new FireBolt(m_position->getX() + (cos * 0.275f), m_position->getY() + (sin * 0.275f), m_fProjectileWidth, m_fProjectileHeight, m_fProjectileSpeed, m_fAngle, 4.0f + getStage(), m_iProjectileDamage)));
		m_fTimeSinceLastShot = 0;
void ElectricTower::fireAtCreep(Creep *creep)
	if (m_fTimeSinceLastShot > m_fCooldownTime)

        float radians = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fAngle);
		float cos = cosf(radians);
		float sin = sinf(radians);

		if (getStage() == 0 || getStage() == 2)
			World::getInstance()->getElectricBolts().push_back(std::unique_ptr<ElectricBolt>(new ElectricBolt(m_position->getX() + (cos * 0.40f), m_position->getY() + (sin * 0.40f), m_fProjectileWidth, m_fProjectileHeight, m_fProjectileSpeed, m_fAngle, m_iProjectileDamage, m_iFadeTimeSeconds)));

		if (getStage() >= 1)
			float alteredAngle = m_fAngle + 90;
			if (alteredAngle >= 360)
				alteredAngle -= 360;

            float alteredRadians = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(alteredAngle);
			float alteredCos = cosf(alteredRadians);
			float alteredSin = sinf(alteredRadians);

			float xOffset = alteredCos * 0.225f;
			float yOffset = alteredSin * 0.225f;

			World::getInstance()->getElectricBolts().push_back(std::unique_ptr<ElectricBolt>(new ElectricBolt(m_position->getX() + (cos * 0.52f) + xOffset, m_position->getY() + (sin * 0.52f) + yOffset, m_fProjectileWidth, m_fProjectileHeight, m_fProjectileSpeed, m_fAngle, m_iProjectileDamage, m_iFadeTimeSeconds)));
			World::getInstance()->getElectricBolts().push_back(std::unique_ptr<ElectricBolt>(new ElectricBolt(m_position->getX() + (cos * 0.52f) - xOffset, m_position->getY() + (sin * 0.52f) - yOffset, m_fProjectileWidth, m_fProjectileHeight, m_fProjectileSpeed, m_fAngle, m_iProjectileDamage, m_iFadeTimeSeconds)));

		m_fTimeSinceLastShot = 0;
static void calculateVirtualPositionTarget_FW(float trackingPeriod)
    float posErrorX = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.X - posControl.actualState.pos.V.X;
    float posErrorY = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Y - posControl.actualState.pos.V.Y;

    float distanceToActualTarget = sqrtf(sq(posErrorX) + sq(posErrorY));

    // Limit minimum forward velocity to 1 m/s
    float trackingDistance = trackingPeriod * MAX(posControl.actualState.velXY, 100.0f);

    // If angular visibility of a waypoint is less than 30deg, don't calculate circular loiter, go straight to the target
    #define TAN_15DEG    0.26795f
    bool needToCalculateCircularLoiter = isApproachingLastWaypoint()
                                            && (distanceToActualTarget <= (posControl.navConfig->fw_loiter_radius / TAN_15DEG))
                                            && (distanceToActualTarget > 50.0f);

    // Calculate virtual position for straight movement
    if (needToCalculateCircularLoiter) {
        // We are closing in on a waypoint, calculate circular loiter
        float loiterAngle = atan2_approx(-posErrorY, -posErrorX) + DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(45.0f);

        float loiterTargetX = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.X + posControl.navConfig->fw_loiter_radius * cos_approx(loiterAngle);
        float loiterTargetY = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Y + posControl.navConfig->fw_loiter_radius * sin_approx(loiterAngle);

        // We have temporary loiter target. Recalculate distance and position error
        posErrorX = loiterTargetX - posControl.actualState.pos.V.X;
        posErrorY = loiterTargetY - posControl.actualState.pos.V.Y;
        distanceToActualTarget = sqrtf(sq(posErrorX) + sq(posErrorY));

    // Calculate virtual waypoint
    virtualDesiredPosition.V.X = posControl.actualState.pos.V.X + posErrorX * (trackingDistance / distanceToActualTarget);
    virtualDesiredPosition.V.Y = posControl.actualState.pos.V.Y + posErrorY * (trackingDistance / distanceToActualTarget);

    // Shift position according to pilot's ROLL input (up to max_manual_speed velocity)
    if (posControl.flags.isAdjustingPosition) {
        int16_t rcRollAdjustment = applyDeadband(rcCommand[ROLL], posControl.rcControlsConfig->pos_hold_deadband);

        if (rcRollAdjustment) {
            float rcShiftY = rcRollAdjustment * posControl.navConfig->max_manual_speed / 500.0f * trackingPeriod;

            // Rotate this target shift from body frame to to earth frame and apply to position target
            virtualDesiredPosition.V.X += -rcShiftY * posControl.actualState.sinYaw;
            virtualDesiredPosition.V.Y +=  rcShiftY * posControl.actualState.cosYaw;

            posControl.flags.isAdjustingPosition = true;
Beispiel #18
bool OverlapTester::doRectanglesOverlap(Rectangle &r1, Rectangle &r2)
    if (r1.getAngle() > 0)
        float halfWidth = r1.getWidth() / 2;
        float halfHeight = r1.getHeight() / 2;
        float rad = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(r1.getAngle());
        float cos = cosf(rad);
        float sin = sinf(rad);
        float x1 = -halfWidth * cos - (-halfHeight) * sin;
        float y1 = -halfWidth * sin + (-halfHeight) * cos;
        float x2 = halfWidth * cos - (-halfHeight) * sin;
        float y2 = halfWidth * sin + (-halfHeight) * cos;
        float x3 = halfWidth * cos - halfHeight * sin;
        float y3 = halfWidth * sin + halfHeight * cos;
        float x4 = -halfWidth * cos - halfHeight * sin;
        float y4 = -halfWidth * sin + halfHeight * cos;
        float x = r1.getLowerLeft().getX() + r1.getWidth() / 2;
        float y = r1.getLowerLeft().getY() + r1.getHeight() / 2;
        x1 += x;
        y1 += y;
        x2 += x;
        y2 += y;
        x3 += x;
        y3 += y;
        x4 += x;
        y4 += y;
        return isPointInRectangle(Vector2D(x1, y1), r2) || isPointInRectangle(Vector2D(x2, y2), r2) || isPointInRectangle(Vector2D(x3, y3), r2) || isPointInRectangle(Vector2D(x4, y4), r2);
        return (r1.getLowerLeft().getX() < r2.getLowerLeft().getX() + r2.getWidth() && r1.getLowerLeft().getX() + r1.getWidth() > r2.getLowerLeft().getX() && r1.getLowerLeft().getY() < r2.getLowerLeft().getY() + r2.getHeight() && r1.getLowerLeft().getY() + r1.getHeight() > r2.getLowerLeft().getY());
void Direct3DCircleBatcher::renderCircle(Circle &circle, Color &c, GpuProgramWrapper &gpuProgramWrapper)
	m_iNumPoints = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i <= 360; i += DEGREE_SPACING)
		float rad = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(i);
		float cos = cosf(rad);
		float sin = sinf(rad);

		addVertexCoordinate(cos * circle.m_fRadius + circle.getCenter().getX(), sin * circle.m_fRadius + circle.getCenter().getY(), 0, c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha, 0, 0);

		addVertexCoordinate(circle.getCenter().getX(), circle.getCenter().getY(), 0, c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha, 0, 0);

Beispiel #20
app_boundary_point(Rect r, int angle)
    int cx, cy;
    double tangent;

    cx = r.width;
    cx /= 2;
    cx += r.x;

    cy = r.height;
    cy /= 2;
    cy += r.y;

    if (angle == 0)
        return pt(r.x+r.width, cy);
    else if (angle == 45)
        return pt(r.x+r.width, r.y);
    else if (angle == 90)
        return pt(cx, r.y);
    else if (angle == 135)
        return pt(r.x, r.y);
    else if (angle == 180)
        return pt(r.x, cy);
    else if (angle == 225)
        return pt(r.x, r.y+r.height);
    else if (angle == 270)
        return pt(cx, r.y+r.height);
    else if (angle == 315)
        return pt(r.x+r.width, r.y+r.height);

    tangent = tan(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle));

    if ((angle > 45) && (angle < 135))
        return pt((int)(cx+r.height/tangent/2), r.y);
    else if ((angle > 225) && (angle < 315))
        return pt((int)(cx-r.height/tangent/2), r.y+r.height);
    else if ((angle > 135) && (angle < 225))
        return pt(r.x, (int)(cy+r.width*tangent/2));
        return pt(r.x+r.width, (int)(cy-r.width*tangent/2));
Beispiel #21
void SimpleCamera::setFrustum(uint16_t width, uint16_t height, float_t fovInDegree, float_t nearPlane, float_t farPlane)
	_fovInRad = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(fovInDegree);
	_zNear = nearPlane;
	_zFar = farPlane;
	_screenWidth = width;
	_screenHeight = height;
	_aspectRatio = float_t(_screenWidth) / float_t(_screenHeight);
	_hasChangedParameters = true;
Beispiel #22
void EldritchFramework::CreateMinimapView() {



  const float fMinimapRTWidth =
      ConfigManager::GetFloat(sMinimapRTWidth, 0.0f, sEldMinimap);

  const float fMinimapRTHeight =
      ConfigManager::GetFloat(sMinimapRTHeight, 0.0f, sEldMinimap);

  const float ViewDistance =
      ConfigManager::GetFloat(sMinimapViewDistance, 0.0f, sEldMinimap);

  const float ViewPitch = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(
      ConfigManager::GetFloat(sMinimapViewPitch, 0.0f, sEldMinimap));

  const float FOV = ConfigManager::GetFloat(sMinimapViewFOV, 0.0f, sEldMinimap);

  const float NearClip =
      ConfigManager::GetFloat(sMinimapViewNearClip, 0.0f, sEldMinimap);

  const float FarClip =
      ConfigManager::GetFloat(sMinimapViewFarClip, 0.0f, sEldMinimap);

  const Angles EyeOrientation = Angles(ViewPitch, 0.0f, 0.0f);
  const Vector EyeDirection = EyeOrientation.ToVector();
  const Vector EyePosition = -EyeDirection * ViewDistance;
  const float AspectRatio = fMinimapRTWidth / fMinimapRTHeight;

  m_MinimapView = new View(EyePosition, EyeOrientation, FOV, AspectRatio,
                           NearClip, FarClip);
static void updateFixedWingLaunchDetector(timeUs_t currentTimeUs)
    const float swingVelocity = (ABS(imuMeasuredRotationBF.A[Z]) > SWING_LAUNCH_MIN_ROTATION_RATE) ? (imuMeasuredAccelBF.A[Y] / imuMeasuredRotationBF.A[Z]) : 0;
    const bool isForwardAccelerationHigh = (imuMeasuredAccelBF.A[X] > navConfig()->fw.launch_accel_thresh);
    const bool isAircraftAlmostLevel = (calculateCosTiltAngle() >= cos_approx(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(navConfig()->fw.launch_max_angle)));

    const bool isBungeeLaunched = isForwardAccelerationHigh && isAircraftAlmostLevel;
    const bool isSwingLaunched = (swingVelocity > navConfig()->fw.launch_velocity_thresh) && (imuMeasuredAccelBF.A[X] > 0);

    if (isBungeeLaunched || isSwingLaunched) {
        launchState.launchDetectionTimeAccum += (currentTimeUs - launchState.launchDetectorPreviosUpdate);
        launchState.launchDetectorPreviosUpdate = currentTimeUs;
        if (launchState.launchDetectionTimeAccum >= MS2US((uint32_t)navConfig()->fw.launch_time_thresh)) {
            launchState.launchDetected = true;
    else {
        launchState.launchDetectorPreviosUpdate = currentTimeUs;
        launchState.launchDetectionTimeAccum = 0;
static void createEllipsePath(CGContextRef context, CGPoint center, 
											CGSize ellipseSize)
		// Translate the coordinate origin to the center point.
		CGContextTranslateCTM(context, center.x, center.y);
		// Scale the coordinate system to half the width and height
		// of the ellipse.
					ellipseSize.width/2, ellipseSize.height/2);
		// Add a circular arc to the path, centered at the origin and
		// with a radius of 1.0. This radius, together with the
		// scaling above for the width and height, produces an ellipse
		// of the correct size.
		CGContextAddArc(context, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(360.0), 0.0);
		// Close the path so that this path is suitable for stroking,
		// should that be desired.
void PlaneDynamicGameObject::ascend()
    if(!m_isHit && !m_isDead)
        m_velocity->set(0, 24.0f);
        m_fTimeSinceFlap = 0;
        m_fAngle = 384;
        float radians = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fAngle);
        float cos = cosf(radians);
        float sin = sinf(radians);
        float height = getHeight() / 3 * 2;
        m_puffClouds.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PuffCloud>(new PuffCloud(getPosition().getX() - (cos * 2.4f), getPosition().getY() - (sin * 2.4f), height * 1.33f, height, m_fAngle)));
Beispiel #26
// as mentioned in AxisRotation.pdf in the same directory
void findRotnOperator(vector<vector<float> > & op, vector<float> & axis, float angle) {
    op.resize(3); op[0].resize(3); op[1].resize(3); op[2].resize(3);

    vector<float> n(3);
    normalize_point(n, axis);

    angle = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle);
    float ct = cos(angle), st = sin(angle);

    op[0][0] = n[0]*n[0] + ct * (n[1]*n[1] + n[2]*n[2]);
    op[1][1] = n[1]*n[1] + ct * (n[2]*n[2] + n[0]*n[0]);
    op[2][2] = n[2]*n[2] + ct * (n[0]*n[0] + n[1]*n[1]);

    op[0][1] = n[0]*n[1]*(1-ct) - n[2]*st;
    op[1][0] = n[0]*n[1]*(1-ct) + n[2]*st;

    op[0][2] = n[0]*n[2]*(1-ct) + n[1]*st;
    op[2][0] = n[0]*n[2]*(1-ct) - n[1]*st;

    op[1][2] = n[1]*n[2]*(1-ct) - n[0]*st;
    op[2][1] = n[1]*n[2]*(1-ct) + n[0]*st;
Beispiel #27
int PacketHandler::pickup_spawn(User *user)
  //uint32_t curpos = 4; //warning: unused variable ‘curpos’
  spawnedItem item;

  item.health = 0;

  int8_t yaw, pitch, roll;

  user->buffer >> (int32_t&)item.EID;

  user->buffer >> (int16_t&)item.item >> (int8_t&)item.count >> (int16_t&)item.health;
  user->buffer >> (int32_t&)item.pos.x() >> (int32_t&)item.pos.y() >> (int32_t&)item.pos.z();
  user->buffer >> yaw >> pitch >> roll;



  item.EID       = generateEID();

  item.spawnedBy = user->UID;
  item.spawnedAt = time(NULL);

  // Modify the position of the dropped item so that it appears in front of user instead of under user
  int distanceToThrow = 64;
  float angle = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(user->pos.yaw + 45);     // For some reason, yaw seems to be off to the left by 45 degrees from where you're actually looking?
  int x = int(cos(angle) * distanceToThrow - sin(angle) * distanceToThrow);
  int z = int(sin(angle) * distanceToThrow + cos(angle) * distanceToThrow);
  item.pos += vec(x, 0, z);


  return PACKET_OK;
bool TransformComponent::VInit(tinyxml2::XMLElement* pData)

	// [mrmike] - this was changed post-press - because changes to the TransformComponents can come in partial definitions,
	//            such as from the editor, its better to grab the current values rather than clear them out.
	/*glm::vec3 yawPitchRoll = GetYawPitchRoll(m_transform);
	yawPitchRoll.x = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.x);
	yawPitchRoll.y = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.y);
	yawPitchRoll.z = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.z);*/

	glm::vec3 position = ::GetPosition(m_transform);
	glm::mat4 rotation = ::GetRotMat(m_transform);

    tinyxml2::XMLElement* pPositionElement = pData->FirstChildElement("Position");
    if (pPositionElement)
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
		double z = 0;
		x = std::stod(pPositionElement->Attribute("x"));
		y = std::stod(pPositionElement->Attribute("y"));
		z = std::stod(pPositionElement->Attribute("z"));
		position = glm::vec3(x, y, z);


    tinyxml2::XMLElement* pOrientationElement = pData->FirstChildElement("YawPitchRoll");
    if (pOrientationElement)
        double yaw = 0;
        double pitch = 0;
		double roll = 0;
		yaw = std::stod(pOrientationElement->Attribute("x"));
		pitch = std::stod(pOrientationElement->Attribute("y"));
		roll = std::stod(pOrientationElement->Attribute("z"));
		glm::vec3 eulers = glm::vec3(yaw, pitch, roll);

		glm::quat tmpQuat = glm::quat(glm::vec3((float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(eulers.x), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(eulers.y), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(eulers.z)));
		rotation = glm::toMat4(tmpQuat);

	// This is not supported yet.
    tinyxml2::XMLElement* pLookAtElement = pData->FirstChildElement("LookAt");
    if (pLookAtElement)
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
        double z = 0;
        pLookAtElement->Attribute("x", &x);
        pLookAtElement->Attribute("y", &y);
        pLookAtElement->Attribute("z", &z);

		glm::vec3 lookAt((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);
		rotation.BuildRotationLookAt(translation.GetPosition(), lookAt, g_Up);

    tinyxml2::XMLElement* pScaleElement = pData->FirstChildElement("Scale");
    if (pScaleElement)
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
        double z = 0;
        pScaleElement->Attribute("x", &x);
        pScaleElement->Attribute("y", &y);
        pScaleElement->Attribute("z", &z);
        m_scale = glm::vec3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);

	m_transform = glm::translate(glm::mat4(), position) * rotation;

    return true;
Beispiel #29
main (int argc, char **argv)
    WeatherInfo     info;
    GOptionContext* context;
    GError*         error = NULL;
    gdouble         latitude, longitude;
    WeatherLocation location;
    gchar*          gtime = NULL;
    GDate           gdate;
    struct tm       tm;
    gboolean        bsun, bmoon;
    time_t          phases[4];
    const GOptionEntry entries[] = {
	{ "latitude", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_DOUBLE, &latitude,
	  "observer's latitude in degrees north", NULL },
	{ "longitude", 0, 0,  G_OPTION_ARG_DOUBLE, &longitude,
	  "observer's longitude in degrees east", NULL },
	{ "time", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &gtime,
	  "time in seconds from Unix epoch", NULL },
	{ NULL }

    memset(&location, 0, sizeof(WeatherLocation));
    memset(&info, 0, sizeof(WeatherInfo));

    context = g_option_context_new ("- test libmateweather sun/moon calculations");
    g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, entries, NULL);
    g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error);

    if (error) {
	perror (error->message);
	return error->code;
    else if (latitude < -90. || latitude > 90.) {
	perror ("invalid latitude: should be [-90 .. 90]");
	return -1;
    } else if (longitude < -180. || longitude > 180.) {
	perror ("invalid longitude: should be [-180 .. 180]");
	return -1;

    location.latitude = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(latitude);
    location.longitude = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(longitude);
    location.latlon_valid = TRUE;
    info.location = &location;
    info.valid = TRUE;

    if (gtime != NULL) {
	//	printf(" gtime=%s\n", gtime);
	g_date_set_parse(&gdate, gtime);
	g_date_to_struct_tm(&gdate, &tm);
	info.update = mktime(&tm);
    } else {
	info.update = time(NULL);

    bsun = calc_sun_time(&info, info.update);
    bmoon = calc_moon(&info);

    printf ("  Latitude %7.3f %c  Longitude %7.3f %c for %s  All times UTC\n",
	    fabs(latitude), (latitude >= 0. ? 'N' : 'S'),
	    fabs(longitude), (longitude >= 0. ? 'E' : 'W'),
    printf("sunrise:   %s",
	   (info.sunriseValid ? ctime(&info.sunrise) : "(invalid)\n"));
    printf("sunset:    %s",
	   (info.sunsetValid ? ctime(&info.sunset)  : "(invalid)\n"));
    if (bmoon) {
	printf("moonphase: %g\n", info.moonphase);
	printf("moonlat:   %g\n", info.moonlatitude);

	if (calc_moon_phases(&info, phases)) {
	    printf("    New:   %s", asctime(gmtime(&phases[0])));
	    printf("    1stQ:  %s", asctime(gmtime(&phases[1])));
	    printf("    Full:  %s", asctime(gmtime(&phases[2])));
	    printf("    3rdQ:  %s", asctime(gmtime(&phases[3])));
    return 0;
Beispiel #30
static void imuMahonyAHRSupdate(float dt, float gx, float gy, float gz,
                                bool useAcc, float ax, float ay, float az,
                                bool useMag, float mx, float my, float mz,
                                bool useYaw, float yawError)
    static float integralFBx = 0.0f,  integralFBy = 0.0f, integralFBz = 0.0f;    // integral error terms scaled by Ki
    float recipNorm;
    float hx, hy, bx;
    float ex = 0, ey = 0, ez = 0;
    float qa, qb, qc;

    // Calculate general spin rate (rad/s)
    float spin_rate = sqrtf(sq(gx) + sq(gy) + sq(gz));

    // Use raw heading error (from GPS or whatever else)
    if (useYaw) {
        while (yawError >  M_PIf) yawError -= (2.0f * M_PIf);
        while (yawError < -M_PIf) yawError += (2.0f * M_PIf);

        ez += sin_approx(yawError / 2.0f);

    // Use measured magnetic field vector
    recipNorm = sq(mx) + sq(my) + sq(mz);
    if (useMag && recipNorm > 0.01f) {
        // Normalise magnetometer measurement
        recipNorm = invSqrt(recipNorm);
        mx *= recipNorm;
        my *= recipNorm;
        mz *= recipNorm;

        // For magnetometer correction we make an assumption that magnetic field is perpendicular to gravity (ignore Z-component in EF).
        // This way magnetic field will only affect heading and wont mess roll/pitch angles

        // (hx; hy; 0) - measured mag field vector in EF (assuming Z-component is zero)
        // (bx; 0; 0) - reference mag field vector heading due North in EF (assuming Z-component is zero)
        hx = rMat[0][0] * mx + rMat[0][1] * my + rMat[0][2] * mz;
        hy = rMat[1][0] * mx + rMat[1][1] * my + rMat[1][2] * mz;
        bx = sqrtf(hx * hx + hy * hy);

        // magnetometer error is cross product between estimated magnetic north and measured magnetic north (calculated in EF)
        float ez_ef = -(hy * bx);

        // Rotate mag error vector back to BF and accumulate
        ex += rMat[2][0] * ez_ef;
        ey += rMat[2][1] * ez_ef;
        ez += rMat[2][2] * ez_ef;

    // Use measured acceleration vector
    recipNorm = sq(ax) + sq(ay) + sq(az);
    if (useAcc && recipNorm > 0.01f) {
        // Normalise accelerometer measurement
        recipNorm = invSqrt(recipNorm);
        ax *= recipNorm;
        ay *= recipNorm;
        az *= recipNorm;

        // Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of gravity
        ex += (ay * rMat[2][2] - az * rMat[2][1]);
        ey += (az * rMat[2][0] - ax * rMat[2][2]);
        ez += (ax * rMat[2][1] - ay * rMat[2][0]);

    // Compute and apply integral feedback if enabled
    if(imuRuntimeConfig->dcm_ki > 0.0f) {
        // Stop integrating if spinning beyond the certain limit
        if (spin_rate < DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(SPIN_RATE_LIMIT)) {
            float dcmKiGain = imuRuntimeConfig->dcm_ki;
            integralFBx += dcmKiGain * ex * dt;    // integral error scaled by Ki
            integralFBy += dcmKiGain * ey * dt;
            integralFBz += dcmKiGain * ez * dt;
    else {
        integralFBx = 0.0f;    // prevent integral windup
        integralFBy = 0.0f;
        integralFBz = 0.0f;

    // Calculate kP gain. If we are acquiring initial attitude (not armed and within 20 sec from powerup) scale the kP to converge faster
    float dcmKpGain = imuRuntimeConfig->dcm_kp * imuGetPGainScaleFactor();

    // Apply proportional and integral feedback
    gx += dcmKpGain * ex + integralFBx;
    gy += dcmKpGain * ey + integralFBy;
    gz += dcmKpGain * ez + integralFBz;

    // Integrate rate of change of quaternion
    gx *= (0.5f * dt);
    gy *= (0.5f * dt);
    gz *= (0.5f * dt);

    qa = q0;
    qb = q1;
    qc = q2;
    q0 += (-qb * gx - qc * gy - q3 * gz);
    q1 += (qa * gx + qc * gz - q3 * gy);
    q2 += (qa * gy - qb * gz + q3 * gx);
    q3 += (qa * gz + qb * gy - qc * gx);

    // Normalise quaternion
    recipNorm = invSqrt(sq(q0) + sq(q1) + sq(q2) + sq(q3));
    q0 *= recipNorm;
    q1 *= recipNorm;
    q2 *= recipNorm;
    q3 *= recipNorm;

    // Pre-compute rotation matrix from quaternion