Beispiel #1
void UavcanServers::unpackFwFromROMFS(const char* sd_path, const char* romfs_path) {
	Copy the ROMFS firmware directory to the appropriate location on SD, without
	overriding any firmware the user has already loaded there.

	The SD firmware directory structure is along the lines of:

		-	/c
			-	/nodename-v1-1.0.25d0137d.bin		cache file (copy of /fs/microsd/fw/org.pixhawk.nodename-v1/1.1/nodename-v1-1.0.25d0137d.bin)
			-	/othernode-v3-1.6.25d0137d.bin		cache file (copy of /fs/microsd/fw/com.example.othernode-v3/1.6/othernode-v3-1.6.25d0137d.bin)
		-	/org.pixhawk.nodename-v1				device directory for org.pixhawk.nodename-v1
		-	-	/1.0								version directory for hardware 1.0
		-	-	/1.1								version directory for hardware 1.1
		-	-	-	/nodename-v1-1.0.25d0137d.bin	firmware file for org.pixhawk.nodename-v1 nodes, hardware version 1.1
		-	/com.example.othernode-v3				device directory for com.example.othernode-v3
		-	-	/1.0								version directory for hardawre 1.0
		-	-	-	/othernode-v3-1.6.25d0137d.bin	firmware file for com.example.othernode-v3, hardware version 1.6

	The ROMFS directory structure is the same, but located at /etc/uavcan/fw
	Files located there are prefixed with _ to identify them a comming from the rom
	file system.

	We iterate over all device directories in the ROMFS base directory, and create
	corresponding device directories on the SD card if they don't already exist.

	In each device directory, we iterate over each version directory and create a
	corresponding version directory on the SD card if it doesn't already exist.

	In each version directory, we remove any files with a name starting with "_"
	in the corresponding directory on the SD card that don't match the bundled firmware
	filename; if the directory is empty after that process, we copy the bundled firmware.

	todo:This code would benefit from the use of strcat.

	const size_t maxlen = UAVCAN_MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
	const size_t sd_path_len = strlen(sd_path);
	const size_t romfs_path_len = strlen(romfs_path);
	struct stat sb;
	int rv;
	char dstpath[maxlen + 1];
	char srcpath[maxlen + 1];

	DIR* const romfs_dir = opendir(romfs_path);
	if (!romfs_dir) {

	memcpy(dstpath, sd_path, sd_path_len + 1);
	memcpy(srcpath, romfs_path, romfs_path_len + 1);

	// Iterate over all device directories in ROMFS
	struct dirent* dev_dirent = NULL;
	while ((dev_dirent = readdir(romfs_dir)) != NULL) {
		// Skip if not a directory
		if (!DIRENT_ISDIRECTORY(dev_dirent->d_type)) {

		// Make sure the path fits
		size_t dev_dirname_len = strlen(dev_dirent->d_name);
		size_t srcpath_dev_len = romfs_path_len + 1 + dev_dirname_len;
		if (srcpath_dev_len > maxlen) {
			warnx("dev: srcpath '%s/%s' too long", romfs_path, dev_dirent->d_name);
		size_t dstpath_dev_len = sd_path_len + 1 + dev_dirname_len;
		if (dstpath_dev_len > maxlen) {
			warnx("dev: dstpath '%s/%s' too long", sd_path, dev_dirent->d_name);

		// Create the device name directory on the SD card if it doesn't already exist
		dstpath[sd_path_len] = '/';
		memcpy(&dstpath[sd_path_len + 1], dev_dirent->d_name, dev_dirname_len + 1);

		if (stat(dstpath, &sb) != 0 || !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
			rv = mkdir(dstpath, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
			if (rv != 0) {
				warnx("dev: couldn't create '%s'", dstpath);

		// Set up the source path
		srcpath[romfs_path_len] = '/';
		memcpy(&srcpath[romfs_path_len + 1], dev_dirent->d_name, dev_dirname_len + 1);

		DIR* const dev_dir = opendir(srcpath);
		if (!dev_dir) {
			warnx("dev: couldn't open '%s'", srcpath);

		// Iterate over all version directories in the current ROMFS device directory
		struct dirent* ver_dirent = NULL;
		while ((ver_dirent = readdir(dev_dir)) != NULL) {
			// Skip if not a directory
			if (!DIRENT_ISDIRECTORY(ver_dirent->d_type)) {

			// Make sure the path fits
			size_t ver_dirname_len = strlen(ver_dirent->d_name);
			size_t srcpath_ver_len = srcpath_dev_len + 1 + ver_dirname_len;
			if (srcpath_ver_len > maxlen) {
				warnx("ver: srcpath '%s/%s' too long", srcpath, ver_dirent->d_name);
			size_t dstpath_ver_len = dstpath_dev_len + 1 + ver_dirname_len;
			if (dstpath_ver_len > maxlen) {
				warnx("ver: dstpath '%s/%s' too long", dstpath, ver_dirent->d_name);

			// Create the device version directory on the SD card if it doesn't already exist
			dstpath[dstpath_dev_len] = '/';
			memcpy(&dstpath[dstpath_dev_len + 1], ver_dirent->d_name, ver_dirname_len + 1);

			if (stat(dstpath, &sb) != 0 || !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
				rv = mkdir(dstpath, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
				if (rv != 0) {
					warnx("ver: couldn't create '%s'", dstpath);

			// Set up the source path
			srcpath[srcpath_dev_len] = '/';
			memcpy(&srcpath[srcpath_dev_len + 1], ver_dirent->d_name, ver_dirname_len + 1);

			// Find the name of the bundled firmware file, or move on to the
			// next directory if there's no file here.
			DIR* const src_ver_dir = opendir(srcpath);
			if (!src_ver_dir) {
				warnx("ver: couldn't open '%s'", srcpath);

			struct dirent* src_fw_dirent = NULL;
			while ((src_fw_dirent = readdir(src_ver_dir)) != NULL &&

			if (!src_fw_dirent) {

			size_t fw_len = strlen(src_fw_dirent->d_name);

			bool copy_fw = true;

			// Clear out any romfs_ files in the version directory on the SD card
			DIR* const dst_ver_dir = opendir(dstpath);
			if (!dst_ver_dir) {
				warnx("unlink: couldn't open '%s'", dstpath);
			} else {
				struct dirent* fw_dirent = NULL;
				while ((fw_dirent = readdir(dst_ver_dir)) != NULL) {
					// Skip if not a file
					if (!DIRENT_ISFILE(fw_dirent->d_type)) {

					if (!memcmp(&fw_dirent->d_name, src_fw_dirent->d_name, fw_len)) {
						 * Exact match between SD card filename and ROMFS filename; must be the same version
						 * so don't bother deleting and rewriting it.
						copy_fw = false;
					} else if (!memcmp(fw_dirent->d_name, UAVCAN_ROMFS_FW_PREFIX, sizeof(UAVCAN_ROMFS_FW_PREFIX) - 1)) {
						size_t dst_fw_len = strlen(fw_dirent->d_name);
						size_t dstpath_fw_len = dstpath_ver_len + dst_fw_len;
						if (dstpath_fw_len > maxlen) {
							// sizeof(prefix) includes trailing NUL, cancelling out the +1 for the path separator
							warnx("unlink: path '%s/%s' too long", dstpath, fw_dirent->d_name);
						} else {
							// File name starts with "_", delete it.
							dstpath[dstpath_ver_len] = '/';
							memcpy(&dstpath[dstpath_ver_len + 1], fw_dirent->d_name, dst_fw_len + 1);
							warnx("unlink: removed '%s'", dstpath);
					} else {
						// User file, don't copy firmware
						copy_fw = false;

			// If we need to, copy the file from ROMFS to the SD card
			if (copy_fw) {
				size_t srcpath_fw_len = srcpath_ver_len + 1 + fw_len;
				size_t dstpath_fw_len = dstpath_ver_len + fw_len;

				if (srcpath_fw_len > maxlen) {
					warnx("copy: srcpath '%s/%s' too long", srcpath, src_fw_dirent->d_name);
				} else if (dstpath_fw_len > maxlen) {
					warnx("copy: dstpath '%s/%s' too long", dstpath, src_fw_dirent->d_name);
				} else {
					// All OK, make the paths and copy the file
					srcpath[srcpath_ver_len] = '/';
					memcpy(&srcpath[srcpath_ver_len + 1], src_fw_dirent->d_name, fw_len + 1);

					dstpath[dstpath_ver_len] = '/';
					memcpy(&dstpath[dstpath_ver_len +1], src_fw_dirent->d_name, fw_len + 1);

					rv = copyFw(dstpath, srcpath);
					if (rv != 0) {
						warnx("copy: '%s' -> '%s' failed: %d", srcpath, dstpath, rv);
					} else {
						warnx("copy: '%s' -> '%s' succeeded", srcpath, dstpath);



static int proc_open(FAR struct file *filep, FAR const char *relpath,
                     int oflags, mode_t mode)
  FAR struct proc_file_s *procfile;
  FAR const struct proc_node_s *node;
  FAR struct tcb_s *tcb;
  FAR char *ptr;
  irqstate_t flags;
  unsigned long tmp;
  pid_t pid;

  fvdbg("Open '%s'\n", relpath);

  /* PROCFS is read-only.  Any attempt to open with any kind of write
   * access is not permitted.
   * REVISIT:  Write-able proc files could be quite useful.

  if ((oflags & O_WRONLY) != 0 || (oflags & O_RDONLY) == 0)
      fdbg("ERROR: Only O_RDONLY supported\n");
      return -EACCES;

  /* The first segment of the relative path should be a task/thread ID */

  ptr = NULL;
  tmp = strtoul(relpath, &ptr, 10);

  if (!ptr || *ptr != '/')
      fdbg("ERROR: Invalid path \"%s\"\n", relpath);
      return -ENOENT;

  /* Skip over the slash */


  /* A valid PID would be in the range of 0-32767 (0 is reserved for the
   * IDLE thread).

  if (tmp >= 32768)
      fdbg("ERROR: Invalid PID %ld\n", tmp);
      return -ENOENT;

  /* Now verify that a task with this task/thread ID exists */

  pid = (pid_t)tmp;

  flags = irqsave();
  tcb = sched_gettcb(pid);

  if (!tcb)
      fdbg("ERROR: PID %d is no longer valid\n", (int)pid);
      return -ENOENT;

  /* The remaining segments of the relpath should be a well known node in
   * the task/thread tree.

  node = proc_findnode(ptr);
  if (!node)
      fdbg("ERROR: Invalid path \"%s\"\n", relpath);
      return -ENOENT;

  /* The node must be a file, not a directory */

  if (!DIRENT_ISFILE(node->dtype))
      fdbg("ERROR: Path \"%s\" is not a regular file\n", relpath);
      return -EISDIR;

  /* Allocate a container to hold the task and node selection */

  procfile = (FAR struct proc_file_s *)kmm_zalloc(sizeof(struct proc_file_s));
  if (!procfile)
      fdbg("ERROR: Failed to allocate file container\n");
      return -ENOMEM;

  /* Initialize the file container */

  procfile->pid  = pid;
  procfile->node = node;

  /* Save the index as the open-specific state in filep->f_priv */

  filep->f_priv = (FAR void *)procfile;
  return OK;