Beispiel #1
#include "Teleporter.h"
#include "structures/TeamManager.h"
#include "Trigger.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "vehicles/Transport.h"
#include "vehicles/VehicleControl.h"
#include "vehicles/JetPack.h"



const idEventDef EV_EnableTeam( "enableTeam", '\0', DOC_TEXT( "Allows the given team to use the teleporter." ), 1, "An error will be thrown if the team name is invalid.", "s", "name", "Name of the team." );
const idEventDef EV_DisableTeam( "disableTeam", '\0', DOC_TEXT( "Disables the teleporter for the given team." ), 1, "An error will be thrown if the team name is invalid.", "s", "name", "Name of the team." );
const idEventDefInternal EV_FinishTeleport( "internal_finishTeleport", "h" );

CLASS_DECLARATION( idEntity, sdTeleporter )
	EVENT( EV_EnableTeam,		sdTeleporter::Event_EnableTeam )
	EVENT( EV_DisableTeam,		sdTeleporter::Event_DisableTeam )
	EVENT( EV_FinishTeleport,	sdTeleporter::Event_FinishTeleport )

sdTeleporter::sdTeleporter( void ) {
Beispiel #2
#include "DeployMask.h"
#include "../Game_local.h"
#include "../Player.h"

#include "../../decllib/declTypeHolder.h"

const idEventDef EV_MaskEditSession_Open( "openMask", '\0', DOC_TEXT( "Sets the internal mask handle to that of the given name." ), 1, NULL, "s", "name", "Name of the mask key to use." );
const idEventDef EV_MaskEditSession_UpdateProjection( "updateProjection", '\0', DOC_TEXT( "Updates the projected decals for the specified position." ), 1, "A $decl:material$ must be specified first using $event:setDecalMaterial$ before calling this.", "v", "position", "Location to project the decals around." );
const idEventDef EV_MaskEditSession_SetDecalMaterial( "setDecalMaterial", '\0', DOC_TEXT( "Sets the $decl:material$ that will be used to draw the decals." ),1, NULL, "s", "material", "Name of the $decl:material$ to use." );
const idEventDef EV_MaskEditSession_SetStampSize( "setStampSize", '\0', DOC_TEXT( "Sets how big the square used for modifying the mask will be." ), 1, NULL, "d", "size", "Width of the sides of the square, in mask units." );
const idEventDef EV_MaskEditSession_Stamp( "stamp", 'b', DOC_TEXT( "Applies the given state to the mask around the position specified." ), 3, NULL, "v", "position", "Location to stamp around.", "b", "save", "Whether it should save the mask straight away.", "b", "state", "State to apply to the mask." );
const idEventDef EV_MaskEditSession_SaveAll( "saveAll", '\0', DOC_TEXT( "Saves all modified masks." ), 0, NULL );




CLASS_DECLARATION( idClass, sdDeployMaskEditSession )
Beispiel #3



extern const idEventDef EV_GetJointHandle;
extern const idEventDef EV_SetState;

const idEventDef EV_Dispose( "dispose", '\0', DOC_TEXT( "Removes all allocated resources associated with the entity, and schedules it for deletion at the end of the frame." ), 0, NULL );
const idEventDef EV_EnableAxisBind( "enableAxisBind", '\0', DOC_TEXT( "Enables/disables orientation locked bind mode." ), 1, NULL, "b", "state", "Whether to enable or disable the mode." );

CLASS_DECLARATION( rvClientEntity, sdClientScriptEntity )
	EVENT( EV_GetWorldOrigin,				sdClientScriptEntity::Event_GetWorldOrigin )
	EVENT( EV_GetWorldAxis,					sdClientScriptEntity::Event_GetWorldAxis )
	EVENT( EV_GetOwner,						sdClientScriptEntity::Event_GetOwner )
	EVENT( EV_IsOwner,						sdClientScriptEntity::Event_IsOwner )
	EVENT( EV_GetDamagePower,				sdClientScriptEntity::Event_GetDamagePower )
	EVENT( EV_SetState,						sdClientScriptEntity::Event_SetState )
	EVENT( EV_GetKey,						sdClientScriptEntity::Event_GetKey )
	EVENT( EV_GetIntKey,					sdClientScriptEntity::Event_GetIntKey )
	EVENT( EV_GetFloatKey,					sdClientScriptEntity::Event_GetFloatKey )
	EVENT( EV_GetVectorKey,					sdClientScriptEntity::Event_GetVectorKey )
	EVENT( EV_GetEntityKey,					sdClientScriptEntity::Event_GetEntityKey )
	EVENT( EV_PlayEffect,					sdClientScriptEntity::Event_PlayEffect )
Beispiel #4
#include "Walker.h"
#include "../ContentMask.h"
#include "../script/Script_Helper.h"
#include "VehicleControl.h"
#include "../../decllib/DeclSurfaceType.h"




const idEventDef EV_GroundPound( "groundPound", '\0', DOC_TEXT( "Performs a radius damage and push event for objects on the ground around the vehicle." ), 3, NULL, "f", "force", "Force to push entities with.", "f", "damageScale", "Scale factor on the applied damage.", "f", "range", "Range around the vehicle to push entities." );

CLASS_DECLARATION( sdTransport_AF, sdWalker )
	EVENT( EV_GroundPound,			sdWalker::Event_GroundPound )

sdWalker::sdWalker( void ) {
	lastIKTime = 0;
	lastForcedUpdateTime = 0;