Beispiel #1
static void build_m3( GLfloat f[][3], GLfloat m[],
		      const GLvector4f *normal,
		      const GLvector4f *eye )
   GLuint stride = eye->stride;
   GLfloat *coord = (GLfloat *)eye->start;
   GLuint count = eye->count;
   const GLfloat *norm = normal->start;
   GLuint i;

   for (i=0;i<count;i++,STRIDE_F(coord,stride),STRIDE_F(norm,normal->stride)) {
      GLfloat u[3], two_nu, fx, fy, fz;
      COPY_3V( u, coord );
      NORMALIZE_3FV( u );
      two_nu = 2.0F * DOT3(norm,u);
      fx = f[i][0] = u[0] - norm[0] * two_nu;
      fy = f[i][1] = u[1] - norm[1] * two_nu;
      fz = f[i][2] = u[2] - norm[2] * two_nu;
      m[i] = fx * fx + fy * fy + (fz + 1.0F) * (fz + 1.0F);
      if (m[i] != 0.0F) {
	 m[i] = 0.5F * (1.0f / sqrtf(m[i]));
Beispiel #2
int AseFile::ReadMesh_Normals(zASE_Object &obj)
	char temp[255];
	int index=0,i;
	if( obj.numOfVerts!=0)obj.pNormals = new vec[obj.numOfVerts];
	else return ReadUnknown( temp);
	if( obj.numOfFaces!=0)obj.pFaceNormals = new vec[obj.numOfFaces];
		if( !fgets(temp, 255, file) )return 0;
	//	*MESH_FACENORMAL 0	0.00000	0.00000	-1.00000
	//		*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 0	0.00000	0.00000	-1.00000
	//		*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 2	0.00000	0.00000	-1.00000
	//		*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 3	0.00000	0.00000	-1.00000

		if( EqualString( temp, "*MESH_FACENORMAL ") )
			sscanf( temp, "%d", &index);
			if(index>=obj.numOfFaces || index<0)continue;
		//	sscanf( temp, "%d %f %f %f", &i, &obj.pFaceNormals[index].x, &obj.pFaceNormals[index].y, &obj.pFaceNormals[index].z );
			vec in;	sscanf( temp, "%d %f %f %f", &i, &in.x, &in.y, &in.z );
			obj.pFaceNormals[index].x = DOT3( obj.rotmatrix[0], in );
			obj.pFaceNormals[index].y = DOT3( obj.rotmatrix[1], in );
			obj.pFaceNormals[index].z = DOT3( obj.rotmatrix[2], in );

		else if (EqualString( temp, "*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL "))
			sscanf( temp, "%d", &index);
			if(index>=obj.numOfVerts || index<0)continue;
		//	sscanf( temp, "%d %f %f %f", &i, &obj.pNormals[index].x, &obj.pNormals[index].y, &obj.pNormals[index].z );
			vec in;	sscanf( temp, "%d %f %f %f", &i, &in.x, &in.y, &in.z );
			obj.pNormals[index].x = DOT3( obj.rotmatrix[0], in );
			obj.pNormals[index].y = DOT3( obj.rotmatrix[1], in );
			obj.pNormals[index].z = DOT3( obj.rotmatrix[2], in );
		//	obj.pNormals[index].Normalize();
	//	ReadUnknown( temp);
	}while(!FindBracketClose( temp));		// while temp not contain '}'
	return 1;
Beispiel #3
/** The following code is from Christer Ericson's book Real-Time Collision Detection, pp. 101-106. */
bool OBB::Intersects(const OBB &b, float epsilon) const
    assume(float3::AreOrthonormal(axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]));
    assume(float3::AreOrthonormal(b.axis[0], b.axis[1], b.axis[2]));

    // Generate a rotation matrix that transforms from world space to this OBB's coordinate space.
    float3x3 R;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            R[i][j] = Dot(axis[i], b.axis[j]);

    float3 t = b.pos - pos;
    // Express the translation vector in a's coordinate frame.
    t = float3(Dot(t, axis[0]), Dot(t, axis[1]), Dot(t, axis[2]));

    float3x3 AbsR;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            AbsR[i][j] = Abs(R[i][j]) + epsilon;

    // Test the three major axes of this OBB.
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        float ra = r[i];
        float rb = DOT3(b.r, AbsR[i]);
        if (Abs(t[i]) > ra + rb) 
            return false;

    // Test the three major axes of the OBB b.
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        float ra = r[0] * AbsR[0][i] + r[1] * AbsR[1][i] + r[2] * AbsR[2][i];
        float rb = b.r[i];
        if (Abs(t.x + R[0][i] + t.y * R[1][i] + t.z * R[2][i]) > ra + rb)
            return false;

    // Test the 9 different cross-axes.

    // A.x <cross> B.x
    float ra = r.y * AbsR[2][0] + r.z * AbsR[1][0];
    float rb = b.r.y * AbsR[0][2] + b.r.z * AbsR[0][1];
    if (Abs(t.z * R[1][0] - t.y * R[2][0]) > ra + rb)
        return false;

    // A.x < cross> B.y
    ra = r.y * AbsR[2][1] + r.z * AbsR[1][1];
    rb = b.r.x * AbsR[0][2] + b.r.z * AbsR[0][0];
    if (Abs(t.z * R[1][1] - t.y * R[2][1]) > ra + rb)
        return false;

    // A.x <cross> B.z
    ra = r.y * AbsR[2][2] + r.z * AbsR[1][2];
    rb = b.r.x * AbsR[0][1] + b.r.y * AbsR[0][0];
    if (Abs(t.z * R[1][22] - t.y * R[2][2]) > ra + rb)
        return false;

    // A.y <cross> B.x
    ra = r.x * AbsR[2][0] + r.z * AbsR[0][0];
    rb = b.r.y * AbsR[1][2] + b.r.z * AbsR[1][1];
    if (Abs(t.x * R[2][0] - t.z * R[0][0]) > ra + rb)
        return false;

    // A.y <cross> B.y
    ra = r.x * AbsR[2][1] + r.z * AbsR[0][1];
    rb = b.r.x * AbsR[1][2] + b.r.z * AbsR[1][0];
    if (Abs(t.x * R[2][1] - t.z * R[0][1]) > ra + rb)
        return false;

    // A.y <cross> B.z
    ra = r.x * AbsR[2][2] + r.z * AbsR[0][2];
    rb = b.r.x * AbsR[1][1] + b.r.y * AbsR[1][0];
    if (Abs(t.x * R[2][2] - t.z * R[0][2]) > ra + rb)
        return false;

    // A.z <cross> B.x
    ra = r.x * AbsR[1][0] + r.y * AbsR[0][0];
    rb = b.r.y * AbsR[2][2] + b.r.z * AbsR[2][1];
    if (Abs(t.y * R[0][0] - t.x * R[1][0]) > ra + rb)
        return false;

    // A.z <cross> B.y
    ra = r.x * AbsR[1][1] + r.y * AbsR[0][1];
    rb = b.r.x * AbsR[2][2] + b.r.z * AbsR[2][0];
    if (Abs(t.y * R[0][1] - t.x * R[1][1]) > ra + rb)
        return false;

    // A.z <cross> B.z
    ra = r.x * AbsR[1][2] + r.y * AbsR[0][2];
    rb = b.r.x * AbsR[2][1] + b.r.y * AbsR[2][0];
    if (Abs(t.y * R[0][2] - t.x * R[1][2]) > ra + rb)
        return false;

    // No separating axis exists, so the two OBB don't intersect.
    return true;
 * Do texgen needed for glRasterPos.
 * \param ctx  rendering context
 * \param vObj  object-space vertex coordinate
 * \param vEye  eye-space vertex coordinate
 * \param normal  vertex normal
 * \param unit  texture unit number
 * \param texcoord  incoming texcoord and resulting texcoord
static void
compute_texgen(struct gl_context *ctx, const GLfloat vObj[4], const GLfloat vEye[4],
               const GLfloat normal[3], GLuint unit, GLfloat texcoord[4])
   const struct gl_texture_unit *texUnit = &ctx->Texture.Unit[unit];

   /* always compute sphere map terms, just in case */
   GLfloat u[3], two_nu, rx, ry, rz, m, mInv;
   COPY_3V(u, vEye);
   two_nu = 2.0F * DOT3(normal, u);
   rx = u[0] - normal[0] * two_nu;
   ry = u[1] - normal[1] * two_nu;
   rz = u[2] - normal[2] * two_nu;
   m = rx * rx + ry * ry + (rz + 1.0F) * (rz + 1.0F);
   if (m > 0.0F)
      mInv = 0.5F * (1.0f / sqrtf(m));
      mInv = 0.0F;

   if (texUnit->TexGenEnabled & S_BIT) {
      switch (texUnit->GenS.Mode) {
         case GL_OBJECT_LINEAR:
            texcoord[0] = DOT4(vObj, texUnit->GenS.ObjectPlane);
         case GL_EYE_LINEAR:
            texcoord[0] = DOT4(vEye, texUnit->GenS.EyePlane);
         case GL_SPHERE_MAP:
            texcoord[0] = rx * mInv + 0.5F;
         case GL_REFLECTION_MAP:
            texcoord[0] = rx;
         case GL_NORMAL_MAP:
            texcoord[0] = normal[0];
            _mesa_problem(ctx, "Bad S texgen in compute_texgen()");

   if (texUnit->TexGenEnabled & T_BIT) {
      switch (texUnit->GenT.Mode) {
         case GL_OBJECT_LINEAR:
            texcoord[1] = DOT4(vObj, texUnit->GenT.ObjectPlane);
         case GL_EYE_LINEAR:
            texcoord[1] = DOT4(vEye, texUnit->GenT.EyePlane);
         case GL_SPHERE_MAP:
            texcoord[1] = ry * mInv + 0.5F;
         case GL_REFLECTION_MAP:
            texcoord[1] = ry;
         case GL_NORMAL_MAP:
            texcoord[1] = normal[1];
            _mesa_problem(ctx, "Bad T texgen in compute_texgen()");

   if (texUnit->TexGenEnabled & R_BIT) {
      switch (texUnit->GenR.Mode) {
         case GL_OBJECT_LINEAR:
            texcoord[2] = DOT4(vObj, texUnit->GenR.ObjectPlane);
         case GL_EYE_LINEAR:
            texcoord[2] = DOT4(vEye, texUnit->GenR.EyePlane);
         case GL_REFLECTION_MAP:
            texcoord[2] = rz;
         case GL_NORMAL_MAP:
            texcoord[2] = normal[2];
            _mesa_problem(ctx, "Bad R texgen in compute_texgen()");

   if (texUnit->TexGenEnabled & Q_BIT) {
      switch (texUnit->GenQ.Mode) {
         case GL_OBJECT_LINEAR:
            texcoord[3] = DOT4(vObj, texUnit->GenQ.ObjectPlane);
         case GL_EYE_LINEAR:
            texcoord[3] = DOT4(vEye, texUnit->GenQ.EyePlane);
            _mesa_problem(ctx, "Bad Q texgen in compute_texgen()");
 * Compute lighting for the raster position.  RGB modes computed.
 * \param ctx the context
 * \param vertex vertex location
 * \param normal normal vector
 * \param Rcolor returned color
 * \param Rspec returned specular color (if separate specular enabled)
static void
shade_rastpos(struct gl_context *ctx,
              const GLfloat vertex[4],
              const GLfloat normal[3],
              GLfloat Rcolor[4],
              GLfloat Rspec[4])
   /*const*/ GLfloat (*base)[3] = ctx->Light._BaseColor;
   GLbitfield mask;
   GLfloat diffuseColor[4], specularColor[4];  /* for RGB mode only */

   COPY_3V(diffuseColor, base[0]);
   diffuseColor[3] = CLAMP(
      ctx->Light.Material.Attrib[MAT_ATTRIB_FRONT_DIFFUSE][3], 0.0F, 1.0F );
   ASSIGN_4V(specularColor, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

   mask = ctx->Light._EnabledLights;
   while (mask) {
      const int i = u_bit_scan(&mask);
      struct gl_light *light = &ctx->Light.Light[i];
      GLfloat attenuation = 1.0;
      GLfloat VP[3]; /* vector from vertex to light pos */
      GLfloat n_dot_VP;
      GLfloat diffuseContrib[3], specularContrib[3];

      if (!(light->_Flags & LIGHT_POSITIONAL)) {
         /* light at infinity */
	 COPY_3V(VP, light->_VP_inf_norm);
	 attenuation = light->_VP_inf_spot_attenuation;
      else {
         /* local/positional light */
	 GLfloat d;

         /* VP = vector from vertex pos to light[i].pos */
	 SUB_3V(VP, light->_Position, vertex);
         /* d = length(VP) */
	 d = (GLfloat) LEN_3FV( VP );
	 if (d > 1.0e-6F) {
            /* normalize VP */
	    GLfloat invd = 1.0F / d;
	    SELF_SCALE_SCALAR_3V(VP, invd);

         /* atti */
	 attenuation = 1.0F / (light->ConstantAttenuation + d *
			       (light->LinearAttenuation + d *

	 if (light->_Flags & LIGHT_SPOT) {
	    GLfloat PV_dot_dir = - DOT3(VP, light->_NormSpotDirection);

	    if (PV_dot_dir<light->_CosCutoff) {
	    else {
               GLfloat spot = powf(PV_dot_dir, light->SpotExponent);
	       attenuation *= spot;

      if (attenuation < 1e-3F)

      n_dot_VP = DOT3( normal, VP );

      if (n_dot_VP < 0.0F) {
	 ACC_SCALE_SCALAR_3V(diffuseColor, attenuation, light->_MatAmbient[0]);

      /* Ambient + diffuse */
      COPY_3V(diffuseContrib, light->_MatAmbient[0]);
      ACC_SCALE_SCALAR_3V(diffuseContrib, n_dot_VP, light->_MatDiffuse[0]);

      /* Specular */
         const GLfloat *h;
         GLfloat n_dot_h;

         ASSIGN_3V(specularContrib, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	 if (ctx->Light.Model.LocalViewer) {
	    GLfloat v[3];
	    COPY_3V(v, vertex);
	    SUB_3V(VP, VP, v);
	    h = VP;
	 else if (light->_Flags & LIGHT_POSITIONAL) {
	    ACC_3V(VP, ctx->_EyeZDir);
	    h = VP;
         else {
	    h = light->_h_inf_norm;

	 n_dot_h = DOT3(normal, h);

	 if (n_dot_h > 0.0F) {
	    GLfloat shine;
	    GLfloat spec_coef;

	    shine = ctx->Light.Material.Attrib[MAT_ATTRIB_FRONT_SHININESS][0];
	    spec_coef = powf(n_dot_h, shine);

	    if (spec_coef > 1.0e-10F) {
               if (ctx->Light.Model.ColorControl==GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR) {
                  ACC_SCALE_SCALAR_3V( specularContrib, spec_coef,
               else {
                  ACC_SCALE_SCALAR_3V( diffuseContrib, spec_coef,

      ACC_SCALE_SCALAR_3V( diffuseColor, attenuation, diffuseContrib );
      ACC_SCALE_SCALAR_3V( specularColor, attenuation, specularContrib );

   Rcolor[0] = CLAMP(diffuseColor[0], 0.0F, 1.0F);
   Rcolor[1] = CLAMP(diffuseColor[1], 0.0F, 1.0F);
   Rcolor[2] = CLAMP(diffuseColor[2], 0.0F, 1.0F);
   Rcolor[3] = CLAMP(diffuseColor[3], 0.0F, 1.0F);
   Rspec[0] = CLAMP(specularColor[0], 0.0F, 1.0F);
   Rspec[1] = CLAMP(specularColor[1], 0.0F, 1.0F);
   Rspec[2] = CLAMP(specularColor[2], 0.0F, 1.0F);
   Rspec[3] = CLAMP(specularColor[3], 0.0F, 1.0F);
Beispiel #6
static GLfloat opengl_direction_mul(GLfloat *d1, GLfloat *d2)
	GLfloat direction = DOT3(d1, d2);
	return( MAX2(direction, 0.0f));
Beispiel #7
float3 float3x3::operator *(const float3 &rhs) const
    return float3(DOT3(v[0], rhs),
                  DOT3(v[1], rhs),
                  DOT3(v[2], rhs));
Beispiel #8
 * Determine type and flags from scratch.  
 * \param mat matrix.
 * This is expensive enough to only want to do it once.
static void analyse_from_scratch( GLmatrix *mat )
   const GLfloat *m = mat->m;
   GLuint mask = 0;
   GLuint i;

   for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) {
      if (m[i] == 0.0) mask |= (1<<i);

   if (m[0] == 1.0F) mask |= (1<<16);
   if (m[5] == 1.0F) mask |= (1<<21);
   if (m[10] == 1.0F) mask |= (1<<26);
   if (m[15] == 1.0F) mask |= (1<<31);

   mat->flags &= ~MAT_FLAGS_GEOMETRY;

   /* Check for translation - no-one really cares
   if ((mask & MASK_NO_TRX) != MASK_NO_TRX)
      mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_TRANSLATION;

   /* Do the real work
   if (mask == (GLuint) MASK_IDENTITY) {
      mat->type = MATRIX_IDENTITY;
   else if ((mask & MASK_2D_NO_ROT) == (GLuint) MASK_2D_NO_ROT) {
      mat->type = MATRIX_2D_NO_ROT;

      if ((mask & MASK_NO_2D_SCALE) != MASK_NO_2D_SCALE)
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_SCALE;
   else if ((mask & MASK_2D) == (GLuint) MASK_2D) {
      GLfloat mm = DOT2(m, m);
      GLfloat m4m4 = DOT2(m+4,m+4);
      GLfloat mm4 = DOT2(m,m+4);

      mat->type = MATRIX_2D;

      /* Check for scale */
      if (SQ(mm-1) > SQ(1e-6) ||
	  SQ(m4m4-1) > SQ(1e-6))
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_SCALE;

      /* Check for rotation */
      if (SQ(mm4) > SQ(1e-6))
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_3D;
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_ROTATION;

   else if ((mask & MASK_3D_NO_ROT) == (GLuint) MASK_3D_NO_ROT) {
      mat->type = MATRIX_3D_NO_ROT;

      /* Check for scale */
      if (SQ(m[0]-m[5]) < SQ(1e-6) &&
	  SQ(m[0]-m[10]) < SQ(1e-6)) {
	 if (SQ(m[0]-1.0) > SQ(1e-6)) {
	    mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_UNIFORM_SCALE;
      else {
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_SCALE;
   else if ((mask & MASK_3D) == (GLuint) MASK_3D) {
      GLfloat c1 = DOT3(m,m);
      GLfloat c2 = DOT3(m+4,m+4);
      GLfloat c3 = DOT3(m+8,m+8);
      GLfloat d1 = DOT3(m, m+4);
      GLfloat cp[3];

      mat->type = MATRIX_3D;

      /* Check for scale */
      if (SQ(c1-c2) < SQ(1e-6) && SQ(c1-c3) < SQ(1e-6)) {
	 if (SQ(c1-1.0) > SQ(1e-6))
	    mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_UNIFORM_SCALE;
	 /* else no scale at all */
      else {
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_SCALE;

      /* Check for rotation */
      if (SQ(d1) < SQ(1e-6)) {
	 CROSS3( cp, m, m+4 );
	 SUB_3V( cp, cp, (m+8) );
	 if (LEN_SQUARED_3FV(cp) < SQ(1e-6))
	    mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_ROTATION;
	    mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_3D;
      else {
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_3D; /* shear, etc */
   else if ((mask & MASK_PERSPECTIVE) == MASK_PERSPECTIVE && m[11]==-1.0F) {
      mat->type = MATRIX_PERSPECTIVE;
      mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL;
   else {
      mat->type = MATRIX_GENERAL;
      mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL;
float noise3(float x, float y, float z) {
    int c, o1[3], o2[3], g[4], I, J, K;
    float f[4], noise[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
    float s = (x + y + z) * F3;
    float i = floorf(x + s);
    float j = floorf(y + s);
    float k = floorf(z + s);
    float t = (i + j + k) * G3;

    float pos[4][3];

    pos[0][0] = x - (i - t);
    pos[0][1] = y - (j - t);
    pos[0][2] = z - (k - t);

    if (pos[0][0] >= pos[0][1]) {
        if (pos[0][1] >= pos[0][2]) {
            ASSIGN(o1, 1, 0, 0);
            ASSIGN(o2, 1, 1, 0);
        } else if (pos[0][0] >= pos[0][2]) {
            ASSIGN(o1, 1, 0, 0);
            ASSIGN(o2, 1, 0, 1);
        } else {
            ASSIGN(o1, 0, 0, 1);
            ASSIGN(o2, 1, 0, 1);
    } else {
        if (pos[0][1] < pos[0][2]) {
            ASSIGN(o1, 0, 0, 1);
            ASSIGN(o2, 0, 1, 1);
        } else if (pos[0][0] < pos[0][2]) {
            ASSIGN(o1, 0, 1, 0);
            ASSIGN(o2, 0, 1, 1);
        } else {
            ASSIGN(o1, 0, 1, 0);
            ASSIGN(o2, 1, 1, 0);
    for (c = 0; c <= 2; c++) {
        pos[3][c] = pos[0][c] - 1.0f + 3.0f * G3;
        pos[2][c] = pos[0][c] - o2[c] + 2.0f * G3;
        pos[1][c] = pos[0][c] - o1[c] + G3;

    I = (int) i & 255; 
    J = (int) j & 255; 
    K = (int) k & 255;
    g[0] = PERM[I + PERM[J + PERM[K]]] % 12;
    g[1] = PERM[I + o1[0] + PERM[J + o1[1] + PERM[o1[2] + K]]] % 12;
    g[2] = PERM[I + o2[0] + PERM[J + o2[1] + PERM[o2[2] + K]]] % 12;
    g[3] = PERM[I + 1 + PERM[J + 1 + PERM[K + 1]]] % 12; 

    for (c = 0; c <= 3; c++) {
        f[c] = 0.6f - pos[c][0] * pos[c][0] - pos[c][1] * pos[c][1] -
            pos[c][2] * pos[c][2];
    for (c = 0; c <= 3; c++) {
        if (f[c] > 0) {
            noise[c] = f[c] * f[c] * f[c] * f[c] * DOT3(pos[c], GRAD3[g[c]]);
    return (noise[0] + noise[1] + noise[2] + noise[3]) * 32.0f;
Beispiel #10
int CheckCollisionGround( vector<z_face> &collision, vec center, float radius, float angle, float mindist)
	float ground_skew = (float)cos(angle*PI180)*radius;
	vec vpold_vp = mindist*vec(0,-1,0);

	for( int i=0; i<collision.size(); i++)
		vec normal = collision[i].normal;
		float distance = PlaneDistance( normal, collision[i].a);		// D = - (Ax+By+Cz)
		// ---------------------------------------------------------
		// najdeme kolidujuci bod na guli
		vec ClosestPointOnSphere;		// najblizsi bod gule k rovine aktualneho trojuholnika
		// najdeme ho ako priesecnik priamky prechadzajucej stredom gule a smerovym vektorom = normalovemu vektoru roviny (trojuholnika)
		// vypocitame ho, ale jednodusie tak, ze pripocitame (opocitame) k stredu vektor normala*radius
		if( PlanePointDelta( normal, distance, center) > 0 )
			// center je na strane normaly, blizsi bod je v opacnom smere ako smer normaly
			ClosestPointOnSphere = -radius*normal+center;
			// center je na opacnej strane ako normala, blizsi bod je v smere normaly
			ClosestPointOnSphere = radius*normal+center;

		// ---------------------------------------------------------
		// najdeme kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku
		// najprv najdeme kolidujuci bod vzhladom na rovinu v ktorej lezi trojuholnik
		vec contactPointSphereToPlane;			// kolidujuci bod na rovine trojuholnika s gulou
		float distanceCenterToPlane;			// vzdialenost stredu gule k rovine
		// zistime ci rovina pretina gulu
		if( SpherePlaneCollision( center, 0.9999f*radius, normal, distance, &distanceCenterToPlane)==1 )
			// gula pretina rovinu
			// kolidujuci bod je bod na rovine najblizsi k stredu gule
			// je vzdialeny od roviny na distanceCenterToPlane, pretoze pocitame bod na rovine pouzijeme -
			contactPointSphereToPlane = center-distanceCenterToPlane*normal;
			// nie sme v kolizii z gulov, ak sa pohybujeme v smere od roviny, nemoze nastat ziadna kolizia
			// ak sa pohybujeme v smere kolmom na normalovy vektor roviny, tak isto kolizia nehrozi
			// kvoli nepresnosti vypoctov umoznime pohyb aj ked velmi malou castou smeruje do roviny
		//	if( DOT3( vpold_vp, center-ClosestPointOnSphere) >= 0)
			if( DOT3( vpold_vp, center-ClosestPointOnSphere) > -0.000001f)
			// gula nepretina rovinu
			// kolidujuci bod je priesecnik roviny a priamky vedenej z bodu ClosestPointOnSphere
			// v smere pohybu t.j. z vpold do vp

			float t = LinePlaneIntersectionDirParameter( ClosestPointOnSphere, vpold_vp, normal, distance);
			// t > 1.f, priesecnik z rovinou je dalej ako vpold_vp od bodu ClosestPointOnSphere
				continue;	// za cely krok vpold_vp sa s tymto trojuholnikom nestretneme
			else if( t<-radius/vpold_vp.Length())		// priesecnik je za gulou, v smere pohybu tuto rovinu nestretneme
				contactPointSphereToPlane = ClosestPointOnSphere+t*vpold_vp;
		// najdeme kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku
		vec contactPointSphereToTriangle;
		// ak sa bod contactPointSphereToPlane nenachadza v trojuholniku 
		// najdeme najblizsi bod trojuholnika k bodu contactPointSphereToTriangle
		if( !PointInsidePolygon( contactPointSphereToPlane, collision[i].a, collision[i].b, collision[i].c) )
			// najdeme najblizsi bod k contactPointSphereToPlane na hranach trojuholnika
			// z tychto vyberieme najblizi k contactPointSphereToPlane
			vec closest_ab = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].a, collision[i].b, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			vec closest_bc = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].b, collision[i].c, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			vec closest_ca = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].c, collision[i].a, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			float dist_ab = Distance2( closest_ab, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			float dist_bc = Distance2( closest_bc, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			float dist_ca = Distance2( closest_ca, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			if( dist_ab<dist_bc)
					contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ab;
					contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ca;
					contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_bc;
					contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ca;

			// kedze kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku je iny ako kolidujuci bod na rovine
			// zmeni sa aj kolidujuci bod na guli - ClosestPointOnSphere
			// vypocitame ho ako priesecnik gule a priamky z bodu contactPointSphereToTriangle
			// v smere pohybu t.j. z vpold do vp
			double t1,t2;

			if( LineSphereIntersectionDir( contactPointSphereToTriangle, vpold_vp, center, radius, &t1, &t2) )
				if( t1<=0 && t2<0)
					// gula je pred trojuholnikom
					// berieme bod s t1, lebo ten je blizsie k stene (t1>t2)
					if( t1<-1.f)continue;		// tento trojuholnik nas nezaujima lebo nekoliduje po cely tento krok
					ClosestPointOnSphere = t1*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;
					if( (center.y-ClosestPointOnSphere.y)>ground_skew )return 1;
					else continue;
					// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
					// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
				//	vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;
				else if( t1>0 && t2<0)
					// gula je v stene, vratime ju von zo steny
					// berieme bod, ktory je blizsie k rovine
					vec t1point = t1*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;
					vec t2point = t2*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;

				/*	if(PlanePointDistance( normal, distance, t1point)<=PlanePointDistance( normal, distance, t2point) )
						ClosestPointOnSphere = t1point;
						ClosestPointOnSphere = t2point;
					if( ABS(t1) < ABS(t2) )
						ClosestPointOnSphere = t1point;
						ClosestPointOnSphere = t2point;
					if( (center.y-ClosestPointOnSphere.y)>ground_skew )return 1;
					else continue;
					// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
					// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
				//	vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;
				else // if( t1>0 && t2>0)
					// gula je za trojuholnikom, gula nekoliduje s trojuholnikom v tomto smere pohybu
				// nie je priesecnik, gula je mimo trojuholnika
			if( (center.y-ClosestPointOnSphere.y)>ground_skew )return 1;
			else continue;

			// bod je vnutri trojuholnika
		//	contactPointSphereToTriangle = contactPointSphereToPlane;
			// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
			// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
		//	vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;
/*			if( LineSphereIntersectionDir( contactPointSphereToTriangle, vpold_vp, center, radius, &t1, &t2) )
				if( t1<=0 && t2<0)
					// gula je pred trojuholnikom
					// berieme bod s t1, lebo ten je blizsie k stene (t1>t2)
					if( t1<-1.f)continue;		// tento trojuholnik nas nezaujima lebo nekoliduje po cely tento krok
					return 1;
				else if( t1>0 && t2<0)
					return 1;		// gula je v stene
				else // if( t1>0 && t2>0)
					// gula je za trojuholnikom, gula nekoliduje s trojuholnikom v tomto smere pohybu
				// nie je priesecnik, gula je mimo trojuholnika
			return 1;		// bod je vnutri trojuholnika
	return 0;
Beispiel #11
vec CheckCollision( vector<z_face> &collision, vec vp, vec vpold, float radius)
	//	if(vpold_vp.Length()==0)return vpold;
	vec vpold_vp = vp-vpold;		// smer pohybu
	vec vpold_vp_povodny = vpold_vp;// smer pohybu
	int iter=0;
	float radius2 = radius*radius;

	vec newmove = vpold_vp;
	vec newClosestPointOnSphere;
	vec newContactPointSphereToTriangle;

		float distanceCenterPointOnTriangle=1.e+15f;
		int smykanie=0;
		for( int i=0; i<collision.size(); i++)
			vec normal = collision[i].normal;
			vec vp_move;
			vec center = vpold;
			float distance = PlaneDistance( normal, collision[i].a);		// D = - (Ax+By+Cz)
			// ---------------------------------------------------------
			// najdeme kolidujuci bod na guli
			vec ClosestPointOnSphere;		// najblizsi bod gule k rovine aktualneho trojuholnika
			// najdeme ho ako priesecnik priamky prechadzajucej stredom gule a smerovym vektorom = normalovemu vektoru roviny (trojuholnika)
			// vypocitame ho, ale jednodusie tak, ze pripocitame (opocitame) k stredu vektor normala*radius
			if( PlanePointDelta( normal, distance, center) > 0 )
				// center je na strane normaly, blizsi bod je v opacnom smere ako smer normaly
				ClosestPointOnSphere = -radius*normal+center;
				// center je na opacnej strane ako normala, blizsi bod je v smere normaly
				ClosestPointOnSphere = radius*normal+center;

			// ---------------------------------------------------------
			// najdeme kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku
			// najprv najdeme kolidujuci bod vzhladom na rovinu v ktorej lezi trojuholnik
			vec contactPointSphereToPlane;			// kolidujuci bod na rovine trojuholnika s gulou
			float distanceCenterToPlane;			// vzdialenost stredu gule k rovine
			// zistime ci rovina pretina gulu
			if( SpherePlaneCollision( center, 0.9999f*radius, normal, distance, &distanceCenterToPlane)==1 )
				// gula pretina rovinu
				// kolidujuci bod je bod na rovine najblizsi k stredu gule
				// je vzdialeny od roviny na distanceCenterToPlane, pretoze pocitame bod na rovine pouzijeme -
				contactPointSphereToPlane = center-distanceCenterToPlane*normal;
				// nie sme v kolizii z gulov, ak sa pohybujeme v smere od roviny, nemoze nastat ziadna kolizia
				// ak sa pohybujeme v smere kolmom na normalovy vektor roviny, tak isto kolizia nehrozi
				// kvoli nepresnosti vypoctov umoznime pohyb aj ked velmi malou castou smeruje do roviny
			//	if( DOT3( vpold_vp, center-ClosestPointOnSphere) >= 0)
				if( DOT3( vpold_vp, center-ClosestPointOnSphere) > -0.000001f)
				// gula nepretina rovinu
				// kolidujuci bod je priesecnik roviny a priamky vedenej z bodu ClosestPointOnSphere
				// v smere pohybu t.j. z vpold do vp

				float t = LinePlaneIntersectionDirParameter( ClosestPointOnSphere, vpold_vp, normal, distance);
				// t > 1.f, priesecnik z rovinou je dalej ako vpold_vp od bodu ClosestPointOnSphere
					continue;	// za cely krok vpold_vp sa s tymto trojuholnikom nestretneme
				else if( t<-radius/vpold_vp.Length())		// priesecnik je za gulou, v smere pohybu tuto rovinu nestretneme
					contactPointSphereToPlane = ClosestPointOnSphere+t*vpold_vp;
			// najdeme kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku
			vec contactPointSphereToTriangle;
			// ak sa bod contactPointSphereToPlane nenachadza v trojuholniku 
			// najdeme najblizsi bod trojuholnika k bodu contactPointSphereToTriangle
			if( !PointInsidePolygon( contactPointSphereToPlane, collision[i].a, collision[i].b, collision[i].c) )
				// najdeme najblizsi bod k contactPointSphereToPlane na hranach trojuholnika
				// z tychto vyberieme najblizi k contactPointSphereToPlane
				vec closest_ab = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].a, collision[i].b, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				vec closest_bc = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].b, collision[i].c, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				vec closest_ca = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].c, collision[i].a, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				float dist_ab = Distance2( closest_ab, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				float dist_bc = Distance2( closest_bc, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				float dist_ca = Distance2( closest_ca, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				if( dist_ab<dist_bc)
						contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ab;
						contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ca;
						contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_bc;
						contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ca;

				// kedze kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku je iny ako kolidujuci bod na rovine
				// zmeni sa aj kolidujuci bod na guli - ClosestPointOnSphere
				// vypocitame ho ako priesecnik gule a priamky z bodu contactPointSphereToTriangle
				// v smere pohybu t.j. z vpold do vp
				double t1,t2;

				if( LineSphereIntersectionDir( contactPointSphereToTriangle, vpold_vp, center, radius, &t1, &t2) )
					if( t1<=0 && t2<0)
						// gula je pred trojuholnikom
						// berieme bod s t1, lebo ten je blizsie k stene (t1>t2)
						if( t1<-1.f)continue;		// tento trojuholnik nas nezaujima lebo nekoliduje po cely tento krok
						ClosestPointOnSphere = t1*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;

						// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
						// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
						vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;
					else if( t1>0 && t2<0)
						// gula je v stene, vratime ju von zo steny
						// berieme bod, ktory je blizsie k rovine
						vec t1point = t1*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;
						vec t2point = t2*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;

					/*	if(PlanePointDistance( normal, distance, t1point)<=PlanePointDistance( normal, distance, t2point) )
							ClosestPointOnSphere = t1point;
							ClosestPointOnSphere = t2point;
						if( ABS(t1) < ABS(t2) )
							ClosestPointOnSphere = t1point;
							ClosestPointOnSphere = t2point;
						// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
						// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
						vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;
					else // if( t1>0 && t2>0)
						// gula je za trojuholnikom, gula nekoliduje s trojuholnikom v tomto smere pohybu
					// nie je priesecnik, gula je mimo trojuholnika
				// bod je vnutri trojuholnika
				contactPointSphereToTriangle = contactPointSphereToPlane;
				// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
				// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
				vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;

			// zistime vzdialenost kontaktneho bodu na trojuholniku ku stredu gule
			float dist = Distance2(contactPointSphereToTriangle,center);
			if(dist<radius2)		// ak je mensi ako polomer, gula je v kolizii z polygonom
				if(dist<distanceCenterPointOnTriangle)	// ak vzdialenost je mensia ako ineho bodu v kolizii, nahradime ho
					newmove = vp_move;
					newClosestPointOnSphere = ClosestPointOnSphere;
					newContactPointSphereToTriangle = contactPointSphereToTriangle;
				if(distanceCenterPointOnTriangle>5.e+14f)	// nenasiel sa ziaden bod vnutri gule
					if( vp_move.Length2() < newmove.Length2() )		// berieme kratsi
						newmove = vp_move;
						newClosestPointOnSphere = ClosestPointOnSphere;
						newContactPointSphereToTriangle = contactPointSphereToTriangle;

			vec normal=vpold-newClosestPointOnSphere;
			float distance = PlaneDistance( normal, newContactPointSphereToTriangle);
			vec delta = LinePlaneIntersectionDir( newClosestPointOnSphere+vpold_vp, normal, normal, distance)-newContactPointSphereToTriangle;
		//	vec	newvp = newClosestPointOnSphere+vpold_vp;
		//	float distancepoint = PlanePointDelta( normal, distance, newvp);
		//	vec intersec = -distancepoint*normal+newvp;
		//	vec delta = intersec-newContactPointSphereToTriangle;

			// taky klzavy pohyb, ktory ide proti povodnemu pohybu zamietneme
			if( DOT3(vpold_vp_povodny, delta) < 0)delta.clear();

			vpold += newmove;				// posunieme sa po najblizi kolidujuci bod
			vpold += 0.000001f*normal;
			vp = vpold + delta;				// cielovy bod posunieme o deltu klzanim
			vpold_vp = vp-vpold;			// novy vektor pohybu
			newmove = vpold_vp;
			vpold += newmove;
	while( (vpold_vp.Length2()>1.e-8f)&&(iter<10) );
	return vpold;