Beispiel #1
static int
    int ret = 0;
    struct qemuHotplugTestData data = {0};
    virSecurityManagerPtr mgr;

    fputs("libvirt not compiled with yajl, skipping this test\n", stderr);
    return EXIT_AM_SKIP;

    if (virThreadInitialize() < 0 ||
        qemuTestDriverInit(&driver) < 0)
        return EXIT_FAILURE;


    /* some dummy values from 'config file' */
    if (VIR_STRDUP_QUIET(driver.config->spicePassword, "123456") < 0)
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (!(driver.domainEventState = virObjectEventStateNew()))
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    driver.lockManager = virLockManagerPluginNew("nop", "qemu",
    if (!driver.lockManager)
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (!(mgr = virSecurityManagerNew("none", "qemu",
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (!(driver.securityManager = virSecurityManagerNewStack(mgr)))
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* wait only 100ms for DEVICE_DELETED event */
    qemuDomainRemoveDeviceWaitTime = 100;

#define DO_TEST(file, ACTION, dev, event, fial, kep, ...)                   \
    do {                                                                    \
        const char *my_mon[] = { __VA_ARGS__, NULL};                        \
        const char *name = file " " #ACTION " " dev;                        \
        data.action = ACTION;                                               \
        data.domain_filename = file;                                        \
        data.device_filename = dev;                                         \ = fial;                                                   \
        data.mon = my_mon;                                                  \
        data.keep = kep;                                                    \
        data.deviceDeletedEvent = event;                                    \
        if (virtTestRun(name, testQemuHotplug, &data) < 0)                  \
            ret = -1;                                                       \
    } while (0)

#define DO_TEST_ATTACH(file, dev, fial, kep, ...)                           \
    DO_TEST(file, ATTACH, dev, false, fial, kep, __VA_ARGS__)

#define DO_TEST_DETACH(file, dev, fial, kep, ...)                           \
    DO_TEST(file, DETACH, dev, false, fial, kep, __VA_ARGS__)

#define DO_TEST_ATTACH_EVENT(file, dev, fial, kep, ...)                     \
    DO_TEST(file, ATTACH, dev, true, fial, kep, __VA_ARGS__)

#define DO_TEST_DETACH_EVENT(file, dev, fial, kep, ...)                     \
    DO_TEST(file, DETACH, dev, true, fial, kep, __VA_ARGS__)

#define DO_TEST_UPDATE(file, dev, fial, kep, ...)                           \
    DO_TEST(file, UPDATE, dev, false, fial, kep, __VA_ARGS__)

#define QMP_OK      "{\"return\": {}}"
#define HMP(msg)    "{\"return\": \"" msg "\"}"

#define QMP_DEVICE_DELETED(dev) \
    "{"                                                     \
    "    \"timestamp\": {"                                  \
    "        \"seconds\": 1374137171,"                      \
    "        \"microseconds\": 2659"                        \
    "    },"                                                \
    "    \"event\": \"DEVICE_DELETED\","                    \
    "    \"data\": {"                                       \
    "        \"device\": \"" dev "\","                      \
    "        \"path\": \"/machine/peripheral/" dev "\""     \
    "    }"                                                 \

    DO_TEST_UPDATE("graphics-spice", "graphics-spice-nochange", false, false, NULL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("graphics-spice-timeout", "graphics-spice-timeout-nochange", false, false,
                   "set_password", QMP_OK, "expire_password", QMP_OK);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("graphics-spice-timeout", "graphics-spice-timeout-password", false, false,
                   "set_password", QMP_OK, "expire_password", QMP_OK);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("graphics-spice", "graphics-spice-listen", true, false, NULL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("graphics-spice-listen-network", "graphics-spice-listen-network", false, false,
                   "set_password", QMP_OK, "expire_password", QMP_OK);
    /* Strange huh? Currently, only graphics can be updated :-P */
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("disk-cdrom", "disk-cdrom-nochange", true, false, NULL);

    DO_TEST_ATTACH("console-compat-2", "console-virtio", false, true,
                   "chardev-add", "{\"return\": {\"pty\": \"/dev/pts/26\"}}",
                   "device_add", QMP_OK);

    DO_TEST_DETACH("console-compat-2", "console-virtio", false, false,
                   "device_del", QMP_OK,
                   "chardev-remove", QMP_OK);

    DO_TEST_ATTACH("hotplug-base", "disk-virtio", false, true,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP("OK\\r\\n"),
                   "device_add", QMP_OK);
    DO_TEST_DETACH("hotplug-base", "disk-virtio", false, false,
                   "device_del", QMP_OK,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP(""));

    DO_TEST_ATTACH_EVENT("hotplug-base", "disk-virtio", false, true,
                         "human-monitor-command", HMP("OK\\r\\n"),
                         "device_add", QMP_OK);
    DO_TEST_DETACH("hotplug-base", "disk-virtio", true, true,
                   "device_del", QMP_OK,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP(""));
    DO_TEST_DETACH("hotplug-base", "disk-virtio", false, false,
                   "device_del", QMP_DEVICE_DELETED("virtio-disk4") QMP_OK,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP(""));

    DO_TEST_ATTACH("hotplug-base", "disk-usb", false, true,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP("OK\\r\\n"),
                   "device_add", QMP_OK);
    DO_TEST_DETACH("hotplug-base", "disk-usb", false, false,
                   "device_del", QMP_OK,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP(""));

    DO_TEST_ATTACH_EVENT("hotplug-base", "disk-usb", false, true,
                         "human-monitor-command", HMP("OK\\r\\n"),
                         "device_add", QMP_OK);
    DO_TEST_DETACH("hotplug-base", "disk-usb", true, true,
                   "device_del", QMP_OK,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP(""));
    DO_TEST_DETACH("hotplug-base", "disk-usb", false, false,
                   "device_del", QMP_DEVICE_DELETED("usb-disk16") QMP_OK,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP(""));

    DO_TEST_ATTACH("hotplug-base", "disk-scsi", false, true,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP("OK\\r\\n"),
                   "device_add", QMP_OK);
    DO_TEST_DETACH("hotplug-base", "disk-scsi", false, false,
                   "device_del", QMP_OK,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP(""));

    DO_TEST_ATTACH_EVENT("hotplug-base", "disk-scsi", false, true,
                         "human-monitor-command", HMP("OK\\r\\n"),
                         "device_add", QMP_OK);
    DO_TEST_DETACH("hotplug-base", "disk-scsi", true, true,
                   "device_del", QMP_OK,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP(""));
    DO_TEST_DETACH("hotplug-base", "disk-scsi", false, false,
                   "device_del", QMP_DEVICE_DELETED("scsi0-0-0-5") QMP_OK,
                   "human-monitor-command", HMP(""));

    return (ret == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
Beispiel #2
static int
    int ret = 0;
    struct qemuHotplugTestData data = {0};

    fputs("libvirt not compiled with yajl, skipping this test\n", stderr);
    return EXIT_AM_SKIP;

    if (virThreadInitialize() < 0 ||
        !(driver.caps = testQemuCapsInit()) ||
        !(driver.xmlopt = virQEMUDriverCreateXMLConf(&driver)))
        return EXIT_FAILURE;


    driver.config = virQEMUDriverConfigNew(false);

    if (!(driver.domainEventState = virDomainEventStateNew()))
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* some dummy values from 'config file' */
    if (VIR_STRDUP_QUIET(driver.config->spicePassword, "123456") < 0)
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

#define DO_TEST(file, dev, fial, kep, ...)                                  \
        const char *my_mon[] = { __VA_ARGS__, NULL};                        \
        data.domain_filename = file;                                        \
        data.device_filename = dev;                                         \ = fial;                                                   \
        data.mon = my_mon;                                                  \
        data.keep = kep;                                                    \
        if (virtTestRun(#file, 1, testQemuHotplug, &data) < 0)              \
            ret = -1;                                                       \

#define DO_TEST_ATTACH(file, dev, fial, kep, ...)                           \
    do {                                                                    \
        data.action = ATTACH;                                               \
        DO_TEST(file, dev, fial, kep, __VA_ARGS__)                          \
    } while (0)

#define DO_TEST_DETACH(file, dev, fial, kep, ...)                           \
    do {                                                                    \
        data.action = DETACH;                                               \
        DO_TEST(file, dev, fial, kep, __VA_ARGS__)                          \
    } while (0)

#define DO_TEST_UPDATE(file, dev, fial, kep, ...)                           \
    do {                                                                    \
        data.action = UPDATE;                                               \
        DO_TEST(file, dev, fial, kep, __VA_ARGS__)                          \
    } while (0)

    DO_TEST_UPDATE("graphics-spice", "graphics-spice-nochange", false, false, NULL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("graphics-spice-timeout", "graphics-spice-timeout-nochange", false, false,
                   "set_password", "{\"return\":{}}", "expire_password", "{\"return\":{}}");
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("graphics-spice-timeout", "graphics-spice-timeout-password", false, false,
                   "set_password", "{\"return\":{}}", "expire_password", "{\"return\":{}}");
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("graphics-spice", "graphics-spice-listen", true, false, NULL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("graphics-spice-listen-network", "graphics-spice-listen-network", false, false,
                   "set_password", "{\"return\":{}}", "expire_password", "{\"return\":{}}");
    /* Strange huh? Currently, only graphics can be updated :-P */
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("disk-cdrom", "disk-cdrom-nochange", true, false, NULL);

    DO_TEST_ATTACH("console-compat-2", "console-virtio", false, true,
                   "chardev-add", "{\"return\": {\"pty\": \"/dev/pts/26\"}}",
                   "device_add", "{\"return\": {}}");

    DO_TEST_DETACH("console-compat-2", "console-virtio", false, false,
                   "device_del", "{\"return\": {}}",
                   "chardev-remove", "{\"return\": {}}");

    return (ret == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
Beispiel #3
static int
    int ret = 0;
    char *map = NULL;

    abs_top_srcdir = getenv("abs_top_srcdir");
    if (!abs_top_srcdir)
        abs_top_srcdir = "..";

    if (virAsprintf(&map, "%s/src/cpu/cpu_map.xml", abs_top_srcdir) < 0 ||
        cpuMapOverride(map) < 0) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

#define DO_TEST(arch, api, name, host, cpu,                             \
                models, nmodels, preferred, result)                     \
    do {                                                                \
        struct data data = {                                            \
            arch, api, host, cpu, models,                               \
            models == NULL ? NULL : #models,                            \
            nmodels, preferred, result    \
        };                                                              \
        if (cpuTestRun(name, &data) < 0)                                \
            ret = -1;                                                   \
    } while (0)

#define DO_TEST_COMPARE(arch, host, cpu, result)                        \
    DO_TEST(arch, API_COMPARE,                                          \
            host "/" cpu " (" #result ")",                              \
            host, cpu, NULL, 0, NULL, result)

#define DO_TEST_UPDATE(arch, host, cpu, result)                         \
    do {                                                                \
        DO_TEST(arch, API_UPDATE,                                       \
                cpu " on " host,                                        \
                host, cpu, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);                           \
        DO_TEST_COMPARE(arch, host, host "+" cpu, result);              \
    } while (0)

#define DO_TEST_BASELINE(arch, name, result)                            \
    DO_TEST(arch, API_BASELINE, name, NULL, "baseline-" name,           \
            NULL, 0, NULL, result)

#define DO_TEST_HASFEATURE(arch, host, feature, result)                 \
    DO_TEST(arch, API_HAS_FEATURE,                                      \
            host "/" feature " (" #result ")",                          \
            host, feature, NULL, 0, NULL, result)

#define DO_TEST_GUESTDATA(arch, host, cpu, models, preferred, result)   \
    DO_TEST(arch, API_GUEST_DATA,                                       \
            host "/" cpu " (" #models ", pref=" #preferred ")",         \
            host, cpu, models,                                          \
            models == NULL ? 0 : sizeof(models) / sizeof(char *),       \
            preferred, result)

    /* host to host comparison */
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host", IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host-better", INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host-worse", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host-amd-fake", INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host-incomp-arch", INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host-no-vendor", IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host-no-vendor", "host", INCOMPATIBLE);

    /* guest to host comparison */
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "bogus-model", ERROR);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "bogus-feature", ERROR);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "min", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "pentium3", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-forbid", INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-forbid-extra", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-disable", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-disable2", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-disable-extra", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-require", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-require-extra", INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-force", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "strict", INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "strict-full", IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "strict-disable", IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "strict-force-extra", IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "guest", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "pentium3-amd", INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host-amd", "pentium3-amd", SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host-worse", "nehalem-force", IDENTICAL);

    /* guest updates for migration
     * automatically compares host CPU with the result */
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("x86", "host", "min", IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("x86", "host", "pentium3", IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("x86", "host", "guest", SUPERSET);

    /* computing baseline CPUs */
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "incompatible-vendors", -1);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "no-vendor", 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "some-vendors", 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "1", 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "2", 0);

    /* CPU features */
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "vmx", YES);
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "lm", YES);
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "sse4.1", YES);
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "3dnowext", NO);
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "skinit", NO);
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "foo", FAIL);

    /* computing guest data and decoding the data into a guest CPU XML */
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", NULL, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-better", "pentium3", NULL, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-better", "pentium3", NULL, "pentium3", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-better", "pentium3", NULL, "core2duo", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-worse", "guest", NULL, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "strict-force-extra", NULL, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "nehalem-force", NULL, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", model486, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", models, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", models, "Penryn", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", models, "qemu64", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", nomodel, NULL, -1);

    return (ret == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
Beispiel #4
static int
    int ret = 0;

#define DO_TEST(arch, api, name, host, cpu,                             \
                models, nmodels, preferred, flags, result)              \
    do {                                                                \
        static struct data data = {                                     \
            arch, api, host, cpu, models,                               \
            models == NULL ? NULL : #models,                            \
            nmodels, preferred, flags, result                           \
        };                                                              \
        if (cpuTestRun(name, &data) < 0)                                \
            ret = -1;                                                   \
    } while (0)

#define DO_TEST_COMPARE(arch, host, cpu, result)                        \
    DO_TEST(arch, API_COMPARE,                                          \
            host "/" cpu " (" #result ")",                              \
            host, cpu, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, result)

#define DO_TEST_UPDATE(arch, host, cpu, result)                         \
    do {                                                                \
        DO_TEST(arch, API_UPDATE,                                       \
                cpu " on " host,                                        \
                host, cpu, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0);                        \
        DO_TEST_COMPARE(arch, host, host "+" cpu, result);              \
    } while (0)

#define DO_TEST_BASELINE(arch, name, flags, result)                     \
    do {                                                                \
        const char *suffix = "";                                        \
        char *label;                                                    \
        if ((flags) & VIR_CONNECT_BASELINE_CPU_EXPAND_FEATURES)         \
            suffix = " (expanded)";                                     \
        if ((flags) & VIR_CONNECT_BASELINE_CPU_MIGRATABLE)              \
            suffix = " (migratable)";                                   \
        if (virAsprintf(&label, "%s%s", name, suffix) < 0) {            \
            ret = -1;                                                   \
        } else {                                                        \
            DO_TEST(arch, API_BASELINE, label, NULL, "baseline-" name,  \
                    NULL, 0, NULL, flags, result);                      \
        }                                                               \
        VIR_FREE(label);                                                \
    } while (0)

#define DO_TEST_HASFEATURE(arch, host, feature, result)                 \
    DO_TEST(arch, API_HAS_FEATURE,                                      \
            host "/" feature " (" #result ")",                          \
            host, feature, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, result)

#define DO_TEST_GUESTDATA(arch, host, cpu, models, preferred, result)   \
    DO_TEST(arch, API_GUEST_DATA,                                       \
            host "/" cpu " (" #models ", pref=" #preferred ")",         \
            host, cpu, models,                                          \
            models == NULL ? 0 : sizeof(models) / sizeof(char *),       \
            preferred, 0, result)

    /* host to host comparison */
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host-better", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host-worse", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host-amd-fake", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host-incomp-arch", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "host-no-vendor", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host-no-vendor", "host", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);

    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host", "host", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host", "host-better", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host", "host-worse", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host", "host-incomp-arch", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host", "host-no-vendor", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host-no-vendor", "host", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);

    /* guest to host comparison */
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "bogus-model", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_ERROR);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "bogus-feature", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_ERROR);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "min", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "pentium3", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-forbid", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-forbid-extra", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-disable", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-disable2", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-disable-extra", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-require", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-require-extra", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "exact-force", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "strict-full", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "strict-disable", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "strict-force-extra", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "guest", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host", "pentium3-amd", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host-amd", "pentium3-amd", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host-worse", "nehalem-force", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("x86", "host-SandyBridge", "exact-force-Haswell", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);

    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host", "guest-strict", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host", "guest-exact", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host", "guest-legacy", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host", "guest-legacy-incompatible", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE);
    DO_TEST_COMPARE("ppc64", "host", "guest-legacy-invalid", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_ERROR);

    /* guest updates for migration
     * automatically compares host CPU with the result */
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("x86", "host", "min", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("x86", "host", "pentium3", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("x86", "host", "guest", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("x86", "host", "host-model", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("x86", "host", "host-model-nofallback", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("x86", "host", "host-passthrough", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL);
    DO_TEST_UPDATE("x86", "host-invtsc", "host-model", VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET);

    /* computing baseline CPUs */
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "incompatible-vendors", 0, -1);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "no-vendor", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "some-vendors", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "1", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "2", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "3", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "4", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "5", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "6", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "7", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("x86", "8", 0, 0);

    DO_TEST_BASELINE("ppc64", "incompatible-vendors", 0, -1);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("ppc64", "no-vendor", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("ppc64", "incompatible-models", 0, -1);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("ppc64", "same-model", 0, 0);
    DO_TEST_BASELINE("ppc64", "legacy", 0, -1);

    /* CPU features */
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "vmx", YES);
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "lm", YES);
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "sse4.1", YES);
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "3dnowext", NO);
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "skinit", NO);
    DO_TEST_HASFEATURE("x86", "host", "foo", FAIL);

    /* computing guest data and decoding the data into a guest CPU XML */
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", NULL, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-better", "pentium3", NULL, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-better", "pentium3", NULL, "pentium3", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-better", "pentium3", NULL, "core2duo", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-worse", "guest", NULL, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "strict-force-extra", NULL, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "nehalem-force", NULL, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", model486, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", models, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", models, "Penryn", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", models, "qemu64", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest", nomodel, NULL, -1);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "guest-nofallback", models, "Penryn", -1);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "host+host-model", models, "Penryn", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host", "host+host-model-nofallback",
                      models, "Penryn", -1);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-Haswell-noTSX", "Haswell",
                      haswell, "Haswell", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-Haswell-noTSX", "Haswell-noTSX",
                      haswell, "Haswell-noTSX", 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-Haswell-noTSX", "Haswell-noTSX-nofallback",
                      haswell, "Haswell-noTSX", -1);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("x86", "host-Haswell-noTSX", "Haswell-noTSX",
                      NULL, "Haswell-noTSX", 0);

    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("ppc64", "host", "guest", ppc_models, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("ppc64", "host", "guest-nofallback", ppc_models, "POWER8", -1);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("ppc64", "host", "guest-legacy", ppc_models, NULL, 0);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("ppc64", "host", "guest-legacy-incompatible", ppc_models, NULL, -1);
    DO_TEST_GUESTDATA("ppc64", "host", "guest-legacy-invalid", ppc_models, NULL, -1);

    return ret == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;