Beispiel #1
HRESULT DSW_ZeroEmptySpace( DSoundWrapper *dsw )
	LPBYTE lpbuf1 = NULL;
	LPBYTE lpbuf2 = NULL;
	DWORD dwsize1 = 0;
	DWORD dwsize2 = 0;
	long  bytesEmpty;
	hr = DSW_QueryOutputSpace( dsw, &bytesEmpty ); // updates dsw_FramesPlayed
	if (hr != DS_OK) return hr;
	if( bytesEmpty == 0 ) return DS_OK;
	// Lock free space in the DS
	hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_Lock( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, dsw->dsw_WriteOffset, bytesEmpty, (void **) &lpbuf1, &dwsize1,
		(void **) &lpbuf2, &dwsize2, 0);
	if (hr == DS_OK)
		// Copy the buffer into the DS
		ZeroMemory(lpbuf1, dwsize1);
		if(lpbuf2 != NULL)
			ZeroMemory(lpbuf2, dwsize2);
		// Update our buffer offset and unlock sound buffer
 		dsw->dsw_WriteOffset = (dsw->dsw_WriteOffset + dwsize1 + dwsize2) % dsw->dsw_OutputSize;
		IDirectSoundBuffer_Unlock( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, lpbuf1, dwsize1, lpbuf2, dwsize2);
		dsw->dsw_FramesWritten += bytesEmpty / dsw->dsw_BytesPerFrame;
	return hr;
Beispiel #2
static PaError Pa_TimeSlice( internalPortAudioStream   *past )
	PaError           result = 0;
	long              bytesEmpty = 0;
	long              bytesFilled = 0;
	long              bytesToXfer = 0;
	long              numChunks;
	HRESULT           hresult;
	PaHostSoundControl  *pahsc;
	short            *nativeBufPtr;
	past->past_NumCallbacks += 1;
	pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData;
	if( pahsc == NULL ) return paInternalError;
/* How much input data is available? */
	if( past->past_NumInputChannels > 0 )
		DSW_QueryInputFilled( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper, &bytesFilled );
		bytesToXfer = bytesFilled;
/* How much output room is available? */
	if( past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0 )
		DSW_QueryOutputSpace( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper, &bytesEmpty );
		bytesToXfer = bytesEmpty;
	AddTraceMessage( "bytesEmpty ", bytesEmpty );
/* Choose smallest value if both are active. */
	if( (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) && (past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) )
		bytesToXfer = ( bytesFilled < bytesEmpty ) ? bytesFilled : bytesEmpty;
/*	printf("bytesFilled = %d, bytesEmpty = %d, bytesToXfer = %d\n",
		bytesFilled, bytesEmpty, bytesToXfer);
/* Quantize to multiples of a buffer. */
	numChunks = bytesToXfer / pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerBuffer;
	if( numChunks > (long)(past->past_NumUserBuffers/2) )
		numChunks = (long)past->past_NumUserBuffers/2;
	else if( numChunks < 0 )
		numChunks = 0;
	AddTraceMessage( "numChunks ", numChunks );
	nativeBufPtr = pahsc->pahsc_NativeBuffer;
	if( numChunks > 0 )
		while( numChunks-- > 0 )
		/* Measure usage based on time to process one user buffer. */
			Pa_StartUsageCalculation( past );
	/* Get native data from DirectSound. */
			if( past->past_NumInputChannels > 0 )
				hresult = DSW_ReadBlock( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper, (char *) nativeBufPtr, pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerBuffer );
				if( hresult < 0 )
					ERR_RPT(("DirectSound ReadBlock failed, hresult = 0x%x\n",hresult));
					sPaHostError = hresult;
	/* Convert 16 bit native data to user data and call user routine. */
			result = Pa_CallConvertInt16( past, nativeBufPtr, nativeBufPtr );
			if( result != 0) break;
	/* Pass native data to DirectSound. */
			if( past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0 )
			/*	static short DEBUGHACK = 0;
				DEBUGHACK += 0x0049;
				nativeBufPtr[0] = DEBUGHACK; /* Make buzz to see if DirectSound still running. */
				hresult = DSW_WriteBlock( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper, (char *) nativeBufPtr, pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerBuffer );
				if( hresult < 0 )
					ERR_RPT(("DirectSound WriteBlock failed, result = 0x%x\n",hresult));
					sPaHostError = hresult;
			Pa_EndUsageCalculation( past );
	return result;