     D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Connection, "VoodooConnectionLink::%s( %p )\n", __func__, this );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( this, VoodooConnection );

     /* Acquire locks and wake up waiters. */
     direct_mutex_lock( &output.lock );
     direct_waitqueue_broadcast( &output.wait );
     direct_mutex_unlock( &output.lock );

     /* Destroy conditions. */
     direct_waitqueue_deinit( &output.wait );

     /* Destroy locks. */
     direct_mutex_deinit( &output.lock );

     /* Deallocate buffers. */
     D_FREE( input.buffer );

     direct_tls_unregister( &output.tls );
Beispiel #2
voodoo_manager_register_remote( VoodooManager    *manager,
                                bool              super,
                                void             *requestor,
                                VoodooInstanceID  instance_id )
     DirectResult    ret;
     VoodooInstance *instance;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( manager, VoodooManager );
     D_ASSERT( requestor != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( instance_id != VOODOO_INSTANCE_NONE );

     instance = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(VoodooInstance) );
     if (!instance) {
          D_WARN( "out of memory" );
          return DR_NOLOCALMEMORY;

     instance->super = super;
     instance->proxy = requestor;

     pthread_mutex_lock( &manager->instances.lock );

     ret = direct_hash_insert( manager->instances.remote, instance_id, instance );

     pthread_mutex_unlock( &manager->instances.lock );

     if (ret) {
          D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: Adding a new instance to the requestor hash table failed!\n" );
          D_FREE( instance );
          return ret;

     D_DEBUG( "Voodoo/Manager: "
              "Added remote instance %u, requestor %p.\n", instance_id, requestor );

     return DR_OK;
Beispiel #3
direct_map_create( unsigned int           initial_size,
                   DirectMapCompareFunc   compare_func,
                   DirectMapHashFunc      hash_func,
                   void                  *ctx,
                   DirectMap            **ret_map )
     DirectMap *map;

     D_DEBUG_AT( Direct_Map, "%s( size %u, compare %p, hash %p )\n", __func__, initial_size, compare_func, hash_func );

     D_ASSERT( compare_func != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( hash_func != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( ret_map != NULL );

     if (initial_size < 3)
          initial_size = 3;

     map = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof (DirectMap) );
     if (!map)
          return D_OOM();

     map->entries = D_CALLOC( initial_size, sizeof(MapEntry) );
     if (!map->entries) {
          D_FREE( map );
          return D_OOM();

     map->size    = initial_size;
     map->compare = compare_func;
     map->hash    = hash_func;
     map->ctx     = ctx;

     D_MAGIC_SET( map, DirectMap );

     *ret_map = map;

     return DR_OK;
static DFBResult
localDeallocateBuffer( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
                       void                  *pool_data,
                       void                  *pool_local,
                       CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer,
                       CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
                       void                  *alloc_data )
     LocalAllocationData *alloc = alloc_data;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, CoreSurfacePool );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( alloc, LocalAllocationData );

     if (dfb_config->system_surface_align_base && dfb_config->system_surface_align_pitch)
          // This was allocated by posix_memalign and requires "free()".
          free( alloc->addr );
          D_FREE( alloc->addr );

     D_MAGIC_CLEAR( alloc );

     return DFB_OK;
Beispiel #5
static DFBResult
system_leave( bool emergency )
     DFBX11       *x11    = dfb_system_data();
     DFBX11Shared *shared = x11->shared;

     D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Core, "%s()\n", __FUNCTION__ );

      * Slave deinit
     if (shared->x11_pool_bridge)
          dfb_surface_pool_bridge_leave( shared->x11_pool_bridge );

     if (shared->vpsmem_pool)
          dfb_surface_pool_leave( shared->vpsmem_pool );

     if (shared->glx_pool)
          dfb_surface_pool_leave( shared->glx_pool );

     if (shared->x11window_pool)
          dfb_surface_pool_leave( shared->x11window_pool );

     if (shared->x11image_pool)
          dfb_surface_pool_leave( shared->x11image_pool );

      * Local deinit (master and slave)
     if (x11->display)
         XCloseDisplay( x11->display );

     D_FREE( x11 );

     return DFB_OK;
static DFBResult
system_join( CoreDFB *core, void **ret_data )
     DFBResult          ret;
     void              *tmp;
     AndroidData       *android;
     AndroidDataShared *shared;

     D_ASSERT( m_data == NULL );

     android = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(AndroidData) );
     if (!android)
          return D_OOM();

     android->core = core;

     ret = core_arena_get_shared_field( core, "android", &tmp );
     if (ret) {
          D_FREE( android );
          return ret;

     android->shared = shared = tmp;

     ret = InitLocal( android );
     if (ret)
          return ret;

     *ret_data = m_data = android;

     dfb_surface_pool_join( core, shared->pool, &androidSurfacePoolFuncs );

     android->screen = dfb_screens_register( NULL, android, androidScreenFuncs );
     android->layer  = dfb_layers_register( android->screen, android, androidLayerFuncs );

     return DFB_OK;
Beispiel #7
static void *
DecoupledCall_thread_main( DirectThread *thread,
                           void         *ctx )
    while (true) {
        DecoupledCall *call;

        direct_mutex_lock( &decoupled_calls_lock );

        while (!decoupled_calls)
            direct_waitqueue_wait( &decoupled_calls_wq, &decoupled_calls_lock );

        call = (DecoupledCall*) decoupled_calls;

        direct_list_remove( &decoupled_calls, &call->link );

        direct_mutex_unlock( &decoupled_calls_lock );

        ComaTestInstance *instance  = call->instance;
        IComaComponent   *component = instance->component;

        switch (call->method) {
        case COMA_TEST_CALL1:
            DispatchCall1( instance, call->data, call->serial );

            component->Return( component, DR_NOIMPL, call->serial );

        D_FREE( call );

    return NULL;
static void
IDirectFBImageProvider_ANDROID_Destruct( IDirectFBImageProvider *thiz )
     JNIEnv *env = 0;

     IDirectFBImageProvider_ANDROID_data *data = (IDirectFBImageProvider_ANDROID_data *)thiz->priv;

     (*m_data->java_vm)->AttachCurrentThread( m_data->java_vm, &env, NULL );
     if (!env) {
          D_DEBUG_AT( imageProviderANDROID, "Destruct: Failed to attach current thread to JVM\n" );

     if (data->image) {
          (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( env, data->pixels, data->image, JNI_ABORT );
          check_exception( env );

     (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef( env, data->pixels );
     check_exception( env );

     if (data->path)
          D_FREE( data->path );
Beispiel #9
static void
array_partial(void **state)
	test_arg_t	*arg = *state;
	daos_obj_id_t	 oid;
	daos_handle_t	 oh;
	daos_iov_t	 dkey;
	daos_sg_list_t	 sgl;
	daos_iov_t	 sg_iov;
	daos_iod_t	 iod;
	daos_recx_t	 recx;
	daos_recx_t	 recxs[4];
	char		*buf;
	char		*buf_out;
	int		 rc, i;

	arg->size = 4;

	D_ALLOC(buf, arg->size * NUM_RECORDS);

	dts_buf_render(buf, arg->size * NUM_RECORDS);

	/** open object */
	oid = dts_oid_gen(DAOS_OC_REPL_MAX_RW, 0, arg->myrank);
	rc = daos_obj_open(arg->coh, oid, 0, &oh, NULL);
	assert_int_equal(rc, 0);

	/** init dkey */
	daos_iov_set(&dkey, "dkey", strlen("dkey"));

	/** init scatter/gather */
	daos_iov_set(&sg_iov, buf, arg->size * NUM_RECORDS);
	sgl.sg_nr		= 1;
	sgl.sg_nr_out		= 0;
	sgl.sg_iovs		= &sg_iov;

	/** init I/O descriptor */
	daos_iov_set(&iod.iod_name, "akey", strlen("akey"));
	daos_csum_set(&iod.iod_kcsum, NULL, 0);
	iod.iod_nr	= 1;
	iod.iod_size	= arg->size;
	recx.rx_idx	= 0;
	recx.rx_nr	= NUM_RECORDS;
	iod.iod_recxs	= &recx;
	iod.iod_eprs	= NULL;
	iod.iod_csums	= NULL;
	iod.iod_type	= DAOS_IOD_ARRAY;

	/** update record */
	print_message("writing %lu records of %lu bytes each at offset %lu\n",
		      recx.rx_nr, iod.iod_size, recx.rx_idx);
	rc = daos_obj_update(oh, DAOS_TX_NONE, &dkey, 1, &iod, &sgl, NULL);
	assert_int_equal(rc, 0);

	/** fetch 1/2 of the records back */
	print_message("reading 1/2 of the records back ...\n");
	D_ALLOC(buf_out, arg->size * NUM_RECORDS/2);
	memset(buf_out, 0, arg->size * NUM_RECORDS/2);
	daos_iov_set(&sg_iov, buf_out, arg->size * NUM_RECORDS/2);
	iod.iod_size	= arg->size;
	iod.iod_nr	= 4;
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		recxs[i].rx_idx	= i*6;
		recxs[i].rx_nr	= 3;

	iod.iod_recxs = recxs;
	rc = daos_obj_fetch(oh, DAOS_TX_NONE, &dkey, 1, &iod, &sgl, NULL, NULL);
	print_message("fetch returns %d\n", rc);
	assert_int_equal(rc, 0);
	/** verify record size */
	print_message("validating record size ...\n");
	assert_int_equal(iod.iod_size, arg->size);
	/** Verify data consistency */
	print_message("validating data ...\n");

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		char *tmp1 = buf + i * 6 * arg->size;
		char *tmp2 = buf_out + i * 3 * arg->size;

		assert_memory_equal(tmp1, tmp2, arg->size * 3);

	/** close object */
	rc = daos_obj_close(oh, NULL);
	assert_int_equal(rc, 0);

	print_message("all good\n");
Beispiel #10
static void
array_simple(void **state)
	test_arg_t	*arg = *state;
	daos_obj_id_t	 oid;
	daos_handle_t	 oh;
	daos_iov_t	 dkey;
	daos_sg_list_t	 sgl;
	daos_iov_t	 sg_iov;
	daos_iod_t	 iod;
	daos_recx_t	 recx;
	char		*buf;
	char		*buf_out;
	int		 rc;

	D_ALLOC(buf, arg->size * arg->nr);

	dts_buf_render(buf, arg->size * arg->nr);

	/** open object */
	oid = dts_oid_gen(DAOS_OC_REPL_MAX_RW, 0, arg->myrank);
	rc = daos_obj_open(arg->coh, oid, 0, &oh, NULL);
	assert_int_equal(rc, 0);

	/** init dkey */
	daos_iov_set(&dkey, "dkey", strlen("dkey"));

	/** init scatter/gather */
	daos_iov_set(&sg_iov, buf, arg->size * arg->nr);
	sgl.sg_nr		= 1;
	sgl.sg_nr_out		= 0;
	sgl.sg_iovs		= &sg_iov;

	/** init I/O descriptor */
	daos_iov_set(&iod.iod_name, "akey", strlen("akey"));
	daos_csum_set(&iod.iod_kcsum, NULL, 0);
	iod.iod_nr	= 1;
	iod.iod_size	= arg->size;
	srand(time(NULL) + arg->size);
	recx.rx_idx	= rand();
	recx.rx_nr	= arg->nr;
	iod.iod_recxs	= &recx;
	iod.iod_eprs	= NULL;
	iod.iod_csums	= NULL;
	iod.iod_type	= DAOS_IOD_ARRAY;

	/** update record */
	print_message("writing %lu records of %lu bytes each at offset %lu\n",
		      recx.rx_nr, iod.iod_size, recx.rx_idx);
	rc = daos_obj_update(oh, DAOS_TX_NONE, &dkey, 1, &iod, &sgl, NULL);
	assert_int_equal(rc, 0);

	/** fetch data back */
	print_message("reading data back ...\n");
	D_ALLOC(buf_out, arg->size * arg->nr);
	memset(buf_out, 0, arg->size * arg->nr);
	daos_iov_set(&sg_iov, buf_out, arg->size * arg->nr);
	iod.iod_size	= DAOS_REC_ANY;
	rc = daos_obj_fetch(oh, DAOS_TX_NONE, &dkey, 1, &iod, &sgl, NULL, NULL);
	assert_int_equal(rc, 0);
	/** verify record size */
	print_message("validating record size ...\n");
	assert_int_equal(iod.iod_size, arg->size);
	/** Verify data consistency */
	print_message("validating data ...\n");
	assert_memory_equal(buf, buf_out, arg->size * arg->nr);

	/** close object */
	rc = daos_obj_close(oh, NULL);
	assert_int_equal(rc, 0);

	print_message("all good\n");
Beispiel #11
static __inline__ void args_free( void *static_buffer, void *buffer )
    if (buffer != static_buffer)
        D_FREE( buffer );
Beispiel #12
IDirectFBFont_CreateFromBuffer( IDirectFBDataBuffer       *buffer,
                                CoreDFB                   *core,
                                const DFBFontDescription  *desc,
                                IDirectFBFont            **interface )
     DFBResult                   ret;
     DirectInterfaceFuncs       *funcs = NULL;
     IDirectFBDataBuffer_data   *buffer_data;
     IDirectFBFont              *ifont;
     IDirectFBFont_ProbeContext  ctx = {0};

     /* Get the private information of the data buffer. */
     buffer_data = (IDirectFBDataBuffer_data*) buffer->priv;
     if (!buffer_data)
          return DFB_DEAD;

     /* Provide a fallback for image providers without data buffer support. */
     ctx.filename = buffer_data->filename;

     /* try to map the "file" content first */
     if (try_map_file( buffer_data, &ctx ) != DFB_OK) {
          /* try to load the "file" content from the buffer */

          /* we need to be able to seek (this implies non-streamed,
             so we also know the size) so we can reuse the buffer */
          if (buffer->SeekTo( buffer, 0 ) == DFB_OK) {
               unsigned int size, got;

               /* get the "file" length */
               buffer->GetLength( buffer, &size );

               ctx.content = D_MALLOC( size );
               if (!ctx.content)
                    return DR_NOLOCALMEMORY;

               ctx.content_size = 0;

               while (ctx.content_size < size) {
                    unsigned int get = size - ctx.content_size;

                    if (get > 8192)
                         get = 8192;

                    ret = buffer->WaitForData( buffer, get );
                    if (ret) {
                         D_DERROR( ret, "%s: WaitForData failed!\n", __FUNCTION__ );

                    ret = buffer->GetData( buffer, get, ctx.content + ctx.content_size, &got );
                    if (ret) {
                         D_DERROR( ret, "%s: GetData failed!\n", __FUNCTION__ );

                    if (!got)

                    ctx.content_size += got;

               if (ctx.content_size != size) {
                    D_ERROR( "%s: Got size %u differs from supposed %u!\n", __FUNCTION__, ctx.content_size, size );
                    D_FREE( ctx.content );
                    return DFB_FAILURE;

     /* Find a suitable implementation. */
     ret = DirectGetInterface( &funcs, "IDirectFBFont", NULL, DirectProbeInterface, &ctx );
     if (ret) {
          unmap_or_free( &ctx );
          return ret;


     /* Construct the interface. */
     ret = funcs->Construct( ifont, core, &ctx, desc );
     if (ret) {
          unmap_or_free( &ctx );
          return ret;

     /* store pointer for deletion at destroy */
          IDirectFBFont_data *data = (IDirectFBFont_data*)(ifont->priv);
          data->content = ctx.content;
          data->content_size = ctx.content_size;
          data->content_mapped = ctx.content_mapped;

     *interface = ifont;

     return DFB_OK;
Beispiel #13
fs_config_set( const char *name, const char *value )
     if (!strcmp( name, "driver" )) {
          if (value) {
               if (fs_config->driver)
                    D_FREE( fs_config->driver );
               fs_config->driver = D_STRDUP( value );
          else {
               D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': No value specified!\n", name );
               return DR_INVARG;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "device" )) {
          if (value) {
               if (fs_config->device)
                    D_FREE( fs_config->device );
               fs_config->device = D_STRDUP( value );
          else {
               D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': No value specified!\n", name );
               return DR_INVARG;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "channels" )) {
          if (value) {
               int channels;

               if (sscanf( value, "%d", &channels ) < 1) {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': Could not parse value!\n", name );
                    return DR_INVARG;
               else if (channels < 1 || channels > FS_MAX_CHANNELS) {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': Unsupported value '%d'!\n", name, channels );
                    return DR_INVARG;

               fs_config->channelmode = fs_mode_for_channels( channels );
          else {
               D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': No value specified!\n", name );
               return DR_INVARG;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "channelmode" )) {
          if (value) {
               FSChannelMode mode;

               mode = parse_modestring( value );
               if (mode == FSCM_UNKNOWN) {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': Could not parse value!\n", name );
                    return DR_INVARG;

               fs_config->channelmode = mode;
          else {
               D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': No value specified!\n", name );
               return DR_INVARG;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "sampleformat" )) {
          if (value) {
               FSSampleFormat format;

               format = parse_sampleformat( value );
               if (format == FSSF_UNKNOWN) {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': Could not parse value!\n", name );
                    return DR_INVARG;

               fs_config->sampleformat = format;
          else {
               D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': No format specified!\n", name );
               return DR_INVARG;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "samplerate" )) {
          if (value) {
               int rate;

               if (sscanf( value, "%d", &rate ) < 1) {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config 'samplerate': "
                             "Could not parse value!\n" );
                    return DR_INVARG;
               else if (rate < 1) {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': Unsupported value '%d'!\n", name, rate );
                    return DR_INVARG;

               fs_config->samplerate = rate;
          else {
               D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': No value specified!\n", name );
               return DR_INVARG;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "buffertime" )) {
          if (value) {
               int time;

               if (sscanf( value, "%d", &time ) < 1) {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config 'buffertime': "
                             "Could not parse value!\n" );
                    return DR_INVARG;
               else if (time < 1 || time > 5000) {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': Unsupported value '%d'!\n", name, time );
                    return DR_INVARG;

               fs_config->buffertime = time;
          else {
               D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': No value specified!\n", name );
               return DR_INVARG;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "session" )) {
          if (value) {
               int session;

               if (sscanf( value, "%d", &session ) < 1) {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': Could not parse value!\n", name );
                    return DR_INVARG;

               fs_config->session = session;
          else {
               D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': No value specified!\n", name );
               return DR_INVARG;
     else if (!strcmp (name, "remote" )) {
          if (value) {
               char host[128];
               int  session = 0;

               if (sscanf( value, "%127s:%d", host, &session ) < 1) {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': "
                             "Could not parse value (format is <host>[:<session>])!\n", name );
                    return DR_INVARG;

               if (fs_config->remote.host)
                    D_FREE( fs_config->remote.host );

               fs_config->remote.host    = D_STRDUP( host );
               fs_config->remote.session = session;
          else {
               D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': No value specified!\n", name );
               return DR_INVARG;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "remote-compression" )) {
          if (value) {
               if (!strcasecmp( value, "none" )) {
                    fs_config->remote_compression = FSRM_NONE;
               else if (!strcasecmp( value, "dpack" )) {
                    fs_config->remote_compression = FSRM_DPACK;
               else {
                    D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': Unsupported value '%s'!\n", name, value );
                    return DR_INVARG;
          else {
               D_ERROR( "FusionSound/Config '%s': No value specified!\n", name );
               return DR_INVARG;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "banner" )) {
          fs_config->banner = true;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "no-banner" )) {
          fs_config->banner = false;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "wait" )) {
          fs_config->wait = true;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "no-wait" )) {
          fs_config->wait = false;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "deinit-check" )) {
          fs_config->deinit_check = true;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "no-deinit-check" )) {
          fs_config->deinit_check = false;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "dither" )) {
          fs_config->dither = true;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "no-dither" )) {
          fs_config->dither = false;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "dma" )) {
          fs_config->dma = true;
     else if (!strcmp( name, "no-dma" )) {
          fs_config->dma = false;
     else if (fusion_config_set( name, value ) && direct_config_set( name, value ))
          return DR_UNSUPPORTED;

     return DR_OK;
Beispiel #14
dfb_core_destroy( CoreDFB *core, bool emergency )
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( core, CoreDFB );
     D_ASSERT( core->refs > 0 );
     D_ASSERT( core == core_dfb );

     D_DEBUG_AT( DirectFB_Core, "%s...\n", __FUNCTION__ );

     if (!emergency) {
          pthread_mutex_lock( &core_dfb_lock );

          if (--core->refs) {
               pthread_mutex_unlock( &core_dfb_lock );
               return DFB_OK;

     dfb_font_manager_destroy( core->font_manager );

     if (core->signal_handler)
          direct_signal_handler_remove( core->signal_handler );
     if (core->cleanup_handler)
          direct_cleanup_handler_remove( core->cleanup_handler );

     if (core->master) {
          if (emergency) {
               fusion_kill( core->world, 0, SIGKILL, 1000 );
          else {
               fusion_kill( core->world, 0, SIGTERM, 5000 );
               fusion_kill( core->world, 0, SIGKILL, 2000 );

     dfb_core_process_cleanups( core, emergency );

     while (fusion_arena_exit( core->arena, dfb_core_arena_shutdown,
                               core->master ? NULL : dfb_core_arena_leave,
                               core, emergency, NULL ) == DR_BUSY)
          D_ONCE( "waiting for DirectFB slaves to terminate" );
          direct_thread_sleep( 100000 );

     fusion_exit( core->world, emergency );

     if (!emergency)
          direct_thread_remove_init_handler( core->init_handler );

     D_MAGIC_CLEAR( core );

     D_FREE( core );
     core_dfb = NULL;

     if (!emergency) {
          pthread_mutex_unlock( &core_dfb_lock );


     return DFB_OK;
Beispiel #15
static void
signal_handler( int num, siginfo_t *info, void *foo )
     ucontext_t   *uctx = foo;
static void
signal_handler( int num )
     DirectResult  ret;
     int           i;
     DirectLink   *l, *n;
     SigHandled   *sig  = NULL;
     void         *addr = NULL;

//     fflush(stdout);
//     fflush(stderr);

     for (i=0; i<NUM_SIGS_TO_HANDLE; i++) {
          if (sigs_handled[i].signum == num) {
               sig = &sigs_handled[i];

               /* Using SA_RESETHAND, so... */
               sig->signum = -1;

/*     ret = direct_sigaction( num, &sig->old_action, NULL );
     if (ret) {
          D_DERROR( ret, "Direct/Signals: Unable to restore previous handler for signal %d!\n", num );
          sig = NULL;

#ifndef SA_SIGINFO
     D_LOG( Direct_Signals, FATAL, "    --> Caught signal %d <--\n", num );
     if (info && info > (siginfo_t*) 0x100) {
          bool shown = false;

          /* Kernel genrated signal? */
          if (info->si_code > 0 && info->si_code < 0x80) {
               addr = info->si_addr;

               switch (num) {
                    case SIGSEGV:
                         shown = show_segv( info, uctx );

                    case SIGBUS:
                         shown = show_bus( info, uctx );

                    case SIGILL:
                         shown = show_ill( info, uctx );

                    case SIGFPE:
                         shown = show_fpe( info, uctx );

                         D_LOG( Direct_Signals, FATAL, "    --> Caught signal %d <--\n", info->si_signo );
                         addr  = NULL;
                         shown = true;
               shown = show_any( info, uctx );

          if (!shown)
               D_LOG( Direct_Signals, FATAL, "    --> Caught signal %d (unknown origin) <--\n", info->si_signo );
          D_LOG( Direct_Signals, FATAL, "    --> Caught signal %d, no siginfo available <--\n", num );

     direct_log_lock( NULL );
     direct_log_unlock( NULL );

     /* Loop through all handlers. */
     direct_mutex_lock( &handlers_lock );

     direct_list_foreach_safe (l, n, handlers) {
          DirectSignalHandler *handler = (DirectSignalHandler*) l;

          if (handler->num != num && handler->num != DIRECT_SIGNAL_ANY)

          switch (handler->func( num, addr, handler->ctx )) {
               case DSHR_OK:

               case DSHR_REMOVE:
                    direct_list_remove( &handlers, &handler->link );
                    D_MAGIC_CLEAR( handler );
                    D_FREE( handler );

               case DSHR_RESUME:
                    D_LOG( Direct_Signals, FATAL, "    '-> cured!\n" );

                    direct_mutex_unlock( &handlers_lock );

                    if (sig) {
                         ret = direct_sigaction( num, &sig->new_action, NULL );
                         if (ret)
                              D_DERROR( ret, "Direct/Signals: Unable to reinstall handler for signal %d!\n", num );
                              sig->signum = num;

                    D_BUG( "unknown result" );
dfb_surface_pool_bridge_join( CoreDFB                      *core,
                              CoreSurfacePoolBridge        *bridge,
                              const SurfacePoolBridgeFuncs *funcs,
                              void                         *context )
     DFBResult ret;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( bridge, CoreSurfacePoolBridge );

     D_DEBUG_AT( Core_SurfPoolBridge, "%s( %p [%d], %p, %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, bridge, bridge->bridge_id, funcs, context );

     D_ASSERT( core != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( funcs != NULL );

     D_ASSERT( bridge->bridge_id < MAX_SURFACE_POOL_BRIDGES );
     D_ASSERT( bridge->bridge_id == bridge_count );
     D_ASSERT( bridge_funcs[bridge->bridge_id] == NULL );

     /* Enforce same order as initialization to be used during join. */
     if (bridge->bridge_id != bridge_count) {
          D_ERROR( "Core/SurfacePoolBridge: Wrong order of joining bridges, got %d, should be %d!\n",
                   bridge->bridge_id, bridge_count );
          return DFB_BUG;

     /* Allocate local bridge data. */
     if (bridge->bridge_local_data_size &&
         !(bridge_locals[bridge->bridge_id] = D_CALLOC( 1, bridge->bridge_local_data_size )))
         return D_OOM();

     /* Set function table of the bridge. */
     bridge_funcs[bridge->bridge_id] = funcs;

     /* Add to global bridge list. */
     bridge_array[bridge->bridge_id] = bridge;

     /* Adjust bridge count. */
     if (bridge_count < bridge->bridge_id + 1)
          bridge_count = bridge->bridge_id + 1;

     funcs = get_funcs( bridge );

     if (funcs->JoinPoolBridge) {
          ret = funcs->JoinPoolBridge( core, bridge, bridge->data, get_local(bridge), context );
          if (ret) {
               D_DERROR( ret, "Core/SurfacePoolBridge: Joining '%s' failed!\n", bridge->desc.name );

               if (bridge_locals[bridge->bridge_id]) {
                    D_FREE( bridge_locals[bridge->bridge_id] );
                    bridge_locals[bridge->bridge_id] = NULL;

               bridge_array[bridge->bridge_id] = NULL;
               bridge_funcs[bridge->bridge_id] = NULL;


               return ret;

     /* Insert new bridge into priority order */
     insert_bridge_local( bridge );

     return DFB_OK;
Beispiel #17
static int
cont_lookup(struct rdb_tx *tx, const struct cont_svc *svc, const uuid_t uuid,
	    struct cont **cont)
	struct cont    *p;
	daos_iov_t	key;
	daos_iov_t	tmp;
	int		rc;

	daos_iov_set(&key, (void *)uuid, sizeof(uuid_t));
	daos_iov_set(&tmp, NULL, 0);
	/* check if the container exists or not */
	rc = rdb_tx_lookup(tx, &svc->cs_conts, &key, &tmp);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err, rc);

	if (p == NULL) {
		D_ERROR("Failed to allocate container descriptor\n");
		D_GOTO(err, rc = -DER_NOMEM);

	uuid_copy(p->c_uuid, uuid);
	p->c_svc = (struct cont_svc *)svc;

	/* c_prop */
	rc = rdb_path_clone(&svc->cs_conts, &p->c_prop);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err_p, rc);

	rc = rdb_path_push(&p->c_prop, &key);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err_attrs, rc);

	/* c_lres */
	rc = rdb_path_clone(&p->c_prop, &p->c_lres);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err_attrs, rc);
	rc = rdb_path_push(&p->c_lres, &ds_cont_prop_lres);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err_lres, rc);

	/* c_lhes */
	rc = rdb_path_clone(&p->c_prop, &p->c_lhes);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err_lres, rc);
	rc = rdb_path_push(&p->c_lhes, &ds_cont_prop_lhes);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err_lhes, rc);

	/* c_snaps */
	rc = rdb_path_clone(&p->c_prop, &p->c_snaps);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err_lhes, rc);
	rc = rdb_path_push(&p->c_snaps, &ds_cont_prop_snapshots);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err_snaps, rc);

	/* c_user */
	rc = rdb_path_clone(&p->c_prop, &p->c_user);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err_snaps, rc);
	rc = rdb_path_push(&p->c_user, &ds_cont_attr_user);
	if (rc != 0)
		D_GOTO(err_user, rc);

	*cont = p;
	return 0;

	return rc;
static DFBResult
Construct( IDirectFBImageProvider *thiz,
           ... )
     DFBResult ret = DFB_FAILURE;

     IDirectFBDataBuffer *buffer;
     CoreDFB             *core;
     va_list              tag;


     va_start( tag, thiz );
     buffer = va_arg( tag, IDirectFBDataBuffer * );
     core = va_arg( tag, CoreDFB * );
     va_end( tag );

     data->ref    = 1;
     data->buffer = buffer;
     data->core   = core;

     /* Increase the data buffer reference counter. */
     buffer->AddRef( buffer );

     /* Create the PNG read handle. */
     data->png_ptr = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
                                             NULL, NULL, NULL );
     if (!data->png_ptr)
          goto error;

     if (setjmp( data->png_ptr->jmpbuf )) {
          D_ERROR( "ImageProvider/PNG: Error reading header!\n" );
          goto error;

     /* Create the PNG info handle. */
     data->info_ptr = png_create_info_struct( data->png_ptr );
     if (!data->info_ptr)
          goto error;

     /* Setup progressive image loading. */
     png_set_progressive_read_fn( data->png_ptr, data,
                                  png_end_callback );

     /* Read until info callback is called. */
     ret = push_data_until_stage( data, STAGE_INFO, 64 );
     if (ret)
          goto error;

     thiz->AddRef                = IDirectFBImageProvider_PNG_AddRef;
     thiz->Release               = IDirectFBImageProvider_PNG_Release;
     thiz->RenderTo              = IDirectFBImageProvider_PNG_RenderTo;
     thiz->SetRenderCallback     = IDirectFBImageProvider_PNG_SetRenderCallback;
     thiz->GetImageDescription   = IDirectFBImageProvider_PNG_GetImageDescription;
     thiz->GetSurfaceDescription = IDirectFBImageProvider_PNG_GetSurfaceDescription;

     return DFB_OK;

     if (data->png_ptr)
          png_destroy_read_struct( &data->png_ptr, &data->info_ptr, NULL );

     buffer->Release( buffer );

     if (data->image)
          D_FREE( data->image );


     return ret;
Beispiel #19
static DirectResult
init_pool( FusionSHM           *shm,
           FusionSHMPool       *pool,
           FusionSHMPoolShared *shared,
           const char          *name,
           unsigned int         max_size,
           bool                 debug )
     DirectResult         ret;
     int                  size;
     FusionWorld         *world;
     FusionSHMPoolNew     pool_new    = { .pool_id = 0 };
     FusionSHMPoolAttach  pool_attach = { .pool_id = 0 };
     FusionEntryInfo      info;
     char                 buf[FUSION_SHM_TMPFS_PATH_NAME_LEN + 32];

     D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_SHMPool, "%s( %p, %p, %p, '%s', %d, %sdebug )\n",
                 __FUNCTION__, shm, pool, shared, name, max_size, debug ? "" : "non-" );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shm, FusionSHM );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shm->shared, FusionSHMShared );
     D_ASSERT( name != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( max_size > sizeof(shmalloc_heap) );

     world = shm->world;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( world, FusionWorld );

     D_ASSERT( pool != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( shared != NULL );

     /* Fill out information for new pool. */
     pool_new.max_size = max_size;

     pool_new.max_size += BLOCKALIGN(sizeof(shmalloc_heap)) +
                          BLOCKALIGN( (max_size + BLOCKSIZE-1) / BLOCKSIZE * sizeof(shmalloc_info) );

     /* Create the new pool. */
     while (ioctl( world->fusion_fd, FUSION_SHMPOOL_NEW, &pool_new )) {
          if (errno == EINTR)

          D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: FUSION_SHMPOOL_NEW failed!\n" );
          return DR_FUSION;

     /* Set the pool info. */
     info.type = FT_SHMPOOL;
     info.id   = pool_new.pool_id;

     snprintf( info.name, sizeof(info.name), "%s", name );

     ioctl( world->fusion_fd, FUSION_ENTRY_SET_INFO, &info );

     fusion_entry_add_permissions( world, FT_SHMPOOL, pool_new.pool_id, 0,
                                   0 );

     /* Set pool to attach to. */
     pool_attach.pool_id = pool_new.pool_id;

     /* Attach to the pool. */
     while (ioctl( world->fusion_fd, FUSION_SHMPOOL_ATTACH, &pool_attach )) {
          if (errno == EINTR)

          D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: FUSION_SHMPOOL_ATTACH failed!\n" );

          while (ioctl( world->fusion_fd, FUSION_SHMPOOL_DESTROY, &shared->pool_id )) {
               if (errno != EINTR) {
                    D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: FUSION_SHMPOOL_DESTROY failed!\n" );

          return DR_FUSION;

     /* Generate filename. */
     snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/fusion.%d.%d", shm->shared->tmpfs,
               fusion_world_index( shm->world ), pool_new.pool_id );

     /* Initialize the heap. */
     ret = __shmalloc_init_heap( shm, buf, pool_new.addr_base, max_size, &size );
     if (ret) {
          while (ioctl( world->fusion_fd, FUSION_SHMPOOL_DESTROY, &shared->pool_id )) {
               if (errno != EINTR) {
                    D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: FUSION_SHMPOOL_DESTROY failed!\n" );

          return ret;

     /* Initialize local data. */
     pool->attached = true;
     pool->shm      = shm;
     pool->shared   = shared;
     pool->pool_id  = pool_new.pool_id;
     pool->filename = D_STRDUP( buf );

     /* Initialize shared data. */
     shared->active     = true;
     shared->debug      = debug;
     shared->shm        = shm->shared;
     shared->max_size   = pool_new.max_size;
     shared->pool_id    = pool_new.pool_id;
     shared->addr_base  = pool_new.addr_base;
     shared->heap       = pool_new.addr_base;
     shared->heap->pool = shared;

     fusion_skirmish_init2( &shared->lock, name, world, fusion_config->secure_fusion );

     D_MAGIC_SET( pool, FusionSHMPool );
     D_MAGIC_SET( shared, FusionSHMPoolShared );

     shared->name = SHSTRDUP( shared, name );

     return DR_OK;

static DirectResult
join_pool( FusionSHM           *shm,
           FusionSHMPool       *pool,
           FusionSHMPoolShared *shared )
     DirectResult         ret;
     FusionWorld         *world;
     FusionSHMPoolAttach  pool_attach = { .pool_id = 0 };
     char                 buf[FUSION_SHM_TMPFS_PATH_NAME_LEN + 32];

     D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_SHMPool, "%s( %p, %p, %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, shm, pool, shared );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shm, FusionSHM );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shm->shared, FusionSHMShared );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shared, FusionSHMPoolShared );

     if (shared->debug) {
          D_ERROR( "Fusion/SHM: Can't join debug enabled pool with pure-release library!\n" );
          return DR_UNSUPPORTED;

     world = shm->world;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( world, FusionWorld );

     /* Set pool to attach to. */
     pool_attach.pool_id = shared->pool_id;

     /* Attach to the pool. */
     while (ioctl( world->fusion_fd, FUSION_SHMPOOL_ATTACH, &pool_attach )) {
          if (errno == EINTR)

          D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: FUSION_SHMPOOL_ATTACH failed!\n" );
          return DR_FUSION;

     /* Generate filename. */
     snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/fusion.%d.%d", shm->shared->tmpfs,
               fusion_world_index( shm->world ), shared->pool_id );

     /* Join the heap. */
     ret = __shmalloc_join_heap( shm, buf, pool_attach.addr_base, shared->max_size,
                                 !fusion_config->secure_fusion );
     if (ret) {
          while (ioctl( world->fusion_fd, FUSION_SHMPOOL_DETACH, &shared->pool_id )) {
               if (errno != EINTR) {
                    D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: FUSION_SHMPOOL_DETACH failed!\n" );

          return ret;

     /* Initialize local data. */
     pool->attached = true;
     pool->shm      = shm;
     pool->shared   = shared;
     pool->pool_id  = shared->pool_id;
     pool->filename = D_STRDUP( buf );

     D_MAGIC_SET( pool, FusionSHMPool );

     return DR_OK;

static void
leave_pool( FusionSHM           *shm,
            FusionSHMPool       *pool,
            FusionSHMPoolShared *shared )
     FusionWorld *world;

     D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_SHMPool, "%s( %p, %p, %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, shm, pool, shared );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shm, FusionSHM );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, FusionSHMPool );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shared, FusionSHMPoolShared );

     world = shm->world;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( world, FusionWorld );

     while (ioctl( world->fusion_fd, FUSION_SHMPOOL_DETACH, &shared->pool_id )) {
          if (errno != EINTR) {
               D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: FUSION_SHMPOOL_DETACH failed!\n" );

     if (munmap( shared->addr_base, shared->max_size ))
          D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: Could not munmap shared memory file '%s'!\n", pool->filename );

     pool->attached = false;

     D_FREE( pool->filename );

     D_MAGIC_CLEAR( pool );

static void
shutdown_pool( FusionSHM           *shm,
               FusionSHMPool       *pool,
               FusionSHMPoolShared *shared )
     FusionWorld *world;

     D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_SHMPool, "%s( %p, %p, %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, shm, pool, shared );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shm, FusionSHM );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, FusionSHMPool );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shared, FusionSHMPoolShared );

     world = shm->world;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( world, FusionWorld );

     SHFREE( shared, shared->name );

     fusion_dbg_print_memleaks( shared );

     while (ioctl( world->fusion_fd, FUSION_SHMPOOL_DESTROY, &shared->pool_id )) {
          if (errno != EINTR) {
               D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: FUSION_SHMPOOL_DESTROY failed!\n" );

     if (munmap( shared->addr_base, shared->max_size ))
          D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: Could not munmap shared memory file '%s'!\n", pool->filename );

     if (unlink( pool->filename ))
          D_PERROR( "Fusion/SHM: Could not unlink shared memory file '%s'!\n", pool->filename );

     shared->active = false;

     pool->attached = false;

     D_FREE( pool->filename );

     D_MAGIC_CLEAR( pool );

     fusion_skirmish_destroy( &shared->lock );

     D_MAGIC_CLEAR( shared );
Beispiel #20
dfb_x11_open_window( DFBX11 *x11, XWindow** ppXW, int iXPos, int iYPos, int iWidth, int iHeight, DFBSurfacePixelFormat format )
     XWindow              *xw;
     XSetWindowAttributes  attr = { .background_pixmap = 0 };
     void                 *old_error_handler = 0;
     unsigned int          cw_mask = CWEventMask;

     D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Window, "Creating %4dx%4d %s window...\n", iWidth, iHeight, dfb_pixelformat_name(format) );

     xw = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(XWindow) );
     if (!xw)
          return D_OOM();

     /* We set the structure as needed for our window */
     xw->width   = iWidth;
     xw->height  = iHeight;
     xw->display = x11->display;

     xw->screenptr = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(xw->display);
     xw->screennum = DefaultScreen(xw->display);
     xw->depth     = DefaultDepthOfScreen(xw->screenptr);
     xw->visual    = DefaultVisualOfScreen(xw->screenptr);

     attr.event_mask =
          | ButtonReleaseMask
          | PointerMotionMask
          | KeyPressMask
          | KeyReleaseMask
          | ExposureMask
          | StructureNotifyMask;

     if (dfb_config->x11_borderless) {
          attr.override_redirect = True;

          cw_mask |= CWOverrideRedirect;

     XLockDisplay( x11->display );

     old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler( error_handler );

     error_code = 0;

     xw->window = XCreateWindow( xw->display,
                                 iXPos, iYPos, iWidth, iHeight, 0, xw->depth, InputOutput,
                                 xw->visual, cw_mask, &attr );
     XSync( xw->display, False );
     if (!xw->window || error_code) {
          D_FREE( xw );
          XUnlockDisplay( x11->display );
          return False;

     XSizeHints Hints;

      * Here we inform the function of what we are going to change for the
      * window (there's also PPosition but it's obsolete)
     Hints.flags    =    PSize | PMinSize | PMaxSize;

      * Now we set the structure to the values we need for width & height.
      * For esthetic reasons we set Width=MinWidth=MaxWidth.
      * The same goes for Height. You can try whith differents values, or
      * let's use Hints.flags=Psize; and resize your window..
     Hints.min_width          =    Hints.max_width          =    Hints.base_width    =    xw->width;
     Hints.min_height    =    Hints.max_height    =    Hints.base_height   =    xw->height;

     /* Now we can set the size hints for the specified window */

     /* We change the title of the window (default:Untitled) */
     XStoreName(xw->display,xw->window,"DFB X11 system window");

     xw->gc = XCreateGC(xw->display, xw->window, 0, NULL);

#if 0
     // Create a null cursor
     Pixmap  pixmp1;
     Pixmap  pixmp2;
     XColor  fore;
     XColor  back;
     char    zero = 0;

     pixmp1 = XCreateBitmapFromData( xw->display, xw->window, &zero, 1, 1 );
     pixmp2 = XCreateBitmapFromData( xw->display, xw->window, &zero, 1, 1 );

     xw->NullCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor( xw->display, pixmp1, pixmp2, &fore, &back, 0, 0 );

     XFreePixmap ( xw->display, pixmp1 );
     XFreePixmap ( xw->display, pixmp2 );

     XDefineCursor( xw->display, xw->window, xw->NullCursor );

     /* maps the window and raises it to the top of the stack */
     XMapRaised( xw->display, xw->window );

     if (x11->use_shm) {
          // Shared memory
          xw->shmseginfo=(XShmSegmentInfo *)D_CALLOC(1, sizeof(XShmSegmentInfo));
          if (!xw->shmseginfo) {
               x11->use_shm = false;
               goto no_shm;

          xw->ximage=XShmCreateImage(xw->display, xw->visual, xw->depth, ZPixmap,
                                     NULL,xw->shmseginfo, xw->width, xw->height * 2);
          XSync( xw->display, False );
          if (!xw->ximage || error_code) {
               D_ERROR("X11: Error creating shared image (XShmCreateImage) \n");
               x11->use_shm = false;
               error_code = 0;
               goto no_shm;

          xw->bpp = (xw->ximage->bits_per_pixel + 7) / 8;

          /* we firstly create our shared memory segment with the size we need, and
          correct permissions for the owner, the group and the world --> 0777 */
                                       xw->ximage->bytes_per_line * xw->ximage->height * 2,

          if (xw->shmseginfo->shmid<0) {
               x11->use_shm = false;
               goto no_shm;

          /* Then, we have to attach the segment to our process, and we let the
          function search the correct memory place --> NULL. It's safest ! */
          xw->shmseginfo->shmaddr = shmat( xw->shmseginfo->shmid, NULL, 0 );
          if (!xw->shmseginfo->shmaddr) {
               x11->use_shm = false;
               goto no_shm;

          /* We set the buffer in Read and Write mode */

          xw->virtualscreen= xw->ximage->data = xw->shmseginfo->shmaddr;

          XSetErrorHandler( error_handler_shm );


          XShmPutImage(x11->display, xw->window, xw->gc, xw->ximage,
                       0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, False);

          XSync(x11->display, False);

          XSetErrorHandler( error_handler );

          if (!x11->use_shm) {

     if (!x11->use_shm) {
          int pitch;

          xw->bpp = (xw->depth > 16) ? 4 :
                    (xw->depth >  8) ? 2 : 1;

          pitch = (xw->bpp * xw->width + 3) & ~3;

          /* Use malloc(), not D_MALLOC() here, because XCreateImage()
           * will call free() on this data.
          xw->virtualscreen = malloc ( 2 * xw->height * pitch );

          xw->ximage = XCreateImage( xw->display, xw->visual, xw->depth, ZPixmap, 0,
                                     xw->virtualscreen, xw->width, xw->height * 2, 32, pitch );
          XSync( xw->display, False );
          if (!xw->ximage || error_code) {
               D_ERROR( "X11/Window: XCreateImage( Visual %02lu, depth %d, size %dx%d, buffer %p [%d] ) failed!\n",
                        xw->visual->visualid, xw->depth, xw->width, xw->height * 2, xw->virtualscreen, pitch );
               XSetErrorHandler( old_error_handler );
               XUnlockDisplay( x11->display );
               D_FREE( xw );
               return False;

     XSetErrorHandler( old_error_handler );

     XUnlockDisplay( x11->display );

     D_INFO( "X11/Display: %ssing XShm.\n", x11->use_shm ? "U" : "Not u" );

     (*ppXW) = xw;

     return True;

dfb_x11_close_window( DFBX11 *x11, XWindow* xw )
     if (x11->use_shm) {
          XShmDetach( xw->display, xw->shmseginfo );
          shmdt( xw->shmseginfo->shmaddr );
          shmctl( xw->shmseginfo->shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL );
          D_FREE( xw->shmseginfo );

     XDestroyImage( xw->ximage );

     XFreeGC( xw->display, xw->gc );
     XDestroyWindow( xw->display, xw->window );
#if 0
     XFreeCursor( xw->display, xw->NullCursor );

     D_FREE( xw );
Beispiel #21
_fusion_call_process( FusionWorld *world, int call_id, FusionCallMessage *msg, void *ptr )
     FusionCallHandlerResult result = FCHR_RETURN;
     FusionCallHandler       call_handler;
     FusionCallReturn        call_ret = {
          .val = 0

     D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "%s( call_id %d, msg %p, ptr %p)\n", __FUNCTION__, call_id, msg, ptr );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( world, FusionWorld );
     D_ASSERT( msg != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( msg->handler != NULL );

     call_handler = msg->handler;

     if (direct_log_domain_check( &Fusion_Call )) // avoid call to direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at
          D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "  -> %s\n", direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at( call_handler ) );

     result = call_handler( msg->caller, msg->call_arg, ptr ? ptr : msg->call_ptr, msg->ctx, msg->serial, &call_ret.val );

     switch (result) {
          case FCHR_RETURN:
               if (msg->serial) {
                    call_ret.serial  = msg->serial;
                    call_ret.call_id = call_id;

                    while (ioctl (world->fusion_fd, FUSION_CALL_RETURN, &call_ret)) {
                         switch (errno) {
                              case EINTR:
                              case EIDRM:
                                   D_WARN( "caller withdrawn (signal?)" );
                              case EINVAL:
                                   D_ERROR( "Fusion/Call: invalid call\n" );
                                   D_PERROR( "FUSION_CALL_RETURN" );

          case FCHR_RETAIN:

               D_BUG( "unknown result %d from call handler", result );

_fusion_call_process3( FusionWorld *world, int call_id, FusionCallMessage3 *msg, void *ptr )
     FusionCallHandlerResult  result = FCHR_RETURN;
     FusionCallHandler3       call_handler;
     FusionCallReturn3        call_ret;
     char                    *ret_ptr    = NULL;
     unsigned int             ret_length = 0;

     D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "%s( call_id %d, msg %p, ptr %p)\n", __FUNCTION__, call_id, msg, ptr );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( world, FusionWorld );
     D_ASSERT( msg != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( msg->handler != NULL );

     call_handler = msg->handler;

     if (direct_log_domain_check( &Fusion_Call )) // avoid call to direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at
          D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "  -> %s\n", direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at( call_handler ) );

     if (msg->ret_length > FUSION_CALL_RETURN_DATA_MAX) {
          D_ERROR( "Fusion/Call: Maximum return data length (%u) exceeded (%u)!\n", FUSION_CALL_RETURN_DATA_MAX, msg->ret_length );
     else {
          if (msg->ret_length > FUSION_CALL_RETURN_DATA_MAX_ON_STACK) {
               ret_ptr = D_MALLOC( msg->ret_length );
               if (!ret_ptr)
               ret_ptr = alloca( msg->ret_length );

     if (ret_ptr)
          result = call_handler( msg->caller, msg->call_arg, ptr ? ptr : msg->call_ptr, msg->call_length, msg->ctx, msg->serial, ret_ptr, msg->ret_length, &ret_length );

     switch (result) {
          case FCHR_RETURN:
               if (msg->serial) {
                    call_ret.call_id = call_id;
                    call_ret.serial  = msg->serial;
                    call_ret.ptr     = ret_ptr;
                    call_ret.length  = ret_length;

                    while (ioctl (world->fusion_fd, FUSION_CALL_RETURN3, &call_ret)) {
                         switch (errno) {
                              case EINTR:
                              case EIDRM:
                                   D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "  -> caller withdrawn (signal?)\n" );
                                   goto out;
                              case EINVAL:
                                   D_ERROR( "Fusion/Call: invalid call\n" );
                                   goto out;
                                   D_PERROR( "FUSION_CALL_RETURN3" );
                                   goto out;

          case FCHR_RETAIN:

               D_BUG( "unknown result %d from call handler", result );

     if (msg->ret_length > FUSION_CALL_RETURN_DATA_MAX_ON_STACK)
          D_FREE( ret_ptr );
Beispiel #22
voodoo_link_init_connect( VoodooLink *link,
                          const char *hostname,
                          int         port,
                          bool        raw )
     DirectResult     ret;
     int              err;
     struct addrinfo  hints;
     struct addrinfo *addr;
     char             portstr[10];
     Link            *l;

     memset( &hints, 0, sizeof(hints) );
     hints.ai_flags    = AI_CANONNAME;
     hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
     hints.ai_family   = PF_UNSPEC;

     D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Looking up host '%s'...\n", hostname );

     snprintf( portstr, sizeof(portstr), "%d", port );

     err = getaddrinfo( hostname, portstr, &hints, &addr );
     if (err) {
          switch (err) {
               case EAI_FAMILY:
                    D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Unsupported address family!\n" );
                    return DR_UNSUPPORTED;

               case EAI_SOCKTYPE:
                    D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Unsupported socket type!\n" );
                    return DR_UNSUPPORTED;

               case EAI_NONAME:
                    D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Host not found!\n" );
                    return DR_FAILURE;

               case EAI_SERVICE:
                    D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Service is unreachable!\n" );
                    return DR_FAILURE;

               case EAI_ADDRFAMILY:
               case EAI_NODATA:
                    D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Host found, but has no address!\n" );
                    return DR_FAILURE;

               case EAI_MEMORY:
                    return D_OOM();

               case EAI_FAIL:
                    D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: A non-recoverable name server error occurred!\n" );
                    return DR_FAILURE;

               case EAI_AGAIN:
                    D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Temporary error, try again!\n" );
                    return DR_TEMPUNAVAIL;

                    D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Unknown error occured!?\n" );
                    return DR_FAILURE;

     l = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(Link) );
     if (!l)
          return D_OOM();

     /* Create the client socket. */
     l->fd[0] = socket( addr->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
     if (l->fd[0] < 0) {
          ret = errno2result( errno );
          D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Socket creation failed!\n" );
          freeaddrinfo( addr );
          D_FREE( l );
          return ret;
     l->fd[1] = l->fd[0];

     if (setsockopt( l->fd[0], SOL_IP, IP_TOS, &tos, sizeof(tos) ) < 0)
          D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: Could not set IP_TOS!\n" );

     if (setsockopt( l->fd[0], SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &one, sizeof(one) ) < 0)
          D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: Could not set TCP_NODELAY!\n" );

     D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Connecting to '%s:%d'...\n", addr->ai_canonname, port );

     /* Connect to the server. */
     err = connect( l->fd[0], addr->ai_addr, addr->ai_addrlen );
     freeaddrinfo( addr );

     if (err) {
          ret = errno2result( errno );
          D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Socket connect failed!\n" );
          close( l->fd[0] );
          D_FREE( l );
          return ret;

     D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Connected.\n" );


     if (!raw) {
          link->code = 0x80008676;

          if (write( l->fd[1], &link->code, sizeof(link->code) ) != 4) {
               D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Coult not write initial four bytes!\n" );
               close( l->fd[0] );
               D_FREE( l );
               return DR_IO;
     D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Sent link code (%s).\n", raw ? "raw" : "packet" );

     if (pipe( l->wakeup_fds ))
          return errno2result( errno );

     link->priv        = l;
     link->Close       = Close;
     link->Read        = Read;
     link->Write       = Write;
     link->SendReceive = SendReceive;
     link->WakeUp      = WakeUp;
     link->WaitForData = WaitForData;

     return DR_OK;
Beispiel #23
dfb_core_create( CoreDFB **ret_core )
     int      ret;
     char     buf[16];
     CoreDFB       *core   = NULL;
     CoreDFBShared *shared = NULL;

     D_ASSERT( ret_core != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( dfb_config != NULL );

     D_DEBUG_AT( DirectFB_Core, "%s...\n", __FUNCTION__ );

     pthread_mutex_lock( &core_dfb_lock );

     D_ASSERT( core_dfb == NULL || core_dfb->refs > 0 );

     if (core_dfb) {
          D_MAGIC_ASSERT( core_dfb, CoreDFB );


          *ret_core = core_dfb;

          pthread_mutex_unlock( &core_dfb_lock );

          return DFB_OK;


     D_INFO( "DirectFB/Core: %s Application Core. ("BUILDTIME") %s%s\n",
             FUSION_BUILD_MULTI ? "Multi" : "Single",
             DIRECT_BUILD_DEBUG ? "[ DEBUG ]" : "",
             DIRECT_BUILD_TRACE ? "[ TRACE ]" : "" );

#if defined(DFB_DYNAMIC_LINKING) && defined(SOPATH)
     if (!dfb_lib_handle)
          dfb_lib_handle = dlopen(SOPATH, RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_LAZY);
          /* RTLD_GLOBAL is not defined on OpenBSD */
          dfb_lib_handle = dlopen(SOPATH, RTLD_LAZY);

     ret = dfb_system_lookup();
     if (ret)
          goto error;

     /* Allocate local core structure. */
     core = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(CoreDFB) );
     if (!core) {
          ret = D_OOM();
          goto error;

     core->refs = 1;

     core->init_handler = direct_thread_add_init_handler( dfb_core_thread_init_handler, core );



     D_MAGIC_SET( core, CoreDFB );

     core_dfb = core;

     ret = fusion_enter( dfb_config->session, DIRECTFB_CORE_ABI, FER_ANY, &core->world );
     if (ret)
          goto error;

     core->fusion_id = fusion_id( core->world );

     D_DEBUG_AT( DirectFB_Core, "world %d, fusion id %d\n", fusion_world_index(core->world), core->fusion_id );

     snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", fusion_world_index(core->world) );

     setenv( "DIRECTFB_SESSION", buf, true );

     if (dfb_config->sync) {
          D_INFO( "DirectFB/Core: calling sync()...\n" );

     if (dfb_config->core_sighandler)
          direct_signal_handler_add( DIRECT_SIGNAL_ANY, dfb_core_signal_handler, core, &core->signal_handler );

     if (fusion_arena_enter( core->world, "DirectFB/Core",
                             dfb_core_arena_initialize, dfb_core_arena_join,
                             core, &core->arena, &ret ) || ret)
          ret = ret ? ret : DFB_FUSION;
          goto error;

     shared = core->shared;
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shared, CoreDFBShared );

     if (dfb_config->block_all_signals)

     if (dfb_config->deinit_check)
          direct_cleanup_handler_add( dfb_core_deinit_check, NULL, &core->cleanup_handler );

     fusion_skirmish_prevail( &shared->lock );

     if (!core->master) {
          while (!shared->active)
               fusion_skirmish_wait( &shared->lock, 0 );

     fusion_skirmish_dismiss( &shared->lock );

     dfb_font_manager_create( core, &core->font_manager );

     *ret_core = core;

     pthread_mutex_unlock( &core_dfb_lock );

     D_DEBUG_AT( DirectFB_Core, "Core successfully created.\n" );

     return DFB_OK;

     if (core) {
          if (core->world)
               fusion_exit( core->world, false );

          if (core->init_handler)
               direct_thread_remove_init_handler( core->init_handler );

          if (core->signal_handler)
               direct_signal_handler_remove( core->signal_handler );

          D_MAGIC_CLEAR( core );

          D_FREE( core );
          core_dfb = NULL;

     pthread_mutex_unlock( &core_dfb_lock );


     return ret;
Beispiel #24
static DFBResult
system_initialize( CoreDFB *core, void **data )
     DFBResult     ret;
     DFBX11       *x11;
     DFBX11Shared *shared;

     D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Core, "%s()\n", __FUNCTION__ );

     x11 = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(DFBX11) );
     if (!x11)
          return D_OOM();

     shared = SHCALLOC( dfb_core_shmpool( core ), 1, sizeof(DFBX11Shared) );
     if (!shared) {
          D_FREE( x11 );
          return D_OOSHM();

     /* we need the error handler to signal the error to us, so
        use a global static */
     shared_for_error_handler = shared;
     XSetErrorHandler( error_handler );

      * Local init (master and slave)
     ret = InitLocal( x11, shared, core );
     if (ret) {
          SHFREE( dfb_core_shmpool( core ), shared );
          D_FREE( x11 );
          return ret;

      * Shared init (master only)
     shared->data_shmpool = dfb_core_shmpool_data( core );

     shared->screen_size.w = x11->screenptr->width;
     shared->screen_size.h = x11->screenptr->height;

     fusion_skirmish_init( &shared->lock, "X11 System", dfb_core_world(core) );

     fusion_call_init( &shared->call, call_handler, x11, dfb_core_world(core) );

      * Must be set before initializing the pools!
     *data = x11;

      * Master init
     dfb_surface_pool_initialize( core, &x11SurfacePoolFuncs, &shared->x11image_pool );

#ifdef USE_GLX
     dfb_surface_pool_initialize( core, &glxSurfacePoolFuncs, &shared->glx_pool );

     if (dfb_config->video_length) {
          shared->vpsmem_length = dfb_config->video_length;

          dfb_surface_pool_initialize( core, &vpsmemSurfacePoolFuncs, &shared->vpsmem_pool );

#ifdef USE_GLX
     dfb_surface_pool_bridge_initialize( core, &x11SurfacePoolBridgeFuncs, x11, &shared->x11_pool_bridge );

     fusion_arena_add_shared_field( dfb_core_arena( core ), "x11", shared );

     return DFB_OK;
static DFBResult
IDirectFBImageProvider_JPEG2000_RenderTo( IDirectFBImageProvider *thiz,
                                          IDirectFBSurface       *destination,
                                          const DFBRectangle     *dest_rect )
     IDirectFBSurface_data  *dst_data;
     CoreSurface            *dst_surface;
     CoreSurfaceBufferLock   lock;
     DFBRectangle            rect;
     DFBRegion               clip;
     DIRenderCallbackResult  cb_result = DIRCR_OK;
     DFBResult               ret       = DFB_OK;
     DIRECT_INTERFACE_GET_DATA( IDirectFBImageProvider_JPEG2000 )
     if (!destination)
          return DFB_INVARG;
     dst_data = destination->priv;
     if (!dst_data || !dst_data->surface)
          return DFB_DESTROYED;
     dst_surface = dst_data->surface;
     if (dest_rect) {
          if (dest_rect->w < 1 || dest_rect->h < 1)
               return DFB_INVARG;
          rect = *dest_rect;
          rect.x += dst_data->area.wanted.x;
          rect.y += dst_data->area.wanted.y;
     else {
          rect = dst_data->area.wanted;
     dfb_region_from_rectangle( &clip, &dst_data->area.current );
     if (!dfb_rectangle_region_intersects( &rect, &clip ))
          return DFB_OK;

     ret = dfb_surface_lock_buffer( dst_surface, CSBR_BACK, CSAID_CPU, CSAF_WRITE, &lock );
     if (ret)
          return ret;
     if (!data->buf) {
          int  cmptlut[3];
          int  width, height;
          int  tlx, tly;
          int  hs, vs;
          int  i, j;
          bool direct, mono;
          if (jas_image_numcmpts(data->image) > 1) {
               cmptlut[0] = jas_image_getcmptbytype(data->image,
               cmptlut[1] = jas_image_getcmptbytype(data->image,
               cmptlut[2] = jas_image_getcmptbytype(data->image,
               if (cmptlut[0] < 0 || cmptlut[1] < 0 || cmptlut[2] < 0) {
                    dfb_surface_unlock_buffer( dst_surface, &lock );
                    return DFB_UNSUPPORTED;
               mono = false;
          else {
               cmptlut[0] = cmptlut[1] = cmptlut[2] = 0;
               mono = true;
          width = jas_image_width(data->image);
          height = jas_image_height(data->image);
          tlx = jas_image_cmpttlx(data->image, 0);
          tly = jas_image_cmpttly(data->image, 0);
          hs = jas_image_cmpthstep(data->image, 0);
          vs = jas_image_cmptvstep(data->image, 0);
          data->buf = D_MALLOC( width*height*4 );
          if (!data->buf) {
               dfb_surface_unlock_buffer( dst_surface, &lock );
               return D_OOM();
          direct = (rect.w == width && rect.h == height && data->render_callback);
#define GET_SAMPLE( n, x, y ) ({ \
     int _s; \
     _s = jas_image_readcmptsample(data->image, cmptlut[n], x, y); \
     _s >>= jas_image_cmptprec(data->image, cmptlut[n]) - 8; \
     if (_s > 255) \
          _s = 255; \
     else if (_s < 0) \
          _s = 0; \
     _s; \
          for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
               u32 *dst = data->buf + i * width;
               int  x, y;
               y = (i - tly) / vs;
               if (y >= 0 && y < height) {     
                    for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                         x = (j - tlx) / hs;
                         if (x >= 0 && x < width) {
                              unsigned int r, g, b;
                              if (mono) {
                                   r = g = b = GET_SAMPLE(0, x, y);
                              else {
                                   r = GET_SAMPLE(0, x, y);
                                   g = GET_SAMPLE(1, x, y);
                                   b = GET_SAMPLE(2, x, y);
                              *dst++ = 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
                         else {
                              *dst++ = 0;
               else {
                    memset( dst, 0, width*4 );
               if (direct) {
                    DFBRectangle r = { rect.x, rect.y+i, width, 1 };
                    dfb_copy_buffer_32( data->buf + i*width,
                                        lock.addr, lock.pitch, &r, dst_surface, &clip );
                    if (data->render_callback) {                    
                         r = (DFBRectangle) { 0, i, width, 1 };
                         cb_result = data->render_callback( &r, data->render_callback_ctx );
                         if (cb_result != DIRCR_OK)
          if (!direct) {
               dfb_scale_linear_32( data->buf, width, height,
                                    lock.addr, lock.pitch, &rect, dst_surface, &clip );

               if (data->render_callback) {
                    DFBRectangle r = { 0, 0, width, height };
                    data->render_callback( &r, data->render_callback_ctx );
          if (cb_result != DIRCR_OK) {
               D_FREE( data->buf );
               data->buf = NULL;
               ret = DFB_INTERRUPTED;
     else {
          int width  = jas_image_width(data->image);
          int height = jas_image_height(data->image);
          dfb_scale_linear_32( data->buf, width, height,
                               lock.addr, lock.pitch, &rect, dst_surface, &clip );
          if (data->render_callback) {
               DFBRectangle r = {0, 0, width, height};
               data->render_callback( &r, data->render_callback_ctx );
     dfb_surface_unlock_buffer( dst_surface, &lock );
     return ret;
Beispiel #26
     DFBResult ret;
     struct vt_stat vs;

     D_DEBUG_AT( VT, "%s()\n", __FUNCTION__ );

     dfb_vt = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(VirtualTerminal) );

     dfb_vt->fd0 = open( "/dev/tty0", O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY );
     if (dfb_vt->fd0 < 0) {
          if (errno == ENOENT) {
               dfb_vt->fd0 = open( "/dev/vc/0", O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY );
               if (dfb_vt->fd0 < 0) {
                    if (errno == ENOENT) {
                         D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: Couldn't open "
                                    "neither `/dev/tty0' nor `/dev/vc/0'!\n" );
                    else {
                         D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: "
                                    "Error opening `/dev/vc/0'!\n" );

                    D_FREE( dfb_vt );
                    dfb_vt = NULL;

                    return DFB_INIT;
          else {
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: Error opening `/dev/tty0'!\n");

               D_FREE( dfb_vt );
               dfb_vt = NULL;

               return DFB_INIT;

     if (ioctl( dfb_vt->fd0, VT_GETSTATE, &vs ) < 0) {
          D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: VT_GETSTATE failed!\n" );
          close( dfb_vt->fd0 );
          D_FREE( dfb_vt );
          dfb_vt = NULL;
          return DFB_INIT;

     dfb_vt->prev = vs.v_active;

     if (!dfb_config->vt_switch) {
          if (dfb_config->vt_num != -1)
               dfb_vt->num = dfb_config->vt_num;
               dfb_vt->num = dfb_vt->prev;

          /* move vt to framebuffer */
          dfb_vt->old_fb = vt_get_fb( dfb_vt->num );
          vt_set_fb( dfb_vt->num, -1 );
     else {
          if (dfb_config->vt_num == -1) {
               int n;

               n = ioctl( dfb_vt->fd0, VT_OPENQRY, &dfb_vt->num );
               if (n < 0 || dfb_vt->num == -1) {
                    D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: Cannot allocate VT!\n" );
                    close( dfb_vt->fd0 );
                    D_FREE( dfb_vt );
                    dfb_vt = NULL;
                    return DFB_INIT;
          else {
               dfb_vt->num = dfb_config->vt_num;

          /* move vt to framebuffer */
          dfb_vt->old_fb = vt_get_fb( dfb_vt->num );
          vt_set_fb( dfb_vt->num, -1 );

          /* switch to vt */
          while (ioctl( dfb_vt->fd0, VT_ACTIVATE, dfb_vt->num ) < 0) {
               if (errno == EINTR)
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: VT_ACTIVATE failed!\n" );
               close( dfb_vt->fd0 );
               D_FREE( dfb_vt );
               dfb_vt = NULL;
               return DFB_INIT;

          while (ioctl( dfb_vt->fd0, VT_WAITACTIVE, dfb_vt->num ) < 0) {
               if (errno == EINTR)
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: VT_WAITACTIVE failed!\n" );
               close( dfb_vt->fd0 );
               D_FREE( dfb_vt );
               dfb_vt = NULL;
               return DFB_INIT;

          usleep( 40000 );

     ret = vt_init_switching();
     if (ret) {
          if (dfb_config->vt_switch) {
               D_DEBUG_AT( VT, "  -> switching back...\n" );
               ioctl( dfb_vt->fd0, VT_ACTIVATE, dfb_vt->prev );
               ioctl( dfb_vt->fd0, VT_WAITACTIVE, dfb_vt->prev );
               D_DEBUG_AT( VT, "  -> ...switched back\n" );
               ioctl( dfb_vt->fd0, VT_DISALLOCATE, dfb_vt->num );

          close( dfb_vt->fd0 );
          D_FREE( dfb_vt );
          dfb_vt = NULL;
          return ret;

     dfb_fbdev->vt = dfb_vt;

     return DFB_OK;
Beispiel #27
voodoo_link_init_local( VoodooLink *link,
                        const char *path,
                        bool        raw )
     DirectResult        ret;
     int                 err;
     struct sockaddr_un  addr;
     Link               *l;

     D_ASSERT( link != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( path != NULL );

     l = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(Link) );
     if (!l)
          return D_OOM();

     /* Create the client socket. */
     l->fd[0] = socket( AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
     if (l->fd[0] < 0) {
          ret = errno2result( errno );
          D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Socket creation failed!\n" );
          D_FREE( l );
          return ret;
     l->fd[1] = l->fd[0];

     if (setsockopt( l->fd[0], SOL_IP, IP_TOS, &tos, sizeof(tos) ) < 0)
          D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: Could not set IP_TOS!\n" );

     if (setsockopt( l->fd[0], SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &one, sizeof(one) ) < 0)
          D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: Could not set TCP_NODELAY!\n" );

     D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Connecting to '%s'...\n", path );

     memset( &addr, 0, sizeof(addr) );

     /* Bind the socket to the local port. */
     addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;

     snprintf( addr.sun_path + 1, UNIX_PATH_MAX - 1, "%s", path );

     /* Connect to the server. */
     err = connect( l->fd[0], (struct sockaddr*) &addr, strlen(addr.sun_path+1)+1 + sizeof(addr.sun_family) );
     if (err) {
          ret = errno2result( errno );
          D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Socket connect failed!\n" );
          close( l->fd[0] );
          D_FREE( l );
          return ret;

     D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Connected.\n" );


     if (!raw) {
          link->code = 0x80008676;

          if (write( l->fd[1], &link->code, sizeof(link->code) ) != 4) {
               D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Coult not write initial four bytes!\n" );
               close( l->fd[0] );
               D_FREE( l );
               return DR_IO;
     D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Sent link code (%s).\n", raw ? "raw" : "packet" );

     if (pipe( l->wakeup_fds ))
          return errno2result( errno );

     link->priv        = l;
     link->Close       = Close;
     link->Read        = Read;
     link->Write       = Write;
     link->SendReceive = SendReceive;
     link->WakeUp      = WakeUp;
     link->WaitForData = WaitForData;

     return DR_OK;
Beispiel #28
static void
dump_outputs( IDirectFBScreen *screen,
              int              num )
     int                         i, n;
     DFBResult                   ret;
     DFBScreenOutputDescription *descs;

     descs = D_CALLOC( num, sizeof(*descs) );
     if (!descs) {

     ret = screen->GetOutputDescriptions( screen, descs );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "IDirectFBScreen::GetOutputDescriptions", ret );
          D_FREE( descs );

     for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
          printf( "   Output (%d) %s\n", i, descs[i].name );

          /* Caps */
          printf( "     Caps:       " );

          for (n=0; output_caps[n].capability; n++) {
               if (descs[i].caps & output_caps[n].capability)
                    printf( "%s ", output_caps[n].name );

          printf( "\n" );

          /* Connectors */
          if (descs[i].caps & DSOCAPS_CONNECTORS) {
              printf( "     Connectors: " );

              for (n=0; connectors[n].connector; n++) {
                   if (descs[i].all_connectors & connectors[n].connector)
                        printf( "%s ", connectors[n].name );

              printf( "\n" );

          /* Output Resolutions */
          if (descs[i].caps & DSOCAPS_RESOLUTION) {
               printf( "     Resolutions: " );

               for (n=0; resolutions[n].resolution; n++) {
                    if (descs[i].all_resolutions & resolutions[n].resolution)
                         printf( "%s ", resolutions[n].name );

               printf( "\n" );

          /* Signals */
          printf( "     Signals:    " );

          for (n=0; signals[n].signal; n++) {
               if (descs[i].all_signals & signals[n].signal)
                    printf( "%s ", signals[n].name );

          printf( "\n" );

          printf( "\n" );

     printf( "\n" );

     D_FREE( descs );
Beispiel #29
static DFBResult
system_shutdown( bool emergency )
     DFBX11       *x11    = dfb_system_data();
     DFBX11Shared *shared = x11->shared;

     int i;

     D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Core, "%s()\n", __FUNCTION__ );

      * Master deinit
     if (shared->x11_pool_bridge)
          dfb_surface_pool_bridge_destroy( shared->x11_pool_bridge );

     if (shared->vpsmem_pool)
          dfb_surface_pool_destroy( shared->vpsmem_pool );

     if (shared->glx_pool)
          dfb_surface_pool_destroy( shared->glx_pool );

     if (shared->x11image_pool)
          dfb_surface_pool_destroy( shared->x11image_pool );

      * Shared deinit (master only)
     fusion_call_destroy( &shared->call );

     fusion_skirmish_prevail( &shared->lock );

     /* close remaining windows */
     for( i=0; i<dfb_layer_num(); i++ ) {
          CoreLayer    *layer;
          X11LayerData *lds;

          layer = dfb_layer_at( i );
          lds   = layer->layer_data;
          if( lds->xw ) {
              dfb_x11_close_window( x11, lds->xw );
              lds->xw = 0;

     fusion_skirmish_destroy( &shared->lock );

     SHFREE( dfb_core_shmpool( x11->core ), shared );

      * Local deinit (master and slave)
     if (x11->display)
         XCloseDisplay( x11->display );

     D_FREE( x11 );

     return DFB_OK;
Beispiel #30
dfb_vt_shutdown( bool emergency )
     const char cursoron_str[] = "\033[?0;0;0c";
     const char blankon_str[] = "\033[9;10]";

     D_DEBUG_AT( VT, "%s()\n", __FUNCTION__ );

     if (!dfb_vt)
          return DFB_OK;

     if (dfb_config->vt_switching) {
          if (ioctl( dfb_vt->fd, VT_SETMODE, &dfb_vt->vt_mode ) < 0)
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/fbdev/vt: Unable to restore VT mode!!!\n" );

          sigaction( SIG_SWITCH_FROM, &dfb_vt->sig_usr1, NULL );
          sigaction( SIG_SWITCH_TO, &dfb_vt->sig_usr2, NULL );

          direct_thread_cancel( dfb_vt->thread );
          direct_thread_join( dfb_vt->thread );
          direct_thread_destroy( dfb_vt->thread );

          pthread_mutex_destroy( &dfb_vt->lock );
          pthread_cond_destroy( &dfb_vt->wait );

     if (dfb_config->kd_graphics) {
          if (ioctl( dfb_vt->fd, KDSETMODE, KD_TEXT ) < 0)
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/Keyboard: KD_TEXT failed!\n" );
     else {
          write( dfb_vt->fd, blankon_str, sizeof(blankon_str) );
     write( dfb_vt->fd, cursoron_str, sizeof(cursoron_str) );

     if (dfb_config->vt_switch) {
          D_DEBUG_AT( VT, "  -> switching back...\n" );

          if (ioctl( dfb_vt->fd0, VT_ACTIVATE, dfb_vt->prev ) < 0)
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: VT_ACTIVATE" );

          if (ioctl( dfb_vt->fd0, VT_WAITACTIVE, dfb_vt->prev ) < 0)
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: VT_WAITACTIVE" );

          D_DEBUG_AT( VT, "  -> switched back...\n" );

          usleep( 40000 );

          /* restore con2fbmap */
          vt_set_fb( dfb_vt->num, dfb_vt->old_fb );

          if (close( dfb_vt->fd ) < 0)
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: Unable to "
                          "close file descriptor of allocated VT!\n" );

          if (ioctl( dfb_vt->fd0, VT_DISALLOCATE, dfb_vt->num ) < 0)
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: Unable to disallocate VT!\n" );
     else {
          /* restore con2fbmap */
          vt_set_fb( dfb_vt->num, dfb_vt->old_fb );

          if (close( dfb_vt->fd ) < 0)
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: Unable to "
                          "close file descriptor of current VT!\n" );

     if (close( dfb_vt->fd0 ) < 0)
          D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: Unable to "
                     "close file descriptor of tty0!\n" );

     D_FREE( dfb_vt );
     dfb_vt = dfb_fbdev->vt = NULL;

     return DFB_OK;