	//test: MontDayRule::MonthDayRule(const Month& month, const DayOfMonth& dayOfMonth);
		MonthDayRule rule("Rule", Month(4), DayOfMonth(31));
	catch (BaseException& ex)
		std::cout << "Caught expected exception (invalid month, day in month combination); details: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
Beispiel #2
 * FUNCTION:    ApptRepeatsOnDate
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine returns true if a repeating appointment
 *              occurrs on the specified date.
 * PARAMETERS:  apptRec - a pointer to an appointment record
 *              date    - date to check              
 * RETURNED:    true if the appointment occurs on the date specified
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			art	6/14/95		Initial Revision
Boolean ApptRepeatsOnDate (ApptDBRecordPtr apptRec, DateType date)
	Int16  i;
	UInt16 freq;
	UInt16 weeksDiff;
	UInt16 dayInMonth;
	UInt16 dayOfWeek;
	UInt16 dayOfMonth;
	UInt16 firstDayOfWeek;
	long dateInDays;
	long startInDays;
	Boolean onDate = false;
	DatePtr exceptions;
	DateType startDate;

	// Is the date passed before the start date of the appointment?
	if (DateCompare (date, apptRec->when->date) < 0)
		return (false);

	// Is the date passed after the end date of the appointment?
	if (DateCompare (date, apptRec->repeat->repeatEndDate) > 0)
		return (false);

	// Get the frequency of occurrecne
    //    (ex: every 2nd day, every 3rd month, etc.).  
	freq = apptRec->repeat->repeatFrequency;
	// Get the date of the first occurrecne of the appointment.
	startDate = apptRec->when->date;

	switch (apptRec->repeat->repeatType)
		// Daily repeating appointment.
    case repeatDaily:
        dateInDays = DateToDays (date);
        startInDays = DateToDays (startDate);
        onDate = ((dateInDays - startInDays) % freq) == 0;

		// Weekly repeating appointment (ex: every Monday and Friday). 
		// Yes, weekly repeating appointment can occur more then once a
		// week.
    case repeatWeekly:
        // Are we on a day of the week that the appointment repeats on.
        dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek (date.month, date.day, date.year+firstYear);
        onDate = ((1 << dayOfWeek) & apptRec->repeat->repeatOn);
        if (! onDate) break;

        // Are we in a week in which the appointment occurrs, if not 
        // move to that start of the next week in which the appointment
        // does occur.
        dateInDays = DateToDays (date);
        startInDays = DateToDays (startDate);

        firstDayOfWeek = (DayOfWeek (1, 1, firstYear) - 
                          apptRec->repeat->repeatStartOfWeek + daysInWeek) % daysInWeek;

        weeksDiff = (((dateInDays + firstDayOfWeek) / daysInWeek) - 
                     ((startInDays + firstDayOfWeek) / daysInWeek)) %freq;
        onDate = (weeksDiff == 0);

//			// Compute the first occurrence of the appointment that occurs
//			// on the same day of the week as the date passed.
//			startDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek (startDate.month, startDate.day, 
//				startDate.year+firstYear);
//			startInDays = DateToDays (startDate);
//			if (startDayOfWeek < dayOfWeek)
//				startInDays += dayOfWeek - startDayOfWeek;
//			else if (startDayOfWeek > dayOfWeek)
//				startInDays += dayOfWeek+ (daysInWeek *freq) - startDayOfWeek;
//			// Are we in a week in which the appointment repeats.
//			dateInDays = DateToDays (date);
//			onDate = (((dateInDays - startInDays) / daysInWeek) % freq) == 0;
//			break;

		// Monthly-by-day repeating appointment (ex: the 3rd Friday of every
		// month).
    case repeatMonthlyByDay:
        // Are we in a month in which the appointment repeats.
        onDate = ((((date.year - startDate.year) * monthsInYear) + 
                   (date.month - startDate.month)) % freq) == 0;
        if (! onDate) break;

        // Do the days of the month match (ex: 3rd Friday)
        dayOfMonth = DayOfMonth (date.month, date.day, date.year+firstYear);
        onDate = (dayOfMonth == apptRec->repeat->repeatOn);
        if (onDate) break;
        // If the appointment repeats on one of the last days of the month,
        // check if the date passed is also one of the last days of the 
        // month.  By last days of the month we mean: last sunday, 
        // last monday, etc.
        if ((apptRec->repeat->repeatOn >= domLastSun) &&
            (dayOfMonth >= dom4thSun))
            dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek (date.month, date.day, date.year+firstYear);
            dayInMonth = DaysInMonth (date.month, date.year+firstYear);
            onDate = (((date.day + daysInWeek) > dayInMonth) &&
                      (dayOfWeek == (apptRec->repeat->repeatOn % daysInWeek)));

		// Monthly-by-date repeating appointment (ex: the 15th of every
		// month).
    case repeatMonthlyByDate:
        // Are we in a month in which the appointment repeats.
        onDate = ((((date.year - startDate.year) * monthsInYear) + 
                   (date.month - startDate.month)) % freq) == 0;
        if (! onDate) break;
        // Are we on the same day of the month as the start date.
        onDate = (date.day == startDate.day);
        if (onDate) break;

        // If the staring day of the appointment is greater then the 
        // number of day in the month passed, and the day passed is the 
        // last day of the month, then the appointment repeats on the day.
        dayInMonth = DaysInMonth (date.month, date.year+firstYear);
        onDate = ((startDate.day > dayInMonth) && (date.day == dayInMonth));

		// Yearly repeating appointment.
    case repeatYearly:
        // Are we in a year in which the appointment repeats.
        onDate = ((date.year - startDate.year) % freq) == 0;
        if (! onDate) break;
        // Are we on the month and day that the appointment repeats.
        onDate = (date.month == startDate.month) &&
            (date.day == startDate.day);
        if (onDate) break;
        // Specal leap day processing.
        if ( (startDate.month == february) && 
             (startDate.day == 29) &&
             (date.month == february) && 
             (date.day == DaysInMonth (date.month, date.year+firstYear)))
            onDate = true;

	// Check for an exception.
	if ((onDate) && (apptRec->exceptions))
		exceptions = &apptRec->exceptions->exception;
		for (i = 0; i < apptRec->exceptions->numExceptions; i++)
			if (DateCompare (date, exceptions[i]) == 0)
				onDate = false;

	return (onDate);
Beispiel #3
 * FUNCTION:    RepeatChangeType
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine changes the ui gadgets in the repeat dialog
 *              such that they match the newly selected repeat type.  The
 *              routine is called when one of the repeat type push buttons
 *              are pushed.
 * PARAMETERS:  event - pointer to and event
 * RETURNED:    nothing
static void RepeatChangeType(EventType* event) {
  UInt16 id;
  FormType* frm = FrmGetFormPtr(RepeatForm);
  const RepeatType oldType = d.repeat_event_type;
  RepeatType newType;
  RepeatInfoType repeat;

  /* If the type if monthly default to monthly-by-date. */
  newType = (RepeatType) (event->data.ctlSelect.controlID - RepeatNone);
  if (newType > repeatWeekly) 

  if (oldType == newType)

  /* Initialize the UI gadgets. */
  if (newType == d.tmp_repeat.repeatType) {
    RepeatSetUIValues(frm, &d.tmp_repeat);

    ** If reselecting current repeat type, reset d.repeat_end_date global
    ** to current date so if user attemps to "choose" a new day, the
    ** default matches date displayed as opposed to last date picked
    ** last in choose form.
    d.repeat_end_date = d.tmp_repeat.repeatEndDate;
  } else {
    repeat.repeatType = newType;

    ** When switching to a repeat type different from the current
    ** setting, always start user with default end date and frequency
    ** settings.
    DateToInt(repeat.repeatEndDate) = defaultRepeatEndDate;
    DateToInt(d.repeat_end_date) = defaultRepeatEndDate;
    repeat.repeatFrequency = defaultRepeatFrequency;
    repeat.repeatStartOfWeek = PrefGetPreference(prefWeekStartDay);

    if (newType == repeatWeekly) {
      repeat.repeatOn = (1 << DayOfWeek(d.frm_date.month,
    } else if (newType == repeatMonthlyByDay) {
      repeat.repeatOn = DayOfMonth(d.frm_date.month,
				   d.frm_date.year/* + firstYear*/);
    } else {
      repeat.repeatOn = 0;

    RepeatSetUIValues (frm, &repeat);
  ** Hide the UI gadgets that are unique to the repeat type we are
  ** no longer editing.
  switch (oldType) {
  case repeatNone:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatNoRepeatLabel);

  case repeatHourly:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatHoursLabel);

  case repeatDaily:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatDaysLabel);

  case repeatWeekly:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatWeeksLabel);
    for (id = RepeatRepeatOnLabel; id <= RepeatDayOfWeek7PushButton; id++)
      HideObject (frm, id);

  case repeatMonthlyByDay:
  case repeatMonthlyByDate:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatMonthsLabel);
    for (id = RepeatByLabel; id <= RepeatByDatePushButton; id++)
      HideObject (frm, id);

  case repeatYearly:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatYearsLabel);

  /* Handle switching to or from "no" repeat. */
  if (oldType == repeatNone) {
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatEveryLabel);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatFrequenceField);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatEndOnLabel);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatEndOnTrigger);
  } else if (newType == repeatNone) {
    HideObject(frm, RepeatEveryLabel);
    HideObject(frm, RepeatFrequenceField);
    HideObject(frm, RepeatEndOnLabel);
    HideObject(frm, RepeatEndOnTrigger);

  /* Show the UI object that are appropriate for the new repeat type. */
  switch (newType) {
  case repeatNone:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatNoRepeatLabel);

  case repeatHourly:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatHoursLabel);

  case repeatDaily:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatDaysLabel);

  case repeatWeekly:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatWeeksLabel);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatRepeatOnLabel);
    for (id = RepeatRepeatOnLabel; id <= RepeatDayOfWeek7PushButton; id++)
      ShowObject(frm, id);

  case repeatMonthlyByDay:
  case repeatMonthlyByDate:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatMonthsLabel);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatByLabel);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatByDayPushButton);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatByDatePushButton);

  case repeatYearly:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatYearsLabel);

  d.repeat_event_type = newType;

  /* Update the display of the repeat descrition. */
	int yearIndex;
	SetDate date;
	Year year ( DateUtil::year());

	Date newYearDate (year, Month(1), DayOfMonth(1));
	Date july4Date (year, Month(7), DayOfMonth(4));
	Date christmasDate(year, Month(12), DayOfMonth(25));

	//test: MontDayRule::virtual Date calcDate(const Year& year) const ;
	MonthDayRule newYearRule ("Rule", Month(1), DayOfMonth(1));
	date = newYearRule.calcDate(year);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(newYearDate == *date.begin());
	for (yearIndex = year.getValue(); yearIndex <= year.getValue() + 50; ++yearIndex){
		date = newYearRule.calcDate(Year(yearIndex));
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(newYearDate == *date.begin());
	MonthDayRule july4Rule ("July4Rule", Month(7), DayOfMonth(4));
	date = july4Rule.calcDate(year);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(july4Date == *date.begin());

	MonthDayRule christmasRule("ChristmasRule", Month(12), DayOfMonth(25));
	date = christmasRule.calcDate(year);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(christmasDate == *date.begin());

	//Test for weekendAdjustment
	WeekendRuleSharedPtr weekendRulePtr(new WeekendRule("WeekendRule"));
	MonthDayRule adjustingNewYearRule ("AdjustingNewYear", Month(1), DayOfMonth(1));

	//First check for Saturday -> prior Friday
	date = adjustingNewYearRule.calcDate(Year(2011));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Date(20101231) == *date.begin());

	//First check for Sunday -> next Monday
	date = adjustingNewYearRule.calcDate(Year(2012));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Date(20120102) == *date.begin());

	//Check for no adjustment is required
	date = adjustingNewYearRule.calcDate(Year(2013));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Date(20130101) == *date.begin());

	//Rule is disabled
	catch (BaseException& ex){
		CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(ex,"Calculation called on disabled rule");

	//Rule start date year > calc year
	catch (BaseException& ex){
		CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(ex,"Calculation called for year before  rule is in effect");

	//Rule calc year >  rule end date year
	catch (BaseException& ex){
		CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(ex,"Calculation called for year after  rule is in effect");

Beispiel #5
 * FUNCTION:    RepeatGetUIValues
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine gets the current repeat settings of the
 *              ui gadgets in the repeat dialog box
 * PARAMETERS:  frm     - pointer to the repeat dialog
 *              repeatP - RepeatInfoType structure (fill-in by this routine)
 * RETURNED:    nothing
void RepeatGetUIValues (FormType* frm, RepeatInfoType* repeatP) {
  UInt16 freq;
  UInt16 i;
  UInt16 id;
  UInt16 index;
  Char* str = NULL;

  /* Get the repeat type. */
  index = FrmGetControlGroupSelection(frm, RepeatTypeGroup);
  id = FrmGetObjectId(frm, index);
  if (id == RepeatYearly) {
    repeatP->repeatType = repeatYearly;
  } else if (id <= RepeatWeekly) {
    repeatP->repeatType = (RepeatType) (id - RepeatNone);
  } else {
    index = FrmGetControlGroupSelection(frm, RepeatByGroup);
    id = FrmGetObjectId(frm, index);
    if (id == RepeatByDayPushButton)
      repeatP->repeatType = repeatMonthlyByDay;
      repeatP->repeatType = repeatMonthlyByDate;
  /* Get the repeat end date. */
  repeatP->repeatEndDate = d.repeat_end_date;

  /* Get the repeat frequency. */
  str = FldGetTextPtr(GetObjectPointer(frm, RepeatFrequenceField));
  if (str) 
    freq = StrAToI(str);
    freq = 0;

  if (freq)
    repeatP->repeatFrequency = freq;
    repeatP->repeatFrequency = 1;

  ** Get the start day of week.  If the original repeat type, that is the
  ** repeat type when the dialog was first displayed, is weekly then
  ** use the start date in the repeat info (the unedit data), otherwise
  ** use the current start of week.
  if (repeatP->repeatType == repeatWeekly) {
    if (d.tmp_repeat.repeatType == repeatWeekly)
      repeatP->repeatStartOfWeek = d.tmp_repeat.repeatStartOfWeek;
      repeatP->repeatStartOfWeek = PrefGetPreference(prefWeekStartDay);
  } else {
    /* For all other repeat types, the repeatStartOfWeek field is meaningless. */
    repeatP->repeatStartOfWeek = 0;

  /* If the repeat type is weekly, get the day of the week the event repeats on. */
  if (repeatP->repeatType == repeatWeekly) {
    repeatP->repeatOn = 0;
    index = FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, RepeatDayOfWeek1PushButton);
    for (i = 0; i < daysInWeek ; i++) {
      if (FrmGetControlValue(frm, 
			     index + ((i - d.repeat_start_of_week + daysInWeek) % daysInWeek)))
	repeatP->repeatOn |= (1 << i);
  } else if (repeatP->repeatType == repeatMonthlyByDay) {
    ** If the repeat type is monthly by day, get the day of the month (ex:
    ** first Friday) of the start date of the event.
    if (d.tmp_repeat.repeatType == repeatMonthlyByDay)
      repeatP->repeatOn = d.tmp_repeat.repeatOn;
      repeatP->repeatOn = DayOfMonth (d.frm_date.month,
  } else {
    /* For all other repeat types, the repeatOn field is meaningless. */
    repeatP->repeatOn = 0;