int MpViewLabelData::write (ostream& os) const
  MpContextSave ctx;
  return ctx.SaveContext(os,"MpViewLabelData");
wxString HunspellInterface::CheckSpelling(wxString strText)
  if (m_pHunspell == NULL)
    return wxEmptyString;

  int nDiff = 0;

  strText += _T(" ");

  wxString strDelimiters = _T(" \t\r\n.,?!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}\\|;:\"<>/~0123456789");
  wxStringTokenizer tkz(strText, strDelimiters);
  while ( tkz.HasMoreTokens() )
    wxString token = tkz.GetNextToken();
    int TokenStart = tkz.GetPosition() - token.Length() - 1;
    TokenStart += nDiff;  // Take into account any changes to the size of the strText

    // process token here
    if (!IsWordInDictionary(token))
      // If this word is in the always ignore list, then just move on
      if (m_AlwaysIgnoreList.Index(token) != wxNOT_FOUND)

/* dealt with by IsWordInDictionary - JACS
       // If this word is in the personal dictionary, then just move on
       if (m_PersonalDictionary.IsWordInDictionary(token))

      bool bReplaceFromMap = false;
      StringToStringMap::iterator WordFinder = m_AlwaysReplaceMap.find(token);
      if (WordFinder != m_AlwaysReplaceMap.end())
        bReplaceFromMap = true;

      int nUserReturnValue = 0;

      if (!bReplaceFromMap)
        // Define the context of the word
        DefineContext(strText, TokenStart, token.Length());

        // Print out the misspelling and get a replasment from the user
        // Present the dialog so the user can tell us what to do with this word
        nUserReturnValue = GetUserCorrection(token);  //Show function will show the dialog and not return until the user makes a decision

      if (nUserReturnValue == wxSpellCheckUserInterface::ACTION_CLOSE)
      else if ((nUserReturnValue == wxSpellCheckUserInterface::ACTION_REPLACE) || bReplaceFromMap)
        wxString strReplacementText = (bReplaceFromMap) ? (*WordFinder).second : m_pSpellUserInterface->GetReplacementText();
        // Increase/Decreate the character difference so that the next loop is on track
        nDiff += strReplacementText.Length() - token.Length();
        // Replace the misspelled word with the replacement */
        strText.replace(TokenStart, token.Length(), strReplacementText);

  strText = strText.Left(strText.Len() - 1);

  return strText;
int MpViewLabelData::read  (istream& is)
  MpContextSave ctx;
  return ctx.RestoreContext(is,"MpViewLabelData");