Beispiel #1
void CTiglTransformation::AddRotationX(double degreeX)
    double radianX = DegreeToRadian(degreeX);
    double sinVal  = sin(radianX);
    double cosVal  = cos(radianX);

    // Matrix is:
    // (      1       0       0        0 )
    // (      0  cosVal -sinVal        0 )
    // (      0  sinVal  cosVal        0 )
    // (      0       0       0        1 )

    CTiglTransformation trans;
    trans.SetValue(1, 1, cosVal);
    trans.SetValue(1, 2, -sinVal);
    trans.SetValue(2, 1, sinVal);
    trans.SetValue(2, 2, cosVal);

/*计算金星摄动,木星摄动以及地球扁率摄动对月球地心黄纬的影响,dt 是儒略世纪数,Lp、Mp和F单位是度*/
double CalcMoonLatitudePerturbation(double dt, double Lp, double F, double Mp)
    double T = dt; /*T是从J2000起算的儒略世纪数*/
    double A1 = 119.75 + 131.849 * T;
    double A3 = 313.45 + 481266.484 * T;

    A1 = Mod360Degree(A1);
    A3 = Mod360Degree(A3);

    double result = -2235.0 * sin(DegreeToRadian(Lp));
    result += (382.0 * sin(DegreeToRadian(A3)));
    result += (175.0 * sin(DegreeToRadian(A1 - F)));
    result += (175.0 * sin(DegreeToRadian(A1 + F)));
    result += (127.0 * sin(DegreeToRadian(Lp - Mp)));
    result += (115.0 * sin(DegreeToRadian(Lp + Mp)));

    return result;
Beispiel #3
void Camera3::Update(double dt)

	static const float CAMERA_SPEED = 100.f;
	prevPosition = position;
	Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
	Vector3 right = view.Cross(up);
	//if (Application::IsKeyPressed('Q') && mouseControl == false && delay2 == 0)
	//	mouseControl = true;
	//	glfwSetInputMode(m_window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED);
	//	delay2 = 10;
	//else if (Application::IsKeyPressed('Q') && mouseControl == true && delay2 == 0)
	//	mouseControl = false;
	//	glfwSetInputMode(m_window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL);
	//	delay2 = 10;
	/*if (delay2 > 0)
	Mtx44 rotation;
	if (mouseControl == true && Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_RBUTTON) && inBase == false)
		xpos, ypos = a.Mouse(xpos, ypos);

		if (xpos < 399)
			directionRotation.y += .5;
		if (xpos > 401)
			directionRotation.y -= .5;
		if (ypos < 299)
			if (directionRotation.x > -30)
				directionRotation.x -= .5;
		if (ypos > 301)
			if (directionRotation.x < 30)
				directionRotation.x += .5;
	else if (mouseControl == true)
		xpos, ypos = a.Mouse(xpos, ypos);

		if (xpos < 399)
			directionRotation.y += 2;
		if (xpos > 401)
			directionRotation.y -= 2;
		if (ypos < 299)
			if (directionRotation.x > -30)
				directionRotation.x -= 2;
		if (ypos > 301)
			if (directionRotation.x < 30)
				directionRotation.x += 2;
			if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_LEFT))
				directionRotation.y += 3;
			if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_RIGHT))
				directionRotation.y -= 3;
			if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_UP))
				if (directionRotation.x > -45)
					directionRotation.x -= 3;
			if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_DOWN))
				if (directionRotation.x < 45)
					directionRotation.x += 3;
		if (recoil > 20)
			recoil = 20;
		gunRecoil.x = recoil;
		if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_LBUTTON))
			cRecoilCd = 20;
		if (cRecoilCd > 0)
		if (gunRecoil.x > 0 && cRecoilCd == 0)
			gunRecoil.x -= 0.2;
		if (recoil > 0 && cRecoilCd == 0)
			recoil -= 0.2;

		camerarotation = directionRotation - gunRecoil;

		if (stamina < 100 && staminaDelay == 0)

		if (staminaDelay > 0)

		location2 = position + view*dt*speed;
		location = position;
		direction = (view*dt*speed) * 2;
		if (inBase == true || inMenu == true)
			if (Application::IsKeyPressed('W'))
				Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
				if (position.x + (view.x * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.x + (view.x * dt * speed) / 2 >= -48 && hitbox((position.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.x += (view.x * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.x += (view.x * dt * speed) / 2;
				if (position.z + (view.z * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.z + (view.z * dt * speed) / 2 >= -48 && hitbox((view.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.z += (view.z * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.z += (view.z * dt * speed) / 2;
				/*if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_SPACE) && position.y + (view.y * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.y + (view.y * dt * speed) / 2 >= 10 && hitbox((position.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.y += (view.y * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.y += (view.y * dt * speed) / 2;
			if (Application::IsKeyPressed('S'))
				Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();

				if (position.x - (view.x * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.x - (view.x * dt * speed) / 2 >= -48 && hitbox(-(view.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.x -= (view.x * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.x -= (view.x * dt * speed) / 2;

				if (position.z - (view.z * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.z - (view.z * dt * speed) / 2 >= -48 && hitbox(-(view.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.z -= (view.z * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.z -= (view.z * dt * speed) / 2;

				/*if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_SPACE) && position.y - (view.y * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.y - (view.y * dt * speed) / 2 >= 10 && hitbox(-(view.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.y -= (view.y * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.y -= (view.y * dt * speed) / 2;
			if (Application::IsKeyPressed('D'))
				Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
				Vector3 right = view.Cross(up);

				if (position.x + (right.x * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.x + (right.x * dt * speed) / 2 >= -48 && hitbox((right.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.x += (right.x * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.x += (right.x * dt * speed) / 2;

				if (position.z + (right.z * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.z + (right.z * dt * speed) / 2 >= -48 && hitbox((right.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.z += (right.z * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.z += (right.z * dt * speed) / 2;

				if (position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 2 >= -48 && hitbox(-(right.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 2;
			if (Application::IsKeyPressed('A'))
				Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
				Vector3 right = view.Cross(up);

				if (position.x - (right.x * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.x - (right.x * dt * speed) / 2 >= -48 && hitbox(-(right.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(right.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.x -= (right.x * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.x -= (right.x * dt * speed) / 2;

				if (position.z - (right.z * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.z - (right.z * dt * speed) / 2 >= -48 && hitbox(-(right.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(right.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.z -= (right.z * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.z -= (right.z * dt * speed) / 2;

				if (position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 2 <= 48 && position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 2 >= -48 && hitbox(-(right.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
					position.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 2;
					target.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 2;
		else if (inBase == false)

			if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_RBUTTON) && scopedWep == true)
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('W'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
					if (position.x + (view.x * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.x + (view.x * dt * speed) / 5 >= -990 && hitbox((position.x * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.x * dt * speed) / 5) == false)
						position.x += (view.x * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.x += (view.x * dt * speed) / 5;


					if (position.z + (view.z * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.z + (view.z * dt * speed) / 5 >= -990 && hitbox((view.z * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.z * dt * speed) / 5) == false)
						position.z += (view.z * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.z += (view.z * dt * speed) / 5;

					/*if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_SPACE) && position.y + (view.y * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.y + (view.y * dt * speed) / 5 >= 10 && hitbox((position.y * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.y * dt * speed) / 5) == false && stamina > 0)
						position.y += (view.y * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.y += (view.y * dt * speed) / 5;
						staminaDelay = 100;
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('S'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();

					if (position.x - (view.x * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.x - (view.x * dt * speed) / 5 >= -990 && hitbox(-(view.x * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.x * dt * speed) / 5) == false)
						position.x -= (view.x * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.x -= (view.x * dt * speed) / 5;

					if (position.z - (view.z * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.z - (view.z * dt * speed) / 5 >= -990 && hitbox(-(view.z * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.z * dt * speed) / 5) == false)
						position.z -= (view.z * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.z -= (view.z * dt * speed) / 5;

					/*if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_SPACE) && position.y - (view.y * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.y - (view.y * dt * speed) / 5 >= 10 && hitbox(-(view.y * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.y * dt * speed) / 5) == false && stamina > 0)
						position.y -= (view.y * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.y -= (view.y * dt * speed) / 5;
						staminaDelay = 100;
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('D'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
					Vector3 right = view.Cross(up);

					if (position.x + (right.x * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.x + (right.x * dt * speed) / 5 >= -990 && hitbox((right.x * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.x * dt * speed) / 5) == false)
						position.x += (right.x * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.x += (right.x * dt * speed) / 5;

					if (position.z + (right.z * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.z + (right.z * dt * speed) / 5 >= -990 && hitbox((right.z * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.z * dt * speed) / 5) == false)
						position.z += (right.z * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.z += (right.z * dt * speed) / 5;

					if (position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 5 >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.y * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.y * dt * speed) / 5) == false)
						position.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 5;
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('A'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
					Vector3 right = view.Cross(up);

					if (position.x - (right.x * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.x - (right.x * dt * speed) / 5 >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.x * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(right.x * dt * speed) / 5) == false)
						position.x -= (right.x * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.x -= (right.x * dt * speed) / 5;
					if (position.z - (right.z * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.z - (right.z * dt * speed) / 5 >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.z * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(right.z * dt * speed) / 5) == false)
						position.z -= (right.z * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.z -= (right.z * dt * speed) / 5;
					if (position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 5 <= 990 && position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 5 >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.y * dt * speed) / 5) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(right.y * dt * speed) / 5) == false)
						position.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 5;
						target.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 5;
			else if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) && stamina > 0)
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('W'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
					if (position.x + (view.x * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.x + (view.x * dt * speed) >= -990 && hitbox((position.x * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.x * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.x += (view.x * dt * speed);
						target.x += (view.x * dt * speed);
					if (position.z + (view.z * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.z + (view.z * dt * speed) >= -990 && hitbox((view.z * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.z * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.z += (view.z * dt * speed);
						target.z += (view.z * dt * speed);
					/*if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_SPACE) && position.y + (view.y * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.y + (view.y * dt * speed) >= 10 && hitbox((position.y * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.y * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.y += (view.y * dt * speed);
						target.y += (view.y * dt * speed);
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('S'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
					if (position.x - (view.x * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.x - (view.x * dt * speed) >= -990 && hitbox(-(view.x * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.x * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.x -= (view.x * dt * speed);
						target.x -= (view.x * dt * speed);
					if (position.z - (view.z * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.z - (view.z * dt * speed) >= -990 && hitbox(-(view.z * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.z * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.z -= (view.z * dt * speed);
						target.z -= (view.z * dt * speed);
					/*if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_SPACE) && position.y - (view.y * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.y - (view.y * dt * speed) >= 10 && hitbox(-(view.y * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.y * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.y -= (view.y * dt * speed);
						target.y -= (view.y * dt * speed);
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('D'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
					Vector3 right = view.Cross(up);
					if (position.x + (right.x * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.x + (right.x * dt * speed) >= -990 && hitbox((right.x * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.x * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.x += (right.x * dt * speed);
						target.x += (right.x * dt * speed);
					if (position.z + (right.z * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.z + (right.z * dt * speed) >= -990 && hitbox((right.z * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.z * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.z += (right.z * dt * speed);
						target.z += (right.z * dt * speed);
					if (position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.y * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.y * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.z -= (right.y * dt * speed);
						target.z -= (right.y * dt * speed);
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('A'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
					Vector3 right = view.Cross(up);
					if (position.x - (right.x * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.x - (right.x * dt * speed) >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.x * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(right.x * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.x -= (right.x * dt * speed);
						target.x -= (right.x * dt * speed);
					if (position.z - (right.z * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.z - (right.z * dt * speed) >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.z * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(right.z * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.z -= (right.z * dt * speed);
						target.z -= (right.z * dt * speed);
					if (position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) <= 990 && position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.y * dt * speed)) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.y * dt * speed)) == false)
						position.z -= (right.y * dt * speed);
						target.z -= (right.y * dt * speed);
				staminaDelay = 100;
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('W'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
					if (position.x + (view.x * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.x + (view.x * dt * speed) / 2 >= -990 && hitbox((position.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
						position.x += (view.x * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.x += (view.x * dt * speed) / 2;
					if (position.z + (view.z * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.z + (view.z * dt * speed) / 2 >= -990 && hitbox((view.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
						position.z += (view.z * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.z += (view.z * dt * speed) / 2;
					/*if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_SPACE) && position.y + (view.y * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.y + (view.y * dt * speed) / 2 >= 10 && hitbox((position.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((view.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false && stamina > 0)
						position.y += (view.y * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.y += (view.y * dt * speed) / 2;
						staminaDelay = 100;
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('S'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();

					if (position.x - (view.x * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.x - (view.x * dt * speed) / 2 >= -990 && hitbox(-(view.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
						position.x -= (view.x * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.x -= (view.x * dt * speed) / 2;

					if (position.z - (view.z * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.z - (view.z * dt * speed) / 2 >= -990 && hitbox(-(view.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
						position.z -= (view.z * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.z -= (view.z * dt * speed) / 2;

					/*if (Application::IsKeyPressed(VK_SPACE) && position.y - (view.y * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.y - (view.y * dt * speed) / 2 >= 10 && hitbox(-(view.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false && stamina > 0)
						position.y -= (view.y * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.y -= (view.y * dt * speed) / 2;
						staminaDelay = 100;
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('D'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
					Vector3 right = view.Cross(up);

					if (position.x + (right.x * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.x + (right.x * dt * speed) / 2 >= -990 && hitbox((right.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
						position.x += (right.x * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.x += (right.x * dt * speed) / 2;

					if (position.z + (right.z * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.z + (right.z * dt * speed) / 2 >= -990 && hitbox((right.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
						position.z += (right.z * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.z += (right.z * dt * speed) / 2;

					if (position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 2 >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
						position.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 2;
				if (Application::IsKeyPressed('A'))
					Vector3 view = (target - position).Normalized();
					Vector3 right = view.Cross(up);

					if (position.x - (right.x * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.x - (right.x * dt * speed) / 2 >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(right.x * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
						position.x -= (right.x * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.x -= (right.x * dt * speed) / 2;

					if (position.z - (right.z * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.z - (right.z * dt * speed) / 2 >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(right.z * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
						position.z -= (right.z * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.z -= (right.z * dt * speed) / 2;

					if (position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 2 <= 990 && position.y - (right.y * dt * speed) / 2 >= -990 && hitbox(-(right.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false && checkcollisionwithObject((right.y * dt * speed) / 2) == false)
						position.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 2;
						target.z -= (right.y * dt * speed) / 2;
		if (knockback == true)
			knockback = false;
			if (position.x - (view.x * dt * speed)*10 <= 990 && position.x - (view.x * dt * speed)*10 >= -990 && hitbox(-(view.x * dt * speed)*10) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.x * dt * speed)*10) == false)
				position.x -= (view.x * dt * speed) * 10;
			if (position.z - (view.z * dt * speed) * 10 <= 990 && position.z - (view.z * dt * speed) * 10 >= -990 && hitbox(-(view.z * dt * speed) * 10) == false && checkcollisionwithObject(-(view.z * dt * speed) * 10) == false)
				position.z -= (view.z * dt * speed) * 10;
		if (inMenu == false)

	kb = (right * dt * speed);
	if (camerarotation.x > maxCameraX)
		camerarotation.x = maxCameraX;
	else if (camerarotation.x < -maxCameraX)
		camerarotation.x = -maxCameraX;

	std::cout << inMenu << std::endl;

	//Changing target
	target = Vector3(sin(DegreeToRadian(camerarotation.y))*cos(DegreeToRadian(camerarotation.x)) + this->position.x, -sin(DegreeToRadian(camerarotation.x)) + this->position.y,
		cos(DegreeToRadian(camerarotation.y))*cos(DegreeToRadian(camerarotation.x)) + this->position.z);

Beispiel #4
bool ETHRenderEntity::DrawProjShadow(const float maxHeight, const float minHeight, const ETHSceneProperties& sceneProps, const ETHLight& light, ETHSpriteEntity *pParent,
									 const bool maxOpacity, const bool drawToTarget, const float targetAngle, const Vector3& v3TargetPos)
	if (!m_pSprite || IsHidden())
		return false;

	VideoPtr video = m_provider->GetVideo();
	ETHShaderManagerPtr shaderManager = m_provider->GetShaderManager();
	SpritePtr pShadow = shaderManager->GetProjShadow();

	Vector3 v3LightPos;
	Vector3 v3ParentPos(0,0,0);

	const Vector3 v3EntityPos = GetPosition();

	if (pParent)
		v3ParentPos = pParent->GetPosition();
		v3LightPos = Vector3(v3ParentPos.x, v3ParentPos.y, 0) + light.pos;
		v3LightPos = light.pos;

	// if the object is higher than the light, then the shadow shouldn't be cast on the floor
	if (v3LightPos.z < v3EntityPos.z)
		return true;

	const float scale = (m_properties.shadowScale <= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : m_properties.shadowScale;
	const float opacity = (m_properties.shadowOpacity <= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : m_properties.shadowOpacity;
	const Vector2 v2Size = GetCurrentSize();
	Vector2 v2ShadowSize(v2Size.x, v2Size.y);
	Vector2 v2ShadowPos(v3EntityPos.x, v3EntityPos.y);

	// if we are drawing to a target of a rotated entity
	if (drawToTarget && targetAngle != 0)
		// rotate the shadow position according to entity angle
		Matrix4x4 matRot = RotateZ(-DegreeToRadian(targetAngle));
		Vector3 newShadowPos(v2ShadowPos, 0);
		newShadowPos = newShadowPos - v3TargetPos;
		newShadowPos = Multiply(newShadowPos, matRot);
		newShadowPos = newShadowPos + v3TargetPos;
		v2ShadowPos.x = newShadowPos.x;
		v2ShadowPos.y = newShadowPos.y;

		// rotate the light source to cast it correctly
		Vector3 newPos = v3LightPos - v3TargetPos;
		newPos = Multiply(newPos, matRot);
		v3LightPos = newPos + v3TargetPos;

	Vector3 diff = v3EntityPos - v3LightPos;
	const float squaredDist = DP3(diff, diff);
	float squaredRange = light.range * light.range;

	if (squaredDist > squaredRange)
		return true;

	v2ShadowSize.x *= _ETH_SHADOW_SCALEX * scale;

	// calculate the correct shadow length according to the light height
	if ((GetPosition().z+v2Size.y) < light.pos.z) // if the light is over the entity
		const float planarDist = Distance(GetPositionXY(), ETHGlobal::ToVector2(v3LightPos));
		const float verticalDist = Abs((v3EntityPos.z+v2Size.y)-v3LightPos.z);
		const float totalDist = (planarDist/verticalDist)*Abs(v3LightPos.z);
		v2ShadowSize.y = totalDist-planarDist;

		// clamp shadow length to the object's height. This is not realistic
		// but it looks better for the real-time shadows.
		v2ShadowSize.y = Min(v2Size.y*_ETH_SHADOW_FAKE_STRETCH, v2ShadowSize.y);
		v2ShadowSize.y *= ((drawToTarget) ? _ETH_SHADOW_SCALEY : _ETH_SHADOW_SCALEY/4);

	// specify a minimum length for the shadow
	v2ShadowSize.y = Max(v2ShadowSize.y, v2Size.y);

	ShaderPtr pVS = video->GetVertexShader();
	pVS->SetConstant(GS_L("shadowLength"), v2ShadowSize.y * m_properties.shadowLengthScale);
	pVS->SetConstant(GS_L("entityZ"), Max(m_shadowZ, v3EntityPos.z));
	pVS->SetConstant(GS_L("shadowZ"), m_shadowZ);
	pVS->SetConstant(GS_L("lightPos"), v3LightPos);
		(GetType() == ETHEntityProperties::ET_VERTICAL) ?
		ETHEntity::ComputeDepth(m_shadowZ, maxHeight, minHeight)
		: Max(0.0f, ComputeDepth(maxHeight, minHeight) - m_layrableMinimumDepth));

	v2ShadowSize.y = 1.0f;

	Vector2 lightPos2(v3LightPos.x, v3LightPos.y);
	const float shadowAngle = ::GetAngle((lightPos2 - Vector2(v3EntityPos.x, v3EntityPos.y))) + DegreeToRadian(targetAngle);

	squaredRange = Max(squaredDist, squaredRange);
	float attenBias = 1;

	// adjust brightness according to ambient light
	if (!maxOpacity)
		attenBias = (1-(squaredDist/squaredRange));
		//fade the color according to the light brightness
		const float colorLen = Max(Max(light.color.x, light.color.y), light.color.z);
		attenBias *= Min(colorLen, 1.0f);

		//fade the color according to the ambient light brightness
		const Vector3 &ambientColor = sceneProps.ambient;
		const float ambientColorLen = 1.0f-((ambientColor.x + ambientColor.y + ambientColor.z)/3.0f);
		attenBias = Min(attenBias*ambientColorLen, 1.0f);
		attenBias *= Max(Min((1-(GetPosition().z/Max(GetCurrentSize().y, 1.0f))), 1.0f), 0.0f);

	GS_BYTE alpha = static_cast<GS_BYTE>(attenBias*255.0f*opacity);

	if (alpha < 8)
		return true;

	Color dwShadowColor(alpha,255,255,255);

	pShadow->SetOrigin(Vector2(0.5f, 0.79f));
	pShadow->DrawShaped(v2ShadowPos, v2ShadowSize,
		dwShadowColor, dwShadowColor, dwShadowColor, dwShadowColor,

	return true;
Beispiel #5
 Vec3<T>& rotateDegree(T degree)
   return *this;
Beispiel #6
	void DebugDrawer::DrawCone(const Vector3f& origin, const Quaternionf& rotation, float angle, float length)
		if (!Initialize())
			NazaraError("Failed to initialize Debug Drawer");

		Matrix4f transformMatrix;

		BufferMapper<VertexBuffer> mapper(s_vertexBuffer, BufferAccess_DiscardAndWrite, 0, 16);
		VertexStruct_XYZ* vertex = reinterpret_cast<VertexStruct_XYZ*>(mapper.GetPointer());

		// On calcule le reste des points
		Vector3f base(Vector3f::Forward()*length);

		// Il nous faut maintenant le rayon du cercle projeté à cette distance
		// Tangente = Opposé/Adjaçent <=> Opposé = Adjaçent*Tangente
		float radius = length*std::tan(DegreeToRadian(angle));
		Vector3f lExtend = Vector3f::Left()*radius;
		Vector3f uExtend = Vector3f::Up()*radius;

		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * Vector3f::Zero());
		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base + lExtend + uExtend));

		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base + lExtend + uExtend));
		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base + lExtend - uExtend));

		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * Vector3f::Zero());
		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base + lExtend - uExtend));

		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base + lExtend - uExtend));
		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base - lExtend - uExtend));

		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * Vector3f::Zero());
		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base - lExtend + uExtend));

		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base - lExtend + uExtend));
		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base - lExtend - uExtend));

		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * Vector3f::Zero());
		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base - lExtend - uExtend));

		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base - lExtend + uExtend));
		vertex->position.Set(transformMatrix * (base + lExtend + uExtend));



		s_shader->SendColor(s_colorLocation, s_primaryColor);

		Renderer::DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveMode_LineList, 0, 16);
bool ETHParticleManager::CreateParticleSystem(
	const ETHParticleSystem& partSystem,
	const Vector2& v2Pos,
	const Vector3& v3Pos,
	const float angle,
	const float entityVolume,
	const float scale)
	if (partSystem.nParticles <= 0)
		ETH_STREAM_DECL(ss) << GS_L("ETHParticleManager::CreateParticleSystem: The number of particles must be greater than 0.");
		m_provider->Log(ss.str(), Platform::FileLogger::ERROR);
		return false;

	m_finished = false;
	m_killed = false;
	m_nActiveParticles = 0;
	m_soundVolume = 1.0f;
	m_isSoundLooping = false;
	m_isSoundStopped = false;
	m_generalVolume = 1.0f;
	m_system = partSystem;
	m_entityVolume = entityVolume;


	if (m_system.bitmapFile.empty())
		m_system.bitmapFile = ETH_DEFAULT_PARTICLE_BITMAP;

	ETHGraphicResourceManagerPtr graphics = m_provider->GetGraphicResourceManager();
	ETHAudioResourceManagerPtr samples = m_provider->GetAudioResourceManager();
	Platform::FileIOHubPtr fileIOHub = m_provider->GetFileIOHub();
	Platform::FileManagerPtr fileManager = m_provider->GetFileManager();

	// if there's no resource path, search the current module's path
	const str_type::string& resourcePath = fileIOHub->GetResourceDirectory();
	const str_type::string& programPath  = fileIOHub->GetProgramDirectory();
	const str_type::string currentPath = (resourcePath.empty() && !fileManager->IsPacked()) ? programPath : resourcePath;

	m_pBMP = graphics->GetPointer(m_provider->GetVideo(), m_system.bitmapFile, currentPath,
		ETHDirectories::GetParticlesDirectory(), (m_system.alphaMode == Video::AM_ADD));

	// find the particle sound effect
	if (m_system.soundFXFile != GS_L(""))
		m_pSound = samples->GetPointer(m_provider->GetAudio(), m_provider->GetFileIOHub(), m_system.soundFXFile,
			ETHDirectories::GetSoundFXDirectory(), Audio::SOUND_EFFECT);

	if (m_system.allAtOnce)
		m_nActiveParticles = m_system.nParticles;
		m_nActiveParticles = 0;


	Matrix4x4 rot = RotateZ(DegreeToRadian(angle));
	for (int t = 0; t < m_system.nParticles; t++)
		m_particles[t].id = t;
		m_particles[t].released = false;
		ResetParticle(t, v2Pos, Vector3(v2Pos,0), angle, rot);
	return true;
bool ETHParticleManager::UpdateParticleSystem(
	const Vector2& v2Pos,
	const Vector3& v3Pos,
	const float angle,
	const unsigned long lastFrameElapsedTime)
	bool anythingDrawn = false;
	const unsigned long cappedLastFrameElapsedTime = Min(lastFrameElapsedTime, static_cast<unsigned long>(250));
	const float frameSpeed = static_cast<float>((static_cast<double>(cappedLastFrameElapsedTime) / 1000.0) * 60.0);

	Matrix4x4 rot = RotateZ(DegreeToRadian(angle));
	m_nActiveParticles = 0;
	for (int t = 0; t < m_system.nParticles; t++)
		PARTICLE& particle = m_particles[t];

		if (m_system.repeat > 0)
			if (particle.repeat >= m_system.repeat)

		// check how many particles are active
		if (particle.size > 0.0f && particle.released)
			if (!Killed() || (Killed() && particle.elapsed < particle.lifeTime))

		anythingDrawn = true;

		particle.elapsed += lastFrameElapsedTime;

		if (!particle.released)
			// if we shouldn't release all particles at the same time, check if it's time to release this particle
			const float releaseTime = 
				((m_system.lifeTime + m_system.randomizeLifeTime) * (static_cast<float>( / static_cast<float>(m_system.nParticles)));

			if (particle.elapsed > releaseTime || m_system.allAtOnce)
				particle.elapsed = 0.0f;
				particle.released = true;
				PositionParticle(t, v2Pos, angle, rot, v3Pos);

		if (particle.released)
			particle.dir += (m_system.gravityVector * frameSpeed);
			particle.pos += (particle.dir * frameSpeed);
			particle.angle += (particle.angleDir * frameSpeed);
			particle.size  += (m_system.growth * frameSpeed);
			const float w = particle.elapsed / particle.lifeTime;
			particle.color = m_system.color0 + (m_system.color1 - m_system.color0) * w;

			// update particle animation if there is any
			if (m_system.spriteCut.x > 1 || m_system.spriteCut.y > 1)
				if (m_system.animationMode == ETHParticleSystem::PLAY_ANIMATION)
					particle.currentFrame = static_cast<unsigned int>(
						Min(static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(m_system.GetNumFrames()) * w),
							m_system.GetNumFrames() - 1));

			particle.size = Min(particle.size, m_system.maxSize);
			particle.size = Max(particle.size, m_system.minSize);

			if (particle.elapsed > particle.lifeTime)
				if (!Killed())
					ResetParticle(t, v2Pos, v3Pos, angle, rot);
	m_finished = !anythingDrawn;

	// manages the sound
	HandleSoundPlayback(v2Pos, frameSpeed);

	return true;
Beispiel #9
// processes camera controls
void ShadowCamera::DoControls(void)
  float fDeltaTime = DeltaTimeUpdate(m_ControlState.fLastUpdate);

  noVec3 vZ = Normalize(m_vTarget - m_vSource);
  noVec3 vX = Normalize(Cross(m_vUpVector, vZ));
  noVec3 vY = Normalize(Cross(vZ, vX));

  // Rotating with mouse left

      m_ControlState.bZooming = false;
      m_ControlState.bStrafing = false;
      m_ControlState.bRotating = true;

    POINT pntMouseCurrent;

    noVec3 vTargetToSource = m_vTarget - m_vSource;
    float fLength = vTargetToSource.Length();

    m_ControlState.fRotX += 0.005f * (float)(pntMouseCurrent.x - m_ControlState.pntMouse.x);
    m_ControlState.fRotY += 0.005f * (float)(pntMouseCurrent.y - m_ControlState.pntMouse.y);

    m_ControlState.fRotY = Clamp(m_ControlState.fRotY, DegreeToRadian(-89.9f), DegreeToRadian(89.9f));

    Matrix mRotation;
    mRotation.SetRotation(noVec3(m_ControlState.fRotX, m_ControlState.fRotY,0));
    m_vTarget.x = mRotation._31 * fLength + m_vSource.x;
    m_vTarget.y = mRotation._32 * fLength + m_vSource.y;
    m_vTarget.z = mRotation._33 * fLength + m_vSource.z;

    m_ControlState.pntMouse = pntMouseCurrent;

  // Strafing with mouse middle
  } else if(GetMouseDown(VK_MBUTTON)) {

      m_ControlState.bZooming = false;
      m_ControlState.bRotating = false;
      m_ControlState.bStrafing = true;

    POINT pntMouseCurrent;

    m_vSource -= vX * 0.15f * (float)(pntMouseCurrent.x - m_ControlState.pntMouse.x);
    m_vTarget -= vX * 0.15f * (float)(pntMouseCurrent.x - m_ControlState.pntMouse.x);

    m_vSource += vY * 0.15f * (float)(pntMouseCurrent.y - m_ControlState.pntMouse.y);
    m_vTarget += vY * 0.15f * (float)(pntMouseCurrent.y - m_ControlState.pntMouse.y);

    m_ControlState.pntMouse = pntMouseCurrent;

  // Zooming with mouse right
  } else if(GetMouseDown(VK_RBUTTON)) {

      m_ControlState.bZooming = true;
      m_ControlState.bRotating = false;
      m_ControlState.bStrafing = false;

    POINT pntMouseCurrent;

    m_vSource += vZ * 0.5f * (float)(pntMouseCurrent.y - m_ControlState.pntMouse.y);
    m_vTarget += vZ * 0.5f * (float)(pntMouseCurrent.y - m_ControlState.pntMouse.y);

    m_ControlState.pntMouse = pntMouseCurrent;

  // Mouse is idle
  } else {
    m_ControlState.bZooming = false;
    m_ControlState.bRotating = false;
    m_ControlState.bStrafing = false;

  // Move forward/backward
    m_vSource += vZ * fDeltaTime;
    m_vTarget += vZ * fDeltaTime;
  else if(GetKeyDown('S'))
    m_vSource -= vZ * fDeltaTime;
    m_vTarget -= vZ * fDeltaTime;

  // Strafing
    m_vSource += vX * fDeltaTime;
    m_vTarget += vX * fDeltaTime;
  else if(GetKeyDown('A'))
    m_vSource -= vX * fDeltaTime;
    m_vTarget -= vX * fDeltaTime;

  // Up/down (many control preferences here :)
  if(GetKeyDown('Q') || GetKeyDown(VK_SPACE))
    m_vSource += vY * fDeltaTime;
    m_vTarget += vY * fDeltaTime;
  else if(GetKeyDown('E') || GetKeyDown('C') || GetKeyDown(VK_CONTROL))
    m_vSource -= vY * fDeltaTime;
    m_vTarget -= vY * fDeltaTime;

bool ETHPixelLightDiffuseSpecular::BeginLightPass(ETHSpriteEntity *pRender, Vector3 &v3LightPos, const Vector2 &v2Size,
	const ETHLight* light, const float maxHeight, const float minHeight, const float lightIntensity, const bool drawToTarget)
	const Vector2 &v2Origin = pRender->ComputeOrigin(v2Size);
	const Vector3 &v3EntityPos = pRender->GetPosition();

	// set the correct light shader
	ShaderPtr pLightShader;
	const bool hasGloss = pRender->GetGloss();
	if (pRender->GetType() == ETH_VERTICAL)
		if (hasGloss)
			pLightShader = m_vPixelLightSpecularPS;
			pLightShader = m_vPixelLightPS;
		if (hasGloss)
			pLightShader = m_hPixelLightSpecularPS;
			pLightShader = m_hPixelLightPS;

	// if it has a gloss map, send specular data to shader
	if (hasGloss)
		pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("specularPower"), pRender->GetSpecularPower());
		pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("specularBrightness"), pRender->GetSpecularBrightness());
		pLightShader->SetTexture(GS_L("glossMap"), pRender->GetGloss()->GetTexture());
		pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("fakeEyePos"), m_fakeEyeManager->ComputeFakeEyePosition(m_video, pLightShader, drawToTarget, v3LightPos, pRender->GetAngle()));

	// choose which normalmap to use
	if (pRender->GetNormal())
		pLightShader->SetTexture(GS_L("normalMap"), pRender->GetNormal()->GetTexture());
		pLightShader->SetTexture(GS_L("normalMap"), GetDefaultNormalMap()->GetTexture());

	// sets spatial information to the shader
	if (pRender->GetType() == ETH_VERTICAL)
		m_vPixelLightVS->SetConstant(GS_L("spaceLength"), (maxHeight-minHeight));
		m_vPixelLightVS->SetConstant(GS_L("topLeft3DPos"), v3EntityPos-(Vector3(v2Origin.x,0,-v2Origin.y)));
		m_hPixelLightVS->SetConstant(GS_L("topLeft3DPos"), v3EntityPos-Vector3(v2Origin,0));

	const Vector2 v2ScreenDim = (drawToTarget) ? pRender->GetLightmap()->GetBitmapSizeF() : m_video->GetScreenSizeF();

	if (pRender->GetType() != ETH_VERTICAL)
		if (pRender->GetAngle() != 0.0f)
			Vector3 newPos = v3LightPos-v3EntityPos;
			Matrix4x4 matRot = RotateZ(-DegreeToRadian(pRender->GetAngle()));
			newPos = Multiply(newPos, matRot);
			v3LightPos = newPos + v3EntityPos;

	m_lastAM = m_video->GetAlphaMode();

	// Set a depth value depending on the entity type
	pRender->SetDepth(maxHeight, minHeight);
	pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("lightPos"), v3LightPos);
	pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("squaredRange"), light->range * light->range);
	pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("lightColor"), Vector4(light->color, 1.0f) * lightIntensity);

	return true;
bool ETHPixelLightDiffuseSpecular::BeginLightPass(ETHSpriteEntity *pRender, Vector3 &v3LightPos, const Vector2 &v2Size,
	const ETHLight* light, const float maxHeight, const float minHeight, const float lightIntensity, const bool drawToTarget)
	const Vector2 &v2Origin = pRender->ComputeAbsoluteOrigin(v2Size);
	const Vector3 &v3EntityPos = pRender->GetPosition();

	// set the correct light shader
	ShaderPtr pLightShader;
	const bool hasGloss = pRender->GetGloss();
	if (pRender->GetType() == ETHEntityProperties::ET_VERTICAL)
		if (hasGloss)
			pLightShader = m_vPixelLightSpecularPS;
			pLightShader = m_vPixelLightPS;
		if (hasGloss)
			pLightShader = m_hPixelLightSpecularPS;
			pLightShader = m_hPixelLightPS;

	// if it has a gloss map, send specular data to shader
	if (hasGloss)
		pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("specularPower"), pRender->GetSpecularPower());
		pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("specularBrightness"), pRender->GetSpecularBrightness());
		pLightShader->SetTexture(GS_L("glossMap"), pRender->GetGloss()->GetTexture());
		pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("fakeEyePos"), m_fakeEyeManager->ComputeFakeEyePosition(m_video, pLightShader, drawToTarget, v3LightPos, pRender->GetAngle()));

	// choose which normalmap to use
	if (pRender->GetNormal())
		pLightShader->SetTexture(GS_L("normalMap"), pRender->GetNormal()->GetTexture());
		pLightShader->SetTexture(GS_L("normalMap"), GetDefaultNormalMap()->GetTexture());

	// sets spatial information to the shader
	if (pRender->GetType() == ETHEntityProperties::ET_VERTICAL)
		m_vPixelLightVS->SetConstant(GS_L("spaceLength"), (maxHeight-minHeight));
		m_vPixelLightVS->SetConstant(GS_L("topLeft3DPos"), v3EntityPos-(Vector3(v2Origin.x,0,-v2Origin.y)));
		m_hPixelLightVS->SetConstant(GS_L("topLeft3DPos"), v3EntityPos-Vector3(v2Origin,0));

	// TO-DO it looks like a mess around here...
	if (pRender->GetType() != ETHEntityProperties::ET_VERTICAL)
		if (pRender->GetAngle() != 0.0f)
			Vector3 newPos = v3LightPos-v3EntityPos;
			Matrix4x4 matRot = RotateZ(-DegreeToRadian(pRender->GetAngle()));
			newPos = Multiply(newPos, matRot);
			v3LightPos = newPos + v3EntityPos;

	m_lastAM = m_video->GetAlphaMode();

	// Set a depth value depending on the entity type
	pRender->SetDepth(maxHeight, minHeight);
 	// downscales pixel shader ranges on android to prevent from lower precision glitches
 	float lightPrecisionDownScale = 1.0f;
 	#ifdef GLES2
	 	lightPrecisionDownScale = LIGHT_PRECISION_DOWNSCALE;

	pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("lightPos"), v3LightPos * lightPrecisionDownScale);

	const float scaledRange = (light->range * lightPrecisionDownScale);
	pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("squaredRange"), scaledRange * scaledRange);
	pLightShader->SetConstant(GS_L("lightColor"), Vector4(light->color, 1.0f) * lightIntensity);

	return true;
Beispiel #12
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	bool		result = false;
	TArgInfo	info;

	const std::string &m = info.m_mode;

	//printf("mode=%s\n", m.c_str());

	if("f32_hex" == m){
		result = Float32ToHex(info);
	}else if("f64_hex" == m){
		result = Float64ToHex(info);
	}else if("hex_f32" == m){
		result = HexToFloat32(info);
	}else if("hex_f64" == m){
		result = HexToFloat64(info);
	}else if("2_10" == m){
		result = ConvertNumber(info,10,2);
	}else if("2_16" == m){
		result = ConvertNumber(info,16,2);
	}else if("10_2" == m){
		result = ConvertNumber(info,2,10);
	}else if("10_16" == m){
		result = ConvertNumber(info,16,10);
	}else if("16_2" == m){
		result = ConvertNumber(info,2,16);
	}else if("16_10" == m){
		result = ConvertNumber(info,10,16);
	}else if("r_d" == m){
		result = RadianToDegree(info);
	}else if("d_r" == m){
		result = DegreeToRadian(info);
	}else if("v_h" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,FovVerticalToHorizontal,3);
	}else if("h_v" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,FovHorizontalToVertical,3);
	}else if("ql" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,QuatLength,4);
	}else if("qn" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,QuatNormalize,4);
	}else if("qi" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,QuatInverse,4);
	}else if("q_m33" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,QuatToMat,4);
	}else if("q_a" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,QuatToAAng,4);
	}else if("q_xyz" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,QuatToXYZ,4);
	}else if("m33_q" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33ToQuat,9);
	}else if("m33_a" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33ToAAng,9);
	}else if("m33t" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33Transpose,9);
	}else if("m33d" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33Determinant,9);
	}else if("m33i" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33Invert,9);
	}else if("m33_s" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33Scale,9);
	}else if("x_m33" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33RotX,1);
	}else if("y_m33" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33RotY,1);
	}else if("z_m33" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33RotZ,1);
	}else if("yxz_m33" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33RotYXZ,3);
	}else if("zxy_m33" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33RotZXY,3);
	}else if("zyx_m33" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33RotZYX,3);
	}else if("yzx_m33" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33RotYZX,3);
	}else if("xzy_m33" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33RotXZY,3);
	}else if("xyz_m33" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33RotXYZ,3);
	}else if("m33_yxz" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33EulerYXZ,9);
	}else if("m33_zxy" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33EulerZXY,9);
	}else if("m33_zyx" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33EulerZYX,9);
	}else if("m33_yzx" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33EulerYZX,9);
	}else if("m33_xzy" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33EulerXZY,9);
	}else if("m33_xyz" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Mat33EulerXYZ,9);
	}else if("v3l" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Vector3Length,3);
	}else if("v3n" == m){
		result = MatrixSub(info,Vector3Normalize,3);

		return 0;

	return 1;