Beispiel #1
CORE_PROC(int, RelayOutput)( PDATAPATH pdp
									, PTEXT (CPROC *Datacallback)( PDATAPATH pdp, PTEXT pLine ) )
	extern int gbTrace;
	if( pdp->pPrior )
		int moved = 0;
		PTEXT p;
		//if( gbTrace )
		//	lprintf( WIDE("Relay output from %s to %s..........")
		//			 , GetText( pdp->pName )
		//			 , GetText( pdp->pPrior->pName )
		//			 );
		while( ( p = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pdp->Output ) ) )
			//if( gbTrace )
			//	lprintf( WIDE("Data is: %s"), GetText( p ) );
			if( Datacallback && !( ( p->flags & TF_RELAY ) == TF_RELAY ) )
				for( p = Datacallback( pdp, p ); p; p = Datacallback( pdp, NULL ) )
					EnqueLink( &pdp->pPrior->Output, p );
#ifdef _DEBUG
				//PTEXT out = BuildLine( p );
				//Log1( WIDE("Relay Out: %s"), GetText( out ) );
				//LineRelease( out );
				EnqueLink( &pdp->pPrior->Output, p );
		// stop relaying closes at datasource points
		//if( !pdp->pPrior->flags.Data_Source )
		pdp->flags.Closed |= pdp->pPrior->flags.Closed;
		if( pdp->pPrior->Write )
			moved = pdp->pPrior->Write( pdp->pPrior );
		return moved;
		PTEXT p;
		while( ( p = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pdp->Output ) ) )
			if( gbTrace )
				PTEXT pLine = BuildLine( p );
				lprintf( WIDE("Relay to dev NULL... Data is: %s"), GetText( pLine ) );
				LineRelease( pLine );
			LineRelease( p );
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
CORE_PROC(int, RelayInput)( PDATAPATH pdp
												, PTEXT (CPROC *Datacallback)( PDATAPATH pdp, PTEXT pLine ) )
	extern int gbTrace;
	if( pdp->pPrior )
		PTEXT p;
		int moved = 0;

		if( gbTrace )
			xlprintf(LOG_NOISE+1)( WIDE("Relay input from %s to %s..........")
										, GetText( pdp->pPrior->pName )
										, GetText( pdp->pName ) );
			if( pdp->pPrior->Read )
				pdp->pPrior->Read( pdp->pPrior );
			if( IsQueueEmpty( &pdp->pPrior->Input ) )
			//Log( WIDE("Has some input to handle...") );
			while( ( p = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pdp->pPrior->Input ) ) )
				if( gbTrace )
					lprintf( WIDE("Data is: %s"), GetText( p ) );
				if( Datacallback && !( ( p->flags & TF_RELAY ) == TF_RELAY ) )
					//lprintf( WIDE("Data callback...") );
					for( p = Datacallback( pdp, p ); p; p = Datacallback( pdp, NULL ) )
						if( p != (POINTER)1 )
							EnqueLink( &pdp->Input, p );
							lprintf( WIDE("Data was consumed by datapath.") );
					 PTEXT out = BuildLine( p );
					 Log1( WIDE("Relay In: %s"), GetText( out ) );
					 LineRelease( out );
					EnqueLink( &pdp->Input, p );
			if( gbTrace && !moved && !pdp->pPrior->flags.Closed )
				lprintf( WIDE("Did not result in data, try reading source again, rerelay. %s %s"), GetText( pdp->pName ), GetText( pdp->pPrior->pName ) );
		  } while( !moved &&
					 !pdp->pPrior->flags.Closed );
		// stop relaying closes at datasource points
		//if( !pdp->pPrior->flags.Data_Source )
		pdp->flags.Closed |= pdp->pPrior->flags.Closed;
		return moved;
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
static PTEXT CPROC ParseCommand( PMYDATAPATH pdp, PTEXT buffer )
	if( buffer )
		PTEXT pCommand;
     	//Log2( WIDE("buffer: %s(%d)"), GetText( buffer ), GetTextSize( buffer ) );
     	//LogBinary( buffer );
      pCommand = burst( buffer );
      LineRelease( buffer );
      if( pCommand )
         PTEXT pTemp, pStart;
         int bEscaped = FALSE;
         pStart = pTemp = pCommand;
         while( pTemp )
            if( TextIs( pTemp, WIDE("\\") ) )
               if( !bEscaped )
                  PTEXT pNext;
                  pNext = NEXTLINE( pTemp );
                  pNext->format.position.offset.spaces = pTemp->format.position.offset.spaces;
                  LineRelease( SegGrab( pTemp ) );
                  bEscaped = TRUE;
                  pTemp = pNext;
            if( !bEscaped && TextIs( pTemp, WIDE(";") ) )
               PTEXT pPrior;
	           	//Log( WIDE("Splitting the line and enqueing it...") );
               pPrior = pTemp;
               SegBreak( pTemp );
               if( pStart != pTemp )
               	// end of line included!
               	pStart = SegAppend( pStart, SegCreate(0) ); 
                  EnqueLink( &pdp->output, pStart );
               pStart = pTemp = NEXTLINE( pTemp );
               SegBreak( pTemp );
               LineRelease( pPrior ); // remove ';'
               bEscaped = FALSE;
            bEscaped = FALSE;
            pTemp = NEXTLINE( pTemp );
         if( pStart )
         	PTEXT line;
         	line = BuildLine( pStart );
         	//Log1( WIDE("Enqueu: %s"), GetText( line ) );
         	LineRelease( line );
            EnqueLink( &pdp->output, pStart );
         // well what now?  I guess pLine got put into Partial...
         // next pass through this all for command recall will blow...
         Log( WIDE("No information from the burst!") );
	return (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pdp->output );
Beispiel #4
int GetInputData( int bWord, PSENTIENT ps, PTEXT parameters )
	if( ps->Data )
		PTEXT pSave, temp;
		PTEXT *pInd = NULL;
		pSave = parameters;
		lprintf( WIDE("Get data from datapath...") );
		if( !( ( temp = GetParam( ps, &parameters ) ) ) )
			lprintf( WIDE("No parameters specified to get line") );
			LineRelease( ps->pLastResult );
			ps->pLastResult = NULL;
			pInd = &ps->pLastResult;
			if( temp == pSave )
				DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("is not a valid variable reference.") );
				EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, SegAppend( SegDuplicate( temp ), (PTEXT)&msg ) );
				return FALSE;
			if( temp->flags & TF_INDIRECT )
				LineRelease( GetIndirect( temp ) );
				SetIndirect( temp, NULL );
				pInd = (PTEXT*)&temp->data.size;
				DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("is not a valid variable reference(not indirect).") );
				EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, SegAppend( SegDuplicate( temp ), (PTEXT)&msg ) );
				return FALSE;

		if( !pInd )
			DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("FATAL ERROR: Did not set pInd (GetLine)") );
			EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, (PTEXT)&msg );
				return FALSE;
		// try grabbing an existing line - could be put there from BURST of prior...

		if( !ps->Data->CurrentWord ) // just got last word off line...
			if( ps->Data->CurrentLine )
				LineRelease( ps->Data->CurrentLine );
				ps->Data->CurrentLine = NULL;

		if( !ps->Data->CurrentLine )
			 // Gather Data from input source....
		 // data from HT_CLIENT 'appears' asynchrous
		  // to scripting....
			if( ps->Data->Read )
				ps->Data->Read( ps->Data ); // this returns a completeline...
			ps->Data->CurrentLine = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &ps->Data->Input );

		if( ps->Data->CurrentLine )
			if( !ps->Data->CurrentWord )
				ps->Data->CurrentWord = ps->Data->CurrentLine;

		if( ps->Data->CurrentWord )
			// indirect pointer will be null.
			if( bWord )
				*pInd = SegDuplicate( ps->Data->CurrentWord );
				ps->Data->CurrentWord = NEXTLINE( ps->Data->CurrentWord );
				// duplicate to end of line... which may be whole - or
				// may be partial because of prior GETWORD from the line...
				// then release the data input line...
				// must duplicate the data in either case cause
				// it will be deleted with additional setting of the
				// variable...
					 *pInd = TextDuplicate( ps->Data->CurrentWord, FALSE );
				LineRelease( ps->Data->CurrentWord );
				ps->Data->CurrentLine = NULL; // do NOT release this line...
				ps->Data->CurrentWord = NULL; // no word on line
		if( ps->CurrentMacro && *pInd )
			ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE;
	 return FALSE;
Beispiel #5
	PTEXT temp;
	 PTEXT devname;
	 if( ( devname = GetParam( ps, &parameters ) ) )
		  // find device to see if it's already open...
		  // by name! 
		  // but - this causes a problem for nested scripts
		  // which are going to have to be artificiailly inceminated
		  // with a unique name maybe something like script_#####
		  PDATAPATH pdp = FindOpenDevice( ps, devname );
		  if( pdp )
			if( !ps->CurrentMacro )
					 PVARTEXT pvt;
					 pvt = VarTextCreate();
					 vtprintf( pvt, WIDE("Device named %s is already open."), GetText( devname ) );
					 EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, (POINTER)VarTextGet( pvt ) );
					 VarTextDestroy( &pvt );
				return -1;
		 if( ( temp = GetParam( ps, &parameters ) ) )
			  PDATAPATH pdp;

			  //lprintf( WIDE("Opening device handle named: %s"), GetText( devname ) );
			  if( ( pdp = OpenDevice( &ps->Command, ps, temp, parameters ) ) )
				  PTEXT pCommand;
				  PDATAPATH pOldPath;
				  while( devname->flags & TF_INDIRECT )
					  devname = GetIndirect( devname );
				  pdp->pName = SegDuplicate( devname );
				  if( ps->Command )
				  // remove old command queue so close won't remove
				  // ps->Command->Input = NULL;
				  // close the command queue...

				  // update to the new queue in the sentience
				  // if the new one is a data source, then we
				  // need to move old commands to new path -
				  // otherwise they may/will get lost.
					  if( ps->Command->flags.Data_Source
						 && !ps->Command->flags.Dont_Relay_Prior)
									 pOldPath = ps->Command->pPrior;

												 // move all commands from old queue to new queue
									 while( ( pCommand = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pOldPath->Input ) ) )
										 EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Input, pCommand );

									 while( ( pCommand = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pOldPath->Output ) ) )
										 EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, pCommand );
				  if( ps->CurrentMacro )
					  ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE;
				DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("Command must specify a name (/command <name> <device> <options...)") );
				EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, (PTEXT)&msg );
	return FALSE;