Beispiel #1
IN PVOID context
	auto cc = (CompressionContext *)context;


	if (cc->input_buffer != NULL)
		cc->input_buffer = NULL;

	cc->input_buffer_size = 0;

	if (cc->output_buffer != NULL)
		cc->output_buffer = NULL;

	cc->output_buffer_size = 0;
	cc->output_used = 0;

	if (ProcDestroyCompression != NULL) ProcDestroyCompression(cc->iis_compression_context);
	cc->iis_compression_context = NULL;

	delete cc;
Beispiel #2
 * Spawn the Watcom wmake.  Returns NMAKE_ERROR if wmake returned a bad
 * status code or if it could not be spawned, or else NMAKE_SUCCESS if
 * everything went smoothly.
static int nmake( const OPT_STORAGE *cmdOpts, CmdLine *cmdLine )
    char **             args;
    int                 rc;
    int                 count;
    char *              cwd;
    char                flagstmp[32] = {0};

    /*** get value for MAKEDIR field ***/
    cwd = getcwd( NULL, 0 );

    /*** construct MAKEFLAGS field ***/
    if( cmdOpts->a )      strcat(flagstmp, "A");
    if( cmdOpts->c )      strcat(flagstmp, "C");
    if( cmdOpts->d )      strcat(flagstmp, "D");
    if( cmdOpts->e )      strcat(flagstmp, "E");
    if( cmdOpts->nologo ) strcat(flagstmp, "L");
    if( cmdOpts->n )      strcat(flagstmp, "N");
    if( cmdOpts->p )      strcat(flagstmp, "P");
    if( cmdOpts->r )      strcat(flagstmp, "R");
    if( cmdOpts->s )      strcat(flagstmp, "S");
    if( cmdOpts->u )      strcat(flagstmp, "U");
    if( cmdOpts->y )      strcat(flagstmp, "Y");

    /*** pass builtin macros to wmake, so nmake wrapper gets called in recursive actions ***/
    AppendFmtCmdLine( cmdLine, NMAKE_OPTS_SECTION, "MAKE=\"%s\"", "nmake" );
    AppendFmtCmdLine( cmdLine, NMAKE_OPTS_SECTION, "MAKEDIR=\"%s\"", cwd );
    AppendFmtCmdLine( cmdLine, NMAKE_OPTS_SECTION, "MAKEFLAGS=\"%s\"", flagstmp );

    /*** merge commands ***/
    AppendCmdLine( cmdLine, NMAKE_PROGNAME_SECTION, MAKE );
    args = MergeCmdLine( cmdLine, INVALID_MERGE_CMDLINE );

    /*** Spawn the wmake ***/
    if( cmdOpts->showwopts ) {
        for( count=0; args[count]!=NULL; count++ ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "%s ", args[count] );
        fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
    if( !cmdOpts->noinvoke ) {
        rc = spawnvp( P_WAIT, MAKE, (const char **)args );
        if( rc != 0 ) {
            if( rc == -1  ||  rc == 255 ) {
                FatalError( "Unable to execute '%s'", MAKE );
            } else {
                return( NMAKE_ERROR );
    DestroyCmdLine( cmdLine );

    return( NMAKE_SUCCESS );
Beispiel #3
 * Spawn the Watcom linker.  Returns LINK_NOACTION if there was no file to
 * link, LINK_ERROR if the linker returned a bad status code or if it could
 * not be spawned, or else LINK_SUCCESS if everything went smoothly.
static int link( const OPT_STORAGE *cmdOpts, CmdLine *cmdLine )
    char **             args;
    int                 rc;
    char *              cmdFileName;
    FILE *              fp;
    int                 count;
    CmdLine *           spawnCmdLine;

    /*** Make the command file ***/
    args = MergeCmdLine( cmdLine, INVALID_MERGE_CMDLINE );
    cmdFileName = tmpnam( NULL );
    if( !cmdOpts->noinvoke ) {
        fp = fopen( cmdFileName, "wt" );
        if( fp == NULL ) {
            FatalError( "Cannot open temporary file '%s' -- aborting", cmdFileName );
    for( count=0; args[count]!=NULL; count++ ) {
        if( !cmdOpts->noinvoke ) {
            fprintf( fp, "%s\n", args[count] );
        if( cmdOpts->showwopts ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "echo.%s%s%s\n",
                args[count], (count == 0 ? ">" : ">>"), cmdFileName );
    if( !cmdOpts->noinvoke ) {
        fclose( fp );

    /*** Spawn the linker ***/
    spawnCmdLine = InitCmdLine( LINK_NUM_SECTIONS );
    AppendCmdLine( spawnCmdLine, LINK_PROGNAME_SECTION, LINKER );
    AppendFmtCmdLine( spawnCmdLine, LINK_OPTS_SECTION, "@%s", cmdFileName );
    args = MergeCmdLine( spawnCmdLine, INVALID_MERGE_CMDLINE );
    if( cmdOpts->showwopts ) {
        for( count=0; args[count]!=NULL; count++ ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "%s ", args[count] );
        fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
    if( !cmdOpts->noinvoke ) {
        rc = spawnvp( P_WAIT, LINKER, (const char **)args );
    if( cmdOpts->showwopts ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "del %s\n", cmdFileName );
    if( !cmdOpts->noinvoke ) {
        remove( cmdFileName );
        if( rc != 0 ) {
            if( rc == -1  ||  rc == 255 ) {
                FatalError( "Unable to execute '%s'", LINKER );
            } else {
                return( LINK_ERROR );
    DestroyCmdLine( spawnCmdLine );

    return( LINK_SUCCESS );
Beispiel #4
 * Compile any C and C++ files.  Returns COMPILE_NOACTION if there was no
 * file to compile, COMPILE_ERROR if the compiler returned a bad status code
 * or if the compiler could not be spawned, or else COMPILE_SUCCESS if
 * everything went smoothly.
static int compile( const OPT_STORAGE *cmdOpts, CmdLine *compCmdLine )
    CmdLine *           cloneCmdLine;
    char **             args = NULL;
    char *              filename;
    int                 fileType;
    char *              compiler = NULL;
    int                 rc;
    int                 alive = 1;
    int                 numCompiled = 0;
    char                drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
    char                dir[_MAX_DIR];
    char                fname[_MAX_FNAME];
    char                ext[_MAX_EXT];
    char                fullPath[_MAX_PATH];
    int                 count;

    /*** Process all the source files, in the order they were given ***/
    while( alive ) {
        filename = GetNextFile( &fileType, TYPE_C_FILE, TYPE_CPP_FILE,
                                TYPE_INVALID_FILE );
        if( filename == NULL )  break;

        /*** Prepare to spawn the compiler ***/
        cloneCmdLine = CloneCmdLine( compCmdLine );
        HandleFileTranslate( filename, cloneCmdLine, NULL );
        switch( fileType ) {
          case TYPE_C_FILE:
            compiler = C_COMPILER;
            AppendCmdLine( cloneCmdLine, CL_C_PROGNAME_SECTION, compiler );
            AppendCmdLine( cloneCmdLine, CL_C_FILENAMES_SECTION, filename );
            if( !cmdOpts->nowopts ) {
                AppendCmdLine( cloneCmdLine, CL_C_OPTS_SECTION, "-aa" );
            args = MergeCmdLine( cloneCmdLine, CL_C_PROGNAME_SECTION,
                                 CL_C_MACROS_SECTION, CL_C_OPTS_SECTION,
                                 INVALID_MERGE_CMDLINE );
          case TYPE_CPP_FILE:
            compiler = CPP_COMPILER;
            AppendCmdLine( cloneCmdLine, CL_C_PROGNAME_SECTION, compiler );
            AppendCmdLine( cloneCmdLine, CL_C_FILENAMES_SECTION, filename );
            args = MergeCmdLine( cloneCmdLine, CL_C_PROGNAME_SECTION,
                                 CL_C_MACROS_SECTION, CL_C_OPTS_SECTION,
                                 INVALID_MERGE_CMDLINE );

        /*** Spawn the compiler ***/
        _splitpath( filename, drive, dir, fname, ext );
        fprintf( stderr, "%s%s\n", fname, ext ); /* print name of file we're compiling */
        if( cmdOpts->showwopts ) {
            for( count=0; args[count]!=NULL; count++ ) {
                fprintf( stderr, "%s ", args[count] );
            fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
        if( !cmdOpts->noinvoke ) {
            rc = spawnvp( P_WAIT, compiler, (const char **)args );
            if( rc != 0 ) {
                if( rc == -1  ||  rc == 255 ) {
                    FatalError( "Unable to execute '%s'", compiler );
                } else {
                    return( COMPILE_ERROR );

        /*** Add the object file to the linker list, observe -Fo ***/
        if( cmdOpts->Fo ) {
            AddFile( TYPE_OBJ_FILE, PathConvert( cmdOpts->Fo_value->data, '"' ) );
        } else {
            _makepath( fullPath, NULL, NULL, fname, ".obj" );
            AddFile( TYPE_OBJ_FILE, fullPath );

        /*** Prepare for the next iteration ***/
        DestroyCmdLine( cloneCmdLine );

    if( numCompiled > 0 ) {
        return( COMPILE_SUCCESS );
    } else {
        return( COMPILE_NOACTION );