Beispiel #1
int bi_entry(void * mdpv, int iproblemsize, double * dresults)
   /* dstart, dend: the start and end time of the measurement */
   /* dtime: the time for a single measurement in seconds */
   double dstart = 0.0, dend = 0.0, dtime = 0.0, dinit = 0.0;
   /* flops stores the calculated FLOPS */
   double flops = 0.0;
   /* ii is used for loop iterations */
   myinttype ii, jj, imyproblemsize, numberOfRuns;
   /* cast void* pointer */
   mydata_t* pmydata = (mydata_t*)mdpv;
   int invalid = 0;
   long status, len[3];

   /* calculate real problemsize */
   imyproblemsize = (int)(pmydata->problemsizes[iproblemsize - 1]);

   len[0] = imyproblemsize;
   len[1] = imyproblemsize;
   len[2] = imyproblemsize;

   /* store the value for the x axis in results[0] */
   dresults[0] = (double)imyproblemsize;

   /*** in place run ***/

   /* malloc */
   pmydata->inout = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * 2);

   /* create FFT plan */
   status = DftiCreateDescriptor(&pmydata->my_desc_handle, DFTI_DOUBLE, DFTI_COMPLEX, 3, len);
   status = DftiCommitDescriptor(pmydata->my_desc_handle);

   /* init stuff */
   initData_ip(pmydata, imyproblemsize);

   numberOfRuns = 1;

   dstart = bi_gettime();
   /* fft calculation */
   status = DftiComputeForward(pmydata->my_desc_handle, pmydata->inout);
   dend = bi_gettime();

   /* calculate the used time*/
   dtime = dend - dstart;
   dtime -= dTimerOverhead;

   /* loop calculation if accuracy is insufficient */
   while (dtime < 100 * dTimerGranularity) {

     numberOfRuns = numberOfRuns * 2;

     dstart = bi_gettime();
     for (jj = 0; jj < numberOfRuns; jj++) {
       /* fft calculation */
       status = DftiComputeForward(pmydata->my_desc_handle, pmydata->inout);
     dend = bi_gettime();

     dtime = dend - dstart;
     dtime -= dTimerOverhead;

   /* check for overflows */
   for (ii = 0; ii < imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize; ii++) {
     if (isnan(pmydata->inout[2 * ii]) || isnan(pmydata->inout[2 * ii + 1])) invalid = 1;
     if (isinf(pmydata->inout[2 * ii]) || isinf(pmydata->inout[2 * ii + 1])) invalid = 1;

   /* if loop was necessary */
   if (numberOfRuns > 1) dtime = dtime / numberOfRuns;

   /* calculate the used FLOPS */
   flops = (double)(5.0 * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * (log2(1.0 * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize)) / dtime);

   /* store the FLOPS in results[1] */
   if (invalid == 1) dresults[1] = INVALID_MEASUREMENT;
     else dresults[1] = flops;

   status = DftiFreeDescriptor(&pmydata->my_desc_handle);

   /* free data */

   /*** out of place run ***/

   /* malloc */
   pmydata->in = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * 2);
   pmydata->out = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * 2);

   /* create FFT plan */
   status = DftiCreateDescriptor(&pmydata->my_desc_handle, DFTI_DOUBLE, DFTI_COMPLEX, 3, len);
   status = DftiSetValue(pmydata->my_desc_handle, DFTI_PLACEMENT, DFTI_NOT_INPLACE);
   status = DftiCommitDescriptor(pmydata->my_desc_handle);

   /* init stuff */
   initData_oop(pmydata, imyproblemsize);

   numberOfRuns = 1;

   dstart = bi_gettime();
   /* fft calculation */
   status = DftiComputeForward(pmydata->my_desc_handle, pmydata->in, pmydata->out);
   dend = bi_gettime();

   /* calculate the used time*/
   dtime = dend - dstart;
   dtime -= dTimerOverhead;

   /* loop calculation if accuracy is insufficient */
   while (dtime < 100 * dTimerGranularity) {

     numberOfRuns = numberOfRuns * 2;

     dstart = bi_gettime();
     for (ii = 0; ii < numberOfRuns; ii++) {
        /* fft calculation */
        status = DftiComputeForward(pmydata->my_desc_handle, pmydata->in, pmydata->out);
     dend = bi_gettime();

     /* calculate the used time*/
     dtime = dend - dstart;
     dtime -= dTimerOverhead;

   /* if loop was necessary */
   if (numberOfRuns > 1) dtime = dtime / numberOfRuns;

   /* check for overflows */
   for (ii = 0; ii < imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize; ii++) {
     if (isnan(pmydata->out[2 * ii]) || isnan(pmydata->out[2 * ii + 1])) invalid = 1;
     if (isinf(pmydata->out[2 * ii]) || isinf(pmydata->out[2 * ii + 1])) invalid = 1;

   /* calculate the used FLOPS */
   flops = (double)(5.0 * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * (log2(1.0 * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize * imyproblemsize)) / dtime);

   /* store the FLOPS in results[2] */
   if (invalid == 1) dresults[2] = INVALID_MEASUREMENT;
     else dresults[2] = flops;

   status = DftiFreeDescriptor(&pmydata->my_desc_handle);

   /* free data */

   return 0;
Beispiel #2
gmx_fft_init_1d_real(gmx_fft_t *             pfft,
                     int                     nx,
                     gmx_fft_flag gmx_unused flags)
    gmx_fft_t      fft;
    int            d;
    int            status;

    if (pfft == NULL)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Invalid opaque FFT datatype pointer.");
        return EINVAL;
    *pfft = NULL;

    if ( (fft = (gmx_fft_t)malloc(sizeof(struct gmx_fft))) == NULL)
        return ENOMEM;

    /* Mark all handles invalid */
    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
        fft->inplace[d] = fft->ooplace[d] = NULL;
    fft->ooplace[3] = NULL;

    status = DftiCreateDescriptor(&fft->inplace[0], GMX_DFTI_PREC, DFTI_REAL, 1, (MKL_LONG)nx);

    if (status == 0)
        status = DftiSetValue(fft->inplace[0], DFTI_PLACEMENT, DFTI_INPLACE);

    if (status == 0)
        status = DftiCommitDescriptor(fft->inplace[0]);

    if (status == 0)
        status = DftiCreateDescriptor(&fft->ooplace[0], GMX_DFTI_PREC, DFTI_REAL, 1, (MKL_LONG)nx);

    if (status == 0)
        status = DftiSetValue(fft->ooplace[0], DFTI_PLACEMENT, DFTI_NOT_INPLACE);

    if (status == 0)
        status = DftiCommitDescriptor(fft->ooplace[0]);

    if (status == DFTI_UNIMPLEMENTED)
                  "The linked Intel MKL version (<6.0?) cannot do real FFTs.");
        return status;

    if (status != 0)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Error initializing Intel MKL FFT; status=%d", status);
        return status;

    fft->ndim     = 1;
    fft->nx       = nx;
    fft->real_fft = 1;
    fft->work     = NULL;

    *pfft = fft;
    return 0;
Beispiel #3
struct fft_plan_3d *fft_3d_create_plan(
       MPI_Comm comm, int nfast, int nmid, int nslow,
       int in_ilo, int in_ihi, int in_jlo, int in_jhi,
       int in_klo, int in_khi,
       int out_ilo, int out_ihi, int out_jlo, int out_jhi,
       int out_klo, int out_khi,
       int scaled, int permute, int *nbuf, int usecollective)
  struct fft_plan_3d *plan;
  int me,nprocs;
  int flag,remapflag;
  int first_ilo,first_ihi,first_jlo,first_jhi,first_klo,first_khi;
  int second_ilo,second_ihi,second_jlo,second_jhi,second_klo,second_khi;
  int third_ilo,third_ihi,third_jlo,third_jhi,third_klo,third_khi;
  int out_size,first_size,second_size,third_size,copy_size,scratch_size;
  int np1,np2,ip1,ip2;

  // query MPI info


  // compute division of procs in 2 dimensions not on-processor

  ip1 = me % np1;
  ip2 = me/np1;

  // allocate memory for plan data struct

  plan = (struct fft_plan_3d *) malloc(sizeof(struct fft_plan_3d));
  if (plan == NULL) return NULL;

  // remap from initial distribution to layout needed for 1st set of 1d FFTs
  // not needed if all procs own entire fast axis initially
  // first indices = distribution after 1st set of FFTs

  if (in_ilo == 0 && in_ihi == nfast-1)
    flag = 0;
    flag = 1;


  if (remapflag == 0) {
    first_ilo = in_ilo;
    first_ihi = in_ihi;
    first_jlo = in_jlo;
    first_jhi = in_jhi;
    first_klo = in_klo;
    first_khi = in_khi;
    plan->pre_plan = NULL;
  } else {
    first_ilo = 0;
    first_ihi = nfast - 1;
    first_jlo = ip1*nmid/np1;
    first_jhi = (ip1+1)*nmid/np1 - 1;
    first_klo = ip2*nslow/np2;
    first_khi = (ip2+1)*nslow/np2 - 1;
    plan->pre_plan =
    if (plan->pre_plan == NULL) return NULL;

  // 1d FFTs along fast axis

  plan->length1 = nfast;
  plan->total1 = nfast * (first_jhi-first_jlo+1) * (first_khi-first_klo+1);

  // remap from 1st to 2nd FFT
  // choose which axis is split over np1 vs np2 to minimize communication
  // second indices = distribution after 2nd set of FFTs

  second_ilo = ip1*nfast/np1;
  second_ihi = (ip1+1)*nfast/np1 - 1;
  second_jlo = 0;
  second_jhi = nmid - 1;
  second_klo = ip2*nslow/np2;
  second_khi = (ip2+1)*nslow/np2 - 1;
  plan->mid1_plan =
  if (plan->mid1_plan == NULL) return NULL;

  // 1d FFTs along mid axis

  plan->length2 = nmid;
  plan->total2 = (second_ihi-second_ilo+1) * nmid * (second_khi-second_klo+1);

  // remap from 2nd to 3rd FFT
  // if final distribution is permute=2 with all procs owning entire slow axis
  //   then this remapping goes directly to final distribution
  //  third indices = distribution after 3rd set of FFTs

  if (permute == 2 && out_klo == 0 && out_khi == nslow-1)
    flag = 0;
    flag = 1;


  if (remapflag == 0) {
    third_ilo = out_ilo;
    third_ihi = out_ihi;
    third_jlo = out_jlo;
    third_jhi = out_jhi;
    third_klo = out_klo;
    third_khi = out_khi;
  } else {
    third_ilo = ip1*nfast/np1;
    third_ihi = (ip1+1)*nfast/np1 - 1;
    third_jlo = ip2*nmid/np2;
    third_jhi = (ip2+1)*nmid/np2 - 1;
    third_klo = 0;
    third_khi = nslow - 1;

  plan->mid2_plan =
  if (plan->mid2_plan == NULL) return NULL;

  // 1d FFTs along slow axis

  plan->length3 = nslow;
  plan->total3 = (third_ihi-third_ilo+1) * (third_jhi-third_jlo+1) * nslow;

  // remap from 3rd FFT to final distribution
  //  not needed if permute = 2 and third indices = out indices on all procs

  if (permute == 2 &&
      out_ilo == third_ilo && out_ihi == third_ihi &&
      out_jlo == third_jlo && out_jhi == third_jhi &&
      out_klo == third_klo && out_khi == third_khi)
    flag = 0;
    flag = 1;


  if (remapflag == 0)
    plan->post_plan = NULL;
  else {
    plan->post_plan =
    if (plan->post_plan == NULL) return NULL;

  // configure plan memory pointers and allocate work space
  // out_size = amount of memory given to FFT by user
  // first/second/third_size =
  //   amount of memory needed after pre,mid1,mid2 remaps
  // copy_size = amount needed internally for extra copy of data
  // scratch_size = amount needed internally for remap scratch space
  // for each remap:
  //   out space used for result if big enough, else require copy buffer
  //   accumulate largest required remap scratch space

  out_size = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) * (out_khi-out_klo+1);
  first_size = (first_ihi-first_ilo+1) * (first_jhi-first_jlo+1) *
  second_size = (second_ihi-second_ilo+1) * (second_jhi-second_jlo+1) *
  third_size = (third_ihi-third_ilo+1) * (third_jhi-third_jlo+1) *

  copy_size = 0;
  scratch_size = 0;

  if (plan->pre_plan) {
    if (first_size <= out_size)
      plan->pre_target = 0;
    else {
      plan->pre_target = 1;
      copy_size = MAX(copy_size,first_size);
    scratch_size = MAX(scratch_size,first_size);

  if (plan->mid1_plan) {
    if (second_size <= out_size)
      plan->mid1_target = 0;
    else {
      plan->mid1_target = 1;
      copy_size = MAX(copy_size,second_size);
    scratch_size = MAX(scratch_size,second_size);

  if (plan->mid2_plan) {
    if (third_size <= out_size)
      plan->mid2_target = 0;
    else {
      plan->mid2_target = 1;
      copy_size = MAX(copy_size,third_size);
    scratch_size = MAX(scratch_size,third_size);

  if (plan->post_plan)
    scratch_size = MAX(scratch_size,out_size);

  *nbuf = copy_size + scratch_size;

  if (copy_size) {
    plan->copy = (FFT_DATA *) malloc(copy_size*sizeof(FFT_DATA));
    if (plan->copy == NULL) return NULL;
  else plan->copy = NULL;

  if (scratch_size) {
    plan->scratch = (FFT_DATA *) malloc(scratch_size*sizeof(FFT_DATA));
    if (plan->scratch == NULL) return NULL;
  else plan->scratch = NULL;

  // system specific pre-computation of 1d FFT coeffs
  // and scaling normalization

#if defined(FFT_MKL)
  DftiCreateDescriptor( &(plan->handle_fast), FFT_MKL_PREC, DFTI_COMPLEX, 1,
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_fast, DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS,
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_fast, DFTI_PLACEMENT,DFTI_INPLACE);
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_fast, DFTI_INPUT_DISTANCE, (MKL_LONG)nfast);
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_fast, DFTI_OUTPUT_DISTANCE, (MKL_LONG)nfast);

  DftiCreateDescriptor( &(plan->handle_mid), FFT_MKL_PREC, DFTI_COMPLEX, 1,
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_mid, DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS,
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_mid, DFTI_PLACEMENT,DFTI_INPLACE);
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_mid, DFTI_INPUT_DISTANCE, (MKL_LONG)nmid);
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_mid, DFTI_OUTPUT_DISTANCE, (MKL_LONG)nmid);

  DftiCreateDescriptor( &(plan->handle_slow), FFT_MKL_PREC, DFTI_COMPLEX, 1,
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_slow, DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS,
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_slow, DFTI_PLACEMENT,DFTI_INPLACE);
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_slow, DFTI_INPUT_DISTANCE, (MKL_LONG)nslow);
  DftiSetValue(plan->handle_slow, DFTI_OUTPUT_DISTANCE, (MKL_LONG)nslow);

  if (scaled == 0)
    plan->scaled = 0;
  else {
    plan->scaled = 1;
    plan->norm = 1.0/(nfast*nmid*nslow);
    plan->normnum = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) *

#elif defined(FFT_FFTW2)

  plan->plan_fast_forward =
    fftw_create_plan(nfast,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
  plan->plan_fast_backward =
    fftw_create_plan(nfast,FFTW_BACKWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);

  if (nmid == nfast) {
    plan->plan_mid_forward = plan->plan_fast_forward;
    plan->plan_mid_backward = plan->plan_fast_backward;
  else {
    plan->plan_mid_forward =
      fftw_create_plan(nmid,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
    plan->plan_mid_backward =
      fftw_create_plan(nmid,FFTW_BACKWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);

  if (nslow == nfast) {
    plan->plan_slow_forward = plan->plan_fast_forward;
    plan->plan_slow_backward = plan->plan_fast_backward;
  else if (nslow == nmid) {
    plan->plan_slow_forward = plan->plan_mid_forward;
    plan->plan_slow_backward = plan->plan_mid_backward;
  else {
    plan->plan_slow_forward =
      fftw_create_plan(nslow,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
    plan->plan_slow_backward =
      fftw_create_plan(nslow,FFTW_BACKWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);

  if (scaled == 0)
    plan->scaled = 0;
  else {
    plan->scaled = 1;
    plan->norm = 1.0/(nfast*nmid*nslow);
    plan->normnum = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) *

#elif defined(FFT_FFTW3)
  plan->plan_fast_forward =
    FFTW_API(plan_many_dft)(1, &nfast,plan->total1/plan->length1,
  plan->plan_fast_backward =
    FFTW_API(plan_many_dft)(1, &nfast,plan->total1/plan->length1,
  plan->plan_mid_forward =
    FFTW_API(plan_many_dft)(1, &nmid,plan->total2/plan->length2,
  plan->plan_mid_backward =
    FFTW_API(plan_many_dft)(1, &nmid,plan->total2/plan->length2,
  plan->plan_slow_forward =
    FFTW_API(plan_many_dft)(1, &nslow,plan->total3/plan->length3,
  plan->plan_slow_backward =
    FFTW_API(plan_many_dft)(1, &nslow,plan->total3/plan->length3,

  if (scaled == 0)
    plan->scaled = 0;
  else {
    plan->scaled = 1;
    plan->norm = 1.0/(nfast*nmid*nslow);
    plan->normnum = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) *
  plan->cfg_fast_forward = kiss_fft_alloc(nfast,0,NULL,NULL);
  plan->cfg_fast_backward = kiss_fft_alloc(nfast,1,NULL,NULL);

  if (nmid == nfast) {
    plan->cfg_mid_forward = plan->cfg_fast_forward;
    plan->cfg_mid_backward = plan->cfg_fast_backward;
  else {
    plan->cfg_mid_forward = kiss_fft_alloc(nmid,0,NULL,NULL);
    plan->cfg_mid_backward = kiss_fft_alloc(nmid,1,NULL,NULL);

  if (nslow == nfast) {
    plan->cfg_slow_forward = plan->cfg_fast_forward;
    plan->cfg_slow_backward = plan->cfg_fast_backward;
  else if (nslow == nmid) {
    plan->cfg_slow_forward = plan->cfg_mid_forward;
    plan->cfg_slow_backward = plan->cfg_mid_backward;
  else {
    plan->cfg_slow_forward = kiss_fft_alloc(nslow,0,NULL,NULL);
    plan->cfg_slow_backward = kiss_fft_alloc(nslow,1,NULL,NULL);

  if (scaled == 0)
    plan->scaled = 0;
  else {
    plan->scaled = 1;
    plan->norm = 1.0/(nfast*nmid*nslow);
    plan->normnum = (out_ihi-out_ilo+1) * (out_jhi-out_jlo+1) *


  return plan;