Beispiel #1
void Fuzzer::WriteToOutputCorpus(const Unit &U) {
  if (Options.OutputCorpus.empty()) return;
  std::string Path = DirPlusFile(Options.OutputCorpus, Hash(U));
  WriteToFile(U, Path);
  if (Options.Verbosity >= 2)
    std::cerr << "Written to " << Path << std::endl;
Beispiel #2
void ListFilesInDirRecursive(const std::string &Dir, long *Epoch,
                             Vector<std::string> *V, bool TopDir) {
  auto E = GetEpoch(Dir);
  if (Epoch)
    if (E && *Epoch >= E) return;

  DIR *D = opendir(Dir.c_str());
  if (!D) {
    Printf("No such directory: %s; exiting\n", Dir.c_str());
  while (auto E = readdir(D)) {
    std::string Path = DirPlusFile(Dir, E->d_name);
    if (E->d_type == DT_REG || E->d_type == DT_LNK ||
        (E->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN && IsFile(Path)))
    else if ((E->d_type == DT_DIR ||
             (E->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN && IsDirectory(Path))) &&
             *E->d_name != '.')
      ListFilesInDirRecursive(Path, Epoch, V, false);
  if (Epoch && TopDir)
    *Epoch = E;
Beispiel #3
void Fuzzer::WriteToOutputCorpus(const Unit &U) {
  if (Options.OutputCorpus.empty()) return;
  std::string Path = DirPlusFile(Options.OutputCorpus, Hash(U));
  WriteToFile(U, Path);
  if (Options.Verbosity >= 2)
    Printf("Written to %s\n", Path.c_str());
Beispiel #4
void Fuzzer::SaveCorpus() {
  if (Options.OutputCorpus.empty()) return;
  for (const auto &U : Corpus)
    WriteToFile(U, DirPlusFile(Options.OutputCorpus, Hash(U)));
  if (Options.Verbosity)
    Printf("Written corpus of %zd files to %s\n", Corpus.size(),
Beispiel #5
void Fuzzer::SaveCorpus() {
  if (Options.OutputCorpus.empty()) return;
  for (const auto &U : Corpus)
    WriteToFile(U, DirPlusFile(Options.OutputCorpus, Hash(U)));
  if (Options.Verbosity)
    std::cerr << "Written corpus of " << Corpus.size() << " files to "
              << Options.OutputCorpus << "\n";
Beispiel #6
void ReadDirToVectorOfUnits(const char *Path, std::vector<Unit> *V,
                            long *Epoch) {
  long E = Epoch ? *Epoch : 0;
  for (auto &X : ListFilesInDir(Path, Epoch)) {
    auto FilePath = DirPlusFile(Path, X);
    if (Epoch && GetEpoch(FilePath) < E) continue;
Beispiel #7
void ReadDirToVectorOfUnits(const char *Path, std::vector<Unit> *V,
                            long *Epoch) {
  long E = Epoch ? *Epoch : 0;
  auto Files = ListFilesInDir(Path, Epoch);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < Files.size(); i++) {
    auto &X = Files[i];
    auto FilePath = DirPlusFile(Path, X);
    if (Epoch && GetEpoch(FilePath) < E) continue;
    if ((i % 1000) == 0 && i)
      Printf("Loaded %zd/%zd files from %s\n", i, Files.size(), Path);
Beispiel #8
void ReadDirToVectorOfUnits(const char *Path, std::vector<Unit> *V,
                            long *Epoch, size_t MaxSize) {
  long E = Epoch ? *Epoch : 0;
  auto Files = ListFilesInDir(Path, Epoch);
  size_t NumLoaded = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < Files.size(); i++) {
    auto &X = Files[i];
    auto FilePath = DirPlusFile(Path, X);
    if (Epoch && GetEpoch(FilePath) < E) continue;
    if ((NumLoaded & (NumLoaded - 1)) == 0 && NumLoaded >= 1024)
      Printf("Loaded %zd/%zd files from %s\n", NumLoaded, Files.size(), Path);
    V->push_back(FileToVector(FilePath, MaxSize));
void IterateDirRecursive(const std::string &Dir,
                         void (*DirPreCallback)(const std::string &Dir),
                         void (*DirPostCallback)(const std::string &Dir),
                         void (*FileCallback)(const std::string &Dir)) {
  DIR *D = opendir(Dir.c_str());
  if (!D) return;
  while (auto E = readdir(D)) {
    std::string Path = DirPlusFile(Dir, E->d_name);
    if (E->d_type == DT_REG || E->d_type == DT_LNK ||
        (E->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN && IsFile(Path)))
    else if ((E->d_type == DT_DIR ||
             (E->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN && IsDirectory(Path))) &&
             *E->d_name != '.')
      IterateDirRecursive(Path, DirPreCallback, DirPostCallback, FileCallback);
Beispiel #10
void ReadDirToVectorOfUnits(const char *Path, std::vector<Unit> *V) {
  for (auto &X : ListFilesInDir(Path))
    V->push_back(FileToVector(DirPlusFile(Path, X)));
int CollectDataFlow(const std::string &DFTBinary, const std::string &DirPath,
                    const Vector<SizedFile> &CorporaFiles) {
  Printf("INFO: collecting data flow: bin: %s dir: %s files: %zd\n",
         DFTBinary.c_str(), DirPath.c_str(), CorporaFiles.size());
  auto Temp = TempPath(".dft");
  for (auto &F : CorporaFiles) {
    // For every input F we need to collect the data flow and the coverage.
    // Data flow collection may fail if we request too many DFSan tags at once.
    // So, we start from requesting all tags in range [0,Size) and if that fails
    // we then request tags in [0,Size/2) and [Size/2, Size), and so on.
    // Function number => DFT.
    std::unordered_map<size_t, Vector<uint8_t>> DFTMap;
    std::unordered_set<std::string> Cov;
    std::queue<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> Q;
    Q.push({0, F.Size});
    while (!Q.empty()) {
      auto R = Q.front();
      Printf("\n\n\n********* Trying: [%zd, %zd)\n", R.first, R.second);
      Command Cmd;
      Printf("CMD: %s\n", Cmd.toString().c_str());
      if (ExecuteCommand(Cmd)) {
        // DFSan has failed, collect tags for two subsets.
        if (R.second - R.first >= 2) {
          size_t Mid = (R.second + R.first) / 2;
          Q.push({R.first, Mid});
          Q.push({Mid, R.second});
      } else {
        Printf("********* Success: [%zd, %zd)\n", R.first, R.second);
        std::ifstream IF(Temp);
        std::string L;
        while (std::getline(IF, L, '\n')) {
          // Data flow collection has succeeded.
          // Merge the results with the other runs.
          if (L.empty()) continue;
          if (L[0] == 'C') {
            // Take coverage lines as is, they will be the same in all attempts.
          } else if (L[0] == 'F') {
            size_t FunctionNum = 0;
            std::string DFTString;
            if (ParseDFTLine(L, &FunctionNum, &DFTString)) {
              auto &DFT = DFTMap[FunctionNum];
              if (DFT.empty()) {
                // Haven't seen this function before, take DFT as is.
                DFT = DFTStringToVector(DFTString);
              } else if (DFT.size() == DFTString.size()) {
                // Have seen this function already, merge DFTs.
                DFTStringAppendToVector(&DFT, DFTString);
    auto OutPath = DirPlusFile(DirPath, Hash(FileToVector(F.File)));
    // Dump combined DFT to disk.
    Printf("Producing DFT for %s\n", OutPath.c_str());
    std::ofstream OF(OutPath);
    for (auto &DFT: DFTMap)
      OF << "F" << DFT.first << " " << DFT.second << std::endl;
    for (auto &C : Cov)
      OF << C << std::endl;
  // Write functions.txt.
  Command Cmd;
  Cmd.setOutputFile(DirPlusFile(DirPath, "functions.txt"));
  return 0;
bool DataFlowTrace::Init(const std::string &DirPath,
                         std::string *FocusFunction,
                         Random &Rand) {
  if (DirPath.empty()) return false;
  Printf("INFO: DataFlowTrace: reading from '%s'\n", DirPath.c_str());
  Vector<SizedFile> Files;
  GetSizedFilesFromDir(DirPath, &Files);
  std::string L;
  size_t FocusFuncIdx = SIZE_MAX;
  Vector<std::string> FunctionNames;

  // Read functions.txt
  std::ifstream IF(DirPlusFile(DirPath, kFunctionsTxt));
  size_t NumFunctions = 0;
  while (std::getline(IF, L, '\n')) {
    if (*FocusFunction == L)
      FocusFuncIdx = NumFunctions - 1;

  if (*FocusFunction == "auto") {
    // AUTOFOCUS works like this:
    // * reads the coverage data from the DFT files.
    // * assigns weights to functions based on coverage.
    // * chooses a random function according to the weights.
    auto Weights = Coverage.FunctionWeights(NumFunctions);
    Vector<double> Intervals(NumFunctions + 1);
    std::iota(Intervals.begin(), Intervals.end(), 0);
    auto Distribution = std::piecewise_constant_distribution<double>(
        Intervals.begin(), Intervals.end(), Weights.begin());
    FocusFuncIdx = static_cast<size_t>(Distribution(Rand));
    *FocusFunction = FunctionNames[FocusFuncIdx];
    assert(FocusFuncIdx < NumFunctions);
    Printf("INFO: AUTOFOCUS: %zd %s\n", FocusFuncIdx,
    for (size_t i = 0; i < NumFunctions; i++) {
      if (!Weights[i]) continue;
      Printf("  [%zd] W %g\tBB-tot %u\tBB-cov %u\tEntryFreq %u:\t%s\n", i,
             Weights[i], Coverage.GetNumberOfBlocks(i),
             Coverage.GetNumberOfCoveredBlocks(i), Coverage.GetCounter(i, 0),

  if (!NumFunctions || FocusFuncIdx == SIZE_MAX || Files.size() <= 1)
    return false;

  // Read traces.
  size_t NumTraceFiles = 0;
  size_t NumTracesWithFocusFunction = 0;
  for (auto &SF : Files) {
    auto Name = Basename(SF.File);
    if (Name == kFunctionsTxt) continue;
    // Printf("=== %s\n", Name.c_str());
    std::ifstream IF(SF.File);
    while (std::getline(IF, L, '\n')) {
      size_t FunctionNum = 0;
      std::string DFTString;
      if (ParseDFTLine(L, &FunctionNum, &DFTString) &&
          FunctionNum == FocusFuncIdx) {

        if (FunctionNum >= NumFunctions)
          return ParseError("N is greater than the number of functions", L);
        Traces[Name] = DFTStringToVector(DFTString);
        // Print just a few small traces.
        if (NumTracesWithFocusFunction <= 3 && DFTString.size() <= 16)
          Printf("%s => |%s|\n", Name.c_str(), std::string(DFTString).c_str());
        break; // No need to parse the following lines.
  assert(NumTraceFiles == Files.size() - 1);
  Printf("INFO: DataFlowTrace: %zd trace files, %zd functions, "
         "%zd traces with focus function\n",
         NumTraceFiles, NumFunctions, NumTracesWithFocusFunction);
  return true;
std::string SharedMemoryRegion::Path(const char *Name) {
  return DirPlusFile(TmpDir(), Name);
void DataFlowTrace::Init(const std::string &DirPath,
                         const std::string &FocusFunction) {
  if (DirPath.empty()) return;
  const char *kFunctionsTxt = "functions.txt";
  Printf("INFO: DataFlowTrace: reading from '%s'\n", DirPath.c_str());
  Vector<SizedFile> Files;
  GetSizedFilesFromDir(DirPath, &Files);
  std::string L;

  // Read functions.txt
  std::ifstream IF(DirPlusFile(DirPath, kFunctionsTxt));
  size_t FocusFuncIdx = SIZE_MAX;
  size_t NumFunctions = 0;
  while (std::getline(IF, L, '\n')) {
    if (FocusFunction == L)
      FocusFuncIdx = NumFunctions - 1;
  if (!NumFunctions || FocusFuncIdx == SIZE_MAX || Files.size() <= 1)
  // Read traces.
  size_t NumTraceFiles = 0;
  size_t NumTracesWithFocusFunction = 0;
  for (auto &SF : Files) {
    auto Name = Basename(SF.File);
    if (Name == kFunctionsTxt) continue;
    auto ParseError = [&](const char *Err) {
      Printf("DataFlowTrace: parse error: %s\n  File: %s\n  Line: %s\n", Err,
             Name.c_str(), L.c_str());
    // Printf("=== %s\n", Name.c_str());
    std::ifstream IF(SF.File);
    while (std::getline(IF, L, '\n')) {
      size_t SpacePos = L.find(' ');
      if (SpacePos == std::string::npos)
        return ParseError("no space in the trace line");
      if (L.empty() || L[0] != 'F')
        return ParseError("the trace line doesn't start with 'F'");
      size_t N = std::atol(L.c_str() + 1);
      if (N >= NumFunctions)
        return ParseError("N is greater than the number of functions");
      if (N == FocusFuncIdx) {
        const char *Beg = L.c_str() + SpacePos + 1;
        const char *End = L.c_str() + L.size();
        assert(Beg < End);
        size_t Len = End - Beg;
        Vector<uint8_t> V(Len);
        for (size_t I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
          if (Beg[I] != '0' && Beg[I] != '1')
            ParseError("the trace should contain only 0 or 1");
          V[I] = Beg[I] == '1';
        Traces[Name] = V;
        // Print just a few small traces.
        if (NumTracesWithFocusFunction <= 3 && Len <= 16)
          Printf("%s => |%s|\n", Name.c_str(), L.c_str() + SpacePos + 1);
        break;  // No need to parse the following lines.
  assert(NumTraceFiles == Files.size() - 1);
  Printf("INFO: DataFlowTrace: %zd trace files, %zd functions, "
         "%zd traces with focus function\n",
         NumTraceFiles, NumFunctions, NumTracesWithFocusFunction);