Beispiel #1
int main(void)

	/* ============================= Init the Disasm structure (important !)*/
	(void) memset (&MyDisasm, 0, sizeof(DISASM));

	pSourceCode =  &main;
	pBuffer = malloc(0x600);
	/* ============================= Let's NOP the buffer */
	(void) memset (pBuffer, 0x90, 0x600);
	/* ============================= Copy 100 bytes in it */
	(void) memcpy (pBuffer,(void*)(int) pSourceCode, 0x600);

	(void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
	(void) printf("Display only BranchInstructions and ComparisonInstructions. \n");
	(void) printf("******************************************************* \n");

	/* ============================= Select Display Option */
	MyDisasm.Options = Tabulation + MasmSyntax;
	/* ============================= Disassemble code located in that buffer */
	DisassembleCode (pBuffer, (char*) pBuffer + 0x600, pSourceCode);

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  BEA_UNUSED_ARG (argc);
  BEA_UNUSED_ARG (argv);
  /* ============================= Init the Disasm structure (important !)*/
  (void) memset (&MyDisasm, 0, sizeof(DISASM));

  pSourceCode =  main;
  pBuffer = malloc(0x600);
  /* ============================= Let's NOP the buffer */
  (void) memset (pBuffer, 0x90, 0x600);
  /* ============================= Copy 100 bytes in it */
  (void) memcpy (pBuffer,(void*)(UIntPtr) pSourceCode, 0x600);

  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  (void) printf("Display only Instructions modifying memory. \ndon't display stack modifications. \n");
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");

  /* ============================= Select Display Option */
  MyDisasm.Options = Tabulation + MasmSyntax;
  /* ============================= Disassemble code located in that buffer */
  DisassembleCode (pBuffer, (char*) pBuffer + 0x600, pSourceCode);

  return 0;
Beispiel #3
int main(void)

	FileHandle = fopen("junkcode.bin", "rb");
	FileSize = ftell(FileHandle);
	pBuffer = malloc(FileSize);
	(void)fread(pBuffer,1,FileSize, FileHandle);

	/* ============================= Init the Disasm structure (important !)*/
	for (i=0;i<100;i++) {
		(void) memset (&MyDisasm[i], 0, sizeof(DISASM));

	(void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
	(void) printf("Looking for obfuscation in junkcode.bin - simple pattern :\nadd X, Y\nsub X, Y\n");
	(void) printf("******************************************************* \n");

	/* ============================= Disassemble code located in that buffer */

	DisassembleCode (pBuffer, (char*) pBuffer + 0x600, 0x0);

	return 0;
Beispiel #4
int main(void)
	pSourceCode =  &main;

	pBuffer = malloc(100);
	/* ============================= Let's NOP the buffer */
	(void) memset (pBuffer, 0x90, 100);

	/* ============================= Copy 100 bytes in it */
	(void) memcpy (pBuffer,(void*)(int) pSourceCode, 100);

	/* ============================= Disassemble code located in that buffer */
	DisassembleCode (pBuffer, (char*) pBuffer + 100, pSourceCode);
	return 0;
Beispiel #5
void CChildView::OnMouseHover(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	CString msg;
	if (Selected.size() > 1)
		DWORD size = 0;
		for (UINT i = 0; i < Selected.size(); i++)
			size += Selected[i].object->GetMemorySize();
		msg.Format(_T("%i selected, %i bytes"), Selected.size(), size);
		m_ToolTip.SetWindowPos(NULL, point.x + 16, point.y + 16, msg.GetLength() * FontWidth + 8, FontHeight + 6, SWP_NOZORDER);
		BYTE data[16];
		for (UINT i = 0; i < HotSpots.size(); i++)
			if (HotSpots[i].Rect.PtInRect(point))
				if (HotSpots[i].Type == HS_SELECT)
					CNodeBase* pNode = (CNodeBase*)HotSpots[i].object;

					if (pNode->GetType() == nt_function)
						if (HotSpots[i].object->bOpen[HotSpots[i].Level])

						DWORD_PTR addr = HotSpots[i].Address;
						ReadMemory((LPVOID)addr, &addr, sizeof(DWORD_PTR));

						unsigned char* code = (unsigned char*)malloc(1024);
						ReadMemory((LPVOID)addr, code, 1024);

						int textHeight = 0;
						// CString object causes crashes here sometimes for an unknown reason (too lazy to figure out why). Using STL std::string in lieu of CString.
						stdstring d = DisassembleCode(&code, (unsigned char**)((&code) + 1024), addr, &textHeight);

						delete[] code;

						//CString d, t;
						//CNodeFunctionPtr* pObject = (CNodeFunctionPtr*)HotSpots[i].object;
						//int textHeight = (pObject->Assembly.size() * 16) + 4;
						//for (int i = 0; i < pObject->Assembly.size(); i++)
						//	t.Format("%s\r\n", pObject->Assembly[i]);
						//	d.Append(t);
						m_ToolTip.SetWindowPos(NULL, point.x + 16, point.y + 16, 400, textHeight, SWP_NOZORDER);
					if (pNode->GetType() == nt_hex64)
						ReadMemory((LPVOID)HotSpots[i].Address, data, sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
						float* pf = (float*)data;
						__int64* pi = (__int64*)data;
						size_t* pd = (size_t*)data;
						msg.Format(_T("Int64: %i\r\nDWORD64: %u\r\nFloat: %.3f"), *pi, *pd, *pf);

						m_ToolTip.SetWindowPos(NULL, point.x + 16, point.y + 16, 200, 16 * 3 + 6, SWP_NOZORDER);
					else if (pNode->GetType() == nt_hex32)
						ReadMemory((LPVOID)HotSpots[i].Address, data, 4);
						float* pf = (float*)data;
						int* pi = (int*)data;
						DWORD* pd = (DWORD*)data;
						msg.Format(_T("Int32: %i\r\nDWORD: %u\r\nFloat: %.3f"), *pi, *pd, *pf);
						m_ToolTip.SetWindowPos(NULL, point.x + 16, point.y + 16, 200, 16 * 3 + 6, SWP_NOZORDER);
					else if (pNode->GetType() == nt_hex16)
						ReadMemory((LPVOID)HotSpots[i].Address, data, 4);
						__int16* pi = (__int16*)data;
						WORD* pd = (WORD*)data;
						msg.Format(_T("Int16: %i\r\nWORD: %u\r\n"), *pi, *pd);
						m_ToolTip.SetWindowPos(NULL, point.x + 16, point.y + 16, 200, 16 * 2 + 6, SWP_NOZORDER);
					else if (pNode->GetType() == nt_hex8)
						ReadMemory((LPVOID)HotSpots[i].Address, data, 4);
						__int8* pi = (__int8*)data;
						BYTE* pd = (BYTE*)data;
						msg.Format(_T("Int8: %i\r\nBYTE: %u\r\n"), *pi, *pd);
						m_ToolTip.SetWindowPos(NULL, point.x + 16, point.y + 16, 200, 16 * 2 + 6, SWP_NOZORDER);

	bTracking = false;
	HoverPoint = point;

	CWnd::OnMouseHover(nFlags, point);
Beispiel #6
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  BEA_UNUSED_ARG (argc);
  BEA_UNUSED_ARG (argv);
  /* ============================= Init the Disasm structure (important !)*/
  (void) memset (&MyDisasm, 0, sizeof(DISASM));

  pSourceCode =  main;
  pBuffer = malloc(100);
  /* ============================= Let's NOP the buffer */
  (void) memset (pBuffer, 0x90, 100);
  /* ============================= Copy 100 bytes in it */
  (void) memcpy (pBuffer,(void*)(UIntPtr) pSourceCode, 100);

  /* ============================= Select Display Option */
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  (void) printf("Display Option : No Tabulation + MasmSyntax. \n");
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  MyDisasm.Options = NoTabulation + MasmSyntax;
  /* ============================= Disassemble code located in that buffer */
  DisassembleCode (pBuffer, (char*) pBuffer + 100, pSourceCode);

  /* ============================= Select another Display Option */
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  (void) printf("Display Option : Tabulation + MasmSyntax. \n");
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  MyDisasm.Options = Tabulation + MasmSyntax;
  /* ============================= Disassemble code located in that buffer */
  DisassembleCode (pBuffer, (char*) pBuffer + 100, pSourceCode);

  /* ============================= Select another Display Option */
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  (void) printf("Display Option : Tabulation + NasmSyntax + PrefixedNumeral + ShowSegmentRegs. \n");
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  MyDisasm.Options = Tabulation + NasmSyntax + PrefixedNumeral + ShowSegmentRegs;
  /* ============================= Disassemble code located in that buffer */
  DisassembleCode (pBuffer, (char*) pBuffer + 100, pSourceCode);

  /* ============================= Select another Display Option */
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  (void) printf("Display Option : Tabulation + GoAsmSyntax + SuffixedNumeral. \n");
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  MyDisasm.Options = Tabulation + GoAsmSyntax + SuffixedNumeral;
  /* ============================= Disassemble code located in that buffer */
  DisassembleCode (pBuffer, (char*) pBuffer + 100, pSourceCode);

  /* ============================= Select another Display Option */
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  (void) printf("Display Option : Tabulation + ATSyntax + SuffixedNumeral + ShowSegmentRegs. \n");
  (void) printf("******************************************************* \n");
  MyDisasm.Options = Tabulation + ATSyntax + SuffixedNumeral + ShowSegmentRegs;
  /* ============================= Disassemble code located in that buffer */
  DisassembleCode (pBuffer, (char*) pBuffer + 100, pSourceCode);

  return 0;