Beispiel #1
/* Makes a stack profile on file stackFile. */
void MakeStackProfile(void) {
  int i, no, sampleNo;
  TickList *newTick;
  int *sampleNoTab;
  float sampleTime;
  char idStr[100];


  if ((outfp = fopen((char *) &stackName, "w")) == NULL) {
    printf("Can not open stackfile: %s.\n", stackName);

  sprintf(idStr, "%s - Stack profiling", name);
  jobstring = MallocString(idStr);
  sprintf(idStr, "%s", timeStr);
  datestring = MallocString(idStr);

  sampleNoTab = xmalloc(noOfSamples * sizeof(int));

  no = sortSamples(sortOpt, sampleNoTab);
  i = 0;
  sampleNo = 0;
  for (newTick=firstTick;newTick!=NULL;newTick=newTick->nTick,i++) {
    if ((sampleNo < no) && (sampleNoTab[sampleNo] == i)) {
      if (useTickNo) {
	sampleTime = (float)i;
      else {
	sampleTime = (float)newTick->time/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
      /*printf("sampleNo %3d SampleTime %5.2f\n", sampleNo, sampleTime);*/
      allocNewSample(sampleNo, sampleTime);
      storeSampleEntry(sampleNo, sampleTime, "stack", ((float)(newTick->stackUse))*4.0);
      storeSampleEntry(sampleNo, sampleTime, "rDesc", ((float)(newTick->regionDescUse))*4.0);


  if (sampleNo != nsamples)           /* These two variables have to follow each other. */
    Disaster("sampleNo <> nsamples");
  if ((noOfSamples >= SampleMax) && (SampleMax != nsamples))         /* If we have more than SampleMax samples, */
    Disaster("noOfSamples >= SampleMax and SampleMax <> nsamples."); /* then we keep exactly SampleMax samples. */

  showMax = 0; /* Do not show a maximum line. */
  yLab = MallocString("bytes");
Beispiel #2
    intish i;
    intish j;
    floatish mx;
    int bucket;
    floatish value;
    struct chunk* ch;
    floatish *maxima; 

    maxima = (floatish*) xmalloc(nsamples * sizeof(floatish));
    for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
        maxima[ i ] = 0.0;

    for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
        for (ch = identtable[i]->chk; ch; ch = ch->next) {
            for (j = 0; j < ch->nd; j++) {
                bucket = ch->d[j].bucket;
                value  = ch->d[j].value;
		if (bucket >= nsamples)
		    Disaster("bucket out of range");
                maxima[ bucket ] += value;

    for (mx = maxima[ 0 ], i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
        if (maxima[ i ] > mx) mx = maxima[ i ];

    return mx;
Beispiel #3
    intish i;
    intish j;
    intish bucket;
    floatish value;
    struct chunk *ch;
    floatish area;
    floatish trap;
    floatish base;
    floatish *maxima;

    maxima = (floatish *) xmalloc(nsamples * sizeof(floatish));
    for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
        maxima[i] = 0.0;

    for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
        for (ch = identtable[i]->chk; ch; ch = ch->next) {
            for (j = 0; j < ch->nd; j++) {
                bucket = ch->d[j].bucket;
                value  = ch->d[j].value;
		if (bucket >= nsamples)
		    Disaster("bucket out of range");
                maxima[ bucket ] += value;

    area = 0.0;

    for (i = 1; i < nsamples; i++) {
	base = samplemap[i] - samplemap[i-1];
        if (maxima[i] > maxima[i-1]) {
	    trap = base * maxima[i-1] + ((base * (maxima[i] - maxima[i-1]))/ 2.0);
	} else {
	    trap = base * maxima[i]   + ((base * (maxima[i-1] - maxima[i]))/ 2.0);

	area += trap;

    return area;
Beispiel #4
OrderFor(char *ident, int order)
    if (! ordermap) {
	ordermapmax = (nidents > TWENTY ? nidents : TWENTY) * 2;
	         /* Assume nidents read is indication of the No of
		    idents in the .aux file (*2 for good luck !) */
	ordermap = xmalloc(ordermapmax * sizeof(struct order));

    if (ordermapindex < ordermapmax) {
	ordermap[ ordermapindex ].ident = copystring(ident);
	ordermap[ ordermapindex ].order = order;
    } else {
	Disaster("order map overflow");
Beispiel #5
/* and sampleNoTab have range [0, ..., noOfSamples-1].    */
static void sortOutBin(int min, int max, int no, int *sampleNoTab)
  int mid, no1, no2;

  mid = (min+max)/2;
  if (no == 1) {
    if (sampleNoTab[mid-1] == -1)
      Disaster("sortOutBin: sampleNoTab already -1.");
    sampleNoTab[mid-1] = -1;
    if (no > 1) {
      no1 = no / 2;
      no2 = no-no1;
      sortOutBin(min, mid, no2, sampleNoTab);
      sortOutBin(mid+1, max, no1, sampleNoTab);
Beispiel #6
/* Makes a region profile. */
void MakeObjectProfile(int region) {
  int i, sampleNo, no;
  TickList *newTick;
  ObjectList *newObj;
  RegionList *newRegion;
  int *sampleNoTab;
  float sampleTime;
  char idStr[100];
  int success = 0;


  if ((outfp = fopen((char *) &objName, "w")) == NULL) {
    printf("Cannot open output file %s.\n", objName);

  sprintf(idStr, "%s - Object profiling on region %d", name, region);
  jobstring = MallocString(idStr);
  sprintf(idStr, "%s", timeStr);
  datestring = MallocString(idStr);

  sampleNoTab = xmalloc(noOfSamples * sizeof(int));

  no = sortSamples(sortOpt, sampleNoTab);
  i = 0;
  sampleNo = 0;
  for (newTick=firstTick;newTick!=NULL;newTick=newTick->nTick,i++) {
    if ((sampleNo < no) && (sampleNoTab[sampleNo] == i)) {
      if (useTickNo) {
	sampleTime = (float)i;
      else {
	sampleTime = (float)newTick->time/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
      /*printf("sampleNo %3d SampleTime %5.2f\n", sampleNo, sampleTime);*/
      allocNewSample(sampleNo, sampleTime);
      for (newRegion=newTick->fRegion;newRegion!=NULL;newRegion=newRegion->nRegion) {
	if (newRegion->regionId == region) 
	  for (newObj=newRegion->fObj;newObj!=NULL;newObj=newObj->nObj) {
	    success = 1;
	    sprintf(idStr, "pp%d", newObj->atId);
	    storeSampleEntry(sampleNo, sampleTime, idStr, ((float)(newObj->size))*4.0);

  if (success == 0) {
    printf("There is no profiling information for region r%d, so I could not \ncreate a PostScript file for you.\n",

  if (sampleNo != nsamples)           /* These two variables have to follow each other. */
    Disaster("sampleNo <> nsamples");
  if ((noOfSamples >= SampleMax) && (SampleMax != nsamples))         /* If we have more than SampleMax samples, */
    Disaster("noOfSamples >= SampleMax and SampleMax <> nsamples."); /* then we keep exactly SampleMax samples. */

  showMax = 1;
  maxValue = profTabGetMaxAlloc(region)*4;
  sprintf(maxValueStr, "Maximum allocated bytes in this region: %2.0f.", maxValue);
  yLab = MallocString("bytes");
Beispiel #7
/* Makes a region profile. */
void MakeRegionProfile(void) {
  int i, sampleNo, no;
  TickList *newTick;
  RegionList *newRegion;
  int *sampleNoTab;
  float sampleTime;
  float maxStack = 0.0;
  char idStr[100];


  if ((outfp = fopen((char *) &rpName, "w")) == NULL) {
    printf("Can not open output file %s.\n", rpName);

  sprintf(idStr, "%s - Region profiling", name);
  jobstring = MallocString(idStr);
  sprintf(idStr, "%s", timeStr);
  datestring = MallocString(idStr);

  sampleNoTab = xmalloc(noOfSamples * sizeof(int));

  no = sortSamples(sortOpt, sampleNoTab);
  i = 0;
  sampleNo = 0;
  for (newTick=firstTick;newTick!=NULL;newTick=newTick->nTick,i++) {
    if ((sampleNo < no) && (sampleNoTab[sampleNo] == i)) {
      if (useTickNo) {
	sampleTime = (float)i;
      else {
	sampleTime = (float)newTick->time/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
      /*printf("sampleNo %3d SampleTime %5.2f\n", sampleNo, sampleTime);*/
      allocNewSample(sampleNo, sampleTime);
      storeSampleEntry(sampleNo, sampleTime, "stack", ((float)(newTick->stackUse))*4.0);
      storeSampleEntry(sampleNo, sampleTime, "rDesc", ((float)(newTick->regionDescUse))*4.0);

      if (((((float)(newTick->stackUse))+((float)(newTick->regionDescUse)))*4.0) > maxStack) /* To ajust the max. */
	maxStack = (((float)(newTick->stackUse))+((float)(newTick->regionDescUse)))*4.0;     /* allocation line.  */
      for (newRegion=newTick->fRegion;newRegion!=NULL;newRegion=newRegion->nRegion) {
	if (newRegion->infinite) 
	  sprintf(idStr, "r%dinf", newRegion->regionId);
	  sprintf(idStr, "r%dfin", newRegion->regionId);

	storeSampleEntry(sampleNo, sampleTime, idStr, ((float)(newRegion->used))*4.0);

  if (sampleNo != nsamples)           /* These two variables have to follow each other. */
    Disaster("sampleNo <> nsamples");
  if ((noOfSamples >= SampleMax) && (SampleMax != nsamples))         /* If we have more than SampleMax samples, */
    Disaster("noOfSamples >= SampleMax and SampleMax <> nsamples."); /* then we keep exactly SampleMax samples. */

  showMax = 1;
  maxValue = maxRegions*4;   /* The total memory used is often lower than what the line suggests
			      * because the time the stack is maximal may not be the same time
			      * that allocation in regions is maximal! mael 2001-05-22 */
  sprintf(maxValueStr, "Maximum allocated bytes in regions (%2.0f) and on stack (%2.0f)", maxValue, maxStack);
  maxValue += maxStack; /* Ajusting the max. allocation line. */
  yLab = MallocString("bytes");
Beispiel #8
/* Returns number of samples in sampleNoTab. */
static int sortSamples(int sortType, int *sampleNoTab) 
  int i, j, m;                     /* Counters */
  int *sampleSizeTab ;             /* Table holding size of each sample. */
  TickList *newTick;               /* Used to walk through the samples.  */
  RegionList *newRegion;           /* Used to walk through the regions in each sample. */
  int total, temp;                 /* Temporary variables. */
  int sampleNo;                    

  if (sortType == TAKE_BY_SAMPLE_NO) {

    /* We keep min(MaxSamples, noOfSamples) samples in sampleNoTab sorted    */
    /* by sampleNo, and equally distributed in the range of sample numbers.  */
    /* If noOfSamples <= SampleMax then all samples are returned.            */
    /* If noOfSamples > SampleMax, then sortOutBin is used to sort out       */
    /* noOfSamples-SampleMax samples by divide and conquer.                  */
    for (i=0;i<noOfSamples;i++)
      sampleNoTab[i] = i;
    if (noOfSamples <= SampleMax)
      /* Return all samples. */
      return noOfSamples; 
    else { 
      /* After sortOutBin all samples which have to be sorted out have the */
      /* value -1.                                                         */
      sortOutBin(1, noOfSamples, noOfSamples-SampleMax, sampleNoTab);
      i = 0;
      for (i=0;i<noOfSamples;i++) {
	  printf("SortSamples (SORT_BY_SAMPLE_NO): sampleNoTab[%3d] = %3d\n", i, sampleNoTab[i]);
	if (sampleNoTab[i] >= 0) {
	  sampleNoTab[sampleNo] = sampleNoTab[i];
      if (sampleNo != SampleMax)  /* These two variables have to be equal. */
	Disaster("SortSamples: SampleMax <> sampleNo");
      return sampleNo;
  } else { /* sortType == TAKE_BY_SIZE. */
    /* We keep the SampleMax largest samples. */

    /* First make a sampleSizeTab holding the size of each sample, and */
    /* a sampleNoTab holding the sampleNo w.r.t. the sampleSizeTab.    */
    sampleSizeTab = xmalloc(noOfSamples * sizeof(int));
    for (newTick=firstTick;newTick!=NULL;newTick=newTick->nTick) {
      total = 0;
      for (newRegion=newTick->fRegion;newRegion!=NULL;newRegion=newRegion->nRegion)
	total += newRegion->used;
      sampleSizeTab[i] = total;
      sampleNoTab[i] = i;

    /* Then sort the two tables w.r.t. the size of each sample. */
    for (i=0; i<noOfSamples-1;i++) {
      m = i;
      for (j=i+1; j<noOfSamples;j++) {
	if (sampleSizeTab[j] > sampleSizeTab[m])
	  m = j;
      temp = sampleSizeTab[m];
      sampleSizeTab[m] = sampleSizeTab[i];

      temp = sampleNoTab[m];

    for (i=0; i<(min(SampleMax,noOfSamples)-1);i++) {
      m = i;
      for (j=i+1; j<min(SampleMax,noOfSamples);j++) {
	if (sampleNoTab[j] < sampleNoTab[m])
	  m = j;
      temp = sampleSizeTab[m];
      sampleSizeTab[m] = sampleSizeTab[i];

      temp = sampleNoTab[m];
    return min(SampleMax, noOfSamples);