Beispiel #1
hw_reg_set      MustSaveRegs( void )
    hw_reg_set  save;
    hw_reg_set  tmp;

    HW_CAsgn( save, HW_FULL );
    HW_TurnOff( save, CurrProc->state.modify );
    HW_CTurnOff( save, HW_UNUSED );
    if( CurrProc->state.attr & ROUTINE_MODIFY_EXACT ) {
        HW_TurnOff( save, CurrProc->state.return_reg );
    } else {
        tmp = CurrProc->state.parm.used;
        HW_TurnOn( tmp, CurrProc->state.return_reg );
        tmp = FullReg( tmp );
        HW_TurnOff( save, tmp );
    tmp = StackReg();
    HW_TurnOff( save, tmp );
    if( HW_CEqual( CurrProc->state.return_reg, HW_EMPTY ) ) {
        tmp = ReturnReg( WD, _NPX( CurrProc->state.attr ) );
        HW_TurnOff( save, tmp );
    tmp = CurrProc->state.unalterable;
    HW_TurnOff( tmp, DisplayReg() );
    HW_TurnOff( tmp, StackReg() );
    HW_TurnOff( save, tmp );
    return( save );
Beispiel #2
void RegEdit::OnSocItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *current, QTreeWidgetItem *previous)
    if(current == 0)
    if(current->type() == SocTreeSocType)
        SocTreeItem *item = dynamic_cast< SocTreeItem * >(current);
    else if(current->type() == SocTreeDevType)
        DevTreeItem *item = dynamic_cast< DevTreeItem * >(current);
    else if(current->type() == SocTreeRegType)
        RegTreeItem *item = dynamic_cast< RegTreeItem * >(current);
    else if(current->type() == SocTreeFieldType)
        FieldTreeItem *item = dynamic_cast< FieldTreeItem * >(current);
Beispiel #3
static  name    *DisplayField( int level )
    name        *reg;

    reg = AllocRegName( DisplayReg() );
    return( AllocIndex( reg, NULL, (-2) * level, reg->n.name_class ) );
Beispiel #4
extern  void    SaveDisplay( opcode_defs op ) {

    name        *reg;

    reg = AllocRegName( DisplayReg() );
    AddIns( MakeUnary( op, reg, NULL, reg->n.name_class ) );
Beispiel #5
extern  bool    AskIsFrameIndex( name *op ) {

    name        *bp;

    bp = AllocRegName( DisplayReg() );
    return( op == AllocIndex( bp, NULL, -1, bp->n.name_class ) );
Beispiel #6
extern  void    BigGoto( int level )
    name        *reg;

    if( level != 0 ) {
        reg = AllocRegName( DisplayReg() );
        AddIns( MakeMove( DisplayField( level ), reg, reg->n.name_class ) );
Beispiel #7
extern  void    SetDisplay( name *temp ) {

    name        *reg;

    reg = AllocRegName( DisplayReg() );
    AddIns( MakeMove( TempOffset( temp, TypePtr->length,
                                  reg->n.name_class ),
                      reg, reg->n.name_class ) );
Beispiel #8
extern  name    *MakeDisplay( name *op, int level )
    name        *temp;
    name        *reg;

    reg = AllocRegName( DisplayReg() );
    temp = AllocTemp( U2 );
    AddIns( MakeMove( DisplayField( level ), temp, reg->n.name_class ) );
    op = AllocIndex( temp, NULL, op->t.location, op->n.name_class );
    return( op );
Beispiel #9
static  void    CheckOp( name **offsets, instruction *ins, name **pop ) {
    used by FixFarLocalRefs to change one far local reference to
    an index, using the appropriate multiple of 4K constant to get
    at the temporary. The constant values are adjusted after the
    prolog is generated.

    name        *op;
    name        *base;
    name        *temp;
    unsigned_32 place;
    int         i;
    instruction *new_ins;

    op = *pop;
    if( op->n.class == N_INDEXED ) {
        temp = op->i.index;
        if( temp->n.class != N_TEMP ) return;
        if( !( temp->t.temp_flags & FAR_LOCAL ) ) return;
        new_ins = MakeMove( temp, AllocTemp( temp->n.name_class ), temp->n.name_class );
        *pop = ScaleIndex( new_ins->result, op->i.base,
                          op->i.constant, op->n.class, op->n.size,
                          op->i.scale, op->i.index_flags );
        PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
        CheckOp( offsets, new_ins, &new_ins->operands[ 0 ] );
    if( op->n.class != N_TEMP ) return;
    if( !( op->t.temp_flags & FAR_LOCAL ) ) return;
    base = DeAlias( op );
    place = base->t.location + ( op->v.offset - base->v.offset );
    i = place/_4K;
    if( offsets[ i ] == NULL ) {
        /*set the symbol field in the AddrConst to non-NULL for score-boarder*/
        new_ins = MakeMove( AllocAddrConst( (name *)&CurrProc, i,
                                            CONS_OFFSET, WD ),
                        AllocTemp( WD ), WD );
        offsets[ i ] = new_ins->result;
        PrefixIns( HeadBlock->, new_ins );
    temp = AllocTemp( WD ),
    new_ins = MakeMove( offsets[ i ], temp, WD );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    new_ins = MakeBinary( OP_ADD, temp, AllocRegName( DisplayReg() ), temp, WD);
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    *pop = ScaleIndex( temp, op, place%_4K,
                        op->n.name_class, op->n.size, 0, X_FAKE_BASE );
Beispiel #10
extern  an      PassProcParm( an rtn ) {

    name        *op;
    name        *reg;

    op = AllocTemp( XX );
    op->n.size = TypePtr->length + SizeDisplayReg();
    reg = AllocRegName( DisplayReg() );
    AddIns( MakeMove( GenIns( rtn ),
            TempOffset( op, 0, ClassPointer ),
            ClassPointer ) );
    AddIns( MakeMove( reg, TempOffset( op, TypePtr->length,
                                       reg->n.name_class ),
                      reg->n.name_class ) );
    return( AddrName( op, TypeProcParm ) );
Beispiel #11
extern  void    BigLabel( void )
    instruction *ins;
    name        *bp;
    name        *sp;

    if( CurrProc->lex_level != 0 ) {
        bp = AllocRegName( DisplayReg() );
        sp = AllocRegName( StackReg() );
        ins = MakeUnary( OP_LA,
                          AllocIndex( bp, NULL, -1, bp->n.name_class ),
                          sp, sp->n.name_class );
    } else {
        ins = MakeNop();
    ins->zap = (register_name *) AllocRegName( AllCacheRegs() );
    ins->flags.nop_flags |= NOP_ZAP_INFO;
    AddIns( ins );