Beispiel #1
void WeatherRoute::Update(bool stateonly)
        RouteMapConfiguration configuration = routemapoverlay->GetConfiguration();

        BoatFilename = configuration.boatFileName;
        Start = configuration.Start;
        StartTime = configuration.StartTime.Format(_T("%x %H:%M"));
        End = configuration.End;

    wxDateTime enddate = routemapoverlay->EndDate();
        wxTimeSpan span = enddate - routemapoverlay->StartTime();
        int days = span.GetDays();
        span -= wxTimeSpan::Days(days);
        int hours = span.GetHours();
        span -= wxTimeSpan::Hours(hours);
        int minutes = (double)span.GetSeconds().ToLong()/60.0;

        Time = (days ? wxString::Format(_T("%dd "), days) : _T("")) +
            wxString::Format(_T("%02d:%02d"), hours, minutes);
    } else
        Time = _("N/A");

    RouteMapConfiguration c = routemapoverlay->GetConfiguration();

    Distance =  wxString::Format
        (_T("%.0f/%.0f"), routemapoverlay->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::DISTANCE),
        DistGreatCircle_Plugin(c.StartLat, c.StartLon, c.EndLat, c.EndLon));

    AvgSpeed = wxString::Format
        (_T("%.2f"), routemapoverlay->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::AVGSPEED));

        State = _("Invalid Start/End");
        State = _("Computing...");
    else {
        if(routemapoverlay->Finished()) {
                State = _("Complete");
            else {
                State = _T("");
                    State = _("Grib");
                    State += _T(" ");
                    State = _("Climatology");
                    State += _T(" ");
                    State = _("No Data");
                    State += _T(" ");
                State += _("Failed");
        } else {
            State = _("Not Computed");
void ReportDialog::SetRouteMapOverlays(std::list<RouteMapOverlay*> routemapoverlays)

    if(routemapoverlays.empty()) {
        m_htmlConfigurationReport->SetPage(_("No Configuration selected."));

    wxString page;
    for(std::list<RouteMapOverlay *>::iterator it = routemapoverlays.begin();
        it != routemapoverlays.end(); it++) {

        page += _T("<p>");
        if(!(*it)->ReachedDestination() ) {
            m_htmlConfigurationReport->SetPage(_("Destination not yet reached."));

        RouteMapConfiguration c = (*it)->GetConfiguration();
        Position *d = (*it)->GetDestination();

        page += _("Boat Filename") + _T(" ") + wxFileName(c.boatFileName).GetName() + _T("<dt>");
        page += _("Route from ") + c.Start + _(" to ") + c.End + _T("<dt>");
        page += _("Leaving ") + FormatTime((*it)->StartTime()) + _T("<dt>");
        if (d) {
            page += _("Arriving ") + FormatTime((*it)->EndTime()) + _T("<dt>");
            page += _("Duration ") + ((*it)->EndTime() - (*it)->StartTime()).Format() + _T("<dt>");
        page += _T("<p>");
        double distance = DistGreatCircle_Plugin(c.StartLat, c.StartLon, c.EndLat, c.EndLon);
        double distance_sailed = (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::DISTANCE);
        page += _("Distance sailed: ") + wxString::Format
            (_T("%.2f NMi : %.2f NMi or %.2f%% "), distance_sailed,
             distance_sailed - distance, (distance_sailed / distance - 1) * 100.0) +
            _("longer than great circle route") + _T("<br>");

        double avgspeed = (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::AVGSPEED);
        double avgspeedground = (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::AVGSPEEDGROUND);
        page += _("Average Speed Over Water (SOW)") + wxString(_T(": ")) + wxString::Format
            (_T(" %.2f"), avgspeed) + _T(" ") + _("knots") + _T("<dt>");
        page += _("Average Speed Over Ground (SOG)") + wxString(_T(": ")) + wxString::Format
            (_T(" %.2f"), avgspeedground) + _T(" ") + _("knots") + _T("<dt>");
        page += _("Average Wind") + wxString(_T(": ")) + wxString::Format
            (_T(" %.2f"), (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::AVGWIND)) + _T(" ")
	    + _("knots") + _T("<dt>");
        // Add max wind. I think this is more important than the average
        // wind as it gives an indication on how strong will be the sailing
        // conditions, and if the crew has sufficient experience to handle it.
        page += _("Maximum Wind") + wxString(_T(": ")) \
                + wxString::Format(_T(" %.2f"), (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::MAXWIND)) \
                + _T(" ") + _("knots") + _T("<dt>");;
        page += _("Average Swell") + wxString(_T(": ")) + wxString::Format
            (_T(" %.2f"), (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::AVGSWELL)) + _T(" ")
	    + _("meters") + _T("<dt>");
        page += _("Upwind") + wxString(_T(": ")) + wxString::Format
            (_T(" %.2f%%"), (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::PERCENTAGE_UPWIND)) + _T("<dt>");
        double port_starboard = (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::PORT_STARBOARD);
        page += _("Port/Starboard") + wxString(_T(": ")) +
            (std::isnan(port_starboard) ? _T("nan") : wxString::Format
             (_T("%d/%d"), (int)port_starboard, 100-(int)port_starboard)) + _T("<dt>");

        if (d) {
            page += _("Number of tacks") + wxString::Format(_T(": %d "), d->tacks) + _T("<dt>");
        // Display sailing comfort in the report
        page += ("Sailing comfort") + wxString(_T(": ")) \
                + (*it)->sailingConditionText((*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::COMFORT)) \
                + _T("<dt>\n");

        /* determine if currents significantly improve this (boat over ground speed average is 10% or
           more faster than boat over water)  then attempt to determine which current based on lat/lon
           eg, gulf stream, japan, current aghulles current etc.. and report it. */
        page += _T("<p>");
        double wspddiff = avgspeedground / avgspeed;
        if(fabs(1-wspddiff) > .03) {
            page += wxString::Format (_T("%.2f%% "), ((wspddiff > 1 ? wspddiff : 1/wspddiff) - 1) * 100.0)
                + _("speed change due to ");
            if(wspddiff > 1)
                page += _("favorable");
                page += _("unfavorable");
            page += _(" currents.");

void ReportDialog::SetRouteMapOverlays(std::list<RouteMapOverlay*> routemapoverlays)

    if(routemapoverlays.empty()) {
        m_htmlConfigurationReport->SetPage(_("No Configuration selected."));

    wxString page;
    for(std::list<RouteMapOverlay *>::iterator it = routemapoverlays.begin();
        it != routemapoverlays.end(); it++) {

        page += _T("<p>");
        if(!(*it)->ReachedDestination()) {
            m_htmlConfigurationReport->SetPage(_("Destination not yet reached."));

        RouteMapConfiguration c = (*it)->GetConfiguration();
        std::list<PlotData> p = (*it)->GetPlotData();

        page += _("Route from ") + c.Start + _(" to ") + c.End + _T("<dt>");
        page += _("Leaving ") + c.StartTime.Format(_T("%x")) + _T("<dt>");
        page += _("Arriving ") + (*it)->EndTime().Format(_T("%x")) + _T("<dt>");
        page += _("Duration ") + ((*it)->EndTime() - c.StartTime).Format() + _T("<dt>");
        page += _T("<p>");
        double distance = DistGreatCircle_Plugin(c.StartLat, c.StartLon, c.EndLat, c.EndLon);
        double distance_sailed = (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::DISTANCE);
        page += _("Distance sailed: ") + wxString::Format
            (_T("%.2f NMi : %.2f NMi or %.2f%% "), distance_sailed,
             distance_sailed - distance, (distance_sailed / distance - 1) * 100.0) +
            _("longer than great circle route") + _T("<br>");

        double avgspeed = (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::AVGSPEED);
        double avgspeedground = (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::AVGSPEEDGROUND);
        page += _("Average Speed Over Water (SOW)") + wxString(_T(": ")) + wxString::Format
            (_T(" %.2f"), avgspeed) + _T(" knots<dt>");
        page += _("Average Speed Over Ground (SOG)") + wxString(_T(": ")) + wxString::Format
            (_T(" %.2f"), avgspeedground) + _T(" knots<dt>");
        page += _("Average Wind") + wxString(_T(": ")) + wxString::Format
            (_T(" %.2f"), (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::AVGWIND)) + _T(" knots<dt>");
        page += _("Average Swell") + wxString(_T(": ")) + wxString::Format
            (_T(" %.2f"), (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::AVGSWELL)) + _T(" meters<dt>");
        page += _("Upwind") + wxString(_T(": ")) + wxString::Format
            (_T(" %.2f%%"), (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::PERCENTAGE_UPWIND)) + _T("<dt>");
        double port_starboard = (*it)->RouteInfo(RouteMapOverlay::PORT_STARBOARD);
        page += _("Port/Starboard") + wxString(_T(": ")) +
            (isnan(port_starboard) ? _T("nan") : wxString::Format
             (_T("%d/%d"), (int)port_starboard, 100-(int)port_starboard)) + _T("<dt>");

        Position *destination = (*it)->GetDestination();

        page += _("Number of tacks") + wxString::Format(_T(": %d "), destination->tacks) + _T("<dt>\n");

        /* determine if currents significantly improve this (boat over ground speed average is 10% or
           more faster than boat over water)  then attempt to determine which current based on lat/lon
           eg, gulf stream, japan, current aghulles current etc.. and report it. */
        page += _T("<p>");
        double wspddiff = avgspeedground / avgspeed;
        if(fabs(1-wspddiff) > .03) {
            page += wxString::Format (_T("%.2f%% "), ((wspddiff > 1 ? wspddiff : 1/wspddiff) - 1) * 100.0)
                + _("speed change due to ");
            if(wspddiff > 1)
                page += _("favorable");
                page += _("unfavorable");
            page += _(" currents.");
